Microprocessor Interfacing
Microprocessor Interfacing
Microprocessor Interfacing
05 - J R Smith
4.1 Solenoids
4.2 Pseudo-binary outputs
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Elapsed Time
5.3 Frequency Modulation (FM)
5.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
5.5 Bitstream Modulation (BSM)
5.6 Coding
5.7 Information coding in Biology (not required for exam)
6.1 Amplifiers
6.2 Comparators
6.3 Using analogue transducers as binary transducers (not required for exam)
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
These notes are written with specific reference to the 'ATOM' microcontroller. However
much of the information is also applicable to the 'BASIC STAMP' microcontroller or other
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
You should now be familiar with the BASIC MICRO 'ATOM' microcontroller. It is based on
the 16F876 PICMicro MCU.
It has 8K of FLASH memory used for storing programs, 384 bytes of RAM for storing the
variables used in programs and 256 bytes of EEPROM that can store data when the power is
It turns out that it can do almost anything. However it does have two fundamental limitations
- speed and complexity.
The internal cycle time (200 ns) and the time taken to execute instructions (of the order of 30
µs) both limit how rapidly the ATOM can respond to external events. This limitation can be
overcome for short periods by using external circuitry with a faster response. However for
continuous operation the speed is ultimately limited by the instruction execution time.
Consequently the ATOM is simply too slow for some tasks (e.g. real time, high fidelity, audio
The limited space available for program and variables also imposes an eventual upper limit on
the complexity of tasks that the ATOM can reasonably handle. However you are unlikely to
approach this limit. I have written large programs (>20 pages of code) that still fit into the 8K
Physicists are interested in the behaviour of the real world, however the parameters of interest
don't occur in the form of binary signals with voltage levels compatible with the binary logic
of microcomputers. Consequently transducers are used to convert various physical
parameters to and from suitable electrical signals.
Suitable circuits and programming examples will be presented wherever possible. They will
often be specifically for the ATOM28, but the basic principles are applicable to most
microcomputers or microcontrollers.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Although you have now been using an electronic implementation of digital logic for several
weeks, until now you have not needed to concern yourself with what voltages were used to
represent binary logic. However before you can interact with signals from the real world you
need to which voltage levels correspond to a logical 0 (often called LOW) and which belong
to a logical 1 (often called HIGH).
Currently there are 2 main families of electronic logic that you are likely to meet.
The first is 'TTL' - short for Transistor Transistor Logic. They are almost always powered
from a 5 V supply. Although there are many subspecies with slightly different characteristics,
their logic levels are approximately
The second main family is CMOS. - Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon. These are usually
powered with a voltage (VDD) in the range 3 to 18V - the particular maximum value of VDD
depends upon the particular species. Their logic levels are approximately
There also exist species of CMOS that have inputs that are compatible with TTL voltage
levels when VDD = 5V.
If you examine the data sheet for many microprocessors, you will find that a given pin can
sometimes be an input, and sometimes be an output! To understand how this is possible we
need to examine a slightly different form of electronic logic - TRI-STATE logic.
This has the normal digital logic levels of LOW and HIGH plus an extra output state where
the output is essentially disconnected from the internal logic circuitry. An additional 'enable'
input determines whether the output behaves normally or is disconnected.
x = doesn't matter
A 0 0 0 0
B 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 z = high impedance
E 1 1 0 1 or 'disconnected'
x x 1 z
Fig. 2.2.1 A 2-input AND gate with tri-state output. The ’enable’ input is denoted by E.
Bus structures
TRI-STATE logic is very useful in bus structures where it enables multiple outputs to be
connected together. This will not give rise to logical contradictions providing only one output
is enabled at any given time.
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Multiplexed inputs
Many devices designed for interfacing with microcomputers come with TRI-STATE outputs.
The outputs of multiple devices can thus be connected to a common set of inputs, and the
desired device selected via its enable input.
D3 D2 D1 D0
P2 P6
P1 P7
D3 D2 D1 D0
Fig. 2.2.2 Schematic diagram showing how two devices with tri-state outputs can be
multiplexed. The state of the outputs P6 and P7 will determine whether the data (D3-D0)
from either device A or B will be present at the inputs P3-P0.
Bidirectional ports
These allow the transfer of data in either direction - consequently it is possible for a given pin
to be either an input or an output at different times.
A E Q x = doesn't matter
A Q 0 0 0
1 0 1 z = high impedance
E x 1 z or 'disconnected'
Fig. 2.2.4 Schematic diagram of a circuit that allows a single connection to be used as either
an input or an output according to the state of an input that specifies the direction of data
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The circuit shown below can be used to determine the range of input voltages that correspond
to a logical ‘0’ and a logical ‘1’.
20k P0
Sometimes the input characteristics are deliberately given a degree of hysteresis - the logic
levels are different for increasing and decreasing voltages. This feature gives the logic a
degree of immunity against 'noise' on the input signal - often very useful when interfacing to
the real world.
The 0->1 transition occurs around 3V, whereas the 1->0 transition occurs around 1.5V
1 1
binary binary
output output
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
input voltage input voltage
Fig. 2.3.2 The input characteristics for conventional TTL (left) and TTL with Schmitt trigger
inputs (right).
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Some input transducers or devices inherently have only two possible states.
These usually involve contact between two or more pieces of conductive material - usually
metal. There are many possibilities and we will limit discussion to some simple basic types.
The diagrams below indicate how they could be connected directly to a digital input. The 10k
resistor connected between an input and +5V is often known as a 'pull-up resistor' - it 'pulls'
the input up to +5V when nothing is connected to that input.
On the ATOM the command SETPULLUPS can be used to connect a set of 10k internal pull-
up resistors on inputs 1 to 7 if required.
+5V +5V
P0 P0 P0
Fig. 3.1.1 Circuits indicating how switches can be connected to a digital input, in this case P0
of the ATOM.
All of the pins on the ATOM are inputs by default when a program starts. A pin can be made
an input via the INPUT command, its value can be determined by examining the variable In0.
Some switches only change their state momentarily, e.g. push buttons. They are often
available as 'normally closed' (nc) or 'normally open' (no). They can be wired using the same
circuitry as conventional switches. Often the transition between states is important. The
following code repeatedly tests if the input = 1, and proceeds to the next instruction once the
input = 0, i.e. the button has been pushed. It thus effectively detects the 1-> 0 transition.
IF In0 = 1 THEN Loop1
'program reaches this point when In0 = 0
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Fig 3.1.2 Circuit indicating how a push button can be connected to a digital input.
The 16 switches on your BS2 development board are connected to the ATOM via a 16 input
multiplexer. A 4 bit address determines which of the 16 inputs is connected to the multiplexer
output which can then be connected to an ATOM input. Determining the state of a switch is
slower with this technique because the address of the desired switch must be supplied to the
multiplexer before reading. Multiplexing also means that you can only determine the state of
a single switch at a time - without multiplexing the ATOM could simultaneously determine
the state of 16 switches. However it has the great advantage of needing only 5 input/output
pins rather than the 16 required if the switches were connected directly.
Question: What is the maximum number of switches that your ATOM could monitor with
suitable external multiplexing hardware?
Mechanical switch contacts usually 'bounce' for a few milliseconds after they make initial
contact. Consequently in the circuits given above for SPST switches you will get a series of
multiple rapid transitions between 1 and 0 as the contacts close. In most applications you will
need to ignore these initial bounces.
Fig. 3.3 Diagram illustrating the multiple transition between states that occur when a switch
changes states.
The ATOM has a BUTTON instruction is designed to take care of switch debouncing.
I can't get it to work!
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
These are switches that change state at a given temperature, usually based on a bi-metallic
strip. Transition is either predefined or adjustable. Quite cheap (e.g. JAYCAR ST-3821/3/5/6
= $4.45).
The bi-metallic strip is composed of two metals with different coefficients of thermal
expansion. When heated the lower layer of metal expands more than the upper layer, the strip
bends, and the circuit is is broken.
Mercury switches
A small drop of mercury maintains electrical contact between two wires when the switch is in
the upright position. If the switch is rotated, the mercury drop moves and an open circuit
results. Useful for detecting when an object is moved from the vertical position.
Compact and relatively cheap ( e.g. JAYCAR SM-1035 = $2.80)
glass bead of
container mercury
2 wires
Magnetic Reed Switch
Constructed from magnetic wire sealed inside an evacuated glass enclosure. Contacts are
normally open, but close when a magnet is near. Can also get n.c. or changeover contacts.
Compact and cheap (e.g. JAYCAR SM-1002 = $2.80). Widely used for burglar alarms. Have
several advantages including:
(i) no mechanical contact required
(ii) metal contacts are in an isolated environment – no corrosion
Trembler switch
The end of a thin springy wire is surrounded by a ring of wire. Vibration or motion will make
the springy wire vibrate and thus make momentary contact with the wire ring. Useful for
detecting motion, or <TILT> on a pinball machine.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Switches can operate without moving mechanical parts. Some examples use the strength of a
magnetic field (Hall Effect switches) or the presence or absence of light (various optical
Many analogue transducers are often used in a pseudo-binary fashion. This is because it is
often sufficient to know if an analogue parameter is greater or less than a certain value. The
inputs 0 to 7 of the ATOM assume that Vin<1.5 V is a logical 0 and Vin > 1.5 V is a logical 1.
The following code sets an output high or low depending upon the input voltage.
IF In6 = 0 THEN
A potential divider can be used to increase Vin above 1.5V. Similarly an amplifier (see later)
can be used for Vin <1.5.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
4.1 Solenoids
The most common bistable output transducers are variants of the solenoid. These operate by
passing a current through a coil of wire. The resultant magnetic field then attracts a
magnetizable material into the solenoid. The mechanics of the device are usually designed to
ensure that the operation is bistable.
Solenoids are used to move mechanical components between two positions. They are often
connected to a hydraulic valve to control water flow in domestic appliances such as
dishwashers and washing machines. They can also be used to operate levers.
Relays are a solenoid in which the mechanical action is connected to a switch. It is then
possible for the small current from a microprocessor to switch much larger currents. They
also provide electrical isolation between the microprocessor and the controlled circuit.
Solenoids often require relatively large currents for operation. The ATOM can only supply a
small current from its outputs, and so a single transistor, or even a Darlington pair, will often
be used to amplify the current available from the outputs of the ATOM. The value chosen for
R will depend upon the particular relay and transistor used. The transistor effectively
amplifies the current by a factor known as b; typically b = 100. The function of the diode in
the following circuit is to 'short out' any transient high voltages that can occur when the
current through the inductance of the solenoid is removed.
or relay
Many analogue transducers are often used as pseudo-binary fashion. Examples include LEDS,
heating elements, etc.
The intensity of light emitted by a LED depends upon the current flowing through it, and this
depends upon the voltage across it.
The value of the resistor R can be changed to suit the particular LED. The voltage across a
typical LED is about 2 V. Consequently the current I flowing through the LED will be given
by I = (5 - 2) / R. If R = 220 ohms, then I = 14 mA.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Up until now we have discussed simple binary operations - inputs and outputs have only two
possible states. Surely a microprocessor can do more than this.
The answer is to consider the past history of binary operations -information can be encoded
into the time variation of a binary signal. The encoding process is often called 'modulation'.
We will look at a couple of possibilities.
5.1 Introduction
Elapsed Time
The information is encoded in the elapsed time between some events.
Frequency Modulation.
The frequency of the binary signal carries the information
The running average value of a stream of pulses carries the information. The frequency and
pulse widths will usually change to allow the desired waveform to be as precisely as possible.
Digital Coding
Can use the presence or absence of pulses in a specific sequence to carry the information.
Some electronic examples are RS232, USB, Firewire (IEEE1394), I2C, etc. Some non-
electronic examples include Morse code, semaphore, etc.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
5. 2 Elapsed Time
One common technique involves measuring the time taken to charge or discharge a capacitor
through a series resistor.
The ATOM has a useful instruction that allows it to measure the resistance and/or capacitance
of an external element - the instruction RCTIME
This instruction can be used to measure the time take to charge or discharge an external
resistor / capacitor (RC) circuit. This can be very useful - the ATOM can measure the setting
of potentiometer. It can also measure the output of many transducers that change their
resistance or capacitance in response to changes in the parameter of interest. It can be used to
measure the duration of short pulses. It can even be used to measure voltages.
When RCTIME commences execution it starts an internal counter. This counter is stopped
once the specified Pin is no longer has the value = State.
The time constant t = RC can be calculated from the time taken for the capacitor to charge or
discharge. Then R can be calculated from C, or C can be calculated from R.
Before RCTIME is used, it is essential to use an OUT command to charge or discharge the
capacitor to either 0 or 5 V. This level must be maintained until the capacitor is effectively
charged or discharged - typically 4t will be sufficient - see manual.
Charging circuit
For the circuit shown below, VFinal = 1.5V (the transition from 0->1 occurs around 1.5 V on
inputs 0-7 of the ATOM).
C 0
Discharging circuit
A more accurate approach is to measure the time it takes to discharge a capacitor. This
because then VInitial = 5 V and VFinal = 1.5V, a difference of 3.5 V.
Measuring voltage
It's also possible to use the RCTIME command to measure an unknown voltage by connecting
components with known values of R and C to the unknown voltage. The process of charging
the capacitor from the voltage source can drain a significant current, and so this approach is
only suitable for voltages with a low source impedance.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
The frequency of the binary signal carries the information. The example below shows how
three different frequencies might be encoded.
Its often convenient to keep the duty cycle constant and equal to 0.5. Because random noise
and interference will generally affect only the amplitude of a signal, FM is very tolerant of
noise and interference. For example, compare FM radio with AM (amplitude modulated)
The ATOM has an instruction for measuring the frequency of an input signal.
This instruction makes the selected pin an input, then counts the number of complete cycles
(i.e a 0->1->0 or 1->0->1 sequence) during the defined period (in ms). The count is stored in
‘variable’. It can measure square wave inputs with frequency < 125 kHz (the pulse width
must be ≥ 4 µs).
Sometimes the frequency itself of an input signal is important. One example would be a guitar
tuning meter.
unknown ATOM
voltage (COUNT instruction)
There is no single instruction for producing a square wave output at a defined frequency. You
will have to write your own if needed using PULSOUT or OUT. (The instructions
DTMFOUT and FREQOUT generate pseudo-sine waves using a bit-stream technique).
FM is sometimes used to send purely binary information in noisy environments – for example
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
The frequency is kept constant, but width of the pulse (tH) carries the information. The time
tH + tL is kept constant. The duty cycle is defined as tH / (tH + tL).
tH tL tH tL
tH tL
The ATOM has no simple instruction for producing a ‘correct’ PWM signal with constant
frequency. (The PWM instruction uses what we will call bitstream modulation).
The interpreter is slow, each instruction takes a few ms for execution.
The following example can produce pulses of different width depending upon the value of
'Num'. The frequency remains constant, but is hard to predict accurately because extra time is
taken by the For loops and the BRANCH instruction.
Demonstration code
‘ Program to demonstrate PWM
Num = 2
Denom = 5
For Var = 1 to Num
For Var = Num+1 to Denom
You will later use a sort of PWM signal to control the angle of servomotors.
The average value of a PWM signal can also be used to carry information. However it is not
particularly suitable for rapidly varying signals because it takes many complete cycles for the
average value to change. A better approach involves allowing the frequency to vary as well as
the pulse width - see bitstream modulation.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
The 'running average' value of a stream of pulses carries the information. The frequency and
pulse widths will usually change to allow the desired waveform to be as precisely as possible.
The example below shows roughly how a triangle wave could be encoded.
The PWM instruction effectively performs BSM. The output string of pulses can be filtered to
produce different analogue voltages. It thus can act as a Digital to Analogue converter (DAC).
The component pulses are quite short (often approx. 4µs and so are easier to filter out than
true PWM).
Demonstration code.
The FREQOUT instruction uses BSM to produce an output containing one or two pseudo-
sinusoidal signals.
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Sound generation
The stream of pulses produced by PWM or FREQOUT needs to be filtered to remove the
high frequency components associated with the rapid 0->1 and 1-> 0 transitions. A simple RC
filter is usually OK (see manual). This instruction is very useful for generating audio output
that is useful for:
• Warning ‘beeps’ or ‘pings’
• Provideing feedback on program status, - e.g. an indicator that program has finished some
part of program
• Providing feedback (usually via frequency) about some measurement that does not require
visual interaction.
• Fun !! (Why not program your ATOM to play ‘Stairway to Heaven’ ? )
5.6 Coding
Can use the prescence or absence of pulses in a specific sequence to carry the information.
Some examples are RS232, USB, Firewire (or IEE...).
The ATOM has some instructions designed to extract information from pulse sequences.
Frequency modulation is used in the human nervous system. Nerve impulses are binary pulses
that switch from approx - 60 mV to approx + 50 mV and back to - 60 mV in a few ms.
Information about external stimuli is generally carried by the rate at which these nerve
impulses occur (usually the rate is approximately proportional to the logarithm of the strength
of the stimulus - physiologists call this Fechner's law).
The biological equivalents of logic gates in the nervous system are implemented by a cunning
temporary transition to analogue chemical transmission. Nerves connect to each other at
specialised junctions called synapses. When the nerve impulse reaches the end of an ‘input’
nerve, it releases small amounts of a chemical messenger into a small region between the
nerves – the synaptic cleft. The rate at which nerve impulses occur at the ‘output’ nerve is
determined by the concentration of chemical messengers in the synaptic cleft. There are two
types of chemical messenger – agonists (these tend to increase the firing rate) and antagonists
(these tend to decrease the firing rate). The binary signal produced by the output nerve thus
depends upon the nett effect of the various agonists and antagonists that are released by the
‘input’ nerves. Try PHYS2410 if you would like to know more about this 'Biologic'.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
6.1 Amplifiers
VA +
VB _
This is a differential amplifier, i.e. it amplifies the difference between the two inputs.
6.2 Comparators
Basically a high gain amplifier with analogue inputs and a digital output, i.e. the output
voltage levels are compatible with standard logic.
VA +
VB _
Often we just want to know if an analogue signal is greater or less than a certain value. The
inputs 0-7 of the ATOM assume that Vin<1.5 V is a logical 0 and Vin > 1.5 V is a logical 1.
So by amplifying the input voltage Vin with a gain of G, and subtracting a reference voltage
VREF it is possible for the 0"–>"1 transition at an ATOM input to correspond to any desired
input voltage.
gain = G
_ +
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
We have already seen how an ATOM can output an analogue voltage using PWM or
FREQOUT. However in many situations we require higher precision, faster response and
multiple outputs. These will require extra components external to the ATOM.
How many bits are required to produce a voltage with sufficient precision?
n= 8 10 16 20 24
24 bit precision is incredibly precise. A plane journey from Sydney to Rome is about 16,000
km and takes perhaps 20 hours flying time. 24 bit precision would require knowing your
absolute position with respect to Sydney with an error of only 1 m, only 20% more than the
distance between seats in economy class.
7.2 Bitstream
For time varying output voltages, very sophisticated algorithms can be used to produce the
closest match to the desired waveform, whilst minimising noise in the output signal.
Bitstream can be very precise because there are essentially no components that need to be
calibrated (see later). However very precise values require averaging a large number of
pulses, so they are relatively slow. Some examples can reach 23 bit precision with sample
rates below 100Hz.
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R1 = 1.25k 8 mA
R2 = 2.5k 4 mA
R1 = 5k 2 mA
R0 = 10k 1 mA
Fig. 7.3 An idealized circuit in which the load resistance is assumed to be small in
comparison with the resistors R0 to R3. A functional DAC would generally use some
additional transistors or op-amps.
By closing the appropriate switches we can get any current from 0 to 15 mA.
If each switch were controlled by an appropriate bit, the current I could be described by
The problem: for an n-bit DAC we need n resistors that cover a range from R to 2nR, where R
is the value of the resistor with the lowest value, each resistor must have a tolerance of at least
± R. For n > 10 this is very difficult to achieve. Even if discrete resistors are initially
sufficiently precise, they will slowly experience different shifts in value with temperature
variations and aging. Laser trimming of resistors on the same substrate can achieve suitable
precision for n <= 16.
Another approach generates binary weighted currents by using digital logic to produce pulse
sequences with different average values. In this situation there is nothing to go out of
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
A cunning method of obtaining binary weighted currents that only needs one or two values of
16i 8i R 4i R 4i 2i R 2i i 2R
8i 4i 2i i
2R 2R 2R 2R
8i 4i 2i i
The resistors can be manufactured on the same substrate, and consequently should have
similar variations with temperature and time.
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Our ATOM now needs a method of measuring an analogue voltage using of external
circuitry. We now discuss Analogue to Digital converters (ADC).
Vin +
_ D3
_ A1
+5V D0
The output of the priority encoder (A0,A1) is the binary address of the highest asserted input
Advantages: very fast, only requires the time for a comparison plus some digital logic.
Disadvantages: expensive - an n-bit converter requires 2n-1 comparators. Becomes prohibitive
for n>10.
They are usually used for low resolution, very high speed situations (e.g. digitising video or
digital oscilloscopes). The oscilloscopes in the lab have 8 bit, 1 GHz converters.
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The 'start' command initiates a binary search sequence controlled by the Successive
Approximation Register (SAR)
(1) The most significant bit (msb) of the DAC = 1, all other bits = 0.
(2) the comparator output now indicates whether VDAC<Vin or VDAC>Vin.
(3) if VDAC<Vin then msb = 0 or if V DAC>Vin msb = 1 for the rest of the conversion
(4) now set the next significant bit = 1. Again the comparator output will indicate if this bit
should remain set at 0 or 1.
(5) repeat for all the bits of the DAC.
(6) assert the EOC output (End Of Conversion)
(6) the digital approximation to Vin is then the final code sent to the DAC.
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8.3 Integrating
This measures the time taken for a known capacitor to charge using a known current until its
voltage is equal to the unknown voltage.
Vin +
Binary counter
C start
(1) Initially the counter is set to zero and the switch is closed, so VC = 0.
(2) The first step is to open the switch and start the counter.
(3) The capacitor then starts to charge up. The current I is constant, so VC increases linearly
with time.
(4) Eventually VC = Vin. The comparator output then changes state and stops the counter.
(5) The count will then be proportional to Vin.
Advantages: very cheap, capable of very high precision - 20 bits or more, the integration
process can remove noise and interference.
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amplifier Integrator Comparator
Vin + V1 V2
+ V3 bitstream
_ output
1-bit DAC
The circuit operates at a very fast clock rate. If the value in the integrator is positive the DAC
output will be positive and this will be subtracted from Vin, reducing the output of the
integrator. Similarly if V2 is negative, then VDAC will be negative and the output of the
integrator will be increased.
Consequently a stream of pulses is produced whose average value reflects the value of Vin.
This then undergoes sophisticated filtering via a decimation filter to become the final serial
Advantages: cheap, very precise (a one bit DAC has nothing to go out of calibration), can
perform very sophisticated filtering to remove noise and interference.
Disadvantages: The clock rate must be very much higher than any changes in Vin.
These ADC are increasingly used for digital audio (20 bit resolution at 96 kHz) and very low
frequency measurements (23 bits at 20 Hz).
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Transducers are devices that convert one form of energy into another. Usually we use them to
covert various physical parameters to and from electrical signals. This is because a
microprocessor or microcontroller can conveniently measure electrical signals via an ADC
and output electrical signals via a DAC.
9.1.1 Thermocouple
A thermocouple is made when two dissimilar metals are placed in contact. A voltage is
generated between them that varies with the temperature of the junction.
The voltage is quite small <100 µV/oC, so amplification will often be required. To reduce the
number of temperature dependent junctions between different metals, the unknown
temperature is often measured with respect to another thermocouple that is kept at a constant
reference temperature (usually at 0oC). A special integrated circuit can also be used to
provide the correct reference voltage.
_ (ADCIN instruction)
9.1.2 Thermistor
These use semiconductor materials or oxides with a resistance that varies with temperature. It
is possible to get NTC (negative temperature coefficient) or PTC (positive temperature
coefficient) devices. Their resistance is usually a non-linear function of temperature. A typical
value might be 10 kW with a variation of - 1kW/oC.
(RCTIME instruction)
R !!!!!!ATOM
ADC (SHIFTIN instruction)
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
R !!!!!!ATOM
ADC (SHIFTIN instruction)
(COUNT instruction)
9.1.5 Resistor
When a current I passes through a resistor R, the Joule heating produced is given by I2R.
When a voltage V is maintained across a resistor R, the Joule heating produced is given by
V2/R. (Because the value of a resistor changes slightly with temperature, they are also
sometimes used to measure very low temperatures).
R load
(PWM instruction)
The load in the above circuit could be a resistive heating element or a thermoelectric module.
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9.2.2 Photodiode
These are made by placing p- and n- type semiconductor materials in contact and so forming
a pn diode. The n-type has an excess of mobile negative carriers (electrons) and the p-type an
excess of mobile positive carriers (holes - really the absence of electrons). Electrons at the
edge of the n-region will be attracted to the holes at the edge of the p-region, and vice versa.
They combine, and a high resistance 'depletion layer', with a very low concentration of mobile
charge carriers is formed across the region of contact. A strong electric field is produced
across this depletion layer because of the charge movement associated with its formation.
When photons strike a depletion layer they can generate electron-hole pairs. These would
normally quickly recombine, but the strong electric field across the depletion layer rapidly
separates the electron-hole pairs so that they can't recombine. This produces a shift in the
voltage-current characteristics of the diode, and can be used to produce a current or a voltage
depending upon the external circuitry.
The current increases linearly with illumination, but generally requires some amplification.
ADC (SHIFTIN instruction)
9.2.3 Phototransistor
The current generated by the electron-hole pairs is now amplified via normal bipolar
transistor action. Used mainly to detect the presence/absence of light.
ADC (SHIFTIN instruction)
Solar cell
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
The sound pressure wave acts on a diaphragm that moves a coil of wire in a magnetic field,
thus producing a voltage. The voltage is small (mV or less) and will require amplification
before the ADC.
Coil of wire
Diaphragm Voltage
Sound pressure moves one plate of a very delicate charged capacitor. Because the charge
remains constant, while the plate separation varies, the voltage across the plates will change.
Elecret microphones use permanently charged plastic electrodes (electrets). Capacitor and
condensor microphones usually require an external source of charge (48V on standard audio
+ -
Speaker coil
Voltage Speaker cone
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Speaker cone
9.4.1 pH electrode
The electrode tip is made from special glass that is permeable to protons. A voltage is then
generated between the inside and outside that depends upon the internal and external proton
concentrations. Their output impedance is very high, usually > 109 ohms.
high input
known [H]
unknown [H]
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
In this approach the computer program continually monitors various status flags that indicate
the state of real world variables.
Fastest response requires that the microprocessor continually monitor the status flags leaving
no time for other tasks.
If a very fast response is not required, for example checking if a key has been pressed on a
computer keyboard, then the microprocessor can do other tasks whilst only checking the
status flags occasionally.
10.2 Interrupts
This involves the external hardware having access to the internal workings of the
microprocessor via specific ‘interrupt’ logic lines.
When a specific condition occurs on one of these lines, the microprocessor acts as if the next
instruction in your program was
Gosub address
This can be thought of as a ‘pseudo-instruction’. The subroutine that you wish to be executed
(the interrupt handler) should be located at this address. When this subroutine has finished
processing, the program continues operating from the line in your code after the one it was
execution when the interrupt occurred.
Instruction are available that tell the microprocessor to either ignore or to pay attention to
interrupts. Serious microprocessors also have methods of specifying different priorities for
different interrupts.
Microprocessor can perform useful tasks whilst waiting for interrupt.
Requires special hardware
Increased latency
Harder to program
The microprocessor can then always start execution from a well-defined state.
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
Power on reset = ONPWR: This occurs when power is first applied to the ATOM, or when
power is removed and restored
Brown out reset – ONBOR: This occurs when the power supply voltage falls below 4.1V.
This can be useful for situations that derive their power from batteries. A ‘LOW BATTERY’
warning can be initiated, and any important parameters saved in EEPROM. Also useful for
detecting situations when the mains power fails.
Reset pin reset – ONMOR: This occurs when a 0->1 transition occurs at the ATN/RES pin.
Often triggered by a ‘RESET’ button.
The device that wishes to perform DMA must first undergo an arbitration process with the
microprocessor to become the ‘bus master’. When ready the microprocessor can relinquish
control of the busses. The device can then take control of the busses and rapidly transfer data.
The microprocessor is free to perform other tasks
Very fast data transfers, particularly when large blocks of data are moved.
High latency can make it inefficient for transferring small amounts of data.
Requires more complex hardware – the device must be smart enough to become ‘bus
Requires more complex programming.
The ATOM28 has no DMA capability (there are no external busses that it can release to
another device).
Microprocessor Interfacing - v1.05 - J R Smith
ROM = Read Only Memory: The desired truth table is permanently programmed by the
manufacturer of the integrated circuit.
PROM = Programmable ROM: The desired truth table is programmed by the user. This
involves using an externally applied current to melt small internal wire links. Cannot be
EPROM = Erasable PROM: The desired truth table is programmed electrically by the user as
the presence of charge on internal ‘capacitors’. The data can be erased by exposure to
photons of sufficiently high energy, i.e. ultraviolet light. A quartz window is provided for this
EEPROM = Electrically EEPROM: The charge on the internal ‘capacitors’, and hence the
stored truth table can be altered by an applied voltage.
RAM = Random Access Memory: nowadays this refers to read/write memory that ‘forgets’
when the power is removed.
DRAM = Dynamic RAM: This memory is implemented via charge on tiny ‘capacitors’.
The charge on these capacitors leaks away quite rapidly – in a couple of ms. Consequently
the memory is ‘refreshed’ by internal logic every ms or so.
Static vs Dynamic
Static memory requires more transistors per bit than dynamic, and so is more expensive and
occupies more space. However it is significantly faster.
An ideal computer would use only SRAM, however this would be too expensive for most
situations. The common approach is to use SRAM within the microprocessor and DRAM for
the main memory. A copy of sections of the main memory is then kept in caches built using
SRAM that can be accessed rapidly by the microprocessor.