Epicurus - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Epicurus - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Epicurus - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Table of Contents
1. Life
2. Sources
3. Metaphysics
a. Arguments for the Existence of Atoms and Void
b. Properties of Atoms, Limitlessness of the Universe
c. Differences from Democritus
i. Weight
ii. The Swerve
iii. Sensible Qualities
d. Mechanistic Explanations of Natural Phenomena
e. The Gods
f. Philosophy of Mind
g. Perception
4. Epistemology
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1. Life
Epicurus was born around 341 B.C.E., seven years after Plato’s death, and grew up in the Athe-
nian colony of Samos, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. He was about 19 when Aristotle died,
and he studied philosophy under followers of Democritus and Plato. Epicurus founded his first
philosophical schools in Mytilene and Lampsacus, before moving to Athens around 306 B.C.E.
There Epicurus founded the Garden, a combination of philosophical community and school.
The residents of the Garden put Epicurus’ teachings into practice. Epicurus died from kidney
stones around 271 or 270 B.C.E.
2. Sources
Epicurus was a voluminous writer, but almost none of his own work survives. A likely reason for
this is that Christian authorities found his ideas ungodly. Diogenes Laertius, who probably lived
in the third century CE , wrote a 10-book Lives of the Philosophers, which includes three of
Epicurus’ letters in its recounting of the life and teachings of Epicurus. These three letters are
brief summaries of major areas of Epicurus’ philosophy: the Letter to Herodotus, which sum-
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marizes his metaphysics, the Letter to Pythocles, which gives atomic explanations for meteoro-
logical phenomena, and the Letter to Menoeceus, which summarizes his ethics. It also includes
the Principal Doctrines, 40 sayings which deal mainly with ethical matters.
Because of the absence of Epicurus’ own writings, we have to rely on later writers to reconstruct
Epicurus’ thought. Two of our most important sources are the Roman poet Lucretius (c. 94-55
B.C.E.) and the Roman politician Cicero (106-43 B.C.E.). Lucretius was an Epicurean who wrote
De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), a six-book poem expounding Epicurus’
metaphysics. Cicero was an adherent of the skeptical academy, who wrote a series of works set-
ting forth the major philosophical systems of his day, including Epicureanism. Another major
source is the essayist Plutarch (c. 50-120 CE), a Platonist. However, both Cicero and Plutarch
were very hostile toward Epicureanism, so they must be used with care, since they often are less
than charitable toward Epicurus, and may skew his views to serve their own purposes.
Although the major outlines of Epicurus’ thought are clear enough, the lack of sources means
many of the details of his philosophy are still open to dispute.
3. Metaphysics
Epicurus believes that the basic constituents of the world are atoms (which are uncuttable, mi-
croscopic bits of matter) moving in the void (which is simply empty space). Ordinary objects are
conglomerations of atoms. Furthermore, the properties of macroscopic bodies and all of the
events we see occurring can be explained in terms of the collisions, reboundings, and entangle-
ments of atoms.
First, because bodies move, there must be empty space for them to move in, and Epicurus calls
this empty space ‘void.’ Second, the ordinary bodies that we see are compound bodies–that is,
bodies which are made up of further bodies, which is shown by the fact that they can be broken
down into smaller pieces. However, Epicurus thinks that this process of division cannot go on
indefinitely, because otherwise bodies would dissolve away into nothing. Also, there must be
basic and unchangeable building blocks of matter in order to explain the regularities in nature.
These non-compound bodies are atoms–literally, ‘uncuttables.’ Only bodies and void exist per
se, that is, exist without depending for their existence on something else. Other things–such as
colors, time, and justice–are ultimately explicable as attributes of bodies.
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i. Weight
The first is that Epicurus thinks that atoms have weight. Like Democritus, Epicurus believes
that atoms have the properties of size, shape, and resistance. Democritus explains all atomic
motion as the result of previous atomic collisions, plus the inertia of atoms. Aristotle, however,
criticizes Democritus on this point, saying that Democritus has not explained why it is that
atoms move at all, rather than simply standing still. Epicurus seems to be answering this criti-
cism when he says that atoms do have a natural motion of direction–‘downward’–even though
there is no bottom to the universe. This natural motion is supposed to give an explanation for
why atoms move in the first place. Also, Epicurus thinks that it is evident that bodies do tend to
travel down, all else being equal, and he thinks that positing weight as an atomic property ac-
counts for this better than thinking all atomic motion is the result of past collisions and inertia.
swerve is that a random atomic motion is needed to preserve human freedom and ‘break the
bonds of fate,’ as Lucretius says. If the laws of atomic motion are deterministic, then the past
positions of the atoms in the universe, plus these laws, determine everything that will occur, in-
cluding human action. Cicero reports that Epicurus worries that, if it has been true from eter-
nity that, e.g., “Milo will wrestle tomorrow,” then presently deliberating about whether to make
it true or false would be idle.
Epicurus wants to resist these pessimistic conclusions. He argues that properties like sweetness,
whiteness, and such do not exist at the atomic level–individual atoms are not sweet or white–
but that these properties are nonetheless real. These are properties of macroscopic bodies, but
the possession of these properties by macroscopic bodies are explicable in terms of the proper-
ties of and relations amongst the individual atoms that make up bodies. Epicurus thinks that
bodies have the capability to cause us to have certain types of experiences because of their
atomic structure, and that such capabilities are real properties of the bodies. Similar considera-
tions apply for properties like “being healthy,” “being deadly,” and “being enslaved.” They are
real, but can only apply to groups of atoms (like people), not individual atoms. And these sorts
of properties are also relational properties, not intrinsic ones. For example, cyanide is deadly–
not deadly per se, but deadly for human beings (and perhaps for other types of organisms).
Nonetheless, its deadliness for us is still a real property of the cyanide, albeit a relational one.
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curus is also against the intrinsic teleology of philosophers like Aristotle. Teeth appear to be
well-designed for the purpose of chewing. Aristotle thinks that this apparent purposiveness in
nature cannot be eliminated, and that the functioning of the parts of organisms must be ex-
plained by appealing to how they contribute to the functioning of the organism as a whole.
Other philosophers, such as the Stoics, took this apparent design as evidence for the intelligence
and benevolence of God. Epicurus, however, following Empedocles, tries to explain away this
apparent purposiveness in nature in a proto-Darwinian way, as the result of a process of natural
e. The Gods
Because of its denial of divine providence, Epicureanism was often charged in antiquity with be-
ing a godless philosophy, although Epicurus and his followers denied the charge. The main up-
shot of Epicurean theology is certainly negative, however. Epicurus’ mechanistic explanations of
natural phenomena are supposed to displace explanations that appeal to the will of the gods. In
addition, Epicurus is one of the earliest philosophers we know of to have raised the Problem of
Evil, arguing against the notion that the world is under the providential care of a loving deity by
pointing out the manifold suffering in the world.
Despite this, Epicurus says that there are gods, but these gods are quite different from the popu-
lar conception of gods. We have a conception of the gods, says Epicurus, as supremely blessed
and happy beings. Troubling oneself about the miseries of the world, or trying to administer the
world, would be inconsistent with a life of tranquility, says Epicurus, so the gods have no con-
cern for us. In fact, they are unaware of our existence, and live eternally in the intermundia, the
space between the cosmoi. For Epicurus, the gods function mainly as ethical ideals, whose lives
we can strive to emulate, but whose wrath we need not fear.
Ancient critics thought the Epicurean gods were a thin smoke-screen to hide Epicurus’ atheism,
and difficulties with a literal interpretation of Epicurus’ sayings on the nature of the gods (for
instance, it appears inconsistent with Epicurus’ atomic theory to hold that any compound body,
even a god, could be immortal) have led some scholars to conjecture that Epicurus’ ‘gods’ are
thought-constructs, and exist only in human minds as idealizations, i.e., the gods exist, but only
as projections of what the most blessed life would be.
f. Philosophy of Mind
Epicurus is one of the first philosophers to put forward an Identity Theory of Mind. In modern
versions of the identity theory, the mind is identified with the brain, and mental processes are
identified with neural processes. Epicurus’ physiology is quite different; the mind is identified
as an organ that resides in the chest, since the common Greek view was that the chest, not the
head, is the seat of the emotions. However, the underlying idea is quite similar. (Note: not all
commentators accept that Epicurus’ theory is actually an Identity Theory.)
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The main point that Epicurus wants to establish is that the mind is something bodily. The mind
must be a body, thinks Epicurus, because of its ability to interact with the body. The mind is af-
fected by the body, as vision, drunkenness, and disease show. Likewise, the mind affects the
body, as our ability to move our limbs when we want to and the physiological effects of emo-
tional states show. Only bodies can interact with other bodies, so the mind must be a body. Epi-
curus says that the mind cannot be something incorporeal, as Plato thinks, since the only thing
that is not a body is void, which is simply empty space and cannot act or be acted upon.
The mind, then, is an organ in the body, and mental processes are identified with atomic
processes. The mind is composed of four different types of particles–fire, air, wind, and the
“nameless element,” which surpasses the other particles in its fineness. Although Epicurus is
reticent about the details, some features of the mind are accounted for in terms of the features
of these atoms–for instance, the mind is able to be moved a great deal by the impact of an image
(which is something quite flimsy), because of the smallness of the particles that make up the
mind. The mind proper, which is primarily responsible for sensation and thought, is located in
the chest, but Epicurus thinks that there is also a ‘spirit,’ spread throughout the rest of the body,
which allows the mind to communicate with it. The mind and spirit play roles very similar to
those of the central and peripheral nervous systems in modern theory.
One important result of Epicurus’ philosophy of mind is that death is annihilation. The mind is
able to engage in the motions of sensation and thought only when it is housed in the body and
the atoms that make it up are properly arranged. Upon death, says Epicurus, the container of
the body shatters, and the atoms disperse in the air. The atoms are eternal, but the mind made
up of these atoms is not, just as other compound bodies cease to exist when the atoms that
make them up disperse.
g. Perception
Epicurus explains perception in terms of the interaction of atoms with the sense-organs. Ob-
jects continually throw off one-atom-thick layers, like the skin peeling off of an onion. These
images, or “eidola,” fly through the air and bang into one’s eyes, from which one learns about
the properties of the objects that threw off these eidola. This explains vision. Other senses are
analyzed in similar terms; e.g., the soothing action of smooth atoms on the tongue causes the
sensation of sweetness. As noted above, Epicurus maintains that such sensible qualities are real
qualities of bodies.
4. Epistemology
Epicurus’ epistemology is resolutely empiricist and anti-skeptical. All of our knowledge ulti-
mately comes from the senses, thinks Epicurus, and we can trust the senses, when properly
used. Epicurus’ epistemology was contained in his work the ‘Canon,’ or ‘measuring stick,’ which
is lost, so many of the details of his views are unavailable to us. 4a. The Canon: sensations,
preconceptions, and feelings
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Epicurus says that there are three criteria of truth: sensations, ‘preconceptions,’ and feelings.
Sensations give us information about the external world, and we can test the judgments based
upon sensations against further sensations; e.g., a provisional judgment that a tower is round,
based upon sensation, can be tested against later sensations to be corroborated or disproved.
Epicurus says that all sensations give us information about the world, but that sensation itself is
never in error, since sensation is a purely passive, mechanical reception of images and the like
by sense-organs, and the senses themselves do not make judgments ‘that’ the world is this way
or that. Instead, error enters in when we make judgments about the world based upon the infor-
mation received through the senses.
Epicurus thinks that, in order to make judgments about the world, or even to start any inquiry
whatsoever, we must already be in possession of certain basic concepts, which stand in need of
no further proof or definition, on pain of entering into an infinite regress. This concern is simi-
lar to the Paradox of Inquiry explored by Plato in the Meno, that one must already know about
something in order to be able to inquire about it. However, instead of postulating that our im-
material souls had acquaintance with transcendent Forms in a pre-natal existence, as Plato
does, Epicurus thinks that we have certain ‘preconceptions’–concepts such as ‘body,’ ‘person,’
‘usefulness,’ and ‘truth’–which are formed in our (material) minds as the result of repeated
sense-experiences of similar objects. Further ideas are formed by processes of analogy or simi-
larity or by compounding these basic concepts. Thus, all ideas are ultimately formed on the ba-
sis of sense-experience.
Feelings of pleasure and pain form the basic criteria for what is to be sought and avoided.
b. Anti-skeptical Arguments
Epicurus is concerned to refute the skeptical tendencies of Democritus, whose metaphysics and
theory of perception were similar to Epicurus’. At least three separate anti-skeptical arguments
are given by Epicureans:
If the skeptic says that nothing can be known, or that we cannot know the truth, we can ask him
where he gets his knowledge of concepts such as ‘knowledge’ and ‘truth.’ If the senses cannot be
relied on, as the skeptic claims, then he is not entitled to use concepts such as ‘knowledge’ and
‘truth’ in formulating his thesis, since such concepts derive from the senses.
5. Ethics
Epicurus’ ethics is a form of egoistic hedonism; i.e., he says that the only thing that is intrinsi-
cally valuable is one’s own pleasure; anything else that has value is valuable merely as a means
to securing pleasure for oneself. However, Epicurus has a sophisticated and idiosyncratic view
of the nature of pleasure, which leads him to recommend a virtuous, moderately ascetic life as
the best means to securing pleasure. This contrasts Epicurus strongly with the Cyrenaics, a
group of ancient hedonists who better fit the stereotype of hedonists as recommending a policy
of “eat, drink, and be merry.”
The second proof, which fits in well with Epicurus’ empiricism, supposedly lies in one’s intro-
spective experience. One immediately perceives that pleasure is good and that pain is bad, in
the same way that one immediately perceives that fire is hot; no further argument is needed to
show the goodness of pleasure or the badness of pain. (Of course, this does not establish
Epicurus’ further contention that only pleasure is intrinsically valuable and only pain is intrin-
sically bad.)
Although all pleasures are good and all pains evil, Epicurus says that not all pleasures are
choiceworthy or all pains to be avoided. Instead, one should calculate what is in one’s long-term
self-interest, and forgo what will bring pleasure in the short-term if doing so will ultimately lead
to greater pleasure in the long-term.
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b. Types of Pleasure
For Epicurus, pleasure is tied closely to satisfying one’s desires. He distinguishes between two
different types of pleasure: ‘moving’ pleasures and ‘static’ pleasures. ‘Moving’ pleasures occur
when one is in the process of satisfying a desire, e.g., eating a hamburger when one is hungry.
These pleasures involve an active titillation of the senses, and these feelings are what most peo-
ple call ‘pleasure.’ However, Epicurus says that after one’s desires have been satisfied, (e.g.,
when one is full after eating), the state of satiety, of no longer being in need or want, is itself
pleasurable. Epicurus calls this a ‘static’ pleasure, and says that these static pleasures are the
best pleasures.
Because of this, Epicurus denies that there is any intermediate state between pleasure and pain.
When one has unfulfilled desires, this is painful, and when one no longer has unfulfilled desires,
this steady state is the most pleasurable of all, not merely some intermediate state between
pleasure and pain.
Epicurus also distinguishes between physical and mental pleasures and pains. Physical plea-
sures and pains concern only the present, whereas mental pleasures and pains also encompass
the past (fond memories of past pleasure or regret over past pain or mistakes) and the future
(confidence or fear about what will occur). The greatest destroyer of happiness, thinks Epicurus,
is anxiety about the future, especially fear of the gods and fear of death. If one can banish fear
about the future, and face the future with confidence that one’s desires will be satisfied, then
one will attain tranquility (ataraxia), the most exalted state. In fact, given Epicurus’ conception
of pleasure, it might be less misleading to call him a ‘tranquillist’ instead of a ‘hedonist.’
c. Types of Desire
Because of the close connection of pleasure with desire-satisfaction, Epicurus devotes a consid-
erable part of his ethics to analyzing different kinds of desires. If pleasure results from getting
what you want (desire-satisfaction) and pain from not getting what you want (desire-
frustration), then there are two strategies you can pursue with respect to any given desire: you
can either strive to fulfill the desire, or you can try to eliminate the desire. For the most part
Epicurus advocates the second strategy, that of paring your desires down to a minimum core,
which are then easily satisfied.
Epicurus distinguishes between three types of desires: natural and necessary desires, natural
but non-necessary desires, and “vain and empty” desires. Examples of natural and necessary
desires include the desires for food, shelter, and the like. Epicurus thinks that these desires are
easy to satisfy, difficult to eliminate (they are ‘hard-wired’ into human beings naturally), and
bring great pleasure when satisfied. Furthermore, they are necessary for life, and they are natu-
rally limited: that is, if one is hungry, it only takes a limited amount of food to fill the stomach,
after which the desire is satisfied. Epicurus says that one should try to fulfill these desires.
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Vain desires include desires for power, wealth, fame, and the like. They are difficult to satisfy, in
part because they have no natural limit. If one desires wealth or power, no matter how much
one gets, it is always possible to get more, and the more one gets, the more one wants. These de-
sires are not natural to human beings, but inculcated by society and by false beliefs about what
we need; e.g., believing that having power will bring us security from others. Epicurus thinks
that these desires should be eliminated.
An example of a natural but non-necessary desire is the desire for luxury food. Although food is
needed for survival, one does not need a particular type of food to survive. Thus, despite his
hedonism, Epicurus advocates a surprisingly ascetic way of life. Although one shouldn’t spurn
extravagant foods if they happen to be available, becoming dependent on such goods ultimately
leads to unhappiness. As Epicurus puts it, “If you wish to make Pythocles wealthy, don’t give
him more money; rather, reduce his desires.” By eliminating the pain caused by unfulfilled
desires, and the anxiety that occurs because of the fear that one’s desires will not be fulfilled in
the future, the wise Epicurean attains tranquility, and thus happiness.
d. The Virtues
Epicurus’ hedonism was widely denounced in the ancient world as undermining traditional
morality. Epicurus, however, insists that courage, moderation, and the other virtues are needed
in order to attain happiness. However, the virtues for Epicurus are all purely instrumental
goods–that is, they are valuable solely for the sake of the happiness that they can bring oneself,
not for their own sake. Epicurus says that all of the virtues are ultimately forms of prudence, of
calculating what is in one’s own best interest. In this, Epicurus goes against the majority of
Greek ethical theorists, such as the Stoics, who identify happiness with virtue, and Aristotle,
who identifies happiness with a life of virtuous activity. Epicurus thinks that natural science and
philosophy itself also are instrumental goods. Natural science is needed in order to give mecha-
nistic explanations of natural phenomena and thus dispel the fear of the gods, while philosophy
helps to show us the natural limits of our desires and to dispel the fear of death.
e. Justice
Epicurus is one of the first philosophers to give a well-developed contractarian theory of justice.
Epicurus says that justice is an agreement “neither to harm nor be harmed,” and that we have a
preconception of justice as “what is useful in mutual associations.” People enter into communi-
ties in order to gain protection from the dangers of the wild, and agreements concerning the be-
havior of the members of the community are needed in order for these communities to function,
e.g., prohibitions of murder, regulations concerning the killing and eating of animals, and so on.
Justice exists only where there are such agreements.
Like the virtues, justice is valued entirely on instrumental grounds, because of its utility for each
of the members of society. Epicurus says that the main reason not to be unjust is that one will
be punished if one gets caught, and that even if one does not get caught, the fear of being caught
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will still cause pain. However, he adds that the fear of punishment is needed mainly to keep
fools in line, who otherwise would kill, steal, etc. The Epicurean wise man recognizes the useful-
ness of the laws, and since he does not desire great wealth, luxury goods, political power, or the
like, he sees that he has no reason to engage in the conduct prohibited by the laws in any case.
Although justice only exists where there is an agreement about how to behave, that does not
make justice entirely ‘conventional,’ if by ‘conventional’ we mean that any behavior dictated by
the laws of a particular society is thereby just, and that the laws of a particular society are just
for that society. Since the ‘justice contract’ is entered into for the purpose of securing what is
useful for the members of the society, only laws that are actually useful are just. Thus, a prohibi-
tion of murder would be just, but antimiscegenation laws would not. Since what is useful can
vary from place to place and time to time, what laws are just can likewise vary.
f. Friendship
Epicurus values friendship highly and praises it in quite extravagant terms. He says that friend-
ship “dances around the world” telling us that we must “wake to blessedness.” He also says that
the wise man is sometimes willing to die for a friend. Because of this, some scholars have
thought that in this area, at least, Epicurus abandons his egoistic hedonism and advocates altru-
ism toward friends. This is not clear, however. Epicurus consistently maintains that friendship
is valuable because it is one of the greatest means of attaining pleasure. Friends, he says, are
able to provide one another the greatest security, whereas a life without friends is solitary and
beset with perils. In order for there to be friendship, Epicurus says, there must be trust between
friends, and friends have to treat each other as well as they treat themselves. The communities
of Epicureans can be seen as embodying these ideals, and these are ideals that ultimately pro-
mote ataraxia.
g. Death
One of the greatest fears that Epicurus tries to combat is the fear of death. Epicurus thinks that
this fear is often based upon anxiety about having an unpleasant afterlife; this anxiety, he
thinks, should be dispelled once one realizes that death is annihilation, because the mind is a
group of atoms that disperses upon death.
1. Death is annihilation.
2. The living have not yet been annihilated (otherwise they wouldn’t be alive).
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Epicurus adds that if death causes you no pain when you’re dead, it’s foolish to allow the fear of
it to cause you pain now.
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Author Information
Tim O’Keefe
Email: see web page
Georgia State University
U. S. A.
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