This document provides an overview of international thermocouple color codes for different types of thermocouple extension cables. It lists the color codes used in the European (IEC), British (BS), American (ANSI), German (DIN), and Japanese (JIS) standards for various thermocouple types including K, J, T, E, N, S, and B. The color codes specify which wire colors correspond to the positive and negative leads for each thermocouple type under the different standards.
This document provides an overview of international thermocouple color codes for different types of thermocouple extension cables. It lists the color codes used in the European (IEC), British (BS), American (ANSI), German (DIN), and Japanese (JIS) standards for various thermocouple types including K, J, T, E, N, S, and B. The color codes specify which wire colors correspond to the positive and negative leads for each thermocouple type under the different standards.
This document provides an overview of international thermocouple color codes for different types of thermocouple extension cables. It lists the color codes used in the European (IEC), British (BS), American (ANSI), German (DIN), and Japanese (JIS) standards for various thermocouple types including K, J, T, E, N, S, and B. The color codes specify which wire colors correspond to the positive and negative leads for each thermocouple type under the different standards.
This document provides an overview of international thermocouple color codes for different types of thermocouple extension cables. It lists the color codes used in the European (IEC), British (BS), American (ANSI), German (DIN), and Japanese (JIS) standards for various thermocouple types including K, J, T, E, N, S, and B. The color codes specify which wire colors correspond to the positive and negative leads for each thermocouple type under the different standards.
International Thermocouple Color Codes - Extension Grade
For additional information please contact Multi/Cable
NEW EUROPEAN BRITISH AMERICAN GERMAN JAPANESE Thermocouple Cable Type IEC 584-3 BS1843 ANSI MC96.1 DIN 43710-4 JISC Extension Cables Green Red Yellow Green Blue Green Brown Yellow Red Red + + + + + KX Nicro/Nial - - - - - White Blue Red Green White
Black Black Black Blue Yellow
Black Yellow White Red Red + + + + + JX Iron/Constantan - - - - - White Blue Red Blue White
Brown Blue Blue Brown Brown
Brown White Blue Red Red + + + + + TX Copper/Constantan - - - - - White Blue Red Brown White
Purple Brown Purple Black Purple
Purple Brown Purple Red Red + + + + + EX Nicro/Constantan - - - - - White Blue Red Black White
Pink Orange Orange
Pink Orange Orange + + + No Standard - Use No Standard - Use NX Nicrosil/Nisil - - - American Color Codes American Color Codes White Blue Red
Orange Green Green White Black
Orange White Black Red Red + + + + + SX - - - - - White Blue Red White White
Gray Gray Gray Gray
Gray Gray Red Red + No Standard - Use + + + BX - American Color Codes - - - White Red Gray Gray