7eleven 2022 AR Final
7eleven 2022 AR Final
7eleven 2022 AR Final
Table of Contents
Vision, Mission, Core Values 01
Financial Highlights 02
Letter to Shareholders 04
Review of Operations 08
2022 Milestones
Gaining More Ground 14
Spreading More Growth 18
Our vision is to be the best
Corporate Social Responsibility 22 retailer of convenience for
Board of Directors and Corporate Officers 24 emerging markets.
Management Team 32
Corporate Governance 36
Sustainability Report 64
Audit and Risk Committee Report 87 Mission
Excerpts of Financial Statements 88
Review of Operations 2020 90 To make daily life easier by
providing modern convenience.
Review of Operations 2021 92
7-Eleven Stores Worldwide 94
Corporate Information 95
Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
*in PHP Thousands except data on store, ratio and per share information
*in PHP Thousands except data on store, ratio and per share information
Quick Ratio (x) 0.66 0.61 0.64 0.59 System-Wide Sales 65,966,516 47,216,091 46,368,988 56,333,266 39.7% 1.8% -17.7%
Book Value Per Share 12.09 9.22 9.72 10.63 *in PHP Thousands except data on store, ratio and per share information
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
To My Fellow Shareholders,
Letter to Shareholders It is with great pleasure that I address you
today to share the highlights of what we have
The Philippine economy performed very well
as the country’s gross domestic product (GDP)
achieved together. The unwavering support expanded by 7.6 percent year-on-year, building
you have placed in us have been instrumental on the strong growth momentum in 2021 of 5.7
in driving our Company’s growth. I am truly percent. Economic activity remained resilient
proud of the great strides we have taken despite lingering concerns on high inflation
together, and I am confident that our journey owing to elevated food and fuel costs.
will only continue to gather momentum.
Consumer spending remained to be the
In the year 2022, PSC reached new economy’s main catalyst and was boosted by
milestones. These impressive achievements the improvement in mobility. Schools finally
speak highly of the leadership demonstrated returned to face-to-face classes in August,
by our management team. I wish to extend my after more than two years of distance learning
appreciation to everyone as they all remained due to the pandemic. These developments
faithful to our mission of making daily lives improved customer traffic leading to better sales
easier by providing modern convenience. performance.
Pointedly, we acknowledge the improving
As a result, our 7-Eleven stores posted a solid
economic environment that has supported our
28.8 percent growth in same store sales. This
accomplishments. As the economy showed
reversed the negative growth during the
signs of marked recovery, we have been able to
pandemic years of 2021 and 2020. Moreover,
leverage on the positive trends and capitalize on
our systemwide sales for all corporate-owned
new opportunities.
and franchise operated stores, went up by 39.7
percent to P66.0 billion, from P47.2 billion in
2021. We continued with our expansion by
opening 353 new stores from only 164 in the
previous year. We ended 2022 with a store base
of 3,393 all over the country.
Our net income reached
Our net income reached an all-time high of P2.06
an all-time high of Php billion translating into an earnings per share of
P2.72, 42 percent better compared with the EPS
2.06 Billion, and our cash in 2019 of P1.91. The cash generating capability
of our stores remained strong with operating
generating capability cash flow exceeding P7.0 billion. This will allow
our Company to support its market development
remained strong... plan as we continue our push towards the
5,000th store milestone.
This will allow our Company
I am also pleased to update you on the steady
to support our market increase in the share of our ready-to-eat
products. Our emphasis on this category goes
development plan towards “ beyond catering to consumer demand. It also
serves as a means to differentiate ourselves
the 5,000th store milestone. from the competition. By consistently improving
and innovating our offerings, we have been
able to carve out a unique position in the
market, attracting a broader customer base and
strengthening customer loyalty.
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
As the reliance on digital payments continues commitment and hard work. I also express my
to increase, we have positioned ourselves as gratitude to our franchisees for continuously
a trusted provider of payment solutions. Our serving our customers.
proximity and efficient fulfillment of transactions
have earned the trust of our customers, making
us their preferred choice for payment needs. Finally, I would like to thank
To further strengthen our service business, we
our valued shareholders for
have partnered with Pito AXM Platform, Inc.,
your unwavering support.
To further strengthen our a wholly owned subsidiary of Seven Bank Ltd.
of Japan. This collaboration has allowed us to
Your trust and confidence
service business, we have deploy their pioneering and highly innovative
cash recycler ATMs in our stores. I am glad to
have been instrumental
partnered with Pito AXM announce that we concluded last year with
more than 2,320 ATMs activated nationwide.
in our achievements, and
Platform, Inc., a wholly This has enabled us to cater to the needs of
the underserved segment and reinforced our
we are excited about the
owned subsidiary of Seven presence in key areas.
opportunities that lie ahead.
Bank Ltd. of Japan. This With all these developments, we have been
mindful of preserving the time-tested brand
collaboration has allowed us goodwill that our 7-Eleven name carries.
Our brand has long been synonymous with Thank you very much,
to deploy their pioneering convenience, quality, and reliability, and we
have taken great care to retain and enhance
and highly innovative cash these qualities. By staying true to our brand
heritage, we maintain the trust and loyalty of
recycler ATMs in our stores. our customers.
the needs of the underserved PFI was honored to receive the “Hall of
Fame” accolade at the Department of Social
segment and reinforced our Welfare and Development’s Panata Ko sa
Bayan Awards in appreciation for our support
presence in key areas. of their advocacies, programs, projects, and
communications thrust.
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
Review of Operations
After two bearish annual letters1, we are pleased to 2022’s second half finally gave us a taste of the
finally have the opportunity to strike a more positive ‘new normal’ that we had spent much of COVID-19
note, to say the least. If the tone sometimes sounds preparing for as an organization, and the rest of the
overly triumphant, we beg indulgence – this is by letter will highlight what has changed since 2019,
no means a victory lap, but perhaps exuberance at which changes we are ready for, and which need
having succeeded in breaking away (something 2023 further work.
has reassured us of) after having suffered through
the long grind of the pandemic, and enduring the Rest of the Philippines per store sales
inevitable skepticism that comes with executing outperforms Mega Manila by ~20%
(sometimes poorly) on a challenging strategy
rather different from our retail peers. We temper Persistent outperformance throughout pandemic,
our optimism by noting that 2022 was merely an with gap (surprisingly) further widening when
inflection point that vindicated some of our work, and restrictions were lifted in April. That gap
sustaining – perhaps even steepening – the upward continues into 2023.
arc relies on deploying initiatives rigorously modeled
We expect such trends to continue, while
but otherwise unproven at scale.
acknowledging risk from say, shifts in remote work
norms. While the latter is a significant driver, we
As we reference past history, we start by expressing
believe that there are other more durable trends at
our delight at being proven wrong on our 3-year
play, such as OFWs and other pandemic refugees
pandemic horizon. Per store sales finally caught up to
setting up businesses in their hometowns, and
2019 levels in May, thanks in part to the presidential
most promisingly, anecdotally explosive growth in
elections (and our 7-Election cup drink promotion), and
gradually began exceeding them as the year progressed.
Compared to our international peers, we went from
freelance remote work from overseas.
sufficiently durable in the second half2. SYSTEM WIDE SALES
P56.33 Billion
We went from the very Of the 320 stores opened in 2022, two-thirds
were outside Greater Manila, vs just over half in NET INCOME
bottom ranks of 7-Eleven 2019. Only 15% were in Mega Manila, vs 26% in
2019. If decentralized growth trends continue, we
P1.4 Billion 2021
Asian licensees in 2020-21 have a lot of stores left to open – CVS accounts
for 9% of FMCG share in NCR (24% of FMCG
P47.21 Billion
to among the very top in sales), but is less than 2% everywhere else
Nielsen reports.
2022 in terms of per store We expect industry structure to remain NET INCOME
(P461.0 Million)
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
to deter competition attracted by high growth. are targeted towards on-the-go shopping trips digital banking habits formed during the pandemic. had just opened up to retail, and was closing in on
The challenges of establishing supply lines in an rather than top-up trips more typical of grocers – we us not just in store count, but in brand positioning
archipelago (we operate 13 Distribution Centers overweight on impulse, they on staples/essentials. The marginal loss in traffic was more than made and foodservice offering. While it took a few years
(DCs), whereas industry practice for convenience up for by 2,300 recycling ATMs by year end. to build a machine that would surpass them in store
stores on contiguous land masses is one DC per We have been working on improving our position Withdrawals per ATM grew 50% throughout number, brand, and offering, it took much longer to
thousand stores) confer significant first mover in the latter since 2018, when we tested variable the year, as 7Bank signed up its second partner retake the CBDs – such are first mover advantages
advantage especially in logistically subscale areas. planograms (vPOGs) to make space for more bank, which allows their account holders free in convenience retail. In company lore, we overcame
We opened in Cebu in 2012 and in Davao in 2015, competitive assortments in other categories, withdrawals, this year. their luck with persistence and teamwork.
and while some GMA-based chains have tried expanded them in Mega Manila during the
pandemic5, and worked on the supply chain We have continued to hold spending on CLiQQ The pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding its
to enter, none have scaled for lack of access to
plumbing to support the resulting complexity6. Grocery, pending the availability of a more end provided impetus for machine 2.0 – and will
centralized distribution.
complete shop after we improve our staples likely be retold in lore as a tale of pulling together
Our take: Having cut expansion in half in the We have built bigger stores where we can assortment at the DC. Grocery-based e-commerce in perseverance throughout an unlucky turn. As we
previous two years3, we are pleased with this (the average new store is 20% larger in 2022 has struggled since the pandemic, so we believe a put the finishing touches on it, we find ourselves in
development and the opportunity it presents than it was in 2019 – thanks in part to lower conservative approach is more prudent. a situation where geographic shifts in demand have
to deploy our new store capital not just more rents in residential areas and outside MM), and fortuitously opened up opportunity to expand in areas
productively, but in geographies with wider logistical together with our provider, iterated vPOGs by We have focused our (trimmed-down) digital team
beyond the current reach of competition, allowing our
moats. Because convenience chains are more incorporating human input to refine (largely on baseline efforts such as rebuilding our loyalty
new machine time and momentum to further defend
reliant on franchisees in more remote areas, our aesthetically) the AI. Our category managers program, and developing further monetization
those areas (along with others with narrower moats)
unprecedented financial support – since repaid - for have created and rolled out vPOGs at moderate opportunities for customer acquisition – among
with the best offering it can muster. We cannot help
franchisees during the Pandemic4 gives us further scale in less challenging categories, and we will them some of the opportunities discussed
but be pleased by our turn of luck.
reputational advantage as franchisor. Finally, be training operations personnel on per store previously8.
because people are a more significant constraint refinements next.
Our take: As discussed last year, we have taken a
to expansion than capital in our industry, we are
advantaged by having minimized layoffs during
Our take: Our experience pivoting at speed in Mega more cautious approach to digital spend – trimming We find ourselves
both team and customer acquisition spend. The leaner
the pandemic (directing them towards improving
Manila in 2020 and 2021 has resulted in a more
deliberate approach to CVS+7 this time around. funding environment for tech companies is a welcome in a situation where
geographic shifts in
processes as an investment in future growth instead), development, as it inclines them to partner with
With no lockdown providing a limited window to gain
preserving not just number, but our cherished culture incumbents for more efficient growth. We are currently
traction in staples, we see no reason for rashness.
of teamwork – which we hope will allow us to open
400 stores this year, and 450 the next.
We are testing the plumbing, getting buy-in from exploring partnerships with fintech companies eager demand have fortuitously
to access our customers and ATMs, digital marketing
Refer to 2020 Letter on pages 90-91 Refer to Supply Chain Challenges in 2021 Letter on page 93
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Continued accuracy in predicting the winning candidate We opened Distribution Centers in three new frontiers in
Surpassing 2016 sales Visayas and Mindanao, establishing a new network of stores
One of our most successful customer initiatives for 2022, and opportunities in these underserved areas.
7-Election gave our customers the courage to Speak Up and
let their political voices be heard, correctly predicting once
again the winner of the presidential election.
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Our logistics arm, Convenience Distribution, Inc., Every distribution center enhances our reach and
Store Openings
Philippine Seven Corporation (PSC) ended last year Continuing our successful brand partnerships, we
with 3,393 stores nationwide, an 11% increase from launched a co-branded Coca-Cola concept store in
the prior year’s total of 3,073. At present, 75% of our Mactan City, Cebu, on August 10. The store highlights
stores are located in Luzon, catering to our established Coke’s iconic red-and-white colors and slogans, along
customer base, with the remaining 25% split between with diversity-themed artwork and a fun soda-bottle-
Visayas and Mindanao, as we continue to strengthen filled claw machine. New Frontier Distribution Center
Located at: Barrio Puting-Tubig,
our foothold throughout the country. Calapan, Oriental Mindoro
Served Store: 22 stores
We focused our expansion in residential areas during
the pandemic, as mobility restrictions meant that we
had to bring ourselves closer to our customers. Out
of our 319 newly-opened stores in 2022, 78% were
located in a residential area. Residential customers
responded resoundingly to this strategy, affirming the
New Frontier Distribution Center
soundness of the initiative. Located at: Brgy. Libertad, Ormoc, Leyte.
Served Store: 35 stores
We opened our first-ever Crunch Time concept store
in Angeles City, Pampanga, on March 26. A true
haven for devotees of our ever-popular fried chicken
offerings, this is our first 7-Eleven store with an
in-house kitchen, serving fresh, crispy Crunch Time
goodness right out of the kitchen.
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ATMs 2022 CLiQQ Campaign Highlights One of the leading tech companies in Asia, Huawei, The top selling items are alcoholic beverages with
partnered with CLiQQ and launched a holistic 34% in total sales, followed by food which is 37%
We nearly doubled our count of in-store ATMs, from in total volume. Our online CLiQQ Grocery has
campaign in May 2022 that focused on utilizing
1,250 in 2021 to 2,300 by year-end 2022. continued to grow in sales with a positive revenue of
all features of the CLiQQ app. This campaign
accumulated more than 500,000 unique entries and over 200% increase versus prior year, and a volume
Launched in 2021, in partnership with Pito AxM increase of 47% due to high-performing promotions
has improved our monthly app downloads by 19%
Platform Inc. - the local subsidiary of Japan’s such as 7-Eleven Day, CLiQQ Giving, CLiQQtoberfest,
prior to the campaign launch, gaining a significant
Seven Bank, Ltd. - these ATMs are unique among and PayDay Sales as well as the continued expansion
interest from the loyal customers of 7-Eleven.
convenience stores, as customers can use them to of CLiQQ Grocery and CLiQQ Grocery Express Stores.
withdraw money and access financial services at As of 2022, we have a total of 1,900 stores for CLiQQ
reduced or even no fees, from participating banks. Grocery and 221 stores for CLiQQ Grocery Express.
This improves the safety and convenience of customer
transactions. Highlights from Digital Payments:
The year 2022 marked a milestone in our ATM Project KitKat - increased participating Globe
deployment, as our coverage expanded nationwide, topup products by 30%
assuring financial inclusion for our Visayas and Project Mochi - increased participating Globe
Mindanao 7-Eleven customers. We marked our topup products by 8%
1,500th ATM in Cebu on May 27, and our 2,000th
Summer Surprizes - qualified users increased by
ATM in Davao last November 10. Our number of
25% (pay at least 300 peso bills payment)
ATMs now rivals the existing networks of even the In collaboration with the corporate promo - Summer
established traditional banks in the country today. GimmE-Money - qualified users increased by 7%
SurPRIZES Earn, Play, & Win!, CLiQQ has launched
(top-up at least 2.5k to Lazada, Coins.ph, ShopeePay)
the LoadTo game to increase purchase frequency
in the stores and create more engagement with our Pay Bills, Get Thrills - increased monthly
July 2022 saw a new record for the number of frequency of bills payment transactions via app,
customers. Almost 400,000 entries were garnered
monthly app downloads with the release of EveryDay high avg 31% claim rate for freebies
and we have also recorded nearly 400,000 monthly
Treats. 21% of the total app downloads for the whole
active users with transactions after the promo ended.
year clocked in during the promo period. Digging in to reach further
We have gained considerable ground since the
As we continue to provide an improving assortment
setbacks caused by COVID-19. In particular, our
of offerings, CLiQQ Grocery carries over 5,200
319 store openings take us well within range of our
activated SKUs. Our customer count has climbed by
pre-pandemic expansion rate, since we opened 349
30% with an increase of 35% in order count from last
stores in 2019. Given the validating progress that we
year, which shows the interest of the customers to
made in 2022, we are confident that our strategies
purchase their daily essentials on CLiQQ grocery.
and expertise will enable us to accomplish still more
and scale up faster, supporting and empowering our
stakeholders - both internal and external - more than
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Spreading More Growth favorites such as 7-Fresh Ramen Kit which is available
in Spicy Tonkotsu and Shoyu, as well as Japanese
7-Eleven also hopped onto the Korean wave with
Korean treats, such as K-Style Plant-based Chicken
Rice Snacks in Mixed Maki, California Maki, Salmon Burger, K-Style Garlic Cream Cheese Bun and K-Style
Mayo Onigiri and Tuna Mayo Onigiri. Japanese snacks Egg Drop Sandwich, responding to the growing Hallyu
were up during the launch phase, with share growing food trend which has become a hit in the Philippines.
In 2022, PSC supported people re-engaging with the world, from participating in national to 12% in Q2 2022, up by 242% vs. 2019. With the
politics to pursuing fitness goals to, of course, once more embracing convenience stores as part of success of our Onigiri line, new varieties were added We further introduced new hotdog and siopao variants,
daily life. We introduced a wide range of new products, launched specialized store types, enjoyed the same year, including Chicken Teriyaki, Spicy Kani notably Adobo Siopao by Chef Reggie Aspiras, providing
another successful 7-Election promo, and celebrated both 7-Eleven Day and the return of our face- Mayo, and also Pork Sisig. new Siopao options when customers need a break from
to-face 7-Eleven Run. the usual varieties.
Product innovations
Our 7-Eleven food offerings continue to be well- We also partnered with renowned Chef Claude Tayag
received, as we constantly strived to broaden our to create Linamnam dishes such as Bicol Express,
customers’ horizons and elevate the experience of a Sinampalukang Manok, Palabok, and Batchoy, for your
quick, convenient meal or snack. We served up various go-to Filipino comfort food on a budget.
specialties, from local to international, to satisfy the
different cravings of our customers. Adding to our Chef Creations line are Pancake House’s
favorites, including Beef Tapa, Spaghetti, and Mini
First is the collaboration of Chef Creations with Tacos. Launched in Q4 2022, this new Chef Creations
popular Chinese restaurant Lugang Café, providing line helped boost the Chilled Meals line, contributing a
budget-friendly authentic Chinese specialties, offering 19% effect to the category.
healthy and restaurant-quality dishes such as their
Sweet and Sour Chicken and Three Cup Chicken. We also expanded our products by offering Japanese
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7-Eleven Day
Our fourth 7-Eleven Day celebration was again the Digging in to reach wider
highest-selling day of the year, with more than 3.5
For us, the true triumph of 2022 was being able to
million customers nationwide attracted by our 50%
really connect with our community again. Our desire,
discount on over 200 items. Customers lined up as early
after all, has always been to bring our customers into
as 12 midnight at their neighborhood stores to grab
our stores, so that we can spread opportunities for
the best deals possible. Supported by our key partners
growth - inside as well as outside, for them as well as
and suppliers, this event has been marked by our loyal
for us, in many ways, every day.
customers as a must-do in their annual calendar.
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In June, our e-commerce team donated much-needed
electric fans, equipping classrooms in 9 elementary and
high schools nationwide, in time for the resumption of
face-to-face classes.
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Corporate Officers
Marketing from the National Kaohsiung First
University of Science and Technology and a
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Soochow
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Filipino, 86, Director of PSC since 1988. He serves as Filipino, 61, Independent Director of PSC since 2010.
the Chairman and CEO of Araneta Group and serves He sits as Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee
as the Chairman of the Board of Araneta Center Inc., and Member of the Executive Committee of PSC. He is
Progressive Development Corporation, Uniprom Inc., and the Chairman and CEO of AB Capital and Investment
Philippine Pizza Inc. Among his awards are the 2016 Corporation. He also serves as the Chairman of
People of the Year Award from People Asia Magazine, Campden Hill Group, Inc. and Campden Hill Advisers.
the President’s Award as Pioneer of Retail Entertainment He is also an Independent Director of Max’s Group,
by the Philippine Retailers Association, UP College of Inc., Semirara Mining and Power Corporation, Universal
Business Administration 2005 Distinguished Alumni Robina Corporation, Albizia ASEAN Tenggara Fund,
Awardee, Franchisee Awardee of the Year for Philippine Sem-Calaca Power Corporation, and Southwest
Pizza, Inc., Top 5 Best Employer in Asia/Philippines by Luzon Power Generation Corporation. He is a Board
Hewitt Associates/Wall Street Journal/MAP, David Member Adviser of ABS-CBN Corporation and Bank
Novak YUM Award, Plaque of Merit from Quezon City of the Philippine Islands. He is a Director of The Straits
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. as Recognized Wine Company, Inc. and a Trustee of the Lyceum of
Business Leader of Quezon City, Plaque of Appreciation the Philippines University. He holds a degree in AB
for Outstanding Contribution from the Consular Corps Economics from the Ateneo De Manila University, an
and Diplomatic Corps of the Philippines, and Plaque MSc in Economics from Oxford University, and an MBA
of Appreciation from De La Salle University on the from the University of Virginia.
occasion of the establishment of the Don J. Amado
Araneta Distinguished Chair of Financial Management.
He holds a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration from the University of the Philippines.
Filipino, 52, Director of PSC since 2015. She Filipino, 58, Independent Director of PSC since
served as Marketing Assistant of Advertising and 2005. He is a Member of the Executive, Audit and
Promotions at Philippine Seven Corporation prior to Risk, Compensation, and the Corporate Governance
her election as Director. She is currently the President Committees of PSC. He is the Chairman of AB Capital
of the International Council on Monuments and Securities, Inc. He serves as a Director of Campden
Sites - Philippines and served as President of the Hill Advisors, Inc., Wespac Holdings, Inc., The Straits
T. Paterno Conservation, Inc. from 2011-2019. She Wine Company, Inc., Vertere Global Solutions, Inc.,
was the Executive Director of San Sebastian Basilica Vertere Venture Capital, Inc., and AB Capital &
Conservation and Development Foundation, Inc. She Investment Corp. He is also a Trustee of The Beacon
was also an Independent Consultant for Building and Academy. He is the former Portfolio Manager of the
Art Restoration at The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum Global Fund of American International Group, Inc.
of Art in New York, Sta. Ana Church in Manila, and He holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the
929-933, Broadway, New York. She was recognized Fordham University U.S.A and an MBA from the
as Outstanding Manilan in 2012. Ms. Paterno holds University of Virginia.
a Degree in B.A. Humanities from Ateneo de Manila
University and M.S. Historic Preservation from the
University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. She also completed
the Intensive Spanish Language Program of the
Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
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R.O.C., 52, elected as Director of PSC on July 15, 2021. R.O.C., 49, elected as Director of PSC on July 15, 2021.
He is the Chairman of Uni-President Oven Bakery He serves as a Director of Shan Dong President Yinzuo
Corporation. He also serves as a Director of Duskin Commercial Ltd., Duskin Serve Taiwan Co., Ltd., Uni-
Serve Taiwan Co., Ltd., 21 Century Co. Ltd., Uni-Wonder President Cold-Chain Corporation, Capital Marketing
Corporation, Wisdom Distribution Service Corporation, Consultant Corporation, and Uni-Capital Marketing
Uni-President Cold Chain Corporation, Capital Consultant Corporation. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Marketing Consultant Corporation, Uni-President Business Administration from Soochow University.
Superior Commissary Corporation, Mister Donut Taiwan
Co., Ltd., President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings
Ltd., Koasa Yamako Corporation, and Kai Ya Food Co.,
Ltd. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in the Department
of Management Science from the National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University.
R.O.C., 53, Director of PSC since 2008. She is a R.O.C., 51, elected as Director of PSC on July 28,
Director and the Chief Financial Officer of PCSC. 2022. He is a Director of Uni-Wonder Corporation,
She is also a Director of the Uni-President Assets President Chain Store Tokyo Marketing Corporation,
Management Corporation and Uni-President Mister Donut Taiwan Co., Ltd., PCSC (China)
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd. She is the Supervisor of the Drugstore Ltd., and Shan Dong President Yinzuo
President Chain Store (Shanghai), Ltd., President Commercial Ltd. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree
Chain Store (Zhejiang), Ltd., President Transnet and MA Program in the Department of Animal
Corporation, President Collect Service Corporation, Science and Technology from the National Taiwan
Books.com Co., Ltd., Uni-Wonder Corporation, University.
President Information Corporation, and Connection
Labs Ltd. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Accountancy from the School of Accountancy at the
University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, USA.
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
R.O.C., 48, Chief Operating Officer of PSC since May R.O.C., 44, Treasurer & CFO of PSC since July 15, 2021.
08, 2019. He has been with PSC since 2010 and She was PCSC’s Project Manager of Finance from 2019
served as its Vice President for Supply Chain prior to 2021, Head of Financial Planning from 2018 to 2019,
to his election as COO. He is a Non-voting Member and Head of Investor Relations from 2011 to 2018. She
of the Compensation Committee and a Member of is a Director of Convenience Distribution Inc. and Store
the Executive Committee of PSC. He is a Director Sites Holding, Inc., and a Trustee of PhilSeven Foundation,
in Convenience Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Inc. which are all subsidiaries/affiliates of PSC. She holds
PSC. He was the Leader of the E-Service Team of a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from National Chung
the Marketing Department of President Chain Store Cheng University, Taiwan and a Master’s Degree in
Corporation from 2007 to 2010. He obtained his Industrial Economics from National Central University,
Bachelor’s Degree in Cooperative Economics at Feng- Taiwan.
Chia University, Taiwan.
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Management Team
Jose Victor P. Paterno
President and CEO
Ying-Jung Lee
Chief Operating Officer
Francis S. Medina
Chao-Shun Tseng Chia-Fang Lee Min-Chieh Lai OIC-Operations Division
Corporate Planning Head Treasurer and CFO Marketing Director Director
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Management Team
Vincent Angelo de la Cruz Armi A. Cagasan Violeta B. Apolinario Arvin S. Reyes Ulysses V. Borral Reyna S. Saycon
Marketing Communications Strategic Merchandise Human Resources & Information Technology Business Development OIC-Operations Division Head
Division Head Division Head Administration Division Head Division Head Division Head
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Provider /
Name Designation Date CG Training
1. Jui-Tien Huang Vice Chairman Dec. 05, 2022 Corporate Governance GGAPP
& Director (CG) in the Age of Digital
Transformation and AMLA
2. Jose Victor P. Paterno Director & Dec. 05, 2022 Corporate Governance GGAPP
President / CEO (CG) in the Age of Digital
Transformation and AMLA
3. Wen-Chi Wu Director Dec. 05, 2022 Corporate Governance GGAPP
(CG) in the Age of Digital
Transformation and AMLA
For 2022, PSC’s Board of Directors is composed of and to substantiate proper checks and balances.
11 directors, the majority of whom are non-executive All directors were elected by the stockholders during
directors, while 3 are independent directors in the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (ASM) to serve for 7. Jorge L. Araneta Director Dec 05, 2022 Corporate Governance GGAPP
conformity with the Securities Regulation Code (SRC) one year from the election and until their respective (CG) in the Age of Digital
Transformation and AMLA
provisions and Revised Corporation Code (RCC). successors have been elected and qualified.
PSC set its qualification standards for the selection Director (ED) 8. Maria Cristina P. Paterno Director Dec 05, 2022 Corporate Governance GGAPP
of its directors through its Corporate Governance (CG) in the Age of Digital
Committee (CG Com) which reviews the qualifications Independent Transformation and AMLA
Directors (ID)
of nominees as disclosed in PSC’s CG Manual, CG
Com Charter, and Definitive Information Statement
9. Jose T. Pardo Chairman & N/A Exempted N/A
(IS). Independent
The Board of Directors has collective qualifications,
work and professional experience, expertise, and
relevant training in retail and consumer business,
3 10. Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr. Independent
Jun. 16, 2022 Unbox Extra: The Gokongwei
Group Innovation Festival
JG Summit,
finance, accounting, investment, information
technology (IT), property development, marketing,
7 Transformation
and corporate management. The majority of the Board 11. Michael B. Zalamea Independent Aug. 31, 2022 2022 Annual Corporate Center for
of Directors are NEDs who possess the necessary Director Governance: Fostering Good Training and
qualifications to effectively participate and help secure Corporate Governance in the Development,
New Normal Inc.
objective, independent judgment on corporate affairs
Directors (NED)
38 39
Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
d. Works fairly and objectively with the Board, d. Ensures the integrity and accuracy of all Remuneration
Board Diversity Policy
Management, and stockholders and contributes documentary submissions to regulators;
PSC values the importance of board diversity that The levels of remuneration of the Corporation should
to the flow of information between the Board and
e. Appears before the Securities and Exchange be sufficient to attract and retain the services of
encourages its members to have an active role in Management, the Board and its committees, and the
Commission (SEC) when summoned concerning qualified and competent directors and officers. A
providing optimal decision-making and formulation Board and its stakeholders, including shareholders
compliance with the Manual; portion of the remuneration of executive directors may
of corporate rules, regulations, and policies. It shall
embrace board diversity, as much as practicable, f. Collaborates with other departments to be structured or be based on corporate and individual
e. Advises on the establishment of board
which is not limited in terms of age, gender, culture, properly address compliance issues, which may be performance. The Board shall look into the alignment
committees and their terms of reference;
skills, competence, and knowledge. The directors of subject to investigation; of remuneration of key officers and board members
PSC also have diversified business experience in retail, with the long-term interests of the Corporation.
f. Informs members of the Board, following the g. Identifies possible areas of compliance issues
finance, banking, property, IT, and communications. bylaws, of the agenda of their meetings at least and works towards the resolution of the same;
The Board’s current composition is set out in the No director shall participate in the approval of
five (5) working days in advance, and ensures that his compensation. Directors shall not receive any
following chart: h. Ensures the attendance of board members and
the members have accurate information that will compensation unless provided in the bylaws of the
key officers to relevant trainings; and
enable them to arrive at intelligent decisions on Corporation or approved by the stockholders as may
matters that require their approval; i. Performs such other duties and responsibilities
be required in its bylaws. However, the Board may,
as may be provided by the laws and regulations.
from time to time, approve a reasonable per diem
g. Attends all Board meetings, except when
that a director may receive for attendance in Board
justifiable causes arise, such as illness, death
Succession Planning and Board Committee meetings. With the passing of
in the immediate family, and serious accidents
the RCC on February 20, 2019, the Corporation has
prevent him/her from doing so; PSC’s CG Manual and Board Charter provide that aligned its CG Manual, policies, and bylaws to the
the Board shall ensure the adoption of an effective requirements of the law.
h. Performs required administrative functions; succession planning program for directors, key officers,
and management to ensure growth and promote The Corporation has certain standard arrangements
i. Oversees the drafting of the bylaws and ensures dynamism in the Corporation and continued increase for compensation and profit-sharing. Per diems of PHP
that they conform with regulatory requirements ; and in the shareholders’ value. 20,000.00 (Philippine Peso) or the equivalent of USD
Board Secretary 380.00 (US Dollars) net of taxes (as may be fixed by
j. Performs such other duties and responsibilities PSC started a Leadership Academy and Mentor’s the Compensation Committee from time to time) are
The Board is assisted in its duties by a Corporate as may be provided by laws and regulations. Leadership Training Program in 2012. It aims to given to each of the members of the board of directors,
Secretary, who is not a member of the Board of train and develop management and officers in line members of board committees, designated corporate /
Directors, and annually attends training on corporate with the Corporation’s succession planning program. executive officers, members of the advisory committee
Compliance Officer Leadership and business management training are
governance. The Corporate Secretary is a Filipino or adviser/consultant for every regular or special
citizen and a resident of the Philippines, is an officer of also provided each year to build the competency meeting of the Board, Executive Committee, Board
The Board is assisted in its duties by a Compliance
the Corporation, and has among others, the following of the management team and officers in strategic Committees, and other related corporate meetings
Officer, with adequate stature and authority in the
responsibilities: decisions, business modeling, and effective execution. attended, either physically or by teleconferencing /
Corporation. The Board appointed a Compliance
Succession planning principles provide for each video conferencing.
Officer, who is not a member of the Board and
a. Assists the Board and the board committees in Division to hone the skills of at least two section
annually attends trainings on corporate governance
the conduct of their meetings, including preparing managers as potentially next-in-line successors and The Corporation has a policy on the director’s fee
and has, among others, the following duties and
an annual schedule of board and committee are provided with training/exposure. and gratuity for the Office of the Chairman of the
meetings and the annual board calendar, Board, as approved by the Compensation Committee.
and assisting the Chair of the Board and its a. Ensures proper on-boarding of new directors A monthly director’s fee shall be provided for the
committees to set agendas for those meetings; (i.e., orientation on the Corporation’s business, position of the Chairman of the Board as determined
charter, articles of incorporation, and bylaws, by the Compensation Committee, from time to time,
b. Safe keeps and preserves the integrity of the
among others); as concurred by the Board and/or the Executive
minutes of the meetings of the Board and its
Committee. An additional directors’ fee (gratuity)
committees, as well as other official records of the b. Monitors, reviews, evaluates, and ensures the
shall be given upon the occurrence of any of the
Corporation; compliance by the Corporation, its officers, and
following: a) End of term of office and not accepting
directors, with the relevant laws, the Manual, rules
c. Keeps abreast on relevant laws, regulations, reappointment (except due to removal); b) Incapacity;
and regulations, and all governance issuances of The retirement policy for key officers and management
all governance issuances, relevant industry c) Resignation due to any of the above; d) Death,
regulatory agencies; team (PO-HRD-PAS-044), under Republic Act 7641
developments, and operations of the corporation, which shall be equivalent to one month of the
c. Reports the matter to the Board if violations or The Retirement Pay is covered by a Retirement Plan Chairman’s prevailing monthly directors’ fee for every
and advises the Board and the Chairman on all
are found and recommend the imposition of duly registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue year or term in office.
relevant issues as they arise;
appropriate disciplinary action; (BIR) with the funds held and managed under a trust
agreement with a reputable bank. The Corporation updated its policy to provide
40 41
Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
guidelines for a director’s fee to be provided to of any Board Committee, the independent director In addition to per diems, profit sharing is provided b. Practical understanding of the business of the
independent directors. As a director and member of shall be entitled to an annual director’s fee of PHP in the Code of Bylaws in an amount not exceeding Corporation;
the Board, the independent director shall be entitled 100,000.00. 15% of the net profits of the Corporation (after tax),
to an annual director’s fee of PHP 200,000.00. which shall be distributed to the members of the c. Membership in good standing in relevant
If he is a Chairman of any Board Committee, the In compliance with Section 29 of the RCC, below are Board of Directors and Executive Committee members industry, business or professional organizations;
independent director shall be entitled to an annual details of the annual remuneration paid to directors and officers of the Corporation in such amounts and and
director’s fee of PHP 200,000.00, and if a member in 2022. manner as the Board may determine. Profit share d. Previous business experience or shall be proven
not exceeding 15% of net profits after tax of the to possess the appropriate level of skill in line with
Corporation shall be submitted to stockholders for the strategic plans and goals of the Corporation.
Remuneration for Independent approval. The last profit-sharing in 1996 was set at
Remuneration for Board, Executive
Directors (ID) as Head and/or Member 5% of net income after tax thereon. The directors and
Directors Committee and Board Committees No person shall qualify or be eligible for nomination or
of Board Committees and as Chairman
Meetings Attended the executive officers did not receive any profit-sharing election to the Board of Directors of the Corporation
of Board and ID
in the years after 1996. In 2009, target incentives if he is engaged in a business that directly competes
Executive Director
and annual performance bonuses were granted to with or is antagonistic to that of the Corporation as
Management, officers, and support personnel based provided in the PSC Code of Bylaws.
1. Jose Victor P. Paterno PHP 320,000.00 on the achievement of the target rate for pre-tax
income for the year as set yearly in the Corporation’s Nomination Procedure
Non-Executive Director annual plan and budget. These are provided to regular
employees and executive officers of the Corporation. The CG Committee shall meet at least once a year
2. Jorge L. Araneta 80,000.00
to oversee the development and implementation of
3. Maria Cristina P. Paterno 100,000.00 There are no existing options, warrants, or stock plan corporate governance principles, policies, and structures
arrangements and none are held by the directors, provided in the CG Manual and relevant laws. It adheres
4. Jui-Tang Chen1 40,000.00 executive, and corporate officers of the Corporation to the following nomination procedures:
5. Jui-Tien Huang 100,000.00 after the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) was
granted to employees as part of the Corporation’s a. A stockholder may recommend the nomination
6. Ching-Feng Kuo 100,000.00 initial public offering in 1998. of a director to the Corporate Governance
42 43
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All voting matters, except in cases where the bylaws entitled to vote thereat, the vote on any question
provide otherwise, shall be decided by the plurality Name Position Attendance
need not be by ballot. On a vote by ballot, each ballot
vote of stockholders present in person or by proxy and shall be signed by the stockholder voting, or in their Chairman of the Board and
entitled to vote thereat, a quorum being present. name or by their proxy, if there be such proxy, and Jose T. Pardo the Executive Committee 5/5
shall state the number of shares voted. The counting and Independent Director
Election of directors shall be by ballot unless thereof shall be supervised by an independent party
otherwise agreed upon that a viva voce vote shall and within five days from ASM, the minutes of which Jose Victor P. Paterno Member and President / CEO 5/5
be made. A shareholder may vote such number of are uploaded on PSC’s website.
shares for as many persons as there are directors to Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr. Member and Independent Director 5/5
be elected, or he/she may cumulate said shares and Voting in absentia was allowed for the annual
votes to one candidate as many votes as the number stockholders’ meeting held last July 28, 2022, Michael B. Zalamea Member and Independent Director
of directors to be elected, multiplied by the number of 5/5
following the Requirements and Procedure for
their shares, or they may distribute them on the same Participation via Remote Communication and Voting
principle to as many candidates they deem fit. in Absentia as provided in the Corporation’s Definitive Ying-Jung Lee Member and Chief Operating Officer 5/5
Information Statement.
Unless required by law, or demanded by a stockholder
Chia-Fang Lee 2/2
present in person or by proxy at any meeting, and Member and Treasurer / CFO
*Appointed as member on July 28, 2022
Jun-Ya Liu
The Executive Committee and the Board Committees *Member until July 28, 2022
Member and Treasurer / CFO 3/3
The Executive Committee, as created under Section Board’s functions, particularly concerning audit, risk
20 of the bylaws and Section 34 of RCC (previously management, related party transactions, and other key
The Executive Committee acts on specific matters as may be delegated to it by the Board as provided in Section
Section 35 of the Corporation Code), shall exercise corporate governance concerns such as nomination
20 of the Corporation’s bylaws and Section 34 of the RCC, as discussed above.
during intervals between Board meetings, all the and remuneration. The type of board committees to be
powers and functions vested in the Board, as well as established would depend on the Corporation’s size,
act on specific matters within the competence of the risk profile, and complexity of operations. However,
Board, as may be delegated to it in the bylaws or by if the committees are not established, the functions
a majority vote of the Board except with respect to of these committees may be carried out by the whole
the: 1) approval of any action for which shareholders’ board or by any other committee. Name Position Attendance
approval is also required; 2) the filling of vacancies
in the Board; 3) the amendment or repeal of any PSC’s Board established the Audit and Risk Committee, Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr. Chairman and Independent Director 3/3
resolution of the Board which by its express terms Corporate Governance Committee, and Compensation
is not so amendable repealable; 4) amendment or Committee, which assist the Board to oversee the Member, Chairman of the Board 3/3
Jose T. Pardo
repeal of bylaws or adoption of new bylaws; and 5) development and achievement of corporate objectives and Independent Director
distribution of cash dividends to stockholders. Items 4 and strategy, risk management, business plan, targets
Michael B. Zalamea Member and Independent Director 3/3
and 5 are as provided in the RCC. All matters passed and budgets, and monitor performance to create
and acted upon by the Executive Committee in the optimal value to the Corporation. Each Committee
exercise of its powers and functions as provided has its charter, which defines its purpose, roles, Jose Victor P. Paterno Member 3/3
herein, have the same force and effect for all intents responsibilities, and authority, including the rules
and purposes, as if passed by the Board itself. and procedures that shall guide the function of the
Assists the Board in the performance of its oversight responsibility for the financial reporting process, a system of
internal control, audit process, and monitoring of compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. It also
Board committees shall be set up, to the extent
provides oversight over Management’s activities in managing credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal and other
possible, to support the effective performance of the
risks of the Corporation; and performs oversight functions over the Corporation’s internal & external auditors and
establishes a whistleblowing mechanism.
Adhering to the Principle of Proportionality, PSC combines the functions of a Board Risk Oversight Committee
(BROC) and Related Party Transactions Committee (RPTC) in its Audit and Risk Committee to achieve functional
and cost-efficiency.
44 45
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Michael B. Zalamea Member and Independent Director 5. Maria Cristina P. Paterno Director
Jose Victor P. Paterno Member and President / CEO 6. Jui-Tien Huang Vice Chairman / Director
Ying-Jung Lee Non-voting member and Chief Operating Officer 7. Ching-Feng Kuo Director
Chia-Fang Lee Non-voting member and Treasurer / CFO 8. Tsung-Hsien Lee2 Director
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Board Charter its regular meeting held last April 29, 2021, Mr. Jose T. Pardo serves as the Chairman of the Board and Independent Director and Mr. Jose Victor P. Paterno
As provided in Section 16 of PSC’s Amended Bylaws, a approved the eligibility of Mr. Antonio Jose U. serves as PSC’s President and Chief Executive Officer. Their respective roles and responsibilities are provided
quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall Periquet, Jr. and Mr. Michael B. Zalamea to be
consist of a majority of the Directors as fixed in the elected as independent directors for another two
Chairman of the Board President and CEO
Articles of Incorporation, and every decision of such (2) terms for the following meritorious reasons:
quorum duly assembled as a board shall be valid as a
corporate act. 1. The confidence and trust in their invaluable a. Makes certain that the meeting agenda focuses on a. Determines the corporation’s strategic
expertise and wealth of experience, providing strategic matters, including the overall risk appetite direction and formulates and implements its
distinctive relevant knowledge, industry experience of the Corporation, considering the developments strategic plan on the direction of the business.
Directorships and diversity of perspective in the formulation of in the business and regulatory environments, key
PSC recognizes and considers the affiliation of governance concerns, and contentious issues that b. Communicates and implements the
sound progressive corporate strategies.
Corporation’s vision, mission, values, and overall
directors to ensure that they can render quality will significantly affect operations.
strategy and promotes any organization or
participation in PSC’s Board. PSC looks at the capacity 2. The continuity in the Board to keep track b. Guarantees that the Board receives accurate, stakeholder change concerning the same.
of the directors to diligently attend all meetings and of the valuable information that has assisted timely, relevant, insightful, concise, and clear
efficiently perform their duties and responsibilities and c. Oversees the operations of the Corporation and
the Board to make forward-thinking decisions information to enable it to make sound decisions.
the nature and kind of corporations he/she may be a manages human and financial resources per the
and to sustain the momentum, especially
director of. c. Facilitates discussions on key issues by strategic plan.
in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, to draw from their expertise and fostering an environment conducive for d. Has good working knowledge of the
constructive debate and leveraging the skills and Corporation’s industry and market and keeps up-
Independent Directors independent views on the development of the
expertise of individual directors. to-date with its core business purpose.
The independent directors of the Company as of Management’s pivot programs.
December 31, 2022, are Mr. Jose T. Pardo, Mr. Michael d. Ensures that the Board sufficiently challenges e. Directs, evaluates and guides the work of the
B. Zalamea and Mr. Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr., 3. The extension of the term shall also allow and inquires on reports submitted and key officers of the Corporation.
the Board to have its succession planning to representation made by Management.
they are not officers or substantial shareholders f. Manages the Corporation’s resources prudently
of Philippine Seven Corporation nor are they the search for qualified independent directors. e. Assures the availability of proper orientation and ensures a proper balance of the same.
directors or officers of its related companies. Their for first-time directors and continuing training
g. Provides the Board with timely information and
shareholdings in the Corporation are less than 2% of opportunities for all directors.
At the PSC’s Annual Stockholders’ Meeting held interfaces between the Board and the employees.
the Corporation’s outstanding capital stock pursuant last July 28, 2022, the stockholders approved the f. Makes sure that the performance of the Board
to Section 38 of the SRC. A brief description of the h. Builds the corporate culture and motivates the
endorsement of the Board for the extension of is evaluated at least once a year and discussed/
business experiences of Mr. Jose T. Pardo, Mr. Michael employees of the Corporation, and
the eligibility for two (2) terms of the independent followed up on.
B. Zalamea and Mr. Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr. is directors for the meritorious reasons provided and i. Serves as the link between internal operations
included in Item 9 Part III of this report. elected Mr. Periquet and Mr. Zalamea as independent and external stakeholders
directors for the ensuing term of July 2022 to 2023.
In addition to the above, SEC MC 4, S 2017 provides
that a company’s independent director shall serve for
a maximum cumulative term of nine (9), reckoning Chairman of the Board and the CEO Board Evaluation
from Y2012. After which, the independent director The Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive For the year 2022, PSC continued its initiative on digitized self-assessment for the board, directors, and board
shall be perpetually barred from re-election as such Officer have a separate leadership structure to ensure committees. By leveraging digital technology, the Corporation is able to streamline and automate the board assessment
in the same company but may continue to qualify as Board independence and foster the principle of balanced process, enabling more efficient and comprehensive evaluations of board performance, effectiveness, and adherence to
a non-independent director. In the instance that a power and better capacity in terms of decision-making. governance principles. PSC is committed to keeping pace with digital transformation through continuous exploration of
company wants to retain an independent director who They assume divergent key roles, wherein each requires digital platforms and taking advantage of technology to further improve its online self-assessment initiative.
has served for nine (9) terms, the Board should provide an appropriate level of accountability from the Board,
meritorious justification/s and seek shareholders’ stakeholders, and shareholders. Directors and Board Assessment
approval during the annual shareholders’ meeting.
PSC’s Board conducts and accomplishes online self-rating surveys annually. The assessments are utilized as a vital
Independent directors Antonio Jose Periquet, Jr. and
tool for maximizing their effectiveness, which will aid the Corporation in identifying key issues necessary to facilitate
Michael B. Zalamea completed their 9th term last July
the development and monitor the performance of the Corporation. The results of the assessment are compiled by the
2021. The Board approved their nomination for re-
Compliance Officer and are reported to the Corporate Governance Committee.
election for at least another two (2) terms during their
regular meeting of April 29, 2021, for the following
The Board’s performance is measured through a rating scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Not Performing and 5 is Outstanding
meritorious reasons:
Performance. They are asked to evaluate the Board’s meeting procedures, preparation for meetings, and monitoring of
the Corporation’s performance and key issues/trends affecting the Corporation, among others. Meanwhile, directors also
Meritorious Justification assess their individual performance by answering a self-assessment survey with 31 questions. In this assessment, each
The Board of Directors of Philippine Seven director must answer with either any of the following: SA - Strongly Agree, A - Agree, N - Neither Agree nor Disagree,
Corporation (“PSC” or the “Corporation”) in D – Disagree, and SD - Strongly Disagree.
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Board Committee Assessment business endeavors. PSC believes that transparency Transparent Ownership Structure
A self-assessment worksheet following the Audit is the key to the fulfillment of its goals and retains In conformity with SEC requirements, PSC discloses through its website the following: 1) Annual Reports, 2)
and Risk Committee Charter is accomplished every the trust and confidence of its stakeholders. PSC Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Reports, 3) Quarterly Reports, 4) Current Reports, 5) Information
March of each year by its members to evaluate employees are purpose-driven. Their actions are in the Statements, 6) Beneficial Ownership Reports, and 7) GIS for the fulfillment of its obligation for transparency and
their performance. The results of the assessment best interest of the Corporation as they work towards fairness in the dissemination of information for the benefit of the public.
are compiled by the Compliance Officer and are their goal to achieve PSC’s vision and mission. The
reported during the Corporate Governance Committee Code of Conduct and Business Ethics is disseminated As of December 31, 2022, the following are the record and beneficial owners of more than 5% of registrant’s
meeting. The basis of evaluation is provided under to the Board, senior management, and employees. It is voting securities:
the Code, which provides their assessment based on part of the module for new directors and is discussed
their respective responsibilities such as 1) setting of with new employees upon hiring. The Board, senior
committee structure; 2) oversight on financial reporting management, and employees can also access it Percent of
Relationships of Amount and
and disclosures, which provides responsibility for through the Corporation’s intranet. The Code can also the record owner’s
Name and Address Nature of Record/ Common Stock
the financial reporting process, a system of internal be downloaded from PSC’s website: www.7-eleven. Title of representative
of Record / Citizenship Beneficial as of December
com.ph. Class with the issuer
control, audit process, and monitoring of compliance Beneficial Owner Ownership 31, 2022
and said owner
with applicable laws; 3) oversight on risk management
and internal controls, which provides for managing
credit, market liquidity, operational, and legal and Common President Chain Store (Labuan) Malaysian Stockholder 418,467,647 (R) 55.32%
other risk exposure; 4) oversight on management and
Holding, Ltd.1
internal audit, which provides a review for the annual Disclosure and transparency are the key factors in the 7(E), Main Tower, Financial Park,
audit plan in conformity with the objectives of the success of corporations. As such, PSC values it as an Labuan, Malaysia
Corporation and 5) oversight on external audit, which essential part of its full commitment to maintaining
ensures proper coordination if more than one audit firm good corporate governance. The Corporation is keen Common Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund BVI Stockholder 79,233,591 10.47%
is involved in the activity to secure proper coverage to provide up-to-date information about its corporate Limited4
and minimize duplication of efforts. disclosures that are relevant or important to the public,
Craigmuir Chambers, P.O. Box 71
shareholders, and stakeholders. Road Town, Tortola, British
The self-assessments of the Corporate Governance Virgin Islands
and Compensation Committees were also For proper implementation of the said disclosures
accomplished by the committee members through the and transparency, PSC established the Reportorial Common Jose Victor P. Paterno3 & siblings Filipino President/ 18,622,569 (R) 2.46%
online self-assessment tool. The Committees’ self- Compliance Policy. It seeks to ensure that reportorial CEO/Director / 39,334,334 (B) 5.20%
assessment followed the criteria set by the CG Manual 7th Floor, The Columbia Tower,
compliance reports required by the SEC, Philippine Ortigas Avenue, Mandaluyong City Stockholder
and by each of the Committees’ respective Charters. Stock Exchange (PSE), and other regulatory agencies 55,956,903 7.66%
are submitted on time for eventual disclosure, for the
Third-Party Evaluation benefit of the investing public. It establishes, among
others, a mechanism for close coordination between Common Asian Holdings Corporation 2 Filipino Stockholder 48,933,972 (R) 6.47%
As provided in Principle 6 and Recommendation 6.1
of the CG Code of 2016, The Board should conduct an concerned departments in the preparation, publication, 4th Floor, Uni-Oil Bldg.,
annual self-assessment of its performance, including and submission of the said reports and other Commerce Ave. cor. Acacia St.,
the performance of the Chairman, individual members, disclosures of vital corporate information. Madrigal Business Park, Ayala
Alabang, Muntinlupa City
and committees. Every three years, the assessment
should be supported by an external facilitator. In 2020, Amid the pandemic, while most of the country is
PSC partnered with Good Governance Advocates placed in various stages of lockdown, the SEC, PSE,
and other regulatory agencies extended regulatory Footnotes:
and Practitioners of the Philippines, Inc. (GGAPP) and
conducted the first Third Party Board Evaluation of the relief through alternative filing procedures, such as the 1
Mr. Jui-Tien Huang President Chain Store (Labuan) Holding, Ltd. has the voting power on behalf of the Corporation
annual self-assessments of the Corporation’s Board, shift to online submission of Reportorial Requirements. 2
Ms. Elizabeth Orbeta or Ms. Diana Pardo-Aguilar has the voting power on behalf of Asian Holdings Corporation
directors, board committees, and key officers. The next SEC launched their Electronic Filing and Submission 3
Mr. Jose Victor P. Paterno has the power of attorney to vote with the 39,484,334-shares of his siblings: Maria Cristina Paterno -
third-party evaluation shall be conducted in 2023. Tool (eFAST) to limit face-to-face transactions and
13,200,074; Paz Pilar P. Benares - 8,182,368; Ma. Elena P. Locsin - 11,488,181; Ma. Teresa P. Dickinson - 6,613,711
mainly as a part of their ongoing digital transformation
Ms. Rebecca Lewis of Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited has the voting power on behalf of the Corporation
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics program. Such an initiative is a welcomed change for
PSC’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics PSC as it recognizes the importance of embracing
strengthens its commitment towards Corporate best CG practices to ensure the highest standards of Conflict of Interest Policy
Governance and provides thorough guidelines for disclosure and transparency as it harnesses the full To safeguard transparency and fairness in all its corporate dealings, and at the same time to see to it that all
the actions of employees. PSC remains devoted advantage of digital technology. transactions uphold the best interests of the Corporation, all employees are required to dissociate themselves
to providing excellent customer service in all of its from any engagements that may compromise the Corporation’s interests and should there be any appearance of
conflicting interests, disclose the same to the proper authorities in the Corporation.
50 51
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52 53
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External Auditor’s Fees Company Website Links and Risk Committee oversees the Corporation’s Pandemic which blazed across all countries at the
financial reporting process on behalf of the Board of start of Y2020, resulting in mobility restrictions
2022 2021 Directors. The Corporation’s management has the with quarantine regulations as the government
primary responsibility for the financial statements, for declares them. In 2021, the stricter Enhanced
(in millions) maintaining effective internal control over financial Community Quarantine or ECQ was imposed in the
Business Operation
reporting, and for assessing the effectiveness of latter part of March until the end of April, and once
Audit Fees PHP4.29 PHP 4.04 internal control over financial reporting.” again in August, as the resurgence of daily case
counts happened caused by the more contagious
Tax Fees 1.99 0.00 Financial Statements
Internal Audit variant. These restrictions have caused disruptions
All Other Fees 0.00 0.55 The purpose of PSC’s Internal Audit is to provide to our supply chain as the movement of goods and
independent and objective assurance and consulting manpower was hampered. The limited capacity of
TOTAL PHP 6.28 PHP 4.59 public transportation also affected the ability of our
Shareholding Structure services designed to add value and improve the
Corporation’s operations. The mission of Internal employees to access our stores. In the face of this
shareholding-structure/ Audit is to enhance and protect organizational value crisis, we remain vigilant as we initiate mitigation
Tax fees as reflected above refers to tax compliance,
by providing risk-based and objective assurance, efforts to help safeguard the health and safety of
advisory services, and assistance on BIR examinations
Group Corporate Structure advice, and insight. The internal audit activity helps our employees, franchisees, and customers. We
rendered by tax lawyers and consultancy firms. All
https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/our-company/ PSC accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic implemented our business continuity plan that
other fees consist primarily of fees for consultations conglomerate-map/
and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the includes equipping our people to work remotely. This
and special engagements relating to the issuance of
effectiveness of governance, risk management, and is to support our supply chain with the purpose of
a long-form audit report and securing documents, Downloadable Annual Reports
control processes. minimizing the impact of this business disruption. In
which are required for the payment of dividends and https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/company- 2022, mobility has improved and this contributed to
other incidental expenses. The non-audit fees do not disclosures/sec-filings/annual-reports/
Risk Management the performance of PSC.
exceed the audit services fees. The fees presented
above include out-of-pocket expenses incidental to Notice of ASM Risk Management is institutionalized for the
PSC continually observes the activities of competitors
PSC’s independent auditors’ work. https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/company- Corporation to promote good corporate governance
disclosures/notice-of-annual-or-special-stockholders- in the relevant market, which operate in various retail
and fulfill its long-term success by addressing
meetings/ formats, all selling typical products and services
Media Analyst and Briefings risks that could affect corporate sustainability. PSC
for c-stores (branded foreign/ local or generic),
Minutes of ASM manages the economic, environmental, and social
PSC, led by the President and CEO, CFO, and IRO, mini-marts, gas marts, drugstore-marts, groceries,
https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/company- risks by establishing risk management processes and
presents information on performance results during supermarkets (including their express or junior or
disclosures/minutes-of-annual-meeting-of- frameworks to effectively handle such risks to improve
media briefings scheduled on the same day as the stockholders/
smaller formats), and other hybrid or small stores
overall organizational performance.
Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. The IRO also presents (the general CVS industry). 7-Eleven estimates its
industry trends, the impact of external factors, and Corporation’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation market share within the overall general CVS industry
The top risks in the retail industry to which PSC
regulations to shareholders, analysts, investors, and https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/our-company/ at 29.6% in terms of store count and 2.7% share in
belongs include increased competition, brand
media every quarter during the investors’ briefing. articles-of-incorporation-and-by-laws/ terms of sales value against other retail channels in
reputation, and business operations/supply chain
Group and individual briefings are also provided upon the Philippines. As for its market share against leading
continuity. Meanwhile, the main risks arising from
request of investors. c-stores in the country, PSC has a total of 67% in
III. INTERNAL CONTROL AND the Corporation’s financial instruments are credit risk,
terms of store count.
liquidity risk, and interest rate risk.
Presentation materials used during the investors’ RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
briefing, teleconferences, and media briefings are The PSC Board of Directors or Executive Committee,
Internal Control System The Audit Committee ensures the integrity of
posted on the Corporation’s website to ensure via the Audit and Risk Committee, oversees the
internal control activities, develops, oversees,
comprehensive information dissemination to all The Internal Audit group is governed by its Internal establishment and implementation of the risk
checks, and pre-approves financial management
stakeholders and investors, including those who were Audit Charter, which is in line with the functions and management system and annually reviews the
functions and systems in the areas of credit, market,
not able to participate in the briefings. responsibilities as stated in the CG Manual and the effectiveness of the system. In particular, the Audit
liquidity, operational, legal and other risks, and crisis
Audit and Risk Committee Charter. Internal Audit and Risk Committee considers regularly whether:
management. The Internal Audit Division and the
Company Website reports functionally to the Audit and Risk Committee,
External Auditor directly report to the Audit and PSC’s ongoing risk management program
and administratively to the President. Based on the
In compliance with SEC M.C. No. 11, series of 2014, Risk Committee regarding the direction, scope, and identifies all material and critical areas of risk.
Internal Audit plans and scope, the audit activities
PSC through its website, provides links to all disclosures coordination of the audit and any related activities. Adequate risk mitigation strategies have been
conducted are reviewed and submitted regularly
submitted to SEC and PSE along with information that by the Internal Audit group to the Audit and Risk designed and implemented by PSC to manage
is vital to investors, shareholders, and stakeholders. The emergence of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) all material and critical identified risks.
Committee during meetings. The internal control
To constantly develop consciousness in the conduct of has created a global pandemic. This has affected
system is reviewed annually. PSC undertakes a regular program of audits
the Corporation’s best governance practices, a separate major economies and threatened the capacity
of healthcare systems. None of the companies (Internal Audit, Compliance Audit, and External
link is provided for Corporate Governance, Company As stated in the Report of the Audit and Risk
expected the severity of the impact of the COVID-19 Audit) to test the effectiveness of internal controls
Disclosures, and Investor Relations. Committee to the Board of Directors, “The Audit and compliance with PSC’s prescribed policies.
54 55
Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
Timely remedial action is undertaken to redress PSC complies with the requirements of the DPA, its 2021, 2020 and 2019 Dividend Declaration
areas of weakness. IRR, and other relevant issuances.
Year Cash Amount Stock No. of Shares
The Audit and Risk Committee also reviews and
approves PSC’s risk management policy. IV. CULTIVATING A SYNERGIC 2022* - - - -
Compliance with Recent Rules 2021* - - - -
and Regulations
Basic Shareholder’s Right
PSC values transparency and fully discloses to 2020* 0.30 226,925,485.00 - -
its shareholders and other stakeholders valuable Right to Dividends
information relevant to the Corporation’s financial 2019 0.50 378,209,142.00 - -
condition, results, and business operations, as well Dividend Policy
as its compliance with ethical and legal standards. *
Covid -19 Pandemic start in Y2020
Thus, PSC’s Board established the Reportorial PSC considers the benefit of its shareholders as one
Compliance Policy. It seeks to ensure that reportorial of its priority management policies. It aims to sustain
compliance reports required by the SEC, PSE, and revenue stream and progressive growth to further Right to Participate in Decisions in person or by proxy, were entitled to notice and to
other regulatory agencies are submitted on time for enhance shareholder value. PSC shall continue to vote during the Annual Meeting held last July 28,
PSC upholds the rights of its shareholders to approve
eventual disclosure for the benefit of the investing return capital to shareholders through a sustainable 2022. As such, there were 756, 418, 283 shares of
matters requiring stockholders’ action, as provided for
public. It establishes, among others, a mechanism dividend policy. Effective 2015, the Corporation PSC’s common stock entitled to vote for the election
by law. Also, Section 48 of PSC’s amended bylaws
for close coordination between concerned intends to pay at least 20% of annual net profits by of directors.
provides that the approval of the Board of Directors by
departments in the preparation, publication, and way of cash dividends. This considers future capital at least a two-thirds vote of the number of directors,
submission of the said reports and other disclosures requirements and potential growth opportunities. The shareholders entitled to vote were entitled to one
as fixed in the Articles of Incorporation of the
of vital corporate information. The Compliance The Board regularly reviews the dividend policy, vote for each share, to approve other matters outlined
Corporation, and the approval of the stockholders of
Policy is reviewed on an annual basis in line with including the frequency of distribution, taking into in the Agenda of the Annual Meeting.
the corporation, representing two-thirds of the issued
the recent rules and regulations promulgated by account all of the above. Payment of cash dividends and outstanding capital stock of the Corporation, shall
the regulatory bodies and to keep track of the was made within 30 days from the date Shareholders are entitled to vote for the following: 1)
be required for the following corporate acts:
ever-evolving trends and best practices in CG and of declaration and approval by stockholders of Approval of Minutes of the last Annual Stockholders’
compliance. record. Below is a table summarizing the dividends 1. The confidence and trust in their invaluable Meeting; 2) Approval of 2021 Audited Financial
declared and paid for the last two years. expertise and wealth of experience, providing Statements; 3) Ratification of Actions Taken by the
distinctive relevant knowledge, industry experience Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Board
Compliance with the Data Privacy Act A cash dividend of PHP0.30 per share was declared and diversity of perspective in the formulation of Committees, and Management since the last Annual
and approved during the Board of Directors meeting sound progressive corporate strategies. Stockholders’ Meeting; 4) Election of the Board of
Republic Act No. 10173, also known as the Data Directors including the Independent Directors for
last July 16, 2020, based on the unappropriated
Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) and its Implementing Rules 2. Shortening of the term, cancellation, or 2022; and 5) Appointment of External Auditor.
retained earnings of 2019. Stockholders of record
and Regulations (IRR), aims to protect personal data termination of the ASLA, or the assignment, transfer,
as of August 4, 2020, were entitled to the said cash
information and communications systems against or conveyance thereof;
dividend, and the corresponding cash payments Right of Appraisal
natural accident dangers such as accidental loss or
were paid to stockholders on the payment date
destruction, and human dangers such as unlawful 3. Engaging in business other than the Corporation’s The stockholders of the Corporation may exercise
last August 14, 2020, or within 30 days from cash
access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction, basic business of convenience store operation, which their right of appraisal against any proposed corporate
dividend declaration.
alteration, and contamination. would generate more than 30% of the Corporation’s action, which qualifies as an instance under Section
revenue and income; 80 of the RCC, which gives rise to the exercise of
There was no dividend declaration in 2022 with the
The global pandemic accelerated the increase in such appraisal rights according to, and in the manner
unfavorable results of Y2021 operations during the
digital transactions and usage of e-payments. PSC 4. Change in external auditors. provided in Section 81 of the RCC.
COVID-19 Pandemic. The total outstanding capital
adapted to these changes through its CLiQQ app for
stock of the Corporation is 756,418,283. Likewise,
online grocery, e-money, and bills payments, as well Right to Participate Effectively and Vote Any stockholder of a corporation shall have the right
there was no sale of any unregistered securities.
as partnering with food delivery services. Due to this, to dissent and demand payment of the fair value of
No restriction limits the ability of the Corporation The Corporation facilitates the involvement of
customer personal data is subjected to increasing the shares in the following instances:
to pay dividends on common equity. Below is the shareholders to actively participate during the ASM,
privacy risks such as unauthorized access, loss of
summary of the cash and stock dividend declaration which includes nomination and voting procedures. a.) In case an amendment to the articles of
data, and unauthorized disclosure of information.
of the Corporation. For the election of directors, shareholders entitled to incorporation has the effect of changing or restricting
Recognizing the privacy risks that may result, PSC
vote shall vote cumulatively to elect the 11 Directors the rights of any stockholder or class of shares, or of
has in place appropriate organizational, technical, and
of PSC, and each share shall be entitled to 11 votes. authorizing preferences in any respect superior to those
physical security measures to protect the privacy not
Holders of the Corporation’s stock as of the close of of outstanding shares of any class, or of extending or
just of its customers, but also its employees, suppliers,
business on the record date of June 22, 2022, acting shortening the term of corporate existence;
and business partners.
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b.) In case of a sale, lease, exchange, transfer, Right to Information Investor Relations
mortgage, pledge, or other disposition of all or Accurate and timely information should be made PSC gives importance to nurturing the relations
substantially all of the corporate property and available to the stockholders to enable them to make between the Corporation and its market participants,
assets as provided in this Code; a sound judgment on all matters brought to their thus, PSC established the Investor Relations Program.
attention for consideration or approval. This provides an effective tool to communicate the
c.) In case of merger or consolidation;
latest developments and information regarding the
d.) In case of investment of corporate funds for Right to inspect corporate books and records Corporation’s performance concerning the capital
any purpose other than the primary purpose of The records of all business transactions, stock and markets and its relevance to PSC’s investors and their
the corporation. transfer books, and minutes of any meetings shall advisors.
be open to inspection by any stockholder of the
Corporation at reasonable hours on business days and The program is guided by the external and internal
Pursuant to Article 81 of the RCC, the dissenting
he/she may demand, in writing, for a copy of excerpts communication policies, developed and approved by PSC was invited by the Philippine Stock Exchange,
stockholder who votes against a proposed corporate
from said records or minutes, at his/her expense as the Executive Committee. These policies are reviewed Inc. (PSE) as one of the featured listed companies in
action may exercise the right of appraisal by making
provided under Section 73 of the RCC. regularly or when the need for such arises. the second run of its investor relations activity dubbed
a written demand on the corporation for the payment
PSC’s Investor Relations Officer (IRO), Mr. Lawrence M. PSE STAR (Strengthening Access and Reach): Investor
of the fair value of shares held within thirty (30) days
De Leon, Head of the Finance and Accounting Services Day. The virtual forum aimed for PLCs to connect with
from the date on which the vote was taken: Provided, Annual Stockholders’ Meeting
Division, is duty-bound to constantly communicate with fund managers and analysts, attract potential investors
that failure to make the demand within such period
shall be deemed a waiver of the appraisal right. If Notice of ASM investors regarding developments in the Corporation’s and reach a global audience. PSC was represented
business. The Corporation conducts various meetings by its President and CEO, Mr. Jose Victor P. Paterno,
the proposed corporate action is implemented, the The CG Manual provides that the Board must be
with shareholders, aside from communications through and PSC’s Investor Relations Officer, Mr. Lawrence
corporation shall pay the stockholder, upon surrender transparent and fair in the conduct of the annual
conferences and e-mails, which is done regularly. An M. De Leon. PSC was able to use this opportunity to
of the certificate or certificates of stock representing and special stockholders’ meetings. Notices were
external public relations firm is likewise committed to communicate its growth story, financial performance,
the stockholder’s shares, the fair value thereof as provided containing the date, time, venue, agenda,
communicating other aspects of the business. and future direction.
of the day before the vote was taken, excluding any and explanation of agenda items in accordance with
appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of such Title VI of the RCC,
corporate action.
To further boost the communication process to Treatment of Minority Shareholders
shareholders and investors, PSC’s website includes PSC values its minority shareholders. Thus, the
As part of SEC’s efforts to curb the COVID-19
updates on all necessary information, disclosures, and Board must promote the rights of the shareholders,
If, within sixty (60) days from the approval of the pandemic, it continued to allow alternative modes for
reports required by the SEC to strengthen integrity, remove impediments to the exercise of those rights,
corporate action by the stockholders, the withdrawing distributing Notices of Meeting and other documents
teamwork, and reliability, and to maintain the trust and and provide an adequate avenue for them to seek
stockholder and the corporation cannot agree on the in connection with the holding of the ASM in its Notice
confidence of its shareholders and investors. Contact timely redress when there is a breach of their
fair value of the shares, it shall be determined and dated February 16, 2022. In compliance with the SEC
details of the IRO are provided on the website to allow rights. Accurate and timely information should be
appraised by three (3) disinterested persons, one of issuance, PSC caused the publication of the Notices in
for immediate response to inquiries or questions. made available to enable them to make a sound
whom shall be named by the stockholder, another two newspapers of general circulation, both in print
PSC regularly conducts an investor briefing through judgment on all matters brought to their attention
by the corporation, and the third by the two (2) thus and online format. Shareholders were also notified
teleconferences and video conferences. A presentation for consideration or approval.
chosen. The findings of the majority of the appraisers through the PSC website and Notices were also
on financial performance is discussed, followed by a
shall be final, and their award shall be paid by the posted through PSE EDGE on June 02, 2022, or at
question-and-answer session. PSC’s corporate governance framework ensures
corporation within thirty (30) days after such award least 30 days before the holding of the ASM on
is made: Provided, that no payment shall be made to July 28, 2022. that minority shareholders are accorded equitable
PSC regularly conducts an investor briefing through treatment. A minority shareholder’s rights are
any dissenting stockholder unless the corporation has
teleconferences and video conferences. A presentation safeguarded by the Board through effective means
unrestricted retained earnings in its books to cover For 2022 PSC has once again conducted its ASM
on financial performance is discussed, followed by a of redress in the event of a breach or violation
such payment: Provided, further, that upon payment virtually or via remote communication and by
question-and-answer session. of their rights arises. The Board is to provide
by the corporation of the agreed or awarded price, live streaming.
the stockholder shall forthwith transfer the shares to transparent, credible, and timely reporting of the
the corporation. business management to such stockholders.
Minutes of the Meeting
Preemptive Right The following are the resolutions adopted during the V. DUTIES TO STAKEHOLDERS
2022 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting: 1) Approval of It is PSC’s commitment to support and enhance long-
In accordance with Section 38 of the RCC, all
Minutes of the last Annual Stockholders’ Meeting; term sustainability for its stakeholders, recognizing
stockholders have the preemptive right to subscribe
2) Approval of 2021 Audited Financial Statements; their crucial role to strengthen the Corporation.
to all issues or disposition of shares of any class, in
3) Ratification of Actions Taken by the Board of Thus, PSC integrates governance policies to fulfill its
proportion to their respective shareholdings, unless
Directors, Executive Committee, Board Committees, duties and responsibilities to its stakeholders. PSC
such a right is denied by the articles of incorporation
and Management since the last Annual Stockholders’ abides by the mandatory laws, rules, and policies
or an amendment thereto.
Meeting; 4) Election of the Board of Directors for that will govern them in the fulfillment of its duties
2022; and 5) Appointment of External Auditor. and responsibility to its stakeholders.
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Customers PSC’s policy on rendering customer service requires submission of the said reports and other disclosures Shareholders and Investors
Customer loyalty is a vital component to sustain all store employees to provide customer service of vital corporate information.
the business. Therefore, to maintain a stable based on the standards set in the store operations The benefit of its shareholders is considered
long-term relationship with its customers, while manual. The policy provides for sanctions and as one of PSC’s priority management policies.
disciplinary actions in case an employee does not
Suppliers/Business Partners Through PSC’s Investor Relations Program, a
delivering quality and excellent customer service,
PSC continuously innovates its in-house brands, comply with the requirements in the manual. The pandemic has negatively impacted numerous linkage between the Corporation and the market
products, and services by being responsive to To improve its service, the Corporation also utilizes aspects of the supply chain which put a strain on participants is provided, and clear communication
customer needs and the latest trends. the services of a third party to conduct a “mystery traditional operations. The placing of the country of developments in all aspects of the business is
shopper” survey to evaluate its performance in in varying stages of lockdown adversely affected ensured with the objective of ensuring fair valuation
The improvement in mobility in 2022 allows PSC different areas including Customer Service. the movement of goods due to nationwide border in the marketplace. PSC aims to sustain revenue
to generate profitability and pursue its market and PSC’s efforts to improve its customer service did checkpoints and travel restrictions. All the more stream and progressive growth to further enhance
product development plans. Noting the customer not go unnoticed. In 2022, more 7-Eleven stores so, PSC emphasizes the value of collaboration to shareholder value.
trends that evolved with quarantine regulations were awarded the Department of Trade and achieve mutually-beneficial terms with its suppliers.
and safety restrictions during the first year of the Industry’s (DTI) Golden Bagwis Seal. The Bagwis PSC gives high importance to its relationship with Employee
pandemic, PSC embarked on its pivot programs to Awards is a certified awards program of the DTI its business partners. Through their good practices As PSC scales and adapts to the post-pandemic
address the new customer habits, online and digital that aims to promote and foster the highest level in business dealings, the Corporation was able landscape, the Corporation recognizes its crucial
services, and food/goods deliveries. This moved of business ethics and uphold a fair and honest to expand around the country. By establishing duties and responsibilities toward its employees.
towards a market development strategy closer to marketplace through voluntary self-regulation and meaningful collaborations with various suppliers, Upholding the well-being and welfare of its
the residences of its customers who are on work- service excellence. be it large corporations or small enterprises, PSC workforce is of paramount importance, and PSC
from-home or alternative work arrangements, was able to positively influence local economies by strives to fulfill these duties in several ways.
together with expanded store capacity to carry For any concerns, customers may relay their providing livelihood and business opportunities.
additional essentials and grocery items in its questions or feedback through PSC’s customer Trade and non-trade suppliers may submit The relaxation of mobility restrictions allowed
product assortment and digital services for payment service hotline, e-mail address: customercare@7- accreditation requirements based on the individuals and communities to regain a sense
convenience, including the installation of ATMs. eleven.com.ph, or its website: www.7-eleven.com.ph. guidelines provided on its website. PSC takes into of freedom and normalcy. Taking this into
The Company’s fast-growing payments business consideration the qualifications of its suppliers and consideration, PSC implemented a hybrid work
accelerated even further during the pandemic, Creditors other trading counterparts, following the policy arrangement. To ensure productivity, PSC also
providing much-needed revenue and traffic, but guidelines of the Corporation under its accreditation took advantage of digital technology and utilized
Acknowledging the role of creditors in the growth
also the risk of ballooning cash balances in its various collaboration tools such as Google
and development of PSC, the Corporation and its
stores. PSC partnered with Seven Bank of Japan Franchise Store Owners Workspace, Power BI, Workplace, and turning
employees are required to equip themselves with
on rolling out recycling ATMs in its stores, where Out of the operating 3,393 stores, 1,650 are physical meetings into online ones through
integrity in all their business dealings as provided
store operators can deposit cash for the public to franchise stores. These numbers show the videoconferencing.
in the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics and
withdraw. PSC ended 2022 with a total of 2,322 significance of franchising in PSC. As such, PSC
Core Values. With utmost respect to the rights
ATMs activated in Metro Manila and the rest of values the co-existence and co-prosperity of the The Community
of its creditors, PSC upholds transparency in all
Luzon including 148 ATMs in Cebu and 82 ATMs Corporation and its franchise store owners.
its disclosures and gives full compliance with all Operating the largest convenience store network
in Davao. This translates into 68 percent coverage
agreements. in the country, PSC aims to help in sustaining
and is expected to expand further as we deploy PSC launched a pandemic support program (PSP), communities in the Philippines. Corporate Social
ATMs to the financially underserved communities. which offered a credit line to support its franchisees
PSC maintains a credit line with banks and Responsibility (CSR), through the institution of
suppliers which we do not fully utilize as our that are adversely affected by the pandemic with the PhilSeven Foundation Inc., (PFI), became part
For 2022, the average number of customers that mutual objective to continue the store operations
Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) is supported mainly of PSC’s corporate culture once the Corporation
transact in the stores is about 500 to 700 per and franchising business. PSC allotted the amount
through internally generated funds. achieved accounting profitability in 1989. The initial
day per store. The stores carry a wide range of of P711.0 million to support the franchisees under beneficiaries of PFI were barangays where its stores
beverages, food service items, fresh foods, hot the PSP. The PSP ensured that the franchisees will
To further protect its creditors, PSC also maintains are located, giving back to the communities where it
foods, confectioneries, personal care products, not be cashed-out in their operations and allowed
transparency regarding its corporate acts through operates. Its projects for 2022 are:
groceries, and innovative services. Stores also an advance draw to support the expenses of the
timely disclosures to regulatory bodies. Through
added essential products and enhanced food franchisees. The program was successful as few
its Reportorial Compliance Policy, which took effect
service offerings (i.e., take-home and ready-to-eat pre-terminations were seen. As of September 1,
last January 1, 2014, PSC ensures that reportorial
food) to respond to the immediate needs of the 2022, PSC has ended the PSP, and the remaining
compliance reports required by the SEC, PSE, and
customers. True to its mission of making daily life franchisees who participated in the program reverted
other regulatory agencies are submitted on time for
easier by providing modern convenience, PSC is to their respective arrangement under their franchise
eventual disclosure for the benefit of the investing
also accelerating its digital strategy in the areas contract, with their remaining open account balances
public. It establishes, among others, a mechanism
of e-commerce and payments through its CLiQQ waived by PSC. Moreover, the Company has exerted
for close coordination between concerned
mobile app. It recognizes the continued shift efforts to negotiate rental concessions.
departments in the preparation, publication, and
towards innovation, convenience, and safety.
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The Corporation, guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the UN SDGs, commenced its documentation Following GRI’s definition of materiality and guided by the UN SDGs, PSC reviewed and assessed material topics
and reporting process of sustainability practices, through a workshop facilitated by a GRI representative with key officers/ across the economic, environment, social, and governance (EESG) areas. The topics identified as among the most
employees from its business units, subsidiaries, and affiliates. Material topics, important stakeholders, and the Corporation’s important are summarized as follows:
policies to respond to their concerns were determined. Engagement sessions with key officers/employees who deal directly
with external stakeholders were also made.
As the premier leader of convenience, PSC sets its goals to make a meaningful difference in the community and for the
PSC Material Topics
planet by progressively integrating sustainable initiatives in its day-to-day operations. PSC is committed to pursuing
responsible retailing in the convenience store industry by striving to meet the needs of its stakeholders with the intent to
preserve the planet for generations to come.
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Following the materiality process indicated above, the updated SDGs that PSC supports SDG PSC’s Contribution
are as follows:
Promote a diverse workforce through practice/enforcement of
SDG PSC’s Contribution equitable treatment of all genders.
Provide a Scholarship Program for deserving undergraduate PSC Develop a playground park under its “Everyday Play” project within
employees for career growth. Continuing education of employees community public spaces for accessible green, safe public spaces for
under PSC’s University of Seven Eleven Program (USEP) a child-friendly and healthy community.
66 67
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PSC partnered with a treatment and storage facility for the recovery and
treatment of used cooking oil. A total of 172 tons of used cooking oil
was recovered as of December 2022.
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Stakeholders Main Engagement Method Main Policy / Activities Stakeholders Main Engagement Method Main Policy / Activities
• Participate in community activities • Development of playground • Franchise briefings and training • Strengthening of store
through its CSR arm PhilSeven parks under its “Everyday attended by franchisees, assistant operation capabilities
Foundation Inc. (PFI). Play” project operators, and store managers • Construction and ongoing
with 2 to 3 runs per month improvement of a highly
• Participate in programs / activities • Gulong ng Karunungan
• Trade shows competitive franchise system.
to help combat the effects of the (GNK) - access to quality
• Annual Franchise Day • Recognition and sharing
pandemic Early Childhood Care and of best practices among
• Franchise Advisory Councils
• Partnership with LGUs / local Development (ECCD) education franchisees
Franchise Store Owners • Provision of benefits/subsidies to
groups through an Alternative Learning
Local Communities Out of the operating 3,393 stores, franchisees such as health card
• Provide employment and business Facility (ALF)
As of Year-End (YE) 2022, PSC is 49% or 1,650 are franchise stores. and COVID-19 vaccination
opportunity with a 7-Eleven • Calamity relief assistance The store franchise contracts have
operating 3,393 stores nationwide. franchise with the provision of meals, a term ranging from 5 - 10 years.
The Corporation contributes to the • Exploration of initiatives that snacks, and refreshments Noting their valuable contribution,
local community development by could further extend economic to volunteers of DSWD- PSC continues to build a good
providing products and services to opportunities to its various NLRMB responding to relationship with its franchisees.
different local communities where stakeholders. various calamities and to the
it operates and supports social medical front liners during
welfare projects beneficial to the the COVID-19 Pandemic.
development of the community. • Business opportunities to
It also creates sustainable jobs qualified employees and • Annual Stockholders’ Meeting • Return capital to shareholders
in areas where 7-Eleven stores • Meetings/Briefings with investors through a sustainable dividend
external individuals with policy
are located by integrating in the • Investor relations materials on
different 7-Eleven franchise the website for information for • Compliance with accounting
workforce residents near its stores. packages. investors procedures and timely
• Investor relations hotline/email disclosure of information
• SEC/PSE Disclosures and Press • Good CG practices are
• Product Development Programs • First, Best, and Only (FBOs) Releases essential for sustainable
• Quality Improvement Program and Get It First (GIFs): Product Shareholders • Publication of Annual and board and management
and Investors Sustainability Report practices, to ensure that
• Supplier Development and launches exclusively for a
• ASEAN Corporate Governance the Corporation is able to
Partnership programs to expand time to 7-Eleven Stores (i.e., PSC considers the benefit of its Scorecard (ACGS) Report operate effectively over the
supplier operations to ensure Monster Energy Ultra, Fuwa shareholders as one of its priority adherence to corporate long term and deliver value
viability to supply PSC’s needs. Fuwa Deli Ham and Cream management policies. It aims governance to all its stakeholders.
Cheese, and Tuna Mayo) to sustain revenue streams and
progressive growth to further
• Co-Branding: Tie-Ups with enhance shareholder value.
Suppliers / Business Partners other brands for a specific
The Corporation’s merchandise product (7-Fresh Toasted
stocks are supplied by over Sandwich Holiday Ham, Chef
400 vendors/suppliers and are Creations AND Manam Sisig
mostly governed by the trading & Kare-Kare, Chef Creations
terms contract and accreditation AND Rico’s Lechon Dinuguan
standards of the Corporation. The & Lechon Paksiw, HottaUlam
top suppliers account for a 39.46% AND Rico’s Single Serve Lechon
share of the 7-Eleven business. Sisig and Lechon Binagoongan)
Considering their contribution, • Ensure that PSC’s values
PSC values its relationship with its are reflected in its approach
suppliers/business partners. to goods and services
procurement through setting
out its requirements in the
trading terms contract, such
as the supplier’s obligation
to comply with PSC’s internal
policies and guidelines, and
Code of Business Conduct
particularly in relation
to conflict of interests,
bribery and kickbacks, and
acceptance or giving of
70 71
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Stakeholders Main Engagement Method Main Policy / Activities PSC also continues to implement the following efforts to help aid its employees in
combating the lingering effect of the pandemic:
• Employees’ Wellness Program to • Workforce diversity
help fight COVID-19 • Transparent performance
• Work From Home (WFH) appraisal process
Arrangement and other • Compliance with general Health Reminder Granting of Wearing of Face
alternative working arrangements (Body temperature Cash Advance & Shield in the
• Employees’ Council labor standards &
• Policy briefings occupational health and taking and Variance) Hazard Pay Workplace
• Employee opinion survey safety requirements
• Employee training • Regular health and wellness
• Performance Appraisal Tool linked activities.
As the backbone of the company, to incentive programs
• During the pandemic, regular
PSC is dedicated to providing a Work from Home Motorcycle & Flu Vaccine
provision of vitamin C, face
work culture that is founded on Arrangement Bicycle Loan Administration
best practices. shields, face masks, and
disinfectants. Program
• Support for the development
of employee abilities through
online training Head Quarters Office Disinfection COVID-19
• Supplemental benefits or (HQ) Skeletal Using Ultraviolet Lights Vaccination
incentives to its employees Workforce (UVC) Technology Administration
such as retirement benefit
plan, health card, group life
and accident insurance plan,
various employee programs, Work Arrangement for Teleconsult Online
and recognition of top- Vulnerable Employees Services (Konsulta Collaboration
performing employees and MD) Tools during WFH
service awards among others.
• Annual Performance Bonus
for employees based on
performance appraisal rating.
As provided in PSC’s CG Manual, the Corporation PSC contributes to the economic growth of the locality
shall be socially responsible in all its dealings with the where its stores operate by providing employment
communities where it operates. It should ensure that its and business opportunities for local enterprises and
interaction serves its environment and stakeholders in a individuals. PSC also recognizes the growing customer
positive and progressive manner that is fully supportive preference towards innovation and convenience and
of its comprehensive and balanced development. focuses its market development plan on opening new
The Corporation shall recognize the importance of stores in different parts of the country, diversifying
interdependence between businesses and promote its sales channels and service offerings, technology
a mutually beneficial relationship that allows the innovation, and expanding its digital relationship with its
Corporation to grow its business while contributing to current and new customers. When the COVID-19 virus
the advancement of the society where it operates. emerged, PSC launched a Pandemic Support Program
PSC is exploring opportunities for progress that come (“PSP”) that offered a 711M credit line (draw as needed,
with adopting a sustainable business mindset. PSC pay when able, zero interest, waived if the store is given
integrates governance policies to fulfill its duties and up) subject to more stringent performance requirements
responsibilities to its stakeholders. and PSC may unilaterally discontinue for any reason.
PSP was made available to PSC Franchisees. As of
Upon identification of its stakeholders, the Corporation September 1, 2022, PSC has ended the PSP and the
identified the following material topics significant to its remaining franchisees who participated in the program
operations and determined the management approach: reverted to their respective arrangement under their
franchise contract, with their remaining open account
ECONOMIC balances waived by PSC.
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3 4
PSC believes that an effective supplier assessment helps PSC recognizes that the communities and neighborhoods environmental individuals, and PSC
minimize risks, optimize costs, improve product quality, and where it operates are critical components of its long-term awareness campaign employees to a “call
enhance customer satisfaction. As part of its assessment success. As an essential stakeholder, the Corporation towards “Conservation to action” through
process, PSC takes into consideration the qualifications of strives to help create a sustainable future within these and Protection” of the volunteerism.
its suppliers and other trading counterparts in accordance communities and neighborhoods by including them in its environment.
with the policy guidelines of the Corporation under its sustainable development goals through corporate social
accreditation process and trading terms agreements. All responsibility (CSR).
contracts with suppliers provide a clause to observe no
conflict of interest. A. Supporting communities through PFI To immediately respond To nurture effective
to major calamities and partnerships and
As early as 1989, the Corporation extended support to communities disasters by providing implement sustainable
5 6
Moreover, PSC’s policy on rendering customer service
requires all store employees to provide customer service served by 7-Eleven stores. Initially, it responded mainly to requests sustenance to the programs and projects
based on the standards set in the store operations manual. from the barangays (community) to extend its stores’ light to dark volunteers of DSWD, that will provide
The policy provides for sanctions and disciplinary actions in spots and tanod (guard) outposts. It also donated cleaning supplies advocating for their opportunities to
case an employee does not comply with the requirements such as brooms, garbage bags, and waste cans, to different welfare, “Caring for the communities and
in the manual. barangays and supplied medicines for medical missions, and Caregivers”. individuals.
similar initiatives to improve the environment and health in different
To further improve its assessment process, PSC’s policy on barangays near 7-Eleven stores.
Non-trade Suppliers, Contractors, Designers, and Service Creating Shared Value
Provider Accreditation is currently undergoing revisions. In the 1990s, donation cans were placed at the counters
PSC, through PFI, seeks to support and give back to local communities as it moves from projects on corporate social
The questionnaire on sustainability topics is incorporated in for customers to drop their spare coins in cans intended for
responsibility to creating shared value with local communities through the following:
the Non-trade Supplier Accreditation Form. charitable institutions. During calamities, some 7-Eleven stores
in Metro Manila served as drop-off points for donations of relief
1. COVID-19 Booster Vaccination for Employees for Social Progress (PBSP) and Basic Environmental
goods. PSC Employees were encouraged to join in groups for
3. GRI 417: Marketing & Labeling Systems and Technologies, Inc (BEST), for the
their volunteer work for Gawad Kalinga (a program to assist in
2. Disaster/Relief Operations, donated family food packs to segregation and collection of recyclables-plastics and
home building or cleaning), and tree planting activities.
Compliance with product & service information and those affected by: paper, participated by PSC employees.
PSC initiated the establishment of PhilSeven Foundation,
Inc. (PFI) on October 2, 2007, to support its corporate social a) Granular Lockdown within NCR b.) Life Savers - A public blood drive donation in
As a recognized industry leader, PSC is aware of its partnership with the Philippine Red Cross, Philippine
responsibility programs. The updated goals of PFI are as follows:
obligation to ensure transparency and accuracy in its b) Super typhoon Odette, TS Agaton, and Typhoon Blood Center and Pasig City Blood Bank, participated
product labeling. By being compliant with the applicable Paeng in coordination with DSWD NRLMB by PSC employees, uniformed men and civilians.
laws on product and service information labeling, PSC
safeguards its customers’ health and safety, among others, 3. Response to COVID-19 in coordination with the 6. 7-Eleven Run, PFI in tie-up with PSC Marketing turned
by allowing them to make informed decisions about what Department of Social Welfare and Development National over 2,000,000 worth of CLiQQ Cards to the medical
they are buying and consuming, and that the products are To provide access to
Resource and Logistics Management Bureau (DSWD- frontliners of 23 selected COVID-19 referral hospitals in
used correctly and safely. education through the
NRLMB) for Luzon. Donated unused AstraZeneca vaccines Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
provision of alternative
to local government units (LGUs). Donated food and
facilities to learn.
refreshments to government and medical front liners, and 7. Christmas Caravan, food donation to partner LGUs and
partner LGUs. Also donated hygiene kits and thermal NGOs
scanners to special education (SpEd) schools.
8. PET Bottle Recovery Program, Pilot Run started in
4. Gulong ng Karunungan Project (GNK) and Support to November 2022 until February 2023 for a total of 12
Opening of S.Y. 2022, Rehabilitation and replenishment weeks collection of PET Bottles from 12 corporate
To promote child-friendly of GNK supplies for the relaunch and continuation of the 7-Eleven Stores in BGC, Taguig City.
and healthy communities Project in Cebu City.
by providing venues
for recreation and 5. 7-Eleven Day Celebration
development. a) Catch and Match - Partnered with the “Trash to Cash
Back/Xtrash Challenge’’ campaign of Philippine Business
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B. Leading through Service/Strengthening our Neighborhoods: BuyAnihan Palengke PSC’s Current Sustainability Programs corporate governance. The Corporation is keen to provide
up-to-date information about its corporate disclosures
Since its inception, the Corporation has been dedicated to making life more convenient for its customers. No matter how big Plastic Reduction
that are relevant or important to the public, shareholders,
the challenge, PSC continues to lead in the industry and at the same time make a big impact in the community. Through this initiative, PSC aims to deplete the usage of
and stakeholders.
plastic in its stores by replacing sando bags with paper
Not passing the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the underprivileged members of the community, especially bags, reducing the use of plastic cutlery, eliminating the use
b) CG Policies & Practices
those stricken hard by the COVID-19 Pandemic, PSC, together with FoodPanda, linked up with the Caloocan City of plastic straws, and implementing the use of sustainable
PSC adheres to the fundamental principles of sound
government and a non-profit group called ASCORP to launch a livelihood program called the “BuyAnihan Palengke.” They straws made from sugarcane, cornstarch, and rice.
corporate governance as contained in its Manual of
signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Caloocan City which would serve as a pilot area for the BuyAnihan Corporate Governance (CG Manual) and as embodied in
Palengke. Under the MOA, FoodPanda will provide seed capital for beneficiaries to jumpstart their reselling business while Paper Bag Holiday
the Philippine CG Code of 2016. Good governance is the
PSC will be helping with the logistics by utilizing current trucks and logistics facilities to backhaul fruits and vegetables and In efforts to combat and eliminate the use of paper bags
observance of the principles of disclosure and transparency
produce from the provinces of Benguet, Nueva Ecija, Rizal, and Laguna to Palengke hubs in Caloocan City and in various and to save costs in paper bag expenses, the one-day
by balancing the needs of various stakeholders while
beneficiaries in Metro Manila and San Pablo, Laguna. paper bag holiday was launched. Imposed on all stores
generating shareholder value. The core values of teamwork,
every Wednesday, this project aims to eliminate the use of
reliability, customer focus, and data-driven are PSC’s
2. GRI 401: Employment paper bags and make mandatory use of their own reusable
guiding principles in its efforts to create not just corporate
bags for all customers. Eco bags are available for sale for
PSC provides a sustainable work culture and work environment that allows and inspires our employees to thrive. Here at governance awareness within the organization, but also to
those unable to bring their own bags every Wednesday.
PSC, employee sustainability is achieved through the observance of an employee culture that keeps them engaged to the propel the corporation past the global pandemic toward
level needed to perform their jobs capably, with a sense of fulfillment. Below are our existing policies and practices for the long-term sustainable development.
Green Fund Project
benefit of PSC employees: PSC partnered with a treatment and storage facility for the
recovery and treatment of used cooking oil from kitchens
and Suntech stores. A total of 172 tons of used cooking oil
Workforce Regular Health and Annual was recovered as of 2022. The project is set to expand in
Diversity Wellness Activities Performance Visayas and Mindanao regions to maximize total recovered
Bonus cooking oil and convert it into a profit that can be shared
with various community services and kitchen funds for
sustainable kitchen efficiency.
Transparent Supplemental Support for the
Performance Benefits or Development of Carbon Emission Study
Appraisal Process Incentives Employee Abilities The overall goal of the project is to come up with the
through Online baseline data on Carbon emissions generated by twenty
Training (20) pilot stores to be used as the basis for the formulation
Compliance with Regular provision to reduce the Carbon Footprint of the company.
General Labor of Vitamin C, Face
Standards & Shields, Face Masks, 2. GRI 301: Materials
Occupational and Disinfectants, Others
Health and Safety as part of COVID-19 PSC has a non-smoking policy and posted No Smoking
Requirements Response signs inside its stores to ensure air quality within its
premises. PSC also fully complied with the requirements of
ENVIRONMENT Executive Order 26 on Providing for the Establishment of
Smoke-Free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places
1. GRI 306: Waste & Effluents
obliged enterprises (OE) to institute an EPR program for and extended its non-smoking policy to the area outside its
Waste Reduction and Management the efficient recovery and diversion schemes of plastic premises as defined by the EO and posted “No Smoking”
As an organization engaged in retail distribution, waste packaging (PP). Effective PP recovery program of all signs outside the store. Stores have also removed all
generation is inherent in PSC’s daily operation. Packaging proprietary products under the EPR Law focusing on waste cigarette receptacles from their trash bins located outside
waste is a major contributor to waste generation in stores reduction, recovery and recycling, and the development the stores.
as many of the products sold are packaged in plastic. of environment-friendly products. The compliance/target
Pledging to operate as a socially responsible brand, PSC period for PP recovery program for the initial year is 20% GOVERNANCE
adopted various sustainable strategies and initiatives by December 31, 2023. 1. GRI 102-18: Governance Structure
committed to waste reduction and management.
PSC sees the implementation of the EPR law as an a) Disclosure and Transparency
EPR Program opportunity to continue its journey toward sustainable Disclosure and transparency are the key factors in the
On July 23, 2022, RA 11898 or The Extended Producer transformation by integrating sustainable strategies and success of corporations. As such, PSC values it as an
Responsibility (EPR) Act lapsed into law. The law requires initiatives in its business operations. essential part of its full commitment to maintaining good
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D. FOCUS FOR 2023 ONWARDS Procurement Practices Rules and guidelines in granting travel allowance and/or
reimbursement of expenses incurred for official business trips
As an industry leader, PSC vows to seek opportunities that will seal our commitment to being a socially responsible brand. The Corporation recognizes the importance of having a made locally or abroad are also provided. The promotion
For 2023, the Corporation will continue achieving its target to reduce, reuse, and recycle, plus its additional goal of reducing procurement strategy that will protect its interest and of employees to Section Managers and above is also
the carbon intensity in its operations. ensure resilience even in times of unprecedented crisis. standardized. Also, a Whistleblowing Policy was set up
Hence, the management sees to it that fair value for to provide channels for reporting violations of the Code of
Sustainability at PSC products and services are offered; identifying the need and Conduct and Business Ethics and the mechanism for its
PSC’s sustainability is anchored on our commitment to continuously operate as a socially-responsible brand. Guided by the supplier; considering social responsibility; negotiating investigation and appropriate action. PSC is also a signatory to
best EESG principles, PSC is dedicated to being the best retailer of convenience for emerging markets, aligning our business the price and term; and reducing risk and ensuring the the Integrity Pact and a participant in Integrity Summit Fora.
practices with global EESG frameworks, including UN SDGs. PSC aspires to impart comprehensive and effective sustainable security of supply; and improve quality by pursuing
development. innovation. Employees are aware upon onboarding of the possible
violation against the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics as
To manage reputational, operational, and supply chain well as the mechanism for Whistleblowing. All contracts with
risks, PSC provides fair value for products, services suppliers and accreditation provide a clause for observance
and quality assurance; expanding into new markets of no conflict of interest, anti-bribery, and corruption practices.
by introducing its own brands which aims to drive the Also, proper trainings are being conducted/provided.
Php145 Million
78 79
Interest payments to loan
Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
Throughout its sustainability journey, PSC constantly tries to look for opportunities to further enhance its efforts and capacities
to create positive impacts on the environment. PSC commenced its carbon footprint study to gauge the organization’s impact on
the environment and possible contributions to climate change. From this study, PSC hopes to craft long-term plans to further
incorporate environmental conservation into its daily operations.
Resource Management
PSC has taken steps to minimize its environmental footprint
through the employment of materials and equipment
2,042 1,566,238
Tonnes C02e Tonnes C02e
contributing to energy and water conservation and waste
disposal management. 7-Eleven stores use T5 and T8 LED
lights and inverter air-conditioning units that are pre-set at Energy indirect (Scope 2)
24-25 degrees Celsius and only 1 of the 2 units are used Direct (Scope1) GHG Emissions
during the graveyard shift. The stores turn off their signages GHG Emissions (Electrical)
at 6:00 AM and PSC has likewise piloted a sensor that will
automatically turn on signages at 6:00 PM.
18,079.73 GJ 3,284,526,837 kWh
PSC also collaborates with utility providers to achieve better LPG Electricity
energy efficiency based on each store’s requirements. OFF-
PEAK - A project with a utility provider where the price per Solid and Hazardous Waste
Materials used by the Organization
consumption is lower during off-peak hours. 7-Eleven stores
save economically as the charge is lower than the usual rate As part of its long-term action plans, PSC plan to initiate The Corporation through its Operations Division gathered needed information and partnered with LGUs for the PET bottles that
of consumption. Water provided for post-mix and bubbler utilizing both renewable & non-renewable materials and can be recycled to reduce waste going to the landfills. Partnered with PBS, it conducted a Waste Analysis and Characterization
machines is filtered using ultraviolet water purification systems extend the life of the materials by recycling or reusing them in Study (WACS) in 2020. Data Collection and Analysis were conducted for three (3) days. Based on WACS, 89.5% of 7-Eleven
to ensure that the water used for its products is clean and safe. its operations. store waste is recyclable and 9% are biodegradable. The Corporation through its Operations Division gathered needed information
and partnered with LGUs for the PET bottles that can be recycled to reduce waste going to the landfills. The PET Bottle Recovery
PSC has an incentive-based approach to encourage its PSC is currently eyeing a collaboration with recycling facilities, Program, Pilot Run started in November 2022 until February 2023 for a total of 12 weeks of collection of PET Bottles from 12
personnel to conserve water and electricity in its stores. local government units, and other NGOs for the reduction of corporate 7-Eleven Stores in BGC, Taguig City.
the amount of solid waste that ends up in landfills and bodies
of water.
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Sick Leaves
10.2 Million
Medical Benefits
Safe man-hours
42.60 NPS
Retirement Fund
Customer Satisfaction
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Insider Trading (Trading Block-outs) the government and from the Corporation, and to steer
clear from any covert or overt acts of bribery. They are also
GOVERNANCE PSC observes the insider-
trading policy, which
advised to avoid solicitation and acceptance of gifts of high
value (usually PHP2,000 up) from business partners and/or
prohibits directors, officers, suppliers. Rules and guidelines in granting travel allowance
and employees from and/or reimbursement of expenses incurred for official
divulging material non- business trips made locally or abroad are also provided.
PSC adheres to the fundamental principles of sound corporate governance as contained in its Manual of Corporate public information to the The promotion of employees to Section Managers and
Governance (CG Manual) and as embodied in the Philippine CG Code of 2016. Good governance is the observance of the damage of the Corporation above is also standardized. Also, a Whistleblowing Policy
principles of disclosure and transparency by balancing the needs of various stakeholders while generating shareholder and the investing public. was set up to provide channels for reporting violations
value. The core values of teamwork, reliability, customer focus, and data-driven are PSC’s guiding principles in its efforts to of the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics and the
create not just corporate governance awareness within the organization, but also to propel the corporation past the global The information is considered material if it will influence mechanism for its investigation and appropriate action. PSC
pandemic toward long-term sustainable development. the decision of a reasonable investor in deciding whether is also a signatory for the Integrity Pact and a participant in
to buy, sell, or hold the security. Covered persons are Integrity Summit Fora.
Keeping pace with the developments in corporate governance, PSC strives to improve its CG Practices by following industry prohibited from trading within five trading days before,
standards. The Institute of Corporate Directors recognized PSC as one of the Top Performing Publicly-Listed Companies and within three trading days after the submission of Whistleblowing Policy
(PLCs) in the Philippines based on the results of the peer review of its ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS). structured and unstructured disclosures. Any transaction
PSC garnered a score of 95.56 and 90.17 points for the 2021 and 2020 ACGS, respectively and received a 2 golden arrow done involving corporate shares must be reported to the
To uphold and promote ethical
recognition, a level up from its 1-arrow recognition last 2019. Corporate Secretary within three calendar days from the
behavior and sound business
transaction day.
practices, PSC directors, officers,
Disclosure and Transparency Conflict of Interest Policy employees, and suppliers
can report any perceived
Disclosure and transparency are To safeguard transparency illegal activities through a
the key factors in the success and fairness in all its whistleblowing mechanism. All
of corporations. As such, PSC corporate dealings, and at the
whistleblowing reports received by PSC will be reviewed for
values it as an essential part of same time to see to it that all
appropriate action, determining whether the Code of Conduct
its full commitment to maintain transactions uphold the best
and Business Ethics and other related policies and procedures
good corporate governance. The interests of the Corporation,
were violated. An independent committee, known as the
Corporation is keen to provide all employees are required to
Committee on Conduct, is tasked to handle reports of such
up-to-date information about its dissociate themselves from
2 Golden Arrow Recognition 1 Golden Arrow Recognition corporate disclosures that are relevant or important to the public, any engagements that may compromise the Corporation’s
(2020 - 2021) (2019)
shareholders, and stakeholders. interests and should there be any appearance of conflicting The policy assures that the whistleblowers are accorded
interests, disclose the same to the proper authorities in the protection, respecting the confidentiality of the information
For proper implementation of the said disclosures and Corporation. and their identities. Thus, illegal/unethical conduct shall
Corporate Governance Manual transparency, PSC established the Reportorial Compliance be reported in writing, either anonymously or otherwise,
Anti-Corruption Programs and Policies depending on the whistleblower’s discretion. Modes of
Policy. It seeks to ensure that reportorial compliance reports
The CG Manual of required by the SEC, Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), and other PSC’s Code of Business reporting may be through a letter, e-mail, or other means
PSC provides for the regulatory agencies are submitted on time for eventual disclosure, Conduct and Ethics was established by the Corporation. All reports are treated with
Corporation’s overview for the benefit of the investing public. It establishes, among drafted to strengthen its the utmost confidentiality. The Committee on Conduct shall
of its governance others, a mechanism for close coordination between concerned commitment towards review the report of the whistleblower and shall evaluate
structure to enhance the departments in the preparation, publication, and submission corporate governance and to the merits of the complaint according to circumstances,
Corporation’s profitability of the said reports and other disclosures of vital corporate provide thorough guidelines time of reporting, evidence, and violation of procedures and
and sustainability, for the information. for employees. In this regard, policies. The whistleblower shall be informed of the decision
benefit of its shareholders it developed policies on of the Committee. Appropriate action shall be taken against
It is a corporation’s paramount duty to proactively disclose how the persons found to have committed any illegal/unethical
and stakeholders in achieving its corporate mission. they are responding to the crisis. Amid the pandemic, while most conduct. PSC provides appropriate protection from retaliation
the following to uphold ethics in business dealings and
It aims to institutionalize the principles of corporate of the country is placed in various stages of lockdown, the SEC, as provided in this policy and PSC’s Employee’s Handbook.
transactions: 1) Limitations on Participation in Company
governance across all levels of the organization. PSE, and other regulatory agencies extended regulatory relief Sales Promotions, 2) Conflict of Interest, 3) Employment,
It also outlines PSC’s framework of governance, through alternative filing procedures, such as the shift to online The complete write-up on PSC’s Corporate Governance is
Placement, and Transfer of Relatives, 4) Foreign and
responsibilities of the Board, and the Corporation submission of Reportorial Requirements. Although sudden, posted on the Corporate Governance Page of its website
Local Business Travel, 5) Employee Promotion for Section
employees towards its shareholders, guided by the such change enhanced access to information and improved through this link https://www.7-eleven.com.ph/corporate/
Managers and Above, and 6) Whistleblowing. With
principle of transparency. transparency all around as the threat of the pandemic did not limit corporate-governance-head/corporate-governance/. It’s also
these policies set in place, employees are informed and
access to corporate information and disclosures. required to follow the rules and regulations, both from included in its Annual Report Book.
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5. The Committee oversees the Company’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors. The Company’s
Key Products & Services management has the primary responsibility for the financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial
a. Create sustainable jobs in the areas where 7-eleven stores are located. Compliant to General reporting, and for assessing the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.
Labor and Occupational Health and Safety Standards
b. E-Commerce and E-Wallet services providing online shopping experience and payment
6. The Committee discussed with SGV & Co. all the items required to be discussed by the prevailing applicable Auditing
Standard, including the required communications to the Audit & Risk Committee on the responsibilities under Philippine
c. PSC partnered with the Seven Bank subsidiary to bring ATMs to 7-Eleven stores nationwide.
Standards in Auditing, the confirmation of independence of SGV & Co. from PSC and its subsidiaries and PSC’s management
Convenience is further provided to customers with the availability of balance inquiry and
as required by the applicable Independence Standards (Statement of Independence), and fraud inquiry which SGV & Co.
withdrawal transactions through the ATMs.
confirmed that it is not aware of any matters that require communication;
d. Availability of contactless payment for in-store purchases through barcode and credit card
7. As part of its oversight responsibilities, the Committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements of PSC and
e. Everyday Play (EP) Project - promote child-friendly and healthy communities by construction
the consolidated audited financial statements of PSC and its subsidiaries as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022
& development of a community playground park.
with the PSC’s management and with SGV. SGV has expressed its opinion on PSC’s conformity with Philippine Financial
Potential Negative Impact of Contribution Reporting Standards (PFRS);
a. Possible difficulty in monitoring work conditions 8. Based on the foregoing but subject to the limitations of the Committee’s role as encompassed in our Audit & Risk Committee
b. Slow or intermittent internet connection Charter, the Committee recommended for approval the audited financial statements of PSC and the consolidated audited
c. The threat of data breach financial statements of PSC and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2022 to the Executive Committee and/or the
Board of Directors. The Executive Committee, having authority to act during intervals of Board meetings, approved the same.
Potential Negative Impact of Contribution
a. Strict monitoring of compliance to labor laws and issuances and employee engagement,
Health Insurance, and wellness activities for all employees
b. Improvement of IT infrastructure
c. Implementation of data security standards ANTONIO JOSE U.
d. Limit the use of harmful materials and the use of environmentally friendly construction JOSE T. PARDO MICHAEL B. ZALAMEA JOSE VICTOR P. PATERNO
Chairman and Member and Member and Member and
* None/Not Applicable is not an acceptable answer. For holding companies, the services and products of its subsidiaries may Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Director / President
be disclosed.
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Please refer to the companion book for the complete set of the 2022 Audited Financial Statements. Please refer to the companion book for the complete set of the 2022 Audited Financial Statements.
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A look back: where we were unique situation is something that, in hindsight, should discussion has given the reader a sense of our preoccupations
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A look back: where we were The foregoing aside, we have cut our burn rate on digitalization, those supply chain issues, and expect to continue their rollout,
In normal times, letters that accompany full-year results, nearing the end of the pandemic, at least insofar as public attitudes Most employees would prefer the flexibility of continuing to
following the close of the 4th quarter, are written for the purpose
Supply Chain Challenges
went, and began preparing to execute all the plans laid out, over the work from home some days a week, but most employers
of providing high-level guidance and insight into the year that past 18 months, for getting to pole position in the race toward the are reluctant to allow them to do so. How this plays out will The Philippines already had the most challenging supply chain
was, and sketching out what may be expected in the years ahead. ‘new normal’, which continues to unfold, as we speak. determine not just the future of CBDs, but where people live. environment in the 7-Eleven system before 2020, and it has not
been spared in the duration, nor in the aftermath, of the pandemic.
These are not normal times, and limiting the discussion to 2021 After the Omicron spurt in January, we have seen sales begin to Even as we continue to monitor where this balance may We are betting that these challenges will continue over the
alone would do a disservice to our investment community. With steadily approach pre-COVID levels, even if mobility numbers - eventually fall, we are betting more on stores outside cities next couple of years at least, and have spent much of our time
your indulgence, I will discuss the year that was, but also put it in curiously - were slow to recede. Some schools have reopened than within them. We had net openings of only four stores in and effort, throughout the past year, building new systems and
the context of the first months of 2022 - which we believe was on a very limited basis, but the lifting of curfews, since November Metro Manila in 2021, vs. 73 in the rest of Luzon, and continue processes to mitigate these difficulties, believing relative advantage
the true beginning of the ‘new normal’ - so that we may better 2021, and especially the ban on those 18 and under leaving the to lay our bets in this fashion, until we see more proof of can be obtained, if the environment remains challenging.
appreciate what lies ahead. house being rescinded, since February 2022, have been a great resurgence in the cities, which continue to underperform in
help to a 24-hour retailer that targets a younger demographic. sales by as much as 20%. Demand forecasting is done daily, on a per-store basis, for the next four
We painted a dreary picture in our 2020 letter, regarding the Furthermore, more workers are reporting to offices more weeks, based on sales and stock levels, and this forecast is shared with
pandemic and its effect on sales, but took heart in the significant frequently, typically 1-3 days a week. We are grateful that we are well-positioned for this suppliers, so they can let us know if sufficient stock is available, or if a
efforts management was undertaking, so that we would be well- opportunity, with our unrivaled distribution reach throughout product needs to be substituted in the interim. Substitution is triggered
positioned for its end. We were not wrong about either. While nobody, including ourselves, knows how this new normal much of the archipelago, and that we put a freeze on new by a store flagging that a slot is empty, so that its replacement, along
might eventually play out (and whether another variant might disrupt openings, since the pandemic began until the middle of last with a corresponding shelf tag, can be sent.
Results continued their abysmal trend in 2021, although we saw it yet again), we believe our investors should know what indicators year, because we would have opened in very different places
Same-Store Sales Growth (SSSG) improve 3.4%, with the wane we are watching, which directions we are inclined to bet on, and what than we are now. We are back to our regular pace, targeting This sounds simpler than it is in practice, but we expect to be
of the COVID-19 Alpha variant in Q3 (Metro Manila, where we we have done (and have yet to do) in those areas: 300 stores this year, after only 95 net openings last year. able to scale this practice by the middle of the year. We have
have a third of our stores, fared relatively better with Delta than recently begun tracking empty shelf space weekly and holding
it did with Alpha, versus the rest of the country), and then 8.5% Digitalisation corresponding entities- stores, buyers, suppliers - accountable.
Lingering Pandemic Shopping Habits
in Q4 with the wane of Delta, our first positive quarters since the
Fintechs have accelerated their pace, and with it, the growth in Throughout the pandemic, people all over shopped less In closing, we reference our comment, in the previous letter, that
pandemic began.
cash-in volumes at our stores - resulting in the growth in service frequently, but bought more each trip. In our case, the average we are ‘building a new machine’, akin to the changes we made in
income, noted in the discussion section of this report. ticket size grew 45%, even as customer count dropped 50%; 2005 to 2007, in preparation for scaling them in subsequent years
Much has been said about the difficulties encountered by the
the number of items in the basket went from 2.2 to 2.8. This - all the way to 2019. That 2005 ‘machine’ had fixed planograms,
Philippines throughout the pandemic, but we have found that the
Consolidation in the sector has resulted in lower margins, some of trend continues, even as we move into the new normal, and centralized distribution, and new store expansion at its heart.
mobility numbers provided by Google - specifically, time at home
which we have been able to pass on to customers, but we believe we aim to build on it, by widening our offerings to meet more
vs. 2019 - the best hard indicator of its effects on our business,
that the path to greater value creation lies in somehow combining customer needs. The 2022 overhaul incorporates all the knowledge and experience
after reviewing correlations between our own sales and that of
fellow licensees. our assets - our payments database of over 40 million unique that our then-novice management team has accumulated since,
mobile phone numbers, the CLiQQ app with 10M downloads, This will require more space. We are now building larger paired with updated technology. It will have variable planograms,
and the 1,200 recycling ATMs that are operating thus far in our stores, whenever rent is cheap, and continue iterating to adaptive supply chains, and expansion with an ear to a ground that
For much of the pandemic, that number hovered from 18-25%,
stores and are expected in all stores by year-end. We believe that determine the ideal store size for given trade areas. Pilots on continues to shift.
until it started a steady decline toward the end of Q3, reaching the
partnering with new digital players, including the six new digital enlarging existing stores have proven highly successful, and
mid-teens in mid December, and dipping to as low as 7% during
banks that were granted licenses last year, will be an opportunity we will do more of those where we can. We are excited to turn its dials soon.
the holidays - which, perhaps not coincidentally, saw sales over
120% of 2019, among our highest ever. that, because of our assets, we are uniquely positioned for.
Ultimately, however, we are saddled with the footprints
On the e-commerce front, we expect the growth pace of grocery of the 3,000+ stores we already have, and need to ‘create’
Our pandemic mobility number, as of this writing, is 19%, the
delivery to slow somewhat, and continue to bet on the superior more space by tailoring the assortment to a particular store’s
highest in the 7-Eleven world. For comparison, Malaysia is at
unit economics of a pick-upin-store model. We blamed supply customer base, using AI-powered variable planograms,
15%, Japan at 6%, and Thailand, 5%. One may check for oneself
chain concerns for not taking a more aggressive stance in pushing something we have been testing since 2018 and rolled out
how tightly those mobility numbers correlate with SSSG of those
publicly listed 7-Eleven licensees. our CLiQQ Grocery offering, but have since realized that we will through much of Metro Manila in 2021, only to be met with JOSE VICTOR P. PATERNO
need a more supermarket-like assortment available online to be the supply chain challenges of such an effort at scale, during President and CEO
competitive, and are testing several models. a pandemic. As will be discussed, we are close to resolving
Over the holidays, we were, for the first time, convinced that we were
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Scaling Post Pandemic 2022 Annual Repor t
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