Principles of Disability Evaluation

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Broad Principles of Disability Assessment

Following guiding principles to assess disabiity, required before issue of disability

certificate, should be known to doctors/members of board with additional inputs related to
disability of their concerned specialty. The specialist from the ares of locomotor, vision,
speech & hearing and mental retardation should also have broad knowledge on multiple

Functional Loss: It is assessment of functional loss based on some uniform test,

resulting from permanent physical impairment caused due to congenital or acquired
conditions (traumatic or post disease). In case of amputees, the percentage is calculated
directly depending on the level of the part that is lost and additional weightage.

Individual Function requirement: The functions assessed are in relation to standard

desired fuctions of anatomical part irrespective of individuals age, sex, nature of work, job,
social status, requirement of specific part to him/her.

Personal opinion: There is no scope of personal opinion or to refer tests other than
mentioned in guidelines notified.

Where to decide percentage on extent of function/activity – Wherever a limit to

percentage disability (like each activity of ten activities to coordination in upper limb, nine
activities to test stability and additional weightage, a certain percentage limit may be given,
the specialist need to use his conscience with full satisfaction. It is advised to be uniform
and unbiased, such range may be divided into three group as

a. No loss – activity can be performed normally without assistance

b. Partial loss – activity can performed partly or with assistance
c. Total Loss - activity can not be performed even with assistance

Trick Movement: In case where specialist feel that particular group of muscle/ part
required to perform the function and said function should be performed in the event of
involvement, despite this the individual is able to perform function due to trick
movement or some part synergistic to it, this should be taken as function performed
and percentage of PPI be calculated accordingly.

Authority: As per the act, authorities to give disability certificate will be a Medical
Board duly constituted by the Central and State Government. The Medical Board
should consist of at least three members. Out of which one shall be a specialist in the
concerned disability subject.

Testing Tools and Guidelines: The standard guidelines and tools mentioned in the
notification have to be used in evaluation of disability for proper certificate.

When to Assess: For purpose of certification, disability should be assessed when the
specialist is satisfied that further medical treatment/intervention is not like to reduce the
extent of impairment. Normally, a period of six months is considered in such medical

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