Types of Viruses
Types of Viruses
Types of Viruses
to any malicious software
developed by cybercriminals
to steal data and damage or
destroy computers without
end user knowledge.
Criminals use social They use the They use your
engineering to gain malware to encrypted data as
acess to your digitally encrypt leverage to force
network or all your IT systems you to pay a
systems. and data. ransom.
Install antivirus software and firewalls.
Legitimate program
As soon as the user
Attacker hides malicious
downloads the
code inside a legitimate
program, the
software disguised as a
attacker gains
Malicious code legitimate program
access to the system
Download or install software from a known
Virus is attached The virus will It infects other
to a file and is encrypt, corrupt, programs and may
executed once the delete or move spread to other
file is launched. your data and files. systems performing
its acts.
Install antivirus software and run full scans
Malicious software It then displays
secretly installs unwanted Ads and pop-
itself on your ups. it also tracks your
computer. online behaviour.
Keep your OS, web browser and email clients
Malware that It captures This information is
secretly gathers keystrokes, used to steal, destroy
information and authentication data. It can also be
tracks your online credentials and other used in identity theft
activities. PII. and fraud.
Use anti-spy software, avoid pop-ups, update
your system,
Malicious software that Once it has breached your
replicates rapidly and computer’s defenses, it can
spreads across devices open a backdoor, delete files,
in a network through consume bandwidth, drop
LAN. other malware, etc.
Make sure your device is updated with the
latest patches.
Attack that uses Attackers collect Attackers then steal
automated scripts to huge number of personal and
disrupt a site, steal zombie computers financial
data, make fraudulent and control them in information, extort
purchases, bulk to form botnets. money from victims.
Set your antivirus and antispyware to update
automatically and check latest patches.
Malicious software that After a rootkit is installed, attacker
provides privileged, root- can install more malware, launch a
level access to a computer DDOS attack. It can also impact your
while concealing its PC's performance and also put your
presence. personal data at risk.
Use anti-malware solutions, keep software
updated and take regular backups.