CD6577 Asha Rani Ap Nallavadu

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( zMS )


A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer Systems & Networking)(Hons.)

Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering

University Malaysia Pahang

JUNE 2012


Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously 24 / 7 is very essential in

order to maintain a system‘s integrity and accessibility. University Management
System in System-z Mainframe ( zMS ) is information management system done in
the mainframe environment for the system operators to create a batch type input and
output system. The system is designed using System-z as the operating system, to
ease the tasks of the system operator to browse for records and view it in a formatted
file. It will make use of the logical partition of a mainframe, to run the managerial
operations. This report will discuss on the preparation, analysis, development and
discussion based on the development cycle of this system. A complete reference and
research details have been furnished in this document. This document will be a quick
reference to refer on the specification and requirements of the system.


Keupayaan untuk melaksanakan pelbagai tugas secara serentak setiap masa

adalah sangat penting untuk mengekalkan integriti dan aksesabiliti sesuatu sistem.
Sistem Pengurusan Universiti dalam ‗Mainframe‘ Sistem-z (zMS) adalah sistem
pengurusan maklumat yang dilakukan dalam persekitaran ‗mainframe‘ untuk para
operator menghasilkan input dan output berjenis ‗batch‘. Sistem ini direka
menggunakan Sistem-z sebagai sistem operasi untuk memudahkan urusan carian
maklumat, dan memaparkan dalam bentuk yang telah diformatkan. Ia akan
menggunakan konsep ‗logical partition‘ dalam ‗mainframe‘, untuk menjalankan
operasi pengurusan. Para pengguna akan mengakses sistem melalui pelayar web
yang diingini, dengan sambungan internet yang stabil dan memanfaatkan
perkhidmatan yang disediakan. Laporan ini akan membincangkan mengenai
penyediaan, analisis, pembangunan dan perbincangan berdasarkan kitaran
pembangunan sistem ini. Rujukan yang lengkap dan butir-butir penyelidikan telah
disertakan dalam dokumen ini. Dokumen ini boleh digunakan sebagai rujukan
spesifikasi dan keperluan sistem.















1.1 Background 2
1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Objectives 4
1.4 Scope 4
1.5 Thesis Organization 5

2.1 University Management 7

2.2 Existing Systems 7
2.2.1 Traditional University Management System 8
2.2.2 Automated University Management System 9
2.2.3 University Management System in Mainframe 12
2.2.4 Several Migrations from Mainframe based System 15

2.3 Technique / Technology 16

2.3.1 Techniques in Paper based System 16

2.3.2 Techniques in Automated System 16

2.3.3 Techniques in Mainframe based System 17

2.3.4 University Management System in
System-z Mainframe 19

3.1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 21

3.2 The Justification Choosing System Development
Life Cycle 21
3.3 The Steps of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 22
3.3.1 Planning 22

3.3.2 Requirement Analysis 23

3.3.3 Design 23 User Design 24 Flowchart 25 Context Diagram 26 Data Flow Diagram 26 Use Case Diagram 29 Database Design 30 Data dictionary 31
3.3.4 Development 32
3.3.5 Testing 33
3.3.6 Implementation 33

3.3.7 Operation and Maintenance 34

3.4 Software and Hardware Requirements 34
3.4.1 Software requirements 34
3.4.2 Hardware requirements 35

4.1 Introduction 37

4.2 Implementation Phase 37

4.3 Database 39
4.4 COBOL Source Code 44
4.5 Job Control Language (JCL) 46


5.1 Results 52

5.1.1 Output in Database 52

5.1.2 Output in Flat File 53
5.2 Discussion 54
5.2.1 Limitations 55
5.2.2 Future Enhancement 55



Appendix 1.0 ( Source Code ) 61

Appendix 2.0 ( User Manual ) 66

Appendix 3.0 ( Gantt Chart ) 77




3.1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 22

3.2 Flow Chart for University Management System in System- 25
z Mainframe
3.3 Context diagram of zMS 26
3.4 Data Flow Diagram of zMS 28
3.5 Use Case Diagram for zMS 29
3.6 Entity Relationship diagram for UMP Management System 30
in System-z
4.1 ISPF Primary Option Menu 40
4.2 SPUFI Menu to Create Table 41
4.3 Code to Create Table 42
4.4 List of created tables using steps in (D) 43
4.5 Identification Division 44
4.6 Environment Division 44
4.7 Data Division 45
4.8 SQL CURSORS commands 45
4.9 Procedure Division 46
4.10 JCL Compile file 47
4.11 JCL Bind file 48
4.12 JCL Run file 49
4.13 Input of TBLEVLTN (Lecturer Evaluation) 49
4.14 Output of the Lecturer Evaluation in a new dataset 49
4.15 Utilities Used in this Program 50
5.1 Output in Student Profile Module (in database) 52
5.2 Output in Subject Registration Module 52
5.3 Output in Course Results Module 52
5.4 Output in Lecturer Evaluation Module 52
5.5 Output in Student Profile Module 53
5.6 Output in Subject Registration Module 53
5.7 Output in Course Results Module 53
5.8 Output in Lecturer Evaluation Module 53



2.1 Comparison on Selected System‘s Features 8

2.2 Comparison of techniques in selected systems 16
3.1 Data dictionary for Table Profile 31
3.2 Data dictionary for Table Registration 31
3.3 Data dictionary for Table Evaluation 31
3.4 Data dictionary for Table Result 32
3.5 Data dictionary for Table Login 32
3.6 Software requirement 34
3.7 Hardware requirement 35



1.0 Source Code 61

2.0 User Manual 66
3.0 Gantt Chart 77


This chapter presents an outline of the entire project, describes the background of the
project and the introduction into problem statements, objectives, scope and thesis
organization. It gives an overview of the research conducted.

1.1 Background

Today, mainframe computers play a central role in the daily operations of

most of the world‘s largest corporations, including many Fortune 1000 [1]. Many of
world‘s top banks and retailers rely on the mainframe to help secure sensitive
business transactions [2], which can support multiuser concurrently. As such,
universities also should make use the service of the mainframe, for uninterrupted
access of students, lecturers and administration personnel. The term reliability,
availability and serviceability (RAS) is a defining characteristic of mainframe
computers [3].

University Management System in System-z Mainframe ( zMS ) is an

administration system, which comprises of several applications, namely Student
Profile, Subject Registration, Course Results and Lecturer Evaluation.

Currently, the Management System in Universities is done using servers. This

zMS is a concept of making use of a Logical Partition of a Mainframe, for University
Management. Since mainframes generally functions in an environment which
requires thousands of users to access the system simultaneously, it should be able to
balance the workload for a system, and make it always available for any number of
users. Balancing is a very important element of a system as adequate balancing
ensures that the whole system works at full capacity [4].

Since this is the first university management system developed in a

mainframe environment, only few applications which needs high attention is

Student Profile application is initially created by the system admins as a

batch job, when a student enrolls into the university. It contains particulars such as
Student ID, Name, House Address, Contact Number, Majoring Course Details,
Faculty Name and Academic Advisor Name. System admin will update their
particulars, if there are any changes.

Course Results key in method used currently is automated, but it is done by

inserting one at a time, by the operators. Thus, this method of inserting data is
tedious and can be time consuming. Operators will insert particulars such as Student
ID, Session, Course Code, Course Name, Credit, Result, Grade, GPA and CGPA.
zMS, by making use of the part of mainframe, tends to avoid this problem by
allowing simultaneous input as a batch job, to save time and minimize human errors.

For Subject Registration, students details that are needed are Course Code,
Course Name, Lecturer Name and respective Student ID. The report will show what
are the courses taken by the students, in that semester. Unreliable internet connection
causes delayed write in updating the subject registration info. Mainframe users will
not face such problems, as the course selection system allows a large number of
students to select course online at the same time [6].

Current method of Lecturer Evaluation is done manually by filling up

questionnaire forms by students. Some students just simply rate the questions,
without even reading the questions. The accumulated marks over 50, is recorded in
the system, together with the Lecturer Code, Lecturer Name and Course taught.

1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, University Management System implemented in University Malaysia

Pahang is being automated. But, there are a few drawbacks in the current system.

i) The details required in the University Management System, such as students,

course and lecturer particulars are being entered manually into the database.

ii) For the operator, they are only allowed to make single entry at a time, which
is time consuming.

iii) The details which are inserted into the database are in the form of
unformatted data, which makes the operators have difficulties in reading the

1.3 Objectives

This system is developed with several objectives, which are;

i) To create automated data entry into the database via COBOL.

ii) To create a batch type input and output system.
iii) To generate a formatted report stored in an independent flat file as output.

1.4 Scope

This System is intended for two types of users only, which are the

i) Operator
System Operators would need to login to the system using appropriate UserID and
corresponding password, in order to perform their tasks. This group of user will
access the system to update profile, register subjects, view course results and
evaluate lecturers. As it is designed only for the system operator, they would not
need GUI, to save the bandwidth.

ii) System Admin

Admins will have the full rights on the system. They can insert, update and delete
record as well as browse for data. This group of user will access the system to do
modification on student profile, subject registration, course results and lecturer
evaluation. Admins and operators will share the same UserID and password. Their
access privilege is restricted by their knowledge on the system.

1.5 Thesis Organization

This thesis contains six chapters. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the research
conducted. Chapter 2 explains about research that is done regarding to this project.
This chapter divided into two major parts namely, research on the existing system
and about techniques and technologies that is related to this project. In Chapter 3,
the approach or overall framework about the development of project are discussed.
This includes techniques, methods, or approaches that is used to develop and
implemented throughout the project development. Chapter 4 will document all the
process that is involved in the development of the projects. It includes all the
implementation and testing done for the project. Chapter 5 will discuss about the
findings or result that is obtained and analysis of the data, constraint and suggestion
for improvement. Finally, Chapter 6 will conclude overall project that was
developed. This includes the project summary, the summary of the data that is
obtained and the effectiveness of data obtained with the objectives and problem



This chapter briefly describes the review on existing techniques related with
―University Management System in System-z Mainframe‖ that will be developed
later. This chapter comprises two sections : The first section describes the
comprehensive review on existing related system. The second section describes the
review on method, equipment and technology previously used in the same domain.

2.1 University Management

The smooth running of a company — even the execution of the most basic
tasks within it, hinges on its management information system (MIS), the system that
manages and stores all the information about the company‘s business processes [15].
Every organization needs a proper planning and management in order to accomplish
its business goals and achieve its vision. Without a well organized management,
everything will be in a mess; staff record is in a place and students record in
elsewhere. Systems not integrated will likely cause more overhead and wastes a lot
of time. Function of a university management system as stated by Haselbacher in
Informatica is that the system mainly does partition of the maintenance of resource-
information between departments and the administration group and to incorporate the
major rules and constraints that are needed for maintaining resource-data [18]. This
is further supported by Lupu et al., 2008 that the implementation of an information
system dedicated to the university management is nowadays a fundamental option
for the greatest majority of the universities that understood the new trends at
international level [17].

2.2 Existing Systems

The systems compared in this literature are the traditional paper based
system, automated system and mainframe based system. Traditional system refers to
the era where computers were just invented and not much people have the knowledge
on its existence and usage. When computers become popular, management processes
were automated, and then gradually upgraded with the development of internet
technology. Server based systems are implemented in many enterprise to facilitate
business. Mainframe based system adds further enhancement to the online system, in
terms of security, data storage, accessibility, reliability and availability.

System / Paper Based System Automated System Mainframe based

Features System
Course Students will have to Students read the course Students read the course
Registration come to university catalog available online, catalog available online,
Process office, read the fill up the registration fill up the registration
course catalog given, online, from their house online, from their house
fill up the or hostel, and waits for or hostel, and waits for
registration the approval. Once the approval. Once
application form. approved, students will approved, students will
Then, students come be able to view the be able to view the
again to verify the results through their results through their
approved subjects. university webpage. university webpage.
Storing Filled up forms, Data in the form of Data in the form of
record records and related softcopy are stored in softcopy are stored in
documents are filed the database more secured database
and stored in rack.
Data File need to be Record can be search by Record is searched by
modification searched manually, techniques implemented searching
following name or implemented, faster than techniques. Faster than
student ID. The form paper based system. the automated system.
is replaced by the Data is replaced by Data is replaced by
new one, or data is overwriting. overwriting.
Network N/A May be slow depending Stable network
access on available bandwidth regardless of number of
and number of users users and concurrent
Administrati Only involved staffs Only involved staffs Selected personnel can
on of the have the full access have the full access to access the data. High
System to the data. Higher the data. Higher security features can
authority can access management with block the system if there
the data, manually. authority can access the is unauthorized access.
data, by logging in.

Table 2.1 : Comparison on Selected System‘s Features

2.2.1 Traditional University Management System

Traditionally, management system in a university was in the form of paper

based. For Students Registration, each student will have to manually fill up the
registration form and submit it to the administration staff. The staff will then file and
store it in a record room. When details of a particular student is needed, or certain
amendments need to be made to the given data, the administration staff will search

for the file, following the student‘s name or student ID.This is supported by Lu et al.
where the traditional selection method is to ask students to fill in a form, and then to
the Registry for data processing, the final results will be announced [6]. Following
the needs of users, projects were started with the aim to reduce the time and
workload of the registering students, administrative clerks, and supervising
instructors, by giving students an easy-to-use integrated facility [25]. Supported
through the statement that the driving forces behind this movement are the demands
from customers for quick response, the demands from management for cost
reductions, and the requirements from the users for better tools for logistics,
scheduling and planning.University Management System mostly gives emphasize on
course registration process. In constructing weekly timetables, most of the students
were observed to put in the required courses first, fill in other time periods on the
same day, and then choose those courses whose instructors are popular and whose
credits are easier to obtain [25].

For example, Chubu University‘s course registration system requires each

student to come to school on three separate days before the beginning of each
semester. First, to receive the course orientation, second, to do the initial registration
by marking with a pencil on OCR mark sheets the courses they want to take, and
thirdly, to correct errors and to change entries for the classes rejected as results of
lottery selections [25]. Graz University of Technology also had this method
implemented where the administration staffs has to collect or manipulate data on
different resources for different reasons, and this was done mainly by paper that
often lead to incorrect or unsatisfying results. Checking constraints on data collected
or manipulated by paper forces immense additional work [18].This method was very
time consuming, and burdens the staffs.

2.2.2 Automated University Management System

Then, improvements were made to this method, the details in the registration
forms were keyed-in into the computer by the administration staff. So, whenever
required, the staff could find for the student‘s details by typing the keyword. Things
were going on smoothly until there was an increase in the number of users. Inability
to store large amount of data causes the invention of server based systems. Here, data

of students were stored in large database. Program such as Microsoft Access was
suitable for this task.

There were also some automated system, which is used to manage the
university, but without having the modules integrated. It is evident by research done
by Lupuet. al., 2008 that almost every faculty or department has its own software
applications, developed in-house, applications that use various operation systems,
tools, databases and protocols, managed by that specific faculty/department and it
doesn‘t offer an integrated view over the activities developed in the university [17].
Integration is essential, which is further supported by Howard, H. John that is the
integrated computing environment was to allow local control of resources but to
permit easy and widespread access to all existing and future computational and
informational facilities on campus[16].

According to Shibanda, 2002, the six major areas targeted for information
communication and technology application at the university include; academic
affairs, human resources, records management, library, communication and office
automation. It is also conceived that multimedia oriented packages will provide for
integration and accessibility of information remotely and also provide an appropriate
platform for the required format of information in image, graphics, sound, voice and
videotext [19]. Further supported by Gunasekaran and Love, 1999, where multimedia
is described as the blending of images, graphics, sound, voice, videotext and tubular
information within a human information interface that uses capabilities to access and
present information [21]. The registration courses were now able to beinstantly
verified, analyzed, classified, and their credits are summed up and added to the
previously obtained credits.

According to Davias (1999), there are also real problems with moving to web
based teaching delivery. The main concerns for this area were grouped into three
main areas. Firstly, developing and learning web technology. Except for a few "trend
setters" the bulk of the teaching staff had reservations on spending the time and effort
in learning how to produce and author web based material. Next, problems on
making use of existing materials and resources. Most staff had developed over the
years, considerable amount of material in traditional form (typically quizzes, notes

and slide presentations). Finally, problems on technology and network issues. The
typical concerns being student access, bandwidths, multiple passwords to access
various websites and available computer facilities [11].

As the number of users continue to increase, the need for a reliable and multi
user supporting system was extremely required. With more and more students at
school, the creation of courses extensive and diverse, the personalized needs of
teachers and students more and more obvious, we must consider the establishment of
a convenient, fast and fair selection system. The web-based selection system had
become the preferred option in the majority of colleges [6]. Moreover, almost all
tasks are available online nowadays. Ranging from shopping for clothes to renewing
company registration, all of them are done through automated system. This increases
the high risk for bottleneck performance. Kun, 2008 also mentions in the current
internet platform, there are someserious problem such as data instability
andconcurrency problems [6].Considering these problems, university management
system needs to be managed using mainframe.

Kun, 2008 also states that the students selection system based on common
Web technology are generally operating in Personal Computer (PC) servers, often
peak in the selection phase, due to too many classes of students, parallel operation of
too many servers vulnerable to congestion, or even collapse of the state. Elective
System cannot be caused by normal use, students often can‘t get they want to select
or classes election failed so that delay the selection time, but also allows schools in
the organization of courses on a part of this to lag, to bring certain teaching
management in a mess. Clearly, the performance of the selection system has a direct
effect on the selection system can truly play its role. As such, classes must take into
account many factors, such as the selection process, methods of operation, the wishes
of teachers, students‘ needs, school resources and teaching management [6]. Kun,
2008 further adds that a good system structure and the corresponding software has
become a major factor in the decision of system performance. Developing a
reasonable framework, in high-reliability systems classes of students, is the only way
to solve the current problems [6].

2.2.3 University Management System in Mainframe

Mainframes (often colloquially referred to as "big iron") are powerful

computers used primarily by corporate and governmental organizations for critical
applications, bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics,
enterprise resource planning, and financial transaction processing [22]. A mainframe
is a computing system that a management use to host the databases, servers, and
applications that require a greater degree of security and availability than is
commonly found on smaller-scale machines (Eisen, 2007). The power of a
mainframe provides computing speed and capacity, enabling it to perform high
volumes of processing. The mainframe can process a mixed workload of jobs from
different time zones and of different types [13].

Several implementations have been carried out using mainframe servers in

university management. According to Wells (1992), computer-mediated
communication have been started to use by several institutions as an aid in the
delivery of distance-education courses since 1988. But, due to some reasons, the
system was reviewed and changed back to server based. The main reason is that
mainframe handling is quite hard, and it needs prior training of the personnel. Thus,
the users especially students find it difficult to learn and requires more technical
guidance compared to server based system [26].

Mainframe based management system was successfully implemented in

Dalian University of Technology. The foreground WEB interface is friendly and
convenient, the background is running in mainframe Customer Information Control
System (CICS), stably and reliably. CICS Transaction Gateway is used to access
mainframe resource by WEB.CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) is software
provided by IBM, which is designed for the application integration of traditional
CICS applications. CTG allows users to integrate the Web application and the back-
end business application running in CICS. It can provide the most convenient,
efficient and scalability connectivity for the application running on the CICS
server.At present the system is running well, students have a good response and the
senior schoolaffirmed [6].Mainframe environment was also carried out in University
of Maryland, when experimenting a new database called ADMS. Roussopoulos N.,

1987 states that the architecture of the database utilizes the workstation‘s local
processing and uses the global mainframe for sharing and maintenance of
consistency [23]. In Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, mainframe was used as an
alternative storage. Method for analyzing data from file is that the operator can take
theentire patient file or the created batch file andtransmit this by modem to a
mainframe computer [9]. The outcome was a standard, serviceable, inexpensive, and
highly accessible hardware and software elements, and developed management /
research system with amaximum of input from the people who would be usingit [9].
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Centre was also making use of the mainframe
services since 1987. In order to improve the quality of performance, research was
done to develop clinical and library applications that are integrated with the existing
hospital and university administrative and research computing facilities [9].

Mainframe based systems were also implemented in Georgetown University

Library Information System (LIS). LIS' functional components consist of eight "user-
friendly" modules: catalog, circulation, serials, bibliographic management (including
Mini-MEDLINE), acquisitions, accounting, networking, and computer-assisted
instruction. The hardware needed was easily narrowed to a basic PDP 11/34
minicomputer with an ANS MUMPS operating system. The local PHILSOM III file
is independently stored in the minicomputer for technical functions, and it shares
data with the LIS serials module for the catalog and circulation functions. The LIS
programs are written to achieve integration with a "wrap-around" approach. The
interface with the circulation component allows barcoded items to circulate actively.
This approach enabled the library to mount a serials component easily and quickly.
Bibliographic management, an extremely useful component of LIS, allows librarians
to generate special bibliographies. The result is very successful, where an interesting
change in "mind set" has occurred: no one seems to shy from the computer
terminals.The LIS design complementsGeorgetown University's accounting system
andsatisfies the library's need to record all income andexpenses.Discrepancies
previously handled manually are now less frustrating and less timeconsuming to
resolve [8].

Specifically we are concerned with networks of personal computers linked to

a few file-servers which provide the services such as access to a library of software

packages, an e- mail system, bulletin boards or shared directories which containing

course materials and the shared programs, data and documents of various work-
groups such as research project teams or the administrative staffs of programs or
departments, Gateway access to the campus-wide network that provides mainframe
and other specialized computing services, access to library catalogs and services.

The University of North Carolina also was having its management system
running on the mainframe back in 2006. In the plan of replacing all the aging
administrative systems, the university decided to upgrade systems such as
Department Accounting System, Financial Reporting System, Payroll System and
Student Information System. The operating system on the Information Technology
Services (ITS) mainframe was upgraded to z/OS version 1.7. This was a major
upgrade of z/OS that now supports new security standards, increased availability and
enterprise-wide workload management[24]. Another change that was done was in
terms of storage media. The current configuration consists of seven tape libraries
totalling 58 tape drives. The new configuration consists of two enterprise-class tape
libraries totalling 35 tape drives. In addition to space savings, the new tape drives
have approximately five times the capacity and speed of the older tape drives[24].

Access Customer Telecommunication company had also implemented

mainframe technology for their success in organization. The primary problem they
faced was that the customer cannot inquire into the status of their request without
calling the support centre or their account manager. The solution worked on was a
project which will provide the Access Customer with a new service that gives them
the capability to inquire into the status of an order any time during the workday
without having to contact the company directly. Success of this project provided the
basis for additional mainframe-based Web applications and helps to control the rising
costs of hardware. The technologies used to provide a Web interface required
installation of additional components, such as HTML coded hyperlinks, WAS
software, Unix System Services, Java Servlet Engine, JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The advantage of a Servlet is that it
does not require the overhead of CGI programming and is more robust and thread
capable. The use of JSPs and Servlets will provide the ability to quickly modify the
application. The IT department believed that mainframe Web servers were going to

be a strategic component in the future and they will back this project 100 percent. As
a result, the intangible benefits gained include increased customer satisfaction,
increased goodwill and support of the goal to be the ―easiest company to do business
with‖. This project also proved to the company that the mainframe is viable
contender when choosing a server platform and can actually be much cheaper than
creating a new client/server environment [20]. Kun, 2008 also supports
thatmainframe is the very platform that are able tonormally process tens of thousands
data accessesrequest at the same time, which makes the process forclient request and
server management highly efficient [6].

2.2.4 Several Migrations from Mainframe based System

Along with some successful implementations, there were also a few failures.
Mainframe based e-learning approach was implemented in the late 80‘s in University
of Victoria, for bulletin board systems for computer-mediated communications in
distance education courses. The system was experimented for the course Computing
Tools for Management, using 24 students for two years, but the result was
undesirable. The mainframe system was then switched to personal computer based
system due to few drawbacks. Among them are lack of user-friendliness for students,
excessive staff time in operating help desk functions are needed to guide students‘
problems, difficult to learn, high cost and installation was quite hard [27]. As stated
by Muzio, 1992, some technical problems were actually caused by student
unfamiliarity with the computer-mediated communication, student hardware problem
(incompatibility of equipment) and students‘ inability to establish contact with the
University‘s mainframe [27].

For an instance, over the past decade, University of Navarra Engineering

School‘s academic management system evolved from a mainframe environment to a
Windows based client-server architecture and then to a Web environment
[10].Aiming for independence from vendors, these developers adoptedopen-source
solutions for their Web applications and were delighted with the results. In 1996, the
developers‘ team rewrote this application to a Web environment, avoiding
installation on each local machine and allowing students to register via the Internet

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