54-Article Text-125-1-10-20210720
54-Article Text-125-1-10-20210720
54-Article Text-125-1-10-20210720
This paper examined the barriers to Girl- child education in Nigeria and strategies for
improvement. The paper stressed that education is a right to every Nigerian child
irrespective of gender, denying her access to education implies making her a
dysfunctional member of the society. The paper went further to discuss the relevance
of girl- child education to nation building. Some barriers to girl- child education such
as cultural influence, sexual violence and abuse, religious chaos, economic factors,
among others were highlighted. The paper suggests some useful strategies for
improving the education of the girl- child. These include: creating awareness to
parents that every child born into a family is important and deserves to be loved and
treated equally especially by giving them access to education, abolishing the
traditional practices that negate the girl child from going to school. The paper
recommends among others that Government at all levels should fund education of the
girl child and provide scholarships and grants for her; there is need for attitudinal
change, a re-orientation of societal and parental values towards the education of girls.
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.3;
https://unijerps.org ACADEMICJOURNALS
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. expand your knowledge
January-June, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
Education is an inalienable right of all over 80 percent of these girls in Sub-
citizens irrespective of gender, age and Sahara Africa (UNICEF as cited in
nationality. According to FGN (2004), Omede & Agahiu, 2016).
Education is seen as ‘an instrument par
excellence’ which equips an individual Successive governments in Nigeria have
with the right skills, knowledge, ability, over the years made concerted efforts in
competence, attitude, behaviour and a bid to bridge the gender disparity on
values in order to function effectively in education in different ways. These
society. Education is equally a means to include: the United Nations Universal
an end which assist citizens of a nation Declaration of Human Right Act of
to develop their full potentials and 1948; the Nigerian Child Rights Act of
capacity to contribute to societal 2003 which states that a female child
development as well as to attain who becomes pregnant before
sustainable livelihood. Micheal (2011) completing her education shall be given
described education as a key to a opportunity after delivery to continue
successful living, especially girl – child with education on the basis of her
education. Girl- child education is a individual ability; the establishment of
catch – all- term for a complex set of Universal Basic Education Act in 2004;
issues and debates surrounding primary, the establishment of Education for All
secondary, tertiary and health education Goals (EFA), Sustainable Development
in particular for girls and women Goals (SDGs), among others. These
(Omede & Agahiu, 2016). The authors declarations have helped the present
noted that denying the girl child access generation of girls to have better
to education implies making her a educational opportunities than their
dysfunctional member of the society. A mothers. Recent statistics still showed
girl child by definition is a biological that despite marked improvement in
female offspring from birth to eighteen female enrolment in the country, girls
years of age. still lack behind in the formal education
system particularly in the North and
Globally, about 121 million children are South- South region of Nigeria. The
out of school, 65 million are girls with paper therefore, seeks to address the
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.3;
https://unijerps.org ACADEMICJOURNALS
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. expand your knowledge
January-June, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
barriers of girl child education in Nigeria Stressing on the relevance of girl child
and suggest useful strategies for education, Agusiobo (2018) noted as
improvement. thus:
Educating girls and women is an
Relevance of Girl Child Education important step in overcoming poverty.
The importance of education in the life Poverty reduction enables the fulfilment
of an individual particularly, the Girl- of her right to education and other rights
child cannot be overemphasized. Female of the girl child and young women which
education is very crucial for national serve as a powerful tool in making a
development and the role of women change in her life, enhances gender
cannot be under estimated. There is a equality, self- esteem, empowerment,
general belief that ‘when you educate a social wellbeing, leadership and critical
man, you educate one person but when spirit Pg. 9
you educate a woman, you educate a
nation’. This statement reiterates the Similarly, UNICEF (2017) noted that
importance of female education for investing in girls’ education transforms
national development. Educating the girl the communities, countries and the entire
child produces mothers who are world. Girls who receive education are
educated and will in turn educate their less likely to marry young and more
children. Kiki (2010) asserted that the likely to live healthy and productive
girl child needs to be educated to acquire lives. UNICEF further stated that
knowledge and skills needed to advance educated girls earn higher income,
her status for social interactions and self- participate in decisions that most affect
improvement. The girl child education them, and build better futures for
also prepares her to face reality in the themselves and their families. It is also
society and teaches her to be a good wife pertinent to state that girls who go to
and mother. Kiki further stated that school and complete schooling are able
when the girl child is educated, she to have more access to social positions,
realizes her full potentials and enables better pay-jobs, and higher income.
her to take decisions that affects her life. Educated girls are empowered, gain a lot
of knowledge and skills that will enable
them fit into every sphere in life without
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.3;
https://unijerps.org ACADEMICJOURNALS
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. expand your knowledge
January-June, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
the environment the girl- child may also Religious Chaos: The ethnic values of
be unwilling to come to school because some religions do not help matters, as
of possible abuse that may face them they are often perceived with
there. Alika, Aihie and Ohamaka (2019), tremendous suspicions. UNESCO and
posited a lot of consequences associated UN Women (2016) reported that the
with school related violence, among emergence of religious insurgents in
which is sexual violence. In many places, deny females access to western
schools in Nigeria, Corporal punishment education. Nigeria is not left out where
is present and students may often get some religious sects terrorize female
beaten for things they cannot help, such schools. Unfortunately, many Nigerian
as not being able to afford and get a girls and their families are afraid to
uniform or a book. Often times, girls venture in education owing to security
often report having feelings of factors, especially after the Boko
psychological adjustment due to being Haram incidences, when Islamic sects
harassed by their male classmates and kidnapped and even gave out some
teachers. USAID (2012) has reported schoolgirls as child brides. In April 14,
sexual violence against girls in schools, 2014, the Vanguard Newspaper
in many African countries including reported that about 207 Government
South Africa, Zambia, Sudan and Secondary School students, Chibok,
Nigeria. The report identified series of Bornu State, Nigeria were abducted
sexual violence perpetrated by male from their school dormitory by Boko
teachers against female students from Haram. In February 19, 2018, another
primary schools to the universities. set of girls were abducted from Science
Sexual harassment, abusive acts, Secondary school Dapchi, Yobe
promise of good grades or threat of State, Nigeria by Boko Haram,
failure were also identified to be used by among others.
many teachers to achieve sexual
relations with students. This act of Economic Factors: The economic
sexual violence becomes a threat to girl situation in Nigeria could be seen as not
child education. palatable. Nigeria as a nation is
undoubtedly characterized by very harsh
economic conditions. This has given rise
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.3;
https://unijerps.org ACADEMICJOURNALS
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. expand your knowledge
January-June, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.3;
https://unijerps.org ACADEMICJOURNALS
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. expand your knowledge
January-June, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol..3; https://unijerps.org
January-June, 2021