Legal and Political Framework On Gender
Legal and Political Framework On Gender
Legal and Political Framework On Gender
What is CEDAW?
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women
Basic principle (UN): Equality of rights for
UN GOAL: "faith in fundamental human rights,
in the dignity and worth of the human person, 1. Women and the environment
in the equal rights of men and women“ 2. Violence against women
3. The girl child
Article 1 proclaims that one of the purposes of
4. Women and the economy
the United Nations is to achieve international 5. Institutional mechanisms
cooperation in promoting and encouraging 6. Woman and armed conflict
respect for human rights and for fundamental 7. Human rights of women
freedoms for all without distinction as to, inter 8. Education and training of women
alia, sex. 9. Women and poverty
The status of human rights, including the goal 10. Women in power and decision-making
of equality between women and men, is 11. Women and health
12. Women and the media
thereby elevated: a matter of ethics becomes a
contractual obligation of all Governments and
of the UN.
The 1960s saw the emergence, in many parts of the
world, of a new consciousness of the patterns of Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
discrimination against women and a rise in the
number of organizations committed to combating the The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) is a comprehensive
women’s human rights law that seeks to eliminate
effect of such discrimination
discrimination through the recognition, protection,
fulfillment, and promotion of the rights of Filipino women,
Ched Memorandum Order. No 01 Series of especially those belonging to the marginalized sectors of
2015 society.
Why is this law entitled the Magna Carta of Women and not
Magna Carta for Women?
Biological theory posited that masculine and feminine Biological theory claims:
traits are already coded in the chromosomes -Hormones determine the how girls and boy behave
These coded traits manifest in a person’s looks Example: In most cultures, males are more aggressive
and behavior that explain the physical and in their behavior than females
psychological differences between male and -Linking aggressive behavior to androgen in males
females. Androgen
-There are instances when chromosomes deviate -A hormone present in both men and women
from the usual XX/XY pairing However, androgen is typically assigned as a male
condition is called a typical sex chromosome hormone because it is present in much higher levels
Typical sex chromosome: the person’s body and in men
behavior looks like a typical male or female, but -Male traits: aggression, competitiveness, spatial
their chromosomes do not align to their births ability, and higher sexual drive
They have distinct and psychological Clinical findings also claimed that a female child
manifestations exposed to high levels of androgen while in her
mother’s womb tend to be as physically active as
boys (Hines & Spencer, 2015)
The researchers attributed this difference to prenatal
exposure on higher presence of androgen
Hormones believed to highly influence gender and
development are testosterone and estrogen
primarily a female hormone
Determines female sexual characteristics
Linked in the development of feminine body
shapes and facial features
Found to enhance feelings of intimacy,
attachment, and the desire to have more
Freud Theories
Socialization theory