Icstcee49637 2020 9277041
Icstcee49637 2020 9277041
Icstcee49637 2020 9277041
Dr Jayalaxmi G.N
Dr Shantala Giraddi Dr Shivanand Seeri Dr. P.S.Hiremath
School of Computer
School of Computer Department of MCA, KLE Department of MCA, KLE
science and Engineering
science and Engineering Technological University Technological University
KLE Technological
KLE Technological KLE Technological KLE Technological
University, Hubli.
University, Hubli. University, Hubli, University, Hubli.
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
978-1-7281-7213-2/20/$31.00 2020
c IEEE 130
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Dataset : The Kaggle dataset is used in this study. The Fine Tuning phase, all convolution layers of the model are
dataset set contains five categories of flower images i e. trained using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer
Daisy, Dandelion, Sunflower, Rose And Tulip. with learning rate (0.0001) and a momentum (0.9). The 20
Daisy : 813 images. Dandelion : 1055 images, Sunflower: epochs and batch size of 32 (number of samples propagating
734 images, Rose : 784 images, and Tulip : 984 images. through the network) .
The dataset consist of 4326 images and Images are about D. Validation: In this step, the trained model is
size 320x240 pixels. The dataset is divided into training validated or evaluated by comparing training accuracy and
dataset (80 %), validation dataset (10%) and testing dataset validation accuracy.
(10%). E. Testing: In this phase, the fine-tuned VGG16 model
The methodology consists of five steps: Data Splitting, pre- is tested by predicting the classes of given flower images
processing, training Fine-tuning VGG16, model validation retrieved from testing dataset folder.
and finally testing the model on the test dataset
Implementation: The VGG16 pre-trained model, which is
implemented using convolution layers, max pooling layers
and dense layers is used by training last three layers using
Adam optimizer with learning rate of 0.001, 20 epochs and
batch-size of 32 for flower dataset. The VGG16 consists of
13 convolution layers, 5 max pooling layers and 3 dense
layers and which sum up to 21 layers and only 16 weight
layers are considered. The small size 3x3 filters are used for
the processing the images in this model. The performance of
the pre-trained VGG16 model is enhanced by fine-tuning
VGG16 model.
The sample images used for training and validation of fine-
tuned VGG16 model is shown in the Figure 2.
Daisy flower
Dandelion flower
International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE 2020) 131
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example, Transfer Learning makes use of features learned layer that outputs class (Five classes) probabilities. The
from one domain and used on another through feature Figure 4 shows the layers present in VGG16 model.
extraction and fine-tuning. Convolutional Neural Network Conv 1 uses 64 filters, Conv 2 uses 128 filters, and Conv 3
(also known as ConvNet) models trained on uses 256 filters. Both Conv 4 and Conv 5 use 512 filters.In
the ImageNet's million images with 1000 categories can be the proposed fine-tuned VGG16 model, all layers are trained
successfully used on other similar or dissimilar datasets, using flower dataset. The fine-tuning process adjusts the
large or small, with great success. abstract representations of the model and thus used for
The small datasets can benefit from these pre-trained flower classification.
networks because the lower layers of these pre-trained
networks already contain many generic features such as
edge and color blob detectors and only the higher layers
need to be trained on the new datasets.
Convolution Neural Network formed with the help of
different layers to perform the image classification task. The
architecture of the CNN contains the different layers as
Input Layer: Used to accept input images, and dispatched to
next layers for feature extraction.
Convolution Layer: Used to extract features from input
image using image matrix and a filter (Kernel).
ReLU (Rectified-Linear Unit): ReLU replaces all negative Figure 4: VGG16 layer definition
values in the matrix to zero, which, helps faster and
effective training. Thus, negative values are not passed to
the next layer. In transfer learning model, bottom layers in convolution
Pooling: It is used to reduce spatial size of the feature map block encode generic features whereas top layers encode
and thus reduces the parameters required to preserve specialized features based on the new dataset. Hence,
significant information. retraining of fourth and fifth convolution block in VGG16
Fully Connected Layer: Used to build feature vector of enables capture specialized features of flower dataset. The
input images and thus used for the classification of images. steps followed for fine-tuning of VGG16 model is as
Softmax Layer: It is used to normalize output of the neural follows.
network (between zero and one) and used to represent 1. Set up fine tuning on pre-trained ImageNet VGG16
network output as probability. model – train all layers of VGG16.
The first four stages are called feature extraction stages and 2. Compile the revised model using SGD optimizer
last two are called classification stages (K indicates number with a learning rate of 0.0001 and a momentum of
of classes) are shown in Figure 3. 0.9
3. Fit the revised model, log the results and the training-
4. Evaluate the Model
5. Save the Fine Tuning Model
6. Predict Unseen Images(Testing the model)
7. Stop
In VGG16, RGB images of size 224x224 are processed by V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
five blocks of convolution layers. Each block is composed
of growing numbers of 3x3 filters. The stride = 1 is used and The proposed algorithm is implemented using fine-tuned
the convolution layer inputs are padded to preserve spatial VGG16 on Google colab. The images are in JPEG format
resolution. The blocks are joined by max-pooling layers. and in RGB color space. The Kaggle dataset is used in this
Max-pooling is applied over 22 windows with stride 2. The study for training, validation and testing of fine-tuned
five blocks of convolution layers are followed by three VGG16 model. The dataset set contains five categories of
fully-connected (FC) layers. The final layer is a soft-max flower images i e. Daisy flower dataset has 813 flower
images. Dandelion flower has a 1085 flower images,
sunflower dataset has a 734 flower images, rose flower
132 International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE 2020)
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