DLP Science
DLP Science
DLP Science
College of Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education
AY 2023-2024
Prepared by:
Jayza Annie T. Juavan
Submitted to:
B. References
DepEd Science Grade 3 Teachers Guide
C. Materials
Visual aids
Magnifying glass
DIY Eye Model
D. Science Processes
• Classification
• Inferring
E. Values Integration
• Cooperation
• Participation
• Compassion
F. Approach
5E’s Approach
1. Engage
2. Explore
3. Explain
4. Extend
5. Evaluate
III. Methodology
A. Daily Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
Let us all stand and let us pray.
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
Before we proceed to our new
lesson, let’s have a review.
5. Motivation
Very good!
Eye is the sensory organ, and it
help us see things and see
We have the basic parts of the
The first one is
A. Cornea
The transparent layer of the eye v=axpCN6Vj9p0
that is capable of bending light
and sensing pain. Found
covering the iris and pupil at the (The students will watch the video)
front of the eye.
B. Iris
C. Pupil
D. Lens
E. Retina
The function of retina is receiving (The students will watch the video)
the image formed by the lens.
The retina is like a curtain that
covers the eye to allow focusing
on the things we see.
Now I have a question, the one (The students will raise their hands)
who answer me correctly will get “answer may vary”
the prize, if you want to answer
raise your hands. Are you ready? (The students will raise their hands)
“Cornea, pupil and iris.”
Ok, here’s the question.
What is the function of our eyes? (The students will raise their hands)
(The students come in front and point
out the parts)
What are the parts of the eyes
that we can see?
Who can point out where is the (The students will raise their hands)
Retina? The Lens? The Optic “We can see objects whenever there is
Nerve? light. Light is needed in order to see
Very Good!
(The students will raise their hands)
How do we able to see objects? “I would feel difficult seeing things
around me”
Group 1
Direction: observe the given
Group1 will present their work
Group 2
Direction: Identify Who am I
Very good Children!
A. Fill me in and Answer Correctly!
Directions: Using the letters of the alphabet, decode the numbers to get the hidden
words which correspond to the materials that can be pressed.
A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F-6 G-7 H-8 I-9 J-10 K-11 L-12 M-13
N-14 O-15 P-16 Q-17 R-18 S-19 T-20 U- 21 V-22 W-23 X-24 Y-24 Z-25
9 18 9 19
3 15 18 14 5 1
16 21 16 9 12
12 5 14 19
15 16 20 9 3 14 5 18 22 5
18 5 20 9 14 1
Optic Nerve
Write 5 sentences about the importance of our eyes.
Next meeting read your answer one by one.