Chapter 3 Epidemiology
Chapter 3 Epidemiology
Chapter 3 Epidemiology
Min C Choi, Chan Lee, Harriet O Smith, Seung J Kim
effect on it.
Hospital-based studies
Nigeria Ogunbode [75] -- 4.8 --
Nigeria Osamor et al [81] -- 1.51 --
Uganda Leighton [82] -- 1.03 --
Latin America
Mexico Marquez-Monter et al. [54] 4.6 -- --
North America
USA Yen and MacMohon [74] 0.63 -- --
Drake et al. [58] -- (Hispanic) 2.38
(Alaska) Martin [59] -- 3.9 --
(Hawaii) Matsuura et al. [62] -- -- 4.6
North Asia
Japan Nakano et al. [116] 1.9 2.6 --
Japan Kanazawa K [117] -- -- 3.70
Taiwan Wei and Ouyang [70] -- 8.0 --
Korea Kim [51,64] -- 2.1 --
China Song et al. [115] -- 6.7 --
South Asia
Indonesia Poen and Djojopranoto [71] 9.9 11.5 --
Malaysia Ong et al. [125] -- 1.5 --
Malaysia Sivanesaratnam [119] -- 2.8 --
Philippines Acosta-Sison [113] 5.0 -- --
Middle East Asia
Iran Javey and Sajadi [103] 3.2 -- 3.7
Turkey Gul et al. [107] -- 12.9 --
Turkey Ozalp SS [105] -- -- 7.8
Saudi Arabia Felemban AA et al. [108] -- -- 1.48
Saudi Arabia Khashoggi TY [109] -- 0.91 --
Saudi Arabia Anfinan et al. [1012] -- 1.26 --
Parkistan Bugti et al. [110] -- 4.06 --
Population-based studies
Latin America
Paraguay Rolon and de Lopez [57] 0.2 -- --
Jamacia Segupta et al. [120] -- -- 1.4
Puerto Rico Aranda and Martinez [121] -- 0.3 --
North America
Canada Brisson and Fabia [122] -- 0.4
USA Brinton [38]
North Asia
Japan (20 prefectures) Takeuchi [50, 118] -- -- 0.83
South Asia
Singapore Teoh et al. [114] -- 2.3 --
Sweden Ringerz [93] 0.2 -- --
Hospital-based studies
Nigeria Ayangande [80] -- 9.9 --
Latin America
Mexico Marquez-Monter et al. [54] 3.5 -- --
Mexico MacGregor et al. [55] 0.2 0.3 0.3
North America
USA Brewer and Gerbie [127] 0.5 0.6 --
USA Yen and MacMahon [74] 0.3 -- --
(Hawaii) Matsuura et al. [62] -- -- 4.6
East Asia
Hong Kong Chan [123] -- 7.5 --
Japan Nakano et al. [116] 1.2 1.7 --
Japan Kanazawa K [117] -- 1.48 --
Taiwan Wei and Ouyang [70] -- 20.2 --
Korea Kim [64] -- 1.9 --
South Asia
India Pai [124] 19.1 -- --
Indonesia Poen and Djojopranoto [71] -- 17.7 --
Malaysia Ong et al. [125] -- 1.5 --
Philippines Acosta-Sison [113] 8.70 -- --
Thailand Srivannaboom et al. [126] 6.3 6.5 --
Middle East Asia
Israel Matalon and Modan [102] -- -- 0.5
Saudi Arabia Khashoggi TY [109] -- 0.3 --
Iraq Yasin and Chaied [111] -- 0.4 --
Australia (Sydney) Steigrad [96] 0.9 1.0 --
rates of gestational CC also widely differ [36, 48, 86-87, 109, 111, 120-
131] although some of these differences are attributable to the same
methodological problems associated with epidemiologic studies of
molar pregnancies. In Europe and North America, one in 30,000 –
40,000 pregnancies, and 1 in 40 molar pregnancies are affected [127-
128] whereas in Southeast Asia, rates as high as one CC in every 500–
3,000 pregnancies have been reported [129]. Estimations of the
incidence of CC have been limited by some of the same problems as
with HM. As indicated in Table 3.2, rates derived from Latin
American (0.2 cases per 10,000 pregnancies) and Europe (0.2—1.5
cases per 10,000 births and pregnancies) are similar, whereas reports
from Japan have indicated higher rates (0.83 cases per 10 000
pregnancies and births). Hospital-based studies have reported rates
ranging from 0.2 to 20.2 per 10000 pregnancies and deliveries.
Problems with definitions and methodological design have an even
greater impact upon epidemiologic studies of CC, because this variant
relative to all GTD cases is relatively rare.
cases) [51]. In Okinawa, the average GTD incidence ratios per 100,000
populations and per 1,000 live births were 3.41 and 2.29, based upon a
study of 417 cases (1986 - 1995). Although incidence rates in Okinawa
were higher than those of mainland Japan, GTD rates from both have
similarly declined, and the higher rates in Okinawa are proportional to
higher crude birth rates [68]. Although Malaysia lacks a centralized
registry, the ratio per live births for the 1991-1995 time periods was
2.8 per 1000 deliveries, much less than for earlier years [119].
The incidence of HM is well-known that it is the highest in South-
East Asia. It ranges from 1/1000 pregnancies (Japan), 2/1000
pregnancies (China) to 12/1000 pregnancies (Indonesia, India and
Turkey). However, the incidence in North America, Europe, and
Oceania is about 0.5-1/1000 pregnancies. The data from South
America and Africa is limited and sparse. The accurate explanation on
these geographical differences is difficult. Researchers point out
maternal age, diet, ethnicity, gravidity, poor social-economic
conditions, and infection as different factors.
Recent data show the significant reduction of GTD incidence with
the increase of GNP. This is prominent in South Korea
from 4.4/1000 deliveries in the 1960s, 1.9/1000 deliveries in the
1990s, to 1.8/1000 deliveries in the 2000's [64]. Similar results are
obtained from Japan from 4.9/100,000 population in 1974 to
1.9/10000 in 1993. This trend is also noted in Taiwan [70].
few existing reports make the distinction between gravidity and parity.
Epidemiologic studies that adjust for potentially important
overlapping effects, including maternal age, age at first pregnancy,
induced abortions, miscarriages, spacing between pregnancies, and
infertility, spacing between pregnancies and history of infertility are
few and far between. No studies have included all of them.
A history of a previous HM appears to be a strong and well-
established risk factor predisposing to another molar pregnancy [62,
102, 138, 141-142]. The risk of HM increases with prior history of
HM. The relative risk for recurrent mole is anywhere from 20 to 40
times that for the general population [74, 102].
After the first HM, a second molar pregnancy occurs in 0.6-2.60%
of pregnancies [142-146]. Women who have given birth to twins also
appear to be at increased risk. In one study, the incidence of HM
following twin pregnancies was substantially higher than that for the
general population [147].
In both Rhode Island (USA) [74] and in Italy [148], parity was not
found to be associated with an increased risk for HM, after adjustment
for maternal age. However, another Italian study found an elevated
risk of HM in nulliparous women with a history of miscarriage [142].
In the same study, difficulties in conception were significantly more
common in women who subsequently developed HM pregnancies
[142], but in a similar study conducted in Baltimore, no relationship
between a history of infertility and menstrual problems and
subsequent HM was found [139].
A higher rate of HM after artificial insemination by donor
compared with normally conceived pregnancies was found in one
report from Australia [98]. Also, repetitive molar pregnancies with
different male partners have been reported. Six patients experienced a
total of 34 pregnancies with 20 different partners. These pregnancies
resulted in 15 HMs, 8 term live births, 7 therapeutic abortions, 3
spontaneous abortions, and 1 preterm delivery. The rate of persistent
GTD was 3 (20%). Interestingly, 3 of the males reported normal
pregnancies with other partners [149]. A significantly high incidence of
triploidy in a woman with recurrent GTD following normal
conception has been reported after two cycles of in vitro fertilization
[150]. Thus, it appears that previous history of conceptions that occur
and proceed normally reduces a woman’s likelihood of developing
GTD. Whether this reduction in risk merely reflects the absence of
adverse genetic or environmental factors that are known to induce
abnormal fertilization, and thereby increase the risk for GTD, is
Cigarette smoking
interval from last menstrual period, and advanced maternal age, was
the most important prognostic factor in postmolar GTD development
Previous use of an IUCD has also been found to be significantly
associated with HM in an Italian study [142], but Berkowitz et al.
found a much weaker relationship [143], and the Baltimore study
showed no correlation [139].
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) may also be a risk factor. In one study, 2
of 129 daughters of mothers who had used DES in pregnancy
developed HM [189]. Although the incidence ratio (15.5 per 1000
pregnancies) is disconcerting, it is based upon only two exposed cases;
however, the effect of DES exposure merits further study. Since
daughters of mothers who took DES are aging, and risk increases with
maternal age, the exposure may be only coincidentally related.
Table 3.3 Corresponding relative risks of various factors reported to correlate with molar pregnancy occurrence.
Odds ratio
Reproductive history
Parity at conception
0 0.9 0.7
3 0.8 0.5
Spontaneous miscarriages
>2 1.5-3.1 1.9
Problems with Infertility 2.4-3.7 3.2
Use of oral contraceptives 1.1-2.6 1.3
IUCD user 1.7-3.7
Age of 1st pregnancy < 25 0.6 1.3
Previous molar pregnancy 16.0
Family history
Spontaneous abortion (yes) 1.5
Vitamin A in diet above control median 0.6
Source: Grimes [28], Matsuura et al. [62], Bracken [87], Olesnicky and Quinn [98], Messerli et al. [139], La Vecchia et al
[142], Berkowitz et al. [143], Brinton et al. [182], Steigrad [197], Altieri et al [198].
3.7.1 AGE
The median age for women with CC is generally somewhat higher than
that for normal pregnancy. Some reports [102] described slightly higher
rates of CC for teenagers than for women aged 20-40 years, while others
noted lower rates. As with HM, older women account for a minority of
cases of CC due to their low fertility. The potential effect of the age of
the father is unknown.
was 1 in 19,920 live births and 1 in 24,096 pregnancies [36]. The risk for
HM developing into CC is probably less than 5% [131].
As HM has been separated into two clinical and genetic entities (CHM
and PHM), the incidence of developing GTN following the two
separate pathological entities is also different. The incidence of GTN
following a CHM is 2-20% [101, 199, 201], while GTN and CC
following PHM is probably of 0.5% and 0.1%, respectively [201]. The
variable genetic constitution of HM does make it possible to identify
HM and distinguish between a PHM, a monospermic CHM and a
dispermic CHM by using genetic analysis techniques such as cytogenetic
polymorphism, enzyme polymorphism and restriction fragment length
polymorphisms of DNA, and more recently PCR. The relative risk of a
dispermic or a monospermic CHM progressing to a GTN has yet to be
established, although it has been suggested that the dispermic CHM
may have a higher malignancy potential [11, 211]. CC developing in
older women, and certainly women over 50 years of age, is associated
with a poorer prognosis [212-213]. Women who experience repeated
abortion are also at increased risk for CHM [214].
Maternal blood groups of the mother and her consort have been studied
but the data are inconclusive.
ABO group
HLA types
Data are available on patients and husbands in a series treated for GTN.
The overall frequencies of the HLA-A and HLA-B locus antigens in 225
Caucasian patients did not differ significantly from those of the normal
control population [216]. However, the degree of incompatibility
between husband and wife, as measured by the number of antigenic
incompatibilities (0, 1 or 2), indicates that there is a trend for patients
who are more compatible with their husbands for the B locus antigens
to fall into the higher-risk treatment categories. Consanguinity as a risk
factor will require evaluation in large-scale studies with modern
cytogenetic techniques.
The 5-year survival rate of CC in Japan was very low in the past. It
increased from 23.1% in the 1960s to 52.6% in the 1970s. This has
improved to 86.7% and 85.8% in the 1980s and 1990s [117].
In Korea, the survival rate of GTN patients improved from 73.2% in
1970s, to 92.9% in 1980s, to 96.1% in 1990s, to 96.6% in 2000s [51-52,
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