Chapter 3 Epidemiology

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Min C Choi, Chan Lee, Harriet O Smith, Seung J Kim

Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) encompasses an intriguing

group of interrelated diseases derived from placental trophoblasts.
Variants differ in propensity for spontaneous resolution, local
invasion, and metastasis [1]. The most serious form, choriocarcinoma,
is usually preceded by a hydatidiform mole (HM), but can occur
following any type of gestational event. As the name implies, all GTD
variants arise following an antecedent pregnancy, although recent
studies have shown that related pregnancy is sometimes not the one
most temporally related [2].
Since pregnancy is an obligatory precursor, ideally, incidence ratios
should be described using the total number of pregnancies, including
unrecognized pregnancies. Because the total number of pregnancies is
difficult to estimate, most epidemiologic studies of GTD have used
surrogate denominators - usually, the number of deliveries and live
births within a given hospital or institution. Over the past three or
four decades, in many regions of the world, population-based registries
dedicated to the study of GTD incidence rates have been established,
and newer epidemiologic studies from these registries have begun to
report GTD rates using population based denominators.
In recent years, it has also been shown that the determination of
the absolute number of incident cases, or the true numerator for
GTD, is almost as elusive as the absolute denominator. Newer
approaches to clinical and laboratory diagnosis, including DNA flow
cytometry, cDNA microarray, in-situ hybridization, polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), and recognition of particularly rare variants (placental
site tumors, epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, placental site nodule)
have improved the accuracy of estimations of the absolute number of
GTD cases in some centers; however, these technological advances
are not yet universally applied.
Dramatic differences in incidence rates for GTD have been
reported from hospitals and regions throughout the world. These
findings have led to speculation that there are environmental and
perhaps, genetic differences in risk for GTD among different ethnic
and racial groups. In this chapter, the epidemiology of GTD, including
the difficulties encountered in determining incidence rates, are
addressed. Despite the limitations of earlier investigative efforts, newer
population-based data have enhanced our understanding of trends in
GTD incidence rates. These studies, which suggest that GTD
incidence rates are declining throughout the world, are presented, and
possible etiologic risk factors are discussed.
This edition will conserve, but not review the prior epidemiology
studies. We will focus the new changed incidence of GTD and try to
analyze how the improvement of medicine and society has caused


effect on it.



For all GTD variants, the involved trophoblastic tissue is genetically

distinct from the mother. That is, gestational trophoblastic diseases are
allografts. Several different classification systems continue to be used
for staging, including the World Health Organization (WHO) Scoring
Index, the FIGO system, an NIH classification, and combination
classification, although implementation of recent revisions should help
to consolidate reporting [3-5]. WHO divides GTD variants
histologically into distinct groups, including HM, choriocarcinoma,
placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT), miscellaneous trophoblastic
tumor (exaggerated placental site, placental site nodule or plaque), and
unclassified trophoblastic lesions. Hydatidiform molar pregnancies
(complete, partial, invasive) are thought to represent abnormally
formed placentas with specific genetic abnormalities in the villous
trophoblasts, whereas choriocarcinomas and PSTTs are considered
true neoplasms, the former of previllous and the latter, of extravillous
origin, and characterized by intermediate trophoblasts [6].
In 1977, Kajii and colleagues demonstrated the androgenetic origin
of complete, or classic hydatidiform mole [7]. In complete moles, the
nuclear DNA is exclusively of paternal origin. The majority are 46XX,
and arise from fertilization of an empty pronucleus of ovum by a
haploid sperm that undergoes duplication [8]. This is usually referred
to as diandric diploidy. The remainder, 46XY, arise from the fertilization
of an empty egg by two sperm, termed diandric dispermy [9-11].
Typically, the karyotype of partial moles is triploidy (69
chromosomes), and usually results from the fertilization of an oocyte
by two spermatozoa, or diandric triploidy. These are cytogenetically
distinguished from triploid conceptuses with a diploid set of maternal
DNA and a haploid set of paternal DNA, or digenic tripoidy [6, 12-13].
In studies that include both, enormous differences in ratios of
complete versus partial mole variants have been reported. Ratios of 1
to 3 and 3 to 1 have been reported, although more recent studies tend
to include more partial mole cases [14-18]. The difficulties in
distinguishing complete from partial mole by microscopic morphology
alone are underscored by a study conducted by pathologists with
special interest in trophoblastic diseases. In this study, the diagnosis
was agreed upon by all in only 35 of 50 cases (70%) [19]. While
complete mole does not usually present a diagnostic dilemma, it is
difficult and sometimes impossible to distinguish a partial mole from a
hydropic abortus using light microscopy alone [6, 14-24].
P57kip2 is the protein product of a paternally imprinted or maternal
gene that inhibits cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK), thus serving to
inhibit cell proliferation and to suppress tumor growth. Its lack of
expression in trophoblastic disease plays a role in its abnormal
proliferation and differentiation. P57kip2 immunohistochemical
staining was absent in the trophoblastic layers of complete HM and as


positive in the trophoblastic layer of non-molar villi and mesenchymal

dysplasia [25].
The possible role of genetic and environmental factors in the onset
of GTD has been investigated. A cDNA microarray analysis consisting
of 10,305 human genes revealed significant changes, with 91 genes
being upregulated and 122 being down regulated. Significance analysis
of microarray revealed significant changes in gene expression,
including those associated with signal transduction, cell culture,
transcription and apoptosis. Further RT-PCR analysis of altered gene
expression in molar tissues supported the microanalysis results. This
study confirmed the upregulation of TLE4, CAPZA1, PRSS25,
RNF13, and USP1 in complete HM tissues. Moreover, this study
provides the first evidence that ELK3, LAMA3, LNK, STAT2, and
TNFR SF25 are downregulated in complete HM compared to normal
early placenta tissues. This approach allowed us to identify genes that
are differentially expressed in complete HM tissues as compared to
early normal placenta tissues [26].


Despite extensive epidemiologic data spanning at least 50 years,

considerable difficulty exists in determining racial and geographic
differences in incidence rates for GTD, including HM and
choriocarcinoma, throughout the world. The major limitations of data
published between the 1960s and early 1980s include imprecise
definitions of included cases, extensive variability in the methods used
to detect cases, and differences in the denominators used [27].


For rates of GTD to be compared, reproducible definitions of the

conditions encompassed by the term “GTD” had to be developed.
Before the recommendations of the WHO Scientific Group meeting
were accepted most reports lacked clear, precise, and reproducible case
definitions [28-29]. Earlier epidemiologic studies also predate the
discovery by Szulman and Surti of two genetically distinct and specific
types of HM - partial hydatiform mole (PHM) and complete
hydatidiform mole (CHM) [12]. Other terms were routinely applied
before these discrete entities were recognized, and included
“destructive mole”, “invasive mole”, “transitional mole”, and
“hydropic degeneration”. At best, this terminology was confusing, and
at its worst, comparisons of all GTD cases across studies were not
possible [28]. As has been discussed, using light microscopy hydropic
degeneration can be easily confused with PHM, and destructive and
transitional mole with invasive mole [6, 15-24].
Studies that included all GTD variants invariably also included
cases that would be reclassified as first trimester abortions, if flow
cytometry and/or cytogenetic analyses available today were applied [6,
15-24]. By design, studies in which the scope of investigation was


restricted to CHM and/or choriocarcinoma invariably reported lower

incidence ratios, because partial moles were excluded [15-24, 28].
However, older studies that attempted to include all PHM cases,
including clinically ambiguous ones, probably had falsely elevated
numerators, because triploid conceptuses have many histological
features similar to partial mole. The diagnosis of invasive mole
requires histologic evidence of myometrial invasion. While this
diagnosis can easily be made from microscopic evaluation of the
uterus, hysterectomy is usually unnecessary and not routinely
performed [27, 30]. The rare variants, including PSTT [31-33],
epitheliod trophoblastic tumor [32, 34], and exaggerated placental
site/placental site nodule [35], have only recently become recognized.
PSTTs were initially thought to be clinically benign [31] and may not
have been included in registry data until case reports of metastasis and
even death despite conventional therapy began to appear [32-33].
While some early reports may have included metastatic PSTT as GTD
or choriocarcinoma cases, prior to 1977 benign forms probably went
unrecognised [31]. This is exemplified by an analysis of
choriocarcinoma using data collected by the Surveillance,
Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. In the first 10 years
of data entry (1973-1982), no PSTT tumors were listed [36].
Unlike most malignant tumors, GTD is unique in that surveillance
and therapy is based less upon histopathologic diagnosis, and more
upon the biologic behavior of the disease. Regardless of histology, and
even in the absence of histologic confirmation, therapy has been based
upon persistently elevated or rising human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) levels, the most recent antecedent pregnancy, and presence or
absence of one or more radiographically detectable metastatic lesions
[3-5, 37]. The pitfalls of treatment based upon serum hCG levels alone
have been addressed [37]. However, biopsy, especially when the vagina
or distant sites are involved, is not feasible because of the highly
vascular nature of these lesions [38]. Many excellent epidemiologic
studies are limited by inclusion or exclusion of cases that lack
pathologic confirmation [36, 39]. Excluding cases that lack pathologic
confirmation from population-based studies is also problematic, as
clinically relevant cases are missed [39]. In the study of
choriocarcinoma using the SEER database, previously mentioned,
histologic confirmation was obtained in 89.7% of cases, and the others
the remainder were diagnosed on radiographic, clinical grounds, or
observation at surgery [36].
Fortunately, other radiographic diagnostic tools including
ultrasound, color Doppler ultrasonography, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), computerized tomographic imaging (CT) and PET-CT
are aiding in anatomic diagnosis. These studies have begun to be used
in the clinical setting when a tissue diagnosis is not feasible [40-42].
When modern techniques that determine the cytogenetics of HM are
applied with greater consistency in the clinical setting, more accurate
classification, and comparison of other epidemiologic considerations
including racial, regional, and cultural differences in risk, will be more
feasible. Because the biologic behavior of molar pregnancies
(especially PHM) detected using newer methods is less well


understood, hopefully, investigators having access to these newer tools

will be able to determine those cases needing surveillance from those
of little or no clinical significance. However, until the clinical
significance of disputed cases is better understood, it would helpful to
consider these separately from other GTD cases. Without staging and
classification criteria that can be applied across all continents and
registries, global differences in incidence rates will continue to remain
an enigma.


When GTD and choriocarcinoma cases are managed by regional

referral centers and incidence rates are reported per live births and
deliveries within a given institution or hospital, the number of cases
relative to the regional population is invariably overestimated. It is
now clear that many of the differences in incidence rates reported for
different populations were the result of over-reporting of GTD cases.
Hospital-based studies invariably tend to have falsely elevated
incidence rates, particularly those from regions of the world where
uncomplicated live births and pregnancies do not receive hospital-
based care. Data derived from communities where medical attention
is suboptimal are also likely to underreport GTD cases. For example,
in regions of the world where spontaneous abortions and D&C
specimens are not routinely subjected to histopathologic review, GTD
cases that resolve spontaneously are probably not counted. Even in
developed countries, under-registration of GTD has been reported. In
Sweden, which maintains a national registry, 25% of HM cases
diagnosed between 1971 and 1986, and 66% of treated cases, were not
included within their cancer registry. The most common reason given
for omission was absence of histopathological confirmation [39].



GTD occurs as a result of an abnormal fertilization process, and can

therefore occur following any type of conception. Thus, the total
number of pregnancies is the preferable denominator to use when
calculating GTD incidence ratios. Ideally, the pregnancy denominator
should include all live births, stillbirths, spontaneous abortions,
induced abortions, ectopic pregnancies, as well as clinically
unrecognized pregnancies, if accurate estimates can be made.
However, population-based data regarding unrecognized pregnancy
loss is virtually nonexistent. In one study, the rate of early pregnancy
loss in one year identified by a rise in urine hCG was found to 31%,
and 22% of pregnancy losses occurred before the pregnancy was
detected clinically [43]. Most of the earlier epidemiologic studies
reported GTD ratios using deliveries or live births as denominator,
which overestimated the reported incidence ratios. In a more recent
population-based study, it was shown that calculations of


choriocarcinoma incidence rates using live births and deliveries falsely

elevated incidence rates by approximately 20% [36]. While this study
constitutes the best available published estimate of choriocarcinoma
incidence rates in the United States, since the number of pregnancy
terminations before 20 weeks of gestation and the number of ectopic
pregnancies was unknown, it is likely that even their best estimates of
the number of clinically recognized pregnancies over-estimated the
ratio, because these data were not adjusted for unrecognized
pregnancy losses.
Recent reports have attempted to record the best available
numerator information including all GTD variants, as well as
reasonably accurate denominator information (live births, clinically
recognized pregnancies, and adult female population at risk). Age-
adjusted standardization, which has proved to be a reproducible means
of comparing malignancy rates over calendar time and across
registries, may be an alternative means of estimating GTD incidence
rates, especially if ratios are calculated including cases and women of
reproductive age, who represent the fertile population [36, 44-45].
There are potential pitfalls with this denominator as well, because of
differences in sterilization and hysterectomy practices in fertile
women. However, because most countries maintain fairly accurate
population-based age-specific census data for their adult populations,
and many apply age-adjusted standardization to cancer statistics, this
may prove to be a valuable means of comparing GTD incidence rates.




For a long time, epidemiologists, genetics, and gynecologists have

noted significant variability in GTD incidence rates between different
regions of the world (Table 3.1). Differences by geographic region
within the same continent or country have also been reported. The
previously cited differences in study methodology clearly account for
some of the reported differences. In China, a nationwide study
conducted by the National Co-ordination Research Group of
Chorioma (NCRG) [46] found an incidence of 0.78 (0.81) per 1000
live births (pregnancies), and Song and Wu [47] a rate of 0.67 per
1,000 deliveries, similar to that reported from Western countries [48].
However, significantly higher rates of GTD, especially from southern
and coastal regions compared with other parts of China, have also
been reported [46]. The incidence of molar pregnancy in Japan (2.0
per 1,000 pregnancies) is approximately three times higher than the
reported incidence in Europe or North America (0.6 to 1.1 per 1,000
pregnancies) [49]. Another well-controlled study involving 20 different
prefectures indicated that the incidence of HM in Japan (16,829 cases
between 1974 and 1982) ranged from 2.83 to 3.05 per 1000 live births
[50]. In South Korea, the nationwide incidence of HM ranged from
1.9 to 2.1 per 1000 deliveries comparable to that in Japan [51-52].


Table 3.1 Selected incidences of hydatidiform mole reported by various authors

Rate per 1,000

Country Authors Pregnancies Deliveries Live births

Population-based studies
Latin America
Paraguay Rolon and de Lopez [57] 0.2 -- --
North America
Canada Yuen and Cannon [88] 0.83 -- --
Greenland Nielsen and Hansen [90] -- 1.2 --
USA Hayashi et al. [48] 1.1 -- --
USA Matsuura et al. [62] 0.8 (White Hawaiian) --
1.75 (Filipino Orientals) --
New Mexico Smith HO et al. [45] 1.14 (Non-Hispanic whites) 1.04
1.14 (Hispanic whites) 1.34
2.23 (American Indians) 2.27
North Asia
Japan (20 prefectures) Takeuchi [50,118] 2.96 -- 3.0
Korea Kim et al [51,52] 1.9
China NCRG [46] 0.8 -- --
South Asia
Singapore Teoh et al. [114] -- 1.2 --
Middle East Asia
United Arab Emirates Graham and Fajardo [104] -- 2.0 --
Turkey Mungan [106] 1.84 2.48 --
Italy Mazzanti et al. [100] 0.7 -- --
Sweden Flam and Rutgvist [39,94] 0.9 -- --
Netherlands Franke et al. [91] -- -- 0.68
England and Wales Bagshawe and Dent [92] -- -- 1.54
Northern Ireland Giwa-Osagie [89] -- 2.2 --
Finland Loukovaara et al. [95] -- 0.98 --
Australia Olesnicky and Quinn [98] 0.57 -- 0.7

Hospital-based studies
Nigeria Ogunbode [75] -- 4.8 --
Nigeria Osamor et al [81] -- 1.51 --
Uganda Leighton [82] -- 1.03 --
Latin America
Mexico Marquez-Monter et al. [54] 4.6 -- --
North America
USA Yen and MacMohon [74] 0.63 -- --
Drake et al. [58] -- (Hispanic) 2.38
(Alaska) Martin [59] -- 3.9 --
(Hawaii) Matsuura et al. [62] -- -- 4.6
North Asia
Japan Nakano et al. [116] 1.9 2.6 --
Japan Kanazawa K [117] -- -- 3.70
Taiwan Wei and Ouyang [70] -- 8.0 --
Korea Kim [51,64] -- 2.1 --
China Song et al. [115] -- 6.7 --
South Asia
Indonesia Poen and Djojopranoto [71] 9.9 11.5 --
Malaysia Ong et al. [125] -- 1.5 --
Malaysia Sivanesaratnam [119] -- 2.8 --
Philippines Acosta-Sison [113] 5.0 -- --
Middle East Asia
Iran Javey and Sajadi [103] 3.2 -- 3.7
Turkey Gul et al. [107] -- 12.9 --
Turkey Ozalp SS [105] -- -- 7.8
Saudi Arabia Felemban AA et al. [108] -- -- 1.48
Saudi Arabia Khashoggi TY [109] -- 0.91 --
Saudi Arabia Anfinan et al. [1012] -- 1.26 --
Parkistan Bugti et al. [110] -- 4.06 --

Iraq Yasin and Chaied [111] -- 1.7 --

Israel Matalon and Modan [102] -- -- 0.8
Italy Di Fabio and de Aloysio [99] -- 0.8 --
Australia (Sydney) Steigrad [96] 0.9 1.0 --


Table 3.2 Selected incidences of choriocarcinoma reported by various authors

Rate per 10,000

Country Authors Pregnancies Deliveries Live births

Population-based studies
Latin America
Paraguay Rolon and de Lopez [57] 0.2 -- --
Jamacia Segupta et al. [120] -- -- 1.4
Puerto Rico Aranda and Martinez [121] -- 0.3 --
North America
Canada Brisson and Fabia [122] -- 0.4
USA Brinton [38]
North Asia
Japan (20 prefectures) Takeuchi [50, 118] -- -- 0.83
South Asia
Singapore Teoh et al. [114] -- 2.3 --
Sweden Ringerz [93] 0.2 -- --

Hospital-based studies
Nigeria Ayangande [80] -- 9.9 --
Latin America
Mexico Marquez-Monter et al. [54] 3.5 -- --
Mexico MacGregor et al. [55] 0.2 0.3 0.3
North America
USA Brewer and Gerbie [127] 0.5 0.6 --
USA Yen and MacMahon [74] 0.3 -- --
(Hawaii) Matsuura et al. [62] -- -- 4.6
East Asia
Hong Kong Chan [123] -- 7.5 --
Japan Nakano et al. [116] 1.2 1.7 --
Japan Kanazawa K [117] -- 1.48 --
Taiwan Wei and Ouyang [70] -- 20.2 --
Korea Kim [64] -- 1.9 --
South Asia
India Pai [124] 19.1 -- --
Indonesia Poen and Djojopranoto [71] -- 17.7 --
Malaysia Ong et al. [125] -- 1.5 --
Philippines Acosta-Sison [113] 8.70 -- --
Thailand Srivannaboom et al. [126] 6.3 6.5 --
Middle East Asia
Israel Matalon and Modan [102] -- -- 0.5
Saudi Arabia Khashoggi TY [109] -- 0.3 --
Iraq Yasin and Chaied [111] -- 0.4 --
Australia (Sydney) Steigrad [96] 0.9 1.0 --


Indonesia has one of the highest reported incidence rates, 1 in 77

pregnancies (1 in 57 deliveries) [53]. It is generally accepted that GTD
incidence rates are higher among non-White Hispanics [54-58],
American Indians and Eskimos [45, 59], and Asian [46-47, 49-52, 60-
72] populations. Alaskan natives appear to have rates 3 to 4 times
greater than Caucasian Americans [59]. In Hawaii, Japanese and
Philippine women have rates higher than Caucasians native to that
state, but Hawaiian Japanese have lower rates than those native to
Japan [60-63].
There is considerable variability in the rates of GTD found in
women of Hispanic descent. Reports from Latin America include rates
from 0.23 per 1000 pregnancies in Paraguay [57] to 4.62 per 1,000
pregnancies in Mexico [54]. Studies from Los Angeles [73], as well as
from New Mexico (USA) [44] found no increased risk for GTD
among Hispanic (1 in 759 live births, 1 in 877 pregnancies) relative to
non-Hispanic whites (1 in 747 live births and 1 in 961 pregnancies)
using conception-based denominators. In this study, there was a
difference observed using the denominator of women-years (age-
adjusted incidence rates per 100,000 women-years for Hispanic and
non-Hispanic whites 5.32 vs. 3.57, respectively, p < 0.001). Higher
fertility rates in Hispanic relative to non-Hispanic whites appeared to
account for the observed differences [44]. Rates reported by these two
USA studies are considerably lower than those reported in hospital-
based studies from Mexico and Central America [54-59]. In more
recent report in USA, Hispanic women had a higher incidence
compared to blacks (2.38 vs. 1.34; P < 0.001), but not Whites (2.00; P
= 0.17) [58].
There is also considerable variability in incidence rates in blacks,
although available data is limited. In Rhode Island (USA) during a 10-
year period between 1956 and 1965, the incidence of HM among
blacks was found to be higher than for whites, but the difference was
not statistically significant. However, only 15 of the 329 cases were in
blacks [74]. Similarly, a case-control study that compared rates of
molar pregnancy among Black, Caucasian, and Latin American women
in Los Angeles, found no racial differences, but again, the sample size
was small. Among all ethnic groups studied there were only 145 molar
pregnancies and 1 choriocarcinoma in 74,548 deliveries [73]. Hayashi
et al. estimated that the ratio of incidence cases per 100,000
pregnancies for blacks (58.2) was approximately half that of whites
(119) and others (117.9) [48]. However, USA rates are substantially
lower than those of older hospital-based studies from Africa, where
ratios per delivery of 1:184 (Lagos, Africa) [75-76], 1:203 (Ibadan,
Nigeria) [77]; 1:329 (University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria) [78];
1:401 (University of Lagos, Nigeria) [79]; and 1:375 (Ogbomoso,
Nigeria) [80] have been reported. More recently, Osamor et al. [81],
Leighton [82], and Egwuatu and colleagues [83] have reported lower
rates (1:655 deliveries, 1:971 deliveries, and 1:1219 pregnancies,
respectively). For choriocarcinomas specifically, Brinton and
colleagues reported that blacks and other races, respectively, had 2.1-
and 1.8-fold higher incidence rates compared with US whites [36]. A


more recent update of SEER registry data, using all choriocarcinoma

and PSTTs registered between 1973 and 1997 has been conducted,
and results are similar to the earlier SEER report. The relative risk
(common odds ratio, COR) for blacks (COR 2.19, 95% CI 1.71-2.79)
and other non-whites (COR 2.14, 95% CI 1.61-2.84) was significantly
higher than that for whites. However, blacks alone (COR 2.60, 95%
CI 1.28-5.27) were found to have significantly higher mortality rates
[45]. The higher incidence and mortality among blacks for
choriocarcinoma in the USA is similar to data with respect to other
malignancies that are amenable to screening and early detection, and
may be a reflection of reduced access to medical care [84]. A recent
analysis of postmolar surveillance reported that postmolar surveillance
among indigent women, particularly those belonging to minority
groups, is substantially poorer [85].
For the most part, data from the United States [44, 48, 62-63, 73-74,
86-87], other parts of North America [88-89], Western Europe [87-95],
and Australia [96-98] reveal fairly consistent incidence rates, although
regional differences have been reported (Table 3.1). Hayashi et al.
reported a rate of 1.08 per 2,000 pregnancies in American women [48]
and Bagshawe and colleagues, 1.54 per 1,000 live births in England
and Wales [92]. Sweden also maintains a population-based registry of
all GTD cases, and reported incidence rates of 1 in 686 deliveries and
1 in 1103 pregnancies; no trends in incidence rates over the 14-year
period were found [94]. Australian [96-98] and Greenland [90] studies
estimate rates fairly consistent with those from the United States and
Western Europe, although rates are higher from southern Europe [96-
100], the Middle East [101-112], and higher still in Asian women [61-
63, 70, 72, 113-119].
Within the USA, using data derived from the Hospital Discharge
Survey obtained over the 1970s, the incidence ratio of hydatidiform
mole was 1.1 per 1,000 (1 in 923) pregnancies, and rates in New
England, Middle Atlantic, and East South Central states were higher
than rates reported from the Mountain, West, and South Central
regions. The highest rate (1.89) in the Rocky Mountains was 2.7- fold
higher than the lowest rate (0.70) from New England [48]. Taken
within the context of other studies, these observed regional differences
probably reflect the cultural and racial distribution of women living in
these areas, rather than equatorial differences.
The geographical differences in current incidence rates should be
interpreted within the context of obstacles to accurate estimations of
incidence ratios, previously discussed. Nevertheless, the
preponderance of data overwhelmingly supports that the incidence of
GTD is substantially higher in Oriental women, particularly those in
Southeast Asia. Improved epidemiologic studies are needed that
address temporal trends, genetic, and environmental factors within the
context of accurate case detection.


As has been shown for molar pregnancy, internationally, the incidence


rates of gestational CC also widely differ [36, 48, 86-87, 109, 111, 120-
131] although some of these differences are attributable to the same
methodological problems associated with epidemiologic studies of
molar pregnancies. In Europe and North America, one in 30,000 –
40,000 pregnancies, and 1 in 40 molar pregnancies are affected [127-
128] whereas in Southeast Asia, rates as high as one CC in every 500–
3,000 pregnancies have been reported [129]. Estimations of the
incidence of CC have been limited by some of the same problems as
with HM. As indicated in Table 3.2, rates derived from Latin
American (0.2 cases per 10,000 pregnancies) and Europe (0.2—1.5
cases per 10,000 births and pregnancies) are similar, whereas reports
from Japan have indicated higher rates (0.83 cases per 10 000
pregnancies and births). Hospital-based studies have reported rates
ranging from 0.2 to 20.2 per 10000 pregnancies and deliveries.
Problems with definitions and methodological design have an even
greater impact upon epidemiologic studies of CC, because this variant
relative to all GTD cases is relatively rare.


While much of the literature regarding trends in GTD gives conflicting

results, newer data population-based from the United States, and Asia
demonstrate a decline in incidence rates for HM and CC. This section
explores both older and more recent available information regarding
temporal trends for GTD.


In the United States, two hospital-based studies spanning the time

period between 1940 and 1964, reported that the incidence of HM
declined during World War II, and then increased, and eventually
surpassed pre-war incidence rates [74]. Incidence rates also steadily
increased in Jewish women living in Israel from 1950 to 1965 [102].
Similarly, among indigenous Greenlandic women from 1950 to 1974,
incidence rates increased significantly after 1965 [90]. A Japanese study
summarizing registered cases of GTD, and including 16,829 incidence
cases of HM from 1974 to 1982, found that the rates per 100,000
women had decreased yearly from 10.2 in 1974, to 7.9 in 1982. While
significant trends per 100,000 women were found, when live birth
denominators were used, the incidence rates were virtually unchanged
(mean ratio and range per 1,000 births 2.92 and 2.83-3.05, respectively)
In Asian populations, extensive data suggests that GTD incidence
rates are declining [46, 64-69, 117-118]. In Korea, between 1971
through 1995, and using live births as the denominator, a 17.5-fold
decline in incidence rates [from 40.2 (1971-1975) to 2.3 (1991-1995)]
and to 1.9 (2001-2005) was reported. This study, which appears to be
the largest hospital-based study of GTD to date, included HM (5393
cases), invasive mole (2466 cases), GTN (1600 cases), and PSTT (38


cases) [51]. In Okinawa, the average GTD incidence ratios per 100,000
populations and per 1,000 live births were 3.41 and 2.29, based upon a
study of 417 cases (1986 - 1995). Although incidence rates in Okinawa
were higher than those of mainland Japan, GTD rates from both have
similarly declined, and the higher rates in Okinawa are proportional to
higher crude birth rates [68]. Although Malaysia lacks a centralized
registry, the ratio per live births for the 1991-1995 time periods was
2.8 per 1000 deliveries, much less than for earlier years [119].
The incidence of HM is well-known that it is the highest in South-
East Asia. It ranges from 1/1000 pregnancies (Japan), 2/1000
pregnancies (China) to 12/1000 pregnancies (Indonesia, India and
Turkey). However, the incidence in North America, Europe, and
Oceania is about 0.5-1/1000 pregnancies. The data from South
America and Africa is limited and sparse. The accurate explanation on
these geographical differences is difficult. Researchers point out
maternal age, diet, ethnicity, gravidity, poor social-economic
conditions, and infection as different factors.
Recent data show the significant reduction of GTD incidence with
the increase of GNP. This is prominent in South Korea
from 4.4/1000 deliveries in the 1960s, 1.9/1000 deliveries in the
1990s, to 1.8/1000 deliveries in the 2000's [64]. Similar results are
obtained from Japan from 4.9/100,000 population in 1974 to
1.9/10000 in 1993. This trend is also noted in Taiwan [70].


As HM greatly influences GTN as a precursor pregnancy, GTN

trend may be transposed into HM trend. India and Indonesia are the
highest with 19.1/1000 [124] and 17.7/1000 [71] pregnancies
respectively. It is lower in South-East Asia. Korea shows 4.4/10,000
births in 1960s to 1.9/10,000 births in 1990s [64]. The incidence of CC
has decreased to a third in Israel from 1950-1954 to 1960-65 [102].
While many countries show a constant decrease, some are
continuously increasing.
Until recently, data on temporal trends in CC were exceedingly sparse.
In Israel, the incidence ratios for CC significantly decreased between
1950 and 1965, so that by 1960 to 1965, the rate was less than one-
third of that for 1950 to 1954 [102]. In the study of registration
systems for CC in Japan the incidence of CC per 100,000 women
decreased yearly from 0.31 in 1974 to 0.19 in 1982 or by about two-
thirds over this time period. It is also of note that the incidence per
10,000 births decreased slightly, from 0.86 in 1974 to 0.74 in 1982,
with an average of 0.83 [118]. Although overwhelming evidence
suggests that incidence rates for GTD in Asia are higher than in other
regions, the specific factors that account for higher rates may be one
or more of the following: race, maternal age, environmental, dietary,
and lifestyle factors. To date, no study has specifically addressed all of
these factors within a poly-ethnic community.
A recent analysis of CC and PSTT data (1973-1997) obtained from
the SEER database, which has annually recorded population-based
cancer statistics for approximately 10% of the US population, was


performed. The 25-year annualized age-adjusted incidence rate per

100,000 women was found to be 0.136; 5-year average annualized rates
declined by 45.6% [from 0.180 (1973-77) to 0.098 (1993-97)]. The
decline in incidence rates was seen for all races, although blacks and
others consistently had approximately twice the rates of non-Hispanic
whites [45]. While this study showed no statistically significant
reduction in mortality rates over 25 years, in China between 1959 and
1985, mortality rates for CC have declined drastically, from more than
90%, to less than 20% [130]. Wang and colleagues noted a 90.6%
survival rate in women treated at the National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan [132].


Many factors, including viral infection [133-134], poor nutrition [46],

defective germ cells [8], as well as the effects of prior pregnancies,
maternal age, consanguinity, genetics, and environmental factors have
all been considered as risk factors for the development of GTD.
Although a variety these, and potentially other factors have been
considered, the etiology of GTD, and the role of each of these factors,
is poorly understood.


Maternal age has consistently been identified as an important risk

factor. Age-specific incidence reports usually reveal a ‘J curve’. HM is
increased in the extremes of reproductive age. That is, teenagers have
higher incidence rates, and reproductive-aged women 40 years of age
or older have incidence rates that are substantially higher [48, 57, 74,
87, 90, 102, 114, 135-136]. With respect to age-specific rates, the risk is
slightly higher for women 15-20 years old, and about 20-fold higher in
teenagers under 15 years of age. There is a progressive (above 10-fold)
increase in risk in women over 40 years of age [92, 102], such that for
women over 50 years old, the risk that a pregnancy will result in HM is
about 200 times greater than for women 20 to 35 years of age [137].
These age-specific trends affecting younger and older women suggests
that defects in ovoid function (ova that are premature or post-mature)
is one etiologic factor contributing to the risk for GTD. Reinforcing
this hypothesis are findings that this pattern is consistent throughout
all regions and races [48, 62, 64, 90, 115-116, 138].
Paternal age has also reported as a significant risk factor in some
studies, although data are inconsistent [62, 139]. In at least one
Japanese study, paternal age did not appear to play a significant role.


The importance of including all conceptions in the denominator, and

not just live births, has previously been discussed. Unfortunately, very


few existing reports make the distinction between gravidity and parity.
Epidemiologic studies that adjust for potentially important
overlapping effects, including maternal age, age at first pregnancy,
induced abortions, miscarriages, spacing between pregnancies, and
infertility, spacing between pregnancies and history of infertility are
few and far between. No studies have included all of them.
A history of a previous HM appears to be a strong and well-
established risk factor predisposing to another molar pregnancy [62,
102, 138, 141-142]. The risk of HM increases with prior history of
HM. The relative risk for recurrent mole is anywhere from 20 to 40
times that for the general population [74, 102].
After the first HM, a second molar pregnancy occurs in 0.6-2.60%
of pregnancies [142-146]. Women who have given birth to twins also
appear to be at increased risk. In one study, the incidence of HM
following twin pregnancies was substantially higher than that for the
general population [147].
In both Rhode Island (USA) [74] and in Italy [148], parity was not
found to be associated with an increased risk for HM, after adjustment
for maternal age. However, another Italian study found an elevated
risk of HM in nulliparous women with a history of miscarriage [142].
In the same study, difficulties in conception were significantly more
common in women who subsequently developed HM pregnancies
[142], but in a similar study conducted in Baltimore, no relationship
between a history of infertility and menstrual problems and
subsequent HM was found [139].
A higher rate of HM after artificial insemination by donor
compared with normally conceived pregnancies was found in one
report from Australia [98]. Also, repetitive molar pregnancies with
different male partners have been reported. Six patients experienced a
total of 34 pregnancies with 20 different partners. These pregnancies
resulted in 15 HMs, 8 term live births, 7 therapeutic abortions, 3
spontaneous abortions, and 1 preterm delivery. The rate of persistent
GTD was 3 (20%). Interestingly, 3 of the males reported normal
pregnancies with other partners [149]. A significantly high incidence of
triploidy in a woman with recurrent GTD following normal
conception has been reported after two cycles of in vitro fertilization
[150]. Thus, it appears that previous history of conceptions that occur
and proceed normally reduces a woman’s likelihood of developing
GTD. Whether this reduction in risk merely reflects the absence of
adverse genetic or environmental factors that are known to induce
abnormal fertilization, and thereby increase the risk for GTD, is


Several studies have been undertaken in polyracial societies, and give

insight into possible racial and ethnic factors in the risk for GTD. As
previously discussed, in the United States from 1970 to 1977, black
women had about half the rate of HM compared with non-black
women [48]. Matsuura et al. reported that the rate of HM was 8.0 per


1,000 pregnancies in Caucasians, 17.5 in Filipinos, 16.5 in Japanese and

7.7 in Hawaiians [62]. There were also significant differences in
incidence rates among Oriental women native to Hawaii compared
with those born in Japan [62]. A study of Alaskan natives shows that
the incidence is 3-5 times higher than the whites [59].
A Singapore study including cases and women between 1953 and
1965 found that the incidence of HM was 1 in 811 viable Chinese
pregnancies, and occurred more commonly in Indian and Eurasian
populations; in fact, no GTD cases occurred in Caucasians within the
region during the entire 11-year study period [114]. HM was almost
twice as likely to occur among Eurasians in Singapore compared with
Chinese and Malaysian women [114]. Considerable differences by
ethnicity within different provinces of China have also been reported
[46, 47].
The differences in risk between white and Chinese populations may
be genetic, environmental, or both. A comparison of differences in
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) sharing in Taiwanese was compared
with Pittsburgh (USA) couples. Taiwanese couples alone were found
to share HLA B (p < 0.04), HLA DQ (p < 0.007) and also shared 3 or
more HLA A, B, DR, and DQ (P < 0.02) compared with USA
couples. These results support the hypothesis that GTD development
occurs on a sporadic basis in whites and on a genetic basis in Chinese.
[151]. Indians and Pakistani women have also found to be at increased
risk for recurrent molar pregnancy, compared with Caucasians [152].
In this study, those who presented with a partial mole tended to have a
partial mole as the second event, but those with a history of CHM
were at increased risk for PHM, CHM, or CC [152].
There is much evidence to show the correlation of ethnic difference
with molar pregnancy rates. However, it still remains a problem to
study the exact mechanism behind ethnicity.


The importance of genetic factors in the etiology of HM is exemplified

by several observations [153-154]. It is speculated that some of the
wide variability in incidence rates observed among different
populations may be due to genetic differences. The high incidence of
HM and other trophoblastic tumors in certain populations, including
women in Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the Far-East has
been attributed to inbreeding [150-151]. Among these groups, the risk
of recurrent HM in a subsequent pregnancy is high: 0.6-3% [102, 146,
155], and similar to certain polygenic conditions. A case report of
three families has described recurrent HM in female siblings, and
suggests that the proposed defect in the ovum could be due to a
mutant gene [156].
In some studies, the ABO blood groups of patients and their
husbands have not been found to be different from normal
populations [157], but a significantly higher incidence of blood group
B has been identified in women with recurrent molar pregnancies
[149]. In one investigation, women with molar pregnancy in Japan had


a lower frequency of Rhesus (Rh) negative blood type compared with

the general population [158].
Cytogenetic studies in two series [8, 159] have reported a frequency
of balanced translocations of 4.6% in women with CHM, compared
with 0.6% for unaffected populations. It is possible that women with
a balanced translocation have a greater chance of abnormal events
during meiosis, increasing the probability of inducing empty or
inactivated eggs.
Karyotypic studies using molar tissues have found that in most
cases, PHM cases demonstrate triploidy or trisomy [13, 160].
However, CHM cases are exclusively or predominantly 46 XX female
karyotype by Q polymorphism [7-8]. Some CHM cases do result from
doubling of a haploid sperm, and in such cases, they are genetically
homozygous. Less commonly, CHM may be genetically heterozygous,
resulting from the fertilization of an anucleate ovum (empty egg) by
two sperms [9-10, 161-163]. This basic classification appears to explain
the vast majority of all CHM cases, although other cytogenetic types
including tetraploidy variants exist [164]. Current technology permits
the accurate classification of HM into PHM and CHM, also allows
CHM cases to be subclassified genetically into monospermic or
dispermic variants, using the PCR with primers for a variable number
of tandem repeat sequences and the Y chromosome-specific
sequences [165].
More recent technological advances that may further elucidate
GTD variants include gene amplification [166], identification of
specific tumor suppressor genes (or their receptors) such as DOC-
2/hDAb2 [167], TNF-α [168], and paternally derived H19 [169]. The
imprinting of IGF2 and H19 was maintained in all normal placenta
tissues but relaxed in GTD. Promoter usage pattern of IGF2 changed
with gestational stage of normal placenta and GTD. These results
suggest that LOI, deregulation of IGF2 promoter, and altered
expression levels of IGF2 and H19 genes might be associated with
progression of GTD [170].
The oncoproteins p53, p21, Rb, and mdm2 have been investigated,
but the overlap in differences in expression among GTD variants
appears to be too great for clinical utility [171]. There is an increase in
circulating soluble interleukin-2 receptor (SIL-2R) coincident with
reduced serum IL-2 levels in women with GTD compared with
normal controls; SIL-2R levels were 3.9-fold higher in complete and
partial moles, and 6.1-fold higher in high risk CC cases [172]. PCR
polymorphisms have also been found to identify very specific genetic
origins of trophoblast tumors [173]. In addition to flow cytometry,
previously discussed [15-24], in-situ hybridization [174] and
deoxyribonucleic acid image and interphase cytogenetic analysis [175]
are being investigated. GTD in a 42-year old with congenital trisomy
8 mosaicism has been described [176]. It is thought that there is an
increased risk for cancer in tissues with constitutional genetic
imbalance, including trisomies or translocations. Nonetheless, using
data from the Danish National Register, no increased risk for other
cancers, except subsequent CC was seen in a study of 1520 women
and their male partners [177].


The relationship between genetics and GTD will be discussed in

greater detail in a separate chapter devoted to this topic in this text.


There are several reports of the influence of consanguinity, or family

history, on the incidence of mole [85,154]. One study reported three
families in India each having two or more sisters with HM in one or
more pregnancies [156]. La Vecchia et al. reported that among patients
with molar pregnancy in Italy, there was a history of HM in four of
100 relatives of the woman (three CHM, one CC), and in one of 100
relatives of the father (CHM), compared with no family history among
200 age-matched controls [142]. There have been numerous reports of
recurrent moles in single individuals, but very few describe familial
occurrence of molar pregnancies.


Information regarding the role of diet and nutrition is inconclusive,

and inextricably linked to other potential factors including
socioeconomic status and geographic location. Although there has
been much speculation that one or more dietary factors predispose to
the development of HM, there is very little evidence supporting this
hypothesis. Early reports from the Philippines [113], Mexico [178] and
Taiwan [179] all suggested that nutritional deficiencies play a role,
especially in regions of the world where malnutrition is common.
In one study, which included 25 women with HM, the serum
albumin and total protein were significantly lower compared with
healthy controls [180]. However, two other reports, including a study
from Hawaii [59] and another on native Alaskans, who have a diet
high in animal protein [59] were unable to detect a similar association
between HM and diet. Berkowitz et al. reported that dietary carotene
above the median level of consumption in the control group appeared
to reduce the risk of CHM (relative risk 0.6; p = 0.02) [143]. In
another study, Parazzini et al. identified an inverse relationship
between HM and certain foods, such as carotene, and a significant
trend toward lower GTD rates in women with higher rates of
consumption of carotene and animal fat [181]. However, these results
differ from others, including a case-control study from China that
found no association with dietary intake of vitamin A, or any other
specific food group [182].


To date, no specific environmental factors have been identified that

can be linked with certainty to an increased risk for GTD. However,
because these are potentially correctable risk factors, preliminary data
addressing the role of environmental agents are discussed.


Cigarette smoking

Despite extensive data regarding the effects of cigarette smoking,

including second-hand smoke, on neonatal birth weight and preterm
labor, there have been relatively few studies that have examined the
effects of cigarette smoking on risk for GTD. Parazzini and colleages
found that cigarette smoking increased risk of HM [148]. In women
who smoked more than 15 cigarettes per day, the relative risk for
CHM was 2.6, compared with 2.2 for women who smoked less than
15 cigarettes a day. La Vecchia et al. noted that the duration of
smoking was associated with an increased risk [142]. Assuming the
relative risk in women who never smoked is 1, for women who
smoked less than 5 years, the risk for HM was 1.3, compared with 2.3
in women who smoked 5 to 9 years, and 4.2 for a smoking history of
10 or more years. However, in several other studies, no association
with smoking before or during pregnancy and subsequent HM
development was found [74, 139, 143, 182].

Oral contraception and intrauterine contraceptive devices

There is conflicting evidence on the relationship between oral

contraceptives (OCs) and intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs)
before pregnancy and risk of HM. In China, the past use of OCs was
associated with an increased risk of HM; the relative risk for four or
more years of use was 2.6, and there was a significant trend with
increasing years of use [182]. These results are supported by those of
Palmer, who found a six-fold increased risk of CC in women who had
taken OCs for more than five years [183]. However, in the same study,
no association with invasive mole and CHM was found. Because it was
unclear if OCs are truly a risk factor, or a chance finding in women
with underlying difficulties with conception, a large multicenter trial
was performed to evaluate the effects of OCs and subsequent risk for
GTD [184]. In this study, the relative risk for GTD for any prior use
of OCs was 1.9 (95% confidence interval {CI} 1.2-3.0). The highest
risk index was in women using OCs during the cycle in which they
became pregnant (relative risk 4.0, 95% CI 1.0-10). Nevertheless,
because the relative risk was small, the authors cautioned that a change
in OCs use based upon this study was not recommended [184].
During postmolar surveillance, Stone et al. reported that women
taking OCs resulted in a delay in decline of hCG levels in women who
were not receiving chemotherapy for GTD [185]. However, Berkowitz
et al. [186] and Curry et al. [187] found no adverse effect. The
prospective randomized trial by the Gynecology Oncology Group
found that the median range to spontaneous regression for women
using OCs and barrier methods was 9 and 10 weeks, respectively, and
the rate of conception during surveillance was reduced by 50% [187].
Use of OCs in women with a history of HM compared with other
forms of contraception (barrier methods, IUCDs, no method) has
been found to actually reduce the risk for post-molar GTD. Using a
stepwise regression analysis, the type of contraception used compared
with other risk factors including theca-lutein cysts, Asian descent,


interval from last menstrual period, and advanced maternal age, was
the most important prognostic factor in postmolar GTD development
Previous use of an IUCD has also been found to be significantly
associated with HM in an Italian study [142], but Berkowitz et al.
found a much weaker relationship [143], and the Baltimore study
showed no correlation [139].
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) may also be a risk factor. In one study, 2
of 129 daughters of mothers who had used DES in pregnancy
developed HM [189]. Although the incidence ratio (15.5 per 1000
pregnancies) is disconcerting, it is based upon only two exposed cases;
however, the effect of DES exposure merits further study. Since
daughters of mothers who took DES are aging, and risk increases with
maternal age, the exposure may be only coincidentally related.

Other environmental factors

Constable and Hatch have recently reviewed several studies from

Southeast Asia that have addressed the role of herbicides (including
agent orange) and an increased risk for HM [190]. Two studies from
South Vietnam of women with HM and CC treated at the Gynaeco-
Obstetrical Hospital of Ho Chi Minh City were reviewed [191-192].
Rates of HM and CC minimally increased from 8.61 per 1,000
pregnancies in 1952 to 8.7 in 1971, after which it rose abruptly to 45.4
in 1979, declining only slightly in the following two years. If herbicides
were to influence directly the development of HM, one would expect
the epidemic and the spraying to be more closely linked in time.
Alternatively, herbicides enter the food chain and take several years to
affect reproductive processes. The limitations of such studies are
failure to control for maternal age, parity and other variables that are
known risk factors.
A follow-up case-control study of agent-orange and risk for GTD in
this same population has been conducted. Cases were found to eat less
meat, own fewer consumer goods, and an increased risk was
associated with the breeding of pigs. When a cumulative agent orange
exposure index was constructed, using complete residence histories,
no statistical differences between cases and controls for other
agricultural pesticides, or agent orange (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.2-1.8) was
found [190]. In another review, the use of herbal medicine during the
first trimester was associated with an increased relative risk for
hydatidiform mole, major birth defects, and liver cancer [192]. An
ecological investigation of exposure to ionizing radiation from 1974 to
1976 in Japan, and its association with a higher incidence of GTD,
supports the hypothesis that ionizing radiation may have a causal role
[193]. Although these studies have some methodological problems
that limit their value, nevertheless, environmental factors appear to be
implicated. Potentially, temporal exposure to these factors at the time
of, or near fertilization, could result in abnormal gametogenesis,
thereby inducing a complete or partial mole.



According to several reports, complete and partial mole share several

epidemiological features. In studies where complete mole and partial
mole are analyzed separately, many social and demographic risk factors
were common to both [194-196]. For example, nulliparous women,
those with low parity, and those with a personal history of infertility
problems, spontaneous miscarriages, previous GTD or a family history
of GTD are at increased risk for both PHM and CHM [197]. Other
risk factors including smoking and higher levels of education are more
commonly seen with PHM, and maternal AB or A blood groups with
CHM [193]. Neither has been linked to induced abortions, age at first
pregnancy or alcohol consumption (Table 3.3).
In one study within a poly-ethnic community, Filipino, but not
Japanese women, were found to be at increased risk for CHM but not
PHM [194]. The increased rate of PHM seen in better educated and
presumably, more health-care conscious women may be a reflection of
better access to pathologic assessment of abortion specimens and to
follow-up in specialist centres. Several identified risk factors, including
the relationship with maternal age and ethnicity are similar for both
variants, although the data available is insufficient for formal statistical
evaluation or inference. In a case-controlled study of PHM vs. CHM,
using multivariate analysis, irregular cycles, pregnancy histories
including only male infants among prior live births, and oral
contraceptive use for over 4 years independently and significantly
increased the risk for PHM, and dietary factors had no effect [196].
Of note, while maternal age is a well-recognized risk factor for CHM,
maternal age has not been found to increase the risk for PHM [194-
As previously discussed, the use of flow cytometry and other
cytogenetic studies increases the detection of PHM [15-24]. However,
the clinical ramifications of identification of these cases are uncertain.
While the risk of GTN following a CHM is approximately 20%, in
one review, the risk following PHM was found to be only 2.9% [199].
Berkowitz reported that the risk for gestational trophoblastic
neoplasia (GTN) following PHM was 9.9%, but in this series, all had
non-metastatic disease [200]. CC following partial mole is a rare event;
as of July 1, 2000, only 21 cases have been reported [201-203]. Using
data derived from a large trophoblastic disease referral system, Seckl
and colleagues reported that 15 of 3000 partial mole pregnancies
eventually required chemotherapy for GTN and 3 (0.1%) developed
CC [204]. Although the risk is rare, the importance of appropriate
surveillance, and inclusion of PHM in registry data, is emphasized by
these studies.


Table 3.3 Corresponding relative risks of various factors reported to correlate with molar pregnancy occurrence.
Odds ratio

Factors Complete mole Partial Mole

Maternal age (years)
< 20 1.5
>40 5.2

Reproductive history
Parity at conception
0 0.9 0.7
3 0.8 0.5
Spontaneous miscarriages
>2 1.5-3.1 1.9
Problems with Infertility 2.4-3.7 3.2
Use of oral contraceptives 1.1-2.6 1.3
IUCD user 1.7-3.7
Age of 1st pregnancy < 25 0.6 1.3
Previous molar pregnancy 16.0

Family history
Spontaneous abortion (yes) 1.5

Socioeconomic and lifestyle

Education (years)
> 12 0.9-2.1 2.1
Marital status
Never married 2.1 2.1
Ex-smokers 1.1 0.7
Current smokers
> 15 cigarettes per day 2.2 1.8
Alcohol consumption
< 2 drinks 2.1 1.4

ABO blood types

Maternal blood
AB 2.1 1.2
A 1.7 0.9
Maternal A, husband O 1.5 1.5

Vitamin A in diet above control median 0.6
Source: Grimes [28], Matsuura et al. [62], Bracken [87], Olesnicky and Quinn [98], Messerli et al. [139], La Vecchia et al
[142], Berkowitz et al. [143], Brinton et al. [182], Steigrad [197], Altieri et al [198].



In the vast majority of cases, CC arises following an antecedent molar

pregnancy. However, CC may follow any antecedent pregnancy,
including a delivery, stillbirth or spontaneous abortion. Cytogenetic
studies have shown that there can also be intervening pregnancies that
are unrelated. Studies have shown that CC is approximately 1,000 times
more likely to develop following a CHM than after a normal pregnancy,
and the risk for CC following CHM is much greater than for PHM.
Clinically, it would be invaluable to determine factors responsible for
malignant transformation following a gestational event. Potentially, if
these factors could be reliably ascertained, selective surveillance for
high-risk pregnancies (including term births) could be offered, instead
of the protocols for currently following all molar pregnancies.

3.7.1 AGE

The median age for women with CC is generally somewhat higher than
that for normal pregnancy. Some reports [102] described slightly higher
rates of CC for teenagers than for women aged 20-40 years, while others
noted lower rates. As with HM, older women account for a minority of
cases of CC due to their low fertility. The potential effect of the age of
the father is unknown.


Little information is available on ethnic variability. In the Singapore

study [114], the incidence was highest in Malaysians compared with
other ethnic groups, but the data were rather inadequate, so that no
definite conclusions could be drawn.


The data concerning the effect of gravidity, independent of age, are

inadequate and no firm conclusions can be drawn. Poor obstetric
histories associated with increased fetal wastage may increase the risk of
GTN [205-206]. It was found that the risk of GTN was 21, 31 and 34
times higher for women with one, two and three or more fetal losses,
respectively, than those whose known pregnancies all ended in live
births [206].
The higher proportion of CC following HM could be attributable
either to the high incidence of HM in some countries or to a higher
percentage of HM patients in those countries developing CC. The
percentage of cases of CC preceded by HM ranges from 39% [193] to
83% [194] in reports published since 1960. Since HM is an uncommon
pregnancy outcome, the high percentage of cases of CC which follow
HM indicates that HM is a powerful risk factor for CC. Brinton and
colleagues reported that the overall incidence of CC in the United States


was 1 in 19,920 live births and 1 in 24,096 pregnancies [36]. The risk for
HM developing into CC is probably less than 5% [131].


Palmer found a six-fold increased risk of CC in women who had taken

OCs for more than five years, but no such association with HM in the
same study [184]. Based on the result of their case control study,
Buckley et al. [207] suggested that below-normal estrogen levels may
predispose to CC. Two different mechanisms were proposed that may
explain these results: hormonal changes may effect oocyte development,
and low estrogen levels may be the result of an ovarian abnormality.
Pregnancies occurring within one year of diagnosis of HM do not
appear to be at higher risk for adverse effects [208-210].


As HM has been separated into two clinical and genetic entities (CHM
and PHM), the incidence of developing GTN following the two
separate pathological entities is also different. The incidence of GTN
following a CHM is 2-20% [101, 199, 201], while GTN and CC
following PHM is probably of 0.5% and 0.1%, respectively [201]. The
variable genetic constitution of HM does make it possible to identify
HM and distinguish between a PHM, a monospermic CHM and a
dispermic CHM by using genetic analysis techniques such as cytogenetic
polymorphism, enzyme polymorphism and restriction fragment length
polymorphisms of DNA, and more recently PCR. The relative risk of a
dispermic or a monospermic CHM progressing to a GTN has yet to be
established, although it has been suggested that the dispermic CHM
may have a higher malignancy potential [11, 211]. CC developing in
older women, and certainly women over 50 years of age, is associated
with a poorer prognosis [212-213]. Women who experience repeated
abortion are also at increased risk for CHM [214].


Maternal blood groups of the mother and her consort have been studied
but the data are inconclusive.

ABO group

Blood group A women with incompatible blood group consorts appear

to have a higher risk of CC. Data from the USA [215] and the UK [154]
for patients with CC showed a slight excess in group A above group O.
The UK data suggested that the risk of a woman getting CC is also
influenced by the blood group of her husband, and the effect was most
marked in cases where CC was preceded by term delivery [157].


In a UK series of 115 patients with CC following term pregnancy or

non-molar abortions at Charing Cross Hospital, for whom mating types
were available, the ratio of incompatible/compatible matings was 2.19,
indicating a predisposition to CC in the incompatible matings [137]. It
is important that more large studies on blood group data should be
done worldwide.

HLA types

Data are available on patients and husbands in a series treated for GTN.
The overall frequencies of the HLA-A and HLA-B locus antigens in 225
Caucasian patients did not differ significantly from those of the normal
control population [216]. However, the degree of incompatibility
between husband and wife, as measured by the number of antigenic
incompatibilities (0, 1 or 2), indicates that there is a trend for patients
who are more compatible with their husbands for the B locus antigens
to fall into the higher-risk treatment categories. Consanguinity as a risk
factor will require evaluation in large-scale studies with modern
cytogenetic techniques.



Inadequate management of HM may bring about acute complications,

which results in severe morbidity and mortality. Late complication of
progression to persistent GTN is noted in 57~36% of patients and this
is higher in high risk complete mole.
High risk CHM has base-line hCG over 100,000 milli IU/ml, uterine
size greater than gestation age, ovarian theca lutein cyst over 6cm,
associated medical factors (hyperthyroidism), and maternal age over 40
years or less than 18 years [217-219].
When postmolar evacuation follow-up is inadequate or when GTN
diagnosis is inaccurate, optimal management may not be made in
sufficient time. This results in increase in morbidity and mortality.


Compared with many other human malignant tumors, the decrease in

mortality with chemotherapy treatment is outstanding. This dramatic
improvement in cure rate results from the specific biomarker β-hCG
RIA and sensitive chemo-agents. Currently, low risk GTN has the cure
rate of nearly 100%. However, in spite of tremendous improvement, the
treatment of high risk HM and GTD is still not satisfactory in poorly
developed countries. The mortality of ultra-high risk GTN is around
40~50% [220].
On the global trend, the incidence of GTD is on the decrease, yet the
remission rate of high risk patients is not satisfactory.


The 5-year survival rate of CC in Japan was very low in the past. It
increased from 23.1% in the 1960s to 52.6% in the 1970s. This has
improved to 86.7% and 85.8% in the 1980s and 1990s [117].
In Korea, the survival rate of GTN patients improved from 73.2% in
1970s, to 92.9% in 1980s, to 96.1% in 1990s, to 96.6% in 2000s [51-52,


Development of chemotherapy and improvement of general health

services are directly responsible for improved survival. Better
socioeconomic state and improved nutritional conditions are indirect
causes. We hope that studies on genetic factors will shed new light on
our understandings of the disease.
The 26th Annual report from FIGO on Gynecologic Cancer Treatment
shows the total number of GTN has decreased since 1938 (1979-1981).
Patients are mostly 25-29 years old and 82.7% of patients are under the
age of 40, which indicates that this is a tumor of young females [221].
The 5-year survival rate of GTN is 92.7% in the 2000s. However, when
analyzed in depth, the rate is 61.9% for stage IV compared with 97.3%
of stage I, which clearly shows the problem of this disease [221].
Management of recurrent and drug-resistant GTN remains the
biggest challenge in striving towards 100% survival even in the best
centers in the world.


Gestational trophoblastic disease is still an important reproductive

health problem worldwide. The problem is that much information of
GTD has come from less developed countries, where proper diagnostic
tools and up-to-date treatment cannot be employed. Maternal age,
previous HM, race and geographical region have been identified as clear
risk factors for GTD. Etiological factors of GTD have long been
studied but no definite causes have yet been found. However, it can be
speculated that during gametogenesis and fertilization, the risk factors
may act synergistically. Genetic sub-classification may be helpful in this
context. Geographic variations of incidence exist but are inextricably
linked with above-mentioned risk factors. Important prerequisites for
accurate evaluation are common denominators, standard classification
and definition of index cases, and same-study methodology. The
development and improvements in suction curettage, termination of
pregnancy, contraceptive techniques, diagnostic imaging and
biochemical testing have been associated not only with a fall in the birth
rate but also with a reduction in the incidence of trophoblastic disease.
Further investigations on possible etiological factors based on case-
control studies in different geographic settings are essential.



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