152 - Daily Report - LFC - 13nov2023
152 - Daily Report - LFC - 13nov2023
152 - Daily Report - LFC - 13nov2023
Date: 13/11/2023
Academic Group – 04
Group Incharge – Khawaja Maaz Tariq
Submitted by:
Sarmad Shahbaz Khan – AS 152
Daily Report of LFC Attachment
Indicator Explanation
Place(s) Visited Akhuwat Branch Officer @ Nian Sukh, Borrower’s Business Places
including Rent a Car Business Place and his Electricity Shop, Local Fruit
Shop, Surrounding Areas including Slums etc., Cobbler’s Shop, Tuition
Witnessed the,
Situation of the Area in terms of Hygiene, Facilities, Cleanliness,
Population, Public Behavior and Business Potential
Personal The day started at 10 PM with Probationary Officers, including myself,
Observation & reached the Akhuwat Branch Officer at Nian Sukh, Lahore. We were hereby
Reflection briefed by the very welcoming and humble staff of Akhuwat (Mr. Shahbaz,
Mr. Basit and Mr. Waseem). My attachment correspondent from Akhuwat
was Unit Manager Mr. Waseem who took me to the business place of the
borrower. I spent nearly 4-5 hours with the Borrower and in the community.
In this time, I was able to observe the following,
Borrower Specific:
The borrower was a disabled man aged 24 but was full of hope and
spirit. His disability, which was caused 5 years ago in a car accident,
did not let him down and he continued his struggle for life
He was married but did not have children. In his house, the total
family member consisted of four people; Himself, his Wife, and his
Parents. His father and he are the earners of the household. The house
was small but sophisticatedly build from the exterior
Borrower has been doing a business for past 3 years and has been
earning humble amount to run his kitchen.
Borrower took the Akhuwat Microfinance Loan to build his shop and
to keep his business in circle, which has turned out to be very
beneficial for him
Overall, the Borrower did not let his disability to come in between
his life goals. Though the accident molded his life but it did not stop
him to going extra miles in making his livings. He is successfully
supporting his family and contributes regularly to the home and for
community welfare
Community/Area Specific:
Conclusively, I have observed and reflected upon that if given chance, local
community at Nian Sukh can thrive for a brighter future. However, this
needs collective effort, which was missing majorly. Alongside, due to
limited resources and facilities at hand, people were unsatisfied.
Nevertheless, as long as my Borrower was concern, he saw the life at the
very brighter side and intends to builds his business and not to let his
disability become a hurdle in his success.
End of Document