1.2 Operating System
1.2 Operating System
1.2 Operating System
Operating system
User Hardware
An operating system is likely to be stored on a backing store rather than in the memory of
the computer because:
1. Usually the operating system requires a large amount of storage space.
2. It allows for easy upgrading or changing from one system to a different one.
1. Operating system is a software program which controls the operations of the
computer system.
2. It provides a user interface.
3. It controls how the computer responds to user’s requests
4. It controls how the hardware communicate with each other
5. It provides an environment in which application software can be executed
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Batch Processing:
When computing was still a new science, there were not enough machines to satisfy the
demand for processor time from students in universities who wanted great calculations
done, firms who wanted their payroll worked out, and many others. The big problem was
the ‘speed mismatch’ between the user sitting at the keyboard who was very slow, and
the machine which was very fast. This meant that the expensive part, the computer, was
sitting there doing nothing while the human being decided what to do. There are two
simple solutions to this problem, one is to buy more machines and the other is to make
the machines work more effectively by taking away the slowest part of the system – the
human being. Nowadays we might well opt to buy more machines, but this used not to be
an option. This problem gave rise to the development of batch processing.
A batch processing operating system is one that does not allow for interaction between
the user and the processor during the execution of the work. Lots of programs or data that
need to be run are collected together (to form a batch) and they are sent to the computer.
The batch operating system then controls their passage through the computer.
Nowadays, batch processing tends to be used where
• when processing cannot be started until all the data is collected
• there are large amounts of data to be processed,
• the data is very similar in nature and…
• it requires similar processing,
• the computer system has identifiable times when it is not being used, and so has
available processor time
• the application does not require human intervention.
Typical examples of applications which would be done using batch processing include
production of bank statements from customer files, production of gas (electricity,
telephone) bills from customer records, the compilation of high level language programs
where a number of users want programs compiled.
A real-time O.S. is one which can react quickly enough to affect the next input, or
process to be carried out.
Most real-time systems are based on control of some process in the real world or on
information handling. Real time process control is a real time system. But this is very
different to real time (transaction) processing; this system usually involves sensors and
feedback loops i.e. the output can influence the next input to the system.
Sensors send data (via an analogue to digital converter – ADC) to a computer or
microprocessor which decides whether or not to take action (based on comparison with
stored data). If a change needs to be made, the computer/microprocessor sends signals
(via a digital to analogue converter – DAC) to the devices being controlled and alters
their status (e.g. turn a heater on if a temperature sensor indicates that a temperature is too
low) – actuators are often used to open valves, turn on equipment, etc. As this is
continuously monitored, eventually the temperature will equal the stored value in the
computer/microprocessor – this will then cause the heater to be turned off. A chemical
plant has a reaction vessel where the temperature is critical to the result of the process.
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The temperature is monitored by a computer which accepts input from a sensor and then
makes a decision whether to adjust the heating elements in the vessel. In this example, it
would not be sensible for the computer to be running any O.S. that is not real-time
because if there was a delay in the decision making process, it might mean that the
reaction is corrupted in some way. A robot trolley is controlled by a processor which
takes input from a sensor following a black line on the floor, and makes decisions
concerning steering to keep the trolley on the black line. If the processor was not
controlled by a real-time O.S., the trolley would very soon leave the black line because it
would not be steering quickly enough.
In real time (transaction) processing files are often updated in real time (e.g. when
booking flights on an airplane); but in real time process control, physical quantities (such
as temperature) are continuously monitored and the input is processed sufficiently
quickly to be capable of influencing the data source. A catalogue shop processes orders
by the code for a product being input and the system then comparing the code with
information in its files. When it finds the correct code it can report to the user the number
of that item that there are in the store. If there was only one left of a certain item, it would
be necessary to record the fact that a shopper had bought it before the next shopper has
their request dealt with otherwise the second person might be sold the same item.
Because the information on the system must be processed immediately the O.S. needs to
be ready to handle input as soon as it comes in. This means that it cannot be using up
some of its slack time doing other tasks while it is waiting to be asked to do something.
This implies that the computer will not be using its full potential as far as processing is
concerned. When this happens it is said to display a high rate of redundancy. Real-time
systems tend to display a high rate of redundancy.
Single User:
As the term implies, a single user O.S. is specifically one that is used to control a system
which has only one user, and their programs, at any one time. A perfect example of a
single user system is the one that you may have at home. Only one person uses it at a
time. Most single user systems are also multi-tasking.
This is a type of O.S. that allows several applications to be available simultaneously. On
a simple single user system you will probably be used to having a number of things
running at the same time. Perhaps one window shows a spreadsheet while another shows
a word processing application. You may decide to copy the sheet from the spreadsheet
software to the word-processed document. It appears that more than one task is running
simultaneously. They aren’t, they just appear to be. The O.S. that most of us use on our
own computer systems, Windows, is a multi-tasking O.S.
Application programs now days also run many different tasks in multi-tasking operating
system environment. So it is not necessary that only end users multi-task but
programmers can also program applications that require multitasking.
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Again, as the name implies, this type of O.S. services more than one user simultaneously.
There are two types of multi-user O.S.:
1. A network system comprises a number of computers linked together for the purposes
of communication and sharing of resources. Normally one of the machines is used to
control the rest of the system; this machine is called the server. Networks are important
because they allow hardware and software to be shared and also mean that a single copy
of the information on a system is needed, and so can be kept up to date relatively easily.
2. A time-sharing system has a single (normally powerful) computer which is connected
up to a number of terminals. These terminals are not computers as in the case of the
network system, but have a very limited amount of processing power. Again, such a
system allows communication between users on the system and also allows sharing of
hardware and software across the system.
At the moment it is difficult to tell the difference between the two types of multi-user
system, but be careful because a network system is not really a multi user system as each
computer is only being used by one person at a time. We shall return to this in chapter
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A distributed system is one that allows software and data files to be distributed around a
system. An ordinary network will have a server controlling it and the access to the hard
drive, which is connected to the server. A distributed system might store the word
processing software on one computer’s hard drive, while the files of work are stored
somewhere else, and the spreadsheet software is stored on a third disk drive. This can
speed access to files because there is no single bottle neck which all the information must
pass through; however the security and maintenance of the system are more complicated.
Another type of distributed system is to distribute the entire programs and data to more
than one place on the network. This speeds up access to the data but means that if data is
updated on one part of the system it may not be on others, which means that the different
versions of the data need to be compared and amended on a regular basis.
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Payroll: The attendance, loans, taxes and other salary related data is collected for the
whole month (or for predefined period) and payroll is run at the end to distribute salaries.
Backing up of day long transactions at the end of the day: For example at bank all of the
transactions happened during the day are backed up at the night.
Process Control: Process control is a statistics and engineering discipline that deals with
architectures, mechanisms, and algorithms for controlling the output of a specific process.
See also control theory.
For example, heating up the temperature in a room is a process that has the specific,
desired outcome to reach and maintain a defined temperature (e.g. 20°C), kept constant
over time. Here, the temperature is the controlled variable. At the same time, it is the
input variable since it is measured by a thermometer and used to decide whether to heat
or not to heat. The desired temperature (20°C) is the setpoint. The state of the heater (e.g.
the setting of the valve allowing hot water to flow through it) is called the manipulated
variable since it is subject to control actions.
Point of Sale System: Point of sale (POS) or checkout is the location where a transaction
occurs. A "checkout" refers to a POS terminal or more generally to the hardware and
software used for checkouts, the equivalent of an electronic cash register.
A POS terminal manages the selling process by a salesperson accessible interface. The
same system allows the creation and printing of the receipt.
ATM machine process control: An automated teller machine (ATM), also known as a
Cash Machine and by several other names, is a computerised telecommunications device
that provides the clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a
public space without the need for a cashier, human clerk or bank teller. On most modern
ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe
or a plastic smart card with a chip, which contains a unique card number and some
security information such as an expiration date. Authentication is provided by the
customer entering a personal identification number (PIN).
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Using an ATM, customers can access their bank accounts in order to make cash
withdrawals, credit card cash advances, and check their account balances as well as
purchase prepaid cell phone credit.
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A computer is used by a person who needs to communicate with the machine in order to
instruct it as to their wishes. The person also receives outputs from the computer. The
means of communication between the user and the machine is known as the user interface
and consists of both hardware and software. There are different types of interface, which
are useful in different situations and for different types of user.
Form based
If the majority of the input to a system is of a standard type, in other words the computer
knows what sort of input to expect, then a typical interface will produce a form on the
screen to be filled in. This sort of interface would be used where an operator is inputting
information while asking a customer questions over the telephone. The interface
• prompts the operator to ask all the questions
• makes the operator input the information in the correct order
• ensures that the information is input in the correct format by having specific areas to
input the data
• makes the checking of the information easier.
Menu based
Menu based interfaces are used in situations where the operator tends not to know what
the options are that are available. Examples of this would be information systems for
tourists or users of a particular service. A list of choices is made available followed by a
further set of choices based on the first choice, and so on until the result is obtained.
Imagine a system at a train station in a popular holiday location. The first screen may ask
for the general area of interest (accommodation, trips, shopping, entertainment..), once
the choice of accommodation has been made the next screen may offer different
standards of hotels. The next screen may offer different price bands, and finally a list of
all the available properties that match the previous choices.
Input is often done using a touch screen because of the location of such systems and
because the people who use them are often in no way computer literate, meaning that
simple systems are essential.
Graphical interfaces are called GUI (graphical user interface) or WIMP (windows, icons,
menus, pointer). The terms describe what the user sees on the screen. There are many
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different types, but the user would expect to be able to view different applications or files
on the screen, this is done by putting each into its own boarded area known as a window.
The user will expect to be able to select options by use of menus of choices and by using
small pictures which represent the different options available. Choices are selected by the
user by using some sort of pointing device to indicate choice, typically this would be a
Natural language
Sometimes referred to as a conversational interface, the computer will ask questions
which elicit a response which gives the user the impression that they are talking to the
computer. The trick is that the system restricts itself to questions to which the only
sensible answers are the ones that it knows. If the user leaves the expected responses, a
message is produced which makes clear that a further attempt is required?
Command line
Or command based interface is one where the user types a series of commands at the
keyboard which tell the computer what their intentions are. The user needs to know what
the possible commands are, and also needs to understand the way files are stored on the
system. The characteristics of a command based interface are
• the user needs to know what commands are available
• the user needs to understand the commands
• the user needs to understand the way that material is stored in the computer system
Because of the above points there are two very important characteristics about a
command based interface. First, the system is very much more open than in the other
types of interface. Other interfaces restrict the options that the user has available to them.
This can be particularly important for the system manager because different users can
only be allowed to have access to specific parts of the system. The second characteristic
is that command based interfaces can only be used by computer literate people because
you not only have to understand the commands and their uses but you also need to
understand something about how the computer operates, particular how information is
There are many other points to be made about interfaces, especially the fact that the
second part of the interface consists of the hardware necessary to put the software
interface into operation. These points will be made when the appropriate stage is reached
in this course.
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Example Questions.
2. Give two reasons why an operating system is likely to be stored on backing storage
rather than in the memory of the computer. (2)
4. State what is meant by a distributed system, and give an advantage of this type of
multi-access system over a simple network of machines. (2)
5. A computer operator takes phone calls from the public who ring up asking whether
a particular item in a catalogue is available. The operator needs to type in a series of
responses to questions put to the caller, so that the computer can check the file and
determine whether there are any of that item available. Design a screen interface
that would be suitable for the operator to use. (4)
6. The technician responsible for maintaining the system in question 5, uses a
command line interface.
a) Explain what is meant by a command line interface. (2)
b) Give two advantages and one disadvantage to the technician of using a command
line interface rather than a menu based interface. (3)
7. State three different types of utility software and explain why they are necessary in
a computer system. (6)
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