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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

7.10.5 Talent and Culture

Data-centric organizations are culturally transformed workforces. This transformation occurs
over time with the development of cultural change advocates and buy in from all levels of an
organization. Modern organizations continue to adapt their decision-making culture in order to
reflect the demands of implementing new technologies that support artificial intelligence and
data analytics. Recruiting and training contemporary, agile, information-advantaged workforce
fosters a supportive ecosystem for collaboration among data experts establishes centers for
data engineering excellence and equips leaders and managers to make data-informed

Goals and Enabling Objectives

Data is an essential and integral part of an organization’s mission. Data is ubiquitous.
Organizational business systems generate enormous volumes of data of which all retain and
share their data for broader use. It is critical that data be of high quality, accurate, complete,
timely, protected, and trustworthy. The following goals support an organizations cultural shift
in the adoption of data as a strategic asset.
Data will be:

• Visible – Consumers can locate the needed data

• Accessible – Consumers can retrieve the data
• Understandable – Consumers can find descriptions of data to recognize the content,
context, and applicability
• Linked – Consumers can exploit complementary data elements through innate
• Trustworthy – Consumers can be confident in all aspects of data for decision-making
• Interoperable – Consumers and producers have a common representation and
comprehension of data
• Secure – Consumers know that data is protected from unauthorized use and

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

8 Measurement of Effectiveness/Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Measurement of effectiveness and key performance indicators (KPIs) refer to the practice of
defining observable, measurable quantities that relate to desired performance characteristics
or levels. These are generally defined at the level of a business process in order to provide
insight into the detailed operation of an organization while performance improvements are
pursued. Measuring the performance in terms of cost, financial, quality, time, flexibility,
delivery reliability, safety, customer satisfaction, employees' satisfaction, and social
performance indicators have significant positive impact on the overall performance of
organizations. Tracked over a defined period, KPIs help an organization make better, data-
driven decisions, guide behavior, productivity, and decision-making, and provide transparency
and accountability.
A dashboard to track and display measures and KPIs can provide an organization with an idea of
how they are progressing toward their goals. This section discusses how KPIs may be used by an
organization to track development of data science skills, how well they are leveraging their
training and staff development, and the demand for data science skills.

Progress Gaining and Applying Data Science Skills

It is important for an organization to identify and track employee progress completing their
planned data science training. Developing employee data science skills is important to ensure
they have the required knowledge, skills, technology, and expertise to support the organization
and allows employees to stay on top of the latest trends in the domain. Depending on the
employee role and the training needs, the training schedule could be six-months to two-years.
For example, delays in completing training may be reviewed to understand if the delay is due to
a lack of employee interest or work requirements interfering with staff development.
Management needs to take steps to address training delays due to work assignments.

Another way of assessing the success of data science training is whether employees can put
what they have learned into action. Organizations can evaluate time since employees finished
training and whether they were able to apply their new data science abilities in their current
role. If personnel are spending 90% of their time on non-data science activities after a year of
training, management can take steps to improve efficiency or risk losing these talents.
Corrective actions might include additional training, career counseling, change of role, or
change of organizational alignment.

Skill Demand
Organizations often measure the ongoing demand for data science skills, such as programming,
data visualization, machine learning, etc. They can also examine if the demand for these skills
exceeds the current pool of available and trained staff. If yes, then the organization may choose

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