BF Reviewer
BF Reviewer
BF Reviewer
without selling.
Many stocks pay dividends, for example. Instead of buying and selling
An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating stocks, dividend investors hold stocks and profit from the dividend
income or appreciation. Appreciation refers to an increase in the income.
value of an asset over time. When an individual purchases a good as
an investment, the intent is not to consume the good but rather to use
it in the future to create wealth.
The stock market has historically risen over the long term at a greater
In the most straightforward sense, investing works when you buy an
rate than inflation. Therefore, investing in stocks not only offers the
asset at a low price and sell it at a higher price. This kind of return on
chance to protect capital from inflation but to increase wealth, over
your investment is called a capital gain. Earning returns by selling
time, as well.
assets for a profit—or realizing your capital gains—is one way to make
money investing.
When an investment gains in value between when you buy it and you
Investors who own stock indices or indexes have little work to do. By
sell it, it’s also known as appreciation.
being invested in an index, the market does the work for them.
Investors just hold the positions for the long term to achieve market
● A share of stock can appreciate when a company creates a
average returns.
hot new product that boosts sales, increases the
company’s revenues and raises the stock’s value on the
Investing is like saving, but funds can grow at a much higher rate than
● A corporate bond could appreciate when it pays 5% annual
most savings accounts offer. Most investors opt to save for retirement
interest and the same company issues new bonds that only
and/or for future expenses. While some emergency cash can be kept in a
offer 4% interest, making yours more desirable.
savings account, many investors opt to put a large proportion of their
savings into investments that earn a greater rate of return.
● A commodity like gold might appreciate because the U.S.
Dollar loses value, driving up demand for gold.
● A home or condo might appreciate in value because
Investing provides options. While stocks are a common investment,
you renovated the property, or because the
so are bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and precious
neighborhood became more desirable for young
metals. Bonds issued by stable companies or governments tend to
families with kids.
have less volatility than stocks but also have lower long-term returns.
That said, they often offer returns that are higher than a savings
In addition to profits from capital gains and appreciation, investing
account. Therefore, even if stocks have little appeal to you, there are
works when you buy and hold assets that generate income. Instead of
other options for investment.
realizing capital gains by selling an asset, the goal of income investing
5. LESS TAX said, there is always the option to be active in the market but also have
some funds invested as well.
Long-term investments are typically treated more favorably in terms
of taxes than short-term trades. There are also certain investment 4. OPPORTUNITY COST
accounts that may further protect investment gains from taxes, such
as stocks and shares. When we invest, we are giving up the use of that capital in exchange
for potential earnings over the long run. An investor could be using
6. INVESTMENTS CAN PROVIDE INCOME that capital for something else. For example, we might use it to redo
our house, take a vacation, go back to school, or start a business (some
Whether it’s now or later, investing can provide regular income of these are alternative forms of investment). But ultimately, if we
from dividends (stocks) or interest (bonds). When a bond or allocate capital to investing, it can’t be used for something else, at least
dividend-paying stock is purchased, it pays a certain percentage to not while it is invested.
you at regular intervals. This income stream can be reinvested to
take advantage of compounding returns or used for something else. Consider this before investing. Investing sees the greatest benefit when
funds are left in the account to compound over time. If we are
7. INVESTING IS FLEXIBLE constantly pulling out funds from our investment account to use on
other things, many of the benefits of investing may be lost.
Investing is not a one-size-fits-all process. Investors choose how to invest
in stocks and which stocks or exchange traded funds they want to own. How to start investing?
An investor chooses an asset allocation that is based on their risk
tolerance — for example, holding more stocks for higher returns or 1. Consider making an investment plan. This will include things like
holding more bonds to reduce volatility in the portfolio. whether you prefer to invest in lower-risk or higher-risk assets and
how long you have till retirement/whether you need the funds.
2. Decide on a portfolio allocation. When you start out, your
1. POSSIBILITY OF LOSS investment portfolio may just be composed of one or two index
ETFs. That is fine. However, over time, you may want to expand this
When investing, there is a possibility of loss. There are no guarantees and allocate a certain percentage of your funds to bonds or other
that the market will rise during a specific investor’s time horizon. assets as well.
2. COMPOUNDING IS SLOW 3. Pick an investment strategy. Again, this can take place over time.
Do you prefer just buying index ETFs, or do you want to buy
Investing doesn’t compound capital as quickly as successful short-term individual stocks? If you purchase individual stocks, how will you
trading does. Therefore, all else being equal, a good investor will make determine what to buy and when? Some common approaches to
lower returns than a good day trader or swing trader. consider include value investing, growth investing, or passive
investing (buy and hold).
Investing is generally passive, with trades lasting long periods of time
and little active buying and selling. This may not appeal to investors 1. BANK DEPOSITS - consist of money placed into banking
who like doing lots of research and being active in the market. That institutions for safekeeping. These Deposits are made to deposit
accounts such as savings accounts, checking accounts, and money accounts, but the money must stay in the account for a set period of
market accounts at financial institutions. The account holder has the time. In other countries, time deposit accounts feature alternative
right to withdraw deposited funds, as set forth in the terms and names such as term deposits, fixed-term accounts, and savings bonds.
conditions governing the account agreement.
How bank deposits work? 2. INSURANCE - is a contract in which an individual or entity pays an
insurance company in exchange for financial protection or
The deposit itself is a liability owed by the bank to the depositor. Bank reimbursement of losses resulting from a covered event.
deposits refer to this liability rather than to the actual funds that have
been deposited. When someone opens a bank account and makes a cash Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which a
deposit, they surrender the legal title to the cash, and it becomes an policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursement
asset of the bank. In turn, the account is a liability to the bank. against losses from an insurance company. The company pools
clients’ risks to make payments more affordable for the insured.
TYPES OF BANK DEPOSITS Most people have some insurance: for their car, their house, their
healthcare, or their life.
Insurance policies hedge against financial losses resulting from
A current account, also called a demand deposit account, is a basic accidents, injury, or property damage. Insurance also helps cover
checking account. Consumers deposit money and the deposited costs associated with liability (legal responsibility) for damage or
money can be withdrawn as the account holder desires ondemand. injury caused to a third party.
These accounts often allow the account holder to withdraw funds
using bank cards, checks, or over-the-counter withdrawal slips. In INSURANCE POLICY COMPONENTS
some cases, banks charge monthly fees for current accounts, but they
may waive the fee if the account holder meets other requirements PREMIUM
such as setting up direct deposit or making a certain number of
monthly transfers to a savings account. A policy’s premium is its price, typically a monthly cost. Often, an insurer
takes multiple factors into account to set a premium. Here are a few
Savings accounts offer account holders interest on their deposits; ● Auto insurance premiums: Your history of property and auto
however, in some cases, account holders may incur a monthly fee if claims, age and location, creditworthiness, and many other factors
they do not maintain a set balance or a certain number of deposits. that may vary by state.
Although savings accounts are not linked to paper checks or cards
● Home insurance premiums: The value of your home, personal
like current accounts, their funds are relatively easy for account
belongings, location, claims history, and coverage amounts.
holders to access.
● Health insurance premiums: Age, sex, location, health
status, and coverage levels.
Like a savings account, a time deposit account is an investment vehicle
● Life insurance premiums: Age, sex, tobacco use, health, and
for consumers. Alsoknown as certificates of deposit (CD), time deposit
amount of coverage.
accounts tend to offer a higher rate of return than traditional savings
Auto insurance can help pay claims if you injure or damage someone
The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for a
else's property in a car accident, help pay for accident-related repairs on
covered loss under a policy. Maximums may be set per period (e.g.,
your vehicle, or repair or replace your vehicle if stolen, vandalized, or
annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy,
damaged by a natural disaster.
also known as the lifetime maximum.
Instead of paying out of pocket for auto accidents and damage,
Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. For a general life people pay annual premiums to an auto insurance company. The
insurance policy, the maximum amount that the insurer will pay is company then pays all or most of the covered costs associated with
referred to as the face value. This is the amount paid to your an auto accident or other vehicle damage.
beneficiary upon your death.
A life insurance policy guarantees that the insurer pays a sum of
The deductible is a specific amount you pay out of pocket before the money to your beneficiaries (such as a spouse or children) if you die.
insurer pays claim. Deductibles serve as deterrents to large volumes In exchange, you pay premiums during your lifetime.
of small and insignificant claims.
There are two main types of life insurance. Term life insurance
For example, a $1,000 deductible means you pay the first $1,000 covers you for a specific period, such as 10 to 20 years. If you
toward any claims. Suppose your car's damage totals $2,000. You die during that period, your beneficiaries receive a payment.
pay the first $1,000, and your insurer pays the remaining $1,000. Permanent life insurance covers your whole life as long as you
continue paying the premiums.
Deductibles can apply per policy or claim, depending on the insurer
and the type of policy. Health plans may have an individual deductible TRAVEL INSURANCE
and a family deductible. Policies with high deductibles are typically less
expensive because the high out-of- pocket expense generally results in Travel insurance covers the costs and losses associated with
fewer small claims. Out-of-pocket expenses are costs that an individual traveling, including trip cancellations or delays, coverage for
is responsible for paying that may or may not be reimbursed later. emergency healthcare, injuries and evacuations, and damaged
baggage, rental cars, and rental homes.
Health insurance is an agreement in which an insurance company
Homeowners insurance (also known as home insurance) protects your agrees to pay for some or all of your medical expenses in exchange
home, other property structures, and personal possessions against for a monthly premium payment.
natural disasters, unexpected damage, theft, and vandalism. Renter's
insurance is another type of homeowners insurance.
Examples: 2. PREFERRED STOCK - generally do not have voting rights, though they
have a higher claim on assets and earnings than common stockholders.
● Real estate For example, owners of preferred stock receive dividends before
● Gold, Silver, Platinum & other precious metals common shareholders and have priority if a company goes bankrupt
● Oil, Natural gas & other resources and is liquidated.
Companies can issue new shares whenever there is a need to raise bonds to investors to expand their business or sustain their operations.
additional cash. This process dilutes the ownership and rights of
existing shareholders. Corporations can also engage in stock buybacks, Who issues bonds?
which benefit existing shareholders because they cause their shares to
appreciate in value. Bonds are debt instruments and represent loans made to the issuer.
Governments and corporations commonly use bonds in order to borrow
6. BONDS - A bond is a fixed-income instrument that represents a money. Governments need to fund roads, schools, dams, or other
loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or infrastructure. The sudden expense of war may also demand the need to
governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the raise funds.
lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its
payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and Similarly, corporations will often borrow to grow their business, to
sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. Owners of buy property and equipment, to undertake profitable projects, for
bonds are debt-holders, or creditors, of the issuer. research and development, or to hire employees. Bonds provide a
solution by allowing many individual investors to assume the role of
Bonds are a passive investment asset. It serves as proof that its the lender.
issuer (either the government or a private corporation) has
borrowed money from you and they will pay you what you’re owed ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF BONDS
plus periodic interest payments over the period indicated on your
bonds’ terms.
TYPES OF MUTUAL FUNDS The money market consists of safe, risk-free, short-term debt
instruments, mostly government Treasury bills. An investor will not
1. STOCK FUNDS earn substantial returns, but the principal is guaranteed. A typical
return is a little more than the amount earned in a regular checking or
As the name implies, this fund invests principally in equity or stocks. savings account and a little less than the average certificate of deposit
Within this group are various subcategories. Some equity funds are (CD).
named for the size of the companies they invest in: small-, mid-, or
large-cap. Others are named by their investment approach: aggressive 6. INCOME FUNDS
growth, income-oriented, value, and others. Equity funds are also
categorized by whether they invest in domestic stocks or foreign Income funds are named for their purpose: to provide current
equities. income on a steady basis. These Funds invest primarily in
government and high-quality corporate debt, holding these
2. BOND FUNDS bonds until maturity to provide interest streams. While fund
holdings may appreciate, the primary objective of these funds is
A mutual fund that generates a minimum return is part of the fixed to provide steady cash flow to investors. As such, the audience
income category. A fixed income mutual fund focuses on investments for these funds consists of conservative investors and retirees.
that pay a set rate of return, such as government bonds, corporate
bonds, or other debt instruments. The fund portfolio generates interest 7. INTERNATIONAL/GLOBAL FUNDS
income, which is passed on to the shareholders.
Income funds are named for their purpose: to provide current
Sometimes referred to as bond funds, these funds are often actively income on a steady basis. These Funds invest primarily in
managed and seek to buy relatively undervalued bonds in order to sell government and high-quality corporate debt, holding these
them at a profit. These mutual funds are likely to pay higher returns and bonds until maturity to provide interest streams. While fund
bond funds aren't without risk. holdings may appreciate, the primary objective of these funds is
to provide steady cash flow to investors. As such, the audience
3. INDEX FUNDS for these funds consists of conservative investors and retirees.
Index Funds invest in stocks that correspond with a major market PERSONAL FINANCE
index. This strategy requires less research from analysts and advisors,
so there are fewer expenses passed on to shareholders and these Personal finance is the process of planning and managing
funds are often designed with cost-sensitive investors in mind. personal financial activities such as income generation,
spending, saving, investing , and protection. The process of
4. BALANCED FUNDS managing one’s personal finances can be summarized in a
budget or financial plan . This guide will analyze the most
Balanced funds invest in a hybrid of asset classes, whether stocks, common and important aspects of individual financial
bonds, money market instruments, or alternative investments. The management.
AREAS OF PERSONAL FINANCE Common sources of spending are:
- Rent
- Mortgage payments
- Taxes
- Food
- Entertainment
- Travel
- Credit card payments
Investing relates to the purchase of assets that are expected to 1. SPEND LESS OF WHAT YOU EARN
generate a rate of return, with the hope that over time the
individual will receive back more money than they originally This is the most basic of all personal finance rules – do not spend more
invested. Investing carries risk, and not all assets actually end up than you can afford to pay. Yet, this is also where we most fail. Access to
producing a positive rate of return. This is where we see the credit gives us the power to spend money we still don’t have. It is good to
relationship between risk and return. a certain degree, but only if we have enough discipline over our
spending. Managing personal finance starts with learning to live within
Common forms of investing include: your means. Know exactly how much you’re making, then create a
budget that is within your income. Use your credit wisely.
- Stocks
- Mutual funds
- Real estate Build up your savings from day one. This follows the first rule of
- Private companies managing personal finance. What is left of your income after expenses
- Commodities are your savings. First, aim to create an emergency fund – one that you
- Art can rely on emergencies or when starting up a business or transitioning
from one job to another. Second, save for investment – one that will
Investing is the most complicated area of personal finance and is provide you with a passive income. Lastly, start saving for your
one of the areas where people get the most professional advice. retirement – the earlier you start, the sooner you can retire.
There are vast differences in risk and reward between different
investments, and most people seek help with this area of their 3. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SPENDING ON
financial plan.
Self-made millionaires and billionaires still live on a budget and know
5. PROTECTION exactly where their money is going. Knowing what you’re spending on
will give you a clearer idea on how you’re handling your money. Create a
Personal protection refers to a wide range of products that can list of purchases made and bills paid, go as detailed as you can. Scan
be used to guard against an unforeseen and adverse event. through your list – do you see opportunities to save or minimize your
expenses? Are you spending too much on coffee or interest fees?
Common protection products include:
- Life insurance
- Health insurance Passive income is earnings generated without you having to work or
- Estate planning spend time on it. Royalties, rentals, interest income, and creative licenses
are examples of passive income you can build on. You can create and sell
This is another area of personal finance where people typically – photography, e-books, music, and apps. You can also use your savings
seek professional advice and which can become quite to invest in properties you can rent out like real estate properties,
complicated. There is a whole series of analysis that needs to be machines, equipment, or even party needs! Passive income sources will
done to properly assess an individual’s insurance and estate double your earnings without using up time and effort.
planning needs.
5. LEARN THE ART OF INVESTING perseverance are important aspects of getting rich. If you want to make
it, do not rely on luck or the benevolence of others.
Money in the bank is safe but is not most beneficial for you. While you
can earn interest income, you could also be losing value from inflation. MONEY MANAGEMENT IN PERSONAL FINANCE
Inflation is the continuous trend of increasing prices and decreasing
value of money. At an average rate of 2.5%, your $100 now will be worth Money management is a broad concept. It refers to the strategies and
about $80 in ten years. To combat inflation, you must put your money to techniques to determine the use of an individual, company, or
good use, in income generating investments. institution’s capital. In personal finance, money management covers
budgeting, spending, and saving (investing). Money management can be
6. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE MONEY proactive with periodic or regular financial planning. It can also be
reactive to specific events without intuitive planning in advance.
Nothing is for free, right? If you look closer, there is such a thing as free
money. Financially aware individuals know and take advantage of free As a result of different ages, lifestyles, family structures, and many other
money like miles rewards, loyalty rewards from stores, discounts given factors, financial plans for individuals are different. However, the
when paying in cash or in advance, and your employer’s contribution fundamental principles of budgeting can be commonly shared. For
match for health insurance or retirement fund. example, one simple method of personal budgeting is the “50-20-30
Budget Rule.”
The 50-20-30 Budget Rule suggests an individual spends 50% of their
Downsizing is enriching. Getting rid of the clutter will let you focus on after-tax income on essential expenditures. The essentials include
the important things. Do you really need the second car, a bag to match house mortgages or rents, transportation, groceries, utilities, and so on.
your new shoes or the extra guest bedroom? Keeping up with the 30% of their income should be spent on the things that the person
Joneses will not get you and your family anywhere. There’s no shame in wants. It can include expenses on partying with friends, movie tickets,
frugality. Self-made millionaires wear simple clothes, live in modest and vacations. The remaining 20% should be saved or invested for future
homes, and drive basic cars. They splurge on more important things like financial goals.
investments, innovations, and on making sure they enjoy work-life
balance. Money management with intuitive planning and budgeting helps to
reduce inessential expenditures. Such expenditures do not add value to
8. HEALTH IS WEALTH an individual’s living standards. They can be saved or invested for better
use in the future. Money management also lowers the risk of running out
Stay healthy. A healthy body and focused mind are necessary to better be of money. It helps individuals to achieve their financial goals in the long
able to work and create wealth and income. Besides, getting sick is term.
expensive. Having a sick child will also create the same stress and
additional expenses. Make yours and your family’s health a premium. Eat Financial advisors in private banks, insurance firms, and other financial
healthy, exercise, sleep well, avoid harmful vices, and make time for fun institutes provide personal money management services. Individuals can
and relaxing time together. also process their money management needs through personal finance
Personal finance can be learned and anyone can achieve financial
freedom and wealth. It is just a matter of knowing what you have, and
effectively managing and enriching it. Discipline, hard work and