Phase Behavior
Phase Behavior
Phase Behavior
equilibrium calculation
Chapter 25
✓ Temperature and pressure for which liquid and vapor are no longer
✓ For T > Tc, liquid and vapor will not co-exist, no matter what the
pressure is.
✓ For P > Pc, liquid and vapor will not co-exist, no matter what the
temperature is.
P-T diagram for single components
✓ Up to this point, we saw that the heat added before the system
reached the phase transition was used to raise the temperature of the
substance. However, the heat that we are adding right now, during
the phase transition, is not causing any temperature increase (hence it
is said to be hidden heat or latent heat of vaporization).
✓ Therefore, we differentiate between two kinds of heat: sensible heat
and latent heat.
Sensible Heat: Its main purpose is to cause an increase in
temperature of the system.
Latent Heat: It serves only one purpose: to convert the liquid into
vapor. It does not cause a temperature increase.
Phase behavior for mixtures P-v-T diagram
The line connecting all of the bubble and dew points will generate the bubble and
Notice that the critical point does not represent a maximum in the P-V diagram of
a mixture. Also note that bubble point pressures and dew point pressures are no
• Bubble and dew point curves coincide together in the single component system.
• In multicomponent systems, the bubble point curve will shift to the upper left (higher pressures) and dew point curve
will shift to the lower right (lower pressures) — both of them meeting at the critical point.
• Cricondenbar (Pcc):
✓ The highest pressure in the two-phase
✓ For P > Pcc, liquid and vapor cannot co-exist
at equilibrium no matter what the temperature
• Cricondentherm (Tcc):
✓ The highest temperature in the two-phase
✓ For T > Tcc, liquid and vapor cannot co-exist Source: Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior - Production Technology (
T2. Notice that these temperatures are such that T1 < Tc and Tc < T2 < Tcc.
condition (0 % liquid) and we are starting to cross over into the two-phase
until the entire system has been condensed (point B). We went all the way
• In the second case (Tc < T2 < Tcc), we have a different behavior. At point C we are starting in an ALL VAPOR condition (0
% liquid); by increasing pressure, we force the system to enter the two-phase region. Thus, some liquid has to drop out; we
expect that as the pressure keeps increasing, we will produce more and more liquid. That is true to some extent… BUT, look
at the final point of our journey, point D: although we are producing liquid, our final condition (dew point) requires us to
• This is telling us that, as we are entering the two-phase region, we will start to produce some liquid; but, there will be a point
(of maximum liquid yield) where that liquid will start to vaporize (point C’). In other words, even though we are
compressing the system, liquid will vaporize and not condense. That is why we call this a retrograde (contrary to
expectation) behavior.
• It is also important to see that a similar behavior is to be expected within the region Pc < P < Pcc. In this case, we talk about
retrograde vaporization since we will be moving from a 100 % liquid to another 100 % liquid condition (both on the bubble
• Dalton’s Law, or the Law of Partial Pressures, states that the total pressure exerted by a
mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture.
• Apparent molecular weight:
M=σ𝑛𝑖=1 𝑌i𝑀i
Compute the apparent molecular weight of air given its composition:
Component Composition
Nitrogen 0.78
Oxygene 0.21 Ma=(0.78*28.01)+(0.21*32)+(0.01*39.94)=28.97lb/lbmole
Argon 0.01
Vapor Liquid equilibrium – importance
We use vapor liquid equilibrium calculations in the following:
1. Reservoir calculation
2. Two phase pipeline flow calculations
3. Inlet separation calculations.
4. Distillation calculations.
5. Absorption calculations
K – factor
Phase equilibrium, Raoult’s Law
𝑦𝑖 𝑃𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑥𝑖 𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑡
𝑦𝑖 = mole fraction of vapor phase.
𝑥𝑖 = mole fraction of liquid phase.
𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 𝑓 𝑇𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦
- Works well for compounds that are simple and very similar in nature.
- Works well when 𝑥𝑖 is close to 1.
Application of K : bubble point and dew point calculation, flash calculation.
Solution using Raoult’s law (Assume ideal gas vapor and liquid phases)
𝐾𝑖 =
𝑃 𝑠𝑎𝑡 in bar, and 𝑇 in K 𝑃𝑡
C1 3.9895 443.028 -0.49
C2 3.9384 659.739 -16.719
C3 4.5368 1149.36 24.906
i-C4 4.3281 1132.108 0.918
Bubble point temperature Given P, x and required T, y
P, kPa =1500
1 0.871 1.270
Dew point temperature Given P, y and required T, x
P, kPa =1500
1 0.828 1.079
Determination of K and Pk for multicomponent hydrocarbon at high
pressure > 1000 psia
• The k value for multicomponent hydrocarbon system at high pressure
depends on composition
• The second observation is that, at high pressures, the K values of all
components in a mixture tend to converge to unity at the same pressure.
This pressure is called the convergence pressure.
• Convergence pressure: it is the critical pressure of the mixture which has
a critical temperature. Also known as the pressure for the system at a
given temperature when vapor-liquid separation is no longer possible.
• There are different correlations to calculate convergence pressure and then
K value for multicomponent hydrocarbon in high pressure.
• KH2S=0.4KC3+0.6KC2
• 𝐾𝐶𝑂2 = 𝐾𝐶1 𝐾𝐶2
• How to determine 𝑷𝑲 ( as suggested by GPA):
1. Assume the liquid phase composition ( if there is no guide, use the total feed composition)
2. Identify the lightest hydrocarbon component which present in a concentration of at least 0.1%mole in the
liquid phase.
3. Calculate the mass average critical T and critical P for the remaining heavier components to form a pseudo
binary system.( as a short method, you can use only Tpc)
4. Trace the critical locus of the binary consisting of the light component and pseudo heavy component. When
the average pseudo heavy component is between two real hydrocarbons, an interpolation of the two critical
loci must be made.
5. Read the convergence pressure (Pk) at the system temperature from the figure.
6. Using the convergence pressure determined from step 4 together with the system temperature and system
pressure, obtain K values for the components from the appropriate convergence pressure K-charts.
7. If the liquid composition was assumed, calculate it using the K-values and overall system composition.
8. If the differences between the assumed and calculated Pk are significant repeat the entire procedure.
Where A1=(P-Pa)/(Pk-Pa)A2
Pa=atmospheric pressure
A2 from 0.5-0.8
• Please read chapter 25 on GPSA
• And print pages from 25.9-25.24