MIS Management Information System

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What are the major capacbilities of database management systems (DBMS), and
why is a ralational DBMS so powerfull?
Database technology cuts through many of the problems of traditional file
organization. It’s more rigorous because centralizing the data and controlling
redundant data.
Rather than storing data in separate files for each application, data appear to users
as being stored in only one location. A single datahase services multiple

I. Database management systems

A database management system (DBMS) is software that enables an
organization to centralize data, manage them efficiently, and provide
access to the stored data by application programs. While using traditional
data files, the programmer would have to specify the size and format of
each data element used in the program and then tell the computer where
they were located, using DBMS it’s automatic and present information to
the application program.
a. How a DBMS Solves the Problems of the Traditional File
A DBMS reduces data redundancy and inconsistency by minimizing
isolated files in which the same data are repeated. The DBMS may
riot eriable the organization to eliminate data redundancy entirely, but
it can help control reduridancy.
Access and availability of information will be increased and program
development and maintenance costs reduced because users and
programmers can perform ad hoc queries of the database for many
simple applications with- out having to write complicated programs.
Data sharing more easy because single location rather than
fragmented in many different systems and files.
b. Realtional DBMS
The most popular type of DBMS today for PCs as well as for larger
computers and mainframes is the relational DBMS. Relational
databases represent data as two-dimensional tables (called relations).
Tables may be referred to as files. Each table contains data on an
entity and its attributes. Microsoft Access is a relational DBMS for
desktop systems, whereas DB2, Oracle Database, and Microsoft SQL
Server are relational DBMS for large mainframes and midrange
computers. MySQL is a popular open source DBMS.
The field for Supplier_Number in the SUPPLIER table uniquely
identifies each record so that the record can be retrieved, updated, or
sorted. It is called a key field. Each table in a relational database has
one field that is designated as its primary key. When the field
Supplier_Number appears in the PART table, it is called a foreign key
use to look up data about the supplier of a specific part.

c. Operations of a relational BDMS

Relational database tables can be combined easily to deliver data
required by users, provided that any two tables share a common data
In a relational database, three basic operations, as shown in Figure
6.5, are used to develop useful sets of data: select, join, and project.

II. Capacbilitites of Database management systems

A DBMS includes capabilities and tools for organizing, managing, and
accessing the data in the database. The most important are its data
definition language, data dictionary, and data manipulation language.

DBMS have a data definition capability to specify the structure of the

con- tent of the database. It would be used to create database tables and
to define the characteristics of the fields in each table. This information
about the database would be documented in a data dictionary. A data
dictionary is an automated or manual file that stores definitions of data
elements and their characteristics.
Microsoft Access has a rudimentary data dictionary capability that
displays in- formation about the name, description, size, type, format, and
other properties of each field in a table
a. Queriyng and reporting
DBMS includes tools for accessing and manipulating information in
databases. Most DBMS have a specialized language called a data
manipulation language.
III. Designing database
The database requires both a conceptual design and a physical design.
The conceptual, or logical, design of a database is an abstract model of
the database from a business perspective, whereas the physi- cal design
shows how the database is actually arranged on direct-access storage

a. Normalization and Entity-Relationship Diagrams

The process of creating small, stable, yet flexible and adaptive data
structures from complex groups of data is called normalization.

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