3. Stress point/foreseeable crisis – anticipated periods 2. Community diagnosis enables the nurse/program
of unusual demands coordinator to set priorities for planning and
INITIAL DATA BASE developing programs of health care for the
1. Family structure and characteristics community. The data gathered through the process
2. Socio-economic and cultural factors serves as the material for analysis.
3. Environmental factors TYPES OF COMMUNITY DX
4. Health assessment of each member 1. Comprehensive Community Dx
5. Value placed on prevention of disease - general view
2. Problem-oriented Community Dx
- specific problem
GIVE COMPONENT 1. Demographic variables
N 2. Socio-economic and cultural variables
Nature of the problem 3. Health and illness patterns
(1) Deficit/wellness 4. Health resources
(2) threat 5. Political and leadership patterns
(3) stress point Components of Community Dx
Modifiability possibility of success 1. Primary Data - source would be the community
Highly people through survey, interview, focused group
Partially discussions, observation and through the actual
Non-modifiable minutes.of community meetings
Preventive potential 2. Secondary Data - source would be organizational
X1 Magnitude of future problems that can be records of the program, health center records and
minimized by solving this other public records through review of records
Family’s perception of the problem goal setting
constructing plan of action and operational plan
POINT put nursing plan to action
GIVEN coordinate care/services
Nature utilize community resources
Health status (illness, stats), health delegate and supervise
X1 resource (material, manpower), Health- provide health education
related (social, economic, political, document responses
Modifiability possibility of success 1. Anticipatory – primary level of prevention
(highly, partially, or non-modifiable) 2. Participatory – secondary & tertiary levels
Preventive potential EVALUATION
X1 Magnitude of future problems that can nursing audit
be minimized by solving this evaluate care outcomes
Salience performance appraisal for workers
Family’s perception of the problem estimate cost-benefit ratio (determine efficiency)
Magnitude of the problem identify necessary alterations
X3 Severity: proportion of population revise plans
affected by problem FRAMEWORK FOR EVALUATION
Total=10 1. Structural elements - physical: manpower,
equipment, infrastructure
2. Process elements - actions, procedures, protocols
1. To have a clear picture of the problems of the
3. Outcome elements - changes in clients’ health
community and to identify the resources available
status, objectives and goals of care outcome
to the community people.
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM AND OPV given simultaneously to all children younger
Founder of Vaccinology in the West (1796) Last wild Poliomyelitis case in the Philippines was
After he inoculated a 13 y/o boy with vaccinia in 1993
virus (cowpox) which demonstrated immunity Philippines was certified POLIO-FREE country on
to smallpox October 29,2000 in Kyoto, Japan
In 1798, the FIRST smallpox vaccine was 19 years after, On September 19,2019, a new
developed polio outbreak was reported by POLIO VIRUS 2
Smallpox vaccine was the FIRST SUCCESSFUL 3 Viral Strains of Polio
VACCINE to be developed a. Brunhilde Type 1
WHO declares GLOBAL eradication of Smallpox b. Lansing type 2
(May 1980) c. Leon type 3
LAST WILD CASE of small pox – Somalia (1977) 3. PROCLAMATION NO. 4, s. 1998
(established in 1976) September 16 – October 14, 1998
IMMUNIZATION Free measles vaccines between the ages of 9
- Process of introducing vaccine into the body months – less than 15 years
before infection sets in providing ARTIFICIAL 4. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 996
ACTIVE IMMUNITY COMPULSORY basic immunization for infants and
WHO stated that as many as 2-3 million deaths children below 8 years of age
among children per year could have been prevented 5. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7846
by ACCESS TO IMMUNIZATION COMPULSORY Hepatitis B immunization among
SCHEDULE: WEDNESDAY infants & children less than 8 years old
- Designated NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION DAY or Newborn infants of women with Hepatitis B shall
“Patak Day” be given immunization against Hepatitis B within
WEEKLY: Rural Health Units 24 hours after birth
MONTHLY: Barangay Health Stations 6. RA No. 10152
QUARTERLY: Remote areas (Far-flung) MANDATORY infants and Children Health
1. Tuberculosis – BCG TAKE NOTE:
2. Diphtheria & Pertussis – DPT/Pentavalent a. If the infant is sick, and the parent strongly
3. Measles – Measles Vaccine objects for the immunization, DO NOT GIVE IT
4. Poliomyelitis – OPV and IPV b. Ask the mother to comeback when child is well
b. IPV – Jonas Salk 1. Before 12 months
5. Tetanus 2. Before 1st birthday of child he/she must have
a. CHILDREN = DPT completed:
b. Mothers = Tetanus Toxoid 1 dose of BCG
6. Hepatitis B – HepB vaccine 3 doses of DPT
7. Diarrhea caused by Rotavirus – Rotavirus vaccine 3 doses of OPV
8. Meningitis – PentaHIB vaccine 3 doses of HepB
REGULATORY LAWS 1 dose of Measles
Declaring April 17 and May 15, 1996 and every 1. BCG
third Wednesday of April and May from 1996 to 2. Others: Yellow Fever and HIB
ONLY OPV doses can lead to polio eradication 1. OPV
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Portal of exit - this refers the route by which the TYPES OF IMMUNITY
infectious microorganisms escape or leave the
Mode of transmission - since microorganisms cannot
travel on their own, they require a vehicle to carry them
to other persons a place.
Portal of entry - the path for the microorganism to get
into a new host (the reverse of the portal of exit). The
mode of entry refers to the method by which the
pathogens enter the person.
Susceptible host - the future host is the person who is
next exposed to the pathogen. The microorganisms may Immunity is the ability of the body to protect against all
spread to another person but does not develop into an types of foreign bodies like bacteria, virus, toxic
infection if the person’s immune system can fight it off. substances etc. which enter the body.
it is called natural or native immunity, consist of
mechanisms that exist before infection and are capable
of rapid responses to microbes. It is comprises four
types of defense barriers:
a. Physical barriers
b. Chemical barriers
c. Cellular defenses
a. Species immunity – is the total immunity shown by
all members of a species against pathogen; e.g.
Infections progress through a common pattern. The birds immune to tetanus.
severity and duration of the steps in the pattern may b. Racial immunity – is that in which various races
vary among pathogens and hosts to some degree, but show marked difference in their resistance to
the overall pattern is similar. Differences in severity and certain infectious disease.
duration of the stages in disease progression are often c. Individual immunity – is very specific for each and
of diagnostic value. every individual despite having same racial
Icubation period is the initial stage of the disease background and opportunity for exposure.
process before symptoms become apparent and the ADAPTIVE/ACQUIRED IMMUNITY
pathogen is actively replicating. There are no signs or is the immunity that is developed by the host in its body
symptoms during the incubation period. after exposure to suitable antigen or after transfer of
Prodromal phase is the stage of the disease process antibodies or lymphocyte from an immune donor.
when symptoms first become apparent. These CHARACTERISTICS OF ACQUIRED IMMUNITY
symptoms are typically unspecific to the pathogen and a. Antigenic specificity
vague; they may include fever, fatigue, and headaches. b. Diversity
Illness period the infected person shows noticeable c. Immunologic memory
symptoms of infectious disease. The symptoms may be d. Self/non-self-recognition
localized or systemic. TYPES OF ACQUIRED IMMUNITY
Decline phase is the stage of disease when symptoms 1. Active Immunity – it is induced by natural exposure
begin to abate and the pathogen population begins to to a pathogen or by vaccination. It can be
decline. Damaged tissues begin to repair, and pathogen categorized into two types:
numbers decrease. a. Naturally Acquired Active Immunity
Convalescence period is the stage of the disease b. Artificially Acquired Active Immunity
process when symptoms disappear. It is considered a 2. Passive Immunity – is achieve by transfer of
recovery period, when host strength is regained. Host immune products, such as antibody or sensitized T-
tissues are repaired to their pre infection health.
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
cell, from an immune individual to non-immune When you are close to patients or close to handling
one. It has two types: blood, bodily fluid, bodily tissues, mucous membranes,
a. Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity or areas of open skin, you must use personal protective
b. Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity equipment (PPE). Depending on the anticipated
MECHANISM OF ACTIVE IMMUNITY exposure, types of PPE that may be required include:
Primary immune response – takes place when the host Gloves
is attacked by certain microbes for first time. The Masks and goggles
antibodies start to generate after certain period as the Aprons, gowns, and shoe covers
binding of an antigen with its particular antibody is very TRANSMISSION-BASED PRECAUTIONS
specific. Transmission-based precautions are extra steps to
Secondary immune response – occurs when an follow for illnesses that are caused by certain germs.
individual is being attacked by the same antigen Transmission-based precautions are followed in
subsequently. It is a rapid process. addition to standard precautions. Some infections
PATTERN OF DISEASE OCCURANCE require more than one type of transmission-based
The variables of disease as to person, time and place are precaution.
reflected in distinct patterns of occurrence and Airborne precautions - may be needed for germs
distribution in a given community. that are so small they can float in the air and travel
1. Sporadic occurrence is the intermittent occurrence long distances. Germs that warrant airborne
of a few isolated and unrelated cases in a given precautions include chickenpox, measles, and
locality. The cases are few and scattered, so that tuberculosis (TB) bacteria infecting the lungs or
there is no apparent relationship between them larynx (voicebox).
and they occur on and off, intermittently, through a Contact precautions - help keep staff and visitors
period of time. from spreading the germs after touching a person
2. Endemic occurrence is the continuous occurrence or an object the person has touched. Some of the
throughout a period of time, of the usual number of germs that contact precautions protect from are C
cases in a given locality. The disease is therefore difficile, norovirus, and COVID-19. These germs can
always occurring in the locality and the level of cause serious infection in the intestines or lungs.
occurrence is more or less constant through a Droplet precautions - are used to prevent contact
period of time. The level of occurrence maybe low with mucus and other secretions from the nose and
or high, when the given level is continuously sinuses, throat, airways, and lungs. When a person
maintained, then the pattern maybe low endemic talks, sneezes, or coughs, droplets that contain
or high endemic as the case maybe. germs can travel about 3 feet (90 centimeters).
3. Epidemic occurrence is of unusually large number of Illnesses that require droplet precautions include
cases in a relatively short period of time. There is a influenza (flu), pertussis (whooping cough), mumps,
disproportionate relationship between the number and respiratory illnesses, such as those caused by
of cases and the period of occurrence, the more coronavirus infections including COVID-19.
acute is the disproportion, the more urgent and CHICKENPOX
serious is the problem. Other names: Varicella
4. Pandemic is the simultaneous occurrence of
pandemic of the same disease in several countries.
It is another pattern of occurrence from an
international perspective.
Isolation precautions create barriers between people
and germs. These types of precautions help prevent the
spread of germs in the hospital.
Human (alpha) herpes virus 3 (varicella-zoster
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS virus), a member of the Herpesvirus group.
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Secretions of respiratory tract of infected persons Exclusion from school for 1 week after eruption first
Lesions (little consequence) appears
Scabs are not infective Tell the patient not to scratch the lesions
MODE OF TRANSMISSION Teach the child and the family how to apply
Direct contact or droplet spread antipruritic medication correctly
Indirect through articles freshly soiled by discharges PREVENTIVE MEASURES
of infected person Vaccine
INCUBATION PERIOD Varicella - zoster Immune Globulin (VZIG)
2-3 weeks, commonly 13 to 17 days given within 10 days of exposure
PERIOD OF COMMUNICABILITY Cases over 15 years of age should be investigated to
Cases are infectious for up to 2 days before the eliminate possibility of smallpox
onset of the rash until 5 days after first crop of Report to local authority
There is a gradual thickening of the skin with Growth most efficient and fastest at temperature of
the development of a granulomatous 27-33 degree celcius.
condition. Affects the coolest parts of the body (skin,
Lesions frequently appear in macules and eyes, nose, mucous membranes of the
become nodular in character (leproma). respiratory tract)
There is a slow movement of the peripheral RISK FACTORS
nerves, with some degree of anesthesia, loss 1. Close Contact
of sensation, and gradual destruction of the 2. Age: Bimodal effect
nerves. Between ages 5-15 and older than 30 years
Atrophy of the skin and muscles and eventual old
melting or absorption of small bones, 3. Genetics
primarily those of the hands and feet. NOD2 variants
Natural amputation may occur. 4. Immunosuppression
Ulceration in the mucous membranes of the Chemotherapy, HIV positive
Causes damage to the respiratory tract, eyes, 1. Identification of the signs and symptoms.
and testes, as well as nerves and the skin. 2. Tissue Biopsy
Lepromin test is negative, but the skin a. AFB (Acid-fast bacilli staining)
lesions contain large amounts of Hansen’s b. PCR
bacillus. 3. Tissue smear
2. Tuberculoid leprosy (Paucibacillary) 4. Blood tests show increase RBC and ESR
Affects the peripheral nerves (erythrocytes sedimentation rate); decreased serum
and sometimes the calcium, albumin and colesterol levels.
and testes, nerves in the 1. Neuropathy (Amputation, sensory loss)
skin) 2. Opthalmic injury (weakening of the eye
Lepromin test is positive, but the organism is musculature, drying of the eye, corneal abrasion)
rarely isolated from the lesions. 3. Immunologic Reactions
Macules are elevated, with clearing at the a. Fatigue, fever, arthritis, neuritis, iritis
center, and are more clearly defined than in b. Type 1
the lepromatous form. i. Occurs in borderline leprosy patients
Anesthesia is present, and involvement of the c. Type 2
peripheral nerves occurs more rapidly than i. Erythema Nosodum Leprosum
the lepromatous form. ii. Occurs in lepromatous disease
Well-defined dry lesions. iii. Sudden eruption of multiple painful nodules
3. Borderline (dimorphous) leprosy PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
4. Infestation with mites may also result from contact MEDICATION DESCRIPTION
with dogs, cats, and other small animals.
5. Mange – scabies on dog. When canine or feline Pediculicide permethrin cream or lindane
mites land on human skin, they fail to thrive and lotion, as a thin layer over the
produce only a mild itch that eventually disappears. entire skin surface, left on forn
6. Human scabies gets worse and worse unless the 10-12 hours.
condition is treated.
Crotamiton cream is applied for 5 consecutive
1. Itching, characteristically
more pronounced at night, Neosporin is rubbed into the affected skin
when the patient has ointment 4 or 5 times a day.
retired, since the increase
warmth of the skin has a Antihistamine Can be useful in giving relief
stimulating effect on the (Diphenhydramine) from the itching.
2. For the first week, the itch is subtle. It gradually
1. Instruct the patient to apply the cream at bedtime,
becomes intense that after a month or two, sleep
from the neck down to the toes, covering the entire
becomes almost impossible.
3. Secondary lesions like vesicles, papules, pustules,
2. Contaminated clothing or bedclothes should be dry-
excoriations, and crusts may be found on the
cleaned or boiled.
affected site.
3. Advise the patient to report any skin irritation.
4. Bacterial superinfection may result from constant
5. Suggest that family members and other close
excoriation of burrows and papules.
contacts of the patient be checked for possible
symptoms and treated if necessary.
6. If the patient is hospitalized, practice good
handwashing technique or use gloves while
performing nursing procedures.
7. Terminal disinfection should be carried out after the
discharge of the patient.
Alteration in comfort; itchiness
Impaired skin integrity
Altered role performance.
Knowledge deficit
Social isolation
Body image disturbance
Good personal hygiene
Avoid contact with infected persons.
All members in the household, including close
DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES contacts, should be treated.
A drop of mineral oil placed over the burrow, After treatment, beddings and clothing worn next to
followed by superficial scraping and examination of the skin should be properly laundered.
expressed material under a low-power microscope, GERMAN MEASLES
may reveal mites, ova or mite feces. Other names: Rubella / three-day measles
All clothes used before and during treatment period
should be disinfected by dry cleaning or boiling.
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Low-grade fever Pinkish rash on the soft
Headache palate. (Forcheimer’s
Malaise spot), an exanthematous
Mild coryza rash that appears first on
(common cold) the face, spreading to the
Conjunctivitis neck, arms, trunk, and
Post-auricular, legs.
sub-occipital, Eruption appears after
and posterior the onset of adenopathy.
cervical Children usually present
lymphadenopath less or no constitutional
y which occurs symptoms.
on the 3rd to 5th Rash may last for 1-5
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
• Cutaneous infection is by contact with tissues of Stool testing. To diagnose gastrointestinal anthrax,
animals (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, and your doctor may check a sample of your stool for
other) dying of the disease; possibly by biting flies anthrax bacteria.
that had partially fed on such animals; Spinal tap (lumbar puncture). In this test, your
contaminated hair, wool, hides or products made doctor inserts a needle into your spinal canal and
from them such as drums or brushed: or contact withdraws a small amount of fluid. A spinal tap is
with the soil associated with the infected animals or recommended any time doctors suspect systemic
contaminated bone meal used in gardening. anthrax — anthrax other than cutaneous — due to
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS the possibility of meningitis.
Three clinical forms are recognized: TREATMENT MODALITIES
1. Cutaneous form is the most common and is Doctors have several options for treating patients with
contracted by contact with infected animals usually anthrax, including antibiotics and antitoxin. Patients
(carcasses) or contaminated wool, hides and fur. with serious cases of anthrax need to be hospitalized.
The exposed part of the skin begins to itch and a They may require aggressive treatment, such as
papule appears in the inoculation site. This papule continuous fluid drainage and help breathing through
becomes a vesicle and then evolves into depressed mechanical ventilation.
black eschars. The lesion is not painful and often Antibiotics
untreated which will result in septicemia and death All types of anthrax infection can be treated with
when not treated early. The case fatality rate is 5- antibiotics, including intravenous antibiotics
20%. (medicine given through the vein). If someone has
2. The pulmonary form is contracted by inhalation of symptoms of anthrax, it’s important to get medical
B. anthracis spores. At the onset of illness, the care as quickly as possible to have the best chances
symptoms are mild and resemble that of common of a full recovery. Doctors will select antibiotics that
upper respiratory tract infection. After 3-5 days, the are best for treating anthrax and that are best for
symptoms become acute, with fever, shock and the patient based on their medical history.
death results. The case fatality is high. Antitoxin
3. The gastrointestinal anthrax is contracted by When anthrax spores get inside the body, they can
ingestion of meat from infected animals and is be “activated.” When they become active, anthrax
manifested as violent gastroenteritis with vomiting bacteria can multiply, spread out in the body, and
and bloody stools. Mortality ranges from 25-75% produce toxins—or poisons. Anthrax toxins in the
(Brachman, 1984). body cause severe illness.
INCUBATION PERIOD After anthrax toxins have been released in the
A few hours to 7 days most cases occur within 48 hours body, one possible treatment is antitoxin. Antitoxins
of exposure target anthrax toxins in the body. Doctors must use
DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE antitoxin together with other treatment options.
You may have a rapid flu test to quickly diagnose a case COMPLICATIONS
of influenza. If other tests are negative, you may have The most serious complications of anthrax include:
further tests to look specifically for anthrax, such as: Your body being unable to respond to infection
Skin testing. A sample of fluid from a suspicious normally, leading to damage of multiple organ
lesion on your skin or a small tissue sample (biopsy) systems (sepsis)
may be tested in a lab for signs of cutaneous Inflammation of the membranes and fluid covering
anthrax. the brain and spinal cord, leading to massive
Blood tests. You may have a small amount of blood bleeding (hemorrhagic meningitis) and death
drawn that's checked in a lab for anthrax bacteria. NURSING MANAGEMENT
Chest X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) Improve airway patency. Auscultate chest for
scan. Your doctor may request a chest X-ray or crackles, indicating the need for better secretion
computed tomography (CT) scan to help diagnose mobilization; monitor oxygen saturation and arterial
inhalation anthrax. blood gases periodically to determine oxygenation
status and acid-base balance; and suction
frequently and provide chest physiotherapy to clear
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
airways, prevent atelectasis, and maximize oxygen as a public health problem requires sustained and
therapy. systematic efforts toward two major strategies, namely
Improve breathing pattern. Position for maximum prevention of transmission through vector control and
chest expansion and reposition frequently to the detection and early treatment of cases to reduce
mobilize secretions; and provide supplemental morbidity and prevent mortality.
oxygen or mechanical ventilation, as needed. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Improve swallowing. Corticosteroids are used to Recurrent chills
decrease the swelling in the head or neck region. Fever
Eliminate diarrhea. Cases of gastrointestinal anthrax Profuse sweating
can be treated with ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for Anemia
60 days. Malaise
Improve tissue integrity. Patients with isolated Hepatomegaly
cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement Splenomegaly
(ie, without edema, fever, cough, headache, etc) or INFECTIOUS AGENTS
complications may be treated on an outpatient Malaria is produced by intraethrocytic of the genus
basis with antibiotic monotherapy. plasmodium. Four plasmodia produce malaria in
Diminish hyperthermia. Administer analgesics as humans:
prescribed. Plasmodium falciparum
Immunize high-risk persons with a cell free vaccine P. ovale
prepared from a culture filtrate containing the P. Malariae
educate employees handling potentially
contaminated articles about modes of anthrax
transmission, care for skin abrasions and personal
Control dusts and proper ventilation in hazardous
industries especially those that handle raw animal
Thoroughly wash disinfectant or sterilize hair, wool
and bone meal or other feed of animal origin prior
to pressing.
Do not sell the hides of animal exposed to anthrax 1. Mosquito transmits a motile Sporozoite.
nor use their carcasses as food or feed supplements 2. A sporozoite travels through the blood vessels to
(i.e. bone or blood meal) liver cells.
If anthrax is suspected, do not necropsy the animal 3. In the liver sporozoite reproduces sexually
but aseptically collect a blood sample for culture. (schizogony), producing thousands of merozoites.
Avoid contamination of the area. 4. The merozoites infect red blood cells, where they
Control effluents and trade waste of rendering develop into ring forms, trophozoites and
plants handling potentially infected animals and schizonts.
those from factories that manufacture products 5. Other merozoites develop into precursors of male
from hair, wool, bones or hides likely to be and female gametes.
contaminated. 6. When the mosquitos bite an infected person,
Promptly immunize and annually re-immunize all gametocytes are taken up and mature in the
animals at risk. mosquito gut.
7. The male and female gametocytes fuse and form
an ookinete.
Malaria continues to be a major health problem in the
8. Ookinetes develop into new sporozoites that
country having an annual parasite incidence of 5.1/1000
migrate to the insect’s salivary glands.
pop. In 1994, it was aimed that there be a 20%
reduction in morbidity annually. The nature of malaria
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Early diagnosis is the identification of a patient with responsibility of the LGUs and their
malaria as soon as he/she is seen, through clinical corresponding communities.
and/or microscopic method. d. On Stream Clearing
Clinical method is based on the signs and symptoms This is the cutting of vegetation overhanging
of the patient and the history of his/her having along stream banks to expose the breeding
visited a malaria endemic area. stream to sunlight, rendering it unsuitable for
Microscopic method is based on examination of the mosquito vector habituation.
blood smear of the patient through a microscope. RECOMMENDED ANTI-MALARIA DRUGS
This shall be done by the medical technologist or Blood Schizonticides - drug acting on sexual blood
microscopist at the main health center where there stages of the parasites which are responsible for clinical
are microscopy facilities during regular manifestations.
consultations. She should take smear of patients Chloroquine phosphate 250mg (150mg
with fever or history of recent fever with one month base/tablet)
and are residing or have stayed in malaria endemic Sulfadoxine (or Sulfalene) 50mg –
area, of clinically diagnosed patients and of patients pyrimethamine 25 mg/tablet
who did not respond to appropriate anti-malarial Quinine sulfate 300mg tablet
treatment. Quinine hydrochloride 300mg/ml, 2ml ampule
Chemoprophylaxis Tetracycline hydrochloride 250mg/capsule
Only Chloroquine drug should be given. It must be taken Quinidine sulfate 200mg/durules
at weekly intervals, starting from 1-2 weeks before Quinidine glucolate 80mg (50mg base) ml, 1 ml
entering the endemic area. In pregnant women, it is vial
given throughout the duration of pregnancy. OTHER PREVENTIVE MEASURES
Sustainable preventive and Vector control measures Wearing of clothing that covers arms and legs in the
Sustainable preventive and Vector control measures evening.
refer to the adaptation of the measures for the Avoiding outdoor night activities, particularly during
prevention and control against the malaria parasites the vector’s peak biting hours from 9pm to 3am.
and the mosquito vector. Such measures being Using mosquito repellents such as mosquito coils,
affordable, applicable and appropriate are under our soap lotion or other personal protection measures
local conditions so that these measures can be advocated by the DOH / MCS – Malaria control
sustained throughout the duration of malaria control service.
operations. Planting of Neem tree or other herbal plants which
Objectives of this measure is to reduce the source of are (potential) mosquito repellents as advocated by
infection in the human population; man – vector the DOH/MCS _ Malaria Control Service.
contact, and the density of the mosquito vector Zooprophylaxis – the typing of domestic animals like
population. the carabao, cow, etc., near human dwellings to
a. Insecticide – Treatment of Mosquito Net deviate mosquito bites from man to these animals.
This involves the soaking the mosquito net in an Early Recognition Prevention and Control of
insecticide solution and allowed to dry. Such Malaria Epidemics
trated net is used as protective measure against Early recognition prevention and control of malaria
the vector mosquito during sleeping time at epidemics refer to the establishment of a system
night. Insecticide – treated contains may be that will immediately recognize an impending
used in areas where they are more culturally malaria epidemic.
acceptable than mosquito nets. Malaria epidemic is a situation where there is an
b. House Spraying incidence of new malaria cases in excess of the
This is the application if insecticide on the expected. Any transmission in a previously malaria-
indoor surfaces of the house through spraying. free area is obviously in excess of the expected and
c. On Stream Seeding constitutes and epidemic by the above definition,
This involves the construction of bio-ponds for with the premise that, traditionally, small epidemics
fish propagation which shall be the are usually called outbreaks.
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Epidemic potential is a situation wherein an area is f. Use of insecticide aerosols and pyrethroid
vulnerable to malaria case upsurge due to causal mosquito coils
factors such as climatic changes, ecological changes g. Clearing of hanging branches of trees along
or socio-economic changes. the stream
PREVENTION OF THE EPIDEMIC 4. Availability of anti-malarial drugs and
1. The following should be done in the event that an chemoprophylaxis drugs.
imminent epidemic occurs: FILIRIASIS
Mass blood smear (MBS) collection ETIOLOGY
Immediate confirmation and follow – Wuchereria bancrofti
up of cases Brugia malayi
Insecticide – treatment of mosquito Brugia Timori
nets Loa loa
Stream clearing • Any one of several thread-like parasitic round
Intensive IEC campaign worms
2. All cases should be given drug treatment and MODE OF TRANSMISSION
followed-up until clinically and/or microscopically
• Mosquito bite (Aedes poecilius)
found negative.
3. Continuous surveillance measures should be
• 8-16 month
implemented for three years.
4. The Local Government Units in collaborating with
the nongovernmental organization and with the • 4 weeks, but most commonly it is 8-16 months.
technical assistance from the provincial malaria CLINICAL MANIFESTATION
coordinator should contribute in terms of IEC Asymptomatic Stage (No clinical signs and
campaign and logistics support. symptoms of the disease)
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES Acute Stage (Lymphadenitis, Lymphangitis,
1. Participation in the implementation of the Epididymitis, and Orchitis)
following: Chronic Stage (Develop 10 to 15 years from the
a. Treatment policies onset of the first attack)
b. Provision of drugs o Chronic Signs and Symptoms (Hydrorecele,
c. Laboratory confirmation of diagnosis Lymphedema, Elephantiasis)
d. Training of barangay health workers and DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE
volunteers on the diagnosis and treatment Nocturnal Blood Examination (NBE)
of malaria. o Blood are taken from the patient’s residence
e. Supervision of malaria control activities of (8pm)
all health personnel in the area Immunochromatographic Test (ICT)
f. Collection, analysis and submission of o Rapid Assessment Method
required reports o Antigen test can be done at daytime
2. Recognition of early signs and symptoms for TREATMENT MODALITIES
management ad further referrals.
• Diethylcarbamazine citrate (hetrazan)
3. Educate the dividual / families /community of the
importance of the following:
Vasculopathy that can mimic giant cell arteritis.
a. Taking of chemoprophylaxis
b. Wearing long-sleeved clothing and trousers
when going out at night Health Education
c. Application of insect repellant to skin Environmental Sanitation
d. Use of mosquito net Psychological and emotional support
e. Use of screen in doors and windows. If no Personal hygiene
screen, close windows and doors during PREVENTIVE MEASURES
night time. Mosquito net
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
• The period of communicability begins before the Encourage control of scratching to prevent local
glands are swollen and remains for an unknown infections and scars.
length of time, but it is presumed to last as long as Assist and direct family in carrying out concurrent
any localized glandular swelling remains. and terminal disinfections.
Painful swelling in front of ear, angle of jaws and • You can protect your child against mumps by
down the neck making sure they're given the combined MMR
Fever vaccine for mumps, measles and rubella.
Malaise The MMR vaccine is part of the routine NHS
Loss of appetite childhood immunization schedule.
Swelling of one or both testicles (orchitis) in some Your child should be given 1 dose when they're
boys around 12 to 13 months and a second booster
DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE dose at 3 years and 4 months.
• A test of a sample from the mouth. Once both doses are given, the vaccine provides
• A blood test that may show an immune system around 88% protection against mumps.
reaction to the virus. Anyone who did not have both doses of the
• A test of a sample of urine, but this is less common. MMR vaccine as a child can contact a GP to
TREATMENT MODALITIES arrange to be vaccinated.
a. Prophylactic. A vaccine exists for the active
Statistics : referes to a systematic approach of
immunization of patient against mumps. However,
obtaining, organizing, and analyzing numerical facts so
it is of no avail after a non-immune patient has been
that conclusion may be drawn from them.
actively exposed to the diseases. The immunity
Vital Statistics: refers to the systematic study of vital
granted by inoculation with mumps vaccine is of
events such as births, illnesses, marriages, divorce,
relatively short duration for passive immunization
separation and deaths.
against the disease.
b. Active Treatment. The average case before the age
1. A list of information which would determine the
puberty requires little attention
health of a particular community
c. After the Age of Puberty. All patients, particularly
2. information that help anybody in describing or in
adults, should remain quiet in bed until all fever and
maintaining surveillane over the health status of the
swelling have been absent for at least four days
people or population
because of the danger of glandular complications.
3. serve as basis for developing, implementing and
d. The diet should be soft or liquid as tolerated. Sour
evaluating public health programs and intervention
foods or fruit juices are dislikes because of the
burning or stinging sensation they elicit.
1. Marriage
• It does not seem to be generally known that
2. Morbidity
meningitis to some degree is a part of the mumps
3. Migration or social mobility
syndrome and not a complication. Orchitis is the
4. Life expectancy
commonest complication in the male adult. After
5. Mortality
puberty, in all males with mumps the scrotum
should be supported by a suspensory from the start.
1. considered as healthy indicator of the health status
• Encephalitis may complicate mumps. Sudden rise in
of the community if
temperature, stiff neck, headache, malaise, nausea
a. intact and its exist for its own real purpose
and vomiting, delirium and double vision should be
b. it is planned marriage- right time, right person
watched for since they are the symptoms of this
marrying each other
complication. These symptoms usually subside
2. considered unhealthy community when it ends up
spontaneously within 10 to 14 days.
in divorce or separation
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
- the lesser the occurence of illnesses in a dealing with births, deaths and all reportable
particular locality, the healthier this locality is diseases.
considered • Office of the Local Civil Registrar of the
Migration or social mobility: the faster the migration, Municipality or City Health Department:
the faster the ff effects on the health status of the registration of births and deaths and correction of
community would occur errors in names, dates, etc. are done in...
a. more congestion to the place where people will • NSO National Statistics Office or PSA Philippine
transfer Ptatistics Authority: statistics on population and
b. more depletion or utilization of health its characteristics like age, sex and distribution can
resources intended for the expected population be obtained from the...
living in that community • RA 3753: Civil Registry Law -registration of births,
c. more chances of transfer or spread of death to local registrar
communicable diseases PROBLEMS IN REGISTRATION:
FERTILITY/BIRTH 1. under registration and de facto registration
- bearing or coming into being of a new spring 2. unreported birth - unreported death
- refers to being sick or diseased 1. De Jure: people are assigned according to the places
MIGRATION/SOCIAL MOBILITY where they usually libe regardless of where they are
- act of transfer of a person/s from one locality to during the time of census
another 2. De facto: people are assigned to where they are
LIFE EXPECTANCY physically present during the time of census
- it is the average number of years that a person lives regardless of where they usually live.
MORTALITY/FATALITY RA 3573: law on the reporting of notifiable diseases like
- cessation of physical and chemical processes that dengue, rabies, leptospirosis, and HIV/AIDS to local and
occur in all living things, of people national authorities.
- shows the relationship between a vital event and a. report to provincial and duty health office
those person exposed to the occurence of said b. midwife reports - under supervision of nurse
event, within a given area and during a specified c. report within 24h- measles or polio
unit of time. d. report within a week- tetanus neonatorum, severe
- referred to the total living population. it must POPULATION CENSUS
presumed that the total population was exposed to accurate estimation
the risk of the occurence of the event Individual health records/family records:
SPECIFIC RATE a. birth certificate, deatb certificate, school clinic
the relationship is for a specific population or class or records
group. it limits the occurence of the event to the b. employment records
portion of the population definitely exposed to it. c. health center records, hospital records, healthy
CRUDE BIRTH RATE facility logbooks
a measure of one characteristics of the natural growth Community Organizing Participatory Action Research
or increase of a population (COPAR)
USES OF VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS A social development approach that aims to
1. Vital and health statistics are used as indicators of transform the apathetic, individualistic and
the health status for a group or a whole community. voiceless poor into a dynamic, participatory and
2. Serves as bases for planning, implementing, politically responsive community.
monitoring anf evaluating community health A collective, participatory, transformative,
programs and services. liberative, sustained and systematic process of
• Rural Health Units (RHUs): are responsible for building people’s organizations by mobilizing and
collecting and reporting data of vital statistics enhancing the capabilities and resources of the
people for the resolution of their issues and
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
Insect bites – Crush leaves and apply juice on affected NIYUG-NIYOGAN (QUISQUALIS INDICA L.)
area or pound leaves until like a paste, rub on affected Balitadham, Phones. Pinio, Bonor (Bis.)
area Bawe-bawe (Pamp.)
Pruritis – Boil plant alone or with eucalyptus in water. Kassumbal, Talolong (Bik.)
Use decoction as a wash on affected area. Tagrau, Tagulo Totoraok (Tag.)
Tartarau (IIk.)
SAMBONG (BLUMEA BALSAMIFERA) Burma creeper, Chinese honey suckle (Eng.)
Alibhon, ALimon (p. Vis.) - A vine which bears tiny fruits and grows wild in
Kambihon, Lakadbulan (Vis.) backyards. The seeds must come from mature,
Ayohan, Bulaklak Ga buen, Kaliban (Tag.) dried but newly opened fruits. Propagated through
Gintin- gintin (Haliban/ Campho (Eng.) stem cuttings about 20 cm in height
- A plant that reaches 1 ½ to 3 meters in height with USES & PREPARATION
rough hairy leaves. Yung plants around mother Anti-helmintic – The seeds are taken 2 hours after
plant may be separated when they have three or supper. If no worms are expelled, the dose may be
more leaves. repeated after one week.
USES & PREPARATION Dried leaves Fresh leaves
Anti-edema, diuretic, anti-urolithiasis – Boil Adult 8-10 seeds
chopped leaves in a glass of water for 15 minutes 7-12 yrs 6-7
until one glassful remains. 6-8 years 5-6
Dried leaves Fresh leaves 4-5 years 4-5
Adult 6 tbsp 4 tbsp Caution: Not to be given to children below 4 years
7-12 yrs ½ tbsp of adult dose old
Divide decoction into 3 parts, drink one part 3 times a BAYABAS/GUAVA (PSIDIUM GUAJAVA L.)
day. Guyanas. Kalimbahin. Tayabas (Tag.)
Note: Sambong is not a medicine for kidney infection. Bagabas (Ig.) Bayabo (lbm.)
Diarrhea – Chopped leaves and boil in a glass of Bayawas (Bik., Pang.) Biabas (Sul.)
water for 15 minutes. Drink one part every 3 hours. Guyabas (Ilk.)
TSAANG GUBAT (CARMONA RETUSA) - A tree abput 4-5 meters high with tiny white flowers
Alibungog (Vis.) with round or oval fruits that are eaten raw.
Kalabonog. (Maragued (IIk.) Propagated through seeds.
Kalimunog, Taglokot, Talibunoh, Tsa (Tag.) USES & PREPARATION
Malatadian (Gad.) For washing wounds – Maybe use twice a day
- A shrub with small, shiny nice- looking leaves that Diarrhea – May be taken 3-4 times a day
grows in wild uncultivated areas are forests. Mature As gargle and for toothache – Warm decoction is
stems are used for planting. used for gargle. Freshly pounded leaves are used for
USES & PREPARATION toothache. Boil chopped leaves for 15 minutes at
Diarrhea – Boil chopped leaves into 2 glasses of low fire. Do not cover and then let it cool and strain
water for 15 minutes. AKAPULKO (CASSIA ALATA L.)
Dried leaves Fresh leaves Bayabas- bayabasan. Kapurko. Kantada. Katandang Aso.
Adult 10 tbsp 12 tbsp Pakagonkon. Sonting (tag.);
7-12 yrs 5 tbsp Andadasi. Andadasi-a dakdako\. Andadasi-bugbugton
6 tbsp 2-6 yrs (Ilk.); Andadasi (Ting.);
2 ½ tbsp 3 tbsp Ancharasi (Ig,);
Divide decoction into 4 parts. Let patient drink 1 part Andalan (Sul.);
every 3 hours Bayabasin. Bibs-bibs (Bik.. Tag.. Bis.);
Stomachache – Boil chopped leaves in 1 glass of Kasitas (Bik.. Bis.);
water for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Sunting, Palo china (Bis.);
Dried leaves Fresh leaves Pakayomkom Kastila (Pamp.);
Adult 2 tbsp 3 tbsp Ringworm bush or shrub (Eng.)
7-12 yrs 1 tbsp
½ tbsp
Concept: Community Health Nursing
Instructor: Jocyl Darrel B. Abinal, MAN
BSN IV: 1st Semester SY 2023-2024
USES & PREPARATION Stop giving the herbal medication in case untoward
Anti-fungal (tinea flava, ringworm, athlete’s foot reaction such as allergy occurs.
and scabies) – Fresh, matured leaves are pounded. If signs and symptoms are not relieved after 2 to 3
Apply soap to the affected area 1-2 times a day doses of herbal medication, consult a doctor
Pansit-pansitan (Tag.)
- A weed, with heart-shaped leaves
that grow in shady parts of the
garden and yard.
Lowers uric acid (rheumatism and gout) – One a half
cup leaves are boiled in two glass of water over low
fire. Do not cover pot. Divide into 3 parts and drink
one part 3 times a day
Ajos (Span., Bis.); Garlic (Eng.)
Hypertension – May be fried,
roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30
minutes, or blanched in boiled water
for 15 minutes. Take 2 pieces 3 times
a day after meals.
Caution: Take on a full stomach to prevent stomach and
intestinal ulcers.
Toothache – Pound a small piece and apply to
affected area
Amorgoso (Sp.);
Margoso, Ampalaya (Tag.);
Apalia (Pamp); Apape (Lbn.);
Apapet (Itn.);
Palia (Bis., Ban., If., Ilk.);
Pubia (Sub.); Suligum (sul);
Balsam Apple, Balsam Pear, Bitter Gourd (Eng.)
Diabetes Mellitus (Mild non-insulin dependent) –
Chopped leaves then boil in a glass of water for 15
minutes. Do not cover. Cool and strain. Take 1/3
cup 3 times a day after meals
Note: Young leaves may be banched/steamed and eaten
½ glassful 2 times a day.
Avoid the use of insecticide as these may leave
poison on plants.
In the preparation of herbal medicine, use a clay pot
and remove cover while boiling at low heat.
Use only part of the plant being advocated.
Follow accurate dose of suggested preparation.
Use only one kind of herbal plant for each type of
symptoms or sickness.