This study employed the most advanced econometric approach to test the cross-sectional
dependence (CD) between the variables, as conventional econometric approaches cannot address
that issue. Therefore, we adopted (Pesaran, 2004) proposed cross-sectional dependence test
which is important before unit root test. We have used following equations for cross-sectional
√ ( )
N−1 N
N ( N −1 )
∑∑ ρij Eq. (A. 2)
i=0 j=i+1
y ¿ =α ¿ + β i x ¿ + µ¿ Eq. (A. 3)
Further, to confirm the stationarity of the variables we employed second generation IPS(i.e.
CADF) and CIPS(i.e. CIPS) unit root test proposed by (Pesaran, 2007). The unit root test helps
to confirm the integration order, either variable is stationary at level i(0) or first difference i(1).
Following equations are used to estimate CADF and CIPS unit root test:
y ¿ =α ¿ + β i x ¿−1 ρi T + ∑ ϴ¿ △ x i ,t− j+ µ¿ Eq. (A. 4)
CIPS= ∑ CADFi Eq. (A. 5)
N i=1
√ (∑ ∑ )
N−1 N
CD= 2T (10)
N ( N −1 ) i=0 j=i+1
Here CD represents the cross-sectional dependence, T indicates the time and N is the cross-sectional
correlation. Moreover, between i and j, cross-sectional correlation of errors is defined by ρij. To investigate the
cross-sectional dependence, we use this equation (LM test):
y ¿ =α ¿ + β i x ¿ + µ¿ (11)
Here i represent the cross-sections and t indicates time. For both methods null hypothesis indicates the cross
sections between the variables are independent, and the alternative hypothesis explains cross-sections are dependent
on each other.
After confirming the cross-sectional between the variables through the cross-sectional dependence test, the next step
is to examine the variables' integration order. Therefore we are using the second generation CIPS and CADF unit
root test by (Pesaran, 2014). These test address cross sectional issues while examine the unit root order of variables.
CIPS test equation is as follow:
y ¿ =α ¿ + β i x ¿−1 ρi T + ∑ ϴ¿ △ x i ,t− j+ µ¿ (12)
Here x ¿ and µ¿ represent variables and residual, moreover, i and t is the cross-section in and time in the panel data.
Null hypothesis for CIPS and CADF explains the data series have unit root and the alternative hypothesis indicates
the stationarity of the data. Cross-sectional augmented Dickey-fuller statistic (CADF) is used to estimate the CIPS
test as follow:
N i=1
To conduct the causality analysis, we adopted Dumitrescu and Hurlin, (2012), which is based on the 1969
granger test (individual wald statistic averaged non-causality across the cross-section). Empirically we estimate this
test as follow:
y ¿ =α i +∑ λij yi (t− j )+ ∑ β ij X i(t − j) + µ¿ (14)
j−1 j −1
X and y represent the number of observations β ji ∧λ capture autoregressive parameters and regression
coefficients. The null hypothesis shows no causal relationship between the variables and alternative
hypothesis indicates the relationship between the selected variables.
Where co2 is dependent variable, X indicates set of control variables, i = 1,2,…19 (19 countries of G20
block), t represent time period (t= 33) .
1.3.2 Pairwise Dumitrescu and Hurlin Causality test
After confirmation of CD, this study employed the causality test proposed by (Dumitrescu &
Hurlin, 2012) based on the individual Wald statistic of Granger (1969) test. Empirical
y ¿ =α i +∑ λij yi (t− j )+ ∑ β ij X i(t − j) + µ¿ Eq. (A. 6)
j−1 j −1
Where, y and x indicate the numbers of observations, λ∧¿ β ji report the coefficients of
association among the variables and shows the causal relationship between the variables.