Universe Presentation Script Example

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Hi guys, welcome to our fantastic story of the universe. Now, let's talk about the space. What's there?

Earth, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and other planets. But don't you feel empty? There are a lot of stars are
decorating the whole of the space, but there is also a mysterious existence called a black hole. These
days, black hole is emerging as a global hot issue. Why? Have you ever seen this simple and
complicated equation? Then let me tell you about it. It explains general theory of relativity, which Einstein
suggested. What is "general theory of relativity"?
The General Theory of relativity is the current description of gravity in modern physics. The central point
of the theory is that all observers will see the same laws of physics operating in the universe, regardless
of their motion. Einstein had doubtful points about Newton's law of gravity. Watching the bending of light,
the light has the quality of going straight, then he wondered why it bent in the direction of gravity. The
refraction phenomenon in water occurs when the speed of light is reduced by the medium. But what if this
happens in space or air?
If we drill a tiny hole in a moving spacecraft and observe the light, we can see the light bending in the
direction of gravity. Einstein analyzed this as an equivalent principle that does not distinguish between
inertial(관성력-resists a change in the velocity of an object)and gravitational forces formed by over
speed, defining them as curving of space and time. He also considered the law of distance and time
slowing down as the speed increases, and looked at the concept of black holes based on the fact that the
curving and mass of space and time are proportional. In short, his general theory of relativity is that light
of a planet or black hole with an extremely powerful gravitational field slows its frequency and, from an
observer's point of view, its time goes slow. (어마어마하게 강력한 중력장을 가진 행성이나 블랙홀을 가진
빛은 진동수가 느려지고, 또 관측자의 입장에서 그 빛의 시간은 느리게 간다는 이론)

In April, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration released the first picture of the edge of a black hole.
Then, we saw Einstein was right. The point of the general theory of relativity is the result of the curving of
space time caused by a huge mass. The general theory of relativity became definite theory in that the
picture of black hole showed that the light around the Event Horizon of it is curved as Einstein mentioned.
Black Hole is the astronomical object which is so massive that anything falling into it, including light,
cannot escape its gravity. It is called 'black' because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing,
just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Around a black hole, there is a position of no return,
called "the Event Horizon." The Event Horizon is the boundary defining the region of space around a
black hole. The reason of that is the escape velocity for an object within the event horizon exceeds the
speed of light.
Let me explain two ways of forming the black hole. Right after the Big Bang, when the galaxy system was
formed, the big and small materials got together and they changed into the black hole, which is called
primordial black hole.
After a massive star ends its life, it cannot emerge the energy. If the star cannot emerge the energy, it
cannot endure the gravity in the center of it and it becomes to diminish with infinite density. These
processes cause a supernova, or an exploding star which has massive energy, and it blasts some parts of
the star into space. These parts of star are called "neutron star."

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