Price Comparison and Pricing Strategies A Case Study: The Italian Motorway Refuelling Market
Price Comparison and Pricing Strategies A Case Study: The Italian Motorway Refuelling Market
Price Comparison and Pricing Strategies A Case Study: The Italian Motorway Refuelling Market
A Case Study:
the Italian Motorway Refuelling Market
Luca Aguzzoni
February 2009
The availability of price information is crucial in shaping mar-
ket competition. Policy interventions aimed at informing con-
sumers about prices and making possible price comparison have
the potential to lower search cost and empower consumers. This
might in turn trigger competition among retailers that compete
to attract informed (and active) consumers. This paper studies
the implementation of a consumer policy aimed at facilitating
fuel price comparison on Italian toll motorway. We empirically
test the eect of introducing price comparison on the price nal
consumer face.
Very preliminary version
Key words: Consumer Policy, Treatment Evaluation, Price Dis-
persion, Gasoline Market, Price Comparison
signicant at 5% level
signicant at 10% level
Matching Specication 1 In the rst matching specication we only
condition on one variable: the average daily transits on a specic motorways
segment. In chart 6 (Appendix) we can see how the overlapping assumption
is satised when we restrict our analysis to those segments with more than
twenty thousands average daily transits. The assumption is that for service
stations on motorway segments with similar transit levels the selection into
treatment, made by policy maker, was random. In this strategy we assume
that other observables do not aect neither the selection into treatment nor
the outcome variable. For instance here we do not control for the fact that
all treated stations are located on segments of the motorway on the city
outbound direction, whereas within the control group, some stations are
located on city inbound sections, some on city outbound sections and some
other far from urban areas. Here the assumption is that motorway relling
stations make price settings decision that are not inuenced by their location
relative to main urban areas, their price setting decision only depends on the
average vehicles that transit by their premises. Also we are not considering
other observable like brand or geographical position
, as we assume these do
not play an important role once we control for average transit level. Table
3 presents the results of the matching estimator. We present the eect of
treatment on the treated for four outcome variables of interest. The rst two
unleaded and diesel refer to the average price level for unleaded and diesel
fuel. The other two variables change unl and change dies are a measure of
the frequency of price change at the retailer level.
From this rst specication we can see that the introduction of the price
comparison panel seems to have no statistically signicant eect on diesel
price whereas it seems to be associated with a (statistically signicant) de-
crease in unleaded fuel price of 0.4 euro cents. If we compare this gure with
the average price dispersion we expect to nd on a motorway we can see that
this eect account for roughly 20% of the observed price dispersion. However
for the nal consumer such a results would be reected only in a potential
savings of less than 20 euro cents for a typical rell of 40 liters, a savings that
does not seem to have a great potential in attracting customers, not even the
most price sensitive. Also we nd a positive, and statistically signicant,
ATT for the two price change variables. Thus it seems that retailers that
post their prices on the price comparison panels change their prices more
frequently (respectively 3% more for unleaded and 4.5% more for diesel).
The above results are based on comparisons of individual retailers Phase
1 average prices. However, comparing the mean might not be the best mea-
sure as in the aggregation over time we might lose the price dierentials that
characterize the day to day competition. Thus we estimated the ATT also
for all the 206 days in the Phase 1 sample. Figure 7 (Appendix) shows these
estimates and the respective interval of condence (at the 95% condence
level). From the chart we can see that there is not even a single day in
which we can reject the null hypothesis that the ATT is equal to zero. This
evidence suggest us to be careful when interpreting the estimates obtained
when looking only at the average price.
Matching Specication 2 In the second matching specication we adopt
a dierent matching strategy. Here the aim is to pick, for each treated sta-
tion, an untreated station that can be as close to a clone as possible. This
reduces the dimensionality of our control group and treatment group however
we hope to gain in the precision of our estimates, if we select a good clone.
Our strategy is to match each treated station with the respective untreated
We do control only for ve regions since we know they have a special tax regulation
for unleaded gasoline, but not for diesel.
station located exactly on the opposite side of the motorway
. By doing so
when we dierence the fuel prices we hope to dierence out all possible local
market condition that might enter the price setting decision. Stations lo-
cated on opposite sides indeed face the same labour market condition, have
similar geographical characteristics and have very comparable transit lev-
els. Essentially this matching strategy leaves out only two potential sources
of heterogeneity: brand dierentiation and type of trac (inbound vs out-
bound). We are less concerned by not controlling for brand dierentiation
as we do not nd evidence that retailers brand is associated with price dif-
ferences once we control for stations and locations eects. Moreover as we
mentioned above only a small fraction of customers seems to base their pur-
chasing decision on brands when driving outside an the urban area and this
might hold even strongly when the purchase is on a motorway. It is the latter
source of unobserved heterogeneity (inbound vs outbound) that concerns us
the most. Indeed, we could argue that the ow of trac going out of a large
urban area has dierent characteristics from the ow of trac entering. Still,
from the evidence we presented we can infer that most of the vehicles going
into (out) the urban area, at a certain point in time, are also the same vehi-
cles that will leave (enter) the urban area at a later point in time. This holds
both for long distance travels and also for local travels. Thus we can say
that, although at dierent point in time, most of the potential customers of
a refueling station are also potential customer of the refueling station on the
opposite side of the motorway. We can also rule out the possibility that local
motorway trac does not rell on motorway stations. Indeed we provided
evidence that there is an overlap between the motorway price distribution
and the urban area price distribution. Hence the price comparison panel
could even be used by retailers as to attract an higher share of these frequent
drivers than can promptly, and at a zero cost, compare the prices available
on the motorway with those available on the urban area.
Thus if we are condent that refuelling stations located on opposite side
of the motorway face almost exactly the same market conditions we can be
condent we have found almost a clone for each treated stations.
From table 3 we can see that, given this matching specication, we do not
nd any statistically signicant eect of the price comparison panel for three
of the four outcome of interest. Indeed we only nd a signicant eect (at
10% signicance level) for the frequency of change of diesel fuel price, where
treated stations change diesel price 3% more times than untreated stations.
Also, we do not nd any statistically signicant eect if we look at the
Some treated stations are excluded because we nd occurences were opposite stations
are both treated
daily estimates (Figure 8 Appendix) over the 206 days period under analysis.
4.3.2 Matching Specication 3
In the third and last matching specication we match treated and control
units under two dimensions: the average transit level and the outbound
direction (exactly the two observable on which policy maker, ASPI, based
her selection decision). In practice here we make the assumption that, even
though two opposite refueling stations face some similar market conditions,
they face a completely dierent demand given by the direction of the trac
ow. Thus potential customers driving toward (outward) the urban area
have dierent characteristics. In addition, we also control for transit levels
as this is the observable that mostly driven the selection into treatment. The
use of two conditioning variables has the eect of drastically reducing the
control group below the size of the treatment group.
If we look at the estimates of the ATT for the average price level we do
not observe any statistically signicant eect neither when we compare the
average prices (tables 3) nor when we look at the daily estimates (Figure 9
Again we only found a statistically signicant ATT (at 10% level of signif-
icance) for the frequency of price changes. Where again we nd that treated
stations seem to change diesel prices 4% more than untreated stations but
with no eect on price level.
4.3.3 Phase 2-Dierence in Dierence
During the second phase of panel deployment another 24 panels were de-
ployed along the ASPI motorway network (as of summer 2008). This time
(apparently) no clear rule was followed in the location decision as at this
stage the objective was to nish the work started in Phase 1 (summer 2007)
and treat all the stations of the network. Since we started collecting price
information from October 2007, once the new price comparison panels were
turned on we found ourselves with the data to perform a before after esti-
mation. Indeed in the second phase we can fully exploit the time dimension
of our dataset and estimate the impact of the price comparison panel on the
new wave of treated stations. Dierently from the rst phase in the second
phase the selection decision was not based on any observables that we can
exploit, however this does not concerns us since the time dimension let us
compare the same units, although at dierent point in time. We thus use a
dierence in dierence estimator to estimate the ATT.
If we denote with 1
the outcome of a unit i. that belongs to the group
G = ft:cct. co:t:o|g . at time t = f0. 1g then we can dene the following
where the dierence 5 is the change in outcome, over time, for a treated
unit and dierence 6 is the change in outcome for a control unit. If we take
another dierence as in 7 we can dene the dierence in dierence estimator
= 1
Thus by taking the rst two dierences we control for the group specic
eects and by further dierencing we control for the time specic eects that
are common for both groups leaving out the eect of treatment on the treated
We estimate this eect using the following OLS regression:
= c + ,G
+ t + o(t G
) + c
where the parameter o is our parameter of interest as it identies the
average eect of treatment on the treated. A crucial assumption for the
unbiasedness of this estimator is the parallel-trend assumption that is the
time trend is the same across the treatment and control group and it is equal
to .
To estimate the ATT we thus have to dene a treatment and control
group. We include in the treatment group all the refueling stations that
received the treatment at the beginning of Phase 2, and had not received
the treatment in Phase 1, this group consists of 65 refueling stations. As a
control group we select the 38 stations that received the treatment in Phase
1. Although these stations are actually receiving a treatment in Phase 2 they
were already receiving it in Phase 1. Thus for these stations we expect no
change to occur once the treatment is extended to the next 64 stations
Since control stations were already treated we assume that any change we
nd between period 1 and 2 are attributable to the time trend. As a control
group we could not use the other 75 ASPI stations we had in our sample.
Actually there could be some general equilibrium eects however we have to assume
away any implication of general equilibrium and assume that units are independent.
Indeed these latter stations were supposed to receive the treatment anytime
in the months between August and December 2008
Table 4 presents the results of the dierence in dierence estimation. The
rst two columns report the results from two regressions where we regressed
the dependent variable (daily unleaded and diesel price in euro cents) on the
period, group and treatment dummy, controlling for clustering. Instead, in
the third (and fourth) column the dependent variables is average detrended
unleaded (diesel) price (in euro cents).
From the results we can see that from period 0 (pre August 2008) to
period 1 (after August 2008) on average unleaded became cheaper and diesel
became more expensive. We do nd statistically signicant groups eect
with the treated group on average charging more for unleaded (roughly 1 euro
cents more) whereas for diesel there is not a statistically signicant dierence
between the two groups. For what concern our parameter of interest the ATT,
we nd that it is positive and statistically signicant (at 5% signicance
level) Thus it seems that the introduction of the price comparison panel is
associated with an increase in both unleaded and diesel price at the treated
refueling stations. Respectively, on average, unleaded costs about 0.75 euro
cents more and diesel costs around 0.45 euro cents more. Thus it seems that
the introduction of the policy instead of lowering price for nal consumers
had the eect of raising it (although of a small magnitude, 30 euro cents
more for a 40 liter unleaded lling and 20 euro cents more for a 40 liters
diesel lling).
Table 4: Dierence in Dierence Results
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
N 22864 22864 216 216 216 216
Dep. Var unleaded diesel avg unl avg dies change unl change dies
Phase -0.72 0.87 -0.50 0.60 0.11 0.10
(-7.84) (9.31) (-1.55) (3.28) 6.13 (4.66)
Group 0.99 -0.09 0.88 -0.26 -0.07 -0.09
(4.37) (-0.56) (3.12) (-1.62) (-4.31) (-4.75)
Treatment 0.68 0.37 0.78 0.55 0.04 0.05
(3.38) (1.89) (1.95) (2.41) (1.81) (1.84)
cons 138.03 131.96 -1.49 -1.89 0.22 0.27
(927.17) (1725.57) (-6.53) (-14.56) (16.91) (17.98)
t-stat in parenthesis
We could have used them as control only if we had known exactly in which day the
price comparison panels for these stations were turned on.
Table 4 in column 5 and 6 also present the dierence in dierence results
for two regressions in which the outcome variable of interest is the average
frequency of price change (respectively for unleaded and diesel fuel). Before
we found that during Phase 1 the treated units changed diesel price more
frequently (around 4% more than control units). Also in Phase 2 we nd
similar results. Both diesel and unleaded price seems to vary more often after
the treatment occurs (respectively 4% and 5% more, statistically signicant
at 10% level).
5 Conclusion
This paper studies the introduction and the eect of a consumer market in-
tervention aimed at helping consumer obtaining price information and make
price comparisons. This policy intervention targeted fuel prices and was
implemented on the Italian motorway network managed by Autostrade per
lItalia SpA (ASPI), the main Italian motorway concessionaire, with a net-
work of roughly 3000 Km. At the end of the intervention around 200 re-
fueling stations, operating on ASPI network, were concerned by the policy
that required them to post their fuel prices (self service unleaded and diesel
fuel) both on an online price comparison website and on some 53 road price
comparison panels.
We exploit some feature of the deployment strategy adopted to install
the road price comparison panels as to estimate the eect of this latter in-
tervention. While we exploit the availability of the price comparison website
as to collect the daily price information that we later use in the empirical
analysis. Of the deployment process of the 53 road comparison panels we
can identify two clear waves of deployment: the rst in July 2007 were 10
panels are installed on motorway sections with high level of trac (aecting
38 service stations); and the second in July 2008 were other 24 panels are
installed (aecting other 65 stations).
We use two dierent estimation methods, one for each wave of deploy-
ment, to identify the average eect of the intervention (treatment) on the
concerned stations (treated stations). For the rst wave of deployment we
argue that selection on observable is in place. We thus use a matching es-
timator to identify the (sample) average eect of treatment on the treated
(ATT). We adopt three dierent matching strategies depending on which
observables (and unobservables) we think aects the selection into treatment
and/or the outcome of interest as to control for observed and unobserved het-
erogeneity between our treatment and control group. For the second wave
of deployment we do not nd evidence of selection on observable. Rather,
treated stations seems to be picked without a specic rationale. However,
since our dataset let us perform a before after comparison (not possible for
the rst phase) we use a dierence in dierence estimator to compute the
ATT. We dene a treatment group and a control group and assuming that
the parallel trends condition is satised we estimate the eect of the policy
for these new treated stations.
From the empirical analysis we found that contrary to the policy maker
expectations the introduced measure had very little power in reducing nal
consumer prices. Indeed if before the introduction of the policy some con-
sumer association were forecasting possible savings of about 8 euro cents per
liter, we found a contrasting evidence. Our evidence suggests that on average
the rst ten panels seem not to have had any statistically signicant eect in
lowering the nal price to consumers. If we turn our attention to the second
wave of 24 road comparison panels we even nd a statistically signicant
increase in price of almost 1 euro cents per liter.
The only eects that the road comparison panels seems to have is that
treated retailers change more often the posted price (around 4% more than
an untreated retailers).
Motorway refueling market has all the characteristics to be a market in
which fuel retailers enjoy some degree of market power as consumers typically
make uninformed choices (prices information usually takes place only at the
station premises) and it is costly to search more retailers (more costly than in
urban areas). Thus, this intervention could have had the potential to activate
consumers and in turn activate price competition between retailers. However
this study does not nd any evidence that consumers have beneted from
such a policy.
Several reasons could explain why such a policy failed to achieve its objec-
tive. For instance, although there are many independent retailers the major
oil companies, through contractual relationship, might limit the scope of price
competition at the retailers level and actually impose their own prices. On
the other hand it could also be the case that even in a competitive settings
the maximum savings that a consumer can achieve are too limited to trigger
an active market search for a low price (for instance even a savings of 8 euro
cents per liter, the one hoped for by consumer association, would mean a
saving of only 3,2 euro for a 40 liter rell). Or it could also be the case that
it takes time before consumers learn how to use these market remedies and
therefore it takes even more time before the retailers observe the implication
of such intervention on their business.
Hence, further research is needed to understand why this policy did not
work in these early stages and how it can be tweaked to benet consumers
the most.
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A Appendix
Table 5: Panel Location
Phase id Highway id Km direction
disp01 A1 Milano-Napoli 9.30 south
disp02 A1 Milano-Napoli 183.35 south
disp03 A1 Milano-Napoli 307.55 south
disp04 A1 Diramazione Roma sud - GRA 17.14 south
Phase 1 disp05 A1 Milano-Napoli 748.75 north
disp06 A1 Diramazione Roma nord - GRA 9.90 north
disp07 A1 Milano-Napoli 259.70 north
disp08 A1 Milano-Napoli 177.00 north
disp09 A8 Milano-Varese 2.00 north
disp10 A14 Bologna-Taranto 38.90 south
disp11 A1 Milano-Napoli 79.80 north
disp12 A8 Milano-Varese 13.15 south
disp13 A4 Torino-Trieste 19.20 est
disp14 A13 Bologna-Padova 104.85 south
disp15 A13 Bologna-Padova 0.82 north
disp16 A14 Bologna-Taranto 95.60 north
disp17 A1 Milano-Napoli 340.30 north
disp18 A11 Firenze- Pisa Nord 0.15 west
disp19 A11 Firenze- Pisa Nord 81.15 est
disp20 A1 Milano-Napoli 432.07 north
disp21 A1 Milano-Napoli 515.80 south
Phase 2 disp22 A1 Milano-Napoli 516.00 north
disp23 A16 Napoli- Canosa 2.58 est
disp24 A16 Napoli- Canosa 53.45 west
disp25 A14 Bologna-Taranto 498.15 north
disp26 A14 Bologna-Taranto 468.20 south
disp27 A14 Bologna-Taranto 411.77 north
disp28 A14 Bologna-Taranto 359.75 south
disp29 A14 Bologna-Taranto 293.57 north
disp30 A16 Napoli- Canosa 131.60 est
disp31 A16 Napoli- Canosa 158.46 west
disp32 A14 Bologna-Taranto 664.00 south
disp33 A14 Bologna-Taranto 703.56 north
disp34 A14 Bologna-Taranto 555.43 south
Source: Autostrade per lItalia
Table 6: Relation between day of the week and price change
Day Obs. Price Increase Price Reduction No Price Change
N. mean N. mean N.
Monday 1320 113 0.014 46 -0.008 1161
(9%) (3%) (88%)
Tuesday 1320 149 0.010 110 -0.006 1061
(11%) (8%) (80%)
Wednesday 1320 185 0.008 112 -0.007 1023
(14%) (8%) (78%)
Thursday 1320 152 0.011 49 -0.006 1119
(12%) (4%) (85%)
Friday 1320 81 0.013 68 -0.008 1171
(6%) (5%) (89%)
Saturday 1320 124 0.011 141 -0.007 1055
(9%) (11%) (80%)
Sunday 1320 19 0.007 98 -0.014 1203
(1%) (7%) (91%)
total 9240 823 624 7793
(9%) (7%) (84%)
Table 7: Price Dierentials
Source Fuel Service Road Range (e cents) Avg. Save (e) Period
(Max-Min) 40 liters rell
Unleaded self non-toll 4.2 1.69 10/07-10/08
ISTAT Diesel self non-toll 4.7 1.88 10/07-10/08
ISTAT Unleaded full non-toll 3.5 1.40 10/07-10/08
ISTAT Diesel full non-toll 3.9 1.55 10/07-10/08
Unleaded full non-toll 11.3 4.53 19/02/2008
FIGISC Diesel full non-toll 13.1 5.22 19/02/2008
Unleaded self non-toll 5.4 2.16 20/11/2008
PrezziBenzina Diesel self non-toll 6.1 2.44 20/11/2008
Unleaded self toll 1.6 0.64 28/04/2008
A22 Diesel self toll 1.6 0.64 28/04/2008
A22 Unleaded full toll 1.7 0.68 28/04/2008
A22 Diesel full toll 1.6 0.64 28/04/2008
ASPI subsample
Unleaded self toll 1.9 0.77 06/02/2008
ASPI subsample Diesel self toll 1.7 0.66 06/02/2008
ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics) monthly price collection;
FIGISC ( Italian Federation of the Relling Service Station Managers) La distribuzione carburanti: libro bianco sulla concorrenza, 3/4/2008
Website were registered users can self report fuel prices (
Pay toll motorway (313 Km long) managed by Autostrada del Brennero SpA. Publish weekly price report on
Sub sample of ASPI service stations
Table 8: Price Comparison Motorway Price Vs Normal Street
Unleaded Diesel
Normal road
Normal road Motorway
Province mean s.e. mean s.e. mean s.e. mean s.e.
Bologna 1.177 0.005 1.194 0.004 1.171 0.005 1.188 0.004
Firenze 1.174 0.005 1.190 0.007 1.166 0.005 1.183 0.008
Milano 1.166 0.003 1.193 0.004 1.159 0.003 1.186 0.004
Napoli 1.235 0.009 1.240 0.005 1.209 0.014 1.208 0.006
Roma 1.173 0.002 1.188 0.004 1.165 0.002 1.178 0.003
Mean computed over the twenty cheapest service stations (at the province level).
Data are self reported by users on the website
Mean computed at the province level for the service stations in our sample operating on the ASPI motorway
Figure 3: Price Comparison Panel (source:
Figure 4: Example of Panel Station Location
Figure 3 shows the design of price comparison panels installed along the
ASPI motorway network. As we can see from the gure, the panel post the
brand and prices (self service unleaded and diesel fuel) of four consecutive
stations. The stations are ranked by distance to the panel (with the closest
being rst) and the cheapest station is highlighted by a green dot next to its
price. ASPI ocials, when enquired about the panel design, reported that
the decision to post only four prices is an outcome of a trade-o between
posting many prices (as to oer more information, but with come physical
constraints) and assuring a minimum level of comparison among brands.
Since on the ASPI network there is a maximum of three consecutive stations
all from the same brand they then adopted the 4 stations design. Both in the
design stage and in the location decision the managers of the gasoline stations
were not involved. They are only responsible for the communication of the
prices through the software platform (that serves both the price comparison
website and for the price comparison panel).
Figure 5: Italian toll-motorway network (source:
Figure 6: Selection into treatment and transit variable
Figure 7: Matching on Average Transit Variable
Figure 8: Matching service stations on opposite side
Figure 9: Matching on Average Transit Variable (only outbound Stations)