Kinetic Models of Ethylene Oxide Production On Ag Catalysts: A Review
Kinetic Models of Ethylene Oxide Production On Ag Catalysts: A Review
Kinetic Models of Ethylene Oxide Production On Ag Catalysts: A Review
Abstract—Process modeling and design of the ethylene oxide production plant is mainly depended on the
kinetics of the ethylene oxide production reactions. In this article, the kinetics equations for partial oxidation
(epoxidation) of ethylene on silver catalyst were reviewed. There are three competitive reactions in this sys-
tem: ethylene partial and total oxidation and ethylene oxide total oxidation. The reaction rate equations for
these three reactions were compared and advantage and the disadvantage of kinetic models were discussed.
Dichloroethane (DCE) is used in these reactions to increase the ethylene oxide selectivity. Therefore, the
kinetics of the reactions considering the role of DCE is also reported. Most of the kinetics models have some
weaknesses. However, one of the reviewed models was the complete model because of including all three
reactions of partial and total oxidation of ethylene and total oxidation of ethylene oxide. Also, this model con-
sidered the concentration of selectivity promoter (DCE) and reverse reactions.
604 FAZELI et al.
180 0.11 ± 0.02 4.20 ± 1.06 1.40 ± 0.40 0.04 ± 0.008 10.80 ± 3.64 2.66 ± 0.79
185 0.36 ± 0.16 2.48 ± 0.94 0.86 ± 0.40 0.17 ± 0.06 6.02 ± 3.02 1.60 ± 0.82
210 0.70 ± 0.18 1.48 ± 0.30 0.77 ± 0.19 0.38 ± 0.12 2.42 ± 0.82 1.55 ± 0.56
180* 0.036 ± 0.007 6.03 ± 1.33 1.09 ± 0.27 0.08 ± 0.002 8.44 ± 2.57 1.42 ± 0.44
* Chlorinated catalyst.
k , mol g–1 h–1 (31.6 ± 4.4) × 10–4 Ghazali et al. [13] developed a modified Lang-
muir–Hinshelwood kinetic model by adding a power
K C2H4 , bar–1 2.91 ± 0.29 expression to the denominator. Equation (6) is the
modified equation which the parameters were esti-
K O2 , bar–1 0.57 ± 0.11 mated using 211 experimental points of Klugherz et al.
[14] (Table 3).
A power correlation for the ratio of rates of reaction atmospheric pressure. No reaction was found at
(I) to (II) instead of the rate of reaction (II) was 210°C. The proposed kinetic model consists of Eqs.
reported in [13]. This correlation is shown in Eq. (7). (9) and (10) corresponding to reactions (I) and (II),
Another treatment of Eq. (4) by adding an ethylene respectively.
oxide inhibition term was offered as described by Eq.
(8). This modified model was fitted using Klugherz et k1 PO2 PC2H4 − k2PO2 PC2H4 PDCE
al. [14] experiments and fit parameters are listed in Table R (1) = , (9)
1+ k5PO2 + k6PC2H4
4. The fit parameters of the Ghazali et al.’s models [13]
restricted to the kinetic factor and adsorption con- k3 PO2 PC2H4 − k4 PO2 PC2H4 PDCE
stants that were not related to temperature using an R ( 2) = . (10)
expression. Therefore, no activation energy was 1+ k5PO2 + k6PC2H4
reported in [13]. The model did not include any term
to account for the relationship between the rate of Values of the pre-exponential factors and activa-
reaction and chlorine components generally used for tion energies were summarized in Table 5 according to
increasing the selectivity of the reactor. Eqs. (11) and (12). PO2 , PC2H4 and PDCE represents par-
tial pressure of oxygen, ethylene and dichloroethane
R (1) S (DCE) in atm. R(1) and R(2) denote reaction rates in
= = 2.43PC2H4 PO2 ,
0.16 0.08
R ( 2) 100 − S −1
mol h–1 gcat −1
. k1 and k3 in mol h–1 gcat atm–3 and k5, k6
k K C2H4 K O2 PC2H4 PO2 in atm–1 are pre-exponential factors.
R (1) =
(−RTE ) (for k − k ) ,
. (8)
(1 + KC H PC H
2 4 2 4
+ K O2 PO2 + K C2H4OPC2H4O )
k = k0 exp a
1 4 (11)
R (3 ) = . (13)
(1 + C2PO2 +C3PO0.5
+C4 PC2H4O +C5PC2H4O PO−20.5 )2
T )
(2.259 × 10 ) exp ( − 9010
Pre-exponential factor, C0 Ea, 7 0.5 0.6
Factor (P ) ( P O2 C2H4 )
(cal/mol)/(kJ/mol) R (1) =
1 + (1.985 × 10 ) exp ( 2400 ) P
value units ,(14)
−1 CO2
C1 1.614 × 10 mol h–1 gcat atm–2 9565/39.87 T
C2 4.401 × 10–10 atm–1 19422/80.96
C3 9.913 × 10–7 atm–0.5 12913/53.83
C4 3.373 × 10–14 atm–1 32390/135.02
C5 7.031 × 10–11 atm–0.5 23422/97.64 (4.34 × 10 ) exp −10800
(P ) (P O2
C2H4 )
R ( 2) =
1 + (1.08 × 10 ) exp (1530) P
. (15)
Table 7. Summary of activation energy of partial and total CO2
oxidation reaction [18]
Activation energy,
Author, year Ea, kJ/mol
2.4. Borman Model
R (1) R (2)
Borman et al. [19] performed a series of kinetic
Twigg (1946) 67 67 experiments for developing kinetic rate expressions for
Murray (1950) 50 36 ethylene partial and total oxidation reactions on
Wan Shen-Wu (1953) 81 – industrial Ag/α-Al2O3 catalyst. An internal recycle
Kurilenko (1962) 64 83 reactor similar to the Berty reactor was used. The tests
were performed in a temperature range of 181–254°C
Alfani (1970) 36 31
and a pressure range of 2–10 bar. Three models for
Dettwiler (1979) 77 63 ethylene partial and total oxidation reactions have
Al-Saleh (1988) 95 102 been proposed (Eqs. (16)–(18)):
Table 8. Fitted parameters of the Borman et al. in three models [19] kri = kri, 0 exp ( −Ei /RT ) and K ij = K ij,0exp(Eads
/RT )
Model I Model II Model III
R(1) R(2) R(1) R(2) R(1) R(2)
kr ,0 2.9 × 103 1.42 × 10 6 3.43 × 1013 8.1 × 109 4.72 × 1012 1.08 × 108
Model I: (mol kg–1 s–1 bar–n)
Model II–III: (mol kg–1 s–1)
Eai /R , K 8070 11380 18070 14250 17070 14650
K C2H4 (bar–1 ) 30.0 49.4 12.9 14.9 12.9 26.0
K C2H4,0 , bar–1 – – 2.67 × 10–8 5.30 × 10–3 2.05 × 10–7 4.0 × 10–3
Eads,C2H4 /R , K – – 9520 3780 8550 4180
K CO2 , bar–1 87.4 114.4 83.9 107 83.9 98.5
K C2H4O , bar–1 90.0 48.8 91.8 40.0 91.8 41.3
K H2O,0 , bar–1 0.368 4.04 × 10–2 1.99 7.45 × 10–3 8.25 0.109
Eads,H2O /R, K 2370 3430 1510 4130 840 2910
K O2 , bar–1 – – 9.97 8.76 84.8 66.7
n 0.127 0.140 – – – –
The parameters of these three models are summa- Borman et al. [19] developed a kinetic model for
rized in Table 8. The goodness of fitting at the different total oxidation of ethylene oxide according to Eq. (19):
models is compared in Table 9. The results show that ( −10500T )
these three models have almost the same power in pre- R (3) = 1.7 × 105 e PC0.4 mol kg −1s −1 . (19)
dicting the reaction rate, but model III based on the
Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism has a little bet-
ter performance in fitting the experimental data and 2.5. Lafarga Model
describing the reaction kinetics. Oxygen is suggested Lafarga et al. developed a kinetic model for eth-
to adsorb dissociatively and to react with adsorbed eth- ylene oxide production based on an Ag–Cs/α-Al2O3
ylene oxide. The activation energy of ethylene partial catalyst using a differential and integral fixed-bed
oxidation is smaller than that of the total oxidation reactor at a temperature range of 210–270°C and pres-
reaction. Therefore, ethylene oxide selectivity sure of 1 bar [20]. The two reaction rates (ethylene
increases with decreasing temperature. The lower par- epoxidation and total oxidation) are in the Langmuir–
tial pressure of ethylene oxide and higher partial pres- Hinshelwood dual-site type. Lafarga et al. modified
sure of CO2 increases the selectivity. the previous rate expressions by adding ni as a power of
Table 9. Comparison of fitting criteria for three Borman et al.’s models [19]
Model I Model II Model III
Statistical parameters
R(1) R(2) R(1) R(2) R(1) R(2)
Log likelihood function 1404.6 1437.0 1390.7 1422.8 1396.4 1434.1
Average error, % 19.0 15.0 20.8 18.0 19.6 14.7
Standard deviation, % 16.8 14.8 19.8 13.9 16.9 12.9
oxygen partial pressure. The final reaction rate expres- kinetics of Lafarga et al. In addition, adsorption con-
sion is presented by Eq. (20): stant, K C2H4 was not taken into account as a function of
ki PC2H4 POn2i
R (i ) = , (20)
(1 + K Ci 2H4 PC2H4 )2 2.6. Aryana Model
where i denotes the reaction type: (I) stands for eth- Aryana et al. combined the two most commonly
ylene epoxidation and (II) for ethylene total oxidation. used kinetics for full and partial ethylene oxidation
ki is the Arrhenius type reaction rate constant, PC2H4 with the third kinetics of total ethylene oxide combus-
tion. These three reaction pathways are presented by
and PO2 are ethylene and oxygen partial pressures in reactions (I) to (III) [11]. The rate of these three reac-
bar. K Ci 2H4 is adsorption constants of ethylene. The fit- tions was reported in the form of Eq. (21):
ted parameters based on differential reactor are listed R (i ) = fi (T , p j ) × ai (t ,T , pk ) × CFi , (21)
in Table 10.
Lafarga et al. used the parameters of Table 10 for where R (i ) is the overall reaction rate, fi is reaction
modeling the integral reactor and compare the model rates that are presented in Eqs. (22) to (24). ai is deac-
and experimental results and found that the kinetic tivation factor and CFi is a correction factor that must
parameters must be fitted again to approach the inte- be provided by catalyst vendor. DCE increases the
gral reactor experimental results [20]. The improved selectivity of the reaction and has an inhibitory effect
parameters are summarized in Table 11. The order of that was considered in a DCE power term.
PO2 in ethylene epoxidation reaction is greater than
that in ethylene total oxidation. Therefore, the selec- f (1) = − 1 ρcat , (22)
tivity is reported to decrease with increasing oxygen 2 1 + K 5PO2 + K 6PC2H4
partial pressure.
K 3 PC2H4 PO2 − K 4 PO2 PDCE
Ethylene oxide oxidation reaction, addition of f ( 2) =−3 ρcat, (23)
DCE and reverse reactions were not considered in the 1 + K 5 PO2 + K 6PC2H4
PC2H4 , PO2 , PDCE and PC2H4O denote partial pressure of nius equation (Eq. (25)) and equilibrium adsorption
ethylene, oxygen, dichloroethane and ethylene oxide constant that can be presented in the Arrhenius form
respectively. K1 to K12 are stated based on the Arrhe- with positive activation energy (Eq. (26)).
− E a, i
K i =1−4 , 7–8 = K O2 , i e , (25)
Table 10. Fitted parameters of Lafarga et al.’s model based RT
on differential reactor experiments [20]
Parameter R(1) R(2) K i = 5, 6, 9 −12 = K O2, i e a, i . (26)
k0 , mmol g–1 s–1(bar1+n)–1 3.51 × 105 1.06 × 10 6 Aryana et al. [11] say that K1 to K6 and power k13 are
Ea, kJ/mol 56.7 63.0 presented in [15] and K7 to K12 and power of k15 are
gotten from [17]. In this kinetics, the catalyst is of an
K C2H4 , bar–1 17.8 15.4 Ag/Al2O3 type. Aryana et al. used these kinetic expres-
sions for modeling a multi-tubular fixed-bed reactor
n 1.17 0.97 with 7750 tubes at a temperature of 230 to 240°C and
a pressure of 20–25 atm and DCE with a concentra- Table 11. Modified parameters of Lafarga et al. model
tion of 1–3 ppm. In the proposed model, the effect of based on integral reactor experiments [20]
operating parameters such as DCE level, reactor con- Parameter R(1) R(2)
centration, reactor pressure, cooling temperature and
feed temperature on the reactor performance was k0 , mmol g–1 s–1(bar1+ n)–1 1.33 × 105 1.8 × 106
studied. Ultimately, their model results have the most Ea, kJ/mol 60.7 73.2
consistent with empirical data [11].
K C2H4 , bar–1 6.50 4.33
Table 13. Kinetic parameters of Eqs. (29) and (30) [22] This is a combination of the two works by Petrov et al.
Value [15, 17].
eq. (29) eq. (30)
3.5. Considering DCE
K C2H4 , L/mol 0.228 × 10–3 0.362 × 10–3
The role of DCE in their models was considered in
k' * 32.7 178 [11] and [15], but the rest of the articles ignored the
R ,% 92.4 95.9 role of DCE.
* The unit was not well determined in the reference.
3.6. Considering Reverse Reaction
and is unclear in other catalysts. Also, α-Al2O3 is the Reverse reactions were inserted into the rate equa-
support of all catalysts except for the Ghazali model tions only in [11, 15], while the rest of the articles did
that uses SiO2 as catalyst support. It seems that all cat- not take them into account.
alysts are synthesized at a laboratory scale expect the
Al-Saleh model that applied a commercial catalyst. Ca 4. CONCLUSIONS
was used as a promoter in catalyst applied in Carucci
and Petrov models. However, Lafarga kinetic model is Ethylene oxide is mainly produced from ethylene
based on Cs promoter and the model of Ghazali is partial oxidation. The partial oxidation reaction com-
derived for a catalyst that used Ba as the promoter. petes with the total oxidation reaction. Both reactions
Petrov model also used a chlorined promoter for inhi- are highly exothermic and therefore temperature con-
bition of total oxidation side reaction and increasing trolling is very critical in selectivity and conversion
the selectivity. trade-off. Also, a high temperature of reaction results
temperature run away and low temperature causes to
reach a low conversion. Therefore, there is an opti-
3.2. Reactor mum temperature that is far from run-away tempera-
ture and the optimum process has a higher economic
Most of the available articles report using a fixed- efficiency that holds the selectivity at a high level and
bed reactor. Al-Saleh et al. [18] applied the Berty reac- at the same time keeps the conversion at economical
tor (CSTR), and in the Carucci model [21], a micro- value. To reach the optimum values, a reactor mathe-
channel reactor was used. Of course, articles that use matical modeling is necessary and the major problem
the fixed-bed reactors are also different; for example, of reactor modeling is achieving reactions rates. Some
Lafarga et al. [20] investigated both the integral and kinetic rates for reaction (I) to (III) are available in the
differential type of fixed-bed reactors, however literature, but they differ depending on the type of cat-
Ghazali et al. [13] studied only the semi-differential alyst, reactor and operating conditions. These param-
type. Aryana et al. [11] modeled a multi-tubular fixed- eters are necessary for fitting to experimental data.
bed reactor using the combination of works by Petrov Also, the kinetics models have a discrepancy in mech-
et al. [15–17]. anism assumptions that led to the diversity of formula-
rization. Therefore, there is a necessity to collect the
kinetic models from the past to the present and review
3.3. Operating Condition the strength and weakness of each model.
Typically, the used temperatures ranged from 210 Ghazali et al. [13] presented a modified Lang-
to 320°C, except [17] in which the temperature was in muir–Hinshelwood kinetic model by adding a power
the range of 100–300°C. It should be noted that at expression to the denominator. Lafarga et al. [20]
temperatures lower than 190°C, ethylene oxide total developed a kinetic model that has a power for PO2 and
oxidation reaction does not start significantly. Ghazali the powers for total and partial oxidation of ethylene
et al. [13] performed the reactions at 180–210°C. are different and this difference led to better prediction
About the pressure, all researches listed in Table 14 of selectivity. A kinetic model was developed in [20]
were carried out at atmospheric pressure except for that has the same power for oxygen partial pressure at
those by Aryana et al. [11] (P = 20–25 atm) and by Al- two competitive reactions of partial and total oxidation
Saleh et al. [18] (P = 21.7 bar). of ethylene. However, power of ethylene partial pres-
sure in the kinetics rate of ethylene partial oxidation is
greater than that in the total oxidation and this model
3.4. Reaction Type can predict the decrease of selectivity by increasing the
Most of the articles of Table 14 examined only ethylene conversion. Carucci et al. [21] developed two
reactions (I) and (II), except [17] and [11]. Only reac- kinetic models for partial oxidation of ethylene using a
tion (III) was considered by Petrov et al. [17]. Aryana microchannel reactor. In the two model equations,
et al. [11] considered all the reactions, i.e. (I) to (III). CO2 or CO2 were used. It was reported that the model
Microchannel (27) (1) In Eqs. (23) and (24), CO2 and CO2 were
Vol. 61
Multi-tubular Yes
Ag/α-Al2O3 230–240/20–25 atm (23) (2) Yes modeling of an industrial multi-tubular [11], 2009
fixed-bed reactor (1–3 ppm)
(24) (3) fixed-bed reactor
No. 4
Adding a power to PO2 Langmuir–Hinsel-
wood dual-site type.
Differential and
(20) (1) Adsorption constant, K C2H4 , is not taking
Ag–Cs/α-Al2O3 integral fixed-bed 210–270/1 bar No No [20], 2000
(20) (2) into account as a function of temperature.
Different parameters were reported for dif-
ferential and integral reactors
Internal recycle (16) (1)
They proposed three models for ethylene
Ag/α-Al2O3 reactor similar to 181–254/2–10 bar (17) (2) No No [19], 1995
partial and total oxidation reactions
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Feed contains 3–6% ethylene, 18–19.5%
Commercial Berty reactor (14) (1) oxygen and the balance of nitrogen.
240–320/21.7 bar No No [18], 1988
Ag/α-Al2O3 (CSTR) (15) (2) Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic model.
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20%Ag/Ca/α-Al2O3 Fixed-bed reactor 100–300/1 atm (13) (3) No No Total oxidation of ethylene oxide [17], 1988
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Chlorine-promoted (9) (1)
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20%Ag/Ca/α-Al2O3 (10) (2)
selectivity changing well
A modified Langmuir–Hinshelwood
U-tube fixed-bed (4) (1)
kinetic model was developed by adding a
11.3%Ag–1%Ba/SiO2 semi-differential 180–210/1 atm (5) (2) No No [13], 1983
power expression to the nominator that
reactor (6) (1)
results Eq. (6)
612 FAZELI et al.
with CO2 is better fitted to experimental data than the CO2 Concentration of O2 component;
model including CO2 and this proves that adsorption CC2H4 Concentration of C2H4 component;
of oxygen is molecular against dissociative adsorption
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