MEPCON 2019 Paper 188

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A Wide Component Sizing and Performance Assessment of Electric

Drivetrains for Electric Vehicles

Conference Paper · December 2019

DOI: 10.1109/MEPCON47431.2019.9008195


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3 authors:

Mahmoud Akl Abdelsalam Ahmed

Tanta University Tanta University


Essam Eddin M. Rashad

Tanta University


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2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), Tanta University, Egypt

A Wide Component Sizing and Performance

Assessment of Electric Drivetrains for
Electric Vehicles
Mahmoud M. Akl Abdelsalam A. Ahmed Essam Eddin M. Rashad
Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University
Tanta, Egypt Tanta, Egypt Tanta, Egypt
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The main purpose of this paper is to provide a wide performance of a complete EV powertrain was presented in
parametric design procedure for drivetrain system of electric [6] with experimental evaluation and assessment of each
vehicles (EVs). This method, for a given vehicle's specifications, plant. However, this work considered the possible
can determine both the ratings and maximum capabilities of the performance of the EV based on theoretical calculations
powertrain. The ratings include motor power, torque, speed, using its specifications. Moreover, it lacked to the battery
and battery capacity. In the proposed methodology, the ratings pack calculations. There exist only rare reports in the
consider the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration rate literature addressing the detail calculations of the power
of the vehicle to achieve the heaviest road conditions. The ratings of the drivetrain plants of the EVs/HEVs. The
validation of the proposed methodology is discussed with case
researchers in [7] covered various design aspects of EV
study: Nissan-Leaf2015 E-Car. The performance of the vehicles
development with main focus on powertrain system.
is simulated and assessed with two different driving cycles
(Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and high way Reference [8] proposed a methodology for pre-sizing the
ARTEMIS MW_130 and is validated through extensive electric motor propulsion power of an EV. However, the main
simulations at 100% ratings and up to 140% of power ratings. objective here was to find the minimum motor weight,
volume and cost that will meet the design constraints with
Keywords—Electric vehicle, tractive motor ratings, battery minimum power under the European ECE and EUDC driving
capacity, practical driving cycles. cycles. The vehicle level targets were used for developing a
novel approach to optimally size the traction motors using the
I. INTRODUCTION scalable electric machine model [9]. However, the approach
In recent years, more and more electric drives have been was demonstrated on the in-wheel motor electric powertrain.
involved in vehicle traction, such as electric vehicles (EVs), This paper develops a wide parametric design
hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell powered methodology for the electric propulsion system and its energy
vehicles (FCVs). The drivetrain technologies are the most storage device of the EVs that addresses these challenges. It
promising vehicle solutions for the foreseeable future [1]. A adopts a methodology of assessment of vehicle's performance
modern electric drivetrain consists of three major with simulation results for maximum exploitation of the
subsystems: electric motor propulsion, energy source, and powertrain of EVs. The electric motor optimal power is
auxiliaries. The electric propulsion subsystem comprises the therefore calculated regarding the EV desired performances
vehicle controller, power electronic converter, electric motor, and given driving cycles. The power of the drive system can
mechanical transmission, and driving wheels. The energy be designed by two methods i.e. at maximum speed and at
source subsystem involves the energy source, the energy base speed. At base speed, the power depends on the selected
management unit, and the energy refueling unit. The auxiliary speed ratio which guarantees the designed acceleration rate;
subsystem consists of the power steering unit, the hotel whereas the other power is found to achieve the maximum
climate control unit, and the auxiliary supply unit [2]. A velocity at minimum acceleration rate. The chosen power
vehicle’s driving performance is usually evaluated by its rating has to satisfy the two requirements. The proposed
acceleration time, maximum velocity, and road gradeability. power sizing methodology is illustrated under modified
In EV's drivetrain design, proper motor power rating and Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and high way
transmission parameters are the primary considerations to ARTEMIS MW_130 driving cycles [10]. The proposed
meet the performance specification without oversized ratings. design methodology is applied to the commercial Nissan-leaf
The design of all these parameters depends mostly on the 2015 E-car.
speed-power (torque) characteristics of the traction motor and
predicted road circumstances. Some representative driving
cycles (driving schedules) have been developed to emulate
typical traffic environments. These driving cycles are
represented by the vehicle speeds versus the operating time
while driving on a flat road [1].
Some recent studies have reported progress towards the
parametric design of the drivetrain of the EVs [3].
Performance of two of the clean powertrain cars is evaluated
in Lab condition and on road in [4]. Description of a complete
EV system is introduced; and the performance of its
powertrain has been evaluated in [5], in which a test bench is Fig. 1 Forces acting on a vehicle moving up a grade
designed for modelling purposes of small EVs. The

978-1-7281-5289-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Based on principles of the vehicle dynamics presented in
[3] and [11], the forces acting on a vehicle moving up a grade
are gravity , aerodynamic , rolling resistance , and
acceleration forces, as shown in Fig. 1. The total tractive

force which is required from the electric powertrain of the
vehicle could be calculated by
= + + + (1)

= + + ( + ) +

where; , and are the vehicle mass, gravity coefficient Fig. 2. Motor power, traction force and road force versus vehicle's velocity
and the slop of the road, respectively. The vertical rise of the
road ∆ℎ represents the gradeability of the road when the A. Power Rating Design of the Traction Motor Based on
EV is traveled a horizontal distance of 100 . Then, the Maximum Vehicle's Velocity
slop could be found as [12] In this methodology, the rated power of the traction motor
= (3) is calculated when the EV runs at the maximum velocity
(point 1 in Fig. 2). At point 2 in Fig. 2, the total tractive force
Rolling force is the combination of all frictional load almost equals to the road force on gradeability as (4). At this
forces due to the deformation of the tire on the road surface condition, the acceleration force term in (2) could be canceled
and the friction within the drivetrain depend on the rolling i.e. = 0 and minimum road slop is considered.
coefficient . This coefficient is a function of the tire Then, the total tractive force of (2) becomes
material, tire structure, tire temperature and typical values of
rolling resistance coefficients could be found in [1]. The = ( + ) + ( cos + sin ).
resistance of air to the movement of the vehicle is called (5)
aerodynamic force . It depends on air density , frontal Then, the rated power of the traction motor depends on
area of the vehicle , air velocity , vehicle velocity the maximum velocity , the total tractive force and the
and drag coefficient . This coefficient depends on the shape efficiency of transmission gear box and it is expressed as
of the vehicle. The acceleration force due to the gross mass
and vehicle inertia is usually stated as the minimum time to = (6)
accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h on level ground. The effective
mass coefficient accounts for rotating parts and axle inertia B. Power Rating Design of the Traction Motor Based on
Maximum Acceleration Rate
in addition to vehicle mass = + , the
In the second methodology, the rated power is calculated
value of is around 1.08-1.1% [1]. The integration of the at the base velocity and the maximum acceleration rate
rolling, gravity, and aerodynamic forces are known as road
load force . of the vehicle (point 3 in Fig. 2). When the vehicle
is run with its maximum acceleration, it is sense to consider
= + + (4) a flat road ( = 0). Therefore, the total tractive force of (2)

In this section, the whole ratings of the electric drivetrain = ( + ) + + . (7)

of EVs are calculated. The pseudo-code of the proposed
methodology is presented as (1) specification of the requested Below base velocity, the torque can be maintained constant
vehicle i.e. maximum velocity, type of vehicle, passengers, to achieve the maximum acceleration value. Whereas, when
acceleration rate, etc. (2) calculation of the rated power the vehicle runs above base velocity, a constant power
according to the maximum velocity, maximum acceleration operation mode is applied with sacrificing in the acceleration
rate, driving cycles, (3) determination of the speed factor, (4) capability up to the final velocity. Hence, the time interval
choosing of the transmission gear ratio, i.e. single-stage or from start to final velocity (100km/h) is divided into two
multi-stage, (5) calculation of the base speed of the traction parts. In constant torque region, the torque of the TM is
motor (TM), (6) calculation of the rated torque, (7) maintained constant at the rated value or at a time-
determination of the maximum torque, and (8) determination dependent oversized value. In this region, the tractive force is
of the battery capacity and energy consumption. considered constant according to the rated power and base
The variation of motor power, traction force and road speed and equals to = (point 3 in Fig. 2). So, from (7),
force on a grade road versus the vehicle velocity are shown the acceleration rate / is maintained constant from zero
in Fig. 2. In the figure, determination of the rated power of
speed to base speed in time as (8)
the TM by two methods is depicted from three concentrated
points. Points 1 and 2 demonstrate the maximum velocity = (8)
with zero acceleration rate while point 3 demonstrates the −

base velocity with maximum acceleration rate.

In constant power region, the tractive force will be decreased = = (14)
when the vehicle velocity is increased above the base value.
This force equals to from base velocity to final The developed torque could be oversized to extend the
vehicle's capabilities i.e. acceleration, gradeability, weight,
velocity in time from and as (9).
and/or maximum velocity.
= (9) E. Battery Pack Sizing
− ( )
The capacity of the energy storage battery is
According to specifications, the vehicle can be accelerated estimated according to the average consumed power . This
from zero velocity to final velocity of 100km/h in an power is calculated along practical driving cycles when the
acceleration time of . After intensive abbreviation of (8) vehicle runs at an average velocity for an on-power
and (9) [1], the rated power of the TM in both regions can be distance . The average regenerative braking power is
expressed as (10). also considered along the same practical driving cycles. This
negative power is estimated for an average velocity on the
= + + + (10) off-power distance . Summation of the distances during
In this methodology, the base speed is crucial for calculating on- and off-power equals to the total travelled distance .
the rated power in acceleration and gradeability periods. The Considering both tractive and regenerative powers, the total
ratio between maximum speed to the base speed is called required capacity kWh of the battery pack is found as:
speed ratio = . The speed ratio could be equals to unity = − (15)
when base speed is set at maximum speed and it could be 2-
4 times for induction motor [11], [13], i.e. the boundary of where , , , are inverter efficiency, motor
the speed ratio is 1 ≤ ≤ 4. Considering the speed ratio, the efficiency, regenerative efficiency and depth of discharge of
rated power (10) becomes the battery, respectively. The specific energy consumption
to the distance is
= + + +
= . (16)
. (11)
The voltage of battery could be calculated from the required
For increasing the speed ratio , the rated power is decreased RMS value of motor line voltage as
and the constant power region is widely increased. Finally,
the rated power of the TM can be calculated from (5) and (6) = √2 (17)
to achieve the maximum velocity at minimum gradeability. Battery pack Ampere hour (Ah) is calculated from the battery
Moreover, (11) can be used to determine the rated power at capacity and the battery pack voltage as
the base speed by finding the suitable speed ratio. The
selected power should guarantee both maximum acceleration ℎ= (18)
and maximum velocity performance.
In this methodology, the average power of the tractive
motor could be estimated with the expected driving cycles In this section, the ratings of the tractive motor and battery
according to nature of the vehicle's environment. The cycles pack for Nissan-leaf 2015 electric car are calculated and then
could be modified to match the design calculations i.e. examined to the published ratings in [3], [15]. All the
maximum velocity, acceleration, deceleration, consumed and calculations are done according to the commercial vehicle.
regenerative power, and therefore travelled distance. Then, Table I shows the specifications and coefficients of Nissan-
these cycles are used to estimate the capacity and energy leaf 2015 electric car.
consumption of the used battery. This methodology is used in i. Calculation of ratings of TM at maximum velocity
this work for determining the battery capacity and the
First, the rated power is calculated according to (5) and
consumed power.
(6) at the maximum velocity. For the maximum velocity of
D. Calculation of Maximum/Base Speed and Rated Torque 144 km/h, the required power is 32kW at flat level. When the
For a given maximum cruise velocity and vehicle gradeability is increased, the tractive power is accordingly
specification, the maximum motor speed is found as: increased. Figure 3 shows the motor power versus vehicle
velocity at different gradeability for Nissan-Leaf 2015 e-car.
= (12) At 7% gradeability and maximum velocity of 144km/h, the
tractive power is found 80 kW. The selected rated power
where R and are wheel radius and gear transmission depends on the vehicle capability to moving up the grade road
ratio, respectively. Then, the base speed can be calculated as at its maximum velocity. Referring to Table I, the power of
80 kW is set as the commercial power rating of Nissan-Leaf
= (13) 2015 e-car. When the TM is sized at 80 kW, the vehicle can
run at 200 km/h on a flat road; while it could climb up with
Thus, the base speed depends mainly on the selected speed 25% grade with velocity of 65 km/h.
ratio. The motor rated torque could be found as
ELECTRIC CAR [3], [15]
140 133 kW
Vehicle's specifications
120 25% 15% 7%
Parameter [unit] Symbol Value
Gross mass [kg] 1645

Power (kW)
Maximum velocity [km/h] 144 80 kW 3%
Maximum acceleration [km/h/sec] /dt 100/11.5 80
Distance for one charging cycle [km] D 160 60
Wheel radius [m] 0.315
Transmission ratio 8.19 40 32 kW
Frontal area [m2] 2 20
Axle moment of inertia [kg/m2] J 3
Vehicle's coefficients 0
0 20 40 65 80 96 120 144 160 177 200
Rolling resistance 0.0083 Velocity (km/h)
Air density [kg/m2] 1.2 Fig. 3. Gradeability-based road load power at maximum velocity
Aerodynamic coefficient 0.28 8
X1 = 4
Transmission efficiency 0.96
Air velocity [km/h] 12 X2 = 3.3

Tractive Force (KN)

Inverter efficiency 0.95 6
X3 = 2.5 293N.m
Motor efficiency 0.95 80kW
5 254N.m 89kW
ii. Calculation of ratings of TM at maximum acceleration
To accelerate the vehicle up to = 100 /ℎ in time 3
= 11.5 considering the maximum velocity of = 2 Road force on
144 /ℎ, according to (11), the rated power is calculated at Grade 7%
different speed ratios as 1
0 20 35 44 57 80 100 120 144 160
1.1 ∗ 1645 40 1 Velocity (Km/h)
= 27.7 + + ∗ 1.2 ∗ 0.28 ∗ 2 Fig. 4. Total tractive force at different speed ratio of 2.5, 3.3, and 4
2 ∗ 11.5 5
∗ 27.7 + 1645 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.0083 ∗ 27.7.
At speed ratio of = 4, the rated power equals to 76 kW. This
value is lower than the calculated power from (5) and (6).
Velocity (Km/h)

Once the speed ratio is decreased to = 2.5, the rate power

equals to 89 kW. However, the later represents oversized
power compared to the calculated power of 80kW. For power
of 80kW, the speed ratio is selected as = 3.3 to guarantee
the maximum velocity of the car (point 1 in Fig. 2) and the
final velocity of 100km/h in the time of 11.5s (see Table I).
iii. Maximum/base speed and torque calculations of EM
The maximum motor speed is related to the maximum
∗ . Fig. 5. Acceleration performance at different speed ratio of 2.5, 3.3, and 4
velocity as (12), = ∗ = 9932 . At =
∗ . .
3.3, the base speed from (13) is = ≅ 3000 . 44km/h in 3.65 s as shown in Fig. 5. Whereas, above the base
This speed equals to base vehicle velocity of 44km/h. From velocity, the acceleration rate is decreased according to
decreasing of the acceleration force referring to (9). This
(14), the rated motor torque is = = 254 . . acceleration rate guarantees to reach at the final velocity of

Figures 4 and 5 show the tractive force and acceleration 100 km/h in 7.85 s as shown in Fig. 4.
performance for different speed ratios of 2.5, 3.3 and 4 iv. Battery pack sizing using Urban drive cycle
times. At speed ratio = 4, the rated power is 76 kW at the
highest tractive force and then highest initial acceleration. The energy sizing of the required battery pack depends on
This power is suitable for acceleration performance however the driving conditions i.e. maximum velocity and consumed
it is insufficient for maximum velocity of 144km/h with 7% power. First, a typical drive cycle, modulated Urban
grade road. This option is not accepted. In contrast when the Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) [6], [10], is used to
speed ratio is chosen as = 2.5, the rated power is increased found out the capacity of the battery, as depicted in Fig 6(a).
to 89 kW. This power overflows the power required for For this cycle, the maximum velocity is 144km/h, the average
maximum velocity and grade road conditions. For speed ratio velocity is found as 44.75km/h and then the total distance is
= 3.3 and Referring to (8), below base velocity, the 17 km during a time of 1230s. If 0% gradeability is
acceleration rate is fixed at12 km/h/s with tractive force of considered, the average consumed power becomes 10.51 kW
6.2 KN. This rate guarantees to reach at the base velocity of and the average velocity is 44.75 km/h. At these conditions,
Fig. 6. Typical Urban drive cycle, UDDS: (a) vehicle velocity (b) power. Fig. 8. Typical highway drive cycle, ArtMW: (a) vehicle velocity (b) power
Rated power

140%Rated power operating points
0 50 (a) 100 150
Rated Torque

-200 operating points

140% Rated Torque
0 50 (b) 100 150
Velocity (km/h)
Fig. 7 TM operating points in torque and power boundary for UDDS cycle. Fig. 9. TM operating points in torque and power boundary for Artemis
MW_130 cycle.
the on-power distance equals 12.1km in the modified UDDS In this cycle, the maximum velocity is 144km/h and the
cycle. Moreover, the average braking power that could be average velocity is 104 km/h. At these conditions, the vehicle
regenerated is 5.58 kW. When the vehicle runs at an average can travel total distance of 21.7 km during 735 s, as shown in
velocity of 44.75km/h, the off-power distance is 4.9 km. Fig.8(a). If 0% gradeability is considered, the average
Referring to Table I, the total travel distance is 160km in one consumed power becomes 24.47 kW and the average velocity
battery-pack charging capacity. Therefore, this driving cycle is 104 km/h. Under these conditions, the on-power distance
is repeated to 160kW/17kW= 9.41 times. For the average equals to 17.61 km. Moreover, the average braking power
velocity of 44.75km/h, the on-power distance is found as 114 that could be regenerated is 6.03 kW. When the vehicle runs
km whereas the off-power distance is found 46 km. at an average velocity of 104 km/h, off-power distance is 4.1
According to (15), the DOD is considered 100% and the km. Referring to Table I, the total distance of 160km on one
regenerative efficiency is 90%. Therefore, the battery pack battery pack charging capacity, the drive cycle is repeated
capacity could be calculated as 160kW/21.7kW = 7.37 times. For the average velocity of 103
km/h, the on-power distance is found as 129.7km whereas the
. .
= 114 − 0.9 46 ≅ 24 ℎ. off-power distance is found 30.3 km. According to (15), the
. . . .
DOD is considered 100% and the regenerative efficiency is
Figure 7(b) shows the operating points of the TM power and 90%. Therefore, the battery pack capacity could be
torque for UDDS cycle. It shows the rated and maximum . .
boundaries for power and torque. The maximum capability is = 129.7 − 0.9 30.3 ≅ 32.2 ℎ.
. .
considered 140% of the rated [14]. The majority of the
Figure 9 shows the operating points of the EM power and
operating points inside rated boundary, whereas some points torque for the modified Artemis MW_130 cycle. The
are located between the rated and maximum boundaries. capacity of the battery back is 32.3kWh to provide 160 km
v. Battery pack sizing using highway drive cycle distance. It is noticed that if the operation conditions are
changed, the size of the battery-pack is changed. The required
Another type of drive cycle, a modified Artemis MW_130 capacity is affected by the type of the vehicle (i.e. city car,
[10], is tested to find out the battery pack capabilities. highway car and sport car) and driving cycle i.e. maximum
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MW_130 Mohamed Benbouzid, " A Power Presizing Methodology for Electric
Maximum velocity [km/h] 144 144 Vehicle Traction Motors", 2013.
Average velocity [km/h] 44.75 104 [9] Kesavan Ramakrishnan, Stjepan Stipetic, Massimiliano Gobbi, and
Maximum acceleration [km/h/s] 9.26 10.94 Gianpiero Mastinu, " Optimal Sizing of Traction Motors Using Scalable
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Maximum deceleration [km/h/s] -9.26 -12.84 Electrification, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 314-321, March 2018.
No. of start/stop 18 1 [10] T J Barlow, S Latham, I S McCrae and P G Boulter, “A reference book
Average positive power [kW] 10.51 24.47 of driving cycles for use in the measurement of road vehicle emissions”,
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[11] Yimin Gao, H. Maghbelli and Mehrdad Ehsani,” Investigation of Proper
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Rated torque [Nm] 254 [13] Iqbal Husain and Mohammad S. Islam, “Design, Modeling and
Rated speed [rpm] 3009 Simulation of an Electric Vehicle System” International Congress and
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In this paper, the vehicle’s dynamics and the parametric
design of an electric drivetrain for EVs have been presented,
as well as battery capacity considering regenerative braking.
The objective was to assess typical vehicle usage on different
road types and implication on vehicle energy consumption
due to the drive cycles’ characteristics. For this evaluation
one reference vehicle (Nissan-leaf 2015 E-car) is designed
after set the performance requirements. For Nissan E-car,
when considering the maximum velocity for determining of
the power ratings, it was found that the vehicle can run at 144
km/h in a 7% grade road by 80 kW TM; while, when
considering maximum acceleration rate, it was found that the
same performance is got with speed factor of x=3.3.
Furthermore, the battery capacity considering regenerative
braking is found as 24 kWh and 32 kwh for the modified
UDDC and Artemis MW-130 drive cycles, respectively. The
vehicle performance dictates these vehicle capabilities, thus
dictating the power capacity of the powertrain. However, in
normal driving conditions these maximum capabilities are
rarely used. During most of the operation time, the powertrain
operates with partial load.
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