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Genderlect Styles – Deborah Tannen

This theory last appeared in the 10th Edition

The following document is an

archived chapter with end notes
from a previous edition of
A First Look at Communication Theory
by Em Griffin, Andrew Ledbetter, and Glenn Sparks, the leading
college text in the field of communication theory
(all editions published by McGraw-Hill).

The theory is no longer covered in a full chapter of the current

edition. This document is posted on the resource website for the text

All material is copyright © Em Griffin

or used by permission of the copyright holder
(Note that some cartoons reproduced in the textbook
could not be included in the archived documents because
copyright permission does not extend to online use.)
CHAPTER 31 Objective

Semiotic tradition

Socio-psychological tradition

Genderlect Styles
of Deborah Tannen

“Male–female conversation is cross-cultural communication.”1 This simple s­ tatement

is the basic premise of Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand, a book that
seeks to explain why men and women often talk past each other.
Tannen is a linguistics professor at Georgetown University, and her research
specialty is conversational style—not what people say but the way they say it. In her
first book on conversational style she offers a microanalysis of six friends talking
together during a two-and-a-half-hour Thanksgiving dinner.2 Tannen introduces this
sociolinguistic study with a quote from E. M. Forster’s novel A Passage to India: “A
pause in the wrong place, an intonation misunderstood, and a whole conversation
went awry.”3 Forster’s novel illustrates how people of goodwill from different c­ ultures
can grossly misunderstand each other’s intentions.
Tannen is convinced that similar miscommunication occurs all the time between
women and men. The effect may be more insidious, however, because the parties
usually don’t realize they are in a cross-cultural encounter. At least when we cross
a geographical border we anticipate the need to bridge a communication gap. In
conversing with members of the opposite sex, Tannen notes, our failure to acknowl-
edge different conversational styles can get us in big trouble. Most men and women
don’t grasp that “talking through their problems” with each other will only make
things worse if it’s their divergent ways of talking that are causing the trouble in
the first place.
Tannen’s writing is filled with imagery that underscores the mutually alien nature
of male and female conversational styles. When she compared the style of boys and
girls who were in second grade, she felt she was looking at the discourse of “two
different species.” For example, two girls could sit comfortably face-to-face and carry
on a serious conversation about people they knew. But when boys were asked to talk
about “something serious,” they were restless, never looked at each other, jumped
from topic to topic, and talked about games and competition. These stylistic d
­ ifferences
showed up in older kids as well. Tannen notes that “moving from the sixth-grade boys
to the girls of the same age is like moving to another planet.”4 There is no evidence
that we grow out of these differences as we grow up. She describes adult men and
women as speaking “different words from different worlds,” and even when they use
the same terms, they are “tuned to different frequencies.”

CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 385

Tannen’s cross-cultural approach to gender differences departs from much of

feminist scholarship that claims conversations between men and women reflect
men’s efforts to dominate women. She assumes that male and female conversational
styles are equally valid: “We try to talk to each other honestly, but it seems at times
that we are speaking different languages—or at least different genderlects.”5 Although
Genderlect the word genderlect is not original with Tannen, the term nicely captures her belief
A term suggesting that that masculine and feminine styles of discourse are best viewed as two distinct
masculine and feminine cultural dialects rather than as inferior or superior ways of speaking.
styles of discourse are
Tannen realizes that categorizing people and their communication according to
best viewed as two
distinct cultural dialects.
gender is offensive to many women and men. None of us like to be told, “Oh, you’re
talking just like a (wo)man.” Each of us regards himself or herself as a unique
individual. But at the risk of reinforcing a simplistic reductionism that claims ­biology
is destiny, Tannen insists there are gender differences in the ways we speak.
Despite these dangers, I am joining the growing dialogue on gender and language
because the risk of ignoring differences is greater than the danger of naming them.6


Tannen says that, more than anything else, women seek human connection, whereas
men are concerned mainly with status. While women are focused on cultivating a
sense that they’re in touch, men are working hard to preserve their independence as
they jockey for position on a hierarchy of competitive accomplishment. When
they’re together, women’s longing for intimacy threatens men’s desire for freedom
and sidetracks the masculine quest to be one up in all relationships. Empirical evi-
dence for Tannen’s assertions emerged back in 1979 in a study published in
­Psychological Bulletin, one of psychology’s most prestigious journals. Adelaide Haas,
now retired from the communication department at the State University of New
York at New Paltz, found that men use more directive speech, talking about sports,
money, and business, while women are often more supportive, polite, and expres-
sive, talking about home and family and using more words implying feeling.7
Tannen does believe that some men are open to intimacy, just as some women
have a concern for power. You’ll recall that Baxter and Bakhtin’s relational dialectics
theory assumes that all people feel a tension between connection and autonomy in
their relationships (see Chapter 11). Tannen agrees that many men and women
would like to have intimacy and independence in every situation if they could, but
she doesn’t think it’s possible. As a result, these differences in priority tend to give
men and women differing views of the same situation.
Girls and women feel it is crucial that they be liked by their peers, a form of
involvement that focuses on symmetrical connection. Boys and men feel it is cru-
cial that they be respected by their peers, a form of involvement that focuses on
asymmetrical status.8


Why is Tannen so certain that women focus on connection while men focus on
status? Her answer is that she listens to men and women talk. Just as an ethnographer
pores over the words of native informants to discover what has meaning within their
society, so Tannen scrutinizes the conversation of representative speakers from the
feminine culture and the masculine culture to determine their core values. She offers

numerous examples of the divergent styles she observes in everyday communication.

These linguistic differences give her confidence that the connection–status distinction
structures every verbal contact between women and men.
Julia Wood, communication professor emerita at the University of North
Carolina and co-author of standpoint theory (see Chapter 32), thinks that Tannen’s
observations have merit and that the connection–status distinction is evident even
in childhood. In her book Gendered Lives,9 Wood draws upon research with children
to highlight the different rules that girls and boys learn as they grow up.10 Under-
standing those rules provides insight for some of the key differences Tannen believes
characterize the genderlect styles that are at the root of miscommunication between
Report talk men and women. Three of the key rules boys learn are:
The typical monologic
style of men, which seeks 1. Communicate to assert your ideas, opinions, and identity.
to command attention, 2. Use talk to solve problems or develop a strategy.
convey information, and
win arguments.
3. Speak in a way that attracts attention to yourself.
In contrast to these rules, girls learn to:
Rapport talk 1. Use communication to create and maintain relationships.
The typical conversational
2. Involve others in conversations and respond to their ideas.
style of women, which
seeks to establish 3. Show sensitivity to others and to relationships.
connection with others.
Consider the following five types of talk. Each of these speech forms shows
that women value rapport talk, while men value report talk.

1. Private Speaking vs. Public Speaking

Folk wisdom suggests that women talk more than men do. Tannen cites a version
of an old joke that has a wife complaining to her husband, “For the past 10 years
you’ve never told me what you’re thinking.” Her husband caustically replies, “I didn’t
want to interrupt you.” Tannen grants the validity of the wordy-woman–mute-male
stereotype as it applies to a couple that’s alone together—In private conversations,
women talk more than men do. She also endorses Alice Walker’s notion that a
woman falls in love with a man because she sees in him “a giant ear.”11 But in the
public arena, men vie for ascendancy and speak much more than women do.
James Pennebaker, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin,
is skeptical of the wordy-woman stereotype. After recruiting 2,000 men and women
to carry voice-activated recorders all day long, he discovered that men and women
each speak about 16,000 words a day.12 This empirical evidence calls into question
the supposed gender difference in the quantity of talk, but not necessarily the
­quality—its tone and intent.
Setting quantity aside, I (Glenn) believe that if Tannen studied the talk of pro-
fessors at faculty meetings, she’d gather a wealth of data to support her claim that
men are more likely to engage in report talk rather than rapport talk. In 30-plus
years of attending these meetings, I’ve witnessed countless examples of men who
pontificate in order to hold the floor, make a point, or badger colleagues into
reluctant agreement. It’s not surprising that the faculty members who usually bristle
at these male monologues are women. In most cases, what women say in these
meetings shows more concern about building and maintaining community by draw-
ing others into the discussion rather than scoring points. My perception of this
difference fits the childhood conversational rules summarized by Julia Wood. Girls
CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 387

learn to involve others in conversations, while boys learn to use communication to

assert their own ideas and draw attention to themselves.

2. Telling a Story
Along with theorists Clifford Geertz, Michael Pacanowsky, and Walter Fisher (see
Chapters 19 and 24), Tannen recognizes that the stories people tell reveal a great
deal about their hopes, needs, and values. Consistent with men’s focus on status,
Tannen notes that men tell more stories than women do—especially jokes. Telling
jokes is a masculine way to negotiate status. Men’s humorous stories have a can-
you-top-this? flavor that holds attention and elevates the storyteller above his
When men aren’t trying to be funny, they tell stories in which they are heroes,
often acting alone to overcome great obstacles. On the other hand, women tend to
express their desire for community by telling stories about others. On the rare
occasions when a woman is a character in her own narrative, she usually describes
herself as doing something foolish rather than acting in a clever manner. This
downplaying of self puts her on the same level with her hearers, thus strengthening
her network of support.

3. Listening
A woman listening to a story or an explanation tends to hold eye contact, offer
head nods, and react with yeah, uh-huh, mmmn, right, or other responses that indi-
cate I’m listening or I’m with you. For a man concerned with status, that overt style
of active listening means I agree with you, so he avoids putting himself in that
submissive, or one-down, stance. Women conclude that men aren’t listening, which
is not necessarily true.
When a woman who is listening starts to speak before the other person is
finished, she usually does so to add a word of agreement, to show support, or to
finish a sentence with what she thinks the speaker will say. Tannen labels this
Cooperative overlap cooperative overlap. She says that from a woman’s perspective, cooperative overlap
A supportive interruption is a sign of rapport rather than a competitive ploy to control the conversation. She
often meant to show also recognizes that men don’t see it that way. Men regard any interruption as a
agreement and solidarity
power move to take control of the conversation, because in their world that’s how
with the speaker.
it’s done. Those who win the conversational game can take a don’t-talk-while-I’m-
interrupting-you stance and make it stick. Tannen concludes that these different
styles of conversation management are the source of continuing irritation in
cross-gender talk. “Whereas women’s cooperative overlaps frequently annoy men by
seeming to co-opt their topic, men frequently annoy women by usurping or switch-
ing the topic.”13

4. Asking Questions
Tannen thinks that men and women also annoy each other with their different ways
of asking questions—or not asking them. When we were first married, my wife Cheri
and I set out on a trip from Chicago to Muskegon, Michigan, to visit friends. I
glanced at a map before the trip—today’s GPS was the stuff of science fiction back
then—and noted that I needed to take I-94. About an hour into the trip, Cheri
encouraged me to stop and ask for directions because the road we were on didn’t

seem familiar to her. Knowing that we were on I-94, I confidently declined her
request. But when I saw signs for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I was finally persuaded
to stop at a gas station. To my horror, I discovered that I-94 went up both sides of
Lake Michigan. I was driving up the wrong side. Cheri and I can laugh now about
our late arrival in Muskegon, but when she tells the story, she always emphasizes
my stubborn refusal to stop and ask for directions.
According to Tannen, men don’t ask for that kind of help. Every admission of
ignorance whittles away at the image of self-sufficiency that is so important to a
man. “If self-respect is bought at the cost of a few extra minutes of travel time, it
is well worth the price,” she explains.14 In my case, I gained no self-respect at a
cost of several hours of travel time. But I’m still not fond of asking others for
Women ask questions to establish a connection with others. Even a five-minute
stop at a gas station to check the best route can create a sense of community,
however brief. Tannen notes that when women state their opinions, they often tag
them with a question at the end of the sentence: “That was a good movie, don’t
Tag question you think?” Tag questions soften the sting of potential disagreement that might drive
A short question at the people apart. They are also invitations to participate in open, friendly dialogue. But
end of a declarative to men, they make the speaker seem wishy-washy.
statement, often used by
Ever since You Just Don’t Understand was published, Tannen has entertained
women to soften the sting
of potential disagreement
questions during television interviews, radio call-in shows, and discussions following
or invite open, friendly lectures. Women almost always seek more information or offer their own experi-
dialogue. ences that validate her insights. That’s now true for men as well. But when the book
was riding high on best-seller lists, men would often pose questions that seemed
designed to bring her down from her high horse or to establish their own expertise.
Even though she understands that public face is crucial to men, she identifies with
the words of a wife in a short story: “I’d have been upset about making the ­mistake—
but not about people knowing. That part’s not a big deal to me.” Her husband
replied, “Oh, is it ever a big deal to me.”15

5. Conflict
After his divorce, Rob Reiner decided to direct the film When Harry Met Sally, a
humorous depiction of the relationship between a man (Billy Crystal) and a woman
(Meg Ryan). Nora Ephron wrote the script and, after interviewing Reiner, used him
as the inspiration for Harry’s character. The film became a classic after its release
in 1989, and is listed among Bravo’s “100 Funniest Movies.” Reiner’s divorce pro-
vided the grist for an argument between Harry and Sally, in which Harry blows up
at their friends Jess and Marie and then storms out of the room. After making an
excuse for his behavior, Sally goes to him to try to calm him down.
Harry: I know, I know, I shouldn’t have done it.
Sally: Harry, you’re going to have to try and find a way of not expressing every
feeling that you have every moment that you have them.
Harry: Oh, really?
Sally: Yes, there are times and places for things.
Harry: Well the next time you’re giving a lecture series on social graces, would
you let me know, ’cause I’ll sign up.
Sally: Hey. You don’t have to take your anger out on me.
CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 389

Harry: Oh, I think I’m entitled to throw a little anger your way. Especially when
I’m being told how to live my life by Miss Hospital Corners.
Sally: What’s that supposed to mean?
Harry: I mean, nothing bothers you. You never get upset about anything.
This scene illustrates Tannen’s description of much male–female strife. Since they
see life as a contest, many men are more comfortable with conflict and are therefore
less likely to hold themselves in check. By trying to placate Harry and excuse his anger
toward their friends, Sally responds in what Tannen believes is an equally typical fash-
ion. “To most women, conflict is a threat to connection—to be avoided at all costs.”16
The dialogue illustrates another feature of conflict between men and women.
As often happens, Sally’s attempt to avert a similar outburst in the future sparks
new conflict with Harry. Tannen says men have an early warning system that’s
geared to detect signs that they are being told what to do. Harry bristles at the
thought that Sally is trying to limit his autonomy, so her efforts backfire.

6. Nonverbal Communication
Curiously, Tannen doesn’t extend the connection–status distinction to the ways in
which men and women communicate nonverbally. Susan Pease Gadoua, a licensed
marriage counselor who writes a regular column for, finds it
difficult to analyze the way men and women talk to each other without including
the nonverbal component. Based on her years of experience helping married cou-
ples, she’s learned to anticipate a common scenario when she sees a man and a
woman trying to get over a serious fight or navigate a rift in their relationship.
Each partner has a different way of wanting to resolve the problem: women want
to talk things out and perhaps make love later (when they feel more connected);
men want to connect by making love and (maybe) talking later.17
Gadoua recalls one husband who told her that all of his marital problems would
be solved if only he and his wife could go away for a whole weekend and dedicate
the entire time to sex. His wife saw this solution as a superficial gesture that wouldn’t
solve anything. Deborah Tannen might see it as a way for the husband to score in
a never-ending game of who’s on top. The husband’s solution seems like a classic
acting out of one of the early rules that boys learn at play—communicate to assert
your identity. The wife’s solution reflects one of the rules girls learn—connect
through conversation. Sadly, Gadoua observes that when women want to connect
and men want to have sex, it’s often the case that neither activity takes place.


Do men and women really live in different worlds? Tannen cites dialogue from Anne
Tyler’s The Accidental Tourist, Ingmar Bergman’s Scenes from a Marriage, Alice
­Walker’s The Temple of My Familiar, Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying, and Jules Feiffer’s
Grown Ups to support her claim that the different ways women and men talk reflect
their separate cultures. If these fictional examples depict an accurate view of the
separate worlds of real men and women, it makes sense to find out how and when
these worlds formed.
When Tannen witnessed dramatic differences in conversational style between
second-grade boys and girls, she concluded that the origins of speaking in genderlect

must be traced back to early childhood. Is it plausible to suggest that boys and girls
as young as 7 are already segregated and using conversational styles that will follow
them into adult life? Many linguists and communication scholars believe the answer
to that question is yes. They refer to the segregated groups to which boys and girls
belong as speech communities.18
Speech community Julia Wood summarized the concept of a speech community this way: “[A] speech
A community of people community exists when people share understandings about goals of communication,
who share understandings strategies for enacting those goals, and ways of interpreting communication.”19
about goals of
­Tannen’s conclusion that the second-grade boys and girls she observed were “two
communication, strategies
for enacting those goals,
different species” certainly matches up with the idea that they were from distinct
and ways of interpreting speech communities. But these communities don’t appear out of thin air. To get
communication. insight into their origins, we need to look back to the preschool years.
Louise Cherry Wilkinson, professor of education, psychology, and communica-
tion sciences at Syracuse University, suggests that separate speech communities begin
with the conversations young boys and girls have with their mothers. She reached
this conclusion when she studied the interactions between moms and kids during a
free-play session. She recruited mothers with a 2-year-old daughter or son to take
part, giving no instructions as to what they should talk about. Along with her col-
league Michael Lewis, Wilkinson transcribed the interactions that took place and
trained coders to analyze the words that were used. The coders didn’t know whether
they were coding interactions between a mother and daughter or a mother and son.20
Wilkinson and Lewis discovered that mothers of girls talked more, asked more
questions, used longer sentences, and were more likely to verbally acknowledge their
daughters’ comments than were mothers of boys. Mothers of boys were more likely
to use directives—telling their sons what to do—than were mothers of girls. Wilkinson
and Lewis speculated that these sorts of differences could set early expectations in
males and females about what type of conversation is most appropriate for them.
The findings suggest that the differences Tannen sees between adult male and female
speech have their roots in the early socialization of children.


What if Tannen is right and all conversation between men and women is best
understood as cross-cultural communication? Does that mean genderlect can be
taught, like French, Swahili, or any other foreign language? Tannen offers a qualified
yes. She regards sensitivity training as an effort to teach men how to speak in a
feminine voice, while assertiveness training is an effort to teach women how to
speak in a masculine voice. But she’s aware of our ethnocentric tendency to think
it’s the other person who needs fixing, so she expresses only guarded hope that
men and women will alter their linguistic styles.
Tannen has much more confidence in the benefits of multicultural understand-
ing. She believes that understanding each other’s style, and the motives behind it,
is the first step in overcoming destructive responses.
The answer is for both men and women to try to take each other on their own terms
rather than applying the standards of one group to the behavior of the other. . . .
Understanding style differences for what they are takes the sting out of them.21
Tannen suggests that one way to measure whether we are gaining cross-gender insight
is a drop in the frequency of the oft-heard lament You just don’t understand. I can
personally testify to the validity of this standard. While I certainly make no claim to
CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 391

The book contains a cartoon here.

Permission to reproduce the cartoon was granted
for the original publication only and does not include
reproduction in the online archive.

have arrived at a complete understanding of Cheri or her conversational style,

I’ve only heard her say, “You just don’t understand,” in the early stages of our 42
years together. She’d say the same about me. It’s difficult for a marriage to
survive and thrive without partners’ gaining insight into each other’s conversational


For more than 30 years, Carol Gilligan was a professor of education in the Harvard
Graduate School of Education; she is now a professor at New York University. Her
book In a Different Voice presents a theory of moral development claiming that

women tend to think and speak in an ethical voice different from that of men.22
Gilligan’s view of gender differences parallels Tannen’s analysis of men as wanting
independence and women as desiring human connection. Gilligan is convinced that
most men seek autonomy and think of moral maturity in terms of justice. She’s
equally certain that women desire to be linked with others and that they regard
their ultimate ethical responsibility as one of care.
On the basis of the quantity and quality of feminine relationships, Gilligan
contrasts women who care with men who are fair. Individual rights, equality before
the law, fair play, a square deal—all these masculine ethical goals can be pursued
without intimate ties to others. Justice is impersonal. But women’s moral judgment
is more contextual, more immersed in the details of relationships and narratives.23
Sensitivity to others, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and peacemaking all reflect interpersonal
Gilligan’s work arose in response to the theory of moral development of her
Harvard colleague Lawrence Kohlberg, who identified increasing levels of ethical
maturity by analyzing responses to hypothetical moral dilemmas.24 According to
his justice-based scoring system, the average young adult female was a full stage
behind her male counterpart. Women were rated as less morally mature than men
because they were less concerned about abstract concepts like justice, truth, and
freedom. Instead, they based their ethical decisions on considerations of compas-
sion, loyalty, and a strong sense of responsibility to prevent pain and alleviate
suffering. Their moral reasoning was more likely to reflect Buber’s call for genu-
ine I–Thou relationships than Kant’s categorical imperative (see Chapters 6
and 14).
Gilligan is comfortable with the idea that men and women speak in different
ethical voices. But she’s disturbed that when women don’t follow the normative
path laid out by men, “the conclusion has generally been that something is wrong
with women.”25 She points out “the unfair paradox that the very traits that have
traditionally defined the ‘goodness’ of women are those that mark them as deficient
in moral development.”26
Although Gilligan’s theory is more descriptive than prescriptive, the underlying
assumption is that the way things are reflects the way things ought to be. Most
ethical theorists are bothered by the idea of a double standard—justice from some,
care from others. Traditional moral philosophy has never suggested different ethics
for different groups. Yet readers of both sexes report that Gilligan’s theory resonates
with their personal experience.


Is male–female conversation really cross-cultural communication? Tannen suggests
Aha factor we use the aha factor to test the validity of her two-culture hypothesis:
A subjective standard
ascribing validity to an If my interpretation is correct, then readers, on hearing my explanation, will
idea when it resonates exclaim within their heads, “Aha!” Something they have intuitively sensed will be
with one’s personal made explicit. . . . When the subject of analysis is human interaction—a process
­experience. that we engage in, all our lives—each reader can measure interpretation against
her/his own experience.27
If we agree to this subjective standard of validity, Tannen easily makes her case.
For example, in the book You Just Don’t Understand, she describes how women who
verbally share problems with men are often frustrated by the masculine tendency
CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 393

to offer solutions. (Qualitative linguistic analysis) According to Tannen, women don’t

want advice; they’re looking for the gift of understanding. When Em first read her
book, he had the kind of aha reaction that Tannen says validates her theory. He
says, “I realized that her words described me. Anytime my wife, Jean, tells me about
a problem she’s facing, I either turn coldly analytic or dive in and try to fix things
for the woman I love. I now know that Jean would rather have me just listen or
voice some version of I feel your pain.”
Brittany’s application log suggests that she’s convinced. Perhaps her masculine
upbringing explains why she experienced the aha factor even before she read about
Tannen’s theory.
From ages 4 to 11, I was raised by my single father. During this developmental
time in my life, I conversed mainly with Dad, and therefore adopted the kind of
report talk that Tannen characterizes as primarily male. Whenever we had conflict,
we dealt with it right away. Most of my friends were boys and I had difficulties
making connections with girls my age.
After my dad eventually remarried and I had a stepmother to talk with, I
began to develop friendships with girls in high school. During a conversation one
of them said, “You always try to think of a solution rather than just listen.” I
understand now that I picked up this communication trait from my dad. Whenever
we faced conflict in our home, we immediately addressed it and figured out how
we should deal with it. As I have developed more relationships with women I feel
my genderlect style has moved toward rapport talk, which Tannen categorizes as
primarily female. Sometimes, though, I’ll have a conversation with a close guy
friend back home who will say, “You’re the only girl I’ve ever been able to talk
with like this.”
Apparently, Tannen’s analysis of common misunderstandings between men and
women has struck a responsive chord in a million other readers. You Just Don’t
Understand was on the best-seller list for most of the 1990s. And in that decade it
was rated by hundreds of mental health professionals as the best of 1,000 self-help
books.28 But does a chorus of ahas mean Tannen is right? Astrologer and psychic
Jeane Dixon might have made 10 predictions, and if only one came true, that’s the
prophecy people remembered and lauded her for. They forgot that the other nine
turned out to be wrong. According to many social scientists, Tannen’s “proof” may
be like that.
Perhaps using selective data is the only way to support a reductionist claim that
women are one way and men are another. Tannen’s theme of intimacy versus
­independence echoes a prominent dialectic discussed in relational dialectics (see
Chapter 11). However, Tannen suggests none of the flux, dialogical contradiction,
or ongoing complexity of human existence that’s central to Baxter and Bakhtin’s
theory. Tannen’s women are programmed within their gendered culture to embrace
connection and deny any desire for autonomy. Her men seek autonomy but avoid
connection. Neither group feels any sense of contradiction in their own ­conversation.
Saying it’s so may eventually make it so—self-fulfilling prophecy is a powerful force.
But as stated in the introduction to this section, most gender researchers spot more
diversity within each gender than between them.
Adrianne Kunkel (University of Kansas) and Brant Burleson (Purdue University)
directly challenged the different-cultures perspective that’s at the heart of
Tannen’s genderlect theory. According to Tannen’s two-culture worldview, verbal

support should be highly desired in the world of women but of little value in the
competitive world of men. Kunkel and Burleson’s empirical research doesn’t bear
out Tannen’s claim. While it’s true that women often do it better, both sexes place
an equally high value on comforting communication:
Both men and women view highly person-centered comforting messages as most
sensitive and effective; both see messages low in person-centeredness as relatively
insensitive and ineffective. . . . Both sexes view comforting skills as important in
the context of various personal relationships and as substantially more important
than instrumentally focused communication skills.29
On the basis of this shared meaning, Kunkel and Burleson rejected the different-­
cultures perspective. They believed it was a myth that had lost its narrative force.
Men and women do understand.
A very different critique comes from feminist scholars. For example, German
linguist Senta Troemel-Ploetz accuses Tannen of having written a dishonest book
that ignores issues of male dominance, control, power, sexism, discrimination, sex-
ual harassment, and verbal insults. “If you leave out power,” she says, “you do not
understand talk.”30 The two genderlects are anything but equal. “Men are used to
dominating women; they do it especially in conversations. . . . Women are trained
to please; they have to please also in conversations.”31
Contrary to Tannen’s thesis that mutual understanding will bridge the culture
gap between the sexes, Troemel-Ploetz believes that “men understand quite well
what women want but they give only when it suits them. In many situations they
refuse to give and women cannot make them give.”32 She thinks it’s ridiculous to
assume that men will give up power voluntarily. To prove her point, she suggests
doing a follow-up study on men who read Tannen’s best seller. Noting that many
women readers of You Just Don’t Understand give the book to their husbands to
peruse, Troemel-Ploetz states that if Tannen’s theory is true, a follow-up study
should show that these men are now putting down their papers at the breakfast
table and talking empathetically with their wives. She doesn’t think it will happen.
Why has genderlect styles received so much criticism? Perhaps because it draws
from both objective and interpretive approaches yet doesn’t satisfy the demands of
either camp. It offers understanding of people, but doesn’t seek to reform power dif-
ferences among them. It’s relatively simple but may not explain the data. Her book’s
aesthetic appeal and practical utility made it a bestseller, but that hasn’t translated
into a community of agreement among scholars. Nevertheless, this controversial the-
ory has inspired both quantitative and qualitative research aimed at supporting or
refuting her claims. Whether she’s right or wrong, Tannen’s work has encouraged
people to think systematically about sex differences in communication.


1. Apart from the topics of nonverbal communication, conflict, questions, listen-
ing, storytelling, and public vs. private speaking, can you come up with your
own examples of how rapport talk is different from report talk?
2. What are the practical implications for you if talk with members of the opposite
sex is indeed cross-cultural communication?
3. What might be the most effective ways for men and women to gain insight into
how their conversational styles affect their relationships?
CHAPTER 31: Genderlect Styles 395

4. Tannen’s aha factor is similar to Carl Rogers’ standard of basing our knowledge
on personal experience (see Chapter 4). What are the dangers of relying solely
on this indicator?

A SECOND LOOK Recommended resource: Deborah Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, Ballantine, New
York, 1990.
Conversational style: Deborah Tannen, That’s Not What I Meant! William Morrow, New
York, 1986.
Linguistic microanalysis of conversation: Deborah Tannen, Conversational Style: Analyz-
ing Talk Among Friends, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1984.
Gender differences in children’s talk: Deborah Tannen, “Gender Differences in Topical
Coherence: Creating Involvement in Best Friends’ Talk,” Discourse Processes, Vol. 13,
1990, pp. 73–90.
Discourse analysis: Deborah Tannen, Gender and Discourse, Oxford University, Oxford,
UK, 1994/96.
Gendered language in the workplace: Deborah Tannen, Talking from 9 to 5: Women and
Men at Work—Language, Sex, and Power, Avon, New York, 1994.
Gendered language in the family: Deborah Tannen, I Only Say This Because I Love
You: Talking in Families, Ballantine, New York, 2002.
Support of two-culture hypothesis: Anthony Mulac, James Bradac, and Pamela Gibbons,
“Empirical Support for the Gender-as-Culture Hypothesis: An Intercultural Analysis of
Male/Female Language Differences,” Human Communication Research, Vol. 27, 2001,
pp. 121–152.
Communication scholars’ dialogue on two-culture hypothesis: “Reflections on the Differ-
ent Cultures Hypothesis: A Scholars’ Symposium,” Sandra Metts (ed.), Personal Relation-
ships, Vol. 4, 1997, pp. 201–253.
Critique of two-culture hypothesis: Adrianne Kunkel and Brant Burleson, “Social Sup-
port and the Emotional Lives of Men and Women: An Assessment of the Different
Cultures Perspective,” in Sex Differences and Similarities in Communication, Daniel Canary
and Kathryn Dindia (eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 1998, pp. 101–125.
Critique centering on power discrepancy: Senta Troemel-Ploetz, “Review Essay: Selling
the Apolitical,” Discourse and Society, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 489–502.

For a chapter on Carol Gilligan’s theory, click on Different Voice

in Archive under Theory Resources in

13 Kristen Hays, “DIET: President Bush’s Favorite Ice Cream 32 Ibid., p. 4.

Maker Aims to Maintain Measured Growth,” Tulsa World, June 33 Maxwell McCombs and Tamara Bell, “The Agenda-Setting Role
24, 2004, of Mass Communication,” in An Integrated Approach to Commu­
bush-s-favorite-ice-cream-maker-aims-to/article_e24b9108-b580- nication Theory and Research, Michael Salwen and Donald Stacks
5d6f-b939-6f814f7c3549.html, accessed June 30, 2017. (eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1996, p. 100.
14 “Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Blue Bell Creamer- 34 McCombs, “Setting the Agenda,” pp. 63–78.
ies Products (Final Update),” Centers for Disease Control and 35 McCombs, Shaw, and Weaver, pp. 793–794.
Prevention, June 10, 2015, 36 Ibid., p. 794.
breaks/ice-cream-03-15/index.html, accessed June 30, 2017. 37 Chris J. Vargo, Lei Guo, Maxwell McCombs, and Donald L.
15 Denise Marquez, “Lubbockite Remains Loyal to Blue Bell Shaw, “Network Issue Agendas on Twitter During the 2012 U.S.
Despite Listeria Outbreak,” Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, April 18, Presidential Election,” Journal of Communication, Vol. 64, 2014,
2015, pp. 296–316.
ite-remains-loyal-blue-bell-despite-listeria-outbreak, accessed 38 McCombs, Shaw, and Weaver, p. 800.
June 30, 2017. 39 Clifford Christians, John Ferré, and Mark Fackler, Good News:
16 Colten Meisner, “‘I’d Eat It Now, Straight Up’: An Intertextual Social Ethics and the Press, Oxford University Press, New York,
Analysis of the Media Narrative of the 2015 Blue Bell Creameries 1993.
Crisis,” unpublished manuscript created from his undergraduate 40 Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Princeton
honors thesis, “When Product Loss Minimizes Product Harm: University, Princeton, NJ, 1979, p. 373.
The Reframed Narrative of Blue Bell Creameries’ 2015 Listeriosis 41 Christians, Ferré, and Fackler, p. 192.
Crisis,” Texas Christian University, 2017. 42 Martin Buber, I and Thou, 2nd ed., R. G. Smith (trans.), Scrib-
17 Robert M. Entman, “Media Framing Biases and Political Power: ner’s, New York, 1958, pp. 60, 69.
Explaining Slant in News of Campaign 2008,” Journalism, 43 Christians, Ferré, and Fackler, pp. 69, 73.
Vol. 11, 2010, pp. 389–408. 44 Ibid., p. 89.
18 Sid Bedingfield and Dien Anshari, “Thinking About Romney: 45 Ibid., pp. 78, 111–113.
Frame Building in a Battleground State in the 2012 Presidential 46 Clifford Christians and Kaarle Nordenstreng, “Social Responsibility
Election,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 91, Worldwide,” Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Vol. 19, 2004, pp. 3–28.
2014, pp. 78–97. 47 Christians, Ferré, and Fackler, p. 92.
19 Kihan Kim and Maxwell McCombs, “News Story Descrip- 48 Michael Barone, “The Surprising Roots of Liberal Nostalgia,”
tions and the Public’s Opinions of Political Candidates,” Jour­ The Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2011, p. A15.
nalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 84, 2007, 49 McCombs, Shaw, and Weaver, p. 788–792.
pp. 299–314. 50 Eli Pariser, “Beware Online ‘Filter Bubbles,’” TED Talk, March
20 Maxwell E. McCombs, Donald L. Shaw, and David H. Weaver, 2011,­
“New Directions in Agenda-Setting Theory and Research,” Mass filter_bubbles, accessed July 3, 2017. For a book-length treat-
Communication and Society, Vol. 17, 2014, pp. 792–793. ment of this idea, see Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble, Penguin, New
21 McCombs, Setting the Agenda, pp. 105–106. York, 2011.
22 Craig Trumbo, “The Effect of Newspaper Coverage of Influenza 51 Vargo and Guo, p. 20.
on the Rate of Physician Visits for Influenza 2002–2008,” Mass
Communication and Society, Vol. 15, 2012, pp. 718–738. Gender and Communication
23 McCombs, Setting the Agenda, pp. 105–106.
1 Judith Vonberg and Laura Smith-Spark, “German Lawmakers
24 John Fortunato, The Ultimate Assist: The Relationship and Broad­
Vote to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage; Merkel Votes No,” CNN,
casting Strategies of the NBA and Television Networks, Hampton,
June 30, 2017,­germany-
Cresskill, NJ, 2001.
gay-marriage-vote/index.html, accessed July 13, 2017.
25 Taylor Smith, “NBA Revenue Expected to Hit $8 Billion in
2 American Psychological Association, “Definitions Related to
2016–2017,” Today’s Fastbreak, September 8, 2016, https://www.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in APA Documents,”­,
billion-in-2016-2017, accessed July 3, 2017.
accessed July 13, 2017.
26 Maxwell McCombs, Setting the Agenda, Polity, Cambridge, UK,
3 Kathryn Dindia, “Men Are from North Dakota, Women Are
2004, p. 140.
from South Dakota,” paper presented at the National Communi-
27 Chris J. Vargo and Lei Guo, “Networking, Big Data, and Interme-
cation Association convention, November 19–23, 1997.
dia Agenda Setting: An Analysis of Traditional, Partisan, and
4 Sandra L. Bem, “Androgyny vs. the Tight Little Lives of Fluffy
Emerging Online U.S. News,” Journalism & Mass Communication
Women and Chesty Men,” Psychology Today, Vol. 9, 1975, pp. 58–62.
Quarterly, Vol. 94, 2017, pp. 1031–1055.
28 Maxwell McCombs and Marcus Funk, “Shaping the Agenda of
Chapter 31: Genderlect Styles
Local Daily Newspapers: A Methodology Merging the Agenda
Setting and Community Structure Perspectives,” Mass Communi­ 1 Deborah Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, Ballantine, New
cation and Society, Vol. 14, 2011, pp. 905–919. York, 1990, p. 42.
29 Young Jun Son and David Weaver, “Another Look at What 2 Deborah Tannen, Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among
Moves Public Opinion: Media Agenda Setting and Polls in the Friends, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1984.
2000 U.S. Election,” International Journal of Public Opinion 3 a quote from E. M. Forster’s novel A Passage to India, appear in
Research, Vol. 18, 2006, pp. 174–197. Deborah Tannen, Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among
30 Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow, “Social Media and Fake Friends, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1984. p. vii
News in the 2016 Election,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 4 Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, p. 259.
Vol. 31, 2017, p. 213. 5 Ibid., p. 279.
31 Chris J. Vargo, Lei Guo, and Michelle A. Amazeen, “The Agenda- 6 Ibid., p. 16.
Setting Power of Fake News: A Big Data Analysis of the Online 7 Adelaide Haas, “Male and Female Spoken Language Differ-
Media Landscape from 2014 to 2016,” New Media & Society, 2017, ences: Stereotypes and Evidence,” Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 86,
pp. 3–4, published online before print. 1979, pp. 616–626.

8 Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, p. 108. 4 Julia T. Wood, “Feminist Standpoint Theory and Muted Group
9 Julia Wood, Gendered Lives, Cengage, Boston, MA, 2009, Theory: Commonalities and Divergences,” Women and Lan­
pp. 126–128. guage, Vol. 28, 2005, p. 62.
10 Daniel Maltz and Ruth Borker, “A Cultural Approach to Male– 5 Ibid.
Female Miscommunication,” in Language and Social Identity, 6 Meenakshi Gigi Durham, “On the Relevance of Standpoint Epis-
John Gumperz (ed.), Cambridge University Press, UK, 1982, temology to the Practice of Journalism: The Case for ‘Strong
pp. 196–216. Objectivity,’” Communication Theory, Vol. 8, 1998, p. 117.
11 Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, p. 48. 7 Julia T. Wood, “Feminist Scholarship and the Study of Relation-
12 Nikhil Swaminathan, “Gender Jabber: Do Women Talk More ships,” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Vol. 12, 1995,
than Men?” Scientific American, July 6, 2007, https://www.scien- p. 110., accessed 8 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Phenomenology of Mind,
July 28, 2017. Macmillan, New York, 1910, pp. 182–188.
13 Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, p. 212. 9 Friedrich Engels, “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific,” and “The
14 Ibid., p. 62. Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State,” in The
15 Ibid., p. 72. Marx–Engels Reader, Robert Tucker (ed.), W. W. Norton, New
16 Ibid., p. 150. York, 1978, pp. 701–702, 734–736. See also Sandra Harding,
17 Susan Pease Gadoua, “To Connect, Women Want to Talk and “The Instability of the Analytical Categories of Feminist The-
Men Want Sex—How Do Straight Couples Reconcile?” Psychol­ ory,” in Sex and Scientific Inquiry, Sandra Harding and Jean
ogy Today, February 7, 2010, O’Barr (eds.), University of Chicago, IL, 1987, p. 292.
blog/contemplating-divorce/201002/connect-women-want-talk- 10 Harding, “Comment on Hekman’s ‘Truth and Method,’” p. 389.
and-men-want-sex-how-do-straight-couples, accessed July 29, 11 Wood, “Feminist Scholarship,” p. 111.
2017. 12 Jean-François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on
18 William Labov, Sociolinguistic Patterns, University of Pennsylvania Knowledge, Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi (trans.), Uni-
Press, Philadelphia, 1972. versity of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1984, p. xxiv.
19 Wood, p. 126. 13 Kathryn Stockett, The Help, Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam, New
20 Louise Cherry and Michael Lewis, “Mothers and Two-Year-Olds: York, 2009.
A Study of Sex-Differentiated Aspects of Verbal Interaction,” 14 Ibid., p. 4.
Developmental Psychology, Vol. 12, 1976, pp. 276–282. 15 Ibid., flyleaf.
21 Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand, pp. 120–121, 298. 16 Ibid., p. 386.
22 Carol Gilligan, In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and 17 Rachel A. Griffin, “Problematic Representations of Strategic
Women’s Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Whiteness and ‘Post-racial’ Pedagogy: A Critical Intercultural
1982. Reading of The Help,” Journal of International and Intercultural
23 Summary statement of Seyla Benhabib, “The Generalized Communication, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 147–166.
and the Concrete Other: The Kohlberg–Gilligan Controversy 18 Interview with Octavia Spencer and Viola Davis on Tavis Smiley,
and Feminist Theory,” in Feminism as Critique, Seyla Benhabib PBS,, accessed July 7,
and Drucilla Cornell (eds.), University of Minnesota, Minneapo- 2017.
lis, 1987, p. 78. 19 Ibid.
24 Lawrence Kohlberg, Essays on Moral Development, Volume 1: The 20 Julia T. Wood, “Engendered Relations: Interaction, Caring,
Philosophy of Moral Development, Harper & Row, San Francisco, Power and Responsibility in Intimacy,” in Social Context and Rela­
CA, 1981, p. 12. tionships, Steve Duck (ed.), Sage, Newbury Park, CA, 1993, p. 37.
25 Gilligan, p. 18. 21 Wood, “Feminist Scholarship,” p. 112.
26 Carol Gilligan, “In a Different Voice: Women’s Conceptions of Self 22 Stockett, p. 173.
and Morality,” Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 47, 1977, p. 484. 23 Ibid., p. 304.
27 Tannen, Conversational Style, p. 38. 24 Julia T. Wood, Communication Theories in Action, 3rd ed.,
28 J. W. Santrock, A. M. Minnett, and B. D. Campbell, The Authori­ Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, p. 212. See also Harding, Whose Sci­
tative Guide to Self-Help Books, Guilford, New York, 1994. ence? Whose Knowledge? p. 59.
29 Adrianne W. Kunkel and Brant R. Burleson, “Social Support and 25 Julia T. Wood, “Gender and Moral Voice: Moving from Woman’s
the Emotional Lives of Men and Women: An Assessment of the Nature to Standpoint Epistemology,” Women’s Studies in Commu­
Different Cultures Perspective,” in Sex Differences and Similari­ nication, Vol. 15, 1993, p. 8.
ties in Communication, Daniel Canary and Kathryn Dindia 26 Stockett, p. 418.
(eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 1998, p. 116. 27 Harding, Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? p. 192.
30 Senta Troemel-Ploetz, “Review Essay: Selling the Apolitical,” Dis­ 28 Stockett, pp. 8–9.
course & Society, Vol. 2, 1991, p. 497. 29 Donna Haraway, “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in
31 Ibid., p. 491. Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective,” Feminist Stud­
32 Ibid., p. 495. ies, Vol. 14, 1988, p. 3; Sandra Harding, “Introduction: Stand-
point Theory as a Site of Political, Philosophic, and Scientific
Chapter 32: Standpoint Theory Debate,” in The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader, Sandra
1 Sandra Harding, “Comment on Hekman’s ‘Truth and Method: ­Harding (ed.), Routledge, New York, 2004, p. 4.
Feminist Standpoint Theory Revisited’: Whose Standpoint 30 Harding, Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? pp. 159, 58.
Needs the Regimes of Truth and Reality?” Signs: Journal of 31 Ibid., p. 59.
Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 22, 1997, p. 384. 32 Wood, Communication Theories in Action, 1st ed., p. 257.
2 Julia T. Wood, Communication Theories in Action, 1st ed., 33 Sonia Sotomayor, “Lecture: ‘A Latina Judge’s Voice,’” The New
Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1997, p. 250. York Times, May 14, 2009,
3 Sandra Harding, Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking us/politics/15judge.text.html, accessed July 7, 2017.
from Women’s Lives, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1991, 34 Harding, Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? pp. 149–152.
pp. 269–270. 35 Ibid., p. 270.

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