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Water Balancing-01

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6-100 The Theory and Practice of Proportional Balancing In theory, one balancing valve per terminal unit is sufficient to balance the flows in the distribution system, This requites however, that the preset value for all the balancing valves are calculated, that these calculations are made correctly, and that the plant is installed according to the drawings. If you change one or several flows, by adjusting a balancing valve, all other flows are’ more or less affected. It may require a long and tedious series of ‘corrections to get back to the correct flows. In practice therefore, it is a good idea to divice larger “systems into modules and install balancirg valves in such a way that a flow adjustment anywhere in the systen can be compensated by adjusting only ‘one or a few balancing valves. The Law of Proportionality ‘A variation in the differential pressure across a circuit Containing @ number of terminal (units), changes. the flow in each terminal (unt) by the same proportion. This fundamental principle is the basis for the Proportional Method, ‘A terminal unit comprises the coil and control valve and, in the case of a three-way valve system, a bypass and balancing vaive (refer Fig. 6-100A), Let the terminals in Fig. 6-008 form a module. A disturbance external to the module causes a variation in the differential pressure across A B. Since the flow i ' Col Jhennceecenn Nee Terminals. 6-100A Two and Three-Way Terminal Unit Configurations A Fig. 6-100B An External Disturbance has the Same Effect on Each Terminal in the Module depends on the citferential pressure, the flow in all terminals change in the same proportion. The flow through these terminals can therefore be monitored and adjusted through measurement of the flow in just one of them, which can serve as a reference. A balancing valve conanon to all terminals can compensate for the ctfect of the external disturbance on the terminal flows iin that module. This common valve is called the Partner valve. ‘Terminals however, are normally connected as in Fig. 6-100. The water flow through the branch depends on the differential pressure between A and L. ‘Any modification of this pressure however, stil affects the flow in each terminal in the same proportion But what happens if we create a disturbance that is internal to the module, for instance by closing the balancing valve of terminal 3? The flows and pressure crops wil change as shown in fig. 6-100D. ‘This will strongly influence the flows in pipes CD and WJ, and thus the pressure loss in these pipes. The differential pressure between E and H will change noticeably, and thes will affect the flows in terminals 4 and 5 in the same proportion. The fact that terminal 9 is closed has litle effect on the total low in the pipes AB and KL. The pressure losses in these pipas change very litle. The differential pressure between B and K is changed only slightly and terminal 1 will not react to the disturbance in the same proportion as terminals 4 and 6. “Thus, the law of proportional flow change does not, apply for internal disturbances. Fig. 6-100 A branch with several terminals forms balancing module. PV1 is the Partner valve which can ‘compensate for external disturbances CIT Fiow~| 100] | 100]] 100 |] 100} 100 lo 5 7 98 13 kpa At Design Flow 40 98.6 97.2 96.2 33.7 31.9 kpa rTtt Flow™|1028] |105.4]] 0 | |109.7} 109.7 i ° 37 5 6.08 8.49 10.9 koa Terminal 3 valve closed down Fig. 6-100D With an internal disturbance, the flows do rot change in proportion to each other. Subdividing the System into Modules ‘Terminals on a branch can be balanced against each cither, each reacting proportionally to flow adjustments external to the branch. Such disturbances can be easly compensated for by the Partner valve. Each branch with its terminals and partner valve is treated as a module. In the next step, the branch modules are balanced ‘against each other with the sub-main circut balancing valve as the Partner valve. inal, the sub-mains are balanced against each ther with each sub-main as a module end the balancing valve on the main pipe as the Petner valve. fer fig. 6-100. What Is optimum balancing? Fig. 6-100F shows two modules. Both are balanced, In-both cases the pressure loss in the terminals Is that required to obtain design flow. The numbers indicate the pressure loss in each terminal, the pressure loss in each balancing valve, and the available differential pressure for eech circuit. The numbers are completely different in. both cases, because the pressure losses are distributed differently between the balancing valves of the terminals and the Partner valve. Which balancing is the best of the two? Optimum balancing means two things: 1, that the authority of the control vaives is maximised for each circult, and that 2. pump oversizing Is identified so that pump head ‘and hence pumping costs can be minimised Optimum balancing is when the smallest possible pressure loss is taken up in the balancing valves of the terminals (at least 3 kPa however to alow reasonably accurate flow measurement). Any remaining excess pressure is taken up in the Partner valva. Balancing to obtain pressure losses as in (b) in the ‘igure Is thus the best, since the pressure loss fs Unutt the lowest admissible’ in all balancing valves on the terminal, Where balancing valves are needed ‘The conclusion is that balancing valves should be Instaled to make possible the formation of modules that can be balanced independently of the rest of the syston. Each terminal circuit should have a balancing valve. There should also be a main balancing valve at the ume to control the flow from the pump. Large piping systems should also for convenience of balancing, be broken up into modules, eg. each plant room or each riser up a building. A balancing valve is then installed In eazh branch to these modules. Tne more branch circuits there are, the more balarcing valves needed and hence the higher the capital cost. However, the more terminals there are on ‘a bianch citcult, the more adjustment and re~ ‘adjustment that is required to balance the branch circuit and this increases the cost of balancing. A. compromise between these two needs to be struck. Balancing valves in branch and sub-mains circuits ‘also make it simple to compensate for changes relative to the drawings, for any construction errors, and for oversizing. This saves. time and allows” optimum balancing. Furthermore, the plant can be balanced and commissioned in stages, without having to re-balance when the plant is completed. Balancing valves, particularly if of the lock down type, can also be used for troubleshooting and shut-off during service and maintenance, Eranch balancing (paren) \~~: valves , ‘Sub mains balancing ‘Sub mains (partner) valve balancing valve To otter | Sub mains aos : Fig. €-100E Each branch circuit forms a new module 10 1" 7 5 30 29 er 26 25 7 16 14 18 12 Fig. 6-100F A sot of terminals can be balanced in many ways, but only one is the optimum 6-110 Propor Selecting the Branch with the highest flow ratio nal Method of Balancing (pen all the control valves and balancing valves full. ‘Adjust the main balancing valve for a total pump flow of between 100 and 110% of the plant's design flow. “The flow to each branch circult is next measured or calculeted from pressure readings across the branch balancing valve. The flow ratio for each branch circuit Is then determined from: Flow ratio 4 = Measured fow.ata eqn 6-11¢a Design flow rate Certain difficulties may arise at this stage. When all balancing valves are open, the flow will be higher than design fiow in favoured branch circuits and lower in Uunfavcured. The flow may become so small in uunfavoured branch circuits that it cannot be measured. The stuation is aggravated by the fact that intially the balancing valve at the pump will have been used to create a pressure loss In series with the pump to limit the total flow to between 100 and 110 % of design flow. This decreases the available differential pressure for the distribution system. If this situation arises then the branch circults with measurable flow should be balanced initially and then the flow ratios recalculated and the balancing process started again. Now the branch circuit with the highest flow ratio is selected. Balancing will start in this branch circut, Continue in the branch circuit with the next highest flow ratio and so on. Balancing terminals on a branch First measure the flow in all terminals on the selected branch, with the branch valve fully open. Fig. €1108 Balancing of terminals on a branch For each one of the terminals, calculate the flow ratio using equation 6-110. Identify the terminal With the lowest flow ratio Ry. Call it the "index terminal". Ifthe terminals have the same pressure Iss for dasign flow, the terminal with the longest path (terminal 5 in Fig. 6-110A) will normally have the lowest flow ratio since it Is subject to the smallest diferential pressure. Ifthe terminals do not have the ‘same pressure loss, any of them may have the lowest flow ratio. Using the last terminal on the branch as the reference, that is terminal 5, adjust the Reference vave V5 50 that 25 = Apia, Lock V5 to this setting, ves <— Branch 3 rrt =H vi dve dvs tvs tvs vez “<— Branch 2 ‘Sub mains + Le L+ Ly vs Fig. 6-1108 Balancing of a branch on a sub-main V4 is now set so that 4 = 25. This will change the flow ratio 25 of V5. If the setting of V4 changes the flow in the Reference valve by more than 5%, then V4 ‘must be readusted so that M4 becomes equal to the new value of iS, Lock V4 to this setting, The flow in all terminals on the branch is then adjusted successively in the same way. When V2 is adjusted, the flow ratio 45 changes, but 23. and a4 remain equal to 25. Terminal 3, 4 and 5 therefore remain balanced relative to each’ other. This is the reason why the index terminal must be used as the reference. When all terminals are balanced relative to each other, then it is possible to adjust VB1, the Partner valve for this branch circult so that 45 = 1. All the other flow ratios 44, 43, 22 and M1 would then become equal to 1, Howaver, this is not done at this point since it wil bbe done when ‘the very last balancing operation for the plant is performed, The same procedure is now repeated for all branches on the same sub-main. Balancing the Branches on each Sub-main When all terminals on all branches are balanced, the branches off the sub-mains may be balanced using the same procadure. On small systems there may nat be ‘any sub-mains ‘in which case proceed to "Balancing the Sub-mains" reading "Sub-mains" as "Branches". Make sure valve VS1 (in Fig. 6-110B) the Partner valve for this group of branches, is open. Measure the flow in all branch balancing valves (VB1, VB2, etc}. Calculate the flow ratios and identity the lowest ratio Dn Set VB3 which Is furthest away from the pump on this riser, so that 23 = gq, Lock VB3 to this seting. This valve now becomes the Reference valve. ‘Set VB2 so that 42 = 23. This changes 13. Readjust VB2 so that 22 becomes equal to the new flow ratio 23. Lock VB2 to this setting ‘Adjust the flow in VB1 in a similar fashion. The branches on all other sub-mains are then balanced using the same procedure. Balancing the Sub-mains ‘The final phase is to balance the sub-mains relativa to teach other. All sub-main balancing valves (VS1, VS2, ‘tc. in fig. 8-110C) must be fully open. Measure the flows in these valves. Calculate the flow ratios and identify the valve with, the lowest flow ratio Mn, ‘Adjust VS3 furthest away from the pump so that 23 = Yo Lock VS3 to this setting. This valve now bbecomas the Reference valve. ‘Set VS2_s0 that )2 = 23. This will change 23. Readjust VS2_ so that 22 becomes equal to the new value 33. Lock VS2 to this setting. ‘Adjust the flow in VS1 in a similar fashion. ‘Adjust the main Partner valve VM to obtain a flow ratio 43 equal to 1. This at the same time modifies the flow ratios for all sub-mains branches and terminals. ‘The flows are now correct throughout the system, ‘The pressure drop across the balancing valve al the pump discharge is the extra pressure produced by the pump over and above that required to provide the design flow rate to the system. This excess pressure can be removed by timing the pump impeller or reducing the pump speed. Once the trimming is dene, the pump discharge balancing valve must be reset to give a flow coefficient of one. ‘As in variable speed pumping, diversity and flow changes are well accommodated by a system that has been proportionally balanced. Since the balancing valves have been balanced to each other at a particular fiow (design), any changes in that flow are proportionately’ distributed. Balancing of the water side in a system that uses diversity must be done at full flow. The system ‘components are selected on the basis of heat transfer at full flow, so they must be balanced under these conditions. To accomplish a full proportional balance, patt of the system is shut off and the remaining sections are then balanced. When a section is balanced itis shut off and that section that was originally shut of is then ‘opened to enable the completion of the balance of the system. 6-120 Compensated Method of Balancing ‘The Proportional method requires a time consuming preparatory process to determine which branch and Fiser Is to be used as the starting point It would be simpler if balancing could be carried out without having to calculate the flow ratios for each terminal, branch and riser. This would require thal the flow ratio could be kept equal to 1 throughout the balancing process. The balancer would then only have to adjust the flows to design values. This Is the concept behind the compensated method of balancing thas three advantages: ‘+ Staged commissioning: You can balance the plant in stages as construction goes on, without having to re-balance the entire building when itis completed Partner Valve Fig. 6-120A Typical branch showing Reference and Partner Valves Since the flows in terminal 4 and 5 are now the design values, the differential pressure ApBL across terminal ¢ is also equal to the design value. ‘The flow in this terminal may therefore be adjusted. Adjustment of the flow in terminal 3 creates a disturbance, which is detected at the Reference valve and compensated on the Partner valve. The readjustment of design flow in terminal § autsmatically brings the differential pressure ApAK and the flow in terminal 4 to design value, This procedure works well regardless of the number of terminals on a branch. Adjustments must be carried ‘out by working towards the pump, beginning at the Reference valve. ‘The same procedure is then applied to balancing the branches on each sub-main. The last branch on the sub-main furthest away from the pump is used as the reference, and the sub-main balancing valve becomes the Partner valve, Finally the sub-mains are balanced in a similar way with the balancing valve at the pump being the partner valve. Setting the Reference Valve pp is selected as small as possible but big enough to meet the following two demands: + A minimum of 3 kPa to measurement accuracy. Flow measuring instruments connected to the pressure tapings of the balancing valve can generally indicate flow for differential pressures down to 0.5 kPa. However, because of possible pressure pulsations in the system at low pressure in the balancing valve, a minimum Ap, of 3 kPa is recommended. If the pressure drop through the Reference valve Is less than 3 kPa for design flow, then scme of the balancing valves to the other circuits in the branch will need to be closed to allow the pressure drop through the Reference valve to be increased. Alternatively the Ky value nay be valculateal fora pressure loss of 3 kBa using equation 4-308 ie. obtain sufficient k= 210 ‘The setting of the valve to achieve this Ky is then read from the manufacturers performance ‘data for the valve. ‘+The minimum pressure loss through the fully open valve. If the pressure loss is greater than 3 kPa for design flow with the balancing valve fully open then. 4p, iS set at least as high as the pressure loss. acfoss the fully open balancing valve at design flow. When a suitable Apg is determined, set the Reference valve handwheel in the position required to Create Ap, for design flow, then lock the handwheel. To oblain the selected Ap,, and thus design fiow, adjust the Partner valve ("take up the excess: pressure, When the Reference valve Ap, is not sufficient for the index run It the terminals create pressure losses that difer substantially, the Pg of the Reference valve may not be suliciont to give the necessary diferential pressure ‘or the other terminals. This problem Is solved in the Proportional method by using’ the same fow ratio for the Reference valve a8 the flow ratio measured in the index circuit. The Proportional method however often overestimates the Ap, and balancing is not optimised (unnecessarily high fressure loss in the balancing valves). Figure 6-1208 has terminals with significantly different pressure losses and the index run is through coll 2. Assume that design flow in coll § is achieved with a dp, of 3 KPa. if balancing is carried out as described above on aurival atthe index circu it will nt 2 {ox pakPa 27kPa 25KPa 23KPa Fig. 6-120B Example where Differential Pressure is to0 low for the index circut. bbe possible to obtain design flow since the available differential pressure across the terminal and control valve is only 29 kPa, whilst at least 40 kPa is needed to obtain design flow. To solve this problem: + set the balancing valve in the index circuit so that a sufficient pressure loss is obtained at design flow ‘+ measure the flow in the index circuit. Calculate the flow ratio 22. (Equation 6~110a). + Measure the differential pressure across the balancing valve in the index circuit when the balancing valve is closed. Call this value Ap,. + Te now vale of 8p tobe set onthe Reference vaheeoven by he aml: Now sq = 4pm ¢(—t:-1) eqn e-t200 ony ware y= few a or doe trina Example. + bpg= 3 kPa ‘+ When balancing this gives a real flow of 82% of the design flow (. = 0.82) in the index terminal. ‘+ Shut the balancing valve in the index circult and ‘measure the differential pressure Ap, = 29 kPa + Sot the Reference valve so that it creates a pressure loss of: pq = 3+ 29/1 -1 (0.824) 47 kPa ‘+ and re-balance the entire branch, aDKPa <3KPa 41KPa S9KPA O7KPa Fig. 6-120C Differential pressures across circuits and pressure losses in balancing valves and terminals with Revised 4p,

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