Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Money, according to Oxford learner’s dictionaries, is any object that is used as a medium
of exchange, but moneys often also function as stores of value, accounting units, and means for
making payments. It means to say that, money is a tool of paying someone or something to
Payment is the voluntary transfer of money, equivalent, or other valuable items from one
person to another in exchange for goods or services received or to meet a legal obligation.
Furthermore, payments can be made through various methods, including cash, credit/debit
cards, checks, electronic transfers, and digital wallets (Economic Times n.d.). As stated on the
given definition, it refers to a crucial aspect of financial transactions, involving the settlement of
debts or obligations through the transfer of funds. Financial settlement, involves delivery to the
beneficiary, usually against payment of money, to fulfill contractual obligations, such as arising
under securities trades (Wikipedia 2007). For instance, this process often includes the transfer
of money and securities between the involved parties and is a critical step in finalizing the
Financial issues, are typically used to describe a difficult or challenging financial situation
(Nathan Mahr 2022). As stated on the given definition, financial issues generally refer to any
problems, challenges, or concerns related to money, budgeting, saving, investing, debt, or other
financial matters. Moreover, financial issues can arise from various factors, such as changes in
knowledge. Addressing financial issues often involves creating and following a plan, making
Everyone in society, both then and now, is stuck in this never-ending problem, especially those
who weren’t fortunate enough to be born with a gold spoon in their mouth. For this reason, it is
certainly challenging for students who are having financial difficulties, especially when it comes
to paying for their education. Financial issues with Senior High School Students: Many Senior
High School students struggle to make ends meet and afford their education. Many of them
have high debt levels, low financial literacy, compulsive spending tendencies, and low incomes.
One issue that every Senior High School student faces is how to pay for their daily expenses,
which include food, projects, transportation, and other costs. According to Halliday Wynes,
(2014), a student financial position will affect their commitment in learning which will affect their
academic performance. Students often experience financial difficulties when they do not have
enough money to cover their everyday costs, which stresses them out.
Financial distress is prevalent among students nationally, with almost three and four
students experiencing financial difficulties (Ashley Mowreader 2022). It means to say that,
significant financial difficulties. Financial distress may be caused by various factors such as
Students like spending more than what is needed and have no self-discipline in spending
money. It is like student’s habit too. Most students have spend money either from earning or
allowances. So, without any experience in handling student’s financial, it is seem for students to
control their budgets and expenses. Financial problem will make another burden for students
Students who are concerned about finances may demonstrate lower goal commitment,
academic engagement, and persistence. High levels of student loan debt and financial stress
have been associated with increased likelihood of dropping out, stopping out, or reducing
course loads. Financial concerns have also been linked with extended time to degree, which
can escalate the costs of students. Financial strain may reduce students' motivation to complete
college or deplete their cognitive resources available for academic concerns. Lack of financial
management skills is a reason, students do not graduate. Poor financial circumstances are
linked to worse academic outcomes among undergraduate students. Students who take out
loans have lower grade point averages, take fewer credits per semester, and have lower
retention rates. These findings highlight the need for policies to mitigate the adverse effects of
increasing education debt (Scispace n.d.). It means to say that being financially unstable have a
According to Dang and Bulus, (2015), education is a high-cost social service therefore
insufficient financial support will be a problem for students to enhance themselves in academics
thus leading to poor academic performance. In addition, due to the various expenses associated
with education, including tuition, books, transportation, accommodation, and other related costs,
it is a high-cost social service. For students, particularly those from low-income households,
these expenses may represent a major financial challenges. In the opinion of Draut (2007),
despite these obstacles, some students are tenacious and overcome the adverse situations to
which they are exposed or trusted. However, this study focuses primarily on the difficulties
associated with financial stress and its effect on students' academic performance.
Statement of the Problem
This study is aimed to identify the impact of financial challenges to the academic
performance of grade 11 students in Pio Duran National High School. The researchers
conducted this study at Pio Duran National High School, in the school year 2023-2024.
1. What are the effects of financial challenges to the academic performance of grade 11
2. What are the causes of financial challenges to the academic performance of grade 11
This study focused only on the impact of Financial Challenges to the Academic Performance
of Pio Duran National high School Grade 11 GAS, CSS, TVL. Students in the first semester of
S.Y 2023-2024. Students of Grade 11 per students will be the respondents of the study.
The following are the limitations of this study [a] the study focused on only one school which
is Pio Duran National High school [b] the students were non-randomly selected [c] the general
This study when done, will provide relevant information about the financial challenges on
the academic performance of the students on the first semester and how financial challenges
Students - Financial problem is not a problem to students with financial supports from their
parents but for many students that belongs to the low-class society, it is a headache, when
students struggle in studying because of lack of money to buy the needs in school (e.g. school
supplies) it can affect their mental health that cause stress and even anxiety. Although this can
still be prevented by studying this research and learning all the important content, this research
will make them gain more knowledge about how to solve or lessen the effects of financial
problems, the content revolves in planning, organizing and specially preventing this problem.
Teachers - Because of learning about how to prevent financial problems, teachers can easily
teach specially to students that doesn't have lots of money. This research can make their
teaching easy and more precise, also they can have additional knowledge regarding this issue.
Parents - Parents doesn't know all solutions in every situation specially in financial problem but
this research can help them learn more about financials and how to control when this problem
occurs. And because of reading and studying this research, it will make them less worry about
making a decision of how to solve this issue in our society. Therefore, planning the solution in
this matter will make it easy for them to solve this problem.
Future Researchers - This research can help them gather more important information. This
will make it easy for them to solve an incoming problem in this research because this research
Eleonnie Mark Marthen (2011). Financial problem will make another burden for students.
The impact of finance to the academic performance- E.I Dang and E.J Bulus (2015).