Dissertation Virus Ebola

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of writing your dissertation on the topic of the

Ebola virus? You're not alone. Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched dissertation is no easy
feat, especially when tackling such a complex and critical subject matter like the Ebola virus. From
conducting extensive research to synthesizing information and presenting original analysis, the
process can be incredibly challenging and time-consuming.

The Ebola virus is a highly intricate and evolving area of study, requiring a deep understanding of
virology, epidemiology, public health, and more. Navigating through vast amounts of scientific
literature, analyzing data, and formulating coherent arguments can be overwhelming for even the
most seasoned researchers.

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Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan,
and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. MH, Velasco J, Pettitt J, Olinger GG,
Whaley K, Xu B, Strong JE, Zeitlin L, Kobinger GP. An infected person generally does not produce
high levels of the virus when they first start to exhibit symptoms so the risk of transmission is low at
this stage, but as the disease progresses and the amount of virus in the body increases, a person
becomes more contagious. This article is an overview of the many published investigations of how
Ebola virus circulates in its natural environment, focusing on the viral reservoir, susceptible animal
species, environmental conditions favoring inter-species transmission, and how the infection is
transmitted to humans. Spread of the disease through the air between primates. Infection can also be
spread through objects like needles and syringes or clothing and bedding that have been
contaminated with the virus. Ebola was firstly described in 1976 and since then occurred
sporadically in Central Africa. An outbreak in the DRC in late August of 2014, that lasted several
months, resulted in 66 cases and 49 deaths. The physicians propose that advanced supportive care,
including adjusting oral rehydration formulas to include potassium, calcium and magnesium,
especially for patients with severe diarrhea, is valuable in the treatment of Ebola virus disease. As we
saw, the fluid loss can lead to irregular heart rhythms. In a large well-equipped hospital, it is possible
to give separated blood products such as platelets and plasma, which is not possible in smaller rural
hospitals. However, now that that goal has been reached with the first two patients, both have
expressed interest in improving outcomes for others. Post exposure protection of non human
primates against a. Until December, the highest numbers of cases and deaths had occurred in Liberia,
but towards the end of 2014 the number of new cases surged in Sierra Leone surpassing the count in
Liberia. As is the case for many other viral diseases, such as Zika virus, Ebola was considered a
neglected disease because until 2014 the total number of infections was low, so there was little
investment in anti-viral research. Some symptoms of the Ebola Virus are fever, severe headache,
muscle pain, weakness, vomitting etc. Some patients experience intravascular coagulation, and loss
of. In previous outbreaks, there was a concern about wild game meat, but the latest evidence from
Guinea suggests it was not a factor this time. Like many other viruses, it grows by budding out of
the host cell's membrane and taking some of the membrane with it. The virus transmitted by these
bats is closely related to the Zaire Ebola virus. Ebola they should be isolated and public health
professionals notified. Rote WE, Vlasuk GP. Treatment of Ebola virus infection with a recombinant
inhibitor of. Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management and Operational Excellence - Broc. The
first outbreak occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in a village near the
Ebola River, which gave the virus its name. It's important to keep in mind that there are five different
strains of Ebola, and if there is protection, it's likely to be only for that strain. It is known that in
humans, the Ebola virus appears to infect many different cell types. You can find discussions
detailing the international response (or failure to do so) and lessons learned. Towards the end of the
year, the outbreak was declared over in Liberia in September, in Sierra Leone in November, and in
Guinea in December after each of these countries completed a period of 42 days, double the
maximum incubation time, in which no new confirmed cases were reported. Ebola arrived in Nigeria
during July when a person who had had contact with an Ebola victim in Liberia traveled by plane to
Nigeria and infected several contacts.
At least four humans became infected, but none became ill. Most cases of Ebola virus transmission
occur between family members or in health care settings with inadequate infection control, because
in these circumstances people are at highest risk of coming in contact with infected bodily fluids.
Healthcare workers who may be exposed to people with Ebola should follow these. Filovirus
particles form long, sometimes branched, filaments. Although some changes to the Ebola virus did
occur, the strain that circulated during the 2014 Ebola outbreak is very similar to the strain initially
discovered in 1976, and the changes did not appear to affect the ability of the virus to cause disease.
Ebola haemorrhagic fever. Lancet. 2011;377(9768):849-62. The outbreak also created orphans, which
were often unwanted by extended family members due to fear that the child could spread the
disease. Nearly all of the deaths occurred in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. Parenting across
species Doing our Best News and kudos from Emory hospitals Mind and body connections New
findings on suicide, depression and heart disease, and living with PTSD. The current outbreak in
west Africa, (first cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak
since the Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976. The four cases in the large urban center of
Mbandaka, a major transportation hub, had caused the greatest concern. It's not mutating quite as
fast as flu or HIV, but according to this more recent analysis, the virus is collecting mutations about
twice as quickly as it did while circulating in animals for the last decade. West Africa. This outbreak
has proven more deadly, severe. His symptoms appeared only after he arrived in the United States.
As with other viruses, the survival of Ebola depends upon a host organism(s). Regular hand washing
is required after visiting patients in hospital. Spread of the disease through the air between primates.
Even outside of West Africa, there were several infections of health care workers - one in Spain and
two in Dallas - within hospital settings in developed countries that employed rigorous infection
control in workers wearing protective gear while treating Ebola infected patients. Emory Healthcare
and Emory University School of Medicine are partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) to provide training, educational resources and consultation for the 48 identified
U.S. medical centers that have been designated Ebola treatment centers. The virus causing the 2014
west African outbreak belongs to the Zaire species. The most severely affected countries, Guinea,
Sierra Leone and Liberia. In addition to threats due to poaching and habitat loss, chimpanzees and
gorillas are susceptible to infection by Ebola virus, which can kill over 90% of infected animals. A
Science paper published in August sequenced dozens of Ebola virus samples obtained from patients
in Sierra Leone. Lessons from a previous outbreak Insights Disrupting the Balance With habitat loss,
zoonotic diseases that leap from animals to people, like Ebola, are on the rise. 'The World is Looking
to Us' President Obama visits CDC, thanks Emory Healthcare team, announces expansion of
international Ebola response. In addition, It is not entirely clear how Ebola is spread. V, Abbate A,
Grazioli F, Foulds KE, Cheng C, Wang L, Donaldson MM, Colloca S, Folgori A. Because the Ebola
virus is so hazardous, it is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent - the level assigned to the most
dangerous agents known. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements.
As the human population grows, human contact with bats or Ebola-infected non-human primates
increases, as does human to human spread particularly in the age of air travel. The paper also details
changes in electrolytes, measures of liver and kidney function, limited signs of internal bleeding,
fluid retention, the need for supplemental oxygen, and blood cell levels over time.
The virus family Filoviridae includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus. In a large
well-equipped hospital, it is possible to give separated blood products such as platelets and plasma,
which is not possible in smaller rural hospitals. Ebola can be spread from person to person only while
the infected person is displaying symptoms (although it has recently been recognized that the virus
can persist in the semen of a small percentage of male survivors for more than a year). Regaining
balance Fecal transplants heal infections by increasing microbial diversity Nanomedicine What if
nanoparticles could carry cancer-killing drugs directly to tumor sites. Workers faced the daunting task
of identifying and quarantining large numbers of infected individuals and their contacts and
providing medical care to patients - without sufficient numbers of health workers, personal protective
equipment, adequate facilities, or sufficient numbers of hospital beds. The first outbreak occurred in
the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in a village near the Ebola River, which gave the
virus its name. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take
a few seconds to upgrade your browser. He was hospitalized and has recovered and is free of the
virus. An outbreak in the DRC in late August of 2014, that lasted several months, resulted in 66 cases
and 49 deaths. Role of Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. The
symptoms may appear from anywhere from 2-21 days after being in contact with the virus. One main
explanation for the current outbreak's severity is that this is the first time it has reached such densely
populated areas in West Africa. As of May 20, 2015 the cumulative number, suspected, diagnosis and
laboratory-confirmed cases attributed to Ebola virus was 26, 969, including 11,135 deaths. Until
December, the highest numbers of cases and deaths had occurred in Liberia, but towards the end of
2014 the number of new cases surged in Sierra Leone surpassing the count in Liberia. Filovirus
particles form long, sometimes branched, filaments. Production was scaled up, but they were not
widely available until late in the outbreak. This quote shows the history of Ebola because it tells us
how it started when it died and where. The availability of limited quantities of drugs and vaccines
that have not been fully tested raises ethical concerns regarding the administration of unapproved
drugs and determining which patients or workers should receive the drugs when there is a scarce
supply. Still, you can get some clot-promoting vitamin K from good nutrition. Research using Ebola
viruses requires facilities with the utmost levels of containment, strict controls on access, and highly
trained personnel. However, they observed little effect on Ebola virus infection when they reduced
levels of expression of all three Tyro3 family genes. Although these family members were not tested,
their symptoms and the subsequent pattern of virus spread are consistent with the EVD outbreak. It
is not spread by water or through mosquitoes or other insects. Symptoms such as vomiting or
diarrhea lead to shedding of virus, so that it is easy to transmit to caregivers or family members when
hygienic practices do not prevent it. A fourth diagnosis of Ebola infection in the United States
occurred later in October when a doctor who had returned to New York from treating patients in
Guinea tested positive for Ebola virus. EHF), or simply Ebola, is a disease of humans and other. V,
Abbate A, Grazioli F, Foulds KE, Cheng C, Wang L, Donaldson MM, Colloca S, Folgori A.
Accelerated vaccination for Ebola virus haemorrhagic. Scientist aren’t perfectly sure or not of how
Ebola spreads and how the whole Ebola thing works but what they do know is most of the important
stuff. As in prior outbreaks, the initial case was traced to the handling of infected bushmeat.
The antibodies and the cells that make them may fade from the blood after a few years go by. A
fourth diagnosis of Ebola infection in the United States occurred later in October when a doctor who
had returned to New York from treating patients in Guinea tested positive for Ebola virus. In human-
to-human transmission, it appears that close caregivers and relatives are the most vulnerable, and
funerals are a particular point of risk. If requested before 2 p.m. you will receive a response today.
Recovery seems to depend in part on how much virus a person was initially exposed to, how early
treatment is started, and on the patient's age and immune response. A second nurse at the same
hospital tested positive for Ebola three days later. He was admitted to the same hospital three days
later when his condition worsened, and he died ten days after he was admitted. The article was
published online Wednesday, Nov. 12. The authors are members of Emory's Serious Communicable
Disease Unit: G. The source of all the Reston subtype outbreaks was traced to a single facility in the
Philippines that exported the monkeys. Quickly shaping up as the seventh largest Ebola outbreak in
history, as of 2 October 2018, a total of 162 confirmed and probable EVD cases, including 106
deaths, have been reported-resulting in a global case fatality ratio (CFR) of 65.4% (WHO, 2018).
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However, they observed little effect on
Ebola virus infection when they reduced levels of expression of all three Tyro3 family genes. It was
first recognized in 1976 as the cause of twin outbreaks of disease near the Ebola River in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire) and in a region of Sudan. The
misinformation that people were telling each other. Some symptoms of the Ebola Virus are fever,
severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, vomitting etc. A major problem during the height of the
2014 outbreak was that the experimental drugs and vaccines were available in extremely limited
quantities and they had not undergone extensive prior testing in humans. The outbreak also created
orphans, which were often unwanted by extended family members due to fear that the child could
spread the disease. The child is thought to have played in a tree that housed Ebola-infected bats, so
that he likely came in direct contact with the bats or their droppings. Both Emory and the University
of Nebraska Medical Center and their clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, are partnering with the
CDC to assist in Ebola preparedness training. Autism and tummy troubles Children with autism are
more than four times as likely to experience general gastrointestinal discomfort as their peers. The
Ebola Virus probaly started with a single affected person in West Africa. (2013-2016). It's important
to keep in mind that there are five different strains of Ebola, and if there is protection, it's likely to be
only for that strain. Amazing Deliveries Childbirth can be tough even in the best of circumstances,
but these moms experienced life-threatening emergencies that made their happy endings all the more
meaningful The Fear Factor When fear is more dangerous than the original threat Briefs Arts, crafts,
and tracking nutrients Eating is a serious matter for campers at Emory's Metabolic Camp. Both
Brammer and Powers work in Emory University Hospital's Serious Communicable Disease Unit.
This might lead to problems with blood clotting, for example. If an organism or cell type does not
possess this particular receptor, the virus is unable to infect that organism or cell type. In late August,
Ebola reached a fifth country when Senegal confirmed its first and, to date, only case. There is
currently no antiviral drug licensed by the US food and drug Administration. We would want to
know more about the antibodies those cells produce. New viral particles bud from the surface of
their host cell.
A fourth diagnosis of Ebola infection in the United States occurred later in October when a doctor
who had returned to New York from treating patients in Guinea tested positive for Ebola virus. J,
Hiatt E, Johnson A, Morton J, Swope K, Bohorov O, Bohorova N, Goodman C, Kim D, Pauly.
During their stays in the hospital, the blood of both patients contained abundant antibodies against
Ebola proteins, the authors found. But there is no information to say that the virus replicates in the
prostate, and there is no epidemiological data that virus present in semen can lead to an infection. A
possible explanation is that the prostate is an immune-privileged site, like the eye. Fear, and loss of
health care workers and even attacks on these workers, led to the collapse of health care systems in
some affected areas, which resulted in deaths due to other diseases that normally would be treatable.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. A separate, unrelated Ebola outbreak
began in Boende, Equateur, an isolated part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Ebola virus
causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if. Regaining balance Fecal transplants heal
infections by increasing microbial diversity Nanomedicine What if nanoparticles could carry cancer-
killing drugs directly to tumor sites. Fatality rates during EVD outbreaks can be as high as 90
percent. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined.
Hemorrhagic Fever. J Infect Dis. 2011 Nov;204 Suppl 3:S810-6. Based on evidence from other
scientists that suggested that members of a group of proteins named the Tyro3 family might mediate
entry of Ebola virus into cells, Dr. Sutton’s group tested what would happen if they reduced the
levels of the Tyro3 proteins in cells. An infected person generally does not produce high levels of the
virus when they first start to exhibit symptoms so the risk of transmission is low at this stage, but as
the disease progresses and the amount of virus in the body increases, a person becomes more
contagious. However, now that that goal has been reached with the first two patients, both have
expressed interest in improving outcomes for others. The physicians propose that advanced
supportive care, including adjusting oral rehydration formulas to include potassium, calcium and
magnesium, especially for patients with severe diarrhea, is valuable in the treatment of Ebola virus
disease. The patients were discharged from the hospital on days 30 and 29, respectively, following
initial diagnosis, after two consecutive plasma specimens collected at least 24 hours apart were
negative for Ebola virus on quantitative RT-PCT testing. The current outbreak in west Africa, (first
cases notified in March 2014), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus
was first discovered in 1976. This quote shows the history of Ebola because it tells us how it started
when it died and where. Emory Healthcare and Emory University School of Medicine are partnering
with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide training, educational
resources and consultation for the 48 identified U.S. medical centers that have been designated Ebola
treatment centers. Mali reported its first case in October after a symptomatic young girl traveled
from Guinea to Mali and died shortly afterwards, and then an independent small cluster arose a short
time later after an elderly man with undiagnosed disease traveled from Guinea to Mali. Autism and
tummy troubles Children with autism are more than four times as likely to experience general
gastrointestinal discomfort as their peers. But these sites all examine the outbreak in retrospect and
their pages and stories have been updated so often that posts from then can no longer be found.
Republic of Congo. Researchers named the disease after the. In late August, Ebola reached a fifth
country when Senegal confirmed its first and, to date, only case. Phase I trials are underway for
some vaccine candidates. A Science paper published in August sequenced dozens of Ebola virus
samples obtained from patients in Sierra Leone. While some anecdotal evidence was positive for the
results of this treatment, there was not enough information to determine whether ZMapp actually
helped the two patients or whether their improvements were the result of advanced supportive care
coupled with the response of their own immune systems. Controlled clinical trials are needed to
assess the effectiveness of ZMapp against Ebola virus disease. Before discharge, the consensus was
that a patient had to have levels of Ebola virus that were below the threshold of detection of the
CDC-approved test twice in a row.
The first outbreak of ebola infected over 284 people, with a mortality rate of 53%. The methods
include: training conferences, educational resources and site visits to centers that have been
designated U.S. Ebola treatment facilities in their state or region. The symptoms may appear from
anywhere from 2-21 days after being in contact with the virus. Younger people appear to have better
recovery rates than older people. Infection can also be spread through objects like needles and
syringes or clothing and bedding that have been contaminated with the virus. In a large well-
equipped hospital, it is possible to give separated blood products such as platelets and plasma, which
is not possible in smaller rural hospitals. But we quickly realized that it would become too crowded,
so we and our pathology colleagues established a lab in an office right outside. This outbreak in the
DRC was caused by a different variant of the Ebola virus that produced the much larger and wide-
spread outbreak in the same year in West Africa. Humans become infected when they come into
contact with an infected host, although once humans become infected they can transmit Ebola to
other people. Additional outbreaks of the Reston subtype occurred between 1989 and 1996 in Texas,
Pennsylvania, and Italy. Ebola was firstly described in 1976 and since then occurred sporadically in
Central Africa. As we saw, the fluid loss can lead to irregular heart rhythms. We decided to start at a
higher level of precaution based on the condition of the patients at the time. Using the rVSV-
ZEBOV vaccine (developed by Merck) - which is not yet licensed nor formally approved - but was
shown to be safe and effective during the vaccine trial in Guinea, a ring vaccination campaign was
undertaken in which the contacts of confirmed cases, and their contacts, as well as healthcare
workers and others with potential exposure to the virus were given the experimental vaccine. The
2014-2016 West Africa outbreaks was the largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to date,
contributing to more than 21,000 cases and 8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). Reports came from
multiple regions within these countries. The Ebola virus is transmitted among humans through close
and direct physical contact with infected bodily fluids, the most infectious being blood, faeces and
vomit. There is no approved vaccine that can protect humans against Ebola, although an unlicensed
vaccine has been shown to be effective. We would want to know more about the antibodies those
cells produce. However, the vast majority of people contract the virus through direct exposure to the
body fluids of an infected person. Genetic analysis suggests that the virus has been widely
circulating in swine for many years, possibly even before the 1989 outbreak in the United States. It's
important to keep in mind that there are five different strains of Ebola, and if there is protection, it's
likely to be only for that strain. Lessons from a previous outbreak Insights Disrupting the Balance
With habitat loss, zoonotic diseases that leap from animals to people, like Ebola, are on the rise. 'The
World is Looking to Us' President Obama visits CDC, thanks Emory Healthcare team, announces
expansion of international Ebola response. Roederer M, Nabel GJ, Mascola J, Cortese R, Koup RA,
Sullivan NJ. It also created a stigma associated with recovered patients or those who have treated
Ebola patients. Regaining balance Fecal transplants heal infections by increasing microbial diversity
Nanomedicine What if nanoparticles could carry cancer-killing drugs directly to tumor sites. In
addition to threats due to poaching and habitat loss, chimpanzees and gorillas are susceptible to
infection by Ebola virus, which can kill over 90% of infected animals. There are 5 species that have
been identified: Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston and Tai Forest. Source: Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
This now ranks as the second largest Ebola epidemic ever (the 2014 outbreak in West Africa was the
largest). It also created a stigma associated with recovered patients or those who have treated Ebola
patients. Additionally, it was the first time that Ebola was carried by air travel from one country to
another. The new cluster of cases was reported in the North Kivu Province in the northeastern part of
the country, a remote, conflict-plagued region that shares porous borders with Uganda and Rwanda
and which hosts over a million displaced persons. In July of 2009, the discovery of the Reston
subtype in domestic pigs in the Philippines was reported. Further, the outbreak occurred in countries
with weak healthcare infrastructure and a population that is distrustful of government and healthcare
workers. Workers faced the daunting task of identifying and quarantining large numbers of infected
individuals and their contacts and providing medical care to patients - without sufficient numbers of
health workers, personal protective equipment, adequate facilities, or sufficient numbers of hospital
beds. The article was published online Wednesday, Nov. 12. The authors are members of Emory's
Serious Communicable Disease Unit: G. It was first recognized in 1976 as the cause of twin
outbreaks of disease near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as
Zaire) and in a region of Sudan. It has been possible to do some of this research on Ebola survivors
in Africa, but to really probe the parts of the immune system responsible, we need fresh cells.
However, the vast majority of people contract the virus through direct exposure to the body fluids of
an infected person. Although it took several months for the disease to become recognized as Ebola,
it appears that the first victim was a 2-year old boy in a small village in southeastern Guinea who
died in December of 2013, followed by the deaths of several members of his family. This was the
ninth EVD outbreak in the DRC in the last four decades (the prior one occurred in May 2017). Both
Brammer and Powers work in Emory University Hospital's Serious Communicable Disease Unit. The
Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if. Some survivors develop long-term
complications, such as joint and vision problems. As we saw, the fluid loss can lead to irregular heart
rhythms. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. It's important to keep in mind that there are
five different strains of Ebola, and if there is protection, it's likely to be only for that strain. Post-
exposure therapy of filovirus infections. Trends. Emory has hosted three Ebola preparedness training
conferences thus far, focused on the management of hospital units created to care for patients
diagnosed with Ebola virus disease. In addition to Ebola virus, there is one other member of the
Filovirus family, known as Marburg virus (named after the city in Germany in which it was first
discovered), that also causes hemorrhagic fever. This led to the institution of some mandatory
quarantines and travel restrictions of persons returning from Ebola-affected areas. Although these
family members were not tested, their symptoms and the subsequent pattern of virus spread are
consistent with the EVD outbreak. Death usually occurs as a result of shock due to fluid loss rather
than blood loss. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. We learned that some people developed antibodies that
are remarkably cross-reactive to different flu strains. But we quickly realized that it would become
too crowded, so we and our pathology colleagues established a lab in an office right outside. The
virus transmitted by these bats is closely related to the Zaire Ebola virus.

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