2.VPP Presentation of Task 2 Part 1 IE en

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Task 2 (Part 1): Current Situation of the Operation

Control Center (OCC) for Renewables in Viet Nam

GIZ in Viet Nam | MOIT/ERAV
Thursday, September 23, 2021

1. Brief of vRE development in Viet Nam

2. Current situation of Operating Control Center
(OCC) for vRE in Viet Nam
3. Current status and applicability of Virtual Power
Plant (VPP) in Viet Nam

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page


Brief of vRE development in Viet Nam

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Brief of vRE development in Viet Nam


❑ Period 2010-2020: growth of 70000 Imported Power

Biomass PP
Peak load: 10%/year; System 60000
Solar Power

installed capacity growth of 50000

Wind Power

11.3%/year. Oil fired PP

40000 CCGT

• Total installed capacity: ~71.7 Coal fired PP

GWac 30000 Small HPPs

Large HPPs
• Solar power: ~20.4 GWp (~16 20000

GWac); 23.4%. 10000

• Wind power: ~538 MW; 0.8% 0

• Biomass power: ~325 MW; 0.5%


Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page
Brief of vRE development
in Viet Nam

❑ Solar power has developed

explosively in the last 2 years:
➢ ~149 large-scale solar projects,
capacity ~10.6 GWp
➢ ~105,208 rooftop solar projects,
capacity ~ 9.7 GWp
❑ Many wind power projects are
under construction phase to
achieve COD before October 31st ,
2021 (5.7 GW – 105 projects),
bringing the total wind power to
~6 GW.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Brief of vRE development
in Viet Nam

❑ Number of small-scale Rooftop PV

(RPV) projects: 94,786 projects,
installed capacity = ~371 MWp.
❑ Number of large-scale RPV
projects: 10,422 projects, installed
capacity = ~9359 MWp.
❑ Some provinces have RPV
installations with a large
proportion or higher than the
Provincial Peak load: Ninh Thuan,
Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak
Nong, Binh Phuoc.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page


Current situation of Operating Control Center

(OCC) for vRE in Viet Nam

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Current situation of Operating Control Center (OCC) for vRE
in Viet Nam

❑ Currently, there are 12

Operation Control No. OCC name
Power plant
MWp MW capacity Remark
Centers (OCC) for grid- PV + Cluster DM-HT-DN; PV 49 MWp, 352
1 DHD Hydropower 59 352 399 MW hydropower
connected large solar 2 Dau Tieng PV 475 380 Dau Tieng 1,2,3
power projects and wind 3 Solar Park PV 200 160 Solar Park 1,2,3
Son My 3.1; Ninh Phuoc 6.1, 6.2, Vinh
farms. 4 PECC2 PV 114.5 92 Tan

❑ Total OCC Capacity: 2,719 5 Van Giao

6 Cam Lam
80 Van Giao 1,2
80 Cam Lam 1,2
MW. Bac
7 Phương PV + Wind 71 100
BP Solar 1, Bau Zon, Dong Hai 1 (100
157 MW)
❑ Several OCCs combine 8 Loc Ninh PV 550 440 Loc Ninh 1,2,3
9 Phu My PV 330 264 Phu My 1,2,3
solar farms with PV +
hydropower plants; 10 Sesan 4
11 Gelex
378 PV Se San 4, TĐ Se San 4
90 Gelex 1,2,3
several OCCs combine 12 Ia Pet Wind 200 200 Ia Pet Dak Doa 1,2
solar & wind farms.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Current situation of Operating Control Center (OCC) for vRE
in Viet Nam

❑ The appearance of OCCs has created better conditions for

the dispatching, operation and control of the power
system and electricity market:
➢ Reducing contact points with solar and wind farms
➢ Convenience in dispatching, remote operation and
➢ Reducing personnel operating wind and solar farm projects
➢ Helping investors of RE projects monitor, manage and
operate their projects remotely.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Current situation of Operating Control Center (OCC) for vRE
in Viet Nam

❑ Some remaining problems of OCC:

➢ Potential risks when OCC is large, its disconnection from the power
plant can cause insecurity of the power system (due to a shortage
of backup power).
➢ Regulations on communication and control connection (SCADA) are
still complicated.
➢ There is a lack of strict regulations on network security for OCCs

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page


Current status and applicability of Virtual

Power Plant (VPP) in Viet Nam

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

▪ The concept of VPP is quite new in the Vietnamese electricity market.

▪ Currently, there are no regulations related to the formation of a Virtual Power
▪ Given the development and integration of growing shares of vRE into the
Power System, along with the roadmap to build a competitive retail electricity
market, VPP development should be considered in order to enhance the
ability to dispatch and operate the power system and market.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑ VPP in monitoring and controlling RE sources, distributed sources

1. Distributed RE (DER) source control functions
2. Real-time operation tracking
3. Real-time grid status monitoring
4. Schedule and current status of maintenance and operation of relevant project
equipment and grids
5. Real-time optimal allocation of mobilization and power curtailment
6. Calculation to keep voltage, control the flow of power, avoid overloading the
7. Performing remote device switching
8. Management of equipment and assets of the investor
9. RE production forecasts
❑ Rooftop solar projects with a very large installed capacity (9.7 GWp) have not met
the requirements of monitoring and control => Creating a dangerous gap in the
dispatching and operation of the power system. VPP will be a good solution to this
❑ The current OCCs for wind and solar farms connected to the grid have met some of
OCC's monitoring and control requirements.
Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page
Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑ VPP in monitoring and controlling RE sources, distributed sources

➢ There have been a number of pilot projects to install control and monitoring
systems for rooftop solar power sources in Ninh Thuan and Quang Nam province.

➢ Currently there are 7 rooftop

PV plants (sites) in Quang
Nam connected to the 22 kV
system with a total capacity of
➢ They the DERMS system for 5
sites in Ninh Thuan, total
capacity is 5000 kW

Source: ATS

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑ The initial record shows the potential and feasibility in monitoring and
controlling the current rooftop solar PV projects
Many functions of @DERM
system have approached
the function of VPP

Source: ATS
Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page
Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑VPP's ability to participate in Demand Side

Management (DSM)
1. VPP can actively participate in the DSM market
2. Provision of DSM . related sub-services
3. Participate in DSM bidding on competitive electricity market
4. Guaranteed standard output power according to the given

❑ Currently there is no market for DSM in Vietnam.

❑ DSM has not been considered as a potential source of
reducing system costs and maintaining power system

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑VPP's ability to directly participate in the

Electricity Market
1. Helps to make the pricing mechanism of RE and electric load flexible, instead of FIT
2. VPP must be able to monitor, control and monitor in real time all vRE projects
3. Calculate the cost of electricity production
4. Able to forecast electricity output, electricity price
5. Capable of monitoring, remote control of power plants, control according to market status
6. Ability to set Bid prices in the market
7. Decisions can be made to dispatch suitable vRE power plants
8. Can bid for cutting service (if DSM is integrated).

❑ Currently, the design for OCC and RPV control centers

already has some of the above basic functions.
❑ However, the OCC Control Centers have not taken into
account the factors of the possibility of bidding in the
electricity market.
Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page
Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑Ability to participate in providing auxiliary

1. VPP with components is Solar & Wind farms: in theory can only provide
power reduction services to keep the system balance (frequency stability).
2. If VPP integrates biomass plants, it will provide frequency control services:
Primary, secondary, ....
3. VPP if combined between Solar & Wind & Green Hydrogen electrolysis
project: can provide full frequency control service for power system.
4. VPP can help keep the voltage at the nodes within acceptable limits.
5. VPP auxiliary services can be bid in the electricity market.

❑ Currently, the OCC and RPV control centers have not taken
into account the possibility of providing auxiliary services to
the electricity market (such as frequency control and voltage
control services)
Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page
Current status and applicability of Virtual Power Plant in Viet Nam

❑ Some regulations need to be updated and revised to be

able to monitor and control distributed RE sources and
develop Virtual Power Plants in Vietnam.
1. Circular 25/2016/TT-BCT regulating on Power Transmission System
2. Circular 39/2015/TT-BCT regulating Power Distribution System
3. Circular 40/2014/TT-BCT stipulating the process of dispatching the
national power system
4. Related processes and procedures (training, experiments, security
requirements, network security, etc.)
5. Regulations on electrical equipment (2006)
6. Regulations related to electricity market, DSM.

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

Thank you!

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Page

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