Danone's Method For STUDY CASE
Danone's Method For STUDY CASE
Danone's Method For STUDY CASE
Grameen Danone
Pour Caroline Monteiro, Alexandre Ribera et Hichem Taouaf
● Production processes and technology used to manufacture
the yogurt products
01 Technical ●
Quality control and assurance processes
Donec and porta
risus dolor development
venenatis activities to improve product
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet at nec
01 at adipiscing
Pharetra and innovation
Proin in tellus felis volutpat
● Funding
Donec risusand
dolorinvestment strategies
porta venenatis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet at nec
02 02 Financial
at adipiscing
Proin in
Cost management
felis and financial performance
felis volutpat
and budgeting
03 ●
Proin in tellus felis volutpat
Partnership and collaboration opportunities
Supply chain management and logistics
04 Marketing ●
Market research and analysis
Product positioning and differentiation strategies
05 Human ●
Workplace culture and employee satisfaction
Diversity and inclusion initiatives
Choice of growth: internal or external
• Internal growth: focus on expanding its existing product lines or developing new ones to increase
market share and revenue. Involving investing in research and development, marketing, and
distribution channels to improve brand awareness and reach new customers.
• Strategic partnerships: form strategic partnerships with other companies in the food and beverage
industry to expand its product portfolio or distribution network. As joint ventures, mergers and
acquisitions, or licensing agreements.
• Geographic expansion: focus on expanding its geographic presence by entering new markets, either
domestically or internationally. It gives the possibility of establishing new production facilities or
distribution channels, as well as adapting products and marketing strategies to meet local
preferences and regulations.
• Diversification: pursue a diversification strategy by expanding into related industries, such as
nutrition supplements, or by developing new business models, such as direct-to-consumer sales.
Help the company reduce its dependence on any one product or market, and take advantage of
emerging trends and opportunities.
Choice of international development: export,
internationalisation, globalisation
• Export strategy: The company's approach to exporting its products to foreign markets. Topics might
include the countries or regions where GDFL has established export relationships, the challenges
and opportunities associated with exporting, and any unique considerations for marketing and
distributing products in these markets.
• Internationalization strategy: the company has sought to enter new foreign markets through various
means. Including joint ventures or partnerships with local companies, establishing wholly owned
subsidiaries in other countries, or licensing arrangements with foreign firms. The benefits and risks
associated with these approaches could be discussed, as well as any specific experiences or
challenges Grameen Danone Food Ltd has encountered.
• Globalization strategy: Grameen Danone efforts to create a global brand and presence, rather than
just establishing a presence in a few select foreign markets. Also, he company's decision to
standardize or adapt its products and marketing to different cultures, and how it has leveraged its
international presence to create synergies and efficiencies across different markets.
Choice of international development: export,
internationalisation, globalisation
• Regulatory and legal considerations: GDFL international expansion may be influenced by
various legal and regulatory factors, such as tariffs, intellectual property protection, labor
laws, and import/export regulations. This topic could examine how the company has
navigated these issues and any challenges it has faced.
• Cultural considerations: GDFL has adapted its products, marketing, and business practices
to different cultural contexts around the world. This might include topics such as product
localization, cross-cultural communication, and human resource management.
• Financialconsiderations: financial aspects of GDFL’s international development, such as
the costs associated with entering new markets, funding growth initiatives, and managing
foreign currency risk. The company's approach to financing its growth, as well as any
challenges it has faced in this area, could be explored.
Purpose Quantitative Qualitative
Improve nutrition Reduce malnutrition and stunting Increase access to nutritious food
Create social impact Provide economic opportunities and empower women Alleviate poverty and social inequality
Promote sustainable development Implement environmentally friendly practices Foster sustainable communities and ecosystems
Bangladesh is a • The social • The company's • The company's • The company needs
• The political low-income country, environment in operations are operations can have to comply with local
environment in which means that the Bangladesh is dependent on an impact on the laws and regulations
Bangladesh can be company needs to price characterized by a technology, such as environment, such as related to food safety,
unstable, which may its products high poverty rate and equipment used for waste generated from production, and labor
impact the operations appropriately for the limited access to production and production. practices.
of Grameen Danone. local market. nutritious food. distribution, and • Grameen Danone has • The partnership with
• The government's • Focus on providing a technology can be been implementing Grameen Bank, a
policies and nutritious product at costly to maintain and sustainable practices, microfinance
regulations related to The company's focus on an affordable price upgrade. such as using organization, is
food safety and providing economic can help to address • Has been exploring renewable energy and subject to regulations
production can opportunities for this social challenge. innovative solutions, reducing waste, to related to financial
impact the company's women entrepreneurs • The company's such as small-scale minimize its services.
operations and sales. can contribute to the business model, can yogurt production environmental
development of the have a positive facilities, to overcome impact.
local economy. impact on gender the limitations of
equality in the region. technology.
Direct and indirect competitors
• No direct competitors that offer exactly the same product and business model as
Grameen Danone Food Ltd, there are some indirect competitors that operate in the
broader food and beverage market in Bangladesh.
• Nestle is one of the main indirect competitors of Grameen Danone Food Ltd,
producing a range of food and beverage products, including yogurt, that are available
in urban and rural areas throughout the country.
• PRAN Dairy, a subsidiary of PRAN Group, is another indirect competitor that produces
a range of dairy products, including yogurt, that are available throughout the country.
• Other indirect competitors in the broader food and beverage market in Bangladesh
include local and regional companies that produce dairy and other food products, as
well as other multinational companies that operate in the country, such as Coca-Cola
and PepsiCo.
Porter's Five Forces Summary
Moderate, as barriers to entry are relatively high due to the need for significant investment in production facilities, supply chain management,
Threat of New Entrants
and distribution networks. However, local competitors with existing infrastructure and resources could pose a threat.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Low, as Grameen Danone sources its raw materials from local farmers and cooperatives, reducing dependence on individual suppliers
Moderate to High, as the company's target market includes low-income consumers who may be price-sensitive and have a limited ability to pay a
Bargaining Power of Buyers
premium for products. However, the company's social mission and unique value proposition may give it some pricing power.
High, as there are many other affordable food options available in the market, including homemade food and street food. Additionally, there is a
Threat of Substitutes
risk of consumers switching to alternatives if they perceive a lack of variety or taste in the company's products.
Rivalry Among Existing High, as Grameen Danone Food Ltd faces competition from both local and multinational companies operating in the same market segment. The
Competitors industry is highly fragmented, and there are many players competing for market share.
Characteristics Target
Grameen Danone Food Ltd has built a strong Limited advertising and marketing may
Communication brand around its mission of improving nutrition
in rural communities, which has helped to raise
hinder the company's ability to expand its
reach and build brand awareness beyond
awareness of the company and its products. its current market.
Swot analysis
Strength: Weaknesses:
- Social mission: Grameen Danone Food Ltd has a - Limited product portfolio: The company's product
strong social mission to improve the health and portfolio is limited to only a few dairy products,
nutrition of rural communities, particularly children which may limit its growth potential in the long
and women. term.
- Brand reputation: The company has a strong
reputation for social responsibility, sustainability, - Dependence on partnerships: Grameen Danone
and innovation. Food Ltd relies heavily on partnerships with local
- Collaborative partnerships: Grameen Danone Food organizations for distribution and marketing,
Ltd has established collaborative partnerships with which may limit its control over these functions.
local communities, NGOs, and government
organizations, which has helped to build trust and - Limited market reach: The company's products
legitimacy. are primarily sold in rural areas, which may limit
- Localized products: The company's products are its ability to reach urban markets.
tailored to local tastes and preferences, which has
helped to differentiate them from competitors. - Limited financial resources: Grameen Danone
- Operational efficiency: Grameen Danone Food Ltd Food Ltd is a small company with limited financial
has implemented efficient production and resources, which may make it difficult to scale up
distribution processes, which has helped to reduce operations.
costs and increase profitability
Swot analysis
Opportunities: Threats:
- Competition: Grameen Danone Food Ltd faces
- Growing demand for healthy and sustainable competition from both local and international
products: The global trend towards healthy and dairy companies, which may limit its market
sustainable food products presents a significant share and profitability.
opportunity for Grameen Danone Food Ltd to
expand its product portfolio and reach new - Political instability: The company operates in
markets. Bangladesh, which has a history of political
- Expansion into urban markets: The company instability and corruption, which may affect its
could expand into urban markets by adapting its operations and profitability.
product portfolio to appeal to urban consumers.
- Diversification into other food categories: - Economic challenges: The company operates
Grameen Danone Food Ltd could diversify into in a country with limited infrastructure and
other food categories, such as plant-based economic challenges, which may limit its
products, to expand its market reach and appeal growth potential.
to a wider range of consumers.
- Technology innovation: The company could - Supply chain challenges: Grameen Danone
explore new technologies to improve its Food Ltd faces challenges in sourcing raw
production processes and reduce costs. materials and transporting products to remote
areas, which may limit its ability to scale up
Choice of market: Mac Kinsey model
Utilizing Grameen Bank's network of micro-entrepreneurs Access to established network, low startup
Micro-franchising Limited market reach, lower profit margins
to distribute and sell products costs
Employing local individuals to distribute products in Access to remote markets, increased brand
Rural Sales Agents High operational costs, training and management of agents
remote areas recognition
Utilizing the principles of social business to address Positive social impact, access to funding and Limited profitability, potential conflicts between social mission
Social Business
malnutrition and poverty partnerships and profit goals
Utilizing e-commerce to sell products directly to Limited access to rural areas without internet access,
Online Sales Wide market reach, low overhead costs
consumers competition with established e-commerce platforms
Grameen Danone JITA
What JITA Does :
Quantitative Qualitative
• Women Empowerment • Awareness and access for rural consumers
Rural Supply
Chain System
• Employment Creation • Creating a rural Consumer Life Style Model:
✔ Health (Nutrition & Hygiene)
✔ Agriculture
• Consulting and marketing research ✔ Household Energy
over 60 percent of the revenues in 2012 ✔ Information (social and empowerment)
• Technical support, bringing knowledge and • Creates market and access for products
• Research and Development Projects
51 450+ 300+
Commercial partners
Companies who are interested in accessing the BoP market
Partner companies / Third party ask JITA for market research, product development
creditors Service people
Partners supply products to be sold and pay a commission to The hub manager helps JITA recruit service
the aparajitas and to JITA people who are in charge of delivering
the good to the aparajitas by bicycle.
in other countries (JITA is collaborating with JITA changes over time from a social business perspective to
care Ethiopia to start empowering a few women) support both Private sector & NGO’s rural intervention.
HIGH BCG Matrix – Slide Template
Stars Question Marks
Consulting and
marketing research
Training and
distribution of
• Government policies • Bangladesh is a • JITA's business model • The use of technology • JITA's products and • Compliance with local
and regulations affect developing country focuses on in supply chain services are designed laws and regulations,
the company's with a large empowering rural management and to be environmentally particularly in areas
operations, population, providing poor women as product distribution is sustainable, with an such as labor and
particularly in terms a large market door-to-door sellers, crucial to the success emphasis on employment, is
of product opportunity for JITA's promoting gender of JITA's business promoting renewable important for JITA's
distribution and products and services. equality and women's model. energy and reducing operations.
supply chain empowerment. waste.
• Economic instability • The rapid pace of • Intellectual property
and inflation can • JITA's products and technological change • Climate change and laws and regulations
• Political unrest and affect the purchasing services are designed and innovation can natural disasters can can affect the
instability can pose a power of JITA's target to meet the basic pose a challenge for affect JITA's company's ability to
threat to the safety market, particularly needs of the bottom JITA in keeping up operations and supply innovate and protect
and security of JITA's those in the bottom of the pyramid, with the latest tools chain, particularly in its products and
personnel and of the pyramid. particularly in the and trends. terms of product services.
operations in the areas of health, availability and
country. hygiene, nutrition, transportation.
and agriculture.
Strategic marketing : Market Demand
Hinders poor’s market participation opportunity as
entrepreneur or employee
Need of informations about accessing the BoP market
No access to healthy nutritious products
and services
● Unemployed
● Consumers ● Companies
● Entrepreneur ● Governments
or employee
Strategic mkt
• Market: offer ( competition)
The main competitors of JITA Bangladesh depend on the categories of products it sells.
For food products:
- traditional supermarkets such as Shwapno, Meena Bazar, Agora, etc.
Opportunities: Threats:
- can expand its product range to meet - Competition in the Bangladesh retail
the growing demand for market is very strong, with both local
environmentally friendly and and established international players.
sustainable products. - Economic and political conditions in
- JITA Bangladesh can explore new Bangladesh may impact the company's
online distribution channels to reach a financial results.
wider audience and increase its reach. - Changes in consumer preferences may
affect the demand for JITA
Bangladesh's products.
Choice of market: Mac Kinsey model