MLA Program Outline
MLA Program Outline
MLA Program Outline
Faculty of Health
Medical Laboratory
Medical Laboratory Assistant Total Program:
Program Overview 19 Weeks Theory
5 Weeks Practicum
Hourly Pay
$20.50 -
LMI wage data:
Medical Laboratory Assistant
Course Descriptions
Welcome to MLA
This course provides a detailed preview of the
Medical Laboratory Assistant program (modules,
laboratory component, and clinical practicum) and
the path to a career as a CSMLS-certified medical
laboratory assistant. It also introduces CBBC Career
College campus resources and policies, and online
resources, to ensure student satisfaction and
Medical Laboratory Assistant
Course Descriptions
Medical Laboratory Assistant
Course Descriptions
prepare reagents, with an emphasis on safe and receipt, processing, staining methods, storage, and
competent practice. Point-of-care testing is also disposal.
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention -
Career Management Healthcare professionals frequently experience
The Career Management course introduces students aggressiveness and threats to their physical safety
to, and teaches them how to apply, the most effective in the workplace. This module teaches skills in
strategies to achieve employment in the career of maintaining calm while recognizing and responding
their choice. Topics covered: effective job search to a potentially disruptive or violent situation.
strategies, cover letter and strategic resume writing, Participants learn how to deescalate a situation while
interview preparation and effective interviewing skills. protecting themselves physically, and how to use
non-violent means of avoiding personal injury.
Pre-Analytical Microbiology
Pre-Analytical Microbiology introduces the organisms First Aid & CPR
that cause disease in humans and the specimens Students will complete the objectives outlined in
and laboratory procedures currently used to detect the curriculum for the courses offered by St. John
and isolate them in the clinical laboratory. Students Ambulance for the Standard Level First Aid and Level
learn how to work safely with bio-hazardous C CPR. Students will be certified in Standard First Aid
microbiology specimens and prevent contamination and Level C Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
of the environment inside and outside the lab, while
acquiring practical skills in specimen processing and Clinical Laboratory Practicum
culture methods. The clinical laboratory practicum is experiential
education that allows the student to link campus
Pre-Analytical Hematology learning with the real-life laboratory. During this
This course explores the components of blood and period, learners draw on their communication,
the principles of blood testing, as well as blood problem solving and critical thinking skills as they
transfusion medicine. Content covers aspects of pre- integrate into the world of medical laboratory science.
analytical hematology including common specimen They have the hands-on opportunity to apply
types, tests, equipment, and instruments. Students knowledge and fine tune skills, while working as part
gain practical skills with preparation and staining of of the healthcare team. The clinical experience is
blood films, commercial testing kits, and point-of-care the final step in preparing the student for a smooth
testing, with an emphasis on safe and competent transition into the working lab.