PT - English 1 - Q4
PT - English 1 - Q4
PT - English 1 - Q4
Total Number 50 30 10 10 10 30
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: ______________________ Teacher: _______________
Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer before
the number.
__________1. One afternoon, Jordan meets Mrs. Anlacan, the school principal.
What will Jordan say?
a. Good morning, Ma’am c. Good evening, Ma’am
b. Good afternoon, Ma’am d. Hello, Ma’am
__________2. You want to go to the comfort room while the class is going on.
What will you say?
a. Excuse me Ma’am, may I go to the CR? c. Ma’am may I go?
b. Please excuse me, Ma’am d. May I go to the C.R.?
__________3.What will you say to your brother when you want to borrow his
a. May I borrow your pencil? c. Give me your pencil.
b. Excuse me! d. May I come in?
__________4. When you meet a friend, what do you say?
a. Thank you. b. I am fine. c. How are you? d. How about you?
__________5.Mang Jose keeps our school clean. _____________ is the school
a. He b. She c. It d. You
__________6. Mrs. Pilar Cruz goes to school everyday. ____________ is our kind
a. He b. She c. It d. You
__________7. Ms. Cruz is a teacher. __________ (speaker) need to check your
a. He b. She c. I d. You
__________8. I need your help on Friday. May I visit _________.
a. He b. She c. It d. You
__________9.Amy is pointing a bird flying up in the sky. _______ a bird.
a. This is b. That is c. These are d. Those are
_________10. __________ sweet and fresh apples. ( near the speaker)
a. This is b. That is c. These are d. Those are
Direction: Identify the effect. Write the letter of the correct answer before the
number to show what will happen.
__13. Rico forgot to water the plants. c.His hands became clean.
_________14. Jane studied for the test. d. She was brought to the .
_________15.Lyka felt sick one day. e.She got high score in the test.
Direction: Arrange the pictures according to the Beginning, Middle and End. Write
1,2,3 on the blank.
__________ __________ __________
One morning Mother said. “Today is the last day of May. It’s
schooltime again”.“But rainy days are here, Mother, “ Cynthia said. “What will we
do if the rain doesn’t stop”? “Go to the school with a raincoat,” Mother said.
_________28. What happen if the rain dies not stop?
a. The streets will be flooded b. The days will be hot.
c. The sun will be bright. d. The last day of May is rainy
_________29. What will the children not able to do that day?
a. go to school b. eat well c. take a bath d. playing kite
_________30. If today is the last day of May, what is tomorrow?
a. first day of August b. first day of June
c. first day of July d. first day of May