Marcellus CCP Deck With Fact Sheet Direct
Marcellus CCP Deck With Fact Sheet Direct
Marcellus CCP Deck With Fact Sheet Direct
Contact :
JANUARY 2023 [email protected]
The Indian economy has been ‘networked’ at a rapid pace over the
past decade:
• The length of India’s national highways has doubled.
• The number of broadband users has increased from 20 million in
FY11 to 687 million at the end of FY20 (CAGR of 48%).
• Airline passenger traffic has grown at a CAGR of 16%.
• 15 years ago, only 1 in 3 Indian families had a bank account; now
nearly all Indian families have a bank account.
The inception of a single Goods & Services Tax in 2017 has allowed
companies to consolidate their supply chains (from multiple state-
level structures to unified national supply chains)
The rise of low cost SaaS (e.g. Salesforce, SAP) alongside RFID
tracking and big data gleaned from 400mn internet connected
mobile phones is allowing companies to improve working capital
cycles, asset turns, profit margins and hence RoCE
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers,
CMIE, Ace Equity, Bloomberg, Ministry of
Private & Confidential Aviation, TRAI, Ministry of Road Transport. 3
Portfolio construction process
The universe: Stocks in the BSE500 Process Outcome
Note: The fund manager maintains discretion on stock inclusion in the portfolio. In case, a stock does not clear the above filters, the fund manager must record and present to the Investment
committee for approval with the reasons for such inclusion
Private and confidential 4
Longevity analysis – Quantify qualitative aspects
Marcellus Research on a stock under coverage
Current competitive advantages - here and now Longevity / Sustainability of competitive advantages
Free cash flow growth rate Moat score Lethargy score Succession planning score
Revenue growth, ROCE and Strength of today's pricing Analysis based on efforts made Softer aspects to help build an
capital reinvestment rate power in the last 3 years 'institution'
Four aspects of succession test:
Quantify industry demand growth,
Three aspects of lethargy tests: 1) Decentralised execution
its drivers and its resilience.
1) Incremental deepening of 2) CXOs - their quality and tenure
Can a competitor offer a product
existing moats at the firm
Quantify revenue growth related which is a third cheaper and still
2) Experimentation / investments 3) Historical evidence of
to expected market share gains. have no impact on either the
towards adding new moated implementing succession in CXO
profitability or market share of our
revenue growth drivers roles
Profitability and asset turns - investee firm?
3) Attempts at radical disruption of 4) Independence of Board of
expected to improve
the industry's future Directors
Outcome: 1) Buy and Sell decisions; 2) Position sizing of stocks relative to others
in our portfolio; and 3) Absolute valuation of stocks
Private and confidential 5
Methodology A few of our forensic ratios
12 accounting ratios covering income statement (revenue/ earnings
manipulation), balance sheet (correct representation of assets/liabilities), cash Category Ratios
pilferage and audit quality checks. Income statement (1) Cashflow from operations (CFO) as % of
checks EBITDA
Six years of historical consolidated financials.
(2) Provisioning for Debtors
First rank stocks on each of the 12 ratios individually (some examples outlined
in the table on the right). These ranks then cumulated across parameters to Balance sheet checks (3) Yield on cash and cash equivalents
(4) Contingent liabilities as % of Networth (for the
give a final pecking order on accounting quality for stocks –for instance D1
latest available year)
being the best, D10 being the worst.
Cash theft checks (5) CWIP to gross block
Selection of these ratios has been inspired by Howard M. Schilit’s legendary
forensic accounting book ‘Financial Shenanigans’. Auditor checks (6) Growth in auditors' remuneration to growth in
Strong correlation between accounting quality and Quality wins and wins big over the long term
shareholders’ returns
Zone of Quality Zone of Thuggery 70% 58%
12% 50%
10% 10% 31%
10% 30% 25%
8% 3% 8%
8% 7% 6% 7% 10% 1%
6% 5% -10%
-5% -4%
4% -15%
-30% -19%
2% 1%
-50% -37%
CY16 CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 CY15-20
-2% CAGR
-4% -2% -3%
Zone of Quality Zone of Thuggery
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10
Next, if a portfolio is built of such stocks each year and
each of these annual iterations of portfolios are held for
the subsequent 10 years (without any churn), then the bar
chart on the right shows the performance of such
Source: Bloomberg. Note: Only the portfolios which have finished their 10year run have been shown.
Note: These are Total Shareholder returns in INR terms. The portfolio above is not Marcellus’ model
portfolio but a sample portfolio derived out of the twin-filter criteria*
• FCFE compounding for CCP companies has been healthy, consistent and accelerating over the last 2
• Market Cap compounding for CCP companies has been broadly in line with FCFE compounding over the
last 2 decades
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity; FCFE = Operating cash flow less Capex less Investment in Subsidiaries/Strategic investments /Acquisitions less Net
debt repayments less Interest Paid less Lease liabilities; *Free Cash Flow is not an appropriate metric for Banking & Financial stocks, hence Earnings growth used as a proxy
to FCFE growth in case of BFSI stocks
Private & Confidential 9
ROCE and Reinvestment rate of Marcellus' CCP stocks
ROCE* Avg. ROCE* Avg. Reinvt. rate
(FY21) (FY16-21) (FY16-21)**
Asian Paints Ltd. 37% 38% 35%
Bajaj Finance Ltd. 13% 20% 89%
Berger Paints India Ltd. 30% 31% 55%
Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 32% 29% 52%
HDFC Bank Ltd. 16% 18% 85%
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 13% 13% 98%
Nestle India Ltd. 148% 76% 10%
Page Industries Ltd. 56% 62% 12%
Pidilite Industries Ltd. 30% 37% 48%
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 53% 48% 10%
Titan Company Ltd. 15% 23% 29%
Dr. Lal Pathlabs Ltd. 36% 39% 25%
HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd. 18% 24% 79%
ICICI Lombard 22% 20% 78%
W. Avg. 36% 34% 49%
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity; *ROE considered instead of ROCE for BFSI
companies; **Reinvestment rate for financials = (1 - dividend payout ratio(%)); **Reinvestment rate for
non-financials is 'cumulative CFI divided by cumulative CFO over last six years
P% P/E % E%
• “We have been lucky to have new jewels in the form of 50% Sales Growth, PBT Margin and ROCE from 1952 25%
professional managers who attempted to do things that haven’t 45%
been done before, and lucky to have a management that allowed 40% 20%
them to do so’ — K.B.S. Anand, Former MD & CEO, Asian Paints 35%
30% 15%
• Growth drivers: 20% 10%
a. Moats built predominantly around supply chain efficiencies: 15%
No room for competition to disrupt through better product 10% 5%
quality or high trade margins as the market dynamics force 5%
dealers to make money on volumes. 0% 0%
b. Strong HR: Attracts top quality talent from the most prestigious 1952-62 1962-72 1972-82 1982-92 1992-2002 2002-12 2012-21
institutions and then grooms and empowers them. Result – Revenue CAGR over 10 years (LHS) PBT/Cap Employed (LHS) PBT Margin (RHS)
talented & independent professional management team.
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity
c. Tech investments: Makes use of technology to improve
operating efficiencies, which helps in three ways – a) shape up
moats around systems and processes (e.g., demand Volume growth, Sales growth and Earnings growth (FY01-21)
forecasting); b) suffocates competition through fewer price
hikes; and c) disrupts itself once every 2-3 decades FY01-06 FY06-11 FY11-16 FY16-21
d. Addition of new revenue growth drivers: Foray into
adjacencies such as waterproofing (1/10th of paints market), Volume CAGR 11% 16% 10% 11%
Launch of service offerings (SAFE Painting service), Launch of
Home Decor service (interior design & execution), Scaling up of Sales CAGR 19% 21% 14% 9%
new retail formats – Beautiful Homes stores (all in one stores),
Colour Ideas PAT CAGR 15% 33% 15% 12%
NOTE: Asian Paints forms a part of most of Marcellus’ portfolios FCFE CAGR 19% 42% 17% 21%
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity; FCFE = Operating cash flow less Capex less Net
Debt Repayments less Interest Paid
Private & Confidential 12
Current competitive advantages Longevity / Sustainability of competitive advantages
18% Revenue CAGR, 40% Strength of today's pricing Incremental deepening of ‘Institution’ building soft
ROCE, 50% capital power moats / new rev growth aspects
reinvestment rate, ~20% FCFE drivers / radical disruption
3-hour direct delivery to paint
CAGR 1) Decentralised execution &
dealers with wafer thin 1) Automated manufacturing – strategy: systems / processes,
margins in a voluminous ABB’s MES, DCS solutions; IOT
Unorg. to org to shift PLUS professional empowerment
product: 3-5x faster vs peers and sensor based tech for real
shortened repainting cycles 2) ALL (except one) employees
time integration of shop earning more than Rs 10 mn
Superior demand forecasting + floors; direct cash transfer to
Market share gains due to have spent 20 yrs or more at
operating efficiencies to painters during Covid-19
irreplicable supply chain APNT; CXO succession driven
minimise price hikes 2) Waterproofing pdts; labour
efficiencies by board (not by CEO)
oriented services; Omni 3) Truly independent and high
Price wars are ineffective channel retail for home décor
Tech investments to reduce quality board; No group-think
without supply chain 3) Tilting market share drivers
working capital cycles and 4) Ample historical evidence of
efficiencies; Product quality towards labour and execution
improve asset turns smooth succession of CXOs
has been commoditised
20% CAGR in FCFE More than 20 years of longevity of free cash flows
Marcellus research analysts’ view of the said • Potential disruption of moats – Gruh had built its moats around decentralised and localised
understanding of their borrowers’ credit profile through gradual geographical expansion.
company’s strength and sustainability (longevity) of Bandhan Bank announced that pan-India expansion of Gruh’s footprint will be a key targeted
competitive advantages synergy.
• Marcellus’ lack of conviction on Bandhan Bank’s fundamentals – since the bank does not
• Optimising portfolio concentration through an exit clear our accounting quality and historical fundamental consistency filters
when a new stock is being included in the portfolio Case study 2: Marico was sold in January 2020 and was replaced with Divis Laboratories:
- due to an increase in conviction levels on strength • Structural deterioration in growth prospects of premium edible oils due to health orientation
and longevity of competitive advantages of the new of its customer base
company (which was hitherto not in the portfolio) • Elements of lethargy in the ground level execution of value-added-hair-oils of Marico in the
face of intense competition
• Partial selling of a stock as part of portfolio • Increased in Marcellus’ conviction on Divi’s competitive advantages
rebalancing to bring it in sync with relative Case study 3: Abbott was sold in February 2022 and was replaced with ICICI Lombard:
conviction on fundamentals of the stock vs other
• Market share loss in key products like Duphaston and Thyronorm. Duphaston has seen loss of
stocks in the portfolio 30 percentage points market share in value terms in last two years after launch of a
competing product by Mankind. Thyronorm’s market share has stagnated in last two years (at
around 48%) and it has lost some market share in the last four years.
• Low visibility on new product pipeline in the foreseeable future to offset the weakness in
some of its existing products like Duphaston, Thyronorm.
• High churn in top management layer.
• Increased in Marcellus’ conviction on ICICI Lombard’s competitive advantages
copra crushing plant in Kerala to reduce procurement costs. Domestic Sales CAGR 17% 5%
Difficult to replicate.
Domestic Volume CAGR 11% 4%
b. Brands: Both Parachute and Saffola enjoy clear brand
leadership build over the years through consistent EBITDA CAGR 19% 11%
advertisement, innovative brand positioning, innovation in Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity
packaging and quality. Saffola brand extended to Foods.
c. Strong HR: Attracts top quality talent from the most Moderation in segmental volume growth over FY15-20
prestigious institutions due to superior work culture
FY10-15 FY15-20
Reasons for exit from Marcellus’ CCP PMS in Jan’20: Domestic Volume CAGR 10.5% 4.2%
a. Sluggishness in volume growth of Parachute & Value Added
Hair Oils (VAHO): Challenges in ground level execution in the Parachute Volume CAGR 8.4% 4.2%
face of intensifying competition e.g., players like Dabur Value Added Hair Oil Volume CAGR 18.4% 5.3%
b. Structural slowdown in super premium edible oils category:
Saffola Volume CAGR 9.8% 6.5%
Installed base of customers in super premium edible oils
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity
reducing consumption due to health orientation. Saffola
volume growth only ~6.5% over FY15-20 despite increase in
market share from ~55% to ~75% over the same period
Private & Confidential – FOR INTENDED RECIPIENT ONLY.
Current competitive advantages Longevity / Sustainability of competitive advantages
<15% FCFE CAGR Uncertainty around longevity score due to slowdown in growth, weakness in moat and lethargy
Marcellus' Consistent Compounders PMS (INR) Nifty Total Returns Index (INR) Marcellus' Consistent Compounders PMS (USD) Nifty Total Returns Index (USD)
25% 17.13%
15.32% 13.73% 9.97% 12.28%
12.46% 15.52% 14.64% 15% 8.19% 9.90% 9.90%
5.69% 7.23%
5% 5%
-3.71% -3.48% -5%
-8.82% -5.09% -4.87% -5.14%
1 month 6 months 1 year 3 years Since inception -25% -18.17%
(Dec 01, '18) 1 month 6 months 1 year 3 years Since inception
(Dec 01, '18)
Source: Marcellus; Performance data shown is net of fixed fees and expenses charged till Source: Marcellus; Performance data shown is net of fixed fees and expenses charged
31st December, 2022 and is net of annual performance fees charged for client accounts till 31st December, 2022 and is net of annual performance fees charged for client
whose account anniversary/performance calculation date falls upto the last date of this accounts whose account anniversary/performance calculation date falls upto the last
performance period; Since inception & 3 years returns are annualised; Other time period date of this performance period; Since inception & 3 years returns are annualised; Other
returns are absolute time period returns are absolute; CCP PMS INR returns are converted into USD returns
using USD-INR exchange rate from NSE
The Consistent Compounders PMS comes with ZERO entry load/exit load and with no lock-in. Our clients can choose any of the following fee structures:
1. a fixed fees model (2% p.a. fixed fees + zero performance fees) or
2. a variable fees model (zero fixed fees + performance fees of 20% profit share above a hurdle of 8%, no catch-up)
3. a hybrid model (1% p.a. fixed fees + performance fees of 15% profit share above a hurdle of 12%, no catch-up).
Clients also have the option to be onboarded directly (without intermediaries/distributors). Such clients can choose from any of the following fee
1. A fixed fees model (1.5% p.a. fixed fees + zero performance fees) or
2. A variable fees model (zero fixed fees + performance fees of 20% profit share above a hurdle of 8%, no catch-up)
3. A hybrid model (0.75% p.a. fixed fees + performance fees of 15% profit share above a hurdle of 12%, no catch-up).
We also have an STP (Systematic Transfer Plan) plan using which clients can stagger their investment in tranches spread over 5 months :-
Existing Investors have the option to save and invest regularly in Marcellus Funds through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) :-
3% Financial Services
Category Large Cap
Home-Building Materials
Benchmark Nifty50 Total Return Index Pharma & Health-Care
17% Information Technology
Top 5 Holdings (accounts for ~50% of allocation)
Page Industries Consumer Discretionary 36%
account anniversary/performance calculation date falls upto the last date of this performance period
CCP v/s NIFTY50 performance
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Note: Performance data shown is net of fixed fees and expenses charged till 31st Dec, 2022 and is net of annual performance fees charged for client accounts whose
• Thirty years from the reforms which opened • Through our discussions with suppliers, customers and
up the Indian economy in 1991, many of competitors of a company, we keep a close eye on
Succession India’s leading ‘promoters’ are aged 70 or whether the ‘promoter’ is on top of his game.
planning over. Hence, they are handing charge to the • If his successors either do not exist or have not been
next generation. groomed adequately, we discuss the matter and its
consequences with him.
• Our investment strategy – of investing in • If we see a company either hoarding cash or moving into
dominant franchises with ROCE of around an unrelated, we engage with the ‘promoter’ to
40% - naturally leads us towards companies understand her thinking on capital allocation.
Capital allocation which generates heavy Free Cashflow. • If we are not convinced about the fitness of what she’s
• If this Free Cashflow is not reinvested doing, we present our point of view (arguing in favour of
wisely, the compounding of the franchise a different capital allocation strategy)
suffers • If six months later we see that our engagement has
made no difference, we consider exiting
• Regulation – both in corporate law and in • By being a part of multiple regulatory committees, by
Regulatory securities market law – is still evolving in writing in the press and by being vocal on social and
constructs India. This creates risks for the unwary. broadcast media about regulatory reform, we have
sought to improve transparency in the fund management
industry in India
Sudhanshu Nahta, CA
Prior to joining Marcellus, Sudhanshu was Executive Assistant to the CEO at Ambit Capital and worked in the Institutional Equities’ Strategy
team. He has also worked with KPMG in the statutory audit team from 2013 to 2016 gaining extensive experience across Indian accounting
standards, financial control systems and financial statement analysis & reviews. Sudhanshu is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a CFA
Level 3 candidate. He has completed his graduation in Commerce from Mumbai University.
Sapana Bhavsar
Human Resources
Sapana has 15 years of experience in Human Resources. In her prior stint with CRISIL, Sapana was leading the India HR Shared Services and was
the Business HR for CRISIL’s Research division. Before CRISIL, Sapana was associated with Bank of America Merrill Lynch and has donned varied
hats across the BAML entities. Sapana is a University Gold Medallist and has a Master’s degree in Labour Studies from Mumbai University.
Siddharth Joshi
Information Technology
Siddharth has more than 15 years of experience in Technology. During these 15 years, he has provided technology consultation to a variety of
functions within investment banks and financial institutions. Before joining Marcellus, Siddharth was working with Nomura where he was head
of multiple teams, responsible for providing IT solutions to front office, operations and risk. He has expertise in Middleware, Automation,
DevOps, Cloud and Messaging for low-latency trading. Prior to working with Nomura, he has been associated with Wells Fargo and TCS.
Siddharth has a Bachelor of Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi University, Indore.
Source: Marcellus Investment Managers; Ace Equity; FCFE = Operating cash flow less Capex less Investment in Subsidiaries/Strategic investments /Acquisitions less Net
debt repayments less Interest Paid less Lease liabilities; *Free Cash Flow is not an appropriate metric for Banking & Financial stocks, hence Earnings growth used as a proxy
to FCFE growth in case of BFSI stocks
Private & Confidential 29
Q2FY23 Q2FY23
Stock Name PAT Remarks
(YoY growth)
(YoY growth)
• Strong customer addition of 2.7mn. AUM growth (30%+) is healthy across all lines
Bajaj Finance Ltd. 31% 88% • New growth drivers = Housing finance, Gold loans, Open source auto financing.
• Digital investments on track. Expect massive benefit in customer acquisition
• Market share gains on asset as well as liability side
• NII growth of 19% YoY; NIMs improved to 4.1% QoQ
HDFC Bank Ltd. 24% 20% • Asset quality continues to remain pristine as ever; GNPA/NNPA = 1.23%/0.33%
• Benefits of low credit costs ploughed back in accelerated branch expansion & hiring
• Acceleration in loan book growth has continued
• Q2 NIMs at 5.17% - highest levels in last decade led by rising rates and lag effect of deposits pricing
Kotak Bank Ltd. 25% 27%
• Asset quality improved - GNPA ratio = 2.08%; NNPA = 0.55%
• High investments in tech & talent (Kotak 811)
• APE growth 3 CAGR is 14.6%. Industry growth is weak; Market share = 9.4% in H1FY23 vs 9.3% in FY22
HDFC Life 4% 10% • VnB margins continue to see steady upward move, resulting into ~18% operating RoEV in Q2.
• Exide Life merger is now fully consummated. Exide life margins up from low single digits to 9%
• Market share improved from 9.3% to 9.5%
ICICI Lombard Ltd. 21% 32% • Investments in health insurance giving benefit as expected
• Adjusted for one-offs, RoE for Q2 was at 19.3%.
Source: Company, Marcellus Investment Managers; Other portfolio companies have not yet reported their pre-result updates or quarterly results; VnB growth for HDFC Life instead of PAT growth
Private & Confidential.
Companies Individual APE Market Share (%) FY10 FY15 FY20 FY22 1HFY23
growth YoY (%) in
Q2FY23 HDFC Standard Life 4.6 7.3 8.1 9.3 9.4
HDFC Standard Life 5.0
ICICI Prudential Life 9.3 11.3 9.0 7.2 6.5
ICICI Prudential Life (8.1)
Max Life 2.9 4.8 5.5 6.2 5.2
Max Life (7.6)
SBI Life 7.2 7.7 13.3 14.7 15.0
SBI Life (3.7)
LIC 47.6 51.0 42.8 37.1 36.7
LIC 2.8
• Over 3-years, volume / value has grown at ~17%/ 20% indicative of continued market share gains
• Major capital allocation decisions to strength the core business: (a) ~3,400crs in capacity expansion; (b)
Asian Paints 19% 31%
~2,550crs in backward integration
• Management expects Gross Margin to be at ~40% levels byQ4FY23
• Healthy 27% CAGR over 3-years; In Q3FY22 sales growth was 15% yoy with strong LTL growth of 9%
• Caratlane continues to grow at 50%+ yoy CAGR with improving profitability (~7% EBIT)
Titan 22% 30%
• Early signs of turnaround seen in Eyewear & Watches segment
• Launched a new initiative: IRTH handbags; Targeting 1000cr top line in next 5yrs
Source: Company, Marcellus Investment Managers; Other portfolio companies have not yet reported their pre-result updates or quarterly results;
Private & Confidential.
Private & Confidential.
Q2FY23 Q2FY23
Stock Name PAT Remarks
(YoY growth)
(YoY growth)
• Non-covid sales growth over 3 years ex Suburban = 9-10%; Including Suburban = 12%. Sales growth lower
than expectations due to moderation of growth in metros / postponement of demand due to rains.
• Competition intensity from online aggregators is reducing; Some of the players have taken price hikes
Dr Lal Pathlabs 15% * -25%
• Suburban growth during the quarter was subdued due to some temporary challenges around integration;
No change in guidance of doubling sales in next 2-3 years
• Healthy sales growth over 3 years of 19% overall and 20% in consumer bazaar division
Pidilite Industries 15% -10% • Gross margins expected to improve as VAM prices have declined from peak of USD 2200 to 1200-1400
• On track to launch new products in all divisions every 1-2 months in next 12-18 months
• Over 3-years, sales & operating profits have grown at ~17% CAGR
Page Industries 16% 1% • Investing in new plant @ Orissa. Plans to double capacity in next 2-3 years.
• After massive distribution expansion, focus is now on cross-selling & up-selling to improve throughput
• Global BOD has decided to accelerate investment focus and the pace of business in India
Nestle 18% 8% • Encouraging new product launches = GERBER baby food, Purina Pet Care
• Distribution expansion in rural India continues
Private & Confidential.
- Strengthening the B2B business – e.g., tech solutions for internal systems of Hospitals
Source: Company, Marcellus Investment Managers; Other portfolio companies have not yet reported their pre-result updates or quarterly results
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of all initiatives taken by our investee companies
Private & Confidential.
Marketing PPT Disclaimer for India & US
Note: The above material is neither investment research, nor investment advice. Marcellus Investment Managers Private Limited (“Marcellus”) is regulated by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) as a provider of Portfolio Management Services and an Alternative Investments Manager. Marcellus is also registered with US Securities and
Exchange Commission (“US SEC”) as an Investment Advisor. No content of this publication including the performance related information is verified by SEBI or US SEC. If any recipient
or reader of this material is based outside India or US, please note that Marcellus may not be regulated in such jurisdiction and this material is not a solicitation to use Marcellus’s
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This material may contain confidential or proprietary information and user shall take prior written consent from Marcellus before any reproduction in any form.
Data/information used in the preparation of this material is dated and may or may not be relevant any time after the issuance of this material. Marcellus takes no responsibility of
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material is urged to read the Private Placement Memorandum/Disclosure Document/Form ADV, Form CRS and any other documents or disclosures provided to them by Marcellus, as
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All recipients of this material must before dealing and or transacting in any of the products referred to in this material must make their own investigation, seek appropriate
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Marcellus, as applicable. Actual results may differ materially from those suggested in this note due to risk or uncertainties associated with our expectations with respect to, but not
limited to, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions in India and other countries globally, inflation, etc. There is no assurance or guarantee that the
objectives of the investment strategy/approach will be achieved.
This material may include “forward looking statements”. All forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty. Any forward-looking statements contained in this document
speak only as of the date on which they are made. Further, past performance is not indicative of future results. Marcellus and any of its directors, officers, employees and any other
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loss of profit in any way arising from the use of this material in any manner whatsoever and shall not be liable for updating the document.