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A. Reviewing Previous Directions: Identify the idea We have learned that Look at this picture. What The teacher will tell a story
Lesson or Presenting the suggested by the given idiomatic expressions are do you see? about how God created the
New Lesson italicized expressions. Write frequently encountered in both Filipinos
the letter of the correct spoken and written discourse.
answer before the number. They require special attention
in language. The sheer
1. When you ride a Philippine number of idioms and their
Airlines domestic flight you high frequency in
will be greeted “Mabuhay!” as conversations make them an
you reach the airport. important aspect of vocabulary That‟s right! It is a rose.
a. welcome b. goodbye c. acquisition and language What comes to your mind
thank you learning in general. Knowing when you see a rose? What
when and where to use them does „rose‟ mean or
_____2. It‟s quite amazing to is an important social skill that represent?
see foreigners use the local should be an integral part of a
public transport and say language in everyday life. A rose is a prickly bush or
“Para!” as they reach their shrub that typically bears
destination. red, pink, yellow, or white
a. slow down b. stop c. stay fragrant flowers, native to
north temperate regions,
_____3. Filipinos believe that and may be associated with
pagmamano should be love, passion, romance,
passed on despite the and death. Your ideas
modern times to ensure about this picture have
reverence to the elderly something to do with our
generation. lesson for today.
a. greatness b. love c.
B. Establishing a Purpose As you go further in your Directions: Select the best When you read and write, Picture Perfect Activity:
for the Lesson studies,you will meet more answer that corresponds to you need to be aware of Students will be grouped into
difficult words in future the meaning of the underlined both the literal meanings of 8 and will show a picture of
reading lessons. There will be words/phrases in the words and their implied the story of each character.
instances that a dictionary or sentence. meanings. You as a reader Their performance will be
the internet will not be and listener must be graded according to the
available for use. It is best to 1. It was raining cats and dogs sensitive to the emotional rubric attached below.
know a way on how to when we got off the car. meaning of words a writer
understand the meaning of uses. Writers often bring a
words in ways other than the a. We were getting really wet. particular attitude or tone to
usual. Let us altogether b. It was raining on cats and their stories. This is
unlock secrets on how to do conveyed in their choices of
that. dogs. words. How do we do that?
We should know denotation
c. It was raining hard. and connotation. This is
d. Cats and dogs were falling what we are going to talk
from the sky. about today.
4. Shia’s __________ is to
become the President of
the Philippines.
5. I ______________
travelling without insurance;
it’s too risky!
J. Additional activities for
application and
V. Remarks