KiemToan Thu
KiemToan Thu
KiemToan Thu
C. Management is dominated by one individual. B. The auditor lacks an understanding of the prospective client's operations and
D. The internal auditors report directly to management. industry.
Câu 11: Which of the following involves establishing the overall audit strategy for the Câu 16: Controls over financial reporting are often classified as preventative,
engagement and developing an audit plan in order to reduce audit risk to an acceptably detective, or corrective. Which of the following is an example of a detective
low level? control?
B. Detecting management fraud. D. Controls reasonably ensure that collusion among employees cannot
D. Safeguarding assets.
Câu 19: What is the primary reason for a company to implement internal control Câu 24: Internal control system could help to achieve objectives including
process? operational efficiency, reliable reporting and:
A. To provide a basis for the company's audit A. Cost reduction
B. To encourage the company to comply with regulations
B. Law compliance
C. To ensure the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of information
C. Risk assessment
D. To provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of the organization are achieved
D. Control environment
Câu 20: Which of the following are components of internal control?
Câu 25: An auditor may compensate for a weakness in the internal control by
A. Control environment, control activities, organizational structure, management philosophy, increasing the extent of
and information system
A. Tests of controls
B. Control activities, legal environment, management philosophy, organizational structure,
information and communication B. Detection risk
C. Control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, C. Substantive tests of details
organizational structure
D. Inherent risk
D. Control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication,
and monitoring activities
Mid term
Câu 21: Which of the following should not be classified as control activities of internal
Câu 1: Internal control system would:
A. Segregation of duties a. Help management reducing direct involvement with the daily operations.
D. Physical control d. Help shareholders evaluating the business and management performance.
Câu 22: of the following should not be classified as a part of control environment? Câu 2: What is the reason for management to evaluate internal control svstem overtime?
A. Commitment to competence a. here is a risk of the system might not work properly.
C. Organizational structure c. Management could identify the cost of applying for internal
Câu 23: Which of the followings is not correct? d. It helps employees to understand their roles and responsibility
A. Control activities can help to eliminate employee collusion. Câu 3: What are tests of controls?
B. All steps of a transaction or a business cycle should not be controlled by one individual. a. Audit procedures to evaluate the operating effectiveness of client internal control system.
C. Business transactions should be approved before happening. b. Tests to perform before accepting an audit client.
D. Management is primarily responsible for designing and maintaining an effective control c. A technique in collecting for audit evidence.
d. A test to confirm the account balances and transactions at assertion level.
Câu 4: Which of the following is INCORECT? Câu 9: Which of the following is an example of detection risk?
a. Control activities would help to eliminate employee collusion. a. Audit sample is unrepresentative.
b. No individual should control all steps of a transaction or a business cycle. b. Business is operating in a rapidly changing technical environment.
A. the auditor. B. Sufficient appropriate evidence must be accumulated to meet the auditor's professional
B. the management.
C. It is appropriate to minimize the cost of accumulating evidence.
C. both the management and the auditor.
D. Gathering evidence and minimizing costs are equally important considerations that affect
D. none of the above. the approach the auditor selects.
9. Which is the suitable form of audit contracts (engagement letters)? 14. Which of the following statement is NOT one of the reasons that auditors provide
only "reasonable assurance" on the financial statements?
A. either oral or written.
A. The auditor commonly examines a sample, rather than the ervre population of transactions.
B. written.
B. Accounting presentations contain complex estimates which involve uncertainty.
C. written and notarized.
C. Fraudulently prepared financial statements are often difficult to detect.
D. written if the client is regulated by the State Securities Commission of Vietnam.
D. Auditors believe that reasonable assurance is sufficient in the vast majority of cases.
10. Which of the following business characteristics is indicative of high inherent risk?
15. Which of the following materiality is at the highest value?
A. Substantial turnover of management
A. Clearly trivial
B. Large likely misstatements detected in prior audits
B. Specific materiality.
C. Operating results that are highly sensitive to economic factors
C. Overall materiality.
D. All of the above
D. Performance materiality
16. Which of the following should be accepted as audit evidence? * 21. Which of the following are general types of audit evidence?
A. Oral responses to the auditor from employees of the company under audit. A. Physical evidence, Documentary evidence
B. Written communications from company employees or outsiders. B. Documentary evidence, Written evidence
D. Evidence may take any of the above forms. D. All of the above
17. Which of the following statements is incorrect? 22. When a qualified or adverse opinion is issued, the qualifying paragraph is inserted:
A. It is possible to vary the sample size from one unit to 100% of the items in the population. A. between the introductory and scope paragraphs.
B. The decision of how many items to test should not be influenced by the increased costs of B. between the scope and opinion paragraphs.
performing the additional tests.
C. after the opinion paragraph, as a fourth paragraph.
C. The decision of how many items to test must be made by the auditor for each audit
procedure. D. immediately after the address, as the first paragraph.
D. The sample size for any given procedure is likely to vary from audit to audit. 23. The auditor obtains audit evidence to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base
the audit opinion by performing audit procedures to:
18. Business risks are:
A. Detect material misstatements at the assertion level
A. Characteristics of the audit client.
B. Test the operating effectiveness of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting,
B. Those threat to the objective of audit opinion. material misstatements at the assertion level
C. Aspects that need to consider before the acceptance of audit engagement. C. Obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment, including its internal control, to
assess the risks of material misstatement at the financial statement and assertion levels
D. Those associated with a company's survival and profitability.
D. All of the above
19. Which of the following considered as the technique to obtain audit evidence?
24. Which of the following should likely be the objective of an audit of financial statements? *
A. Recalculation
A. To determine whether an organization is operating efficiently and effectively.
B. Confirmation
B. To review whether an entity is following specific procedures or rules set down by some higher
C. Observation authority.
D. All of the above C. To investigate whether the management team is fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders.
20. Business system of internal control could help to achieve objectives including D. None of these choices.
operational efficiency, reliable reporting and: 25. Which of the following should the auditors obtain from the predecessor auditors before
accepting an audit engagement?
A. Risk assessment.
A. Analysis of balance sheet accounts.
B. Law compliance.
B. Analysis of income statement accounts.
C. Control environment.
C. All matters of continuing accounting significance.
D. Cost reduction.
D. Facts that might bear on the integrity of management.
26. Which of the following organizations issues the Vietnamese Standards on Auditing 31. Which of the following risks are not related to the audit procedure of the auditors? *
(VSA)? *
A. Inherent risk, Audit risk
A. The Government
B. Detection risk, Audit risk
B. The Ministry of Finance
C. Inherent risk, Control risk
C. The State Audit of Vietnam
D. Detection risk, Control Risk
D. The Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants
32. As part of their audit, the auditors obtain a representation letter from their client.
27. The Fraud Triangle comprises three factors, which are: * Which of the following is not a valid purpose of such a letter?
A. Opportunity, incentive or pressure, and control environment. A. To increase the efficiency of the audit by eliminating the need for other audit procedures.
B. Opportunity, incentive or pressure, and attitude or rationalization. B. To remind the client's management of its primary responsibility for the financial statements.
C. Opportunity, monitoring activities, and attitude or rationalization. C. To document in the audit working papers the client's responses to certain verbal inquiries
made by the auditors during the engagement.
D. Incentive or pressure, promotion, and attitude or rationalization.
D. To provide evidence in those areas dependent upon management's future intentions.
28. Which of the following assertions are related to account balances? *
33. External audits _____ that the financial statements are free from material
A. Existence, Understandability, Rights misstatement.
B. Understandability, Existence, Classification A. Competence
C. Classification, Valuation, Rights B. Completed confidence
D. Valuation, Rights, Existence C. Materiality
29. What is the purpose of audit report? * D. Reasonable assurance
A. To provides assurance to the users of the financial statements that these statements are 34. In case the auditor decides to issue an adverse opinion due to material misstatements
reliable. in the financial statements, the scope paragraph of the audit report will be:
B. To confirm the possibility of the business going concern matter. A. qualified.
C. To show the amount of work has been done before auditor could reach an independent B. unchanged.
opinion about the.
C. deleted.
D. To express the opinion on the management performance during the financial year.
D. expanded to identify the additional procedures which the auditor performed.
30. Which of the following statements is not correct? *
35. Which of the following is not a required work at complete audit phase?
A. Inherent risk is inversely related to detection risk.
A. Obtain understanding of business environment.
B. Inherent risk is inversely related to evidence.
B. Review of subsequent events.
C. Inherent risk is the susceptibility of the financial statements to material error, assuming no
internal controls. C. Final evidence evaluation.
D. Inherent risk is the auditor's assessment of the likelihood that errors exceeding a tolerable D. Review for contingent liabilities.
amount exist in a segment before considering the effectiveness of internal controls.
36. Which of the following issues is more difficult to evaluate objectively?
38. When the auditors are significantly restricted to obtain audit evidence and its effect is
pervasive on the financial statements, which opinion should the auditor generally issue?
A. Qualified.
B. Disclaimer.
C. Adverse.
D. Unqualified.
B. Unusual transactions.
40. What is the purpose of evaluating client background before the acceptance of audit