Constrictive Pericarditis Treated by Surgery
Constrictive Pericarditis Treated by Surgery
Constrictive Pericarditis Treated by Surgery
Article in Texas Heart Institute journal / from the Texas Heart Institute of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital · April 2012
Source: PubMed
55 152
5 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Yalda Mirmesdagh on 21 January 2014.
Key words: Calcinosis;
onstrictive pericarditis is an uncommon cause of heart failure. Approximately
heart failure; low-output syn- 15% of patients with acute pericarditis experience cardiac tamponade. Ef-
drome; pericardial effusion; fusive pericarditis is found in 5% of cases of acute tamponade, but only
pericardiectomy; pericardi-
tis, constrictive/complica-
1.2% of these patients develop chronic constrictive pericarditis. Tuberculosis (TB)
tions/surgery; pericarditis, is the cause of nearly 4% of acute pericarditis cases and 7% of cardiac tamponade
tubercular/surgery; recovery cases. According to reports during the past decade, the incidence of purulent and TB
of function; retrospective
studies; treatment outcome
pericarditis was 55/1,184 patients (4.6%).1
In the past, idiopathic inflammation and TB constituted the most common causes
of constrictive pericarditis. However, during the last 20 years there has been a shift in
From: Departments of
Cardiovascular Surgery
the causes of constrictive pericarditis: radiation and previous cardiac surgery currently
(Drs. Ghavidel, Gholam- are the prime suspects in constrictive pericarditis cases in the Western world.2
pour, and Tabatabaie), This retrospective study was conducted to determine the causes of constrictive peri-
Interventional Cardiology
(Dr. Kyavar), and Heart
carditis in our institution’s patient population over the past 12 years, with a view in
Valve Research Center particular toward ascertaining whether TB would emerge as a significant cause.
(Dr. Mirmesdagh), Rajaee
Cardiovascular Medical
Research Center, Tehran Patients and Methods
University of Medical
Science, 1996911151 All patients who had undergone pericardiectomy at Rajaee Heart Center from 1994
Tehran, Iran
through 2006 were identified in our surgical database. Clinical and operative details
were retrieved from the hospital notes. Patient follow-up was performed by the cardiac
Address for reprints: surgeons and cardiologists in the hospital clinic. Perioperative death was defined as
Alireza Alizadeh Ghavidel,
MD, Cardiovascular
death within 30 days of the operation or during the same hospital admission.
Surgery Department, There were 45 patients, including 28 men (62.2%), with a mean age of 46.6 ±
Rajaee Cardiovascular 14.9 years (range, 21–84 yr). The diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis was confirmed
Medical Research Center,
Tehran University of Medi-
by clinical presentation, echocardiographic study, cardiac catheterization, and chest
cal Science, Vali-Asr Ave., computed tomographic (CT) scan, as needed. During the procedure, tissue and fluid
1996911151 Tehran, Iran sampling—for aerobic and anaerobic cultures and histopathologic studies—was done
for an evaluation of the causal factors. The diagnosis of TB was confirmed on the
E-mail: basis of clinical findings in combination with histopathologic features, including the
[email protected] presence of acid-fast bacilli in Ziel-Nelson tissue staining, typical granuloma and ca-
seous necrosis, and bacteriologic studies using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
© 2012 by the Texas Heart ® test on the pericardial fluid or tissue for evidence of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Six
Institute, Houston patients were admitted with a diagnosis of TB, 4 had chronic renal failure, 2 had a
Statistical Analysis
All of the continuous variables are expressed as mean
± SD and the categorical variables as percentages. The
c2 and Student t tests were performed as appropriate.
The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare
the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional
classes of patients preoperatively and postoperatively. A
P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The overall mortality rate in this series was 4.4% (2/45). Fig. 1 Comparison of the use of inotropic agents during the peri-
The only early death (2.2%) was that of a 38-year-old operative and late postoperative periods.
man, who had presented in NYHA class III and had