Current Concepts in Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
Current Concepts in Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
Current Concepts in Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
4Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Institute of Dental Studies & Technologies, Kadrabad, Modinagar, India
Correspondence author: Divya Goyal, Post Graduate Student, Department of Periodontology, Institute of Dental Studies & Technologies, Kadrabad,
Modinagar, India; E-mail: [email protected]
Citation: Goyal D, et al. Current
Ridge augmentation is a predictable procedure that can correct the defects caused by bone loss
Concepts in Alveolar Ridge
in areas with missing teeth. More importantly, this procedure allows the chance to return the
Augmentation. J Dental Health Oral
Res. 2024;5(1):1-12.
natural contours of the soft tissues that existed before the loss of the tooth. It is done in patients
with insufficient bone height and width by using various bone substitute materials and bone
graft procedures where the successful placement of dental implants is difficult with regards to
maintaining an ideal pathway and avoiding important anatomical structures. This review
article will be carried out to describe the various techniques of ridge augmentation.
Received Date: 03-02-2024
Accepted Date: 11-03-2024
Keywords: Ridge Augmentation; Deficient Ridge; Hard and Soft Tissue Ridge Augmentation
Published Date: 19-03-2024
Periodontium is an important structure that provides support to the tooth necessary to
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
maintain its function and is affected by any changes that the tooth may undergo, including
Submitted for possible open access eruption and extraction [1]. It consists of four principal components which includes gingiva,
publication under the terms and periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. Healing process occurring post extraction
conditions of the Creative Commons follows uneventful changes in the alveolar bone causing structural and dimensional changes
Attribution (CCBY) license in the overlying soft tissue [2]. These changes can occur in horizontal and vertical dimensions
( or both and may hamper with the functional and aesthetic success of prosthetic replacements
including implants [3].
The predictability and technical difficulty of surgically reconstructing the ridge can be guided
by classifications of ridge defects which are helpful to appreciate treatment modality chosen.
According to Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms (GPT) 2009, Ridge augmentation is defined as a procedure designed to enlarge or
increase the size, extent or quality of a deformed residual ridge [4]. Ridge augmentation is intended to augment the alveolar
ridge volume beyond the existing skeletal envelop on the edentulous site of a deficient alveolar ridge with the variety of materials
and techniques to optimize the ridge profile, to re-establish inter maxillary ridge correlation, confirm esthetic outcomes, achieve
the biomechanical requisite of the prosthesis and to confirm osseointegration and persistence of Implant. The purpose of soft
tissue preservation and bone formation is to provide stability and support for the future dental prosthesis. The sufficient
horizontal as well as vertical bone dimensions are a prerequisite to warranty the success of implants.
augmentations [5]. Historically, onlay grafts are performed as GBR with particulate or block type autogenous bone grafts in
vertical augmentation which involves reconstruction of one wall defects.
1. Socket Preservation
Socket grafting is a preventive procedure for socket preservation at the time of extraction, which does not inhibit the resorption
but limits it [6]. The minimal amount of resorption happens after socket grafting but in a predictable manner and the magnitude
of volume loss is less in the grafted socket versus the naive socket. The rationale is that it should be performed in aesthetic areas
in case of buccal bone thickness ≤2 mm or when there is a proximity to anatomic structures, i.e., maxillary sinus or mandibular
canal [7].
i. Onlay Grafting
It is done for horizontal or vertical deficiency or combined horizontal and vertical deficiency.
This is one of the most commonly employed technique. The block graft can be autogenous graft harvested from neighbouring
intraoral donor sites, distant extraoral donor sites or commercially available xenografts or alloplastic grafts [15]. The recipient
bed is prepared by drilling multiple holes after raising the mucoperiosteal flap till the underlying spongiosa is reached (Fig. 1).
Depending on the type of defect, the graft is contoured to adapt in proximity to the recipient site as veneer, block or inverted J
Block graft which is placed for the vertical defects while veneer graft is used in the case of horizontal defects. For combined
defects, the graft is modified to the shape of the inverted letter J [16-18]. Defects augmented using autogenous onlay grafts
provide a labial cortex of bone capable of resisting occlusal loads, especially in the anterior dentition [19].
Figure 1: Block Onlay graft (Source: Goyal M, Mittal N, Gupta GK, Singhal M. Ridge augmentation in implant dentistry. J Int
Clin Dent Res Organ 2015;7:94-112).
It is performed as a staged or simultaneous procedure (Fig. 2). To visualize the defect, the planned recipient area is exposed
by raising a mucoperiosteal flap. The releasing incisions should be placed to ensure direct visualization of the defect and
tension-free closure. The particulate graft is condensed over the defect after drilling holes in the recipient bed to ensure
osseointegration. Demineralized grafts are preferred over mineralized grafts for defects with poorly contained boundaries,
(i.e., maxillary sinus) due to their slower resorption [12]. The coverage with membranes is often recommended but can be
omitted for small defects with sufficient neighbouring walls to provide volume stability [20,21]. The malleability and
workability of particulate graft can be enhanced with tissue adhesives, i.e., fibrin sealants or protein-based regenerative gels.
Figure 2: Particulate graft (Source: Goyal M, Mittal N, Gupta GK, Singhal M. Ridge augmentation in implant dentistry. J Int
Clin Dent Res Organ 2015;7:94-112).
Access incision is placed distant (often mesially) from the recipient site after administration of local anesthesia, Subperiosteal
tunnelling from the incision to graft site is performed with the help of a periosteal elevator. The demineralized particulate bone
graft is placed in this subperiosteal tunnel with the help of modified 1 ml carrier syringe. To conform to the recipient bed in the
desired form, the graft may need digital manipulation. The mesial incision is closed in a tension-free manner to ensure uneventful
healing with minimal risks of dehiscence and graft exposure.
The facial aspect of the planned area of augmentation is exposed by giving a vestibular incision in nonkeratinized mucosa.
Vertical corticotomies and osteotomies are performed using micro reciprocating and sees to the preservation of ≈2 mm of bone
around the roots of neighbouring teeth followed by horizontal corticotomy and osteotomy to mobilize the segment.
There should be a minimum clearance of ≈3-5 mm from vital structures such as the maxillary sinus or mandibular canal. It is
critical to perform only as much advancement as permitted by the soft tissue envelope to achieve tension-free closure. After
careful transportation preserving soft tissue attachments, the bone graft block is sandwiched between the transported segment
and basal bone with the advantages of reducing the need for compliance and less infection [23]. The graft fixation is achieved
with miniplates. Periosteal releasing incisions are placed to aid tension free closure.
Figure 3: Ridge split. (A) thin alveolar ridge; (B) ridge split using MCT disk (3-mm radius); (C)expansion using rigid
osteotome; (D)flexible chillet; (E) MCT ridge splitter; (F) bone expanders; (G) implant placement; (H)closure (Source: Goyal M,
Mittal N, Gupta GK, Singhal M. Ridge augmentation in implant dentistry. J Int Clin Dent Res Organ 2015;7:94-112).
Stage 1: Corticotomy
The goal of corticotomy is to section through the exposed buccal cortex around the periphery of the buccal bony plate, which is
to be laterally repositioned at the stage-2 surgery.
e. Distraction Osteogenesis
It was developed by Gavriel Ilizarov in 1989 to treat skeletal deformities which works on principle of "tension-stress" with
slowly incorporated tensile stress promoting histogenesis [30]. Bone traction generates tension and promotes osteogenesis,
which occurs parallel to the distraction site and can be in vertical and/or a horizontal direction.
This technique allows significant augmentation of both hard and soft tissues in areas with extensive tissue loss in a staged
manner [31-34]. A transport segment is mobilized in a similar manner as for interpositional bone grafting, preserving
attachment to the crestal and lingual tissues.30 The distractor is fixed to transport basal bone segments with approximately
1-2 mm gap between the two segments. This is left in situ for a latency period of 5-7 days to allow the formation of soft tissue
callus between the two segments and then activation is started at the rate of 0.5-2 mm/day for periodic distraction. After
completion of the desired amount of distraction, the distraction device is removed and quality of the bone is explored. The
newly formed bone is hourglass shaped and placement of additional grafts may be required for proper implant placement
at this time. The implant placement is performed after a period of 4-6 months. It undergoes a more active remodeling process
because of the better vascularization when compared to a block graft and minor complications could be averted using an
appropriate technique [35,36].
f. Orthodontic Extrusion
In this method, forces are applied to the periodontally hopeless teeth, which brings the alveolar bone along with it. Elongation
of the tooth in its alveolus causes shifting of gingival and Periodontal Ligament (PDL) fibres. The slow orthodontic extrusion
technique is used to obtain a good amount of hard and soft tissue before dental implant placement. This technique avoids the
surgical steps of the bone regeneration technique and is more simply managed by the clinicians. However, this technique requires
more time to see the final results compared with surgical Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR). It is a non-traumatic technique
whereas GBR is usually associated with pain and swelling in the immediate post op period [37,38].
After local anaesthesia is given, a pilot drill is used, followed by drills in increasing diameters and the osteotomy site is prepared.
Care is taken to ensure that the drill length is maintained at 2 mm away from the floor of the sinus. As drills of higher diameter
are introduced, it is observed that the sinus floor gets fractured and the sinus is slowly elevated to avoid injury to the Schneiderian
membrane, by using a surgical mallet/osteotome with controlled force. Autogenous graft material is inserted within the socket,
if required.
A full-thickness flap is raised giving a crestal incision and a vertical releasing incision. The bone is exposed and sometimes a
bluish hue is seen on the bony surface, which is indicative of the sinus. Then a window is made either using bur or piezosurgical
instruments to delineate the sinus. After the window is prepared, it is slowly disengaged to expose the sinus. Care is taken to
avoid perforation of the Schniederian membrane that lines the sinus. The sinus is then slowly elevated using the appropriate
sinus lift instruments. If the window created has not been totally disengaged, it could be placed below the relocated sinus to
form its floor. The empty void created between the elevated sinus and the basal bone is filled with either autologous or allogeneic
graft material and a membrane is stabilized over it.
A recipient bed is prepared with two parallel split-thickness incisions in the lamina propria of the edentulous area and the
epithelium is removed in order to expose the underlying connective tissue. A free gingival graft is then harvested from the palate
and secured on the recipient vascular bed with interrupted and compressive sutures, with the amount of augmentation
depending on the thickness of the applied graft. There is no shrinkage of the tissue grafted, but a varying amount of volume is
lost during the healing phase for which, it is frequently necessary to repeat the surgical procedure at 2 to 3 month intervals in
order to reach the desired ridge height [45-48].
It involves a connective tissue pedicle flap that originates from the de epithelialization of the palatal tissue close to the edentulous
area in which two parallel incisions are made from the occlusal edentulous area towards the palate and connected with a
horizontal incision. A split-thickness palatal flap is then elevated and a pouch is prepared in the defect area with a split dissection
of the supra periosteal connective tissue. The palatal flap is ‘rolled’ into the pouch area and then sutured [50].
An incision is made using a Bard-Parker blade from the crest to the palatal area to include a sufficient length of the tissue to be
rolled to the desired area on the buccal aspect. A similar incision is made on the other side to include sufficient width of the graft
and the two vertical incisions are connected by a horizontal incision. A partial-thickness trap door-type flap is reflected. The
pedicle is rolled on the buccal aspect and stabilized using a horizontal mattress suture.
A pouch is prepared in the defect area and a free graft derived from the palatal or maxillary tuberosity is harvested which is
partially de-epithelialized and the exposed connective tissue is inserted in the pouch area like a wedge (inlay graft). Thus, the
epithelialized part of the graft remained outside the pouch and sutured at the level of the epithelial surface of the surrounding
tissues [45,46,52-54].
It is done to obtain simultaneous tissue augmentation in the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The donor site is prepared with
a full-thickness coronal dissection and a partial thickness apical dissection. The graft is thus composed of two parts: the coronal
part, which is epithelialized and the apical part, which is formed of connective tissue only. On the defect area, the crestal surface
is de-epithelialized with a beveled incision and the apical surface is prepared with a partial-thickness dissection with two vertical-
releasing incisions extended apically, without involving the adjacent papillae to create a pouch area. The onlay section
(epithelialized area) of the graft is sutured on the crestal surface of the defect, while the inlay section (connective tissue) is inserted
and secured in the vestibular pouch area.
e. Pouch Procedures
It was put forward by Burton Langer and Lawrence Calagna to treat ridge deformities in which a connective tissue graft was
procured from the palatal area or maxillary tuberosity to increase the thickness of the soft tissue on the buccal surface of ridge
A pouch is prepared with a split dissection of the supra periosteal connective tissue and the connective tissue graft is sutured to
the periosteum and then the flap is sutured in its original position and covers the connective tissue graft completely.
The onlay technique is done mostly with an autogenous bone graft. Before the year 2000, most implants were immediately placed
together with the bone grafts. The implants were used to secure the graft. The capacity and volume of the bone grafts are variable
between the studies. These differences could be explained by different follow-up periods, timing of implants placement, different
sites and different bone grafting material. Over all the resorption rate is higher in the first year, but stabilizes after it [18].
Alveolar distraction is only indicated for the mandible because of the pneumatization of the sinus in the maxilla. A disadvantage
is the early resorption of the distracted bone. It undergoes a more active remodeling process because of the better vascularization
when compared to a block graft as reported by Hodges NE [35].
The ridge split technique has been used in horizontal deficiency requiring 2-5 mm of augmentation. It is a minimally invasive
technique indicated for alveolar ridges with adequate height, which enables immediate implant placement and eliminates
morbidity and overall treatment time. The classical approach of the technique involves splitting the alveolar ridge into 2 parts
with use of ostetomes and chisels. Tatum developed specific instruments including tapered channel formers and D-shaped
osteotomes to expand the resorbed residual ridges of both the upper and lower jaws having a ridge width of <3 mm [24-26].
Ridge Expansion is indicated in patients with ridge width <6 mm. A full-thickness flap is raised to expose the bone. Scipioni, et
al., reported a 98% 5-year implant survival rate when utilizing ridge expansion with simultaneous implant placement [58]. The
split-crest technique had previously been compared to lateral ridge augmentation with autogenous bone block graft disclosing
no significant differences in implant survival between the two treatment modalities, although the gain in alveolar ridge width
was significantly higher with lateral ridge augmentation with autogenous bone block graft [59].
Liu J, et al., stated that guided bone regeneration is a surgical procedure that uses barrier membranes with or without particulate
bone grafts or/and bone substitutes [60]. Wang HL, et al., stated that four principles need to be met to ensure successful GBR
[13]. Sandwich grafting is done with vertical ridge deficiency with preexisting minimal vertical alveolar dimensions of 4-5 mm
and without any soft tissue deficit. Choi BH, et al., concluded that sandwich osteotomy combined with interpositional allografts
technique was safe although it leads to some resorption of the superior and anterior parts of the alveolar fragment [23].
Interpositional graft procedures were described by Meltzer which involves the placement of graft without scraping the
epithelium from the connective tissue to treat buccolingual and apicocoronal ridge defects [52]. Tatum proposed a technique,
"sinus lift procedure", for implant placement when there is insufficient bone between the maxillary alveolus and sinus [24].
Alveolar height <10 mm is often an indication for sinus lift surgery via the crestal (indirect) approach, while alveolar height <5
mm via is an indication for the lateral (direct) approach.
In orthodontic extrusion, forces are applied to the periodontally hopeless teeth, which will bring the alveolar bone along with it.
Salama and Salama have documented clinical cases employing forced eruption on hopeless teeth to augment bony tissues in
implant sites and also proposed a classification for extraction socket according to their morphology and placement of the implant
into the socket [37]. PDL cells play a crucial role at a molecular level, thereby aiding in optimal results after implant placement
The Roll technique introduced by Abrams was employed to correct small or moderate soft tissue defects associated with
buccolingual defects of ridge [49]. Padhye, et al., compared the Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft (SCTG) and buccally
displaced flap [61]. The results showed that there was an increase in the width and thickness of keratinized mucosa in the buccally
displaced flap group than the SCTG group, with reduced surgical sites, less postoperative pain and good blood supply. Pouch
procedures were put forward by Burton Langer and Lawrence Calagna to treat ridge deformities in which a connective tissue
graft was used which was procured from the palatal area or maxillary tuberosity to increase the thickness of the soft tissue on
the buccal surface of ridge [56,57].
Reconstructive surgical procedures aimed at restoration of the alveolar ridge to its former dimensions are increasingly
prescribed, particularly in the anterior region where esthetic issues are concerned. Nevertheless, there is a lack of clinical studies
in the literature investigating this concern and therefore evidence- based conclusions cannot be drawn. Furthermore, because of
the high esthetic impact it is advised that patient-centered outcomes be incorporated in clinical trials.
Conflict of Interests
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
The authors of this article wish to thank all the authors listed who have significantly contributed to the development and the
writing of this article.
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