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DS1000Z ProgrammingGuide EN

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Programming Guide

DS1000Z Series
Digital Oscilloscope

May 2019

Guaranty and Declaration

© 2014 RIGOL (SUZHOU) TECHNOLOGIES INC. All Rights Reserved.

Trademark Information
RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL (SUZHOU) TECHNOLOGIES INC.

Publication Number

Software Version
Software upgrade might change or add product features. Please acquire the latest version of the manual
from RIGOL website or contact RIGOL to upgrade the software.

 RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and pending.
 RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications and pricing policies at
the company’s sole decision.
 Information in this publication replaces all previously released materials.
 Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
 RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in connection with the furnishing,
use, or performance of this manual, as well as any information contained.
 Any part of this document is forbidden to be copied, photocopied, or rearranged without prior written
approval of RIGOL.

Product Certification
RIGOL guarantees that this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in China as well as
the ISO9001:2015 standard and the ISO14001:2015 standard. Other international standard conformance
certifications are in progress.

Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual, please contact RIGOL.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.rigol.com

DS1000Z Programming Guide I


Document Overview
This manual provides guidance on how to use the SCPI commands in programming to realize remote
control of RIGOL DS1000Z series digital oscilloscope through the remote interface. DS1000Z can
communicate with a PC through the USB or the LAN bus.

Main Topics in this Manual:

Chapter 1 Programming Overview

This chapter introduces how to build the remote communication between DS1000Z series digital
oscilloscope and the PC. It also introduces the remote control methods as well as the syntax, symbols,
parameters and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.

Chapter 2 Command System

This chapter introduces the syntax, function, parameter and using instruction of each command.

Chapter 3 Programming Demos

This chapter lists some programming demos to illustrate how to use commands to realize the common
functions of the oscilloscope in the development environments of Excel, Matlab, LabVIEW, Visual Basic 6.0
and Visual C++ 6.0.

For the newest version of this manual, please download it from RIGOL official website (www.rigol.com).

Format Conventions in this Manual:

1. Key
The function key on the front panel is denoted by the format of "Key Name (Bold) + Text Box" in the
manual. For example, Utility denotes the "Utility" key on the front panel.

2. Menu
The menu item is denoted by the format of "Menu Word (Bold) + Character Shading" in the manual.
For example, System denotes the "System" item under Utility.

3. Operation Step
The next step of the operation is denoted by an arrow "" in the manual. For example, Utility 
System denotes that first press Utility on the front panel and then press System.

Content Conventions in this Manual:

DS1000Z series includes the following models. Unless otherwise noted, this manual takes DS1104Z-S Plus
as an example to illustrate the command system of DS1000Z series.
Number of Number of
Number of
Model Analog Bandwidth Analog Signal Source
Digital Channels
Channels Channels
DS1104Z-S Plus 100 MHz 4 2 16[1]
DS1074Z-S Plus 70 MHz 4 2 16[1]
DS1104Z Plus 100 MHz 4 -- 16[1]
DS1074Z Plus 70 MHz 4 -- 16[1]
DS1054Z 50 MHz 4 -- --
Note[1]: Required to upgrade through the MSO upgrade option (includes the logic analyzer probe RPL1116 and the
model label).

II DS1000Z Programming Guide

Contents RIGOL

Guaranty and Declaration ......................................................................................................... I
Document Overview ................................................................................................................. II
Chapter 1 Programming Overview......................................................................................1-1
To Build Remote Communication ............................................................................................... 1-2
Remote Control Methods ........................................................................................................... 1-4
SCPI Command Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-5
Syntax ............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Symbol Description ............................................................................................................ 1-5
Parameter Type .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Command Abbreviation ...................................................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 Command System ...............................................................................................2-1
:AUToscale ............................................................................................................................... 2-2
:CLEar...................................................................................................................................... 2-2
:RUN........................................................................................................................................ 2-2
:STOP ...................................................................................................................................... 2-2
:SINGle .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
:TFORce ................................................................................................................................... 2-3
:ACQuire Commands ................................................................................................................. 2-4
:ACQuire:AVERages ............................................................................................................ 2-4
:ACQuire:MDEPth ............................................................................................................... 2-5
:ACQuire:TYPE ................................................................................................................... 2-6
:ACQuire:SRATe? ................................................................................................................ 2-7
:CALibrate Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-8
:CALibrate:QUIT ................................................................................................................ 2-8
:CALibrate:STARt ............................................................................................................... 2-8
:CHANnel<n> Commands ......................................................................................................... 2-9
:CHANnel<n>:BWLimit....................................................................................................... 2-9
:CHANnel<n>:COUPling ................................................................................................... 2-10
:CHANnel<n>:DISPlay ..................................................................................................... 2-10
:CHANnel<n>:INVert ....................................................................................................... 2-11
:CHANnel<n>:OFFSet ...................................................................................................... 2-11
:CHANnel<n>:RANGe ...................................................................................................... 2-12
:CHANnel<n>:TCAL ......................................................................................................... 2-13
:CHANnel<n>:SCALe ....................................................................................................... 2-14
:CHANnel<n>:PROBe ....................................................................................................... 2-14
:CHANnel<n>:UNITs ........................................................................................................ 2-15
:CHANnel<n>:VERNier ..................................................................................................... 2-15
:CURSor Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-16
:CURSor:MODE ................................................................................................................ 2-16
:CURSor:MANual .............................................................................................................. 2-17
:CURSor:TRACk ............................................................................................................... 2-24
:CURSor:AUTO ................................................................................................................. 2-29
:CURSor:XY ..................................................................................................................... 2-33
:DECoder Commands .............................................................................................................. 2-37
:DECoder<n>:MODE ........................................................................................................ 2-37
:DECoder<n>:DISPlay ..................................................................................................... 2-38
:DECoder<n>:FORMat ..................................................................................................... 2-38
:DECoder<n>:POSition .................................................................................................... 2-39
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel1 ................................................................................. 2-40
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel2 ................................................................................. 2-40
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel3 ................................................................................. 2-40
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel4 ................................................................................. 2-40
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:AUTO ....................................................................................... 2-41
:DECoder<n>:CONFig:LABel............................................................................................. 2-41

DS1000Z Programming Guide III

RIGOL Contents

:DECoder<n>:CONFig:LINE .............................................................................................. 2-42

:DECoder<n>:CONFig:FORMat.......................................................................................... 2-42
:DECoder<n>:CONFig:ENDian .......................................................................................... 2-43
:DECoder<n>:CONFig:WIDth ............................................................................................ 2-43
:DECoder<n>:CONFig:SRATe? .......................................................................................... 2-43
:DECoder<n>:UART ......................................................................................................... 2-44
:DECoder<n>:IIC ............................................................................................................. 2-48
:DECoder<n>:SPI ............................................................................................................ 2-50
:DECoder<n>:PARallel ...................................................................................................... 2-56
:DISPlay Commands ................................................................................................................ 2-62
:DISPlay:CLEar ................................................................................................................. 2-62
:DISPlay:DATA? ................................................................................................................ 2-63
:DISPlay:TYPE .................................................................................................................. 2-64
:DISPlay:GRADing:TIME ................................................................................................... 2-65
:DISPlay:WBRightness ...................................................................................................... 2-65
:DISPlay:GRID ................................................................................................................. 2-66
:DISPlay:GBRightness ....................................................................................................... 2-66
:ETABle Commands ................................................................................................................. 2-67
:ETABle<n>:DISP ............................................................................................................. 2-67
:ETABle<n>:FORMat ........................................................................................................ 2-67
:ETABle<n>:VIEW ............................................................................................................ 2-68
:ETABle<n>:COLumn ....................................................................................................... 2-68
:ETABle<n>:ROW ............................................................................................................ 2-69
:ETABle<n>:SORT ............................................................................................................ 2-69
:ETABle<n>:DATA? .......................................................................................................... 2-70
:FUNCtion Commands ............................................................................................................. 2-71
:FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND ................................................................................................ 2-71
:FUNCtion:WRECord:FMAX? .............................................................................................. 2-72
:FUNCtion:WRECord:FINTerval .......................................................................................... 2-72
:FUNCtion:WRECord:PROMpt ............................................................................................ 2-72
:FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate ........................................................................................... 2-73
:FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle ............................................................................................. 2-73
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart ................................................................................................ 2-74
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND ................................................................................................. 2-75
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FMAX? ............................................................................................... 2-75
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FINTerval ........................................................................................... 2-76
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:MODE ................................................................................................ 2-76
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:DIRection .......................................................................................... 2-77
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:OPERate ............................................................................................ 2-77
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FCURrent ........................................................................................... 2-78
IEEE488.2 Common Commands ............................................................................................... 2-79
*CLS ................................................................................................................................ 2-79
*ESE................................................................................................................................ 2-79
*ESR? .............................................................................................................................. 2-80
*IDN? .............................................................................................................................. 2-80
*OPC ............................................................................................................................... 2-80
*RST ............................................................................................................................... 2-80
*SRE ............................................................................................................................... 2-81
*STB? .............................................................................................................................. 2-81
*TST? .............................................................................................................................. 2-81
*WAI ............................................................................................................................... 2-81
:LA Commands ....................................................................................................................... 2-82
:LA:ACTive ....................................................................................................................... 2-82
:LA:AUTosort .................................................................................................................... 2-83
:LA:DIGital<n>:DISPlay .................................................................................................... 2-83
:LA:DIGital<n>:POSition ................................................................................................... 2-84
:LA:DIGital<n>:LABel ....................................................................................................... 2-84
:LA:DISPlay ...................................................................................................................... 2-85

IV DS1000Z Programming Guide

Contents RIGOL

:LA:POD<n>:DISPlay ....................................................................................................... 2-86

:LA:POD<n>:THReshold................................................................................................... 2-86
:LA:SIZE .......................................................................................................................... 2-87
:LA:STATe ........................................................................................................................ 2-87
:LA:TCALibrate ................................................................................................................. 2-88
:LAN Commands ..................................................................................................................... 2-89
:LAN:DHCP ...................................................................................................................... 2-89
:LAN:AUToip .................................................................................................................... 2-89
:LAN:GATeway ................................................................................................................. 2-90
:LAN:DNS ........................................................................................................................ 2-90
:LAN:MAC? ...................................................................................................................... 2-91
:LAN:MANual ................................................................................................................... 2-91
:LAN:INITiate .................................................................................................................. 2-91
:LAN:IPADdress ............................................................................................................... 2-92
:LAN:SMASk .................................................................................................................... 2-92
:LAN:STATus? .................................................................................................................. 2-92
:LAN:VISA? ...................................................................................................................... 2-93
:LAN:APPLy...................................................................................................................... 2-93
:MATH Commands .................................................................................................................. 2-94
:MATH:DISPlay ................................................................................................................ 2-95
:MATH:OPERator .............................................................................................................. 2-95
:MATH:SOURce1 .............................................................................................................. 2-96
:MATH:SOURce2 .............................................................................................................. 2-97
:MATH:LSOUrce1 ............................................................................................................. 2-97
:MATH:LSOUrce2 ............................................................................................................. 2-98
:MATH:SCALe .................................................................................................................. 2-98
:MATH:OFFSet ................................................................................................................. 2-99
:MATH:INVert .................................................................................................................. 2-99
:MATH:RESet ................................................................................................................. 2-100
:MATH:FFT:SOURce........................................................................................................ 2-100
:MATH:FFT:WINDow ...................................................................................................... 2-100
:MATH:FFT:SPLit ............................................................................................................ 2-101
:MATH:FFT:UNIT ............................................................................................................ 2-101
:MATH:FFT:HSCale ......................................................................................................... 2-102
:MATH:FFT:HCENter ....................................................................................................... 2-103
:MATH:FFT:MODE .......................................................................................................... 2-103
:MATH:FILTer:TYPE ........................................................................................................ 2-104
:MATH:FILTer:W1 ........................................................................................................... 2-105
:MATH:FILTer:W2 ........................................................................................................... 2-106
:MATH:OPTion:STARt ..................................................................................................... 2-106
:MATH:OPTion:END........................................................................................................ 2-107
:MATH:OPTion:INVert .................................................................................................... 2-107
:MATH:OPTion:SENSitivity .............................................................................................. 2-108
:MATH:OPTion:DIStance ................................................................................................ 2-108
:MATH:OPTion:ASCale .................................................................................................... 2-109
:MATH:OPTion:THReshold1 ............................................................................................ 2-109
:MATH:OPTion:THReshold2 ............................................................................................ 2-110
:MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1 ........................................................................................... 2-110
:MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2 ........................................................................................... 2-111
:MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator ........................................................................................... 2-111
:MASK Commands ................................................................................................................ 2-112
:MASK:ENABle ............................................................................................................... 2-112
:MASK:SOURce .............................................................................................................. 2-113
:MASK:OPERate ............................................................................................................. 2-113
:MASK:MDISplay ............................................................................................................ 2-114
:MASK:SOOutput ........................................................................................................... 2-114
:MASK:OUTPut............................................................................................................... 2-115
:MASK:X ........................................................................................................................ 2-115

DS1000Z Programming Guide V

RIGOL Contents

:MASK:Y ........................................................................................................................ 2-115

:MASK:CREate ................................................................................................................ 2-116
:MASK:PASSed? .............................................................................................................. 2-116
:MASK:FAILed? ............................................................................................................... 2-116
:MASK:TOTal? ................................................................................................................ 2-116
:MASK:RESet .................................................................................................................. 2-116
:MEASure Commands ............................................................................................................ 2-117
:MEASure:SOURce .......................................................................................................... 2-121
:MEASure:COUNter:SOURce ............................................................................................ 2-121
:MEASure:COUNter:VALue? ............................................................................................. 2-122
:MEASure:CLEar ............................................................................................................. 2-122
:MEASure:RECover ......................................................................................................... 2-122
:MEASure:ADISplay ........................................................................................................ 2-123
:MEASure:AMSource ....................................................................................................... 2-123
:MEASure:SETup:MAX ..................................................................................................... 2-124
:MEASure:SETup:MID ..................................................................................................... 2-124
:MEASure:SETup:MIN ..................................................................................................... 2-125
:MEASure:SETup:PSA ...................................................................................................... 2-125
:MEASure:SETup:PSB ...................................................................................................... 2-126
:MEASure:SETup:DSA ..................................................................................................... 2-126
:MEASure:SETup:DSB ..................................................................................................... 2-127
:MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay ............................................................................................ 2-127
:MEASure:STATistic:MODE .............................................................................................. 2-128
:MEASure:STATistic:RESet ............................................................................................... 2-128
:MEASure:STATistic:ITEM ................................................................................................ 2-129
:MEASure:ITEM .............................................................................................................. 2-130
:REFerence Commands .......................................................................................................... 2-131
:REFerence:DISPlay ........................................................................................................ 2-131
:REFerence<n>:ENABle .................................................................................................. 2-131
:REFerence<n>:SOURce ................................................................................................. 2-132
:REFerence<n>:VSCale .................................................................................................. 2-132
:REFerence<n>:VOFFset ................................................................................................ 2-133
:REFerence<n>:RESet .................................................................................................... 2-133
:REFerence<n>:CURRent ............................................................................................... 2-133
:REFerence<n>:SAVe ..................................................................................................... 2-134
:REFerence<n>:COLor ................................................................................................... 2-134
[:SOURce[<n>]] Commands ................................................................................................. 2-135
[:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>][:STATe] .......................................................................... 2-136
[:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>]:IMPedance ..................................................................... 2-136
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed] .............................................................................. 2-137
[:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe[:ADJust] .................................................................................... 2-137
[:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe:INITiate .................................................................................... 2-138
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe] ................................................................................ 2-138
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry .................................................................... 2-139
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]............................................. 2-139
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:OFFSet .................................................... 2-140
[:SOURce[<n>]]:PULSe:DCYCle ...................................................................................... 2-140
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD[:STATe] ....................................................................................... 2-141
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe ........................................................................................... 2-141
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM[:DEPTh] ................................................................................. 2-142
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency ............................................................... 2-142
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency ............................................................... 2-142
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion .................................................................. 2-143
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion .................................................................. 2-143
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM[:DEVIation] ............................................................................ 2-144
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy? ................................................................................................. 2-144
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:NOISe ........................................................................................ 2-145
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:PULSe ........................................................................................ 2-145

VI DS1000Z Programming Guide

Contents RIGOL

[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:RAMP ........................................................................................ 2-145

[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SINusoid.................................................................................... 2-145
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SQUare...................................................................................... 2-145
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:USER ......................................................................................... 2-145
:STORage Commands ........................................................................................................... 2-147
:STORage:IMAGe:TYPE .................................................................................................. 2-147
:STORage:IMAGe:INVERT............................................................................................... 2-147
:STORage:IMAGe:COLor ................................................................................................. 2-148
:SYSTem Commands ............................................................................................................. 2-149
:SYSTem:AUToscale........................................................................................................ 2-149
:SYSTem:BEEPer ............................................................................................................ 2-150
:SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? ................................................................................................ 2-150
:SYSTem:GAM? .............................................................................................................. 2-150
:SYSTem:LANGuage ....................................................................................................... 2-150
:SYSTem:LOCKed ........................................................................................................... 2-151
:SYSTem:PON ................................................................................................................ 2-151
:SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall ................................................................................................ 2-151
:SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall ............................................................................................ 2-152
:SYSTem:RAM? .............................................................................................................. 2-152
:SYSTem:SETup ............................................................................................................. 2-152
[:TRACe[<n>]] Commands ................................................................................................... 2-153
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA ..................................................................................................... 2-153
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC16 .......................................................................................... 2-154
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC ............................................................................................. 2-155
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts ......................................................................................... 2-156
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts:INTerpolate ....................................................................... 2-156
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue .......................................................................................... 2-157
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:LOAD? .......................................................................................... 2-157
:TIMebase Commands .......................................................................................................... 2-158
:TIMebase:DELay:ENABle ............................................................................................... 2-158
:TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet ............................................................................................... 2-159
:TIMebase:DELay:SCALe ................................................................................................ 2-160
:TIMebase[:MAIN]:OFFSet.............................................................................................. 2-161
:TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe ............................................................................................... 2-162
:TIMebase:MODE ........................................................................................................... 2-162
:TRIGger Commands ............................................................................................................ 2-163
:TRIGger:MODE ............................................................................................................. 2-163
:TRIGger:COUPling ........................................................................................................ 2-164
:TRIGger:STATus? .......................................................................................................... 2-164
:TRIGger:SWEep............................................................................................................ 2-164
:TRIGger:HOLDoff ......................................................................................................... 2-165
:TRIGger:NREJect .......................................................................................................... 2-165
:TRIGger:POSition? ........................................................................................................ 2-166
:TRIGger:EDGe .............................................................................................................. 2-167
:TRIGger:PULSe ............................................................................................................. 2-169
:TRIGger:SLOPe ............................................................................................................. 2-173
:TRIGger:VIDeo ............................................................................................................. 2-178
:TRIGger:PATTern .......................................................................................................... 2-181
:TRIGger:DURATion ....................................................................................................... 2-184
:TRIGger:TIMeout .......................................................................................................... 2-188
:TRIGger:RUNT ............................................................................................................. 2-190
:TRIGger:WINDows ....................................................................................................... 2-194
:TRIGger:DELay ............................................................................................................. 2-197
:TRIGger:SHOLd ............................................................................................................ 2-201
:TRIGger:NEDGe............................................................................................................ 2-204
:TRIGger:RS232............................................................................................................. 2-206
:TRIGger:IIC ................................................................................................................. 2-211
:TRIGger:SPI ................................................................................................................. 2-215

DS1000Z Programming Guide VII

RIGOL Contents

:WAVeform Commands .......................................................................................................... 2-221

:WAVeform:SOURce ........................................................................................................ 2-222
:WAVeform:MODE .......................................................................................................... 2-223
:WAVeform:FORMat ........................................................................................................ 2-223
:WAVeform:DATA? .......................................................................................................... 2-224
:WAVeform:XINCrement? ................................................................................................ 2-227
:WAVeform:XORigin? ...................................................................................................... 2-227
:WAVeform:XREFerence? ................................................................................................ 2-228
:WAVeform:YINCrement? ................................................................................................ 2-228
:WAVeform:YORigin? ...................................................................................................... 2-228
:WAVeform:YREFerence? ................................................................................................ 2-229
:WAVeform:STARt ........................................................................................................... 2-229
:WAVeform:STOP ........................................................................................................... 2-229
:WAVeform:PREamble? ................................................................................................... 2-230
Chapter 3 Programming Demos ......................................................................................... 3-1
Programming Preparations ......................................................................................................... 3-2
Excel Programming Demo .......................................................................................................... 3-3
Matlab Programming Demo........................................................................................................ 3-7
LabVIEW Programming Demo .................................................................................................... 3-9
Visual Basic Programming Demo .............................................................................................. 3-13
Visual C++ Programming Demo ............................................................................................... 3-15

VIII DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL

Chapter 1 Programming Overview

This chapter introduces how to build the remote communication between DS1000Z series digital
oscilloscope and the PC. It also introduces the remote control methods as well as the syntax, symbols,
parameters and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.

Main topics of this chapter:

 To Build Remote Communication
 Remote Control Methods
 SCPI Command Overview

DS1000Z Programming Guide 1-1

RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview

To Build Remote Communication

This oscilloscope can communicate with a PC through the USB or the LAN bus. This section introduces how
to control the oscilloscope remotely through the USB interface using Ultra Sigma in details.

Operation Steps:

1. Install the Ultra Sigma common PC software

Download the Ultra Sigma common PC software from RIGOL official website (www.rigol.com) and
install it according to the instructions.

2. Connect the instrument and PC and configure the interface parameters of the instrument
DS1000Z can communicate with a PC through the USB or the LAN bus. This manual takes the USB
interface as an example.

(1) Connect the devices

Connect the USB Device interface at the real panel of the oscilloscope and the USB Host interface
of the PC using a USB cable.

(2) Install the USB driver

This oscilloscope is a USB-TMC device. After you connect the oscilloscope to the PC and turn both
on for the first time (the oscilloscope is automatically configured to the USB interface; at the same
time, make sure that Utility  IO Setting  USB Device is set to "Computer"), the Found
New Hardware Wizard as shown in the figure below is displayed on the PC. Please install the
"USB Test and Measurement Device (IVI)" driver following the directions in the wizard. The steps
are as follows.


1-2 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL

DS1000Z Programming Guide 1-3

RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview

(3) Search for device resource

Start up the Ultra Sigma and the software will automatically search for the instrument resources
currently connected to the PC. You can also click to search for the resources.

(4) View the device resources

The resources found will appear under the "RIGOL Online Resource" directory and the model
number and USB interface information of the instrument will also be displayed.
For example, DS1104Z (USB0::0x1AB1::0x04CE::DS1ZD170800001::INSTR).

(5) Control the instrument remotely

Right click the resource name "DS1104Z (USB0::0x1AB1::0x04CE::DS1ZD170800001::INSTR)"
and select "SCPI Panel Control" to turn on the remote command control panel through which you
can send commands and read data.

Remote Control Methods

1. User-defined Programming
Users can use SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands to program and
control the oscilloscope. For details, refer to the introductions in "Chapter 3 Programming Demos".

2. Send SCPI Commands via PC Software

You can control the oscilloscope remotely by sending SCPI commands via PC software. Ultra Sigma
provided by RIGOL is recommended.

1-4 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL

SCPI Command Overview

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a standardized instrument programming
language that is built upon the standard IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 and conforms to various standards
(such as the floating point operation rule in IEEE 754 standard, ISO 646 7-bit coded character for
information interchange (equivalent to ASCII programming)). The SCPI commands provide a hierarchical
tree structure and consist of multiple subsystems. Each command subsystem consists of a root keyword
and one or more sub-keywords.

The command string usually starts with ":"; the keywords are separated by ":" and are followed by the
parameter settings available; "?" is added at the end of the command string to indicate query; the
command keywords and the first parameter are separated by space.

For example,
:ACQuire:TYPE <type>
ACQuire is the root keyword of the command. TYPE is the second-level keyword. The command string starts
with ":" which is also used to separate the multiple-level keywords. <type> represents the parameters
available for setting. "?" represents query. The command keywords :ACQuire:TYPE and parameter <type>
are separated by a space.

"," is generally used for separating multiple parameters contained in the same command, for example,
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue volatile,<points>,<data>

Symbol Description
The following symbols will not be sent with the commands.

1. Braces {}
The parameters enclosed in the braces are optional and are usually separated by the vertical bar "|".
When using the command, one of the parameters must be selected.

2. Vertical Bar |
The vertical bar is used to separate multiple parameters and one of the parameters must be selected
when using the command.

3. Square Brackets []
The content in the square brackets can be omitted.

4. Triangle Brackets <>

The parameter enclosed in the triangle brackets must be replaced by an effective value.

Parameter Type
1. Bool
The parameter could be ON, OFF, 1, or 0. For example,
:MEASure:ADISplay <bool>
<bool> can be set to {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}.
The query returns 1 or 0.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 1-5

RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview

2. Discrete
The parameter could be any of the values listed. For example,
:ACQuire:TYPE <type>
<type> can be set to NORMal|AVERages|PEAK|HRESolution.
The query returns the abbreviations (NORM, AVER, PEAK, or HRES).

3. Integer
Unless otherwise noted, the parameter can be any integer (NR1 format) within the effective value
range. Note that do not set the parameter to a decimal, otherwise errors will occur. For example,
:DISPlay:GBRightness <brightness>
<brightness> can be set to any integer between 0 and 100.
The query returns an integer between 0 and 100.

4. Real
The parameter can be any real number within the effective value range and this command accepts
decimal (NR2 format) and scientific notation (NR3 format) parameter input. For example,
:TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe <NR3>
<NR3> can be set to any real number between 1.6e-08 (namely 16ns) to 1e+01 (namely 10s).
The query returns a real number in scientific notation.

5. ASCII String
The parameter should be the combinations of ASCII characters.
For example,
:SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall <license>
<license> can be set to PDUY9N9QTS9PQSWPLAETRD3UJHYA.

Command Abbreviation
All the commands are case-insensitive and you can use any of them. If abbreviation is used, all the capital
letters in the command must be written completely. For example,
:MEASure:ADISplay? can be abbreviated to :MEAS:ADIS?.

1-6 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Chapter 2 Command System

This chapter introduces the syntax, function, parameter, and using instruction of each DS1000Z command.

Main topics of this chapter:

 :AUToscale
 :CLEar
 :RUN
 :SINGle
 :TFORce
 :ACQuire Commands
 :CALibrate Commands
 :CHANnel<n> Commands
 :CURSor Commands
 :DECoder Commands
 :DISPlay Commands
 :ETABle Commands
 :FUNCtion Commands
 IEEE488.2 Common Commands
 :LA Commands
 :LAN Commands
 :MATH Commands
 :MASK Commands
 :MEASure Commands
 :REFerence Commands
 [:SOURce[<n>]] Commands
 :STORage Commands
 :SYSTem Commands
 [:TRACe[<n>]] Commands
 :TIMebase Commands
 :TRIGger Commands
 :WAVeform Commands

1. Unless otherwise noted, this manual takes DS1104Z-S Plus as an example to introduce the commands.
2. Unless otherwise noted, the descriptions and commands related to the digital channels in this manual
are only applicable to DS1000Z Plus with the MSO upgrade option.
3. For parameter setting commands (for example, the time, frequency, and amplitude), the oscilloscope
can only accept numbers and set the parameters using the default units; it cannot recognize the units
sent with the parameters. For the default unit of each parameter, please refer to the description in each
command in the following introductions.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-1

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :AUToscale
Description Enable the waveform auto setting function. The oscilloscope will automatically adjust the
vertical scale, horizontal timebase, and trigger mode according to the input signal to
realize optimum waveform display. This command is equivalent to pressing the AUTO key
on the front panel.
Explanation  Theoretically, waveform auto setting function requires that the frequency of sine is no
lower than 41Hz; the duty cycle should be greater than 1% and the amplitude must
be at least 20mVpp for square (the probe ratio is 1X).
 When the pass/fail function is enabled (see the :MASK:ENABle command), if you sent
this command, the oscilloscope will disable the pass/fail function firstly and then
execute the waveform auto setting function.
 When the waveform record function is enabled or during the playback of the
recorded waveform, this command is invalid.

Syntax :CLEar
Description Clear all the waveforms on the screen. If the oscilloscope is in the RUN state, waveform
will still be displayed. This command is equivalent to pressing the CLEAR key on the front
Related :DISPlay:CLEar

Syntax :RUN
Description The :RUN command starts the oscilloscope and the :STOP command stops the
oscilloscope. These commands are equivalent to pressing the RUN/STOP key on the
front panel.
Explanation When the waveform record function is enabled or during the playback of the recorded
waveform, these commands are invalid.

2-2 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :SINGle
Description Set the oscilloscope to the single trigger mode. This command is equivalent to any of the
following two operations: pressing the SINGLE key on the front panel and sending
the :TRIGger:SWEep SINGle command.
Explanation  In the single trigger mode, the oscilloscope triggers once when the trigger conditions
are met and then stops.
 When the waveform record function is enabled or during the playback of the
recorded waveform, this command is invalid.
Related :TFORce

Syntax :TFORce
Description Generate a trigger signal forcefully. This command is only applicable to the normal and
single trigger modes (see the :TRIGger:SWEep command) and is equivalent to pressing
the FORCE key in the trigger control area on the front panel.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-3

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:ACQuire Commands
The :ACQuire commands are used to set and query the memory depth, acquisition mode and the number of
averages as well as query the current sample rate of the oscilloscope.

Command List [1]:

 :ACQuire:AVERages
 :ACQuire:MDEPth
 :ACQuire:TYPE
 :ACQuire:SRATe?

Note[1]: In the "Command List" in this manual, the parameters in the setting commands and the query commands are
not included and you can refer to the complete introductions of the commands in the text according to the keywords.

Syntax :ACQuire:AVERages <count>
Description Set or query the number of averages under the average acquisition mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<count> Integer 2 (n is an integer from 1 to 10) 2
Explanation  You can send the :ACQuire:TYPE command to set the acquisition mode.
 In the average acquisition mode, greater number of averages can lower the noise
and increase the vertical resolution, but will also slow the response of the displayed
waveform to the waveform changes.
Return The query returns an integer between 2 and 1024.
Example :ACQuire:AVERages 128 /*Set the number of averages to 128*/
:ACQuire:AVERages? /*The query returns 128*/

2-4 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :ACQuire:MDEPth <mdep>
Description Set or query the memory depth of the oscilloscope (namely the number of waveform
points that can be stored in a single trigger sample). The default unit is pts (points).
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mdep> Discrete Refer to Explanation AUTO
Explanation  For the analog channel:
― When a single channel is enabled, the range of <mdep> is {AUTO|12000|
― When dual channels are enabled, the range of <mdep> is {AUTO|6000|60000|
― When three/four channels are enabled, the range of <mdep> is {AUTO|3000|
For the digital channel:
― When 8 channels are enabled, the range of <mdep> is {AUTO|12000|120000|
― When 16 channels are enabled, the range of <mdep> is {AUTO|6000|60000|
 The following equation describes the relationship among memory depth, sample
rate, and waveform length:
Memory Depth = Sample Rate x Waveform Length
Wherein, the Waveform Length is the product of the horizontal timebase (set by
the :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe command) times the number of grids in the horizontal
direction on the screen (12 for DS1000Z).
When AUTO is selected, the oscilloscope will select the memory depth automatically
according to the current sample rate.
Return The query returns the actual number of points (integer) or AUTO.
Example :ACQuire:MDEPth 12000 /*Set the memory depth to 12000pts*/
:ACQuire:MDEPth? /*The query returns 12000*/
Related :ACQuire:SRATe?

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-5

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :ACQuire:TYPE <type>
Description Set or query the acquisition mode of the oscilloscope.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {NORMal|AVERages|PEAK|HRESolution} NORMal
Explanation  NORMal: in this mode, the oscilloscope samples the signal at equal time interval to
rebuild the waveform. For most of the waveforms, the best display effect can be
obtained using this mode.
 AVERages: in this mode, the oscilloscope averages the waveforms from multiple
samples to reduce the random noise of the input signal and improve the vertical
resolution. The number of averages can be set by the:ACQuire:AVERages command.
Greater number of averages can lower the noise and increase the vertical resolution,
but will also slow the response of the displayed waveform to the waveform changes.
 PEAK (Peak Detect): in this mode, the oscilloscope acquires the maximum and
minimum values of the signal within the sample interval to get the envelope of the
signal or the narrow pulse of the signal that might be lost. In this mode, signal
confusion can be prevented but the noise displayed would be larger.
 HRESolution (High Resolution): this mode uses a kind of ultra-sample technique to
average the neighboring points of the sample waveform to reduce the random noise
on the input signal and generate much smoother waveforms on the screen. This is
generally used when the sample rate of the digital converter is higher than the
storage rate of the acquisition memory.
Return The query returns NORM, AVER, PEAK, or HRES.
Example :ACQuire:TYPE AVERages /*Select the average acquisition mode*/
:ACQuire:TYPE? /*The query returns AVER*/

2-6 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :ACQuire:SRATe?
Description Query the current sample rate. The default unit is Sa/s.
Explanation  Sample rate is the sample frequency of the oscilloscope, namely the waveform points
sampled per second.
 The following equation describes the relationship among memory depth, sample
rate, and waveform length:
Memory Depth = Sample Rate x Waveform Length
Wherein, the Memory Depth can be set using the :ACQuire:MDEPth command, and
the Waveform Length is the product of the horizontal timebase (set by
the :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe command) times the number of the horizontal scales
(12 for DS1000Z).
Return The query returns the sample rate in scientific notation.
Example :ACQuire:SRATe? /*The query returns 2.000000e+09*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-7

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:CALibrate Commands
Command List:
 :CALibrate:QUIT
 :CALibrate:STARt

Syntax :CALibrate:QUIT
Description Exit the self-calibration at any time.
Related :CALibrate:STARt

Syntax :CALibrate:STARt
Description The oscilloscope starts to execute self-calibration.
Explanation  The self-calibration operation can make the oscilloscope quickly reach its optimum
working state to obtain the most accurate measurement values.
 During the self-calibration, all the channels of the oscilloscope must be disconnected
from the inputs.
 The functions of most of the keys are disabled during the self-calibration. You can
send the :CALibrate:QUIT command to quit the self-calibration.

2-8 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:CHANnel<n> Commands
The :CHANnel<n> commands are used to set or query the vertical system parameters of the analog
channels, such as the bandwidth limit, coupling, vertical scale, and vertical offset.

Command List:
 :CHANnel<n>:BWLimit
 :CHANnel<n>:COUPling
 :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay
 :CHANnel<n>:INVert
 :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet
 :CHANnel<n>:RANGe
 :CHANnel<n>:TCAL
 :CHANnel<n>:SCALe
 :CHANnel<n>:PROBe
 :CHANnel<n>:UNITs
 :CHANnel<n>:VERNier

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:BWLimit <type>
Description Set or query the bandwidth limit parameter of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<type> Discrete {20M|OFF} OFF
Explanation  OFF: disable the bandwidth limit and the high frequency components of the signal
under test can pass the channel.
20M: enable the bandwidth limit and the high frequency components of the signal
under test that exceed 20 MHz are attenuated.
 Enabling the bandwidth limit can reduce the noise, but can also attenuate the high
frequency components.
Return The query returns 20M or OFF.
Example :CHANnel1:BWLimit 20M /*Enable the 20MHz bandwidth limit*/
:CHANnel1:BWLimit? /*The query returns 20M*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-9

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:COUPling <coupling>
Description Set or query the coupling mode of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<coupling> Discrete {AC|DC|GND} DC
Explanation  AC: the DC components of the signal under test are blocked.
 DC: the DC and AC components of the signal under test can both pass the channel.
 GND: the DC and AC components of the signal under test are both blocked.
Return The query returns AC, DC, or GND.
Example :CHANnel1:COUPling AC /*Select the AC coupling mode*/
:CHANnel1:COUPling? /*The query returns AC*/

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the specified channel or query the status of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
CH1: 1|ON
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}
CH2 to CH4: 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :CHANnel1:DISPlay ON /*Enable CH1*/
:CHANnel1:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

2-10 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:INVert <bool>
Description Enable or disable the waveform invert of the specified channel or query the status of the
waveform invert of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation When waveform invert is turned off, the waveform display is normal; when waveform
invert is turned on, the waveform voltage values are inverted.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :CHANnel1:INVert ON /*Enable the waveform invert of CH1*/
:CHANnel1:INVert? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet <offset>
Description Set or query the vertical offset of the specified channel. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
Related to the current vertical scale and
probe ratio
When the probe ratio is 1X,
vertical scale≥500mV/div: -100V to +100V 0V (the probe
<offset> Real
vertical scale<500mV/div: -2V to +2V ratio is 10X)
When the probe ratio is 10X,
vertical scale≥5V/div: -1000V to +1000V
vertical scale<5V/div: -20V to +20V
Return The query returns the vertical offset in scientific notation.
Example :CHANnel1:OFFSet 0.01 /*Set the vertical offset of CH1 to 10mV*/
:CHANnel1:OFFSet? /*The query returns 1.000000e-02*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-11

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:RANGe <range>
Description Set or query the vertical range of the specified channel. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
Related to the probe ratio
8V (the probe
<range> Real When the probe ratio is 1X: 8mV to 80V
ratio is 10X)
When the probe ratio is 10X: 80mV to 800V
Explanation This command indirectly modifies the vertical scale of the specified channel (Vertical Scale
= Vertical Range/8). The vertical scale can be set by the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command.
Return The query returns the vertical range in scientific notation.
Example :CHANnel1:RANGe 8 /*Set the vertical range of CH1 to 8V*/
:CHANnel1:RANGe? /*The query returns 8.000000e+00*/

2-12 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:TCAL <val>
Description Set or query the delay calibration time of the specified channel to calibrate the zero offset
of the corresponding channel. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<val> Real -100ns to 100ns 0.00s
Explanation <val> can only be set to the specific values in the specified step. If the parameter you
sent is not one of the specific values, the parameter will be set to the nearest specific
values automatically. The step varies with the horizontal timebase (set by
the :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe command), as shown in the table below.

Horizontal Timebase Step of the Delay Calibration Time

5ns 100ps
10ns 200ps
20ns 400ps
50ns 1ns
100ns 2ns
200ns 4ns
500ns 10ns
1μs to 10μs 20ns
Note: When the horizontal timebase is equal to or greater than 10μs, the delay
calibration time cannot be adjusted.
Return The query returns the delay calibration time in scientific notation.
Example :CHANnel1:TCAL 0.00000002 /*Set the delay calibration time to 20ns*/
:CHANnel1:TCAL? /*The query returns 2.000000e-08*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-13

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:SCALe <scale>
Description Set or query the vertical scale of the specified channel. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
Related to the current probe ratio
When the probe ratio is 1X: 1mV to 10V 1V (the probe
<scale> Real
When the probe ratio is 10X (default): 10mV to ratio is 10X)
Explanation  The range of the vertical scale is related to the current probe ratio (set by
the :CHANnel<n>:PROBe command).
 You can use the :CHANnel<n>:VERNier command to enable or disable the fine
adjustment of the vertical scale. By default, the fine adjustment is off. At this point,
you can only set the vertical scale in 1-2-5 step, namely 10mV, 20mV, 50mV,
100mV, …, 100V (the probe ratio is 10X). When the fine adjustment is on, you can
further adjust the vertical scale within a relatively smaller range to improve the
vertical resolution. If the amplitude of the input waveform is a little bit greater than
the full scale under the current scale and the amplitude would be a little bit lower if
the next scale is used, fine adjustment can be used to improve the display amplitude
of the waveform to view the signal details.
Return The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation.
Example :CHANnel1:SCALe 1 /*Set the vertical scale of CH1 to 1V*/
:CHANnel1:SCALe? /*The query returns 1.000000e+00*/

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:PROBe <atten>
Description Set or query the probe ratio of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<atten> Discrete 10
Explanation  Setting the probe ratio refers to multiply the signal sampled with the specified ratio
and then display the result (the actual amplitude of the signal will not be affected).
 Setting the probe ratio will affect the range of the vertical scale.
Return The query returns the probe ratio in scientific notation.
Example :CHANnel1:PROBe 10 /*Set the probe ratio of CH1 to 10X*/
:CHANnel1:PROBe? /*The query returns 1.000000e+01*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

2-14 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:UNITs <units>
Description Set or query the amplitude display unit of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --
<units> Discrete {VOLTage|WATT|AMPere|UNKNown} VOLTage
Return The query returns VOLT, WATT, AMP, or UNKN.
Example :CHANnel1:UNITs VOLTage /*Set the amplitude display unit of CH1 to V*/
:CHANnel1:UNITs? /*The query returns VOLT*/

Syntax :CHANnel<n>:VERNier <bool>
Description Enable or disable the fine adjustment of the vertical scale of the specified channel, or
query the fine adjustment status of the vertical scale of the specified channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation By default, the fine adjustment is off. At this point, you can only set the vertical scale in
1-2-5 step, namely 10mV, 20mV, 50mV, 100mV…100V (the probe ratio is 10X). When the
fine adjustment is on, you can further adjust the vertical scale within a relatively smaller
range to improve the vertical resolution. If the amplitude of the input waveform is a little
bit greater than the full scale under the current scale and the amplitude would be a little
bit lower if the next scale is used, fine adjustment can be used to improve the display
amplitude of the waveform to view the signal details.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :CHANnel1:VERNier ON /*Enable the fine adjustment function of the vertical scale of
:CHANnel1:VERNier? /*The query returns 1*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-15

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:CURSor Commands
The :CURSor commands are used to measure the X-axis value (such as time) and Y-axis value (such as
voltage) of the waveform displayed on the screen.

Command List:
 :CURSor:MANual
 :CURSor:XY

Syntax :CURSor:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete {OFF|MANual|TRACk|AUTO|XY} OFF
Explanation  OFF: disable the cursor measurement function.
 MANual: enable the manual cursor measurement mode.
 TRACk: enable the track cursor measurement mode.
 AUTO: enable the auto cursor measurement mode.
 XY: enable the XY cursor measurement mode. This mode is valid only when the
horizontal timebase mode is XY.
Return The query returns OFF, MAN, TRAC, AUTO, or XY.
Example :CURSor:MODE MANual /*Enable the manual cursor measurement mode*/
:CURSor:MODE? /*The query returns MAN*/
Related :CURSor:MANual

2-16 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :CURSor:MANual:SOURce
 :CURSor:MANual:TUNit
 :CURSor:MANual:VUNit
 :CURSor:MANual:AX
 :CURSor:MANual:BX
 :CURSor:MANual:AY
 :CURSor:MANual:BY
 :CURSor:MANual:AXValue?
 :CURSor:MANual:AYValue?
 :CURSor:MANual:BXValue?
 :CURSor:MANual:BYValue?
 :CURSor:MANual:XDELta?
 :CURSor:MANual:IXDELta?
 :CURSor:MANual:YDELta?

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:TYPE <type>
Description Set or query the cursor type in manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {X|Y} X
Explanation  X: select the X type cursors. The X type cursors are a vertical solid line (cursor A) and
a vertical dotted line (cursor B) and are usually used to measure the time
 Y: select the Y type cursors. The Y type cursors are a horizontal solid line (cursor A)
and a horizontal dotted line (cursor B) and are usually used to measure the voltage
 When the channel source of manual cursor measurement is set to LA
(:CURSor:MANual:SOURce), the cursor type cannot be set to Y.
Return The query returns X or Y.
Example :CURSor:MANual:TYPE Y /*select the Y type cursors*/
:CURSor:MANual:TYPE? /*The query returns Y*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-17

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete CHANnel1
Explanation  Only the channel that is enabled currently can be selected.
 When LA is selected, the cursor type cannot be set to Y (:CURSor:MANual:TYPE).
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, MATH, or LA.
Example :CURSor:MANual:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the channel source to CH2*/
:CURSor:MANual:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:TUNit <unit>
Description Set or query the horizontal unit in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<unit> Discrete {S|HZ|DEGRee|PERCent} S
Explanation  S: AX, BX, and BX-AX in the measurement results are in "s" and 1/|dX| is in "Hz".
 HZ: AX, BX, and BX-AX in the measurement results are in "Hz" and 1/|dX| is in "s".
 DEGRee: AX, BX, and BX-AX are in "degree".
 PERCent: AX, BX, and BX-AX are expressed in percentage.
Return The query returns S, HZ, DEGR, or PERC.
Example :CURSor:MANual:TUNit DEGRee /*Set the horizontal unit to "degree"*/
:CURSor:MANual:TUNit? /*The query returns DEGR*/

2-18 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:VUNit <unit>
Description Set or query the vertical unit in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<unit> Discrete {PERCent|SOURce} SOURce
Explanation  PERCent: AY, BY, and BY-AY in the measurement results are expressed in percentage.
 SOURce: the units of AY, BY, and BY-AY in the measurement results will be
automatically set to the unit of the current source.
Return The query returns PERC or SOUR.
Example :CURSor:MANual:VUNit PERCent /*Set the system to express AY, BY, and BY-AY in the
measurement results in percentage*/
:CURSor:MANual:VUNit? /*The query returns PERC*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:AX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor A in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 594 100
Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of
the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400). Wherein,
(0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located at the right
bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical
pixel range is from 0 to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.
Example :CURSor:MANual:AX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor A to 200*/
:CURSor:MANual:AX? /*The query returns 200*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-19

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:BX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor B in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 594 500
Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of
the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400). Wherein,
(0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located at the right
bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical
pixel range is from 0 to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.
Example :CURSor:MANual:BX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor B to 200*/
:CURSor:MANual:BX? /*The query returns 200*/

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:AY <y>
Description Set or query the vertical position of cursor A in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<y> Integer 5 to 394 100
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate
of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400).
Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located
at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600
and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 When the signal source of manual cursor measurement is LA, Y type cursor is not
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:MANual:AY 200 /*Set the vertical position of cursor A to 200*/
:CURSor:MANual:AY? /*The query returns 200*/

2-20 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:BY <y>
Description Set or query the vertical position of cursor B in the manual cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<y> Integer 5 to 394 300
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate
of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400).
Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located
at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600
and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 When the signal source of manual cursor measurement is LA, Y type cursor is not
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:MANual:BY 200 /*Set the vertical position of cursor B to 200*/
:CURSor:MANual:BY? /*The query returns 200*/

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:AXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor A in the manual cursor measurement mode. The unit depends
on the horizontal unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:MANual:AXValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:AX

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:AYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor A in the manual cursor measurement mode. The unit depends
on the vertical unit currently selected.
Return  When the signal source is CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|MATH, the
Format query returns the Y value of cursor A in scientific notation.
 When the signal source is LA, the query returns the decimal value corresponding to
the sum of the binary weights of D15 bit to D0 bit at cursor A (the value of the
channel that is not turned on is 0 by default).
Example :CURSor:MANual:AYValue? /*The query returns 2.000000e+00*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:AY

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-21

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:BXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor B in the manual cursor measurement mode. The unit depends
on the horizontal unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:MANual:BXValue? /*The query returns 4.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:BX

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:BYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor B in the manual cursor measurement mode. The unit depends
on the vertical unit currently selected.
Return  When the signal source is CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|MATH, the
Format query returns the Y value of cursor B in scientific notation.
 When the signal source is LA, the query returns the decimal value corresponding to
the sum of the binary weights of D15 bit to D0 bit at cursor B (the value of the
channel that is not turned on is 0 by default) .
Example :CURSor:MANual:BYValue? /*The query returns -2.000000e+00*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:BY

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:XDELta?
Description Query the difference between the X values of cursor A and cursor B (BX-AX) in the manual
cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on the horizontal unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the difference in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:MANual:XDELta? /*The query returns 8.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:AX

2-22 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:IXDELta?
Description Query the reciprocal of the absolute value of the difference between the X values of cursor
A and cursor B (1/|dX|) in the manual cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on
the horizontal unit currently selected.
Return The query returns 1/|dX| in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:MANual:IXDELta? /*The query returns 1.250000e+05*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:AX

Syntax :CURSor:MANual:YDELta?
Description Query the difference between the Y values of cursor A and cursor B (BY-AY) in the manual
cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on the vertical unit currently selected.
Return When the signal source is CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|MATH, the query
Format returns the difference in scientific notation; when the signal source is LA, the query
returns 4294967295.
Example :CURSor:MANual:YDELta? /*The query returns -4.000000e+00*/
Related :CURSor:MANual:AY

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-23

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :CURSor:TRACk:AXValue?
 :CURSor:TRACk:AYValue?
 :CURSor:TRACk:BXValue?
 :CURSor:TRACk:BYValue?

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:SOURce1 <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of cursor A in the track cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete CHANnel1
Explanation Only the channels enabled can be selected as the channel source.
Return The query returns OFF, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or MATH.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:SOURce1 CHANnel2 /*Set the channel source to CH2*/
:CURSor:TRACk:SOURce1? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

2-24 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:SOURce2 <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of cursor B in the track cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete CHANnel1
Explanation Only the channels enabled can be selected as the channel source.
Return The query returns OFF, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or MATH.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:SOURce2 CHANnel2 /*Set the channel source to CH2*/
:CURSor:TRACk:SOURce2? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:AX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor A in the track cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 594 100
Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of
the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400). Wherein,
(0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located at the right
bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical
pixel range is from 0 to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:AX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor A to 200*/
:CURSor:TRACk:AX? /*The query returns 200*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-25

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:BX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor B in the track cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 594 500
Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of
the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400). Wherein,
(0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located at the right
bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical
pixel range is from 0 to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:BX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor B to 200*/
:CURSor:TRACk:BX? /*The query returns 200*/

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:AY?
Description Query the vertical position of cursor A in the track cursor measurement mode.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate
of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400).
Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located
at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600
and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 When cursor A exceeds the vertical range of the screen display, the query always
returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:AY? /*The query returns 284*/

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:BY?
Description Query the vertical position of cursor B in the track cursor measurement mode.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate
of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to (600,400).
Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and (600,400) is located
at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel range is from 0 to 600
and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 When cursor B exceeds the vertical range of the screen display, the query always
returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:BY? /*The query returns 200*/

2-26 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:AXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor A in the track cursor measurement mode. The default unit is s.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:AXValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:TRACk:AX

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:AYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor A in the track cursor measurement mode. The unit is the same
as the channel unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:AYValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-01*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:BXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor B in the track cursor measurement mode. The default unit is s.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:BXValue? /*The query returns 4.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:TRACk:BX

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:BYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor B in the track cursor measurement mode. The unit is the same
as the channel unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:BYValue? /*The query returns 4.000000e-01*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-27

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:XDELta?
Description Query the difference between the X values of cursor A and cursor B (BX-AX) in the track
cursor measurement mode. The default unit is s.
Return The query returns the difference in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:XDELta? /*The query returns 8.000000e-06*/
Related :CURSor:TRACk:AX

Syntax :CURSor:TRACk:YDELta?
Description Query the difference between the Y values of cursor A and cursor B (BY-AY) in the track
cursor measurement mode. The unit is the same as the channel unit currently selected.
Return The query returns the difference in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:YDELta? /*The query returns 8.000000e-01*/
Related :CURSor:TRACk:AY?

Description Query the reciprocal of the absolute value of the difference between the X values of cursor
A and cursor B (1/|dX|) in the track cursor measurement mode. The default unit is Hz.
Return The query returns 1/|dX| in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:TRACk:IXDELTA? /*The query returns 1.250000e+05*/
Related :CURSor:TRACk:AX

2-28 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :CURSor:AUTO:AXValue?
 :CURSor:AUTO:AYValue?
 :CURSor:AUTO:BXValue?
 :CURSor:AUTO:BYValue?

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:ITEM <item>

Description The auto cursor function can measure 37 waveform parameters. Using this command,
you can select the parameters to be measured by the auto cursor from the five
parameters enabled last or query the parameters currently measured by the auto cursor.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<item> Discrete {OFF|ITEM1|ITEM2|ITEM3|ITEM4|ITEM5} OFF

Explanation  This command is only valid when the auto cursor mode is selected. You can select
the auto cursor measurement mode using the :CURSor:MODE command.
 The 37 waveform parameters are listed below (see the detailed introduction
in :MEASure Commands). The parameters can be enabled by the :MEASure:ITEM
Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, +Pulses,
-Pulses, +Edges, -Edges, tVmax, tVmin, +Rate, +Rate, Delay 1→2, Delay
1→2, Phase 1→2, Phase 1→2, Vmax, Vmin, Vpp, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp,
Vupper, Vmid, Vlower, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Area, Period Area, Period
Vrms, Variance.
Return The query returns OFF, ITEM1, ITEM2, ITEM3, ITEM4, or ITEM5.
Example :CURSor:AUTO:ITEM ITEM3 /*Use auto cursor to measure ITEM3*/
:CURSor:AUTO:ITEM? /*The query returns ITEM3*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-29

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:AX?
Description Query the horizontal position of cursor A in auto cursor measurement.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to
(600,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and
(600,400) is located at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel
range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 In auto cursor measurement, cursor A of X type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:BX?
Description Query the horizontal position of cursor B in auto cursor measurement.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to
(600,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and
(600,400) is located at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel
range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 In auto cursor measurement, cursor B of X type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 594.

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:AY?
Description Query the vertical position of cursor A in auto cursor measurement.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to
(600,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and
(600,400) is located at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel
range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 In auto cursor measurement, cursor A of Y type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.

2-30 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:BY?
Description Query the vertical position of cursor B in auto cursor measurement.
Explanation  The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the screen. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to
(600,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the left top corner of the screen and
(600,400) is located at the right bottom corner of the screen. The horizontal pixel
range is from 0 to 600 and the vertical pixel range is from 0 to 400.
 In auto cursor measurement, cursor B of Y type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 4294967295.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:AXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor A in auto cursor measurement. The unit depends on the
horizontal unit currently selected.
Explanation In auto cursor measurement, cursor A of X type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 9.9E37.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:AUTO:AXValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-06*/

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:AYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor A in auto cursor measurement. The unit depends on the
vertical unit currently selected.
Explanation In auto cursor measurement, cursor A of Y type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 9.9E37.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:AUTO:AYValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-01*/

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:BXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor B in auto cursor measurement. The unit depends on the
horizontal unit currently selected.
Explanation In auto cursor measurement, cursor B of X type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 9.9E37.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:AUTO:BXValue? /*The query returns -4.000000e-06*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-31

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:AUTO:BYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor B in auto cursor measurement. The unit depends on the
vertical unit currently selected.
Explanation In auto cursor measurement, cursor B of Y type is not required for some of the
measurement items. At this point, the query returns 9.9E37.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:AUTO:BYValue? /*The query returns 4.000000e-01*/

2-32 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

The :CURSor:XY commands can only be used when the horizontal timebase mode is XY.

Command List:
 :CURSor:XY:AXValue?
 :CURSor:XY:AYValue?
 :CURSor:XY:BXValue?
 :CURSor:XY:BYValue?

Syntax :CURSor:XY:AX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor A in the XY cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 394 100
Explanation In the XY timebase mode, the horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined
by the pixel coordinate of the XY display area. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges
from (0,0) to (400,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the right top corner and (400,400) is
located at the left bottom corner. The horizontal and vertical pixel ranges are both from 0
to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:XY:AX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor A to 200*/
:CURSor:XY:AX? /*The query returns 200*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-33

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:XY:BX <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal position of cursor B in the XY cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<x> Integer 5 to 394 300

Explanation In the XY timebase mode, the horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined
by the pixel coordinate of the XY display area. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges
from (0,0) to (400,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the right top corner and (400,400) is
located at the left bottom corner. The horizontal and vertical pixel ranges are both from 0
to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:XY:BX 200 /*Set the horizontal position of cursor B to 200*/
:CURSor:XY:BX? /*The query returns 200*/

Syntax :CURSor:XY:AY <y>
Description Set or query the vetical position of cursor A in the XY cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 394 100
Explanation In the XY timebase mode, the horizontal and vertical positions are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the XY display area. The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from (0,0) to
(400,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the right top corner and (400,400) is located at the
left bottom corner. The horizontal and vertical pixel ranges are both from 0 to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:XY:AY 200 /*Set the vertical position of cursor A to 200*/
:CURSor:XY:AY? /*The query returns 200*/

2-34 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :CURSor:XY:BY <y>
Description Set or query the vertical position of cursor B in the XY cursor measurement mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Integer 5 to 394 300
Explanation In the XY timebase mode, the horizontal and vertical positions are defined by the pixel
coordinate of the XY display area. The pixel coordinate of the XY display area ranges from
(0,0) to (400,400). Wherein, (0,0) is located at the right top corner and (400,400) is
located at the left bottom corner. The horizontal and vertical pixel ranges are both from 0
to 400.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 394.
Example :CURSor:XY:BY 200 /*Set the vertical position of cursor B to 200*/
:CURSor:XY:BY? /*The query returns 200*/

Syntax :CURSor:XY:AXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor A in the XY cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on
the amplitude unit of the corresponding channel.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:XY:AXValue? /*The query returns 2.000000e+00*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

Syntax :CURSor:XY:AYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor A in the XY cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on
the amplitude unit of the corresponding channel.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor A in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:XY:AYValue? /*The query returns 2.000000e+00*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-35

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :CURSor:XY:BXValue?
Description Query the X value of cursor B in the XY cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on
the amplitude unit of the corresponding channel.
Return The query returns the X value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:XY:BXValue? /*The query returns -2.000000e+00*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

Syntax :CURSor:XY:BYValue?
Description Query the Y value of cursor B in the XY cursor measurement mode. The unit depends on
the amplitude unit of the corresponding channel.
Return The query returns the Y value of cursor B in scientific notation.
Example :CURSor:XY:BYValue? /*The query returns -2.000000e+00*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:UNITs

2-36 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:DECoder Commands
The :DECoder commands are used to execute decoding settings and operations.

Command List:
 :DECoder<n>:MODE
 :DECoder<n>:DISPlay
 :DECoder<n>:FORMat
 :DECoder<n>:POSition
 :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel1
 :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel2
 :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel3
 :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel4
 :DECoder<n>:THREshold:AUTO
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:LABel
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:LINE
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:FORMat
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:ENDian
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:WIDth
 :DECoder<n>:CONFig:SRATe?
 :DECoder<n>:UART
 :DECoder<n>:IIC
 :DECoder<n>:SPI
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel

Syntax :DECoder<n>:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the decoder type.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<mode> Discrete {PARallel|UART|SPI|IIC} PARallel

Explanation PARallel, UART, SPI, and IIC correspond to parallel decoding, RS232 decoding, SPI
decoding, and I2C decoding respectively.
Return The query returns PAR, UART, SPI, or IIC.
Example :DECoder1:MODE SPI /*Set the decoder type to SPI*/
:DECoder1:MODE? /*The query returns SPI*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-37

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:DISPlay <bool>
Description Turn on or off the decoder or query the status of the decoder.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:DISPlay ON /*Turn on Decoder 1*/
:DECoder1:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:FORMat <fmt>
Description Set or query the bus display format.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<fmt> Discrete {HEX|ASCii|DEC|BIN|LINE} ASCii
Explanation  HEX: hexadecimal; DEC: decimal; BIN: binary
 In LINE format, the actual values of the bus are displayed in binary form and the
order is consistent with the bus transmission order. This format is only valid for
serial buses which include LSB and MSB endian. If MSB endian is selected, LINE
format is the same as binary.
Return The query returns HEX, ASC, DEC, BIN, or LINE.
Example :DECoder1:FORMat HEX /*Set the bus display format to hexadecimal*/
:DECoder1:FORMat? /*The query returns HEX*/

2-38 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:POSition <pos>
Description Set or query the vertical position of the bus on the screen.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
Decoder 1: 350
<pos> Integer 50 to 350
Decoder 2: 300
Explanation The screen is divided into 400 parts vertically which are marked as 0 to 400 from top to
bottom respectively. The range of <pos> is from 50 to 350.
Return The query returns an integer between 50 and 350.
Example :DECoder1:POSition 300 /*Set the vertical position of the bus to 300*/
:DECoder1:POSition? /*The query returns 300*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-39

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel1 <thre>
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel2 <thre>
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel3 <thre>
:DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel4 <thre>
Description Set or query the threshold level of the specified analog channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --

(-4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset) to

<thre> Real --
(4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset)
Explanation  VerticalScale is the vertical scale of the specified analog channel. VerticalOffset is the
vertical position of the specified analog channel.
 By default, the auto threshold function of the analog channels of the oscilloscope is
turned on. To set the threshold level manually, send
the :DECoder<n>:THREshold:AUTO command to turn off the auto threshold
Return The query returns the level in scientific notation.
Example :DECoder1:THREshold:CHANnel4 1.5 /*Set the threshold level of CH4 to 1.5V*/
:DECoder1:THREshold:CHANnel4? /*The query returns 1.500000e+00*/

2-40 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:THREshold:AUTO <bool>
Description Turn on or off the auto threshold function of the analog channels, or query the status of
the auto threshold function of the analog channels.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON

Explanation By default, the auto threshold function of the analog channels of the oscilloscope is
turned on. To set the threshold level manually, send this command to turn off the auto
threshold function and use the commands in Related Commands to set the threshold
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:THREshold:AUTO OFF /*Turn off the auto threshold function*/
:DECoder1:THREshold:AUTO? /*The query returns 0*/
Related :DECoder<n>:THREshold:CHANnel1

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:LABel <bool>
Description Turn on or off the label display function, or query the status of the label display function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON

Explanation When this function is turned on, the bus label will be displayed at the lower-upper side of
the bus (when the bus display is turned on).
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:LABel ON /*Turn on the label display function*/
:DECoder1:CONFig:LABel? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-41

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:LINE <bool>
Description Turn on or off the bus display function, or query the status of the bus display function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON
Explanation When this function is enabled, the bus will be displayed on the screen. You can send
the :DECoder<n>:POSition command to adjust the vertical display position of the bus.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:LINE OFF /*Turn off the bus display function*/
:DECoder1:CONFig:LINE? /*The query returns 0*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:FORMat <bool>
Description Turn on or off the format display function, or query the status of the format display
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON

Explanation When this function is turned on, the current bus display format will be displayed at the
right of the label display (when the bus display is turned on). You can send
the :DECoder<n>:FORMat command to set the bus display format.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:FORMat OFF /*Turn off the format display function*/
:DECoder1:CONFig:FORMat? /*The query returns 0*/

2-42 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:ENDian <bool>
Description Turn on or off the endian display function in serial bus decoding, or query the status of
the endian display function in serial bus decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation  This command is invalid in parallel decoding.
 When this function is enabled, the current bus endian will be displayed at the right of
the format display (when the bus display is turned on).
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:ENDian ON /*Turn on the endian display function*/
:DECoder1:CONFig:ENDian? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:WIDth <bool>
Description Turn on or off the width display function, or query the status of the width display
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation When this function is enabled, the width of each frame of data will be displayed at the
right of the endian display (when the bus display is turned on).
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:WIDth ON /*Turn on the width display function*/
:DECoder1:CONFig:WIDth? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:CONFig:SRATe?
Description Query the current digital sample rate.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

Explanation The digital sample rate is related to the data source currently selected. By default, the
data source is "Trace"; at this point, the digital sample rate is related to the horizontal
time base.
Return The query returns the digital sample rate in scientific notation.
Example :DECoder1:CONFig:SRATe? /*The query returns 1.000000e+08*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-43

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

The :DECoder<n>:UART commands are used to set the RS232 decoding parameters.

Command List:
 :DECoder<n>:UART:TX
 :DECoder<n>:UART:RX
 :DECoder<n>:UART:POLarity
 :DECoder<n>:UART:ENDian
 :DECoder<n>:UART:BAUD
 :DECoder<n>:UART:WIDTh
 :DECoder<n>:UART:STOP
 :DECoder<n>:UART:PARity

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:TX <tx>
Description Set or query the TX channel source of RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<tx> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When OFF is selected, no TX channel source will be set. The TX channel source and RX
channel source (:DECoder<n>:UART:RX) cannot be both set to OFF.

Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.
Example :DECoder1:UART:TX CHAN2 /*Set the TX channel source to CH2*/
:DECoder1:UART:TX? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

2-44 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:RX <rx>
Description Set or query the RX channel source of RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<rx> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| OFF
Explanation When OFF is selected, no RX channel source will be set. The RX channel source and TX
channel source (:DECoder<n>:UART:TX) cannot be both set to OFF.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.
Example :DECoder1:UART:RX CHAN4 /*Set the RX channel source to CH4*/
:DECoder1:UART:RX? /*The query returns CHAN4*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:POLarity <pol>
Description Set or query the polarity of RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<pol> Discrete {NEGative|POSitive} POSitive

Explanation  NEGative: negative polarity ( ), namely high level is 0 and low level is 1. The
RS232 standard uses negative polarity.
 POSitive: positive polarity ( ), namely high level is 1 and low level is 0.
Return The query returns NEG or POS.
Example :DECoder1:UART:POLarity NEGative /*Set the polarity of RS232 decoding to
:DECoder1:UART:POLarity? /*The query returns NEG*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-45

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:ENDian <endian>
Description Set or query the endian of RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<endian> Discrete {LSB|MSB} LSB
Return The query returns LSB or MSB.
Example :DECoder1:UART:ENDian MSB /*Set the endian of RS232 decoding to MSB*/
:DECoder1:UART:ENDian? /*The query returns MSB*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:BAUD <baud>
Description Set or query the buad rate of RS232 decoding. The default unit is bps (baud per second).
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<baud> Integer 110 to 20M 9600

Return The query returns the current baud rate in integer.
Example :DECoder1:UART:BAUD 57600 /*Set the buad rate of RS232 decoding to 57600bps*/
:DECoder1:UART:BAUD? /*The query returns 57600*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:WIDTh <wid>
Description Set or query the width of each frame of data in RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<wid> Integer 5 to 8 8
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 8.
Example :DECoder1:UART:WIDTh 7 /*Set the data width in RS232 decoding to 7*/
:DECoder1:UART:WIDTh? /*The query returns 7*/

2-46 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:STOP <stop>
Description Set or query the stop bit after each frame of data in RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<stop> Discrete {1|1.5|2} 1
Return The query returns 1, 1.5, or 2.
Example :DECoder1:UART:STOP 1.5 /*Set the stop bit in RS232 decoding to 1.5*/
:DECoder1:UART:STOP? /*The query returns 1.5*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:UART:PARity <parity>
Description Set or query the even-odd check mode of the data transmission in RS232 decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<parity> Discrete {NONE|EVEN|ODD} NONE
Return The query returns NONE, EVEN, or ODD.
Example :DECoder1:UART:PARity ODD /*Set the even-odd check mode in RS232 decoding to
:DECoder1:UART:PARity? /*The query returns ODD*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-47

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

The :DECoder<n>:IIC commands are used to set the I2C decoding parameters.

Command List:
 :DECoder<n>:IIC:CLK
 :DECoder<n>:IIC:DATA
 :DECoder<n>:IIC:ADDRess

Syntax :DECoder<n>:IIC:CLK <clk>
Description Set or query the signal source of the clock channel in I2C decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<clk> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :DECoder1:IIC:CLK D0 /*Set the signal source of the clock channel in I2C decoding
to D0*/
:DECoder1:IIC:CLK? /*The query returns D0*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:IIC:DATA <dat>
Description Set or query the signal source of the data channel in I2C decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<dat> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.

Example :DECoder1:IIC:DATA D1 /*Set the signal source of the data channel in I2C decoding
to D1*/
:DECoder1:IIC:DATA? /*The query returns D1*/

2-48 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:IIC:ADDRess <addr>
Description Set or query the address mode of I2C decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<addr> Discrete {NORMal|RW} NORMal

Explanation  NORMal: the address bits (:TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth) does not include the R/W bit.
 RW: the address bits (:TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth) includes the R/W bit.

Return The query returns NORM or RW.

Example :DECoder1:IIC:ADDRess RW /*Set the address of I2C decoding to include the R/W
:DECoder1:IIC:ADDRess? /*The query returns RW*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-49

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

The :DECoder<n>:SPI commands are used to set the SPI decoding parameters.

Command List:
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:CLK
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:MISO
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:MOSI
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:CS
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:SELect
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:MODE
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:TIMeout
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:POLarity
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:EDGE
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:ENDian
 :DECoder<n>:SPI:WIDTh

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:CLK <clk>
Description Set or query the signal source of the clock channel in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<clk> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.

Example :DECoder1:SPI:CLK D0 /*Set the signal source of the clock channel in SPI decoding
to D0*/
:DECoder1:SPI:CLK? /*The query returns D0*/

2-50 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:MISO <miso>
Description Set or query the MISO channel source in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<miso> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| OFF
Explanation When OFF is selected, no MISO channel source will be set. The MISO channel source and
MOSI channel source (:DECoder<n>:SPI:MOSI) cannot be both set to OFF.

Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.

Example :DECoder1:SPI:MISO D0 /*Set the MISO channel source in SPI decoding to D0*/
:DECoder1:SPI:MISO? /*The query returns D0*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:MOSI <mosi>
Description Set or query the MOSI channel source in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<mosi> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Explanation When OFF is selected, no MOSI channel source will be set. The MOSI channel source and
MISO channel source (:DECoder<n>:SPI:MISO) cannot be both set to OFF.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.

Example :DECoder1:SPI:MOSI D1 /*Set the MOSI channel source in SPI decoding to D1*/
:DECoder1:SPI:MOSI? /*The query returns D1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-51

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:CS <cs>
Description Set or query the CS channel source in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<cs> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel3
Explanation This command is only valid in the CS mode (:DECoder<n>:SPI:MODE).
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.

Example :DECoder1:SPI:CS CHANnel4 /*Set the CS channel source in SPI decoding to CH4*/
:DECoder1:SPI:CS? /*The query returns CHAN4*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:SELect <CsNcs>
Description Set or query the CS polarity in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<CsNcs> Discrete {NCS|CS} NCS
Explanation  NCS: low level is valid ( ). The instrument starts transmitting data when the
CS is low.

 CS: high level is valid ( ). The instrument starts transmitting data when the
CS is high.
 This command is only valid in the CS mode (:DECoder<n>:SPI:MODE).
Return The query returns NCS or CS.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:SELect CS /*Set the CS polarity to high level is valid*/
:DECoder1:SPI:SELect? /*The query returns CS*/

2-52 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:MODE <CsTmo>
Description Set or query the frame synchronization mode of SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<CsTmo> Discrete {CS|TIMeout} TIMeout
Explanation  CS: it contains a chip select line (CS). You can perform frame synchronization
according to CS. At this point, you need to send the :DECoder<n>:SPI:CS
and :DECoder<n>:SPI:SELect commands to set the CS channel source and polarity.
 TIMeout: you can perform frame synchronization according to the timeout time. At
this point, you need to send the :DECoder<n>:SPI:TIMeout command to set the
timeout time.
Return The query returns CS or TIM.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:MODE CS /*Set the frame synchronization mode of SPI decoding to
:DECoder1:SPI:MODE? /*The query returns CS*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:TIMeout <tmo>
Description Set or query the timeout time in the timeout mode of SPI decoding. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<tmo> Real Refer to Explanation 1.00us
Explanation  The timeout time should be greater than the maximum pulse width of the clock and
lower than the idle time between frames.
 This command is only valid in the timeout mode (:DECoder<n>:SPI:MODE).
Return The query returns the timeout time in scientific notation.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:TIMeout 0.000005 /*Set the timeout time to 5us*/
:DECoder1:SPI:TIMeout? /*The query returns 5.000000e-06*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-53

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:POLarity <pol>
Description Set or query the polarity of the SDA data line in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<pol> Discrete {NEGative|POSitive} POSitive

Explanation  NEGative: . The low level is 1.
 POSitive: . The high level is 1.
Return The query returns NEG or POS.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:POLarity NEG ative /*Set the polarity of the SDA data line in SPI
decoding to negative*/
:DECoder1:SPI:POLarity? /*The query returns NEG*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:EDGE <edge>
Description Set or query the clock type when the instrument samples the data line in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<edge> Discrete {RISE|FALL} RISE
Return The query returns RISE or FALL.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:EDGE FALL /*Set the instrument to sample data on the falling edge
of the clock in SPI decoding*/
:DECoder1:SPI:EDGE? /*The query returns FALL*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:ENDian <endian>
Description Set or query the endian of the SPI decoding data.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<endian> Discrete {LSB|MSB} MSB
Return The query returns LSB or MSB.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:ENDian MSB /*Set the data endian of the SPI decoding to MSB*/
:DECoder1:SPI:ENDian? /*The query returns MSB*/

2-54 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:SPI:WIDTh <wid>
Description Set or query the number of bits of each frame of data in SPI decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<wid> Integer 8 to 32 8
Return The query returns an integer between 8 and 32.
Example :DECoder1:SPI:WIDTh 16 /*Set the data width in SPI decoding to 16*/
:DECoder1:SPI:WIDTh? /*The query returns 16*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-55

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

The :DECoder<n>:PARallel commands are used to set the parallel decoding parameters.

Command List:
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:CLK
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:EDGE
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:WIDTh
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:BITX
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:SOURce
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:POLarity
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NREJect
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NRTime
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:CCOMpensation
 :DECoder<n>:PARallel:PLOT

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:CLK <clk>
Description Set or query the CLK channel source of parallel decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<clk> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:CLK D0 /*Set the CLK channel source of parallel decoding to
:DECoder1:PARallel:CLK? /*The query returns D0*/

2-56 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:EDGE <edge>
Description Set or query the edge type of the clock channel when the instrument samples the data
channel in parallel decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<edge> Discrete {RISE|FALL|BOTH} RISE
Explanation If no clock channel is selected (:DECoder<n>:PARallel:CLK), the instrument will sample
when the channel data jumps.
Return The query returns RISE, FALL, or BOTH.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:EDGE BOTH /*Set the oscilloscope to sample data on any edge
of the clock channel in parallel decoding*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:EDGE? /*The query returns BOTH*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:WIDTh <wid>
Description Set or query the data width (namely the number of bits of each frame of data) of the
parallel bus.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<wid> integer 1 to 16 8
Explanation After setting the data width using this command, send the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:BITX
and :DECoder<n>:PARallel:SOURce commands to select each bit and set the channel
source for each bit respectively.
Return The query returns an integer between 1 and 16.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:WIDTh 16 /*Set the data width in parallel decoding to 16*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:WIDTh? /*The query returns 16*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-57

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:BITX <bit>
Description Set or query the data bit that requires a channel source on the parallel bus.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bit> Integer 0 to (data width - 1) 0

Explanation  Set the data width using the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:WIDTh command.
 After selecting the desired bit, send the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:SOURce command to
set the channel source of this bit.
Return The query returns the current data bit in integer.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:BITX 2 /*Set the current bit to 2*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:BITX? /*The query returns 2*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:SOURce <src>
Description Set ro query the channel source of the data bit currently selected.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --

{D0|D1|D2|D3|D4|D5|D6|D7|D8| Related to
<src> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| the bit
CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} selected
Explanation Before sending this command, use the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:BITX command to select
the desired data bit.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.

Example :DECoder1:PARallel:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the channel source of the current bit to
:DECoder1:PARallel:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :DECoder<n>:PARallel:WIDTh

2-58 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:POLarity <pol>
Description Set ro query the data polarity of parallel decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<pol> Discrete {NEGative|POSitive} POSitive
Explanation  NEGative: . The low level is 1.
 POSitive: . The high level is 1.
Return The query returns NEG or POS.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:POLarity NEGative /*Set the data polarity of parallel decoding to
:DECoder1:PARallel:POLarity? /*The query returns NEG*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NREJect <bool>
Description Turn on or off the noise rejection function of parallel decoding, or query the status of the
noise rejection function of parallel decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation  Noise rejection can remove the data without enough duration on the bus to
eliminate the glitches of the actual circuit.
 When the noise rejection is turned on, sending the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NRTime
command can set the desired rejection time.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:NREJect ON /*Turn on the noise rejection function*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:NREJect? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-59

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NRTime <time>
Description Set or query the noise rejection time of parallel decoding. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<time> Real 0.00s to 100ms 0.00s
Explanation Before sending this command, send the :DECoder<n>:PARallel:NREJect command to
turn on the noise rejection function.
Return The query returns the noise rejection time in scientific notation.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:NRTime 0.01 /*Set the noise rejection time to 10ms*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:NRTime? /*The query returns 1.000000e-02*/

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:CCOMpensation <comp>
Description Set or query the clock compensation time of parallel decoding. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<comp> Real -100ms to 100ms 0.00s

Explanation  Setting the compensation time can make fine adjustment of the pahse deviation
between the clock line and data line.
 This command is invalid when the CLK channel source is set to OFF
Return The query returns the compensation time in scientific notation.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:CCOMpensation 0.01 /*Set the compensation time to 10ms*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:CCOMpensation? /*The query returns 1.000000e-02*/

2-60 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DECoder<n>:PARallel:PLOT <bool>
Description Turn on or off the curve function of parallel decoding, or query the status of the curve
function of parallel decoding.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation When this function is turned on, the variation trend of the bus data is displayed in vector
diagram form.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :DECoder1:PARallel:PLOT ON /*Turn on the curve function*/
:DECoder1:PARallel:PLOT? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-61

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:DISPlay Commands
The :DISPlay commands can be used to set the waveform display mode, persistence time, waveform
intensity, screen grid type and grid brightness.

Command List:
 :DISPlay:CLEar
 :DISPlay:DATA?
 :DISPlay:WBRightness
 :DISPlay:GBRightness

Syntax :DISPlay:CLEar
Description Clear all the waveforms on the screen.
Explanation  If the oscilloscope is in the RUN state, waveform will still be displayed.
 This command is equivalent to pressing the CLEAR key on the front panel. Sending
the :CLEar command can also clear all the waveforms on the screen.
Related :RUN

2-62 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DISPlay:DATA? [<color>,<invert>,<format>]
Description Read the data stream of the image currently displayed on the screen and set the color,
invert display, and format of the image acquired.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<color> Bool {ON|OFF} ON
<invert> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
<format> Discrete {BMP24|BMP8|PNG|JPEG|TIFF} BMP24
Explanation  <color>: color of the image; ON denotes color and OFF denotes intensity graded
<invert>: the invert function; 1|ON denotes turning on the invert function and 0|OFF
denotes turning off the invert function.
 When [<color>,<invert>,<format>] is omitted, by default, the image color
(:STORage:IMAGe:COLor) and the status of the invert function
(:STORage:IMAGe:INVERT) currently selected are used and the image format is set
to BMP24.
 The command is sent from the PC to the instrument through the VISA interface. The
instrument responds to the command and directly returns the data stream of the
image currently displayed to the buffer area of the PC.
Return The format of the data stream is as follows.
Component Size (length) Example Explanation
TMC Blockheader ::= #NXXXXXX
is used to describe the length of
the data stream. Wherein, # is the
start denoter of the data stream; N
is less than or equal to 9 and the N
TMC figures following it denote the
N[1]+2 #9001152054
Blockheader length of the data stream in bytes.
For example, #9001152054;
wherein, N is 9 and 001152054
denotes that the data stream
contains 1152054 bytes of
effective data.
Image Data
(take BMP24 800x480x3+54
BM… Specific image data.
as an =1152054[2]
Note[1]: N is the width of the data length in the TMC header. For example, the number "9" behind
"#" in #9001152054.
Note[2]: The width is 800, the height is 480, the bit depth is 24 bit = 3 byte, 54 is the size of the
bitmap file header.
Example 1. Make sure that the buffer is large enough to receive the data stream, otherwise the
program might be abnormal when reading the data stream.
2. The returned data stream contains the TMC data header which should be removed to
make the data stream a standard image data stream.
3. When the data size is larger than 1 M and the communication speed of the interface
is not fast enough, you need to set an appropriate timeout time.
4. The terminator '\n'(0X0A) at the end of the data should be removed.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-63

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DISPlay:TYPE <type>
Description Set or query the display mode of the waveform on the screen.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {VECTors|DOTS} VECTors
Explanation  VECTors: the sample points are connected by lines. Normally, this mode can provide
the most vivid waveform to view the steep edge of the waveform (such as square
 DOTS: display the sample points directly. You can directly view each sample point
and use the cursor to measure the X and Y values of the sample point.
Return The query returns VECT or DOTS.
Example :DISPlay:TYPE DOTS /*Select dots display mode*/
:DISPlay:TYPE? /*The query returns DOTS*/

2-64 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :DISPlay:GRADing:TIME <time>
Description Set or query the persistence time. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<time> Discrete {MIN|0.1|0.2|0.5|1|5|10|INFinite} MIN
Explanation  MIN: set the persistence time to its minimum to view the waveform changing in high
refresh rate.
 Specific Values: set the persistence time to one of the values listed above to observe
glitch that changes relatively slowly or glitch with low occurrence probability.
 INFinite: in this mode, the oscilloscope displays the newly acquired waveform
without clearing the waveform formerly acquired. It can be used to measure noise
and jitter as well as capture incidental events.
Return The query returns MIN, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, or INF.
Example :DISPlay:GRADing:TIME 0.1 /*Set the persistence time to 0.1s*/
:DISPlay:GRADing:TIME? /*The query returns 0.1*/

Syntax :DISPlay:WBRightness <time>
Description Set or query the waveform brightness.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<time> Integer 0 to 100 60
Return The query returns an integer between 0 and 100.
Example :DISPlay:WBRightness 50 /*Set the waveform brightness to 50%*/
:DISPlay:WBRightness? /*The query returns 50*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-65

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :DISPlay:GRID <grid>
Description Set or query the grid type of screen display.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<grid> Discrete {FULL|HALF|NONE} FULL
Explanation FULL: turn the background grid and coordinate on.
HALF: turn the background grid off and coordinate on.
NONE: turn the background grid and coordinate off.
Return The query returns FULL, HALF, or NONE.
Example :DISPlay:GRID NONE /*Turn the background grid and coordinate off*/
:DISPlay:GRID? /*The query returns NONE*/

Syntax :DISPlay:GBRightness <brightness>
Description Set or query the brightness of the screen grid.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<brightness> Integer 0 to 100 50
Return The query returns an integer between 0 and 100.
Example :DISPlay:GBRightness 60 /*Set the brightness of the screen grid to 60%*/
:DISPlay:GBRightness? /*The query returns 60*/

2-66 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:ETABle Commands
The :ETABle commands are used to set the parameters related to the decoding event table.

Command List:
 :ETABle<n>:DISP
 :ETABle<n>:FORMat
 :ETABle<n>:VIEW
 :ETABle<n>:COLumn
 :ETABle<n>:ROW
 :ETABle<n>:SORT
 :ETABle<n>:DATA?

Syntax :ETABle<n>:DISP <bool>
Description Turn on or off the decoding event table, or query the status of the decoding event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation This command is only valid when the decoder is turned on (:DECoder<n>:DISPlay).
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :ETABle1:DISP ON /*Turn on the decoding event table*/
:ETABle1:DISP? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :ETABle<n>:FORMat <fmt>
Description Set or query the data display format of the event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<fmt> Discrete {HEX|ASCii|DEC} HEX

Return The query returns HEX, ASC, or DEC.
Example :ETABle1:FORMat ASCii /*Set the data display format of the event table to ASCII*/
:ETABle1:FORMat? /*The query returns ASC*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-67

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :ETABle<n>:VIEW <view>
Description Set or query the display mode of the event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<view> Discrete {PACKage|DETail|PAYLoad} PACKage
Explanation  PACKage: the time and data are displayed in the event table.
 DETail: the detailed data of the specified row is displayed in the event table.
 PAYLoad: all data of the specified column is displayed in the event table.

Return The query returns PACK, DET, or PAYL.

Example :ETABle1:VIEW PAYLoad /*Set the display mode of the event table to PAYLoad*/
:ETABle1:VIEW? /*The query returns PAYL*/

Syntax :ETABle<n>:COLumn <col>
Description Set or query the current column of the event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

<col> Discrete {DATA|TX|RX|MISO|MOSI} --

Explanation  When different decoder is selected (:DECoder<n>:MODE), the range of <col>
Parallel decoding: DATA
RS232 decoding: TX|RX
I2C decoding: DATA
SPI decoding: MISO|MOSI
 If the TX or RX channel source in RS232 decoding or the MISO or MOSI channel
source in SPI decoding is set to OFF, <col> cannot be set to the corresponding
Return The query returns DATA, TX, RX, MISO, or MOSI.
Example :ETABle1:COLumn DATA /*Set the current column to DATA*/
:ETABle1:COLumn? /*The query returns DATA*/
Related :DECoder<n>:UART:TX

2-68 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :ETABle<n>:ROW <row>
Description Set or query the current row of the event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
1 to the maximum number of rows of the
<row> Integer 1
current event table
Return The query returns the current row in integer. If the current even table is empty, the
Format query returns 0.
Example :ETABle1:ROW 2 /*Set the current row to 2*/
:ETABle1:ROW? /*The query returns 2*/

Syntax :ETABle<n>:SORT <sort>
Description Set or query the display type of the decoding results in the event table.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} --
<sort> Discrete {ASCend|DESCend} ASCend
Explanation  ASCend: the events are displayed in the order in which they occurred.
 DESCend: the events are displayed in the order reverse to the order in which they
Return The query returns ASC or DESC.
Example :ETABle1:SORT DESCend /*Set the display type of the event table to descend*/
:ETABle1:SORT? /*The query returns DESC*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-69

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :ETABle<n>:DATA?
Description Read the current event table data.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2} --

Return The query returns the event table data in the format as shown in the figure below.
Format Wherein, #9000000098 is the TMC data description header followed by the even table
data and its format is #900000dddd. dddd denotes the number of bytes of the valid
waveform data following the description header. For example, as shown in the figure
below, #9000000098 is the TMC data description header, wherein, 98 denotes that there
are 98 bytes of valid data. The content following 98 is the event table data.
TMC Data Event Table
Description Header Data

Example :ETABle1:DATA? /*The query returns the data as shown in the figure above*/

2-70 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:FUNCtion Commands
The :FUNCtion commands are used to set the waveform recording and playback parameters.

Command List:
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:FMAX?
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:FINTerval
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:PROMpt
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate
 :FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FMAX?
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FINTerval
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:MODE
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:DIRection
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:OPERate
 :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FCURrent

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND <frame>
Description Set or query the end frame of waveform recording.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
1 to the maximum number of frames can be
<frame> Integer 5000
recorded currently
Explanation Use the :FUNCtion:WRECord:FMAX? command to query the maximum number of frames
can be recorded currently.
Return The query returns the current end frame in integer.
Example :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND 4096 /*Set the end frame to 4096*/
:FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND? /*The query returns 4096*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-71

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:FMAX?
Description Query the maximum number of frames can be recorded currently.
Explanation As the capacity of the waveform memory is fixed, the more the number of points each
frame of waveform has, the less the number of waveform frames can be recorded. Thus,
the maximum number of frames can be recorded currently is decided by the memory
depth currently selected. The less the memory depth, the more the number of waveform
frames can be recorded.
Return The query returns the maximum number of frames can be recorded currently in integer.

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:FINTerval <interval>
Description Set or query the time interval between frames in waveform recording. The default unit is
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<interval> Real 100ns to 10s 100ns

Return The query returns the time interval currently set in scientific notation.
Example :FUNCtion:WRECord:FINTerval 0.001 /*Set the time interval to 1ms*/
:FUNCtion:WRECord:FINTerval? /*The query returns 1.000000e-03*/

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:PROMpt <bool>
Description Turn on or off the sound prompt when the recording finishes, or query the status of the
sound prompt when the recording finishes.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON

Explanation When the sound prompt is turned on, the instrument exerts a sound promt when the
recording finishes no matter whether the system sound (refer to :SYSTem:BEEPer) is
turned on or not.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :FUNCtion:WRECord:PROMpt 1 /*Turn on the sound prompt when the recording
:FUNCtion:WRECord:PROMpt? /*The query returns 1*/

2-72 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate <opt>
Description Start or stop the waveform recording, or query the status of the waveform recording.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<opt> Discrete {RUN|STOP} --
Explanation Before sending this command, send the :FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle command to turn
on the waveform recording function. Otherwise, this command is invalid.
Return The query returns RUN or STOP.
Example :FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate RUN /*Start the waveform recording*/
:FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate? /*The query returns RUN if the recording is in
progress and returns STOP if the recording has
already finished*/

Syntax :FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle <bool>
Description Turn on or off the waveform recording function, or query the status of the waveform
recording function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  The waveform recording function can only be enabled when the horizontal timebase
mode is "YT" and the horizontal timebase is lower than 200ms.
 After turning on the waveform recording function, RUN/STOP can be used to start
or stop the waveform recording. At this point, you can send
the :FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate command to start the recording.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle 1 /*Turn on the waveform recording function*/
:FUNCtion:WRECord:ENABle? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-73

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart <sta>
Description Set or query the start frame of waveform playback.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<sta> Integer 1 to the maximum number of frames recorded 1

Explanation  Use the :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND command to set the maximum number of
frames recorded.
 The start frame of waveform playback cannot be greater than the end frame of
waveform playback (:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND).
 You can only set the start frame of waveform playback when a waveform is currently
 You cannot set the start frame of waveform playback during the waveform recording
or playback process.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart 5 /*Set the start frame of waveform playback to 5*/
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart? /*The query returns 5*/

2-74 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND <end>
Description Set or query the end frame of waveform playback.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
1 to the maximum number of frames The maximum number
<end> Integer
recorded of frames recorded
Explanation  Use the :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND command to set the maximum number of
frames recorded.
 The end frame of waveform playback cannot be lower than the start frame of
waveform playback (:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FSTart).
 You can only set the end frame of waveform playback when a waveform is currently
 You cannot set the end frame of waveform playback during the waveform recording
or playback process.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND 4096 /*Set the end frame of waveform playback to
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FEND? /*The query returns 4096*/

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FMAX?
Description Query theb maximum number of frames can be played, namely the maximum number of
frames recorded.
Explanation Use the :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND command to set the maximum number of frames
Return The query returns an integer.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-75

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FINTerval <interval>
Description Set or query the time interval between frames in waveform playback. The default unit is
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<interval> Real 100ns to 10s 100ns
Explanation  You can only set the time interval of waveform playback when a waveform is
currently recorded.
 You cannot set the time interval of waveform playback during the waveform
recording or playback process.
Return The query returns the current time interval in scientific notation.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FINTerval 0.001 /*Set the time interval to 1ms*/
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FINTerval? /*The query returns 1.000000e-03*/

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the waveform playback mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<mode> Discrete {REPeat|SINGle} SINGle

Explanation  REPeat: cycle playback. Play from the start frame to the end frame and then repeat
until you stop it manually.
 SINGle: single playback. Play from the start frame to the end frame and then stop.
 You can only set the waveform playback mode when a waveform is currently
 You cannot set the waveform playback mode during the waveform recording or
playback process.
Return The query returns REP or SING.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:MODE REPeat /*Set the waveform playback mode to cycle*/
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:MODE? /*The query returns REP*/

2-76 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:DIRection <dir>
Description Set or query the waveform playback direction.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<dir> Discrete {FORWard|BACKward} FORWard
Explanation  FORWard: positive direction. Play from the start frame to the end frame.
 BACKward: negative direction. Play from the end frame to the start frame.
 You can only set the waveform playback direction when a waveform is currently
 You cannot set the waveform playback direction during the waveform recording or
playback process.
Return The query returns FORW or BACK.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:DIRection FORWard /*Set the waveform playback direction to
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:DIRection? /*The query returns FORW*/

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:OPERate <opt>
Description Start, pause, or stop the waveform playback, or query the status of the waveform
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<opt> Discrete {PLAY|PAUSe|STOP} STOP
Explanation This command is only valid when waveform has already been recorded.
Return The query returns PLAY, PAUS, or STOP.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:OPERate PLAY /*Start the waveform playback*/
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:OPERate? /*The query returns PLAY if the playback is in
progress and returns STOP if the playback
Related :FUNCtion:WRECord:OPERate

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-77

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FCURrent <cur>
Description Set or query the current frame in waveform playback.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
1 to the maximum number of The maximum number
<cur> Integer
frames recorded of frames recorded
Explanation  Use the :FUNCtion:WRECord:FEND command to set the maximum number of
frames recorded.
 You can only set the current frame of waveform playback when a waveform is
currently recorded.
 You cannot set the current frame of waveform playback during the waveform
recording or playback process.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :FUNCtion:WREPlay:FCURrent 300 /*Set the current frame in waveform playback to
:FUNCtion:WREPlay:FCURrent? /*The query returns 300*/

2-78 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

IEEE488.2 Common Commands

The IEEE 488.2 standard defines some common commands used for querying the basic information of the
instrument or executing the basic operations. These commands usually start with "*" and the keyword of
the command is usually 3-character long.

Command List:
 *CLS
 *ESE
 *ESR?
 *IDN?
 *OPC
 *RST
 *SRE
 *STB?
 *TST?
 *WAI

Syntax *CLS
Description Clear all the event registers and clear the error queue.

Syntax *ESE <value>
Description Set or query the enable register for the standard event status register set.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Integer Refer to Explanation 0
Explanation The bit 1 and bit 6 of the standard event status register are not used and are always
treated as 0; therefore, the range of <value> are the decimal numbers corresponding to
the binary numbers X0XXXX0X (X is 1 or 0).
Return The query returns an integer which equals the sum of the weights of all the bits that have
Format already been set in the register.
Example *ESE 16 /*Enable the bit 4 (16 in decimal) of the standard event status register*/
*ESE? /*The query returns 16*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-79

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax *ESR?
Description Query and clear the event register for the standard event status register.
Explanation The bit 1 and bit 6 of the standard event status register are not used and are always
treated as 0. The range of the return value are the decimal numbers corresponding to
the binary numbers X0XXXX0X (X is 1 or 0).
Return The query returns an integer which equals the sum of the weights of all the bits in the
Format register.

Syntax *IDN?
Description Query the ID string of the instrument.
Return The query returns RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES,<model>,<serial number>,<software
Format version>.
<model>: the model number of the instrument.
<serial number>: the serial number of the instrument.
<software version>: the software version of the instrument.

Syntax *OPC
Description The *OPC command is used to set the Operation Complete bit (bit 0) in the standard
event status register to 1 after the current operation is finished. The *OPC? command is
used to query whether the current operation is finished.
Return The query returns 1 if the current operation is finished; otherwise, returns 0.

Syntax *RST
Description Restore the instrument to the default state.

2-80 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax *SRE <value>
Description Set or query the enable register for the status byte register set.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Integer 0 to 255 0
Explanation The bit 0 and bit 1 of the status byte register are not used and are always treated as 0;
therefore, the range of <value> are the decimal numbers corresponding to the binary
numbers XXXXXX00 (X is 1 or 0).
Return The query returns an integer which equals the sum of the weights of all the bits that
Format have already been set in the register.
Example *SRE 16 /*Enable the bit 4 (16 in decimal) of the status byte register*/
*SRE? /*The query returns 16*/

Syntax *STB?
Description Query the event register for the status byte register. The value of the status byte register
is set to 0 after this command is executed.
Explanation The bit 0 and bit 1 of the status byte register are not used and are always treated as 0.
The query returns the decimal numbers corresponding to the binary numbers X0XXXX0X
(X is 1 or 0).
Return The query returns an integer which equals the sum of the weights of all the bits in the
Format register.

Syntax *TST?
Description Perform a self-test and then return the seilf-test results.
Return The query returns a decimal integer.

Syntax *WAI
Description Wait for the operation to finish.
Explanation The subsequent command can only be carried out after the current command has been

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-81

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:LA Commands
The :LA commands are used to perform the related operations on the digital channels. These commands
are only applicable to DS1000Z Plus with the MSO upgrade option.

Command List:
 :LA:ACTive
 :LA:AUTosort
 :LA:DIGital<n>:DISPlay
 :LA:DIGital<n>:POSition
 :LA:DIGital<n>:LABel
 :LA:DISPlay
 :LA:POD<n>:DISPlay
 :LA:POD<n>:THReshold
 :LA:TCALibrate

Syntax :LA:ACTive {<digital>|<group>|NONE}
Description Set or query the current active channel or channel group.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<digital> Discrete --
<group> Discrete {GROUP1|GROUP2|GROUP3|GROUP4} --
Explanation  <digital> is used to select any of channels D0 to D15. The channel label and
waveform corresponding to the channel selected are displayed in red.
 <group> is used to select any of user-defined channel groups (GROUP1 to
GROUP4). All the channel labels and waveforms of the channel group selected are
displayed in red.
 When NONE is sent, no channel/channel group will be selected.
 Only channels or user-defined channel groups currently turned on can be selected.
Please refer to the :LA:DIGital<n>:DISPlay or :LA:DISPlay command to turn on the
desired channel or channel group.
Return The query returns the current active channel (D0, D1,…or D15), the current active
Format channel group (GROUP1, GROUP2, GROUP3, or GROUP4) or NONE.

Example :LA:ACTive D3 /*Set the current active channel to D3*/

:LA:ACTive? /*The query returns D3*/

2-82 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :LA:AUTosort <n>
Description Set the auto ordering mode of the waveforms of the channels turned on on the screen.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {0|1} 1
Explanation  <n> = 0: waveforms on the screen are D15 to D0 from top to bottom
 <n> = 1: waveforms on the screen are D0 to D15 from top to bottom

Syntax :LA:DIGital<n>:DISPlay <bool>
Description Turn on or off the specified digital channel, or query the status of the specified digital
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Integer 0 to 15 --
D0 to D7: 1|ON
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}
D8 to D15: 0|OFF
Explanation You can set the channels currently turned on as the active channel using the :LA:ACTive
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LA:DIGital3:DISPlay ON /*Turn D3 on*/
:LA:DIGital3:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-83

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :LA:DIGital<n>:POSition <position>
Description Set or query the display position of the specified digital channel waveform on the screen.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Integer 0 to 15 --
When the waveform display mode is SMALl: 0 to 15
When the waveform display mode is LARGe: 0 to 7
<position> Integer --
For the waveform display mode, refer to
the :LA:SIZE command
Explanation  <position> (0 to 15 or 0 to 7) denotes the display position of the waveform on the
screen. When the waveform display mode is SMALl, 16 waveforms can be displayed
on the screen marked as 0 to 15 from top to bottom. When the waveform display
mode is LARGe, 8 waveforms can be displayed on the screen marked as 0 to 7 from
top to bottom.
 The setting command is only valid when the specified digital channel is turned on.
Return The query returns an integer from 0 to 15 or from 0 to 7.
Example :LA:DIGital1:POSition 3 /*Set the display position of D1 to 3*/
:LA:DIGital1:POSition? /*The query returns 3*/

Syntax :LA:DIGital<n>:LABel <label>
Description Set or query the label of the specified digital channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Integer 0 to 15 --
It can include English uppercase letters (A to Z)
<label> and numbers (0 to 9). --
It cannot exceed 4 characters.
Return The query returns the label of the specified digital channel in ASCII string. If the
Format specified channel has no label, the query returns "No Label".

Example :LA:DIGital0:LABel ACK /*Set the label of D0 to ACK*/

:LA:DIGital0:LABel? /*The query returns ACK*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :LA:DISPlay {<digital>|<group>|<pod>},<bool>
:LA:DISPlay? {<digital>|<group>|<pod>}
Description Turn on or off the specified digital channel, user-defined channel group or default
channel group, or query the status of the specified digital channel, user-defined channel
group or default channel group.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<digital> Discrete --
<group> Discrete {GROUP1|GROUP2|GROUP3|GROUP4} --
<pod> Discrete {POD1|POD2} --
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} --
Explanation  When any of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, the CH4 function is disabled
automatically. When channels D0 to D7 are all turned off, the CH4 function is
enabled automatically.
When any of channels D8 to D15 is turned on, the CH3 function is disabled
automatically. When channels D8 to D15 are all turned off, the CH4 function is
enabled automatically.
 <group> denotes the user-defined channel groups. Users can set the digital
channels included in the specified user-defined channel group.
Note: A channel can only be added to an unique user-defined channel group.
 <pod> denotes the default channel groups: POD1 (D0 to D7) and POD2 (D8 to
 The channels and user-defined channel groups currently turned on can be selected
as the active channel or channel group using the :LA:ACTive command.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LA:DISPlay POD1,ON /*Turn POD1 (D0 to D7) on*/
:LA:DISPlay? POD1 /*The query returns 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :LA:POD<n>:DISPlay <bool>
Description Turn on or off the specified default channel group, or query the status of the specified
default channel group.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Integer 1 to 2 --

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} --

Explanation  There are 2 default channel groups: POD1 (D0 to D7) and POD2 (D8 to D15).
 When POD1 is turned on, the CH4 function is disabled automatically. When POD1 is
turned off, the CH4 function is enabled automatically.
When POD2 is turned on, the CH3 function is disabled automatically. When POD2 is
turned off, the CH3 function is enabled automatically.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LA:POD1:DISPlay 1 /*Turn POD1 (D0 to D7) on*/
:LA:POD1:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :LA:POD<n>:THReshold <thre>
Description Set or query the threshold of the specified channel group. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Integer 1 to 2 --
<thre> Real -15.0V to +15.0V 1.40V

Explanation There are 2 default channel groups: POD1 (D0 to D7) and POD2 (D8 to D15).
Return The query returns the current threshold of the specified channel group in scientific
Format notation.
Example :LA:POD1:THReshold 3.3 /*Set the threshold of POD1 (D0 to D7) to 3.3V*/
:LA:POD1:THReshold? /*The query returns 3.300000e+00*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :LA:SIZE <size>
Description Set or query the display size of the waveforms of the channels turned on on the screen.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<size> Discrete {SMALl|LARGe} SMALl
Explanation  SMALl: up to 16 waveforms can be displayed on the screen (0 to 15 from top to
 LARGe: up to 8 waveforms can be displayed on the screen (0 to 7 from top to
 The LARGe display mode is only available when the number of channels currently
turned on is no more than 8.
Return The query returns SMAL or LARG.
Example :LA:SIZE SMALl /*Set the waveform display size to small*/
:LA:SIZE? /*The query returns SMAL*/
Related :LA:DIGital<n>:POSition

Syntax :LA:STATe <bool>
Description Turn on or off the LA function, or query the status of the LA function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Return The query returns 1 or 0.

Example :LA:STATe ON /*Turn on the LA function*/
:LA:STATe? /*The query returns 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :LA:TCALibrate <tcal>
Description Set or query the delay calibration time of the digital channels. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<tcal> Real -100ns to 100ns 0.00s

Explanation  When using the oscilloscope for actual measurement, the transmission delay of the
probe cable may cause relatively larger error (zero offset). Zero offset is defined as
the offset of the crossing point of the waveform and threshold level line relative to
the trigger position. Users can set a delay time to calibrate the zero offset of the
corresponding channel.
 You can only set <tcal> to a specified value at certain step. If the parameter sent is
not one of the specified values, the specified value nearest to the value sent will be
used. The step of this parameter differs in different horizontal timebase (set by
the :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe command), as shown in the table below.

Horizontal Timebase Delay Calibration Time Step

5ns 100ps
10ns 200ps
20ns 400ps
50ns 1ns
100ns 2ns
200ns 4ns
500ns 10ns
1μs to 10μs 20ns
Note: When the horizontal timebase is equal to or greater than 10μs, the delay
calibration time cannot be adjusted.
Return The query returns the delay calibration time in scientifc notation.
Example :LA:TCALibrate 0.00000002 /*Set the delay calibration time to 20ns*/
:LA:TCALibrate? /*The query returns 2.000000e-08*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:LAN Commands
Command List:
 :LAN:AUToip
 :LAN:GATeway
 :LAN:MANual
 :LAN:INITiate
 :LAN:IPADdress
 :LAN:STATus?

Syntax :LAN:DHCP <bool>
Description Turns on or off the DHCP configuration mode; or queries the on/off status of the
current DHCP configuration mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON
Explanation  When the three IP configuration types (DHCP, Auto IP, and Static IP) are all
turned on, the priority of the parameter configuration from high to low is
"DHCP", "Auto IP", and "Static IP". The three IP configuration types cannot be
all turned off at the same time.
 When DHPC is valid, the DHCP server in the current network will assign the
network parameters (such as the IP address) for the oscilloscope.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LAN:DHCP ON /*Enables DHCP configuration mode.*/
:LAN:DHCP? /*The query returns 1.*/

Syntax :LAN:AUToip <bool>
Description Turns on or off the Auto IP configuration mode; or queries the on/off status of the
current Auto IP configuration mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Explanation  When the three IP configuration types (DHCP, Auto IP, and Static IP) are all turned
on, the priority of the parameter configuration from high to low is "DHCP", "Auto
IP", and "Static IP". The three IP configuration types cannot be all turned off at
the same time.
 When the auto IP mode is valid, disable DHCP manually. You can self-define the
gateway and DNS address for the oscilloscope.
 For the gateway setting, refer to the :LAN:GATeway command. For the DNS
setting, refer to the :LAN:DNS command.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LAN:AUToip ON /*Disables the Auto IP configuration mode.*/
:LAN:AUToip? /*The query returns 1.*/

Syntax :LAN:GATeway <string>
Description Sets or queries the default gateway.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<string> ASCII String Refer to Explanation ——
Explanation  The format of <string> is nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn. The range of the first section of
"nnn" is from 0 to 223 (except 127), and the ranges of the other three sections of
"nnn" are from 0 to 255.
 When you use this command, the IP configuration mode should be Auto IP (refer
to the :LAN:AUToip command) or Static IP mode (refer to the :LAN:MANual
Return The query returns the current gateway in strings.
Example :LAN:GATeway /*Sets the default gateway to*/
:LAN:GATeway? /*The query returns the current gateway.*/

Syntax :LAN:DNS <string>
Description Sets or queries the DNS address.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<string> ASCII String Refer to Explanation ——
Explanation  The format of <string> is nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn. The range of the first section of
"nnn" is from 0 to 223 (except 127), and the ranges of the other three sections of
"nnn" are from 0 to 255.
 When you use this command, the IP configuration mode should be Auto IP (refer
to the :LAN:AUToip command) or Static IP mode (refer to the :LAN:MANual
Return The query returns the current DNS address in strings.

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Example :LAN:DNS /*Sets the DNS address to*/

:LAN:DNS? /*The query returns the current DNS address.*/

Syntax :LAN:MAC?
Description Queries the MAC address of the instrument. The address format displayed on the
oscilloscope is as follows: 00-19-AF-30-00-00.
Return The query returns the MAC address in strings. For example, 0019af300000.

Syntax :LAN:MANual <bool>
Description Turns on or off the static IP configuration mode; or queries the on/off status of the
static IP configuration mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  When the three IP configuration types (DHCP, Auto IP, and Static IP) are all turned
on, the priority of the parameter configuration from high to low is "DHCP", "Auto
IP", and "Static IP". The three IP configuration types cannot be all turned off at the
same time.
 When the static IP mode is valid, disable DHCP and Auto IP manually. You can
self-define the network parameters of the oscilloscope, such as IP address, subnet
mask, gateway, and DNS address. For the setting of the IP address, refer to
the :LAN:IPADdress command. For the setting of the subnet mask, refer to
the :LAN:SMASk command. For the setting of the gateway, refer to
the :LAN:GATeway command. For the setting of DNS, refer to the :LAN:DNS
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :LAN:MANual ON /*Enables the static IP configuration mode.*/
:LAN:MANual? /*The query returns 1.*/

Syntax :LAN:INITiate
Description Initiates the network parameters. Before running the command, confirm that the
oscilloscope has been connected to the network properly.

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :LAN:IPADdress <string>
Description Sets or queries the IP address of the instrument.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<string> ASCII String Refer to Explanation ——
Explanation  The format of <string> is nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn. The range of the first section of
"nnn" is from 0 to 223 (except 127), and the ranges of the other three sections of
"nnn" are from 0 to 255.
 When you use the command, the IP configuration mode should be static IP (refer
to the :LAN:MANual command). Besides, the DHCP and auto IP should be
Return The query returns the current IP address in strings.
Example :LAN:IPADdress /*Sets the IP address to*/
:LAN:IPADdress? /*The query returns the current IP address.*/

Syntax :LAN:SMASk <string>
Description Sets or queries the subnet mask.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<string> ASCII String Refer to Explanation ——
Explanation  The format of <string> is nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn. The range of the section "nnn" is
from 0 to 255.
 When you use the command, the IP configuration mode should be static IP (refer
to the :LAN:MANual command). The DHCP and auto IP should be disabled.
Return The query returns the current subnet mask in strings.
Example :LAN:SMASk /*Sets the subnet mask to*/
:LAN:SMASk? /*The query returns the current subnet mask.*/

Syntax :LAN:STATus?
Description Queries the current network configuration status.
Format UNLINK: not connected.
INIT: the instrument is acquiring an IP address.
IPCONFLICT: there is an IP address conflict.
CONFIGURED: the network configuration has been successfully configured.
DHCPFAILED: the DHCP configuration has failed.

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :LAN:VISA?
Description Queries the VISA address of the instrument.
Return Format The query returns the VISA address in strings. For example,

Syntax :LAN:APPLy
Description Applies the network configuration.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-93

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:MATH Commands
The :MATH commands are used to set the operations between the waveforms of multiple channels.

 The operations include the following types:
Algebraic Operations: A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B
Spectrum Operation: FFT
Logic Operations: A&&B, A||B, A^B, !A
Functional Operations: Intg, Diff, Sqrt, Lg, Ln, Exp, Abs
Filter: Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Band Pass Filter, Band Stop Filter
Compound Operations: Combination of two operations (inner and outer)

 For logic operations, the waveform data to be operated is compared with the preset threshold and is
converted to 0 or 1. Thus, the result will also be 0 or 1.

 For a relatively complicated operation, you can split it into inner and outer layer operations (namely
compound operation) according to your need. The inner layer operation (fx) can only be algebraic
operation and the outer layer operation can only be algebraic operation or functional operation.

When the outer layer operation is algeriac operation, at least one of source A and source B of the outer
layer operation should be set to FX.
When the outer layer operation is functional operation, the source of the outer layer operation can only
be set to FX.

Note: For the inner layer operation (fx), you can send
the :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1, :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2, and :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator commands to set
the sources and operator of the inner layer operation. For the outer layer operation, you can send
the :MATH:SOURce1, :MATH:SOURce2, and :MATH:OPERatorcommands to set the sources and operator of the
outer layer operation.

Command List:
 :MATH:OPERator
 :MATH:LSOUrce1
 :MATH:LSOUrce2
 :MATH:INVert

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

 :MATH:OPTion:INVert
 :MATH:OPTion:SENSitivity
 :MATH:OPTion:DIStance
 :MATH:OPTion:ASCale
 :MATH:OPTion:THReshold1
 :MATH:OPTion:THReshold2
 :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:DISPlay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the math operation function or query the math operation status.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MATH:DISPlay ON /*Enable the math operation function*/
:MATH:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :MATH:OPERator <opt>
Description Set or query the operator of the math operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
Explanation When the parameter in :MATH:SOURce1 and/or :MATH:SOURce2 is FX, this command is
used to set the operator of the outer layer operation of compound operation. The range of
Return The query returns ADD, SUBT, MULT, DIV, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, FFT, INTG, DIFF, SQRT,
Format LOG, LN, EXP, ABS, or FILT.
Example :MATH:OPERator INTG /*Set the operator of the math operation to integration*/
:MATH:OPERator? /*The query returns INTG*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:SOURce1 <src>
Description Set or query the source or source A of algebraic operation/functional operation/the outer
layer operation of compound operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|FX} CHANnel1
Explanation  For algebraic operations, this command is used to set source A.
 For functional operations, only this command is used to set the source.
 For compound operations, this command is used to set source A of the outer layer
operation when the outer layer operation is algeriac operation and the range of
<src> is {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4}; this command is used to set
the source of the outer layer operation when the outer layer operation is functional
operation and <src> can only be FX.
Note: When the outer layer operation of compound operation is algebraic operation, at least
one of source A and source B of the outer layer operation should be set to FX.
 When "FX" is selected, you can send
the :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1, :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2,
and :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator commands to set the sources and operator of the
inner layer operation.
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or FX.
Example :MATH:SOURce1 CHANnel3 /*Set source A of algebraic operation to CH3*/
:MATH:SOURce1? /*The query returns CHAN3*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:SOURce2 <src>
Description Set or query source B of algebraic operation/the outer layer operation of compound
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|FX} CHANnel1
Explanation  This command is only applicable to algebraic operations (requiring two sources) and
compound operations whose outer layer operations are algebraic operations.
 When the outlayer operation of compound operation is algebraic operation, this
command is used to set source B of the outer layer operation.
Note: When the outer layer operation of compound operation is algebraic operation, at least
one of source A and source B of the outer layer operation should be set to FX.
 When "FX" is selected, you can send
the :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1, :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2,
and :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator commands to set the sources and operator of the
inner layer operation.
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or FX.
Example :MATH:SOURce2 CHANnel3 /*Set source B of algebraic operation to CH3*/
:MATH:SOURce2? /*The query returns CHAN3*/

Syntax :MATH:LSOUrce1 <src>
Description Set or query source A of logic operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| D0
Explanation The logic operations include A&&B, A||B, A^B, and !A.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MATH:LSOUrce1 D3 /*Set source A of logic operation to D3*/
:MATH:LSOUrce1? /*The query returns D3*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:LSOUrce2 <src>
Description Set or query source B of logic operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| D1
Explanation  The logic operations include A&&B, A||B, A^B, and !A.
 This command is only applicable to logic operations that require two signal sources
and is used to set source B.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15,
Format CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.

Example :MATH:LSOUrce2 D4 /*Set source B of logic operation to D4*/

:MATH:LSOUrce2? /*The query returns D4*/

Syntax :MATH:SCALe <scale>
Description Set or query the vertical scale of the operation result. The unit depends on the operator
currently selected and the unit of the source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<scale> Real The max range is from 1p to 5T (in 1-2-5 step) 1.00V
Explanation The range of the vertical scale is related to the operator currently selected and the vertical
scale of the source channel. For the integration (intg) and differential (diff) operations, it
is also related to the current horizontal timebase.
Return The query returns the vertical scale of the operation result in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:SCALe 2 /*Set the vertical scale to 2V*/
:MATH:SCALe? /*The query returns 2.000000e+00*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:OFFSet <offs>
Description Set or query the vertical offset of the operation result. The unit depends on the operator
currently selected and the unit of the source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
Related to the vertical scale of the operation result
Range: (-1000 x MathVerticalScale) to (1000 x
<offs> Real 0.00V
Step: MathVerticalScale/50
Explanation MathVerticalScale is the vertical scale of the operation result and can be set by
the :MATH:SCALe command.
Return The query returns the vertical offset of the operation result in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:OFFSet 8 /*Set the vertical offset to 8V*/
:MATH:OFFSet? /*The query returns 8.000000e+00*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:INVert <bool>
Description Enable or disable the inverted display mode of the operation result, or query the inverted
display mode status of the operation result.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  This command is invalid for the FFT operation.
 This command has the same function as the :MATH:OPTion:INVert command.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MATH:INVert ON /*Enable the inverted display mode*/
:MATH:INVert? /*The query returns 1*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-99

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:RESet
Description Sending this command, the instrument adjusts the vertical scale of the operation result to
the most proper value according to the current operator and the horizontal timebase of
the source.
Related :MATH:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:FFT:SOURce <src>
Description Set or query the source of FFT operation/filter.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MATH:FFT:SOURce CHANnel3 /* Set the source of FFT operation to CH3*/
:MATH:FFT:SOURce? /* The query returns CHAN3*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:FFT:WINDow <wnd>
Description Set or query the window function of the FFT operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<wnd> Discrete RECTangle
Explanation  Spectral leakage can be considerably decreased when a window function is used.
 Different window functions are applicable to measure different waveforms. You need
to select the window function according to waveform to be measured and its
Return The query returns RECT, BLAC, HANN, HAMM, FLAT, or TRI.
Example :MATH:FFT:WINDow BLACkman /*Set the window function of the FFT operation to
:MATH:FFT:WINDow? /* The query returns BLACK*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:FFT:SPLit <bool>
Description Enable or disable the half-screen display mode of the FFT operation, or query the status
of the half display mode of the FFT operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON
Explanation  Enable the half-screen display mode: the source channel and the FFT operation
results are displayed separately. The time domain and frequency domain signals are
displayed clearly.
 Disable the half-screen display mode (full-screen display mode): the source channel
and the FFT operation results are displayed in the same window to view the
frequency spectrum more clearly and to perform more precise measurement.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MATH:FFT:SPLit OFF /*Disable the half-screen display mode*/
:MATH:FFT:SPLit? /*The query returns 0*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:FFT:UNIT <unit>
Description Set or query the vertical unit of the FFT operation result.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<unit> Discrete {VRMS|DB} DB
Return The query returns VRMS or DB.
Example :MATH:FFT:UNIT VRMS /*Set the vertical unit of the FFT operation result to Vrms*/
:MATH:FFT:UNIT? /*The query returns VRMS*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:FFT:HSCale <hsc>
Description Set or query the horizontal scale of the FFT operation result. The default unit is Hz.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<hsc> Real Refer to Explanation 5MHz
Explanation  <hsc> can be set to 1/1000, 1/400, 1/200, 1/100, 1/40, or 1/20 of the FFT sample
 When the FFT mode is set to TRACe, FFT sample rate equals to screen sample rate,
that is, 100/horizontal timebase.
When the FFT mode is set to MEMory, FFT sample rate equals to memory sample
rate (:ACQuire:SRATe?).
 You can view the detailed information of the frequency spectrum by reducing the
horizontal scale.
Return The query returns the horizontal scale in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:FFT:HSCale 500000 /*Set the horizontal scale of the FFT operation result to
:MATH:FFT:HSCale? /*The query returns 5.000000e+05*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:FFT:HCENter <cent>
Description Set or query the center frequency of the FFT operation result, namely the frequency
relative to the horizontal center of the screen. The default unit is Hz.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<cent> Real Refer to Explanation 5MHz
Explanation  When the FFT mode is set to TRACe, the range of <cent> is from 0 to (0.4 x FFT
sample rate). Wherein, FFT sample rate equals to screen sample rate, that is,
100/horizontal timebase.
When the FFT mode is set to MEMory, the range of <cent> is from 0 to (0.5 x FFT
sample rate). Wherein, FFT sample rate equals to memory sample rate
 Step = Horizontal Scale of the FFT operation result/50.
Return The query returns the current center frequency in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:FFT:HCENter 10000000 /*Set the center frequency of the FFT operation result
to 10MHz*/
:MATH:FFT:HCENter? /*The query returns 1.000000e+07*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

Syntax :MATH:FFT:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the FFT mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete {TRACe|MEMory} TRACe
Explanation  TRACe: denotes that the data source of the FFT operation is the data of the
waveform displayed on the screen.
 MEMory: denotes that the data source of the FFT operation is the data of the
waveform in the memory.
Return The query returns TRAC or MEM.
Example :MATH:FFT:MODE TRACe /*Set the FFT mode to TRACe*/
:MATH:FFT:MODE? /* The query returns TRAC*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-103

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:FILTer:TYPE <type>
Description Set or query the filter type.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {LPASs|HPASs|BPASs|BSTOP} LPASs
Explanation  DS1000Z provides 4 types of filters (Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Band Pass
Filter, and Band Stop Filter). Setting the bandwidth can filter the specified
frequencies. You can send the :MATH:FFT:SOURce command to set or query the
source of the filter.
 LPASs: low pass, which indicates that only the signals whose frequencies are lower
than the current cutoff frequency (ωc1) can pass the filter.
 HPASs: high pass, which indicates that only the signals whose frequencies are
greater than the current cutoff frequency (ωc1) can pass the filter.
 BPASs: band pass, which indicates that only the signals whose frequencies are
greater than current cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1) and lower than current cutoff
frequency 2 (ωc2) can pass the filter.
Note: Cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1) must be lower than cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2).
 BSTOP: band stop, which indicates that only the signals whose frequencies are
lower than current cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1) or greater than current cutoff
frequency 2 (ωc2) can pass the filter.
Note: Cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1) must be lower than cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2).
Return The query returns LPAS, HPAS, BPAS, or BSTOP.
Example :MATH:FILTer:TYPE LPASs /*Set the filter type to low pass*/
:MATH:FILTer:TYPE? /*The query returns LPAS*/
Related :MATH:FILTer:W1

2-104 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:FILTer:W1 <freq1>
Description Set or query the cutoff frequency (ωc1) of the low pass/high pass filter or cutoff
frequency 1 (ωc1) of the band pass/band stop filter. The default unit is Hz.

Parameter Name Type Range Default

Related to the filter type
LPASs|BPASs|BSTOP: 0.005 x screen
<freq1> Real Refer to Explanation
sample rate
HPASs: 0.1 x screen sample rate
Explanation  When the type of the filter is set to LPASs (low pass) or HPASs (high pass), you
need to set one cutoff frequency (ωc1). At this time, the range of <freq1> is from
(0.005 x screen sample rate) to (0.1 x screen sample rate), with a step of (0.005 x
screen sample rate). Wherein, Screen Sample Rate = 100/Horizontal Timebase.
 When the type of the filter is set to BPASs (band pass) or BSTOP (band stop), you
need to set two cutoff frequencies. Send this command to set cutoff frequency 1
(ωc1); and send the :MATH:FILTer:W2 command to set cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2).
At this time, the range of <freq1> is from (0.005 x screen sample rate) to (0.095 x
screen sample rate), with a step of (0.005 x screen sample rate). Wherein, Screen
Sample Rate = 100/Horizontal Timebase.
Note: Cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1) must be lower than cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2).
Return The query returns the current cutoff frequency or cutoff frequency 1 in scientific
Format notation.

Example :MATH:FILTer:W1 1000000 /*Set the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter to
:MATH:FILTer:W1? /*The query returns 1.000000e+06*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-105

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:FILTer:W2 <freq2>
Description Set or query the cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2) of the band pass/band stop filter. The default
unit is Hz.

Parameter Name Type Range Default

<freq2> Real Refer to Explanation 0.1 x screen sample rate
Explanation When the type of the filter is set to BPASs (band pass) or BSTOP (band stop), you need
to set two cutoff frequencies. Send the :MATH:FILTer:W1 command to set cutoff
frequency 1 (ωc1); and send this command to set cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2). At this time,
the range of <freq2> is from (0.01 x screen sample rate) to (0.1 x screen sample rate),
with a step of (0.005 x screen sample rate). Wherein, Screen Sample Rate =
100/Horizontal Timebase.
Note: Cutoff frequency 2 (ωc2) must be greater than cutoff frequency 1 (ωc1).
Return The query returns current cutoff frequency 2 in scientific notation.

Example :MATH:FILTer:W2 1500000 /*Set cutoff frequency 2 of the band pass filter to
:MATH:FILTer:W2? /*The query returns 1.500000e+06*/

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:STARt <sta>
Description Set or query the start point of the waveform math operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<sta> Integer 0 to (End point currently set - 1) 0
Explanation  This command is invalid for the FFT operation. Sending this command will modify the
start points of all the operations (except FFT).
 The source selected is equally divided into 1200 parts horizontally, in which the
leftmost is 0 and the rightmost is 1199.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :MATH:OPTion:STARt 50 /*Set the waveform start point to 50*/
:MATH:OPTion:STARt? /*The query returns 50*/
Related :MATH:OPTion:END

2-106 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:END <end>
Description Set or query the end point of the waveform math operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<end> Discrete (Start point currently set+1) to 1199 1199
Explanation  This command is invalid for the FFT operation. Sending this command will modify the
end points of all the operations (except FFT).
 The source selected is equally divided into 1200 parts horizontally, in which the
leftmost is 0 and the rightmost is 1199.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :MATH:OPTion:END 200 /*Set the waveform end point to 200*/
:MATH:OPTion:END? /*The query returns 200*/
Related :MATH:OPTion:STARt

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:INVert <bool>

Description Enable or disable the inverted display mode of the operation result, or query the inverted
display mode status of the operation result.

Parameter Name Type Range Default

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation  This command is invalid for the FFT operation. Sending this command will modify
the inverted display mode status of all the operations (except FFT).
 This command has the same function as the :MATH:INVert command.

Return The query returns 1 or 0.

Example :MATH:OPTion:INVert ON /*Enable the inverted display mode*/
:MATH:OPTion:INVert? /*The query returns 1*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-107

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:SENSitivity <sens>
Description Set or query the sensitivity of the logic operation. The default unit is div (namely the
current vertical scale).

Parameter Name Type Range Default

<sens> Real 0 to 0.96, the step is 0.08 0

Explanation This command is only applicable to logic operations (A&&B, A||B, A^B, and !A).
Return The query returns the current sensitivity in scientific notation.

Example :MATH:OPTion:SENSitivity 0.24 /*Set the sensitivity of the logic operation to 0.24div*/
:MATH:OPTion:SENSitivity? /*The query returns 2.400000e-01*/

Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:DIStance <dist>
Description Set or query the smoothing window width of differential operation (diff).
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<dist> Integer 3 to 201 3
Explanation This command is only applicable to differential operation (diff).
Return The query returns an integer between 3 and 201.
Example :MATH:OPTion:DIStance 25 /*Set the smoothing window width to 25*/
:MATH:OPTion:DIStance? /*The query returns 25*/
Related :MATH:OPERator

2-108 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:ASCale <bool>
Description Enable or disable the auto scale setting of the operation result or query the status of the
auto scale setting.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  When the auto scale is enabled, the instrument will automatically calculate the
vertical scale range according to the current operator, the vertical scale and the
horizontal timebase. If the current scale is out of the range, it will adjust the vertical
scale to the best value automatically.
 Sending this command will modify the auto scale status of all the operation results.

Return The query returns 1 or 0.

Example :MATH:OPTion:ASCale ON /*Enable the auto scale setting */
:MATH:OPTion:ASCale? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:THReshold1 <thre>
Description Set or query the threshold level of source A in logic operations. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset) to
<thre> Real 0.00V
(4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset)
Explanation  This command is only applicable to A&&B, A||B, A^B, and !A logic operations of
which source A is an analog channel.
 VerticalScale refers to the vertical scale of source A
VeticalOffset refers to the vertical offset of source A
The step is VerticalScale/50
Return The query returns the threshold level in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:OPTion:THReshold1 0.8 /*Set the the threshold level of source A in logic
operations to 800mV*/
:MATH:OPTion:THReshold1? /*The query returns 8.000000e-01*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-109

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:THReshold2 <thre>
Description Set or query the threshold level of source B in logic operations. The default unit is V.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset) to
<thre> Real 0.00V
(4 x VerticalScale - VerticalOffset)
Explanation  This command is only applicable to A&&B, A||B, and A^B logic operations of which
source B is an analog channel.
 VerticalScale refers to the vertical scale of source B
VeticalOffset refers to the vertical offset of source B
The step is VerticalScale/50
Return The query returns the threshold level in scientific notation.
Example :MATH:OPTion:THReshold2 0.5 /*Set the threshold level of source B in logic
operations to 0.5V*/
:MATH:OPTion:THReshold2? /*The query returns 5.000000e-01*/
Related :CHANnel<n>:SCALe

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1 <src>
Description Set or query source A of the inner layer operation of compound operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1 CHANnel1 /*Set source A of the inner layer operation of
compound operation to CH1*/
:MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce1? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

2-110 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2 <src>
Description Set or query source B of the inner layer operation of compound operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2 CHANnel1 /*Set source B of the inner layer operation of
compound operation to CH1*/
:MATH:OPTion:FX:SOURce2? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

Syntax :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator <op>
Description Set or query the operator of the inner layer operation of compound operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<op> Discrete {ADD|SUBTract|MULTiply|DIVision} ADD
Return The query returns ADD, SUBT, MULT, or DIV.
Example :MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator ADD /*Set the operator of the inner layer operation of
compound operation to addition*/
:MATH:OPTion:FX:OPERator? /*The query returns ADD*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-111

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:MASK Commands
The :MASK commands are used to set and query the pass/fail test parameters.

Command List:
 :MASK:MDISplay
 :MASK:SOOutput
 :MASK:CREate
 :MASK:TOTal?

Syntax :MASK:ENABle <bool>
Description Enable or disable the pass/fail test or query the status of the past/fail test.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF

Explanation The pass/fail test is invalid in the following conditions: the horizontal timebase is XY or
ROLL, in the slow sweep mode (namely when the horizontal timebase is YT, the
horizontal timebase is set to 200ms/div or slower) as well as during waveform record.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MASK:ENABle ON /*Enable the pass/fail test*/
:MASK:ENABle? /*The query returns 1*/

2-112 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MASK:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the source of the pass/fail test.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Explanation Only channels enabled can be selected as the source. You can send
the :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay command to enable the desired channel.
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MASK:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the source of the pass/fail test to CH2*/
:MASK:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :MASK:OPERate <oper>
Description Run or stop the pass/fail test, or query the status of the pass/fail test.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<oper> Discrete {RUN|STOP} STOP
Explanation Before executing this command, you need to send the :MASK:ENABle command to enable
the pass/fail test.
Return The query returns RUN or STOP.
Example :MASK:OPERate RUN /*Run the pass/fail test*/
:MASK:OPERate? /*The query returns RUN*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-113

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MASK:MDISplay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the statistic information when the pass/fail test is enabled, or query the
status of the statistic information.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  Before executing this command, you need to send the :MASK:ENABle command to
enable the pass/fail test.
 When the statistic information is on, the test results as shown in the figure below will
be displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.

 You can send the :MASK:PASSed?, :MASK:FAILed?, and :MASK:TOTal? commands to

query the test results.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MASK:MDISplay ON /*Enable the statistic information*/
:MASK:MDISplay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :MASK:SOOutput <bool>
Description Turn the "Stop on Fail" function on or off, or query the status of the "Stop on Fail"
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  ON: when failed waveforms are detected, the oscilloscope will stop the test and enter
the "STOP" state. At this point, the results of the test remain the same on the screen
(if the display is turned on) and the [Trigger Out] connector (if enabled) on the rear
panel outputs a single pulse.
 OFF: the oscilloscope will continue with the test even though failed waveforms are
detected. The test results on the screen will update continuously and the [Trigger
Out] connector on the rear panel outputs a pulse each time a failed waveform is
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MASK:SOOutput ON /*Turn the "Stop on Fail" function on*/
:MASK:SOOutput? /*The query returns 1*/

2-114 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MASK:OUTPut <bool>
Description Enable or disable the sound prompt when failed waveforms are detected, or query the
status of the sound prompt.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  OFF: when failed waveforms are detected, there are display and output but the
beeper does not sound.
 ON: when failed waveforms are detected, there are display and output and the
beeper sounds (not related to the on/off state of the sound).
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MASK:OUTPut ON /*Enable the sound prompt*/
:MASK:OUTPut? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :MASK:X <x>
Description Set or query the horizontal adjustment parameter in the pass/fail test mask. The default
unit is div.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<x> Real 0.02 to 4, the step is 0.02 within the range 0.02
Return The query returns the horizontal adjustment parameter in scientific notation.
Example :MASK:X 0.28 /*Set the horizontal adjustment parameter to 0.28div*/
:MASK:X? /*The query returns 2.800000e-01*/

Syntax :MASK:Y <y>
Description Set or query the vertical adjustment parameter in the pass/fail test mask. The default unit
is div.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<y> Real 0.04 to 5.12, the step is 0.04 within the range 0.96
Return The query returns the vertical adjustment parameter in scientific notation.
Example :MASK:Y 0.36 /*Set the vertical adjustment parameter to 0.36div*/
:MASK:Y? /*The query returns 3.600000e-01*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-115

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MASK:CREate
Description Create the pass/fail test mask using the current horizontal adjustment parameter and
vertical adjustment parameter.
Explanation This command is valid only when the pass/fail test is enabled (:MASK:ENABle) and is not
in the run state (:MASK:OPERate).
Related :MASK:X

Syntax :MASK:PASSed?
Description Query the number of passed frames in the pass/fail test.
Return The query returns an integer.

Syntax :MASK:FAILed?
Description Query the number of failed frames in the pass/fail test.
Return The query returns an integer.

Syntax :MASK:TOTal?
Description Query the total number of frames in the pass/fail test.
Return The query returns an integer.

Syntax :MASK:RESet
Description Reset the numbers of passed frames and failed frames as well as the total number of
frames in the pass/fail test to 0.
Related :MASK:PASSed?

2-116 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:MEASure Commands
DS1000Z supports the auto measurement of the following 37 waveform parameters and provides the
statistic function for the measurement results. In additional, you can use the frequency counter to make
more precise frequency measurement. The :MEASure commands are used to set and query the
measurement parameters.

1. Time Parameters
Period: Defined as the time between the threshold middle points of two consecutive,
like-polarity edges.
Frequency: Defined as the reciprocal of period.
Rise Time: The time for the signal amplitude to rise from the lower limit to the upper limit of the
Fall Time: The time for the signal amplitude to fall from the upper limit to the lower limit of the
+Width: The time difference between the threshold middle point of a rising edge to that of the
next falling edge of the pulse.
-Width: The time difference between the threshold middle point of a falling edge to that of the
next rising edge of the pulse.
+Duty: The ratio of the positive pulse width to the period.
-Duty: The ratio of the negative pulse width to the period.
tVmax: The time corresponding to the waveform maximum value (Vmax).
tVmin: The time corresponding to the waveform minimum value (Vmin).

Rise Time Fall Time

Upper Limit

+Width -Width Threshold

Middle Point

Lower Limit


2. Count Values
+Pulses: The number of positive pulses that rise from below the threshold lower limit to above
the threshold upper limit.
1 2 n
Upper Limit

Lower Limit

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-117

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

-Pulses: The number of negative pulses that fall from above the threshold upper limit to
below the threshold lower limit.
Upper Limit

Lower Limit
1 2 n

+Edges: The number of rising edges that rise from below the threshold lower limit to above
the threshold upper limit.
1 2 n
Upper Limit

Lower Limit

-Edges: The number of falling edges that fall from above the threshold upper limit to below
the threshold lower limit.
Upper Limit

Lower Limit
1 2 n

3. Delay and Phase

Delay 1→2: The time difference between the rising edges of source 1 and source 2. Negative
delay indicates that the selected rising edge of source 1 occurred after the selected
rising edge of source 2.
Delay 1→2: The time difference between the falling edges of source 1 and source 2. Negative
delay indicates that the selected falling edge of source 1 occurred after the selected
falling edge of source 2.
Phase 1→2: Phase difference calculated according to "Delay 1→2" and the period of source
1, expressed in degree. The calculation formula is as shown below.
Phase 1→2: Phase difference calculated according to "Delay 1→2" and the period of source
1, expressed in degree.The calculation formula is as shown below.
Phase × 360°
Wherein, Phase denotes "Phase 1→2" or "Phase 1→2", Delay denotes "Delay 1→2"
or "Delay 1→2" and Period1 denotes the period of source 1.


Source 1


Source 2

2-118 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

4. Voltage Parameters
Vmax: The voltage value from the highest point of the waveform to the GND.
Vmin: The voltage value from the lowest point of the waveform to the GND.
Vpp: The voltage value from the highest point to the lowest point of the waveform.
Vtop: The voltage value from the flat top of the waveform to the GND.
Vbase: The voltage value from the flat base of the waveform to the GND.
Vamp: The voltage value from the top of the waveform to the base of the waveform.
Vupper: The actual voltage value corresponding to the threshold maximum value.
Vmid: The actual voltage value corresponding to the threshold middle value.
Vlower: The actual voltage value corresponding to the threshold minimum value.
Vavg: The arithmetic average value on the whole waveform or on the gating area. The
calculation formula is as follows:

Average =
∑ xi
Wherein, xi is the measurement result of the ith point, n is the number of points
being measured.
Vrms: The root mean square value on the whole waveform or the gating area. The calculation
formula is as follows:


Wherein, xi is the measurement result of the ith point, n is the number of points
being measured.
Overshoot: The ratio of the difference between the maximum value and top value of the waveform
to the amplitude value.
Preshoot: The ratio of the difference between the minimum value and base value of the waveform
to the amplitude value.
Per.Vrms: The root mean square value within a period. For the calculation formula, please refer to
Variance: The average of the sum of the squares for the difference between the amplitude value
of each waveform point and the waveform average value on the whole waveform or on
the gating area. The variance reflects the fluctuation degree of the waveform. The
calculation formula is as follows:

∑ (Vamp(i) - Average)
i =1

Variance =
Wherein, Vamp (i ) is the amplitude of the ith point, Average is the average value of
the waveform, n is the number of points being measured.



Vpp Vamp Vmid




DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-119

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

5. Other Parameters
+Rate: Divide the difference of the upper value and lower value on the rising edge by the
corresponding time.
-Rate: Divide the difference of the lower value and upper value on the falling edge by the
corresponding time.
Area: The area of the whole waveform within the screen and the unit is voltage-second. The
area meadured above the zero reference (namely the vertical offset) is positive and
the area measured below the zero reference is negative. The area measured is the
algebraic sum of the area of the whole waveform within the screen.
Period The area of the first period of the waveform on the screen and the unit is
Area: voltage-second. The area above the zero reference (namely the vertical offset) is
positive and the area below the zero reference is negative. The area measured is the
algeraic sum of the area of the waveform within the whole period.

Command List:
 :MEASure:SOURce
 :MEASure:COUNter:SOURce
 :MEASure:COUNter:VALue?
 :MEASure:CLEar
 :MEASure:RECover
 :MEASure:ADISplay
 :MEASure:AMSource
 :MEASure:SETup:MAX
 :MEASure:SETup:MID
 :MEASure:SETup:MIN
 :MEASure:SETup:PSA
 :MEASure:SETup:PSB
 :MEASure:SETup:DSA
 :MEASure:SETup:DSB
 :MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay
 :MEASure:STATistic:MODE
 :MEASure:STATistic:RESet
 :MEASure:STATistic:ITEM

2-120 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MEASure:SOURce <sour>
Description Set or query the source of the current measurement parameter.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<sour> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation  Analog channels CH1 to CH4 can be selected no matter wether they are currently
turned on. Note: When any of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be
selected; when any of channels D8 to D15 is selected, CH3 cannnot be selected.
 For digital channels D0 to D15, only channels currently turned on can be selected.
 This command is used to set the source for the measurement parameters (except
delay and phase). The delay and phase measurements requires two sources which
can be set by the :MEASure:SETup:DSA
and :MEASure:SETup:DSB, :MEASure:SETup:PSA and :MEASure:SETup:PSB
commands respectively.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or MATH.
Example :MEASure:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the parameter measurement source to CH2*/
:MEASure:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :MEASure:ITEM

Syntax :MEASure:COUNter:SOURce <sour>
Description Set or query the source of the frequency counter, or disable the frequency counter.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<sour> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| OFF
Explanation  Analog channels CH1 to CH4 can be selected no matter wether they are currently
turned on. Note: When any of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be
selected; when any of channels D8 to D15 is selected, CH3 cannnot be selected.
 For digital channels D0 to D15, only channels currently turned on can be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or OFF.
Example :MEASure:COUNter:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the source of the frequency counter to
:MEASure:COUNter:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :MEASure:COUNter:VALue?

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-121

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MEASure:COUNter:VALue?
Description Query the measurement result of the frequency counter. The default unit is Hz.
Return The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation. If the frequency counter
Format is disabled, 0.0000000e+00 will be returned.
Example :MEASure:COUNter:VALue? /*The query returns 1.000004e+03*/
Related :MEASure:COUNter:SOURce

Syntax :MEASure:CLEar <item>
Description Clear one or all of the last five measurement items enabled.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<item> Discrete {ITEM1|ITEM2|ITEM3|ITEM4|ITEM5|ALL} --
Explanation  You can use the :MEASure:ITEM command to enable the desired parameters of the
37 waveform parameters. Note that the last five parameters are determined
according to the order in which you turned them on and they will not change as you
delete one or more measurement items.
 You can send the :MEASure:RECover command to recover the item(s) when a certain
item or all the items are cleared.
Example :MEASure:CLEar ITEM1 /*Clear ITEM1*/

Syntax :MEASure:RECover <item>
Description Recover the measurement item which has been cleared.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<item> Discrete {ITEM1|ITEM2|ITEM3|ITEM4|ITEM5|ALL} --
Explanation  You can use the :MEASure:ITEM command to enable the desired parameters of the
37 waveform parameters. Note that the last five parameters are determined
according to the order in which you turned them on and they will not change as you
delete one or more measurement items.
 You can send the :MEASure:CLEar command to clear the items again after one or all
of the measurement items are recovered.

2-122 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MEASure:ADISplay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the all measurement function, or query the status of the all
measurement function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  The all measurement function can measure the following 29 parameters of the
source at the same time:
Voltage Parameters: Vmax, Vmin, Vpp, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Vupper, Vmid, Vlower,
Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Period Vrms, and Variance
Time Parameters: Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty,
-Duty, tVmax, and tVmin
Other Parameters: +Rate, -Rate, Area, and Period Area.
 The all measurement function can measure CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, and the MATH
channel at the same time. You can send the :MEASure:AMSource command to set
the source of the all measurement function.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MEASure:ADISplay ON /*Enable the all measurement function*/
:MEASure:ADISplay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :MEASure:AMSource <src>[,<src>[,<src>[,<src>]]]
Description Set or query the source(s) of the all measurement function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<src> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|MATH} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or MATH. Multiple sources are
Format separated by commas.
Example :MEASure:AMSource CHANnel1,CHANnel3 /*Set the sources of the all measurement
function to CH1 and CH3*/
:MEASure:AMSource? /*The query returns CHAN1,CHAN3*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-123

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:MAX <value>
Description Set or query the upper limit of the threshold (expressed in the percentage of amplitude) in
time, delay, and phase measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Integer 7 to 95 90
Explanation  The upper limit, middle point, and lower limit of the threshold (expressed in the
percentage of amplitude) are used to define the time, delay, and phase parameters.
Setting these values will affect the measurement results of the time, delay, and phase
 Setting the upper limit lower than the middle point will automatically reduce the
middle point to keep it lower than the upper limit.
Return The query returns an integer between 7 and 95.
Example :MEASure:SETup:MAX 95 /*Set the upper limit of the threshold to 95%*/
:MEASure:SETup:MAX? /*The query returns 95*/
Related :MEASure:SETup:MID

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:MID <value>
Description Set or query the middle point of the threshold (expressed in the percentage of amplitude)
in time, delay, and phase measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Integer 6 to 94 50
Explanation  The upper limit, middle point, and lower limit of the threshold (expressed in the
percentage of amplitude) are used to define the time, delay, and phase parameters.
Setting these values will affect the measurement results of the time, delay, and phase
 The middle point must be lower than the upper limit and greater than the lower limit.
Return The query returns an integer between 6 and 94.
Example :MEASure:SETup:MID 89 /*Set the middle point of the threshold to 89%*/
:MEASure:SETup:MID? /*The query returns 89*/
Related :MEASure:SETup:MAX

2-124 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:MIN <value>
Description Set or query the lower limit of the threshold (expressed in the percentage of amplitude) in
time, delay, and phase measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Integer 5 to 93 10
Explanation  The upper limit, middle point, and lower limit of the threshold (expressed in the
percentage of amplitude) are used to define the time, delay, and phase parameters.
Setting these values will affect the measurement results of the time, delay, and phase
 Setting the lower limit greater than the middle point will automatically increase the
middle point to keep it greater than the lower limit.
Return The query returns an integer between 5 and 93.
Example :MEASure:SETup:MIN 53 /*Set the lower limit of the threshold to 53%*/
:MEASure:SETup:MIN? /*The query returns 53*/
Related :MEASure:SETup:MAX

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:PSA <source>
Description Set or query source A of Phase 1→2 and Phase 1→2 measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MEASure:SETup:PSA CHANnel1 /*Set source A of phase measurement to CH1*/
:MEASure:SETup:PSA? /*The query returns CHAN1*/
Related :MEASure:ITEM

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-125

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:PSB <source>
Description Set or query source B of Phase 1→2 and Phase 1→2 measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MEASure:SETup:PSB CHANnel2 /*Set source B of phase measurement to CH2*/
:MEASure:SETup:PSB? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :MEASure:ITEM

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:DSA <source>
Description Set or query source A of Delay 1→2 and Delay 1→2 measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MEASure:SETup:DSA CHANnel1 /*Set source A of delay measurement to CH1*/
:MEASure:SETup:DSA? /*The query returns CHAN1*/
Related :MEASure:ITEM

2-126 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MEASure:SETup:DSB <source>
Description Set or query source B of Delay 1→2 and Delay 1→2 measurements.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :MEASure:SETup:DSB CHANnel2 /*Set source B of delay measurement to CH2*/
:MEASure:SETup:DSB? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :MEASure:ITEM

Syntax :MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the statistic function, or query the status of the statistic function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation When the statistic function is enabled, the oscilloscope makes statistic and displays the
statistic results of at most 5 measurement items that are turned on last.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay ON /*Enable the statistic function*/
:MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/
Related :MEASure:STATistic:MODE

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-127

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MEASure:STATistic:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the statistic mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete {DIFFerence|EXTRemum} EXTRemum
Explanation  DIFFerence: select the difference mode. The statistic results contain the current
value, average value, standard deviation, and counts.
 EXTRemum: select the extremum mode. The statistic results contain the current
value, average value, minimum, and maximum.
 Sending the :MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay command can enable the statistic function.
When the statistic function is enabled, the oscilloscope makes statistic and displays
the statistic results of at most 5 measurement items that are turned on last.
Return The query returns DIFF or EXTR.
Example :MEASure:STATistic:MODE DIFFerence /*Select the difference mode*/
:MEASure:STATistic:MODE? /*The query returns DIFF*/
Related :MEASure:STATistic:RESet

Syntax :MEASure:STATistic:RESet
Description Clear the history data and make statistic again.
Related :MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :MEASure:STATistic:ITEM <item>[,<src>[,<src>]]
:MEASure:STATistic:ITEM? <type>,<item>[,<src>[,<src>]]
Description Enable the statistic function of any waveform parameter of the specified source, or query
the statistic result of any waveform parameter of the specified source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<item> Discrete NWIDth|PDUTy|NDUTy|RDELay|FDELay| --

<src> Discrete Refer to Explanation

<type> Discrete --
Explanation  [,<src>[,<src>]] sets the source of the parameter to be measured.
 When <item> is PERiod, FREQuency, PWIDth, NWIDth, PDUTy, NDUTy, RDELay,
FDELay, RPHase, or FPHase, the range of <src> is
When <item> is any of other measurement parameters, the range of <src> is
 If the parameter to be measured only needs a single source (VMAX, VMIN, VPP,
PSLEWrate, NSLEWrate, VUPper, VMID, VLOWer, VARIance, PVRMS, PPULses,
NPULses, PEDGes, and NEDGes), you only need to set a single source. If
[,<src>[,<src>]] is omitted, the source is the one selected by the :MEASure:SOURce
command by default.
 If the parameter to be measured needs two sources (RDELay, FDELay, RPHase, and
FPHase), the command needs to include two sources; otherwise, the command is
invalid. If [,<src>[,<src>]] is omitted, the sources are the ones selected by
the :MEASure:SETup:DSA and :MEASure:SETup:DSB or :MEASure:SETup:PSA
and :MEASure:SETup:PSB commands by default.
Return The query returns the statistic result in scientific notation.
Example :MEASure:STATistic:ITEM VPP,CHANnel2 /*Enable the Vpp statistic function of CH2*/
:MEASure:STATistic:ITEM? MAXimum,VPP /*The query returns 9.120000e-01*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-129

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :MEASure:ITEM <item>[,<src>[,<src>]]
:MEASure:ITEM? <item>[,<src>[,<src>]]
Description Measure any waveform parameter of the specified source, or query the measurement
result of any waveform parameter of the specified source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<item> Discrete NWIDth|PDUTy|NDUTy|RDELay|FDELay| --
<src> Discrete Refer to Explanation

Explanation  [,<src>[,<src>]] sets the source of the parameter to be measured.

 When <item> is PERiod, FREQuency, PWIDth, NWIDth, PDUTy, NDUTy, RDELay,
FDELay, RPHase, or FPHase, the range of <src> is
When <item> is any of other measurement parameters, the range of <src> is
 If the parameter to be measured only needs a single source (VMAX, VMIN, VPP,
PSLEWrate, NSLEWrate, VUPper, VMID, VLOWer, VARIance, PVRMS, PPULses,
NPULses, PEDGes, and NEDGes), you only need to set a single source. If
[,<src>[,<src>]] is omitted, the source is the one selected by the :MEASure:SOURce
command by default.
 If the parameter to be measured needs two sources (RDELay, FDELay, RPHase, and
FPHase), the command needs to include two sources; otherwise, the command is
invalid. If [,<src>[,<src>]] is omitted, the sources are the ones selected by
the :MEASure:SETup:DSA and :MEASure:SETup:DSB or :MEASure:SETup:PSA
and :MEASure:SETup:PSB commands by default.
Return The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation.
Example :MEASure:ITEM OVERshoot,CHANnel2 /*Enable the overshoot measurement of CH2*/
:MEASure:ITEM? OVERshoot,CHANnel2 /*The query returns 8.888889e-03*/

2-130 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:REFerence Commands
The :REFerence commands are used to set the reference waveform parameters.

Command List:
 :REFerence:DISPlay
 :REFerence<n>:ENABle
 :REFerence<n>:SOURce
 :REFerence<n>:VSCale
 :REFerence<n>:VOFFset
 :REFerence<n>:RESet
 :REFerence<n>:CURRent
 :REFerence<n>:SAVe
 :REFerence<n>:COLor

Syntax :REFerence:DISPlay <bool>
Description Enable or disable the REF function, or query the status of the REF function.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :REFerence:DISPlay ON /*Enable the REF function*/
:REFerence:DISPlay? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :REFerence<n>:ENABle <bool>
Description Enable or disable the specified reference channel, or query the status of the specified
reference channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} 1
Ref1: 1|ON
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}
Others: 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :REFerence1:ENABle ON /*Enable reference channel 1*/
:REFerence1:ENABle? /*The query returns 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :REFerence<n>:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the source of the current reference channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --

<source> Discrete D11|D12|D13|D14|D15|CHANnel1| CHANnel1
Explanation Only channels currently enabled can be selected as the source of the current reference
Return Format The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Example :REFerence1:SOURce CHANnel1 /*Set the source of reference channel 1 to CH1*/
:REFerence1:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

Syntax :REFerence<n>:VSCale <scale>
Description Set or query the vertical scale of the specified reference channel. The unit is the
same as the unit of the source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --
Related to the probe ratio
<scale> Real When probe ratio is 1X: 1mV to 10V 100mV
When probe ratio is 10X: 10mV to 100V
Explanation This command is valid only when the specified reference channel has stored
reference waveform. Otherwise, "No reference data!" will be displayed when
sending this command.
Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation.
Example :REFerence1:VSCale 2 /*Set the vertical scale of reference channel 1 to 2V*/
:REFerence1:VSCale? /*The query returns 2.000000e+00*/
Related :REFerence<n>:SOURce

2-132 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :REFerence<n>:VOFFset <offset>
Description Set or query the vertical offset of the specified reference channel. The unit is the
same as the unit of the source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --
<offset> Real (-10 x RefVerticalScale) to (10 x RefVerticalScale) 0
Explanation RefVerticalScale refers to the vertical scale of the reference channel.
Return Format The query returns the vertical offset in scientific notation.
Example :REFerence1:VOFFset 0.5 /*Set the vertical offset of reference channel 1 to
:REFerence1:VOFFset? /*The query returns 5.000000e-01*/
Related :REFerence<n>:SOURce

Syntax :REFerence<n>:RESet
Description Reset the vertical scale and vertical offset of the specified reference channel to their
default values.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --

Syntax :REFerence<n>:CURRent
Description Select the current reference channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} 1
Explanation Only reference channels currently turned on can be selected as the current
reference channel.
Related :REFerence<n>:ENABle

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-133

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :REFerence<n>:SAVe
Description Store the waveform of the current reference channel to the internal memory as
reference waveform.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --

Related :REFerence<n>:CURRent

Syntax :REFerence<n>:COLor <color>
Description Set or query the display color of the current reference channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} --
<color> Discrete {GRAY|GREEn|LBLue|MAGenta|ORANge} GRAY
Return Format The query returns GRAY, GREE, LBL, MAG, or ORAN.
Example :REFerence1:COLor GREEn /*Set the display color of reference channel 1 (the
current reference channel) to GREEn*/
:REFerence1:COLor? /*The query returns GREE*/
Related :REFerence<n>:CURRent

2-134 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

[:SOURce[<n>]] Commands
The [:SOURce[<n>]] commands are used to set the parameters of the built-in signal source. <n> can be 1
or 2 which denotes the corresponding built-in signal source channel. When <n> or :SOURce[<n>] is
omitted, the operation will be applied to source 1 by default. These commands are only applicable to
models with source channels of DS1000Z series.

Command List:
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>][:STATe]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>]:IMPedance
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe[:ADJust]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe:INITiate
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:OFFSet
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:PULSe:DCYCle
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD[:STATe]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM[:DEPTh]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM[:DEVIation]
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy?
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:NOISe
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:PULSe
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:RAMP
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SINusoid
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SQUare
 [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:USER

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-135

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>][:STATe] <bool>
Description Turn on or off the output of the specified source channel, or query the status of the output
of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation [:SOURce[<n>]] and :OUTPut [<n>] are used to specify the source channel. The former
enjoys higher priority over the latter; namely if the former is omitted, the channel is
specified by the latter and if the former is not omitted, the channel is specified by the
Return The query returns OFF or ON.
Example :OUTPut 1 /*Turn on the output of source 1*/
:OUTPut? /*The query returns ON*/

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>]:IMPedance <impedance>
Description Set or query the impedance of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
<impedance> Discrete {OMEG|FIFTy} OMEG
Explanation  [:SOURce[<n>]] and :OUTPut [<n>] are used to specify the source channel. The
former enjoys higher priority over the latter, namely if the former is omitted, the
channel is specified by the latter and if the former is not omitted, the channel is
specified by the former.
 OMEG: highZ; FIFTy: 50Ω
Return The query returns OMEG or FIFT.
Example :OUTPut:IMPedance FIFTy /*Set the output impedance of source 1 to 50Ω*/
:OUTPut:IMPedance? /*The query returns FIFT*/

2-136 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed] <frequency>
Description Set or query the output frequency of the specified source channel if the modulation is not
enabled or the carrier frequency if the modulation is enabled. The default unit is Hz.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
Sine: 0.1Hz to 25MHz
Square: 0.1Hz to 15MHz
Pulse: 0.1Hz to 1MHz
<frequency> Real 1kHz
Ramp: 0.1Hz to 100kHz
Arbitrary waveform: 0.1Hz to
Return The query returns the frequency in scientific notation, such as 2.0000000e+05.
Example :FREQuency 1000 /*Set the output frequency of source 1 to 1kHz*/
:FREQuency? /*The query returns 1.0000000e+03*/
Related [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD[:STATe]

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe[:ADJust] <phase>
Description Set or query the start phase of the specified source channel. The default unit is degree
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
<phase> Real 0 to 360 0
Return The query returns the start phase in scientific notation, such as 0.000000e+00.
Example :PHASe 90 /*Set the start phase of source 1 to 90°*/
:PHASe? /*The query returns 9.000000e+01*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-137

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:PHASe:INITiate
Description Execute the align phase operation.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} operation is performed
on source 1 by default
Explanation When the align phase operation is performed, the instrument re-configures the two
channels to make them output with the specified frequency and phase.
For two signals whose frequencies are the same or in multiple, this operation will align
their phases. For example, assume Source1 output a 1kHz, 5Vpp, 0° sine waveform and
Source2 outputs a 1kHz, 5Vpp, 180° sine waveform. Sample the two waveforms using
another oscilloscope and display them stably; you will see that the waveforms shown on
the oscilloscope do not always have a phase deviation of 180°. At this point, execute the
align phase operation and the waveforms shown on the oscilloscope will have a phase
deviation of 180° without any manual adjustment of the start phase of the generator.

Before Aligning Phase After Aligning Phase

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe] <wave>
Description Select or query the output waveform when the modulation of the specified source channel
is not enabled. Select or query the carrier waveform when the modulation is enabled. At
this point, if PULSe, NOISe or DC is selected, the modulation will turn off automatically.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} operation is performed
on source 1 by default
<wave> Discrete SINusoid
Explanation  EXTernal: arbitrary waveform
 DS1000Z provides 7 built-in waveforms: Sinc, Exp.Rise, Exp.Fall, ECG, Gauss,
Lorentz, and Haversine
Return The query returns SIN, SQU, RAMP, PULS, NOIS, DC, EXT, SINC, EXPR, EXPF, ECG, GAUS,
Format LOR, or HAV.
Example :FUNCtion SQUare /*Set the output waveform of source 1 to square*/
:FUNCtion? /*The query returns SQU*/

2-138 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry <val>
Description Set or query the ramp symmetry (the percentage that the rising period takes up in the
whole period) of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
<val> Real 0 to 100 10
Return The query returns the symmetry in scientific notation, such as 5.000000e+01.
Example :FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry 50 /*Set the ramp symmetry of source 1 to 50%*/
:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry? /*The query returns 5.000000e+01*/
Related [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <Amplitude>
Description Set or query the output amplitude of the specified source channel. The default unit is Vpp.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
Related to the output
<Ampliude> Real 5Vpp
HighZ: 20mVpp to 5Vpp
50Ω: 10mVpp to 2.5Vpp
Explanation You can use the [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>]:IMPedance command to set the output
Return The query returns the amplitude in scientific notation, such as 1.0000000e+00.
Example :VOLTage 2 /*Set the output amplitude of source 1 to 2V*/
:VOLTage? /*The query returns 2.0000000e+00*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-139

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel] [:IMMediate]:OFFSet <offset>
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel] [:IMMediate]:OFFSet?
Description Set or query the DC offset of the specified source channel. The default unit is VDC.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on
source 1 by default
Related to the output impedance and
HighZ: (-2.5V + current amplitude/2) to
<offset> Real 0μVDC
(2.5V - current amplitude/2)
50Ω: (-1.25V + current amplitude/2) to
(1.25V - current amplitude/2)
Explanation  You can use the [:SOURce[<n>]]:OUTPut[<n>]:IMPedance command to set the
output impedance.
 You can use the [:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
command to set the output amplitude.
Return The query returns the DC offset in scientific notation, such as 1.0000000e+00.
Example :VOLTage:OFFSet 0.5 /*Set the DC offset of source 1 to 500mVDC*/
:VOLTage:OFFSet? /*The query returns 5.0000000e-01*/

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:PULSe:DCYCle <percent>
Description Set or query the pulse duty cycle (the percentage that the high level takes up in the whole
period) of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on
source 1 by default
<percent> Real 10 to 90 20
Return The query returns the duty cycle in scientific notation, such as 5.000000e+01.
Example :PULSe:DCYCle 50 /*Set the pulse duty cycle of source 1 to 50%*/
:PULSe:DCYCle? /*The query returns 5.000000e+01*/
Related [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]

2-140 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD[:STATe] <bool>
Description Enable or disable the modulation of the specified source channel, or query the status of
the modulation of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on source 1 by default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  The signal source of DS1000Z provides amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency
modulation (FM) which can be selected by sending the [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe
 Sine, Square, Ramp, Built-in waveforms, or Arb waveform (except DC) can be used
as the carrier waveform.
 You can use the [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion or
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion command to selelct Sine, Square,
Triangle, or Noise as the modulating waveform.
Return The query returns OFF or ON.
Example :MOD ON /*Enable the modulation of source 1*/
:MOD? /*The query returns ON*/
Related [:SOURce[<n>]]:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe <type>
Description Set or query the modulation type of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on source 1 by default
<type> Discrete {AM|FM} AM
Explanation  AM: amplitude modulation. The amplitude of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
FM: frequency modulation. The frequency of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
 Sine, Square, Ramp, Built-in waveforms, or Arb waveform (except DC) can be used
as the carrier waveform.
 You can use the [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion or
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion command to selelct Sine, Square,
Triangle, or Noise as the modulating waveform.
Return The query returns AM or FM.
Example :MOD:TYPe AM /*Set the modulation type of source 1 to AM*/
:MOD:TYPe? /*The query returns AM*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM[:DEPTh] <depth>
Description Set or query the AM modulation depth (indicates the amplitude variation degree and is
expressed as a percentage) of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on source 1 by default
<depth> Real 0 to 120 100
Explanation In 0% modulation, the output amplitude is half of the carrier waveform amplitude.
In 100% modulation, the output amplitude is equal to the carrier waveform amplitude.
In >100% modulation, envelop distortion which should be avoided in the real circuit will
occur and the output amplitude of the instrument would not exceed 5Vpp (50Ω load).
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :MOD:AM 80 /*Set the AM modulation depth of source 1 to 80%*/
:MOD:AM? /*The query returns 80*/

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>
Description Set or query the modulating waveform frequency of AM or FM of the specified source
channel. The default unit is Hz.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on source 1 by default
<frequency> Real 1Hz to 50kHz 1kHz
Explanation  Sending the [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe command can set the modulation type.
 AM: amplitude modulation. The amplitude of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
FM: frequency modulation. The frequency of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
 Sending [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion or
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion can selelct Sine, Square, Triangle, or
Noise as the modulating waveform.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency 100 /*Set the modulating waveform frequency of AM
of source 1 to 100Hz*/
:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency? /*The query returns 100*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion <wave>
[:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion <wave>
Description Set or query the modulating waveform of AM or FM of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on source
1 by default
<wave> Discrete {SINusoid|SQUare|TRIangle|NOISe} SINusoid
Explanation  Sine (SINusoid), Square (SQUare), Triangle (TRIangle), or Noise (NOISe) can be
selected as the modulating waveform. You can set the frequency of the modulating
waveform by sending [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency or
 Sending the [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:TYPe command can set the modulation type.
 AM: amplitude modulation. The amplitude of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
FM: frequency modulation. The frequency of the carrier waveform varies with the
amplitude of the modulating waveform.
Return The query returns SIN, SQU, TRI, or NOIS.
Example :MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion SQUare /*Set the modulating waveform of AM of
source 1 to square*/
:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion? /*The query returns SQU*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM[:DEVIation] <dev>
Description Set or query the FM frequency deviation of the specified source channel. The default unit
is Hz.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
0Hz to the carrier waveform
<dev> Real 1kHz
Explanation  Sending [:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed] can set the carrier waveform
frequency and sending [:SOURce[<n>]]:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency can set the
FM modulation frequency.
 When the modulating waveform amplitude reaches its maximum, the carrier
waveform frequency increases by the "frequency deviation". When the modulating
waveform amplitude reaches its minimum, the carrier waveform frequency
decreases by the "frequency deviation".
 You can only set the FM frequency deviation when the modulation type of the
specified signal source channel is set to FM.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :MOD:FM 100 /*Set the FM frequency deviation of source 1 to 100Hz*/
:MOD:FM? /*The query returns 100*/

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy?
Description Query the output configurations of the specified source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2} performed on source 1 by
Return The query returns the output configurations in "<waveform
Format name>,<frequency>,<amplitude>,<offset>,<start phase>" format. If the
corresponding parameter does not exist, it will be replaced by "DEF".
Example :APPLy? /*The query returns SIN,1000.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000*/

2-144 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:NOISe [<amp>[,<offset>]]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:PULSe [<freq>[,<amp>[,<offset>[,<phase>]]]]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:RAMP [<freq>[,<amp>[,<offset>[,<phase>]]]]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SINusoid [<freq>[,<amp>[,<offset>[,<phase>]]]]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:SQUare [<freq>[,<amp>[,<offset>[,<phase>]]]]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:APPLy:USER [<freq>[,<amp>[,<offset>[,<phase>]]]]
Description Configure the specified source channel to output a signal with the specified waveform and
Parameter Name Type Range Default
If omitted, the
operation is
[<n>] Discrete {1|2}
performed on
source 1 by default
Sine: 0.1Hz to 25MHz
Square: 0.1Hz to 15MHz
<freq> Real Pulse: 0.1Hz to 1MHz 1kHz
Ramp: 0.1Hz to 100kHz
Arbitrary waveform: 0.1Hz to 10MHz

Related to the output impedance

<amp> Real HighZ: 20mVpp to 5Vpp 5Vpp
50Ω: 10mVpp to 2.5Vpp

Related to the output impedance and

HighZ: (-2.5V + current amplitude/2) to
<offset> Real 0μVDC
(2.5V - current amplitude/2)
50Ω: (-1.25V + current amplitude/2) to
(1.25V - current amplitude/2)
<phase> Real 0° to 360° 0°
Explanation  These commands are used to select the waveform shape.
NOISe: select Noise
PULSe: select Pulse
RAMP: select Ramp
SINusoid: select Sine
SQUare: select Square
USER: select Arbitrary waveform
 <freq>: set the frequency of the specified waveform (Noise does not have this
parameter). The default unit is Hz;
<amp>: set the amplitude of the specified waveform. The default unit is Vpp;
<offset>: set the DC offset of the specified waveform. The default unit is VDC;
<phase>: set the start phase of the specified waveform (Noise does not have this
parameter). The default unit is degree (°).

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

 Users can omit one or multiple parameters. When all of the parameters are omitted,
the commands only select the waveform shape but do not modify the parameters.
 The four parameters (<freq>, <amp>, <offset>, and <phase>) are in order. You
can not omit one parameter and set the one/ones behind it. For example, you can not
omit <freq> and set <amp> directly.

2-146 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:STORage Commands
The :STORage commands are used to set the related parameters when storing images.

Command List:
 :STORage:IMAGe:COLor

Syntax :STORage:IMAGe:TYPE <type>
Description Set or query the image type when storing images.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {PNG|BMP8|BMP24|JPEG|TIFF} PNG
Return The query returns PNG, BMP8, BMP24, JPEG, or TIFF.
Example :STORage:IMAGe:TYPE PNG /*Set the image type when storing images to PNG*/
:STORage:IMAGe:TYPE? /*The query returns PNG*/

Syntax :STORage:IMAGe:INVERT <bool>
Description Turn on or off the invert function when storing images; or query the status of the invert
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Return The query returns ON or OFF.
Example :STORage:IMAGe:INVERT ON /*Turn on the invert function when storing images*/
:STORage:IMAGe:INVERT? /*The query returns ON*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :STORage:IMAGe:COLor <bool>
Description Set the image color when storing images to color (ON) or intensity graded color (OFF); or
query the image color when storing images.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {ON|OFF} ON
Return The query returns ON or OFF.
Example :STORage:IMAGe:COLor ON /*Set the image color when storing images to color*/
:STORage:IMAGe:COLor? /*The query returns ON*/

2-148 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:SYSTem Commands
The :SYSTem commands are used to set the system-related parameters, such as the sound and language.

Command List:
 :SYSTem:AUToscale
 :SYSTem:BEEPer
 :SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?
 :SYSTem:GAM?
 :SYSTem:LANGuage
 :SYSTem:LOCKed
 :SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall
 :SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall
 :SYSTem:RAM?
 :SYSTem:SETup

Syntax :SYSTem:AUToscale <bool>
Description Enable or disable the AUTO key on the front panel, or query the status of the AUTO key.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 1|ON
Explanation  Users can disable the AUTO key by sending this command or pressing Utility 
Auto Options  Lock. The key can only be enabled by sending this command.
 After the AUTO key is disabled, the Auto Scale operation is invalid. The :AUToscale
command will be invalid.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :SYSTem:AUToscale ON /*Enable the AUTO key on the front panel*/
:SYSTem:AUToscale? /*The query returns 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :SYSTem:BEEPer <bool>
Description Enable or disable the beeper, or query the status of the beeper.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} --
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :SYSTem:BEEPer ON /*Enable the beeper*/
:SYSTem:BEEPer? /*The query returns 1*/

Syntax :SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?
Description Query and delete the last system error message.
Return The query returns the error message in "<message number>,<message content>"
Format format. Wherein, <message number> is an integer and <message content> is a ASCII
string. For example, -113,"Undefined header; command cannot be found".

Syntax :SYSTem:GAM?
Description Query the number of grids in the horizontal direction of the instrument screen.
Return The query always returns 12.

Syntax :SYSTem:LANGuage <lang>
Description Set or query the system language.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<lang> Discrete GERMan|POLish|KORean|JAPAnese|FRENch| --
Explanation The system language is not affected by sending *RST.
Return The query returns SCH, TCH, ENGL, PORT, GERM, POL, KOR, JAPA, FREN, or RUSS.
Example :SYSTem:LANGuage SCHinese /*Set the system language to simplified Chinese*/
:SYSTem:LANGuage? /*The query returns SCH*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :SYSTem:LOCKed <bool>
Description Enable or disable the keyboard lock function, or query the status of the keyboard lock
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Return The query returns 1 or 0.

Syntax :SYSTem:PON <pon>
Description Set or query the system configuration to be recalled when the oscilloscope is powered on
again after power-off.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<pon> Discrete {LATest|DEFault} LATest
Return The query returns LAT or DEF.
Example :SYSTem:PON LATest /*Set the system configuration to be recalled when the
oscilloscope is powered on again after power-off to last*/
:SYSTem:PON? /*The query returns LAT*/

Syntax :SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall <license>
Description Install a option.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<license> ASCII String Refer to Explanation --
Explanation  To install an option, you need to order the option to obtain the corresponding key.
Then, use the key to acquire the option license by following the steps below.
 Log in RIGOL official website (www.rigol.com); click License Activation to
enter the "Registered product license code" interface.
 Input the correct key, serial number (press Utility  System  System Info
to get the instrument serial number) and identifying code in the product license
register interface; click Generate to acquire the option license.
 <license> is the option license (the hyphens should be omitted). It is a 28-byte string
and can only include uppercase English characters and numbers.

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall
Description Uninstall the options installed.

Syntax :SYSTem:RAM?
Description Query the number of analog channels of the instrument.
Return The query always returns 4.

Syntax :SYSTem:SETup <setup_stream>
Description Import the setting parameters of the oscilloscope to restore the oscilloscope to the
specified setting.
Query the setting of the oscilloscope.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<setup_stream> Refer to Explanation
Explanation  Here, the setting of the oscilloscope corresponds to the "Setups" in Storage 
 <setup_stream> is the specified setting parameters of the oscilloscope and is the
return value of the :SYSTem:SETup? command; you cannot set the parameters
manually. For the specific format, please refer to the Return Format below.
 This command is mainly used to help users to easily export/import the oscilloscope
settings remotely. To export the setting parameters of the specified setting of the
oscilloscope, send the :SYSTem:SETup? command and save the return value to a
file. After that, if users want to restore the oscilloscope to the specified setting,
import the setting parameters of the oscilloscope using the :SYSTem:SETup
<setup_stream> command (note that <setup_stream> must be the return value
formerly acquired from the query).
Return The return value consists of two parts, including the TMC data description header and
Format the setting data. The format of the TMC data description header is #NXXXXXX; wherein,
# is the denoter, N is lower than or equal to 9 and the N data following it denotes the
length (the number of bytes) of the data stream. For example, #9000002077; wherein,
N is 9 and 000002077 denotes that there are 2077 byte effective data. The setting
data is in binary format.

2-152 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

[:TRACe[<n>]] Commands
The [:TRACe[<n>]] commands are used to set the arbitrary waveform parameters of the built-in signal
sources. <n> can be 1 or 2 which denotes the corresponding built-in signal source channel. If <n>
or :TRACe[<n>] is omitted, the operation will be applied to source 1 by default. These commands are only
applicable to models with source channels of DS1000Z series.

Command List:
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC16
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts:INTerpolate
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue
 [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:LOAD?

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA volatile,<value>[,<value>...]
Description Download the floating point voltage values to the volatile memory of the specified
signal source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<value> Real -1 to 1 --
Explanation  <value> denotes the floating point voltage values. -1 and 1 correspond to the
minimum and maximum values of the waveform amplitude respectively. For
example, when the amplitude is 5Vpp and the offset is 0VDC, -1 corresponds to
-2.5V and 1 corresponds to 2.5V. This command will overwrite the previous
waveform in the volatile memory (no error will be generated).
 2 to 16384 points can be downloaded each time.
 After sending this command, the specified signal source channel switches to
volatile waveform output automatically. While at the same time, the initial number
of points is modified. Users can edit the data downloaded using this command on
the instrument.
Example :DATA volatile,-0.5,-0.25,0.25,0.75 /*Download 4 floating point voltage values
(-0.5,-0.25,0.25,0.75) to the volatile memory of
the source 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC16 volatile,<flag>,<binary_block_data>
Description Download binary data block to the volatile memory of the specified signal source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<flag> Discrete {END} --
<binary_block_data> Refer to Explanation
Explanation  This command consists of two parts: the command string
([:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC16 volatile,<flag>,) and the binary data
 <flag> denotes the data transmission status and can only be set to END which
denotes the data transmission finishes.
 <binary_block_data> denotes the binary data to be downloaded. The data length
ranges from 4Bytes (2pt) to 32kBytes (16kpts). <binary_block_data> is a binary
data block starts with #. For example, #516384 binary data; the number 5
behind # denotes that the data length information (16384) occupies 5 characters.
16384 denotes the number of bytes of the binary data. As each waveform point
corresponds to two bytes of binary number (the range is from 0000 to 3FFF; 0000
and 3FFF correspond to the minimum and maximum values of the waveform
amplitude respectively), the number of bytes must be an even number.
 When END (data transmission complete indicator) is recieved, the instrument
switches to arbitrary waveform output automatically.

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:DAC volatile,[<binary_block_data>|<value>,<value>,<value>...]
Description Download binary data block or decimal waveform values to the volatile memory of the
specified signal source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<binary_block_data> Refer to Explanation
<value> Integer 0 to 16383 --
Explanation  <binary_block_data> denotes the binary data to be downloaded. The data length is
from 4 Bytes (2 pts) to 32768 Bytes (16 kpts). <binary_block_data> is a binary data
block starts with #. For example, #516384 binary data; the number 5 behind #
denotes that the data length information (16384) occupies 5 characters. 16384
denotes the number of bytes of the binary data. As each waveform point
corresponds to two bytes of binary number (the range is from 0000 to 3FFF; 0000
and 3FFF correspond to the minimum and maximum values of the waveform
amplitude respectively), the number of bytes must be an even number.
 <value> denotes the decimal DAC values. 0 and 16383 correspond to the minimum
and maximum values of the waveform amplitude respectively. For example, when
the amplitude is 5Vpp and the offset is 0VDC, 0 corresponds to -2.5V and 16383
corresponds to 2.5V. The range of the number of waveform points is from 2pts to
16384pts. For example, 5 waveform point data are sent by the :DATA:DAC
volatile,0,16383,8192,0,16383 command.
 After sending this command, the specified signal source channel switches to volatile
waveform output automatically. While at the same time, the initial number of points
is modified. Users can edit the data downloaded using this command on the

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-155

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts volatile,<data>
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts? volatile
Description Set or query the initial number of points of the arbitrary waveform of the specified signal
source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<data> Integer 1 to 16384 2
Explanation  This command initializes the voltage value of each point on the volatile waveform to
0μV automatically.
 After sending this command, you can use the [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue
command to modify the voltage of the specified point.
Return The query returns an integer between 1 and 16384.
Example :DATA:POINts volatile,512 /*Set the initial number of points of the source 1 arbitrary
waveform to 512*/
:DATA:POINts? volatile /*The query returns 512*/

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts:INTerpolate <mode>
Description Set or query the interpolation mode of the editable points of the arbitrary waveform of
the specified signal source channel.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<mode> Discrete {LINear|OFF} OFF
Explanation  LINear: turn on the linear interpolation. The waveform editor connects two editable
points using a straight line.
 OFF: turn off the linear interpolation. The waveform editor will keep a constant
voltage level between two editable points and create a ladder-like waveform.

Return The query returns LIN or OFF.

Example :DATA:POINts:INTerpolate LIN /*Set the interpolation mode of the source 1 arbitrary
waveform to linear*/
:DATA:POINts:INTerpolate? /*The query returns LIN*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue volatile,<points>,<data>
[:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:VALue? volatile,<points>
Description Modify or query the decimal value of the specified point in the volatile memory of the
specified signal source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<points> Integer 1 to the initial number of points --
<data> Integer 0 to 16383 --
Explanation  This command is only valid when the current output is volatile waveform.
 The initial number of points can be set by the [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:POINts
 <data> denotes the decimal value. 0 and 16383 correspond to the minimum and
maximum values of the waveform amplitude respectively. For example, when the
amplitude is 5Vpp and the offset is 0VDC, 0 corresponds to -2.5V and 16383
corresponds to 2.5V.
Return The query returns an integer between 0 and 16383.
Example :DATA:VALue volatile,1,10 /*Set the first point in the source 1 volatile memory to 10*/
:DATA:VALue? volatile,1 /*The query returns 10*/

Syntax [:TRACe[<n>]]:DATA:LOAD? <num>
Description Read the specified data packet in the volatile memory of the specified signal source.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<n> Discrete {1|2} 1
<num> Integer 1 --
Return The query returns a binary data block. The data block header is #9000032768 followed
Format by 32768 byte binary data.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-157

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:TIMebase Commands
The :TIMebase commands are used to set the horizontal parameters, such as enabling the delayed sweep
and setting the horizontal timebase mode.

Command List:
 :TIMebase:DELay:ENABle
 :TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet
 :TIMebase:DELay:SCALe
 :TIMebase[:MAIN]:OFFSet
 :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe
 :TIMebase:MODE

Syntax :TIMebase:DELay:ENABle <bool>
Description Enable or disable the delayed sweep, or query the status of the delayed sweep.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation Delayed sweep can be used to enlarge a length of waveform horizontally to view
waveform details.
Return Format The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :TIMebase:DELay:ENABle ON /*Enable the delayed sweep*/
:TIMebase:DELay:ENABle? /*The query returns 1*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet <offset>
Description Set or query the delayed timebase offset. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
-(LeftTime - DelayRange/2) to
<offset> Real (RightTime - DelayRange/2) 0

Explanation LeftTime = 6 x MainScale - MainOffset

RightTime = 6 x MainScale + MainOffset
DelayRange = 12 x DelayScale
Wherein, MainScale is the current main timebase scale of the oscilloscope,
MainOffset is the current main timebase offset of the oscilloscope, and DelayScale is
the current delayed timebase scale of the oscilloscope.
Return Format The query returns the delayed timebase offset in scientific notation.
Example :TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet 0.000002 /*Set the delayed timebase offset to 2μs*/
:TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet? /*The query returns 2.0000000e-06*/
Related :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TIMebase:DELay:SCALe <scale>
Description Set or query the delayed timebase scale. The default unit is s/div.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<scale> Real Refer to Explanation 500ns/div
Explanation  The maximum value of <scale> is the main timebase scale currently set, and
the minimum value is expressed as: 50/(current sample rate x amplification
Wherein, the amplification factor is related to the sum number (the number of
enabled analog channels plus the number of analog channels that are set as
trigger sources and the number of enabled digital channel groups (D0 to D7; D8
to D15). When the sum number counts as 1, the amplification factor is 10; when
the sum number counts as 2, the amplification factor is 20; when the sum
number counts as 3 or 4, the amplification factor is 40.
― If an analog channel is both enabled and set as the trigger source, the sum
number will only be counted once.
― If one or multiple channels in the digital channel group D0 to D7 (or D8 to
D15) are enabled, the sum number will be counted once.
― For the pattern trigger or duration trigger, the sum number counts as 4,
and the amplification factor is 40.
For example,
― If only CH1 is enabled currently and there is only one trigger source (CH1),
then, the sum number counts as 1, and the amplification factor is 10.
― If only CH1 is enabled currently and there is only one trigger source (CH2),
then, the sum number counts as 2, and the amplification factor is 20.
― If CH1, CH2, and D0 to D7 are enabled currently; and there are two trigger
sources (CH1 and CH2), then, the sum number counts as 3, and the
amplification factor is 40.
― If CH1, D0 to D7, and D8 to D15 are enabled currently; and there is only
one trigger source (CH2), then, the sum number counts as 4, and the
amplification factor is 40.
 The delayed timebase scale can only be the maximum value or the value
decreased from the maximum value in 1-2-5 step. If the minimum value
calculated by the expression mentioned above is not a settable value, the larger
settable value that is nearest to the calculated value will be used as the
minimum value.
 For example, if the following conditions are met:
The current main timebase scale is set to 50ms/div; the sample rate is 10MSa/s;
only CH1 and CH2 are enabled; and there is only one trigger source (CH2).
It can be concluded that the amplification factor is 20. The maximum value of
<scale> is 50ms/div. The minimum value is calculated using the above
expression: 50/(10M x 20) = 2.5e-7, namely 250ns/div. As 250ns/div is not a
settable value, take the larger settable value that is nearest to the calculated
value, namely the minimum value is 500ns/div.
Return Format The query returns the delayed timebase scale in scientific notation.
Example :TIMebase:DELay:SCALe 0.00000005 /*Set the delayed timebase scale to
:TIMebase:DELay:SCALe? /*The query returns 5.0000000e-08*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Related :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe

Syntax :TIMebase[:MAIN]:OFFSet <offset>
Description Set or query the main timebase offset. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<offset> Real Refer to Explanation 0

Explanation  The range of <offset> is related to the current mode of the horizontal
timebase (refer to :TIMebase:MODE) and run state of the oscilloscope.
― YT mode
RUN: (-0.5 x MemDepth/SampleRate) to 1s (when the horizontal
timebase is less than 200ms/div)
(-0.5 x MemDepth/SampleRate) to (10 x MainScale) (when the
horizontal timebase is greater than or equal to 200ms/div, namely
the "Slow Sweep" mode)
STOP: (-MemDepth/SampleRate) to (1s + 0.5 x MemDepth/SampleRate)
― Roll mode
RUN: This command is invalid.
STOP: (-12 x MainScale) to 0
Wherein, MemDepth is the current memory depth of the oscilloscope,
SampleRate is the current sample rate of the oscilloscope, and MainScale is the
current main timebase scale of the oscilloscope.
 When the horizontal timebase mode is YT and the horizontal timebase is
200ms/div or larger (namely the "Slow Sweep" mode), this command is invalid
when the oscilloscope is in the transition to the "Stop" state.
Return Format The query returns the main timebase offset in scientific notation.
Example :TIMebase:MAIN:OFFSet 0.0002 /*Set the main timebase offset to 20ms*/
:TIMebase:MAIN:OFFSet? /*The query returns 2.0000000e-04*/
Related :RUN

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Syntax :TIMebase[:MAIN]:SCALe <scale>
Description Set or query the main timebase scale. The default unit is s/div.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
YT mode: 5ns/div to 50s/div in 1-2-5 step
<scale> Real Roll mode: 200ms/div to 50s/div in 1-2-5 step 1μs/div

Explanation When the horizontal timebase mode is YT and the horizontal timebase is 200ms/div
or larger (namely the "Slow Sweep" mode), this command is invalid when the
oscilloscope is in the transition to the "Stop" state.
Return Format The query returns the main timebase scale in scientific notation.
Example :TIMebase:MAIN:SCALe 0.0002 /*Set the main timebase scale to 200μs/div*/
:TIMebase:MAIN:SCALe? /*The query returns 2.0000000e-04*/
Related :TIMebase:MODE

Syntax :TIMebase:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the mode of the horizontal timebase.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete {MAIN|XY|ROLL} MAIN
Explanation  MAIN: YT mode
 XY: XY mode
 ROLL: Roll mode
Return Format The query returns MAIN, XY, or ROLL.
Example :TIMebase:MODE XY /*Set the horizontal timebase mode to XY*/
:TIMebase:MODE? /*The query returns XY*/
Related :TIMebase:DELay:OFFSet

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:TRIGger Commands
The :TRIGger commands are used to set the trigger system of the oscilloscope.

Command List:
 :TRIGger:COUPling
 :TRIGger:STATus?
 :TRIGger:SWEep
 :TRIGger:HOLDoff
 :TRIGger:NREJect
 :TRIGger:POSition?
 :TRIGger:EDGe
 :TRIGger:PULSe
 :TRIGger:SLOPe
 :TRIGger:VIDeo
 :TRIGger:PATTern
 :TRIGger:DURATion
 :TRIGger:TIMeout
 :TRIGger:WINDows
 :TRIGger:DELay
 :TRIGger:SHOLd
 :TRIGger:NEDGe
 :TRIGger:RS232
 :TRIGger:IIC
 :TRIGger:SPI

Syntax :TRIGger:MODE <mode>
Description Select or query the trigger type.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete PATTern|DELay|TIMeout|DURation|SHOLd| EDGE
Return The query returns EDGE, PULS, RUNT, WIND, NEDG, SLOP, VID, PATT, DEL, TIM, DUR,
Format SHOL, RS232, IIC, or SPI.
Example :TRIGger:MODE SLOPe /*Select slope trigger*/
:TRIGger:MODE? /*The query returns SLOP*/

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Syntax :TRIGger:COUPling <couple>
Description Select or query the trigger coupling type.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<couple> Discrete {AC|DC|LFReject|HFReject} DC
Explanation  This command is only applicable to edge trigger of which the signal source is an
analog channel.
 AC: block all the DC components and attenuate signals lower than 75 kHz.
 DC: allow DC and AC components into the trigger path.
 LFReject: block the DC components and reject the low frequency components (lower
than 75 kHz).
 HFReject: reject the high frequency components (higher than 75 kHz).
Return The query returns AC, DC, LFR, or HFR.
Example :TRIGger:COUPling LFReject /*Set the trigger coupling type to low-frequency
:TRIGger:COUPling? /*The query returns LFR*/

Syntax :TRIGger:STATus?
Description Query the current trigger status.
Return The query returns TD, WAIT, RUN, AUTO, or STOP.

Syntax :TRIGger:SWEep <sweep>
Description Set or query the trigger mode.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<sweep> Discrete {AUTO|NORMal|SINGle} AUTO
Explanation  AUTO: auto trigger. No matter whether the trigger condition is met, there is always
waveform display.
 NORMal: normal trigger. Display waveform when the trigger condition is met;
otherwise, the oscilloscope holds the original waveform and waits for the next trigger.
 SINGle: single trigger. The oscilloscope waits for a trigger and displays the waveform
when the trigger condition is met and then stops.
Return The query returns AUTO, NORM, or SING.
Example :TRIGger:SWEep SINGle /*Select single trigger mode */
:TRIGger:SWEep? /*The query returns SING*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:HOLDoff <value>
Description Set or query the trigger holdoff time. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<value> Real 16ns to 10s 16ns
Explanation  Trigger holdoff can be used to stably trigger the complex waveforms (such as pulse
series). Holdoff time is the time that the oscilloscope waits before re-arming the
trigger circuitry. The oscilloscope will not trigger until the holdoff time expires.
 When the trigger type is video, timeout, setup/hold, Nth edge, RS232, I2C, or SPI,
this setting will be not available.
Return The query returns the trigger holdoff time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:HOLDoff 0.0000002 /*Set the trigger holdoff time to 200ns*/
:TRIGger:HOLDoff? /*The query returns 2.000000e-07*/

Syntax :TRIGger:NREJect <bool>
Description Enable or disable noise rejection, or query the status of noise rejection.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bool> Bool {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}} 0|OFF
Explanation  Noise rejection reduces the possibility of noise trigger.
 This command is not available when the trigger source is a digital channel.
Return The query returns 1 or 0.
Example :TRIGger:NREJect ON /*Enable noise rejection*/
:TRIGger:NREJect? /*The query returns 1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:POSition?
Description Query the position in the internal memory that corresponds to the waveform trigger
Return The query returns an integer.
 -2 denotes that the instrument is not triggered and there is no trigger position.
 -1 denotes the instrument is triggered outside the internal memory; namely, at this
point, users cannot set the instrument to read the data in the internal memory
starting from the trigger position.
 An integer that is greater than 0 denotes that the return value is the position in the
internal memory that corresponds to the trigger position.
Example :TRIGger:POSition? /*The query returns 100*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:EDGe:SOURce
 :TRIGger:EDGe:LEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:EDGe:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in edge trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or AC.
Example :TRIGger:EDGe:SOURce CHANnel1 /*Set the trigger source to CH1*/
:TRIGger:EDGe:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

Syntax :TRIGger:EDGe:SLOPe <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type in edge trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative|RFALl} POSitive
Explanation POSitive: rising edge
NEGative: falling edge
RFALl: rising/falling edge
Return The query returns POS, NEG, or RFAL.
Example :TRIGger:EDGe:SLOPe NEGative /*Set the edge type to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:EDGe:SLOPe? /*The query returns NEG*/
Related :TRIGger:MODE

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:EDGe:LEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level in edge trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit of the signal source selected.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command. For OFFSet, refer to
the :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet command.
 This command is only available when the signal source is an analog channel.
Return The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:EDGe:LEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:EDGe:LEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:PULSe:LEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in pulse width trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:SOURce CHANnel1 /*Set the trigger source to CH1*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN <when>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in pulse width trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<when> Discrete PGReater
Explanation  PGReater/PLESs: you need to specify a pulse width (refer
to :TRIGger:PULSe:WIDTh). The oscilloscope triggers when the positive pulse width
of the input signal is greater/lower than the specified Pulse Width.
 NGReater/NLESs: you need to specify a pulse width (refer
to :TRIGger:PULSe:WIDTh). The oscilloscope triggers when the negative pulse width
of the input signal is greater/lower than the specified Pulse Width.
 PGLess/NGLess: you need to specify an upper (refer to :TRIGger:PULSe:UWIDth)
and a lower (refer to :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth) pulse width. The oscilloscope triggers
when the positive/negative pulse width of the input signal is greater than the
specified lower pulse width and lower than the upper pulse width.
Return The query returns PGR, PLES, NGR, NLES, PGL, or NGL.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN NLESs /*Set the trigger condition to NLESs*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN? /*The query returns NELS*/

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:WIDTh <width>
Description Set or query the pulse width in pulse width trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
PGReater, NGReater: 1μs
<width> Real 8ns to 10s
PLESs, NLESs: 2μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN) is
PGReater, PLESs, NGReater, and NLESs.
Return The query returns the pulse width in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:WIDTh 0.000003 /*Set the pulse width to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:WIDTh? /*The query returns3.000000e-06*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:UWIDth <width>
Description Set or query the upper pulse width in pulse width trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<width> Real 16ns to 10s 2μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN) is
PGLess and NGLess.
Return The query returns the upper pulse width in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:UWIDth 0.000003 /*Set the upper pulse width to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:UWIDth? /*The query returns3.000000e-06*/
Related :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth <width>
Description Set or query the lower pulse width in pulse width trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<width> Real 8ns to 9.99s 1μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN) is
PGLess and NGLess.
Return The query returns the lower pulse width in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth 0.000003 /*Set the lower pulse width to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth? /*The query returns 3.000000e-06*/
Related :TRIGger:PULSe:UWIDth

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:PULSe:LEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level in pulse width trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command. For OFFSet, refer to
the :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet command.
 This command is only available when the signal source is an analog channel.
Return The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:PULSe:LEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:PULSe:LEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in slope trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN <when>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in slope trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<when> Discrete PGReater
Explanation  PGReater/PLESs: you need to specify a time value (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME).
The oscilloscope triggers when the positive slope time of the input signal is
greater/lower than the specified time.
 NGReater/NLESs: you need to specify a time value (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME).
The oscilloscope triggers when the negative slope time of the input signal is
greater/lower than the specified time.
 PGLess/NGLess: you need to specify an upper limit (refer
to :TRIGger:SLOPe:TUPPer) and a lower limit (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer) of
the time. The oscilloscope triggers when the positive/negative slope time of the input
signal is greater than the specified lower limit and lower than the specified upper
Return The query returns PGR, PLES, NGR, NLES, PGL, or NGL.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN NLESs /*Set the trigger condition to NLESs*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN? /*The query returns NLES*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME <time>
Description Set or query the time value in slope trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
PGReater, NGReater: 1μs
<time> Real 8ns to 10s
PLESs, NLESs: 2μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN) is
PGReater, PLESs, NGReater, and NLESs.
Return The query returns the time value in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME 0.000003 /*Set the time value to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:TIME? /*The query returns 3.000000e-06*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:TUPPer <time>
Description Set or query the upper limit of the time in slope trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<time> Real 16ns to 10s 2μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN) is
PGLess and NGLess.
Return The query returns the upper limit of the time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:TUPPer 0.000003 /*Set the upper limit of the time to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:TUPPer? /*The query returns 3.000000e-06*/
Related :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer <time>
Description Set or query the lower limit of the time in slope trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<time> Real 8ns to 9.99s 1μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN) is
PGLess and NGLess.
Return The query returns the lower limit of the time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer 0.000000020 /*Set the lower limit of the time to 20ns*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer? /*The query returns 2.000000e-08*/
Related :TRIGger:SLOPe:TUPPer

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Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:WINDow <window>
Description Set or query the vertical window type in slope trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<window> Discrete {TA|TB|TAB} TA
Explanation  TA: only adjust the upper limit of the trigger level, refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel.
 TB: only adjust the lower limit of the trigger level, refer to :TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel.
 TAB: adjust the upper and lower limits of the trigger level at the same time, refer
to :TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel and :TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel.
Return The query returns TA, TB, or TAB.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:WINDow TB /*Set the vertical window type to TB*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:WINDow? /*The query returns TB*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel <level>
Description Set or query the upper limit of the trigger level in slope trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 2V
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the upper limit of the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel 0.16 /*Set the upper limit of the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/
Related :TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the lower limit of the trigger level in slope trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the lower limit of the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel 0.16 /*Set the lower limit of the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:SLOPe:BLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/
Related :TRIGger:SLOPe:ALEVel

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:VIDeo:SOURce
 :TRIGger:VIDeo:POLarity
 :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard
 :TRIGger:VIDeo:LEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:SOURce <source>
Description Select or query the trigger source in video trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:POLarity <polarity>
Description Select or query the video polarity in video trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<polarity> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:POLarity POSitive /*Set or query the video polarity to positive*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:POLarity? /*The query returns POS*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the sync type in video trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<mode> Discrete {ODDField|EVENfield|LINE|ALINes} ALINes
Explanation  ODDField: trigger on the rising edge of the first ramp waveform pulse in the odd
field. This type is available when the video standard is NTSC or PAL/SECAM.
 EVENfield: trigger on the rising edge of the first ramp waveform pulse in the even
field. This type is available when the video standard is NTSC or PAL/SECAM.
 LINE: for the NTSC and PAL/SECAM video standards, trigger on the specified line in
the odd or even field; for the 480P and 576P video standards, trigger on the specified
 ALINes: trigger on all the horizontal sync pulses.
Return The query returns ODDF, EVEN, LINE, or ALIN.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:MODE ODDField /*Set the sync type to odd field*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:MODE? /*The query returns ODDF*/
Related :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE <line>
Description Set or query the line number when the sync type in video trigger is LINE.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<line> Integer Refer to Explanation 1
Explanation  NTSC: 1 to 525
 PAL/SECAM: 1 to 625
 480P: 1 to 525
 576P: 1 to 625
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE 100 /*Set the line number to 100*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE? /*The query returns 100*/
Related :TRIGger:VIDeo:MODE

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard <standard>
Description Set or query the video standard in video trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<standard> Discrete {PALSecam|NTSC|480P|576P} NTSC
Explanation  PALSecam:
PAL: the frame frequency is 25 frames per second. The TV sweep line is 625 with the
odd field goes first and the even field follows behind.
SECAM: the frame frequency is 25 frames per second. The TV sweep line is 625 with
interlacing sweep.
 NTSC: the field frequency is 60 fields per second and the frame frequency is 30
frames per second. The TV sweep line is 525 with the even field goes first and the
odd field follows behind.
 480P: the frame frequency is 60 frames per second; the TV sweep line is 525;
line-by-line sweep; the line frequency is 31.5 kHz.
 576P: the frame frequency is 60 frames per second; the TV sweep line is 625;
line-by-line sweep.
Return The query returns PALS, NTSC, 480P, or 576P.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard NTSC /*Select NTSC video standard*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:STANdard? /*The query returns NTSC*/
Related :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE

Syntax :TRIGger:VIDeo:LEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level in video trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:VIDeo:LEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:VIDeo:LEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

2-180 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern
 :TRIGger:PATTern:LEVel

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-181

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern <pa_ch1>[,<pa_ch2>[,<pa_ch3>
Description Set or query the pattern of each channel in pattern trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<pa_ch1> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
<pa_ch2> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
<pa_ch3> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
<pa_ch4> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
<pa_d0> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
…… …… …… ……
<pa_d15> Discrete {H|L|X|R|F} X
Explanation  <pa_ch1> to <pa_ch4> set the patterns of analog channels CH1 to CH4. <pa_d0>
to <pa_d15> set the patterns of digital channels D0 to D15.
 Users can send 20 parameters to set the pataterns of all the channels. Users can also
omit some parameters to set the patterns of some of the channels (the pattern states
of the channels of which the parameters are omitted remains unchanged), but at
least one parameter (this parameter sets the pattern of CH1) should be sent. When
the number of parameters sent is less than 20, the instrument sets the channels in
CH1 to CH4 and D0 to D15 order.
 In the range of the parameter, H represents high level (higher than the threshold
level of the channel). L represents low level (lower than the threshold level of the
channel). X denotes that this channel is ignored (this channel is not used as a part of
the pattern. When all the channels in the pattern are set to X, the oscilloscope will not
trigger). R represents the rising edge and F represents the falling edge (in the
pattern, only a single rising edge or falling edge can be defined. If an edge item is
currently defined and then another edge item is defined in another channel in the
pattern, the former edge item defined will be replaced by X).
 Please distinguish "omit parameter" from "ignore channel". The former means that
the parameters corresponding to some channels are not sent when sending the
command and the pattern states of these channels remain unchanged. The latter
means that the channel is set to X when sending the command and the state of this
channel is ignored when the instrument judges the patterns.
 The query returns the patterns of the 4 analog channels when all the digital channels
are turned off; the query returns the patterns of all the 20 channels when any of the
digital channels is turned on.
Return The query returns the patterns of the 4 analog channels or all the channels. The patterns
Format of multiple channels are separated by commas.
Example :TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern H,R,L,X /*Set the patterns of CH1 to CH4 to H,R,L,X. The
patterns of the other channels remain unchanged*/
:TRIGger:PATTern:PATTern? /*The query returns

2-182 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:PATTern:LEVel <chan>,<level>
:TRIGger:PATTern:LEVel? <chan>
Description Set or query the trigger level of the specified channel in pattern trigger. The unit is the
same as the current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<chan> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source is an analog channel.
Return The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:PATTern:LEVel CHANnel2,0.16 /*Set the trigger level of CH2 to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:PATTern:LEVel? CHANnel2 /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-183

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:DURATion:SOURce
 :TRIGger:DURATion:TYPe
 :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer
 :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer

Syntax :TRIGger:DURATion:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in duration trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:DURATion:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:DURATion:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

2-184 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:DURATion:TYPe <type_ch1>[,<type_ch2>[,<type_ch3>
Description Set or query the pattern of each channel in duration trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type_ch1> Discrete {H|L|X} X
<type_ch2> Discrete {H|L|X} X
<type_ch3> Discrete {H|L|X} X
<type_ch4> Discrete {H|L|X} X
<type_d0> Discrete {H|L|X} X
…… …… …… ……
<type_d15> Discrete {H|L|X} X
Explanation  <type_ch1> to <type_ch4> set the patterns of analog channels CH1 to CH4.
<type_d0> to <type_d15> set the patterns of digital channels D0 to D15.
 Users can send 20 parameters to set the pataterns of all the channels. Users can also
omit some parameters to set the patterns of some of the channels (the pattern states
of the channels of which the parameters are omitted remains unchanged), but at
least one parameter (this parameter sets the pattern of CH1) should be sent. When
the number of parameters sent is less than 20, the instrument sets the channels in
CH1 to CH4 and D0 to D15 order.
 In the range of the parameter, H represents high level (higher than the threshold
level of the channel). L represents low level (lower than the threshold level of the
channel). X denotes that this channel is ignored (this channel is not used as a part of
the pattern. When all the channels in the pattern are set to X, the oscilloscope will not
 Please distinguish "omit parameter" from "ignore channel". The former means that
the parameters corresponding to some channels are not sent when sending the
command and the pattern states of these channels remain unchanged. The latter
means that the channel is set to X when sending the command and the state of this
channel is ignored when the instrument judges the patterns.
 The query returns the patterns of the 4 analog channels when all the digital channels
are turned off; the query returns the patterns of all the 20 channels when any of the
digital channels is turned on.
Return The query returns the patterns of the 4 analog channels or all the channels. The patterns
Format of multiple channels are separated by commas.
Example :TRIGger:DURATion:TYPe L,X,H,L /*Set the patterns of CH1 to CH4 to L,X,H,L. The
patterns of the other channels remain unchanged*/
:TRIGger:DURATion:TYPe? /*The query returns

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-185

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN <when>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in duration trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<when> Discrete {GREater|LESS|GLESs} GREater
Explanation  GREater: you need to specify a time (refer to :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer). The
oscilloscope triggers when the duration of the pattern is greater than the preset time.
 LESS: you need to specify a time (refer to :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer). The
oscilloscope triggers when the duration of the pattern is lower than the preset time.
 GLESs: you need to specify an upper limit of the time (refer
to :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer) and lower limit of the time (refer
to :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer). The oscilloscope triggers when the duration of the
pattern is lower than the preset upper limit of the time and greater than the preset
lower limit of the time.
Return The query returns GRE, LESS, or GLES.
Example :TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN LESS /*Set the trigger condition to <*/
:TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN? /*The query returns LESS*/

Syntax :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer <NR3>
Description Set or query the duration time upper limit in duration trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
Related to the trigger condition
<NR3> Real LESS: 8ns to 10s 2μs
GLESs: 16ns to 10s
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (:TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN) is
Return The query returns the duration time upper limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer 0.000003 /*Set the duration time upper limit to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer? /*The query returns 3.000000e-06*/
Related :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer

2-186 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer <NR3>
Description Set or query the duration time lower limit in duration trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 8ns to 9.99s 1μs
Explanation This command is available when the trigger condition (:TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN) is
GREater or GLESs.
Return The query returns the duration time lower limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer 0.000003 /*Set the duration time lower limit to 3μs*/
:TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer? /*The query returns 3.000000e-06*/
Related :TRIGger:DURATion:TUPPer

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-187

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce
 :TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe
 :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe

Syntax :TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in timeout trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type in timeout trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative|RFALl} POSitive
Explanation  POSitive: start timing when the rising edge of the input signal passes through the
trigger level.
 NEGative: start timing when the falling edge of the input signal passes through the
trigger level.
 RFALl: start timing when any edge of the input signal passes through the trigger
Return The query returns POS, NEG, or RFAL.
Example :TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe NEGative /*Set the edge type to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe? /*The query returns NEG*/

2-188 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe <NR3>
Description Set or query the timeout time in timeout trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 16ns to 10s 16ns
Return The query returns the timeout time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe 0.002 /*Set the timeout time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-189

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:RUNT:POLarity

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in runt trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:POLarity <polarity>
Description Set or query the pulse polarity in runt trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<polarity> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Explanation  POSitive: the instrument triggers on the positive runt pulse.
 NEGative: the instrument triggers on the negative runt pulse.
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:POLarity NEGative /*Set the pulse polarity to negative*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:POLarity? /*The query returns NEG*/

2-190 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN <when>
Description Set or query the qualifier in runt trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<when> Discrete {NONE|GREater|LESS|GLESs} NONE
Explanation  NONE: do not set the trigger condition in runt trigger.
 GREater: trigger when the runt pulse width is greater than the lower limit of the pulse
width (refer to :TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer).
 LESS: trigger when the runt pulse width is lower than the upper limit of the pulse
width (refer to :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer).
 GLESs: trigger when the runt pulse width is greater than the lower limit (refer
to :TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer) and lower than the upper limit of the pulse width (refer
to :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer). Note: the lower limit of the pulse width must be lower
than the upper limit.
Return The query returns NONE, GRE, LESS, or GLES.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN LESS /*Set the qualifier to <*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN? /*The query returns LESS*/

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer <NR3>
Description Set or query the pulse width upper limit in runt trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
When the qualifier is LESS, the range is from 8ns to
<NR3> Real 10s; when the qualifier is GLESs, the range is from 2μs
16ns to 10s.
Explanation  This command is only available when the qualifier (refer to :TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN) is
 When the qualifier is GLESs, the upper limit of the pulse width must be greater than
the lower limit of the pulse width (:TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer).
Return The query returns the pulse width upper limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer 0.02 /*Set the pulse width upper limit to 20ms*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer? /*The query returns 2.000000e-02*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-191

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer <NR3>
Description Set or query the pulse width lower limit in runt trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
When the qualifier is GREater, the range is from 8ns to
<NR3> Real 10s; when the qualifier is GLESs, the range is from 8ns 1μs
to 9.99s.
Explanation  This command is only available when the qualifier (refer to :TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN) is
GREater or GLESs.
 When the qualifier is GLESs, the lower limit of the pulse width must be smaller than
the upper limit of the pulse width (:TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer).
Return The query returns the pulse width lower limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer 0.01 /*Set the pulse width lower limit to 1ms*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:WLOWer? /*The query returns 1.000000e-03*/

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:ALEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level upper limit in runt trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 2V
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the trigger level upper limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:ALEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level upper limit to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:ALEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

2-192 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:RUNT:BLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level lower limit in runt trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the trigger level lower limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:RUNT:BLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level lower limit to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:RUNT:BLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-193

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce
 :TRIGger:WINDows:SLOPe
 :TRIGger:WINDows:POSition
 :TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe
 :TRIGger:WINDows:ALEVel
 :TRIGger:WINDows:BLEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in windows trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:SLOPe <type>
Description Set or query the windows type in windows trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative|RFALl} POSitive
Explanation  POSitive: trigger on the rising edge of the input signal when the voltage level is
greater than the preset high trigger level.
 NEGative: trigger on the falling edge of the input signal when the voltage level is
lower than the preset low trigger level.
 RFALl: trigger on any edge of the input signal when the voltage level meets the
preset trigger level.
Return The query returns POS, NEG, or RFAL.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:SLOPe NEGative /*Set the windows type to NEGative*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:SLOPe? /*The query returns NEG*/

2-194 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:POSition <pos>
Description Set or query the trigger position in windows trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {EXIT|ENTER|TIMe} ENTER
Explanation  EXIT: trigger when the input signal exits the specified trigger level range.
 ENTER: trigger when the trigger signal enters the specified trigger level range.
 TIMe: used to specify the hold time of the input signal after it enters the specified
trigger level range. The instrument triggers when the accumulated hold time equals
the windows time.
Return The query returns EXIT, ENTER, or TIM.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:POSition ENTER /*Set the trigger position to enter*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:POSition? /*The query returns ENTER*/

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe <NR3>
Description Set or query the hold time in windows trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 8ns to 10s 1μs
Return The query returns the hold time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe 0.002 /*Set the hold time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:WINDows:POSition

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-195

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:ALEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level upper limit in windows trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 2V
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the trigger level upper limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:ALEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level upper limit to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:ALEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

Syntax :TRIGger:WINDows:BLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the tigger level lower limit in windows trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
Return The query returns the tigger level lower limit in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:WINDows:BLEVel 0.05 /*Set the tigger level lower limit to 50mV*/
:TRIGger:WINDows:BLEVel? /*The query returns 5.000000e-02*/

2-196 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:DELay:SA
 :TRIGger:DELay:SB
 :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe
 :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer
 :TRIGger:DELay:TLOWer

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:SA <Source>
Description Set or query the trigger source A in delay trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:SA CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source A to CH2*/
:TRIGger:DELay:SA? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:SLOPA <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type of edge A in delay trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:SLOPA NEGative /*Set the edge type of edge A to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:DELay:SLOPA? /*The query returns NEG*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-197

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:SB <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source B in delay trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel2
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:SB CHANnel4 /*Set the trigger source B to CH4*/
:TRIGger:DELay:SB? /*The query returns CHAN4*/

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:SLOPB <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type of edge B in delay trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:SLOPB NEGative /*Set the edge type of edge B to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:DELay:SLOPB? /*The query returns NEG*/

2-198 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe <type>
Description Set or query the delay type in delay trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {GREater|LESS|GLESs |GOUT} GREater
Explanation  GREater: trigger when the time difference (△T) between the specified edges of tigger
source A and tigger source B is greater than the preset time limit.
 LESS: trigger when the time difference (△T) between the specified edges of tigger
source A and tigger source B is lower than the preset time limit.
 GLESs: trigger when the time difference (△T) between the specified edges of tigger
source A and tigger source B is greater than the lower limit of the preset time and
lower than the upper limit of the preset time. Note that the time lower limit must be
lower than the time upper limit.
 GOUT: trigger when the time difference (△T) between the specified edges of tigger
source A and tigger source B is lower than the lower limit of the preset time or
greater than the upper limit of the preset time. Note that the time lower limit must be
lower than the time upper limit.
Return The query returns GOUT, GRE, LESS, or GLES.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe GOUT /*Set the delay type to ><*/
:TRIGger:DELay:TYPe? /*The query returns GOUT*/
Related :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer <NR3>
Description Set or query the upper limit of the delay time in delay trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 16ns to 10s 2μs
Explanation This command is only available when the delay type (refer to :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe) is
Return The query returns the upper limit of the delay time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer 0.002 /*Set the upper limit of the delay time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:DELay:TLOWer

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-199

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:DELay:TLOWer <NR3>
Description Set or query the lower limit of the delay time in delay trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
Related to the delay type
<NR3> Real GREater: 8ns to 10s 1μs
GOUT or GLESs: 8ns to 9.99s
Explanation This command is only available when the delay type (refer to :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe) is
GREater, GOUT, or GLESs.
Return The query returns the lower limit of the delay time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:DELay:TLOWer 0.002 /*Set the lower limit of the delay time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:DELay:TLOWer? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer

2-200 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:SHOLd:DSrc
 :TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc
 :TRIGger:SHOLd:PATTern

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:DSrc <source>
Description Set or query the data source in setup/hold trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel1
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:DSrc CHANnel1 /*Set the data source to CH1*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:DSrc? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc <source>
Description Set or query the clock source in setup/hold trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4} CHANnel2
Return The query returns CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc CHANnel2 /*Set the clock source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type in setup/hold trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe NEGative /*Set the edge type to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe? /*The query returns NEG*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:PATTern <pattern>
Description Set or query the data type in setup/hold trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<pattern> Discrete {H|L} H
Explanation H: high level
L: low level
Return The query returns H or L.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:PATTern L /*Set the data type to L*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:PATTern? /*The query returns L*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe <type>
Description Set or query the setup type in setup/hold trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<type> Discrete {SETup|HOLd|SETHOLd} SETup
Explanation  SETup: the oscilloscope triggers when the setup time is less than the setting value
 HOLd: the oscilloscope triggers when the hold time is less than the setting value
 SETHOLd: the oscilloscope triggers when the setup time or hold time is less than the
corresponding setting value (:TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe or :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe).
Return The query returns SET, HOL, or SETHOL.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe SETHOLd /*Set the setup type to setup&hold*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe? /*The query returns SETHOL*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe <NR3>
Description Set or query the setup time in setup/hold trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 8ns to 1s 1μs
Explanation  Setup time refers to the period of time that the data stays stable and constant before
the clock signal of the trigger appears.
 This command is only available when the setup type (refer to :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe)
is SETup or SETHOLd.
Return The query returns the setup time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe 0.002 /*Set the setup time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe

Syntax :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe <NR3>
Description Set or query the hold time in setup/hold trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 8ns to 1s 1μs
Explanation  Hold time refers to the period of time that the data stays stable and constant after
the clock signal of the trigger appears.
 This command is only available when the setup type (refer to :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe)
is HOLd or SETHOLd.
Return The query returns the hold time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe 0.002 /*Set the hold time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:NEDGe:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in Nth edge trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:NEDGe:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:NEDGe:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:NEDGe:SLOPe <slope>
Description Set or query the edge type in Nth edge trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Explanation  POSitive: trigger on the rising edge of the input signal when the voltage level meets
the specified trigger level.
 NEGative: trigger on the falling edge of the input signal when the voltage level meets
the specified trigger level.
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:NEDGe:SLOPe NEGative /*Set the edge type to falling edge*/
:TRIGger:NEDGe:SLOPe? /*The query returns NEG*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE <NR3>
Description Set or query the idle time in Nth edge trigger. The default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR3> Real 16ns to 10s 1μs
Return Format The query returns the idle time in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE 0.002 /*Set the idle time to 2ms*/
:TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE? /*The query returns 2.000000e-03*/

Syntax :TRIGger:NEDGe:EDGE <NR1>
Description Set or query the number of edges in Nth edge trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<NR1> Integer 1 to 65535 2
Return Format The query returns an integer between 1 and 65535.
Example :TRIGger:NEDGe:EDGE 20 /*Set the number of edges to 20*/
:TRIGger:NEDGe:EDGE? /*The query returns 20*/

Syntax :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level in Nth edge trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source is an analog channel.
Return Format The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System


Command List:
 :TRIGger:RS232:SOURce
 :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN
 :TRIGger:RS232:PARity
 :TRIGger:RS232:STOP
 :TRIGger:RS232:DATA
 :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh
 :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD
 :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer
 :TRIGger:RS232:LEVel

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the trigger source in RS232 trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the trigger source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:RS232:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN <when>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in RS232 trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<when> Discrete {STARt|ERRor|PARity|DATA} STARt
Explanation  STARt: trigger on the start frame position.
 ERRor: trigger when error frame is detected.
 PARity: trigger when check error is detected.
 DATA: trigger on the last bit of the preset data bits and even-odd check bits.
Return Format The query returns STAR, ERR, PAR, or DATA.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN ERRor /*Set the trigger condition to error frame*/
:TRIGger:RS232:WHEN? /*The query returns ERR*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:DATA

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:PARity <parity>
Description Set or query the parity type when the trigger condition is ERRor or PARity in RS232
Parameter Name Type Range Default
Error Frame: NONE
<parity> Discrete {EVEN|ODD|NONE}
Check Error: ODD
Explanation When the trigger condition is PARity, the parity type cannot be set to NONE. At this
point, the default parity type is ODD.
Return Format The query returns EVEN, ODD, or NONE.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:PARity EVEN /*Set the parity type to even*/
:TRIGger:RS232:PARity? /*The query returns EVEN*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:STOP <bit>
Description Set or query the stop bit when the trigger condition is ERRor in RS232 trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bit> Discrete {1|2} 1
Return Format The query returns 1 or 2.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:STOP 2 /*Set the stop bit to 2*/
:TRIGger:RS232:STOP? /*The query returns 2*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:DATA <data>
Description Set or query the data when the trigger condition is DATA in RS232 trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<data> Integer 0 to 2n-1 90
Explanation In the expression 2n-1, n is the current data bits and can be 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Return Format The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:DATA 10 /*Set the data to 10*/
:TRIGger:RS232:DATA? /*The query returns 10*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh <width>
Description Set or query the data bits when the trigger condition is DATA in RS232 trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<width> Discrete {5|6|7|8} 8
Return Format The query returns 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh 6 /*Set the data bits to 6*/
:TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh? /*The query returns 6*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD <baud_rate>
Description Set or query the baud rate in RS232 trigger. The default unit is bps.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<baud_rate> Discrete 115200|230400|460800|921600|1000000| 9600
Return Format The query returns an integer or USER.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD 4800 /*Set the baud rate to 4800bps*/
:TRIGger:RS232:BAUD? /*The query returns 4800*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer <user baud>
Description Set or query the user-defined baud rate in RS232 trigger. The default unit is bps.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<user baud> Integer 110 to 20000000 9600
Return Format The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer 50000 /*Set the user-defined baud rate to 50000bps*/
:TRIGger:RS232:BUSer? /*The query returns 50000*/
Related :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:RS232:LEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level in RS232 trigger. The unit is the same as the current
amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source is an analog channel.
Return Format The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:RS232:LEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:RS232:LEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess
 :TRIGger:IIC:DIRection

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:SCL <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of SCL in I2C trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:SCL CHANnel2 /*Set the SCL source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:IIC:SCL? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:SDA <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of SDA in I2C trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:SDA CHANnel2 /*Set the SDA source to CH2*/
:TRIGger:IIC:SDA? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:WHEN <trig_type>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in I2C trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<trig_type> Discrete STARt
Explanation  STARt: trigger when the SDA data transitions from high to low while the SCL is
 RESTart: trigger when another start condition occurs before a stop condition.
 STOP: trigger when the SDA data transitions from low to high while the SCL is
 NACKnowledge: trigger when the SDA data is high during any acknowledgement
of the SCL clock position.
 ADDRess: search for the specified address value and trigger on the read/write
 DATA: search for the specified data value on the data line (SDA) and trigger on
the jump edge of the clock line (SCL) corresponding to the last bit of the data.
 ADATa:search for the specified address value and data value at the same time
and trigger when the "Address" and "Data" conditions are met at the same time.
Return Format The query returns STAR, STOP, NACK, REST, ADDR, DATA, or ADAT.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:WHEN RESTart /*Set the trigger condition to restart*/
:TRIGger:IIC:WHEN? /*The query returns REST*/

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth <bits>
Description Set or query the address bits when the trigger condition is ADDRess or ADATa in
I2C trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<bits> Discrete {7|8|10} 7
Return Format The query returns 7, 8, or 10.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth 10 /*Set the address bits to 10*/
:TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth? /*The query returns 10*/
Related :TRIGger:IIC:DIRection

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess <adr>
Description Set or query the address when the trigger condition is ADDRess or ADATa in I2C
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<adr> Integer 0 to 2 -1: 0 to 127, 0 to 255, or 0 to 1023 1
Explanation In the expression 2n-1, n is the current address bits.
Return Format The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess 100 /*Set the address to 100*/
:TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess? /*The query returns 100*/
Related :TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:DIRection <dir>
Description Set or query the data direction when the trigger condition is ADDRess or ADATa in I2C
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<dir> Discrete {READ|WRITe|RWRite} READ

Explanation This command is invalid when the address bits is 8.
Return Format The query returns READ, WRIT, or RWR.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:DIRection RWRite /*Set the data direction to read/write*/
:TRIGger:IIC:DIRection? /*The query returns RWR*/
Related :TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:DATA <data>
Description Set or query the data when the trigger condition is DATA or ADATa in I2C trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<data> Integer 0 to 2 -1 82
Explanation The range of <data> is related to the byte length. The maximum byte length is 5,
namely 40 bit binary data. Thus, the range of <data> is from 0 to 240-1.
Return Format The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:DATA 64 /*Set the data to 64*/
:TRIGger:IIC:DATA? /*The query returns 64*/
Related :TRIGger:IIC:WHEN

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level of SCL in I2C trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source of the clock line is an
analog channel.
Return Format The query returns the trigger level of SCL in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level of SCL to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

Syntax :TRIGger:IIC:DLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level of SDA in I2C trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to

<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source of the data line is an
analog channel.
Return Format The query returns the trigger level of SDA in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:IIC:DLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level of SDA to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:IIC:DLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Command List:
 :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:SCL <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of SCL in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:SCL CHANnel1 /*Set the channel source of SCL to CH1*/
:TRIGger:SPI:SCL? /*The query returns CHAN1*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:SDA <source>
Description Set or query the channel source of SDA in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel2
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:SDA CHANnel2 /*Set the channel source of SDA to CH2*/
:TRIGger:SPI:SDA? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:WHEN <trig_type>
Description Set or query the trigger condition in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<trig_type> Discrete {CS|TIMeout} CS
Explanation When the trigger condition is set to TIMeout, you can use the :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout
command to set the timeout value.
Return The query returns CS or TIM.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:WHEN TIMeout /*Set the trigger condition to TIMeout*/
:TRIGger:SPI:WHEN? /*The query returns TIM*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh <width>
Description Set or query the data bits of the SDA channel in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<width> Integer 4 to 32 8
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh 10 /*Set the data bits of the SDA channel to 10*/
:TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh? /*The query returns 10*/
Related :TRIGger:SPI:DATA

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:DATA <data>
Description Set or query the data in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<data> Integer 0 to 2 -1 82
Explanation The range of <data> is related to the data bits. The maximum data bits is 32. Thus, the
range of <data> is from 0 to 232-1.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:DATA 5 /*Set the data to 5*/
:TRIGger:SPI:DATA? /*The query returns 5*/
Related :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout <time_value>
Description Set or query the timeout value when the trigger condition is TIMeout in SPI trigger. The
default unit is s.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<time_value> Real 100ns to 1s 1μs
Return The query returns the timeout value in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout 0.001 /*Set the timeout value to 1ms*/
:TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout? /*The query returns 1.000000e-03*/
Related :TRIGger:SPI:WHEN

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:SLOPe <slope>
Description Set or query the clock edge in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<slope> Discrete {POSitive|NEGative} POSitive
Explanation POSitive: sample the SDA data on the rising edge of the clock.
NEGative: sample the SDA data on the falling edge of the clock.
Return The query returns POS or NEG.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:SLOPe POSitive /*Set the clock edge to POSitive*/
:TRIGger:SPI:SLOPe? /*The query returns POS*/

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:CLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level of the SCL channel in SPI trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source of the clock line is an analog
Return The query returns the trigger level of the SCL channel in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:CLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level of the SCL channel to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:SPI:CLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:DLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level of the SDA channel in SPI trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source of the data line is an analog
Return The query returns the trigger level of the SDA channel in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:DLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level of the SDA channel to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:SPI:DLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

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Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:SLEVel <level>
Description Set or query the trigger level of the CS channel in SPI trigger. The unit is the same as the
current amplitude unit.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
(-5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet) to
<level> Real 0
(5 x VerticalScale - OFFSet)
Explanation  For VerticalScale, refer to :CHANnel<n>:SCALe. For OFFSet, refer
to :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet.
 This command is only available when the signal source of the CS line is an analog
Return The query returns the trigger level of the CS channel in scientific notation.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:SLEVel 0.16 /*Set the trigger level of the CS channel to 160mV*/
:TRIGger:SPI:SLEVel? /*The query returns 1.600000e-01*/

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the CS mode when the trigger condition is CS in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<mode> Discrete {HIGH|LOW} LOW

Return The query returns HIGH or LOW.

Example :TRIGger:SPI:MODE LOW /*Set the CS mode to low*/
:TRIGger:SPI:MODE? /*The query returns LOW*/
Related :TRIGger:SPI:WHEN

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RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:CS <source>
Description Set or query the data source of the CS signal in SPI trigger.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel3
Explanation When one or more of channels D0 to D7 is turned on, CH4 cannot be selected; when one
or more of D8 to D15 is turned on, CH3 cannot be selected.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, or CHAN4.
Example :TRIGger:SPI:CS CHANnel2 /*Set the data source of the CS signal to CH2*/
:TRIGger:SPI:CS? /*The query returns CHAN2*/

2-220 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:WAVeform Commands
The :WAVeform commands are used to read the waveform data and its related settings. :WAVeform:MODE
is used to set the reading mode of the waveform data. In different mode, the definition of each parameter
is different, as shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2.

XINCrement=TimeScale/100 XORigion




Figure 2-1 Parameter Definitions in NORMAL Mode


YORigion XREFerence



Figure 2-2 Paramter Definitions in RAW Mode

Note[1]: In RAW mode, YINCrement is related to the Verticalscale of the internal waveform and the Verticalscale
currently selected.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-221

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Command List:
 :WAVeform:SOURce
 :WAVeform:MODE
 :WAVeform:FORMat
 :WAVeform:DATA?
 :WAVeform:XINCrement?
 :WAVeform:XORigin?
 :WAVeform:XREFerence?
 :WAVeform:YINCrement?
 :WAVeform:YORigin?
 :WAVeform:YREFerence?
 :WAVeform:STARt
 :WAVeform:STOP
 :WAVeform:PREamble?

Syntax :WAVeform:SOURce <source>
Description Set or query the channel of which the waveform data will be read.
Parameter Name Type Range Default
<source> Discrete D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15| CHANnel1
Explanation  If the MATH channel is selected, only NORMal can be selected in :WAVeform:MODE.
 If an digital channel (D0 to D15) is selected, the :WAVeform:DATA? command always
returns the waveform data in BYTE format. If the waveform data on the screen is
read, the signal status of the channel source currently selected is returned and a
waveform point occupies one byte (8 bits). If the waveform data in the internal
memory is read, the signal statuses of the channel group (D7 to D0 or D15 to D8; 8
digital channels) which includes the channel source currently selected are returned;
one byte represents the statuses of a group of digital signals and the data represents
the statuses of D7 to D0 (or D15 to D8) respectively from the highest bit to the
lowest bit.
Return The query returns D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14,
Format D15, CHAN1, CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4, or MATH.
Example :WAVeform:SOURce CHANnel2 /*Set the channel to CH2*/
:WAVeform:SOURce? /*The query returns CHAN2*/
Related :WAVeform:FORMat

2-222 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :WAVeform:MODE <mode>
Description Set or query the reading mode used by :WAVeform:DATA?.

Parameter Name Type Range Default

<mode> Discrete {NORMal|MAXimum|RAW} NORMal

Explanation  NORMal: read the waveform data displayed on the screen.

 MAXimum: read the waveform data displayed on the screen when the instrument is
in the run state and the waveform data in the internal memory in the stop state.
 RAW: read the waveform data in the internal memory. Note that the waveform data
in the internal memory can only be read when the oscilloscope is in the stop state
and the oscilloscope cannot be operated during the reading process.
 If the MATH channel is selected, only the NORMal mode is valid.
Return The query returns NORM, MAX, or RAW.
Example :WAVeform:MODE RAW /*Set the reading mode to RAW*/
:WAVeform:MODE? /*The query returns RAW*/

Syntax :WAVeform:FORMat <format>
Description Set or query the return format of the waveform data.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

<format> Discrete {WORD|BYTE|ASCii} BYTE

Explanation  WORD: a waveform point occupies two bytes (namely 16 bits) in which the lower 8
bits are valid and the higher 8 bits are 0.
 BYTE: a waveform point occupies one byte (namely 8 bits).
 ASCii: return the actual voltage value of each waveform point in scientific notation.
The voltage values are separated by commas.
Return The query returns WORD, BYTE, or ASC.
Example :WAVeform:FORMat WORD /*Set the return format to WORD*/
:WAVeform:FORMat? /*The query returns WORD*/

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-223

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :WAVeform:DATA?
Description Read the waveform data.
Explanation  Reading procedures of the screen waveform data:
S1. :WAV:SOUR CHAN1 Set the channel source to CH1
S2. :WAV:MODE NORM Set the waveform reading mode to NORMal
S3. :WAV:FORM BYTE Set the return format of the waveform data
S4. :WAV:DATA? Read the screen waveform data
 Reading procedures of the internal memory waveform data:
When reading the waveform data in the internal memory, the maximum number
of waveform points can be read each time the :WAV:DATA? command is sent is
related to the return format of the waveform data currently selected, as shown
in the table below.
Return Format of Maximum Number of Waveform Points can
the Waveform Data be Read Each Time
BYTE 250000
WORD 125000
ASCii 15625

Before reading the waveform data in the internal memory, you need to judge
whether the waveform data can all be read at one time according to the memory
depth of the oscilloscope and the maximum number of waveform points that can
be read each time (refer to the table above).
1) When the memory depth of the oscilloscope is lower than or equal to the
maximum number of waveform points that can be read each time, the
waveform data in the internal memory can all be read at one time by
specifying the start point and stop point.
2) When the memory depth of the oscilloscope is greater than the maximum
number of waveform points that can be read each time, the waveform data
in the internal memory need to be read in several batches by specifying the
start point and stop point. Each time, only the waveform data in one area of
the internal memory is read (the waveform data of two neighbouring areas
are continuous); then, you need to combine the waveform data that are
read separately in sequence.

Example 1 (read the internal memory waveform data at one time):

Assume that the memory depth of the oscilloscope is 120kpts and the return
format of the waveform data is BYTE; at this point, the memory depth of the
oscilloscope is lower than the maximum number of waveform points that can be
read each time (250000) and you can read all the waveform data in the internal
memory at one time.

The reading procedures are as follows.

S1. :STOP Set the instrument to STOP state (you can only read
the waveform data in the internal memory when the
oscilloscope is in STOP state)
S2. :WAV:SOUR CHAN1 Set the channel source to CH1
S3. :WAV:MODE RAW Set the waveform reading mode to RAW

2-224 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

S4. :WAV:FORM BYTE Set the return format of the waveform data to BYTE
S5. :WAV:STAR 1 Set the start point of waveform data reading to the
first waveform point
S6. :WAV:STOP 120000 Set the stop point of waveform data reading to the
120000th waveform point (the last point)
S7. :WAV:DATA? Read the waveform data in the internal memory (all
the points)

Example 2 (read the internal memory waveform data in several

Assume that the memory depth of the oscilloscope is 300kpts and the return
format of the waveform data is WORD; at this point, the memory depth of the
oscilloscope is greater than the maximum number of waveform points that can be
read each time (125000) and you need to read all the waveform data in the
internal memory in at least 3 batches (300000/125000=2.4).

When reading the waveform data in batches, note that the number of waveform
points in the internal memory that is read each time (namely, stop point - start
point + 1) cannot be greater than the maximum number of points that can be
read each time (in this example, it is 125000); then, you need to combine the
waveform data that are read separately in sequence. The figure below shows an
example of the start point and stop point settings when reading the above
waveform data in the internal memory in 3 batches.

1 to 125000 125001 to 250000 250001 to 300000

The first batch The second batch The third batch

(125000 waveform points (125000 waveform points (50000 waveform points
in total) in total) in total)

The corresponding reading procedures are as follows.

S1. :STOP Set the instrument to STOP state (you can only read
the waveform data in the internal memory when the
oscilloscope is in STOP state)
S2. :WAV:SOUR CHAN1 Set the channel source to CH1
S3. :WAV:MODE RAW Set the waveform reading mode to RAW
S4. :WAV:FORM WORD Set the return format of the waveform data to WORD
Perform the first reading operation
S5. :WAV:STAR 1 Set the start point of the first reading operation to the
first waveform point
S6. :WAV:STOP 125000 Set the stop point of the first reading operation to the
125000th waveform point
S7. :WAV:DATA? Read the data from the first waveform point to the
125000th waveform point
Perform the second reading operation
S8. :WAV:STAR 125001 Set the start point of the second reading operation to
the 125001th waveform point
S9. :WAV:STOP 250000 Set the stop point of the second reading operation to
the 250000th waveform point
S10. :WAV:DATA? Read the data from the 125001th waveform point to
the 250000th waveform point
Perform the third reading operation
S11. :WAV:STAR 250001 Set the start point of the third reading operation to
the 250001th waveform point
S12. :WAV:STOP 300000 Set the stop point of the third reading operation to
the 300000th waveform point (the last point)

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-225

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

S13. :WAV:DATA? Read the data from the 250001th waveform point to
the 300000th waveform point (the last point)
Finally, combine the data read in the 3 reading operations in sequence.
Return  The return format is related to the return format of the waveform data currently
Format selected (:WAVeform:FORMat).
WORD or BYTE format: the data returned consists of 2 parts, including the TMC
data description header and the waveform data. The format of the TMC data
description header is #NXXXXXXXXX; wherein, # is the denoter, N is 9 and the 9
data following it denote the number of bytes of the waveform data. The TMC data
description header is followed by the waveform data.
ASCii format: the query returns the actual voltage value of each waveform point in
scientific notation; the voltage values are separated by ",".
Note: If the channel source of waveform data reading (:WAVeform:SOURce) is
set to an digital channel (D0 to D15), the query always returns the waveform data
in BYTE format. If the waveform data on the screen is read, the signal status of
the channel source currently selected is returned and a waveform point occupies
one byte (8 bits). If the waveform data in the internal memory is read, the signal
statuses of the channel group (D7 to D0 or D15 to D8; 8 digital channels) which
includes the channel source currently selected are returned; one byte represents
the statuses of a group of digital signals and the data represents the statuses of
D7 to D0 (or D15 to D8) respectively from the highest bit to the lowest bit.
 When reading the waveform data in the internal memory in several batches, the
data returned each time is the data in one area in the internal memory. Each of
the data returned contains the TMC data description header (WORD or BYTE
format) and the waveform data from two adjacent areas are continuous.
 The figure below shows the waveform data read (in BYTE format). First, select
"View as hexadecimal only" in the dropdown list at the right side. At this point, the
waveform data read is displayed in hexadecimal form with the first 11 bytes being
the TMC data description header and the others starting from the 12th byte
(namely 8E) being the waveform data. Users can convert the waveform data read
to the voltage value of each waveform point using (0x8E - YORigin -
YREFerence) x YINCrement.

TMC Data Description Header Data Display Type

Waveform Data

Related :WAVeform:MODE

2-226 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :WAVeform:XINCrement?
Description Query the time difference between two neighboring points of the specified channel source
in the X direction.
Explanation  The returned value is related to the current data reading mode:
In the NORMal mode, XINCrement = TimeScale/100.
In the RAW mode, XINCrement = 1/SampleRate.
In MAX mode, XINCrement = TimeScale/100 when the instrument is in running
status; XINCrement = 1/SampleRate when the instrument is in stop status.
 The unit is related to the current channel source:
When the channel source is one from CHANnel1 to CHANnel4 or from D0 to D15, the
unit is s. When the channel source is MATH and the operation type is FFT, the unit is
Return The query returns the XINCrement in scientific notation.
Example :WAVeform:XINCrement? /*The query returns 1.000000e-08*/
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

Syntax :WAVeform:XORigin?
Description Query the start time of the waveform data of the channel source currently selected in the
X direction.
Explanation  The return value is related to the current data reading mode:
In NORMal mode, the query returns the start time of the waveform data displayed on
the screen.
In RAW mode, the query returns the start time of the waveform data in the internal
In MAX mode, the query returns the start time of the waveform data displayed on the
screen when the instrument is in running status; the query returns the start time of
the waveform data in the internal memory when the instrument is in stop status.
 The unit is related to the current channel source:
When the channel source is one from CHANnel1 to CHANnel4 or from D0 to D15, the
unit is s.
When the channel source is MATH and the operation type is FFT, the unit is Hz.
Return The query returns the XORigin in scientific notation.
Example :WAVeform:XORigin? /*The query returns -6.000000e-06*/
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-227

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

Syntax :WAVeform:XREFerence?
Description Query the reference time of the specified channel source in the X direction.
Return The query returns 0 (namely the first point on the screen or in the internal memory).
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

Syntax :WAVeform:YINCrement?
Description Query the waveform increment of the specified channel source in the Y direction. The unit
is the same as the current amplitude unit.
Explanation The return value is related to the current data reading mode:
In NORMal mode, YINCrement = VerticalScale/25.
In RAW mode, YINCrement is related to the Verticalscale of the internal waveform and the
Verticalscale currently selected.
In MAX mode, YINCrement = VerticalScale/25 when the instrument is in running status;
YINCrement is related to the Verticalscale of the internal waveform and the Verticalscale
currently selected when the instrument is in stop status.
Return The query returns the YINCrement in scientific notation.
Example :WAVeform:YINCrement? /*The query returns 8.000000e-03*/
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

Syntax :WAVeform:YORigin?
Description Query the vertical offset relative to the vertical reference position of the specified channel
source in the Y direction.
Explanation The return value is related to the current data reading mode:
In NORMal mode, YORigin = VerticalOffset/YINCrement.
In RAW mode, YORigin is related to the Verticalscale of the internal waveform and the
Verticalscale currently selected.
In MAX mode, YORigin = VerticalOffset/YINCrement when the instrument is in running
status; YORigin is related to the Verticalscale of the internal waveform and the
Verticalscale currently selected when the instrument is in stop status.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :WAVeform:YORigin? /*The query returns 25*/
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

2-228 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Syntax :WAVeform:YREFerence?
Description Query the vertical reference position of the specified channel source in the Y direction.
Explanation YREFerence is always 127 (the screen bottom is 0 and the screen top is 255).
Return The query returns 127.
Related :WAVeform:SOURce

Syntax :WAVeform:STARt <sta>
Description Set or query the start point of waveform data reading.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

NORMal: 1 to 1200
MAX: 1 to the number of effective points
<sta> Integer 1
currently on the screen
RAW: 1 to the current maximum memory depth
Explanation When reading the waveform data in the internal memory, the actual settable ranges of the
start point and stop point of a reading operation are related to the memory depth of the
oscilloscope and the return format of the waveform data currently selected; for the
details, refer to the explanation in the :WAVeform:DATA? command.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :WAVeform:STARt 100 /*Set the start point to 100*/
:WAVeform:STARt? /*The query returns 100*/
Related :ACQuire:MDEPth

Syntax :WAVeform:STOP <stop>
Description Set or query the stop point of waveform data reading.
Parameter Name Type Range Default

NORMal: 1 to 1200
MAX: 1 to the number of effective point
<stop> Integer 1200
currently on the screen
RAW: 1 to the current maximum memory depth

Explanation When reading the waveform data in the internal memory, the actual settable ranges of the
start point and stop point of a reading operation are related to the memory depth of the

DS1000Z Programming Guide 2-229

RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

oscilloscope and the return format of the waveform data currently selected; for the
details, refer to the explanation in the :WAVeform:DATA? command.
Return The query returns an integer.
Example :WAVeform:STOP 500 /*Set the stop point to 500*/
:WAVeform:STOP? /*The query returns 500*/
Related :ACQuire:MDEPth

Syntax :WAVeform:PREamble?
Description Query and return all the waveform parameters.
Return The query returns 10 waveform parameters separated by ",":

<format>: 0 (BYTE), 1 (WORD) or 2 (ASC).
<type>: 0 (NORMal), 1 (MAXimum) or 2 (RAW).
<points>: an integer between 1 and 24000000.
<count>: the number of averages in the average sample mode and 1 in other modes.
<xincrement>: the time difference between two neighboring points in the X direction.
<xorigin>: the start time of the waveform data in the X direction.
<xreference>: the reference time of the data point in the X direction.
<yincrement>: the waveform increment in the Y direction.
<yorigin>: the vertical offset relative to the "Vertical Reference Position" in the Y
<yreference>: the vertical reference position in the Y direction.
Example :WAVeform:PREamble? /*The query returns
Related :WAVeform:FORMat

2-230 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Chapter 3 Programming Demos

This chapter lists some programming demos to illustrate how to use commands to realize the common
functions of the oscilloscope in the development environments of Excel, Matlab, LabVIEW, Visual Basic 6.0
and Visual C++ 6.0. All the demos are based on VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture).

The main topics of this chapter:

 Programming Preparations
 Excel Programming Demo
 Matlab Programming Demo
 LabVIEW Programming Demo
 Visual Basic Programming Demo
 Visual C++ Programming Demo

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-1

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

Programming Preparations
Before programming, you need to make the following preparations:

First, install the Ultra Sigma common PC software. You can log in RIGOL official website (www.rigol.com)
to download the software; then, install the software according to the instructions. When Ultra Sigma is
installed, the NI-VISA library is installed automatically. Here, the default installation path is C:\Program
Files\IVI Foundation\VISA.

Here, the USB interface of the oscilloscope is used to communicate with the PC and please use a USB cable
to connect the USB Device interface on the rear panel of the oscilloscope to the PC. After successful
connection, power on and start the instrument (make sure that Utility  IO Setting  USB Device is
currently set to "Computer"). At this point, the "Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog box appears on
the PC at the first connection. Please follow the instructions to install the "USB Test and Measurement
Device (IVI)".

By now, the programming preparations are finished. In the following part, detailed introductions are given
about the programming demos in the Excel, Matlab, Labview, Visual Basic 6.0, and Visual C++ 6.0
development environments.

3-2 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Excel Programming Demo

The program used in this demo: Microsoft Excel 2010

The function realized in this demo: send the *IDN? Command to read the device information.

1. Create a new Excel file that enables the Macros. In this demo, the file is named as IDN.xlsm.

2. Run the IDN.xlsm file. Click FileOptions at the upper-left corner of the Excel file to open the
interface as shown in the figure below. Click Customize Ribbon at the right, check Developer and
click OK. At this point, the Excel menu bar displays the Developer menu.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-3

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

3. Enter the VISA descriptor into a cell of the file as shown in the figure below. For example, the VISA
descriptor is USB0::0x1AB1::0x04CE::DS1ZA160801111::INSTR. Input it into SHEET1.CELLS(1,2)
(namely the B1 cell in Sheet1). Click the Developer menu and select the Visual Basic option to open
the Microsoft Visual Basic.

4. Select Tools(T) in the Microsoft Visual Basic menu bar and click References.

Select VISA Library in the pop-up dialog box and click OK to refer to the VISA Library.

3-4 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL


If you cannot find the VISA Library in the list at the left of the figure above, please follow the
method below to find it.
(1) Make sure that your PC has installed the NI-VISA library.
(2) Click Browse… at the right and set the search range to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and the
filename to visa32.dll, as shown in the figure below.

5. Click View Code in the Developer menu to enter the Microsoft Visual Basic interface. Add the
following codes and save the file.

Note: If the Excel file created at step 2 does not enable the Macros, at this point, the prompt message
"The following features cannot be saved in macro-free workbooks" will be displayed. In this situation,
please save the Excel file as a file using the Macros (the filename suffix changes to .xlsm).

Sub QueryIdn()

Dim viDefRm As Long

Dim viDevice As Long
Dim viErr As Long
Dim cmdStr As String
Dim idnStr As String * 128
Dim ret As Long

‘Turn on the device, the device resource descriptor is in CELLS(1,2) of SHEET1’

viErr = visa.viOpenDefaultRM(viDefRm)
viErr = visa.viOpen(viDefRm, Sheet1.Cells(1, 2), 0, 5000, viDevice)

‘Send request, read the data, the return value is in CELLS(2,2) of SHEET1’
cmdStr = "*IDN?"
viErr = visa.viWrite(viDevice, cmdStr, Len(cmdStr), ret)
viErr = visa.viRead(viDevice, idnStr, 128, ret)
Sheet1.Cells(2, 2) = idnStr

‘Turn off the device’

visa.viClose (viDevice)
visa.viClose (viDefRm)

End Sub

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-5

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

6. Add button control: click Insert in the Developer menu, select the desired button in Form Controls
and put it into the cell of the Excel. At this point, the Assign Macro interface is displayed, select
"Sheet1.QueryIdn" and click "Run".

By default, the button mane is "Button 1". Right-click the button and select Edit Text in the pop-up
menu to change the button name to "*IDN?".

7. Click the "*IDN?" button to send request and read data. The returned data will be displayed in SHEET1
CELLS (2,2).

3-6 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Matlab Programming Demo

The program used in this demo: MATLAB R2009a

The function realized in this demo: make FFT operation on the waveform data and draw the

1. Run the Matlab software and modify the current directory (namely modify the Current Directory at
the top of the software). In this demo, the current directory is modified to E:\DS1000Z_Demo.

2. Click File  New  Blank M-File in the Matlab interface to create an empty M file.

3. Add the following codes in the M file:

% Create VISA object

DS1000Z = visa('ni','USB0::0x1AB1::0x04CE::DS1ZA160801111::INSTR');

% Set the device property. In this demo, the length of the input buffer is set to 2048.
DS1000Z.InputBufferSize = 2048;

% Open the VISA object created


% Read the waveform data

fprintf(DS1000Z, ':wav:data?' );

% Request the data

[data,len]= fread(DS1000Z,2048);

% Close the VISA object

clear DS1000Z;

% Data processing. The waveform data read contains the TMC header. The length of the header is 11
bytes, wherein, the first 2 bytes are the TMC header denoter (#) and the width descriptor (9)
respectively, the 9 bytes following are the length of the data which is followed by the waveform data
and the last byte is the terminator (0x0A). Therefore, the effective waveform points read is from the
12nd to the next to last.
wave = data(12:len-1);
wave = wave';
fftSpec = fft(wave',2048);
fftRms = abs(fftSpec');
fftLg = 20*log(fftRms);

4. Save the M file under the current directory. In this demo, the M file is named as

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-7

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

5. Run the M file and the running result is as follows.

3-8 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

LabVIEW Programming Demo

The program used in this demo: LabVIEW 2009

The functions realized in this demo: read the waveform data of CH1 on the screen.

1. Run LabVIEW 2009, create a VI file and name it as DS1000Z_Demo.

2. Add controls. Right-click in the Front Panel interface, select and add VISA resource name and
Waveform Graph from the Controls column, as shown in the figures below.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-9

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

3. Open the Block Diagram interface. Right-click on the VISA resource name and you can select and
add the following functions from VISA Palette from the pop-up menu: VISA Write, VISA Read,
VISA Open, and VISA Close.

4. Connect the VISA resource name with the VISA Open. Then, connect the VISA resource name
outputs of all the functions with the VISA resource name and connect the error output with the
error input as shown in the figure below.

5. Add text boxes in the write buffer areas of the VISA Write control and input ":WAV:SOUR CHAN1",
":WAV:FORM BYTE", and ":WAV:DATA?" respectively. The first sets the channel source to CH1, the
second sets the waveform reading format to BYTE and the last reads the screen waveform data.
Waveform data is read through the VISA Read function which requires users to input the total
number of bytes to be read. In this example, the total number of bytes of waveform data to be read is
less than 2048. Close the VISA resource after the VISA operation is finished.

6. The data format is TMC header + waveform data points + terminator. The TMC header is in #NXXXXXX
format, wherein, # is the TMC header denoter, N represents that there are N bytes following. The
length of the waveform data points is described in ASCII character, and the terminator represents the
ending of the communication. For example, for #9000001200XXXX, 9 bytes are used to describe the
length of the data, 000001200 represents the length of the waveform data (namely 1200 bytes). Use
the String Subset and Decimal String To Number functions to get the value of N.

3-10 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Get the length of the effective waveform data.

7. Convert the character data into array format using the String To Byte Array, namely display the
waveform data on the Waveform Graph control and then remove the TMC data header using the
Array Subset function.

8. The complete program block diagram is as shown in the figure below.

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-11

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

9. Select the device resource from the VISA Resource Name list box and run the program.

3-12 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Visual Basic Programming Demo

The program used in this demo: Visual Basic 6.0

The function realized in this demo: control the on/off state of any channel.

Enter Visual Basic 6.0 and operate according to the following steps:

1. Build a standard application program project (Standard EXE) and name it as Demo.

2. Click the Existing tab of ProjectAdd Module. Search for the visa32.bas file in the include folder
under the NI-VISA installation path and add the file.

3. Add four CommandButton controls to represent CH1 to CH4 respectively. Add four Label controls
(Label1(0), Label1(1), Label1(2), and Label1(3)) to represent the status of CH1 to CH4 respectively
(when the channel is enabled, it displays the color of the channel; when the channel is disabled, it
displays gray).The layout of the controls is as shown in the figure below.

4. Open the General tab in ProjectProject1 Properties and select Form1 in the Startup Object
dropdown box.

5. Double-click CH1 to enter the programming environment. Add the following codes to control CH1 to
CH4. The codes of CH1 are as shown below; the codes of other channels are similar.

Dim defrm As Long

Dim vi As Long
Dim strRes As String * 200
Dim list As Long
Dim nmatches As Long

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-13

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

Dim matches As String * 200 ' keep the device number acquired
Dim s32Disp As Integer
' acquire the usb source of visa
Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)
Call viFindRsrc(defrm, "USB?*", list, nmatches, matches)
' Open the device
Call viOpen(defrm, matches, 0, 0, vi)
' Send the command to query the status of CH1
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CHAN1:DISP?" + Chr$(10), 0)
' Acquire the status of CH1
Call viVScanf(vi, "%t", strRes)
s32Disp = CInt(strRes)
If (s32Disp = 1) Then
' Send the setting command
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CHAN1:DISP 0" + Chr$(10), 0)
Label1(0).ForeColor = &H808080 'Gray
Call viVPrintf(vi, ":CHAN1:DISP 1" + Chr$(10), 0)
Label1(0).ForeColor = &HFFFF& 'Yellow
End If
' Close the device
Call viClose(vi)
Call viClose(defrm)

6. Save and run the project and a single exe program will be obtained. When the oscilloscope is correctly
connected to the PC, the ON/OFF control of any channel can be realized.

3-14 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

Visual C++ Programming Demo

The program used in this demo: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

The functions realized in this demo: search for the instrument address, connect the instrument, send
command and read the return value.

Enter Visual C++6.0 and operate according to the following steps:

1. Create a MFC project based on dialog box.

2. Open the C/C++ tab in ProjectSettings, select Code Generation in Category and Debug
Multithreaded DLL in Use run-time library. Then, click OK to close the dialog box.

3. Open the Link tab in ProjectSettings and add visa32.lib to the Object/library modules

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-15

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

4. Open the Directories tab in ToolsOptions.

Select Include files in Show directories for and double-click the blank in Directories to add the
path of Include: C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\include.
Select Library files in Show directories for and double-click the blank in Directories to add the
path of Lib: C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\lib\msc.

Note: at present, VISA library has been added.

5. Add the Text, Combo Box, Button and Edit Box controls as shown in the figure below.

6. Modify the control attribute.

1) Name Text as "Command".
2) Open the Data item in Combo Box attribute and input *IDN? Manually.
3) Open the General item in Edit Box attribute and select Disabled.
4) Name Button as Send and Read.

3-16 DS1000Z Programming Guide

Chapter 3 Programming Demos RIGOL

7. Add the variables m_combox and m_receive for the Combo Box and Edit controls respectively.

8. Add codes.
Double-click Send and Read to enter the programming environment. Declare the #include
<visa.h> of the visa library in the header file and then add the following codes.

ViSession defaultRM, vi;

char buf [256] = {0};
CString s,strTemp;
char* stringTemp;

ViChar buffer [VI_FIND_BUFLEN];

ViRsrc matches=buffer;
ViUInt32 nmatches;
ViFindList list;

viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);
//Acquire the USB resource of visa

DS1000Z Programming Guide 3-17

RIGOL Chapter 3 Programming Demos

viFindRsrc(defaultRM, "USB?*", &list,&nmatches, matches);

viOpen (defaultRM,matches,VI_NULL,VI_NULL,&vi);

// Send the command received

strTemp = strTemp + "\n";
stringTemp = (char*)(LPCTSTR)strTemp;
viPrintf (vi,stringTemp);

// Read the result

viScanf (vi, "%t\n", &buf);

// Display the result

UpdateData (TRUE);
m_receive = buf;
UpdateData (FALSE);
viClose (vi);
viClose (defaultRM);

9. Save, compile and run the project and a single exe file can be obtained. When the oscilloscope is
correctly connected to the PC, you can select the command *IDN? and click Send and Read to
display the return result of the oscilloscope.

3-18 DS1000Z Programming Guide

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