Balancing of AVL Tree Using Virtual Node

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 7– No.14, October 2010

Balancing of AVL Tree Using Virtual Node

Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi
Sehore (M.P) India

AVL tree is the first dynamic tree in data structure which
N +2
minimizes its height during insertion and deletion operations. This
is because searching time is directly proportional to the height of
binary search tree (BST) [1-9].When insertion operation is
performed it may result into increasing the height of the tree and +1 M
when deletion is performed it may result into decreasing the
height. To make the BST a height balance tree (AVL tree) NR
creators of the AVL tree proposed various rotations. This paper
proposes the balancing of the AVL tree using the concept of h+1 h
virtual node. This virtual node is a hypothetical node which is
inserted into the inorder traversal of the BST and by doing the X MR
inorder traversal (left, root, right) we make a BST. Ultimately this ML
virtual node is deleted to get an AVL tree. LL Rotation
Fig 1

Keywords M 0
AVL, BST, Insertion, Deletion, Virtual Node.

We know that binary searching is more efficient than linear
searching [1-9]. But binary searching was applicable in X
contiguous memory location only. Performance factor of binary ML
h h
search inspired the people and they began to implement the binary
search into distributed memory allocation by stating a problem MR NR
“Can we have a nonlinear data structure in which we can perform Fig 2
binary search?”Solution to this problem is a comparison tree or a
binary search tree (BST). This data structure enables us to search
an item with average number of comparison O(log2n) while linear 1.1.3 LR Rotation
search requires O(n) comparisons, where n is the number of When a node X is inserted in the right sub tree of left sub tree of
items[1]. Searching time in BST is directly proportional to the node N.
height of the tree. When insertion operation is performed into a
BST, it may result into increasing the height of the tree. As height 1.1.4 RL Rotation
increased during the insertion operation, more searching time When a node X is inserted in the left sub tree of right sub tree of
required. In case of deletion of a node height of BST may node N.
decrease and hence in the same proportion time requirement LR rotation is shown by fig(3)&(4).
reduces. To make the BST a height balanced tree Adelson, Velskii
and Landis proposed the concept of AVL tree. LL rotation and RR rotation are mirror image of each other.
We know that every AVL tree is a BST (Binary Search Tree) Similarly LR rotation and RL rotation are mirror image of each
while every BST is not an AVL tree[1]. To make the BST a height other.
balanced tree creator of AVL proposed various rotations in case of
insertion and deletion. In case of insertion, we have following 1.2 Rotations in Deletion Operation
In case of deletion, we have following rotations.

1.1 Rotations in Insertion Operation 1.2.1 Let the deletion is being performed into right sub tree then
In case of insertion, we have following rotations. we have three types of rotations R(0) rotation ,R(-1) rotation and
R(+1) rotation.
1.1.1 LL Rotation
When a node X is inserted in the left sub tree of left sub tree of 1.2.2 Let the deletion is being performed into left sub tree then
node N. we have three types of rotations L(0) rotation ,L(-1) rotation and
L(+1) rotation.
1.1.2 RR Rotation
When a node X is inserted in the right sub tree of right sub tree of
node N. LL rotation is shown by fig(1)&(2).

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 7– No.14, October 2010
The L rotations are the mirror image of the R rotations. Using Let us consider the following BST in fig (6). Inorder traversal of
these rotations insertion and deletion from the BST requires fig (6) is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.Now we will divide this set (output of
O(log2n) times where n is the number of nodes in the BST[2]. inorder traversal) into three subsets left subtree nodes (LSN), root
We know that inorder traversal of BST always gives the result node(RN)and right subtree nodes(RSN) as:
into ascending order.
N +2

-1 M 30

C +1 20
h +1
ML X CR NR Fig 6
(1) The (m/2)th index node will be the root.
(2) Nodes from index 1 to (m/2)-1 will be in left subtree nodes.
Fig 3 LR Rotation (3) Nodes from index (m/2) +1to n will be in right subtree nodes.

10, 20 30 40, 50
We will consider the left subtree nodes as a single node and it will
be the left node of the root 30, and right subtree nodes as a single
0 M N -1
node and it will be the right node of the tree.
Now by using this assumption we will construct the BST by
following the inorder traversal. And we will get the tree as in fig
h+1 h h +1 (7).
X CR NR 30

Fig 4
10,20 40,50
Fig 7
Let us consider the left child having the node10, 20. Now we will
20 insert the virtual node x at (m/2 +1)th index .Where 10<x<20.Now
we have the inorder sequence as 10,x,20.Now we will use this
sequence as
10 30
Fig 5 10 x 20
The fig (5) represents the BST. Its inorder traversal is 10, 20, Now we will construct the BST using the inorder traversal and we
30.In inorder traversal we first traverse the left child, root and will get the tree as in fig(8).
right child. For any given BST we have only two cases (1) Either
the BST contains total number of nodes odd or (2) BST contains x
total number of nodes even.


Virtual node is the hypothetical node whose value is greater than Let us consider the right child having the node 40, 50. Now we
the values of nodes in left subtree but less than the values of nodes will insert the virtual node y at (m/2 +1)th index .Where
in right subtree.If we get only three nodes into the traversal, there 40<y<50.Now we have the inorder sequence as 40,y,50.Now we
is no need to insert a virtual node. The mid node will be the root will use this sequence as
and the predecessor of the mid will be the left child and successor 40 y 50
of the mid will be the right child. LSN RN RSN

2.1 Case (1)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 7– No.14, October 2010
Now we will construct the BST using the inorder traversal and we 10, 20 x 30, 40
will get the tree as in fig (9). LSN RN RSN
We will consider the left subtree nodes as a single node and it will
y be the left node of the root x,and right subtree nodes as a single
node and it will be the right node of the tree. Now by using this
assumption we will construct the BST by following the inorder
traversal. And we will get the tree as in fig (13).
10 20

Fig 9 x

Now we will expand the tree shown in fig (7) by using the trees
given in fig (8) & (9), we will have the tree as in fig (9)
10,20 30,40
30 Fig 13

Now consider the left child nodes 10, 20, it is even in number.
Now insert a virtual node a into it according to the formula
x y (m/2+1)th we have the inorder sequence as 10,a,20 .Where a is a
virtual node as 10<a<20.Now we will use this sequence as

10 20 40 50 10 a 20
Fig 10 Now we will construct the BST using the inorder traversal and we
will get the tree as in fig (14).
Now we have two virtual nodes x, y. After deletions of these
virtual nodes we have an AVL tree like the fig(11).

10 20
20 50 Fig 14

Now consider the right child nodes 30, 40, it is even in number.
10 40 Now insert a virtual node b into it at (m/2+1)th index. We have the
Fig 11 inorder sequence as 30, b, 40 where b is a virtual node as
30<b<40.Now we will use this sequence as
2.2 Case (2) 30 b 40
Let us consider the BST in fig(12). LSN RN RSN
Now we will construct the BST using the inorder traversal and we
40 will get the tree as fig (15).


20 30 Fig 15 40

Now we will expand the tree shown in fig (13) by using the trees
10 given in fig (14) & (15), we will have the tree as in fig (16).
Fig 12

Inorder traversal of fig (12) is 10,20,30,40. Now we will divide 30

this set (output of inorder traversal) into three subsets left subtree
nodes, root and right subtree nodes as:
(1) Insert a virtual node x at ((m/2) +1)th index and it will be the
root. x y
(2) Nodes from index 1 to ((m/2)-1)th will be in left subtree nodes.
(3) Nodes from index ((m/2) +1)th to m will be in right subtree
10 20 40 50
After performing the above operation we will get the sequence as:
10, 20, x, 30, 40.Where x is a virtual node as 20<x<30. Fig 16
Now we will use this sequence as
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 7– No.14, October 2010
Now we have three virtual nodes a, x and b. Now deleting these
virtual nodes from fig (16) we have an AVL tree like the fig(17).


20 50

10 40 Fig 19
Fig 17
Where m is total number of nodes into the BST and c is the
partitioning cost. Let m is even then total number of virtual nodes
2.3 Deletion is equal to (m/2 +1) and if m is odd then total number of virtual
Let we want to delete the node 40 from the AVL tree shown in fig nodes are m/2.Let the introducing cost of virtual node be a then
(12). After deleting 40 we have the BST as shown in fig(18). total cost of virtual node insertion is a* (m/2).Let deletion cost be
b then total cost of deletion of these nodes will be b*(m/2). Then
30 total cost T will be:
T=c*log2m + (a +b) m/2
≡Θ (log2m)
Creators of the AVL tree proposed the various rotation schemes
10 for balancing the BST for both insertion and deletion. To
implement these rotations a care has to be taken that whether the
Fig 18
new node will be in the left of the left subtree, left of the right
subtree, right of the left subtree or right of the right subtree.
As this BST has 3 nodes, by using the concept of virtual node 20
Similar approach has to be applied in case of deletion also. In this
will be the root and node 10 & 30 will be the left and right child.
paper a new concept of virtual node is introduced, due to which it
becomes easy to balance a BST, in both the cases of insertion and
3. ALGORITHM deletion. By analyzing algorithm of both methods i.e. rotations
1-Traverse the BST into inorder and count the total number of and virtual node, it is found that the complexity is same but
nodes m. proposed one is easy to implement than the other one.
2-if m==3
3-The mid node of the inorder traversal will be the root node,
its predecessor will be the left node and successor will be the right
[1] R.R.K.Tripathi, Concepts of Data Structure Using C, Katson
Publication, 1st edition.
4-if m is even then
5-Introduce virtual node into the list at (m/2 +1)th index. [2] Ellis Horowitz & Sartaj Sahni, Fundamentals of Data
6-Make this virtual node root. Keep the first m/2 nodes of Structures, Galgotia Book Source, 1st edition.
original list into left sub tree and m/2+1 to m nodes into right sub
[3] Trembley & Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures
with Applications, TMH, 2nd edition.
7-Repeat step 5th and 6th until each node contains only one
key. [4] Robert L. Kruse, Data Structure and Program Design, PHI, 3rd
8- Delete the virtual nodes. edition.
9- Else (if m is odd) [5] Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M.
10-Make the (m/2)th index node as root node. Tenenbaum. Data Structures Using C and C++, PHI, 2nd edition.
11-put the first m/2 nodes into left sub tree and (m/2 +1)th to
m index nodes into right sub tree. That is left sub tree and right [6] Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures, McGraw-Hill,1st edition.
sub tree has even number of nodes. [7] Adam Drozdek, Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, Vikas
12-Repeat step 5,6,7. Publication, 1st edition.
13-Delete the virtual nodes.
14-Stop [8] Bhagat Singh and Thomas L. Naps, Introduction to Data
This algorithm will be used into both the cases i.e. insertion as Structures, Galgotia Book Source, 1st edition.
well as in deletion. [9] Marry E.S. Loomis, Data Management & File Structures, PHI,
2nd edition.
In this algorithm original list of inorder traversal is being
partitioned as –


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