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The optimal treatment of ischemic coronary artery disease (CAD) is still controversial. A number of
randomized controlled trials (RCT) and several meta-analyses have been performed and are inspiring the
current guidelines. However, a univocal consensus on the optimal therapeutic strategy for multivessel
disease has still not been reached yet. We reviewed the current evidence on this topic, focusing on both
RCT and meta-analyses. From both short and long-term studies, it emerges that in patients with multivessel
disease, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is associated with better survival, lower rates of major
cardiovascular events (specifically myocardial infarction or stroke) and repeat revascularization as compared
with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents.
Keywords: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG); percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); multivessel
disease (MVD)
Submitted Apr 14, 2018. Accepted for publication May 28, 2018.
doi: 10.21037/acs.2018.05.17
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© Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7(4):506-515
Annals of cardiothoracic surgery, Vol 7, No 4 July 2018 507
the current literature and the available meta-analyses data and 21% for PCI at 2 years follow-up, while the risk for
on the comparison between PCI and CABG focusing on nonfatal MI was 15% for CABG and 6.2% for PCI (18)
MVD only. (Table 1).
Since the advent of drug-eluting stents (DES) and the Despite the significance of the conclusion reached by
evidence attesting to their superiority over bare metal the aforementioned RCTs, several meta-analyses have
stents (12), several trials have been published investigating been performed with the aim of circumventing the issues
PCI outcomes in comparison to CABG. The BEST pertaining to being under-powered.
investigators undertook an RCT to demonstrate non- Our group performed a systematic review and meta-
inferiority of Everolimus eluting stent in respect to CABG. analysis of five RCTs, encompassing a total of 4,563
Despite being abandoned due to slow recruitment, the patients with MVD (19). PCI with DES was associated with
trials produced results from more than 800 patients, a 154% increased relative risk of repeat revascularization,
demonstrating an occurrence of the primary endpoint, late mortality (increased by 51%) and MI (increased by
a composite of death due to myocardial infarction (MI) 102%) when compared to CABG. On the hand, CABG was
or target-vessel revascularization at 2 years, of 11.0% in hampered by a 29% increase risk of stroke, but the absolute
the patients in the PCI group and of 7.9% in those in the risk increase in stroke was minimal when compared with
CABG group with a still significant difference at longer the absolute risk reduction in mortality and MI. A number-
follow-up [median, 4.6 years (15.3% of the patients in the to-treat analysis demonstrated that placing CABG over
PCI group and in 10.6% of those in the CABG group)] (13). DES-PCI in 100 subjects, 3–4 deaths, 4–5 MI and 8–9
The SYNTAX trial tested non-inferiority of PCI versus repeat revascularizations would be prevented at the expense
CABG in 1,800 patients. Non-inferiority criteria were not of one extra stroke after an average follow-up of 3.4 years.
met as rates of major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular Interestingly, subgroup analysis suggested that CABG
events at 12 months were significantly higher in the PCI would improve survival and minimize the risk of subsequent
group (17.8%, vs. 12.4% for CABG). This was thought MI independent of the presence of diabetes. Conversely,
to be due to an increased rate of repeat revascularization the increased risk of stroke associated with CABG might be
(13.5% vs. 5.9%) in the PCI group (14,15). The CARDia of clinical significance only in diabetic patients.
trial was the first examining the treatment of CAD Moreover, the results of this meta-analysis refuted the
in a subgroup of diabetic patients, demonstrating the existing dogmatic view that the survival benefit guaranteed
superiority of CABG in this subset with combined rates by CABG is only relevant to three-vessel disease.
of mortality, MI, stroke and repeated revascularization Conversely, the benefit of CABG was also significant in
of 11.3% in the CABG group and 19.3% in the PCI the presence of two vessel disease and/or proximal left
group at 1 year (16). The FREEDOM trial confirmed descending artery disease. On the other hand, data showed
these findings in 1,900 patients with complex MVD and that the increased risk of subsequent MI following DES-
diabetes, demonstrating comparatively worse 5-year rates PCI was likely to be significant only in cases of three-vessel
of a composite outcome, including death from any cause, disease (19).
nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke, in the PCI group (26.6% Another large meta-analysis encompassing seven RCTs
vs. 18.7% in the CABG group). Despite the incidence for a total 5,835 patients confirmed the results of the
of stroke being higher in CABG cohort, death and MI previously mentioned study, demonstrating a reduction
were significantly higher in the PCI group, leading to the in the mortality risk, MI and repeated revascularization in
conclusion that diabetic population would best benefit CABG versus first generation DES, at the expense of an
from CABG rather than PCI (17). increased stroke risk (20).
Subsequently, the VA-CARDS investigators reported Sipahi and colleagues performed another review
the results of a randomized trial comparing interventions including six randomized studies (N=6,055), with their
exclusively with drug-eluting stents and surgery in patients meta-analysis illustrating a significant reduction in total
with diabetes and high-complex CAD. Despite being mortality, MI, and repeat revascularization with CABG
underpowered, all-cause mortality was 5.0% for CABG compared with PCI (21). However, unlike the previous
© Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7(4):506-515
Table 1 Overview of randomized controlled trials
Syntax Patients assigned Medically
Study Number Mean Median
score Male treated
(year of Country Inclusion criteria of vessels age Stents used follow-up
mean CABG DES-PCI gender diabetes
publication) diseased (years) (years)
(≥33) (on insulin)
CARDia, United Diabetics with multivessel NR 3VD: 63% 242 248 64 74% 100% (38%) SES (69%) 1
2010 (16) Kingdom and disease including PLAD 2VD: 32% BMS (31%)
Ireland PLAD: 5%
FREEDOM, Multinational Diabetes and stenosis of 26 (19%) 3VD: 83% 947 953 63 71% 100% (32%) SES (51%) 3.8
2012 (17) more than 70% in two 2VD: 17% PES (43%)
or more major epicardial
VA CARDS, US Diabetics with multivessel 22 (13%) 3VD: 63% 97 101 62 99% 100% (47%) SES (20%) 2
2013 (18) disease including PLAD 2VD: 24% PES (35%)
PLAD: 13% EES (18%)
SYNTAX*, Multinational Significant stenosis in 28, NR 3VD: 100% 549 546 64 80% 27% (11%) PES 5
2014 (15) vessels supplying all three 2VD: 0%
major epicardial territories
BEST South Korea, Stenosis of more than 24 (16%) 3VD: 77% 442 438 64 72% 41% (4%) EES 2
TRIAL, China, 70% of the vessel 2VD: 23%
2015 (13) Malaysia, diameter in major
and Thailand epicardial vessels in the
territories of at least two
coronary arteries
*, subgroup analysis. 3VD, three-vessel disease; 2VD, two-vessel disease; PLAD, proximal left anterior descending artery disease; DES-PCI, drug-eluting stent
percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting; BMS, bare-metal stent; SES, sirolimus-eluting stent; PES, paclitaxel-eluting stent; ZES,
zotarolimus-eluting stent; EES, everolimus eluting stent; NR, not reported.
studies, these authors found a trend toward excess strokes revascularization is associated to increased mortality and
with CABG, but this was not significant. The conclusions repeated revascularization independently on the mode
drawn suggest CABG as the best treatment option of treatment (27). Zimarino and colleagues echoed those
in patients with MVD compared with PCI, given the results in another meta-analysis of 28 studies reporting on
undisputable reduction in long-term mortality, MIs and clinical outcomes of MVD patients treated with complete
repeat revascularizations, irrespective of the presence of and incomplete revascularization, with extensive (>80%)
diabetes (21). use of stents for PCI or arterial conduits in CABG. They
An interesting work has been recently reported by achieved similar results and demonstrated a larger clinical
Fanari and colleagues, who performed a meta-analysis of benefit of complete revascularization in diabetic patients.
six RCTs and investigated the results of the long-term Interestingly, the survival benefit and reduction in relative
follow-up of the studies. Despite potential bias due to the risk of cardiovascular events was better in the patients
presence of an additional RCT involving unprotected LM enrolled in the more recent studies (28).
disease (22), this study demonstrated that at 1 year, PCI was More recently, Lee et al. in a meta-analysis of 3,280
associated with a significantly higher incidence of target patients pooled results from the BEST (Randomized
vessel revascularization, lower incidence of stroke and no Comparison of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery and
difference in death or MI compared to CABG. However, at Everolimus Eluting Stent Implantation in the Treatment
5 years, PCI was associated with a higher incidence of death of Patients with Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease),
and MI. Increased mortality in the PCI group was mainly PRECOMBAT (Premier of Randomized Comparison of
found in diabetics (23). Bypass Surgery vs. Angioplasty Using Sirolimus-Eluting
An ad hoc meta-analysis on MVD in the diabetic Stent in Patients with Left Main Coronary Artery Disease),
population encompassing 14 studies (five RCTs and nine and SYNTAX (Synergy Between PCI With Taxus and
observational) documented a much higher risk of repeat Cardiac Surgery) trials. The study was focused on a
intervention and adverse cardiovascular/cerebrovascular composite outcome including of all-cause death, MI, or
events in the DES/PCI cohort compared to CABG, stroke.
although early morbidities seemed to favor percutaneous The results showed that CABG, as compared with PCI
procedures (24). with DES, decreased long-term rates of the composite
A previous and similar study on diabetic population outcome and repeat revascularization, when compared
confirmed that CABG in diabetic patients with MVD at low with DES-PCI in LM or MVD, although the advantage of
to intermediate surgical risk (defined as EUROSCORE <5) CABG was more pronounced in the latter subcategory (10).
is superior to MVD PCI with DES. Despite an increase in Chang et al. reported the results of a patient-level meta-
stroke risk, CABG reduced overall death, nonfatal MI, and analysis comparing the effect of CABG versus PCI with
repeat revascularization (25). DES on long-term mortality in 1,275 nondiabetic patients
In a meta-regression analysis using event rates as a with multivessel CAD. Results showed superiority of
dependent variable to test for an interaction between CABG in terms of short and long-term mortality, MI and
baseline clinical features (i.e., age, gender, diabetes repeat revascularization, in absence of significant group
mellitus, previous MI and ejection fraction) and choice differences as far as stroke was concerned. The conclusions
of revascularization, D’Ascenzo et al. concluded that drawn echoed previous results and demonstrated
PCI significantly reduces the risk of stroke compared to superiority of CABG also in nondiabetic patients with
CABG. particularly in female patients, but the risk of multivessel CAD (29).
revascularization is increased with PCI, especially in women In a pooled analysis of individual patient-level data of the
and in those with diabetes (26). SYNTAX and BEST randomized trials, Cavalcante et al.
An interesting point has been raised in meta-analyses analyzed the outcomes of 1,166 patients in which 577 were
and systematic reviews on CAD with respect to the randomized to PCI and 589 to CABG. In patients with
comparison of outcomes in complete or incomplete MVD with proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD)
revascularization. A large preliminary investigation, involvement, CABG is associated with a significantly lower
including 35 studies and 89,883 patients, demonstrated that rate of cardiac death, MI and all-cause revascularization
complete revascularization is more commonly achieved when compared with DES-PCI. There was no difference
with CABG rather than PCI, and that incompleteness of among the groups as far as all-cause mortality and stroke
© Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7(4):506-515
510 Spadaccio and Benedetto. CABG vs. PCI
mode of treatment
trials and involving a total of 11,518 patients, illustrated
equivalence in the long-term safety outcomes between the
modalities of revascularization for unprotected LM disease.
Conversely, the benefit of CABG was restricted to complex
MVD and diabetic patients (31) (Table 2).
Favors CABG
Favors CABG
The optimal treatment strategy for CAD remains
controversial, as illustrated by the contradictory conclusions
reached even in the context of meta-analyses of the same
RCTs. Although some standpoints, such as the higher risk
Favors PCI
Favors PCI
of repeat revascularization and cardiovascular event in DES-
Stroke or
strokes are constantly put in doubt by subsequent study
sub-analyses. The reason underlying this uncertainty might
find its root in the low power and statistical bias inherent in
some of the studies included in the systematic reviews.
Favors CABG
revascularization adopted. Consequently, conspicuous
4 years
5 years
4 RCTs
Al Ali et al.,
et al., 2013
2014 (20)
© Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7(4):506-515
Table 2 (continued)
Myocardial Stroke or Repeat
Studies number Years at
Author, date Mortality infarction cerebrovascular revascularization Notes
included of follow-up
(MI) event (RR)
Sipahi et al., 6 RCT 6,055 4.1 years Favors CABG Favors Non-significant Favors CABG CABG is superior to PCI independently on
2014 (21) CABG diabetes
Lim et al., 5 RCT; 9 OBS 5,000 3 to 5 years Favors CABG Favors 30 days: Favors CABG Cardiovascular/cerebrovascular event were
2014 (24) CABG favours PCI; 1.71 times higher in the DES/PCI
1–5 years: non-
D’Ascenzo 20 RCT; aimed 12,844 30 days to Favors CABG Favors Favors PCI Favors CABG PCI reduces the risk of stroke in female
et al., 2014 at correlating 1 year CABG patients: PCI has increased risk of RR risk in
(26) risk factors women and in those with diabetes
Fanari et al., 6 RCT 5,123 1 and 5 1-year: non- 1 year: non- Favors PCI Favors CABG Increased death in diabetics with PCI
CABG favours
Zimarino et al., 28 studies 83,695 4.7 ± 4.3 – – – – CR confers benefit on outcomes more
2016 (28) years evident in diabetics
Benedetto et 5 RCT 4,563 3.4 years Favors CABG Favors Favors PCI Favors CABG PCI increase mortality by 51%; PCI increase
al., 2016 (19) CABG MI by 102%; CABG increase stroke by 29%
Lee et al., 3 RCT; MVD + 3,280 5 years MVD: favors MVD: favors Non-significant Favors CABG Overall CABG educed long-term rates of the
2016 (10) LMD CABG; CABG; composite of all-cause death, myocardial
LMD: non- LMD: favors infarction, or stroke in patients with LMD
significant CABG and MVD
Chang et al., BEST + 1,275 62 months Favors CABG Favors No differences Favors CABG CABG, as compared with DES-PCI educed
2016 (29) SYNTAX in CABG the long-term risk of mortality in nondiabetic
non-diabetics patients with MVD CAD
Cavalcante BEST + 1,166 5 years Favors CABG Favors No differences Favors CABG In MVD with proximal LAD involvement,
et al., 2017 SYNTAX CABG CABG has lower rates of the composite
(30) endpoint of death, MI or stroke
Head et al., 11 RCT; MVD 11,518 5 years Favors CABG – – – CABG benefit restricted to MVD + diabetes
2018 (31) + LMD in complex
MVD and Equivalence for LMD
diabetes; LMD: Equivalence for MVD in non-diabetic
non-significant patients
MVD, multivessel disease; LMD, left main disease; CR, complete revascularization; DES-PCI, Drug-eluting stents percutaneous coronary intervention; OBS, observational;
RCT, randomized controlled trial; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CAD, cardiovascular disease.
endpoint of mortality (32). Even the most recent study by territories, therefore restoring the function of ungrafted
Head et al. (31) with a sample size of more than 11,500 regions (39).
patients, despite confirming the superiority of CABG for This hypothesis finds a clinical correlate in the analysis
MVD in diabetic patients, is not in agreement with the of the NICOR registry, in which large territories that are
meta-analyses published immediately prior by Chang et al. (29) tributaries of the right coronary artery or the circumflex
and Cavalcante et al. (30). artery remain unrevascularized leading to a reduction in late
An interesting point that is emerging from the survival (35). More ad hoc studies are required to elucidate
analysis of the literature is that of the issue of incomplete the pathophysiological mechanisms and the consequent
revascularization in the two modes of revascularization. optimal strategy to be adopted in these circumstances.
Very recently, Hannan et al. reported the results of an Another point of discussion centers on the fact that
interesting registry analysis on the outcomes of incomplete the currently available RCTs are comparing the newest
revascularization in PCI in a very large cohort of generation of stenting technology with a relatively “old-
patients (33). The results of the study somehow echo the fashioned” operation; the patency rate and durability of
conclusion of the most recent follow-up of the SYNTAX venous grafts is widely known to be limited. On account
study by Milojevic et al., in which authors demonstrated of the evidence testifying to the longer-term durability of
that incomplete revascularization was an independent CABG performed with a total arterial technique, a more
predictor of mortality in the PCI group. Interestingly, in adequate comparison would be performed among the
the SYNTAX trial, incomplete revascularization did not newest stenting technology and more modern grafting
increase the risk of death or cardiac adverse events in the strategies (i.e., total arterial revascularization).
CABG arm of the study (34). These results reflect the This point is even more significant when noting that
findings of an analysis of the NICOR database including the majority of the trials and reviews, despite showing
13,701 patients who underwent CABG. After propensity non-inferiority of PCI with respect to CABG for the
score matching, incomplete revascularization did not safety endpoints in the immediate postoperative period,
increase all-cause death in the group (35). The mechanisms fail to demonstrate a sustained benefit of percutaneous
underlying this apparent inefficacy of PCI in incomplete interventions over the long-term. CABG seems to
revascularization still remains unsolved. Chronic total outperform PCI in the long-term with conduits known
occlusion—which is difficult to manage percutaneously— to have a limited life. We could imagine that even more
and post-procedural MI exacerbate the already incomplete compelling results would arise from the comparison of the
revascularization, have been advocated as culprit factors in long-term data of multiple arterial grafting trials, such as
determining mortality in PCI (36). the ART trial (40), with the long-term durability of the
These events might similarly occur in surgical settings, newest generation DES.
however, they do not constitute a significant risk factor Summarizing the current evidence from the largest
for CABG patients. From the BARI trial, we learnt that RCTs, SYNTAX demonstrated superiority of CABG
grafting left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to LAD in cases of SYNTAX scores >22 (15). The BEST (13)
determines survival independently of the presence of other and FREEDOM (17) trials showed the same superiority,
grafts and that it seems that there is no direct numeric irrespective of the SYNTAX score. A large patient level
correlation between grafts and coronary lesions to achieve meta-analysis, combining the results of SYNTAX and
clinical benefit (37). On the other hand, arterial grafts have BEST trials, concluded that CABG offers improved
been shown to release high quantities of nitric oxide (NO), outcomes when compared to DES-PCI in both and non-
a known inducer of angiogenesis, and this is thought to be diabetic and in MVD (2 or 3 vessels involved) with proximal
one of the factors at the crux of the superior outcomes of LAD involvement (30).
these conduits in CABG (38). It has been hypothesized that In conclusion, CABG remains the best revascularization
intramyocardial delivery of NO through the graft, together strategy in MVD, conferring reduced mortality and repeat
with the neoangiogenic drive initiated by the reperfusion, revascularization risk. The absolute risk increases in stroke
may account for the creation of a progressively spreading associated with CABG does not outweigh the benefit in
microvascular network of neocapillaries within the affected the long-term survival achievable with this technique of
myocardium. These territorially expand from the region revascularization.
directly subjected to revascularization to the adjacent The conclusions reached by the currently available
© Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7(4):506-515
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