2013 METKA ISO 14064-1 GHG Inventory Report

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ISO 14064‐1 GHG Inventory Report

GHG Information Management System

Prepared in accordance with part 7.3.1 of ISO 14064‐1

Person Responsible: Giannis Theodosiadis / HSE Director

Prepared by: Savvas Kirtikidis / GHG IMS Coordinator

Dated: April 2014

For the Period: January to December 2013

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Climate change has been identified as one of the greatest challenges facing nations,
governments, business and citizens over future decades. Climate change has implications
for both human and natural systems and could lead to significant changes in resource use,
production and economic activity. In response, international, regional, national and local
initiatives are being developed and implemented to limit greenhouse gas (GHG)
concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere. Such GHG initiatives rely on the quantification,
monitoring, reporting and verification of GHG emissions and/or removals, which could be
done within the framework of ISO 14064.

ISO 14064‐1 specifies principles and requirements at the organization level for
quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. It includes
requirements for the design, development, management, reporting and verification of an
organization's GHG inventory and it is a tool for greenhouse gas (GHG) limitation and
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Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................... 3
1. Company Profile ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Activity Sectors ..................................................................................................... 4
2. Scope of this Report ...................................................................................................... 7
3. Boundaries and GHG emissions and removals setting ................................................... 7
3.1 Organizational boundaries .................................................................................... 7
3.2 Operational boundaries ......................................................................................... 8
3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Sources ...................................................................... 9
4. Quantification of GHG emissions and removals .......................................................... 10
4.1 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 10
4.2 GHG Information Management System and Data Quality Control ...................... 10
4.3 GHG Calculation and Quantification Methodologies ........................................... 11
4.4 GHG Inventory Base‐year .................................................................................... 12
4.5 Assessing and reducing uncertainty .................................................................... 13
5. Reporting of GHG emissions ....................................................................................... 13
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1. Company Profile

METKA was founded in 1962 at Nea Ionia, Volos and is a leading EPC (Engineering‐
Procurement‐Construction) contractor and industrial manufacturing group, active within
the energy, infrastructure and defence sectors.

Within the EPC business, METKA is strongly focused on serving the needs of international
customers and markets and is active in carrying out major power plant projects throughout
Europe, Middle East and North Africa, with strong emphasis on highly‐efficient combined
cycle gas turbine technology.

The company’s manufacturing operations serve numerous global customers and export
products around the world, whereas its industrial facilities, with several decades of
experience in complex, high value‐added manufacturing, produce equipment and
components used in energy production, heavy industry, infrastructure and defence

The Company operates its Head Offices in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Since METKA was established, over 50 years ago, it has continuously developed its know‐
how, human resources and capacity. Today, METKA is listed among the top 10 international
contractors in the power industry.

As a responsible corporate citizen, METKA is furthermore committed to play a positive role

in the broader community, to promote human values and social integration, as well as to
follow environmentally responsible practices in all of its business operations.

1.1 Activity Sectors

In the energy sector, METKA undertakes large – scale power generation projects, providing
the complete range of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services which are
needed to successfully deliver turn‐key projects to its customers. METKA also operates
facilities with state of – the – art machinery and equipment, having strong know‐how on
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manufacturing mechanical equipment and complex steel fabrications of the energy,

infrastructure and defence sectors.

1.2.1 Energy

METKA focuses mainly on the implementation of gas fired power generation plants, based
on state ‐ of ‐ the ‐ art combined cycle gas turbine technology. Gas‐fired combined cycle
power plants are preferred for their high efficiency and relative low environmental impact,
in comparison to conventional power plants.

With significant expertise in combined cycle projects and with several configuration types in
its portfolio, METKA is able to respond to different customer requirement, for a wide range
of complex configurations and generating capacities, with world‐class performance.

In the power generations field, METKA has extensive references and a strong record of
successfully delivering major plant projects, often on very demanding fast‐track project
schedules, to support governments, local communities and industrial customers across
several countries.

1.2.2 Infrastructure

METKA’s impressive track record in this sector includes high value‐added construction
works for civil infrastructure and projects within the general industrial and oil refining
markets. METKA also has considerable background in large scale works for mining and
industrial facilities.

The company is one of a small number of companies classified in the highest category of
construction contractors for major public works projects in Greece.

Several major construction projects have been completed for industrial facilities such as
cement and mineral processing plants. The Group also has a strong presence for fabrication
works and installations within the refining and petrochemical industry.
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1.2.3 Defence

METKA has significantly developed its know‐how and capability for advanced
manufacturing projects in the defence sector over the past two decades. Now, the company
is internationally recognized as a reliable partner for the industrial co‐production of
specialized defence equipment.

Within this field, the company carries out co‐production and manufacturing sub‐contracts
with leading international defence equipment suppliers and has particular experience in the
areas of land defence systems, as well as submarines.

Currently, METKA is carrying out two major contracts to manufacture and export main
assemblies of Patriot defence systems for international customers.

1.2.4 Industrial facilities

METKA’s industrial facilities, with experience of nearly half a century in complex, high
value‐added manufacturing, produce equipment and components used for energy
production, heavy industry, infrastructure and defence applications.

The main manufacturing plant, located in Volos, is one of the leading facilities of its kind in
Europe, due to the operational flexibility, state‐of‐the‐art equipment and ability to manage
large scale manufacturing activities.
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2. Scope of this Report

In relation to the aforementioned METKA, as a responsible corporate citizen, designed and

implemented a GHG Inventory Management System according to ISO 14064‐1 in order to
manage its GHG emissions and removals.

In parallel, prepared this report whose primary goal is to account for the Green House Gases
(GHG) emission from its activities for the period of 2013.

This report will be posted in METKA’s website, so to be available to the Interested Parties.
The results of this report shall be included in the Parent Company’s Sustainability Report of

3. Boundaries and GHG emissions and removals setting

3.1 Organizational boundaries

As mentioned above, METKA S.A has three area of activities within the scope of GHG
Information Management System, as follows:

 Head Offices operation

 Factories operation
 Worksite activities Management (EPC projects)

The calculation of GHG emissions and removals is produced in Facility‐level and then are
added in order to determinate the total GHG emissions and removals. The company
consolidates its facility‐level GHG emissions and removals by accounting for all quantified
GHG emissions and/or removals from facilities over which it has financial or operational
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3.2 Operational boundaries

Company has established and documented its operational boundaries and the identified
GHG emissions and removals associated with the company operations are categorized into
direct emissions and removals, energy indirect emissions and other indirect emissions,
according to the following explanations.

 Direct GHG emissions and removals: emissions from electricity, heat and steam
generated and exported or distributed by the company.
 Energy indirect GHG emissions: indirect GHG emissions from the generation of
imported electricity, heat or steam consumed by the company
 Other indirect GHG emissions: can include commuting and business travel by
employees, transportation of products and materials (outsourced activities) etc.

METKA S.A has finalized the operational boundaries of its operations, and as mentioned
before are included all its facilities and their operational needs, the Worksites Management,
the fuel consumption, the process emissions, the consumption of imported electricity, the
transportation of materials / products between the sites, the transportation of materials /
products from suppliers and to costumers and the business travel by employees.

The following activities of METKA S.A. have GHG emissions / removals and are monitored
in every METKA facility (factories, offices, worksites). In the following table, the activities
are categorized into Direct GHG emissions and removals, Energy indirect GHG emissions
and Other indirect GHG emissions. In Annex 5, are reported all the METKA sites that have
GHG emissions and removals.
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3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Sources

Direct GHG emissions and removals

Consumption of cutting / welding gases
Natural gas consumption
Heating diesel consumption
Diesel consumption
Gasoline consumption
Energy indirect GHG emissions
Electricity consumption
Other indirect GHG emissions
Transportation of raw materials and products (outsourced)
Personnel transportation to and from work
Air Travel
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4. Quantification of GHG emissions and removals

4.1 Data Collection

Activity data were collected at site level by GHG Site Responsible and consolidated at
corporate level by GHG IMS Coordinator. Activity data are collected on site level minimum
twice per year and the calculation is being done at least once per year. The whole process of
data collection is being described in procedure MET_HSE_GHGP_011_A Quantification of
GHG of GHG Management System.

4.2 GHG Information Management System and Data Quality Control

METKA S.A has established and maintained GHG information management procedures

 ensure conformance with the principles of standard ISO 14064‐1

 ensure consistency with the intended use of the GHG inventory
 provide routine and consistent checks to ensure accuracy and completeness of the
GHG inventory
 identify and address errors and omissions, and
 document and archive relevant GHG inventory records, including information
management activities.

The implementation of GHG Information Management System is being checked and

verified by HSE Director of METKA and external accredited certification body.

According to 14064‐1, for period 2013, internal audit was carried out regarding all METKA
aforementioned GHG sources and focused on operational control, purchasing of raw
materials and using of resources.
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All data for GHG emissions and removals are recorded in controlled documents of GHG
Information Management System and data coming mainly from invoices and the emission
factors are derived from a recognized origin, and in particular:

 National Inventory Report of Greece (the more recent edition)

 Guidelines to Defra / DECC’s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting
 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
 Regulation (EU) 601/2012.
 Relative Greek Legislation (Ministerial Decision N. D6/Β/5825 ‐ Adoption of the
Rules of the Energy Performance of Buildings).

4.3 GHG Calculation and Quantification Methodologies

In order to quantify the GHG emissions and removals, METKA S.A has selected and used
quantification methodology that reasonably minimizes uncertainty and yield accurate,
consistent and reproducible results.

The quantification methodology is based on the following equalization:

GHG emission/removal = GHG activity Data x GHG emission/removal factor x conversion factor
(conversion factor where needed, normally equals 1)

As far as the GHG emission/removal factor, the company selects the CO2e factor, in order to
quantify the greenhouse gases in CO2e. However the non CO2 emissions (e.g. CH4 and N2O
from vehicles) are extremely low, according to Defra / DECC’s GHG Conversion factors for
company reporting.

The GHG emission/removal factors, which are used for the GHG emission/removal
calculation, are shown at Annex 1.
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At the table below, is shown the source of the GHG activity Data.

Description GHG activity Data is based on

Direct GHG emissions and removals
Consumption of cutting / welding gases Invoices of the supplier
Natural gas consumption Charges / Invoices of the supplier
Heating diesel consumption Charges / Invoices of the supplier
Diesel consumption Charges / Invoices of the supplier
Gasoline consumption Charges / Invoices of the supplier
Energy indirect GHG emissions
Electricity consumption Charges / Invoices of the supplier
Other indirect GHG emissions
Transportation of raw materials and products determination of the distance
(outsourced) traveled
Personnel transportation to and from work Employee questionnaire about
distance and the way of
Air Travel determination of the distance

4.4 GHG Inventory Base‐year

Due to the reason that, there is not available sufficient information on historical GHG
emissions or removals, the company uses its first GHG inventory period (2013) as the base

The base‐year GHG inventory will be used for comparative purposes and other intended
uses of the GHG inventory.
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4.5 Assessing and reducing uncertainty

The METKA has completed and documented an uncertainty assessment for GHG emissions
and removals, including the uncertainty associated with emission and removal factors.
According to this analysis the uncertainty values are:

Description Uncertainty Values

Total Direct GHG emissions and removals ‐ tnCO2e 0,7%

Total Energy indirect GHG emissions ‐ tnCO2e 0%
Total Other indirect GHG emissions ‐ tnCO2e 11,2%
Total GHG emissions ‐ tnCO2e 2,88%
The above uncertainty value of 2,88% equals with +/‐ 258,3 tn of CO2.

5. Reporting of GHG emissions

As mentioned above, METKA S.A has three areas of activity within the scope of GHG
Information Management System, as follows:

 Head Offices operation

 Factories operation
 Worksite activities Management (EPC projects)

The calculation of GHG emissions and removals is produced in Facility‐level and then are
added in order to determinate the total GHG emissions and removals.

At the below table are shown the Total of METKA S.A GHG emissions, prepared according
to the requirements of ISO 14064, for 2013. The GHG emissions for the three different areas
of METKA activities (Head Offices, Factories, Worksites) are shown at Annex 2 to 4.
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Description GHG emission/

removal (tnCO2e)
Consumption of cutting / welding gases 28,3
Natural gas consumption 468,0
Heating diesel consumption 108,9
Diesel consumption 390,7
Gasoline consumption 397,6
Electricity consumption 5.363,2
Transportation of raw materials and products (outsourced) 1.371,9
Personnel transportation to and from work 218,4
Air Travel 631,8
Total GHG emissions 8.978,8

Consumption of cutting / welding

METKA ‐ GHG Emissions gases
Natural gas consumption

7% 5% Heating diesel consumption

3% 0% 4%
15% Diesel consumption

Gasoline consumption

Electricity consumption

Transportation of raw materials
and products (outsourced)
Personnel transportation to and
from work
Air Travel
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Based on Categories

Description GHG emission/

removal (tnCO2e)
Total Direct GHG emissions and removals 1.393,5
Total Energy indirect GHG emissions 5.363,2
Total Other indirect GHG emissions 2.222,1
Total GHG emissions 8.978,8

METKA ‐ GHG Emissions

Total Direct GHG emissions and


Total Energy indirect GHG


Total Other indirect GHG emissions

Based on the above figures, the Total GHG emissions of METKA S.A activities for year 2013
were 8.978,9 tnCO2e.
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Annex 1: GHG emission/removal factors

A/A DESCRIPTION GHG emission/ Source of
removal factor GHG factor
Consumption of cutting / welding gases (CO2) ‐ TN 1 kgCO2/kg Stoichiometric

Consumption of cutting / welding gases (acetylene) 3,3846 kgCO2/kg Stoichiometric

‐ TN
Electricity consumption ‐ kWh 0,989 kgCO2/kWh D6/B/oik. 5825
(0,90779 for Middle East) 2012 Guidelines to Defra

Natural gas consumption ‐ kWh 0,198864 kgCO2/kWh NIR 2013 of Greece

Heating diesel consumption ‐ Lt 2,64757 kgCO2/lt NIR 2013 of Greece

Transportation of raw materials and products 0,96248 kgCO2/km

(outsourced) ‐ km Road transportation

Transportation of raw materials and products 0,01315 kgCO2/tn.km

(outsourced) ‐ km Maritime Transportation

Personnel transportation to and from work ‐ km by 0,20188 kgCO2/km
2012 Guidelines to
Defra / DECC's GHG
Personnel transportation to and from work ‐ km by 0,10641 kgCO2/km
Conversion Factors
motorcycle for Company
Personnel transportation to and from work ‐ km by 0,11195 kgCO2/p.km Reporting
Personnel transportation to and from work ‐ km by 0,05818 kgCO2/p.km

Air Travel ‐ Km 0,07954 kgCO2/p.km

Diesel consumption ‐ Lt 2,64757 kgCO2/lt NIR 2013 of Greece

Gasoline consumption ‐ Lt 2,26 kgCO2/lt NIR 2013 of Greece

The density values of Diesel and Gasoline are taken from 2012 Guidelines to Defra / DECC's GHG Conversion
Factors for Company Reporting (page 47/54)
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Annex 2: GHG emissions for METKA S.A Offices

Description GHG emission/
removal (tnCO2e)
Consumption of cutting / welding gases 0,0
Natural gas consumption 61,8
Heating diesel consumption 0,0
Diesel consumption 74,6
Gasoline consumption 257,3
Electricity consumption 1.294,8
Transportation of raw materials and products (outsourced) 0,0
Personnel transportation to and from work 188,5
Air Travel 631,8
Total GHG emissions 2.508,8

Consumption of cutting / welding

METKA Offices ‐ GHG Emissions gases
Natural gas consumption
2% 3%
Heating diesel consumption
0% 10%
Diesel consumption

Gasoline consumption
Electricity consumption
Transportation of raw materials
and products (outsourced)
Personnel transportation to and
from work
Air Travel
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Description GHG emission/

removal (tnCO2e)
Total Direct GHG emissions and removals 393,7
Total Energy indirect GHG emissions 1.294,8
Total Other indirect GHG emissions 820,3
Total GHG emissions 2.508,8

METKA Offices ‐ GHG Emissions

Total Direct GHG emissions and

Total Energy indirect GHG


Total Other indirect GHG emissions

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Annex 3: GHG emissions for METKA S.A Factories

Description GHG emission/
removal (tnCO2e)
Consumption of cutting / welding gases 28,3
Natural gas consumption 406,2
Heating diesel consumption 108,9
Diesel consumption 16,7
Gasoline consumption 0,0
Electricity consumption 3.048,2
Transportation of raw materials and products (outsourced) 88,1
Personnel transportation to and from work 29,9
Air Travel 0,0
Total GHG emissions 3.726,3

Consumption of cutting / welding

METKA Factories ‐ GHG Emissions gases
Natural gas consumption
0% Heating diesel consumption
3% 0% Diesel consumption

Gasoline consumption

Electricity consumption
Transportation of raw materials
and products (outsourced)
Personnel transportation to and
from work
Air Travel
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Description GHG emission/

removal (tnCO2e)
Total Direct GHG emissions and removals 560,1
Total Energy indirect GHG emissions 3.048,2
Total Other indirect GHG emissions 118,0
Total GHG emissions 3.726,3

METKA Factories ‐ GHG Emissions

Total Direct GHG emissions and
3% 15%

Total Energy indirect GHG



Total Other indirect GHG emissions

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Annex 4: GHG emissions for METKA S.A Worksites

Description GHG emission/
removal (tnCO2e)
Consumption of cutting / welding gases 0,0
Natural gas consumption 0,0
Heating diesel consumption 0,0
Diesel consumption 299,4
Gasoline consumption 140,3
Electricity consumption 1.020,2
Transportation of raw materials and products (outsourced) 1.283,8
Personnel transportation to and from work 0,0
Air Travel 0,0
Total GHG emissions 2.743,7

Consumption of cutting / welding

METKA Worksites ‐ GHG Emissions gases
Natural gas consumption

11% Heating diesel consumption

Diesel consumption

Gasoline consumption
37% Electricity consumption

Transportation of raw materials

and products (outsourced)
Personnel transportation to and
from work
Air Travel
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Description GHG emission/

removal (tnCO2e)
Total Direct GHG emissions and removals 439,7
Total Energy indirect GHG emissions 1.020,2
Total Other indirect GHG emissions 1.283,8
Total GHG emissions 2.743,7

METKA Worksites ‐ GHG Emissions

Total Direct GHG emissions and


47% Total Energy indirect GHG


Total Other indirect GHG emissions

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Annex 5: METKA S.A. Sites

8, Artemidos Str., 15125‐Maroussi,
1 Athens Head Offices (Headquarters)
Athens, Greece
4, Iphigenias Str., 55133‐Kalamaria,
2 Thessaloniki Offices (Branch)
Thessaloniki, Greece
5 Mytilinis & Ethnikon Agonon Str.,
3 Volos Factory (METKA)
38446‐N. Ionia, Volos, Greece
A' Volos Industrial Area, 38500‐Volos,
4 Servisteel S.A. (Factory)
5 Combined Cycle Power Plant 420 MW 34500‐Aliveri, Greece
6 Ilarion Hydropower Plant 160 MW 50004‐Aiani, Kozani, Greece
7 Simple Cycle Project 146 MW 111821‐Zarqa, Jordan
8 Combined Cycle Power Plant Project 143 MW 111821‐Zarqa, Jordan
9 Combined Cycle Power Plant 701 MW Deir Ali, Syria
10 Combined Cycle Power Plant 775 MW 20350‐Kaklik (Denizli), Turkey
11 Combined Cycle Power Plant 870 MW 55600‐Τerme (Samsun), Turkey

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