Tip Course 1 Answerkey

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Session 1 – The DepEd’s Mandate

As a newly hired teacher in DepEd, what can you contribute to:

a. Promote quality education?
In education, the teacher plays a vital role. He or she is responsible not just imparting
knowledge to pupils but also shaping the behaviors, attributes, and character of learners.
As a new teacher, I will contribute to the promotion of high-quality education by continuing
my professional development by attending short-term refresher courses, workshops,
seminars, and educational conferences. I will always reflect on my teaching methods, assess
the methods and strategies I employ, and seek out new ways to improve my teaching
practices. I will also urge my students to be active learners by giving them material that foster
collaboration, involving them in debates and discussions, and allowing them to share their
new ideas to make the classroom discussion more interesting.
b. uphold equity in education?
I can uphold equity in education by giving equal opportunity among my pupils regardless of
their race, religion, culture, color, and status. Providing them with varied instruction to
address the different learning styles of my pupils. I will remove the barriers in learning and
promote collaboration in the classroom and give more opportunity to all the pupils to excel.
c. Respond to the needs of the learners?
To respond to the needs of the learners I can contribute through openly involve them in
classroom decision-making in the classroom. I will provide them opportunities to engage in
learning experiences that they have initiated. I will consistently monitor my pupils progress
and provide them with proper intervention.

Session 2: Vision, Mission, and Core Values

As a new public-school teacher, what are your visions for yourself, for your class, and
your school community?

Self: As a new public-school teacher, my goal is to be a teacher that encourages my

students to enjoy learning. I will strive to identify my strengths and then use them to inspire
my students, leading to a positive outcome for each pupil and a shift in the way my teaching
works. My goals are to motivate and engage my pupils through ongoing and everyday
student-centered active-learning lessons, as well as to help all my students discover meaning
in their lives through education.
Class: My vision is to have a class wherein there is collaboration among all my learners. To
create an atmosphere where each individual feels accepted and valued. To create a
classroom wherein there is no bias and there is equal opportunity for learning to everyone. I
want to create a classroom that is conducive to learning and promote love for learning.

School Community: My vision to my school community is to be a learning environment that

are deeply united have an array of benefits for students, teachers, parents, and the wider
school. A community that has a strong leadership to help the school in providing quality
education to all learners.
Key Topic 1: DepEd’s Vision
Scenario 1:
Teacher Johanna is a Grade 7 teacher at Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial National High
school. She encourages her learners to demonstrate their love of country through practicing
acts of kindness inside and outside the school premises. Provide at least two ways of
integrating this in her lessons. You may respond in 3-5 sentences.

Teacher Johanna should think first of the subjects where she can integrate and achieve her
lesson objective, say for example she integrates it in AP and ESP then she can use it as a
group task or individual task to her pupils wherein they demonstrate practicing act of

Key Topic 2: DepEd’s Mission

Scenario 2:
One of the Grade 9 advisory students of Teacher Andrew is showing interest in joining
scouting. However, the student is very shy and timid. In what ways can Teacher Andrew help
his learners to gain confidence and participate in scouting? You may respond in 3-5
The first step Teacher Andrew should do is to talk to the pupil and explain to him the benefit
of joining the Scouting. Encourage him that joining scouting is an unforgettable experience
where he can learn to socialize with his other classmates and learn cooperation, that through
this activity he can overcome his shyness and gain confidence in interacting with other
people. Teacher Andew should encourage him to go beyond his comfort zone and joining the
scouting is the perfect idea for it.

Key Topic 3: The DepEd Core Values

Scenario 1:
Teacher Helga is a Grade 1 teacher at Biñan Elementary School. She is teaching Science.
She wants to make sure that she can provide a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and
motivating environment in her class. What should she do to achieve this? You may respond
in 3-5 sentences.

Teacher Helga should provide activities in science that promotes child-friendly, gender-
sensitive, safe, and motivating environment in her class by preparing a lesson plan a head of
time. She should make sure that her activities are suited for the learners, not gender biased,
safe and encourage participation to all learners.

Scenario 1:
Teacher Luis is a Grade 10 guidance counselor and a Values Education teacher at Arellano
High School. One of his classes has a diverse religious background. One day, two of the
learners insisted that the class should start with a prayer led by an assigned student. This
leads to a heated debate arguing about their own religious and spiritual beliefs. How can
Teacher Luis mediate and help resolve the argument? (You may refer to Department Order
(No. 32, s. 2013) and Department Order (69, s. 1990)).

Teacher Luis should explain to all his pupils that students with different religious beliefs
should not force to participate to any religious activity that is not allowed on their religion.
They should learn to respect the religion of other people to avoid discrimination in the class.
That’s why if one of their classmates does not join or lead the prayer in their class, they
should respect their decision.

Scenario 2:
The DepEd Core Values teaches us the love for God (maka-Diyos), love for fellow men
(maka-tao), love for nature (makakalikasan), and love for country (makabansa). Teacher
Molina inspires his Grade 2 learners to become a better version of themselves through
exemplifying qualities and characters of our national heroes. What classroom management
strategies can Teacher Molina employ to encourage learners to apply the DepEd core values
in real life situations?

To teach the DEpEd core values to Grade 2 pupils, Teacher Molina can use it as an activity
wherein she can assign her class per group to act as one of the national heroes and portray
the good values that they have, through this pupil can internalized the good values in real life

Session 3: Strategic Directions

My Vision Board
Self Class School Community
As a new teacher, my goal My vision is to have a class My vision to my school
is to be a teacher that wherein there is community is to be a
encourages my students to collaboration among all my learning environment that
enjoy learning. I will strive to learners. To create an are deeply united have an
identify my strengths and atmosphere where each array of benefits for
then use them to inspire my individual feels accepted students, teachers, parents,
students, leading to a and valued. To create a and the wider school. A
positive outcome for each classroom wherein there is community that has a strong
pupil and a shift in the way no bias and there is equal leadership to help the school
my teaching works. My opportunity for learning to in providing quality
goals are to motivate and everyone. I want to create a education to all learners.
engage my pupils through classroom that is conducive
ongoing and everyday to learning and promote love
student-centered active- for learning.
learning lessons, as well as
to help all my students
discover meaning in their
lives through education.

Action Points
I will continue my I will create a child-friendly I will strengthen the school
professional growth by environment to my class and partnership with the parents
attending seminars and encourage cooperation in and other stakeholders for
continue to reflect on my learning. I will provide varied the welfare of the school
teaching strategies to give activities wherein everyone and the pupils.
the best education for my can participate.

Required Task 2: Pledge of Commitment (Portfolio Output)

Pledge of Commitment
Write your own pledge of commitment in support to DepEd Strategic Directions. You may
write your statements in 3-5 sentences.

I JULIE ANN T. PARUNGAO, promise to do my best to make mature and right decisions,
holding myself accountable to a high standard of integrity, hard work and commitment to my
profession. I promise to do my duty to serve others and my school. I pledge to give the best
education for my pupils and continue to uphold my dignity as a teacher. I promise to make
the education of my student as my first and most important priority and I will exert more effort
to learn how to help my students to learn.

Required Task 3: Reflection

After going through this module, (DepEd Mandate, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Directions), answer the following questions. Write your responses in 3-5 sentences.

1. In what ways has this module helped you reflect on the Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Directions of the Department of Education?

Through this module I now understand that term “teacher” is a very broad definition.
That his/her role does not end in the four walls of the classroom. Teacher is one of the
important people who mold and shape the minds of the pupils. Because of this
module, I realized that I cannot provide the quality education to my pupils if I did not
seek to continue my professional development.

2. How has this module helped you clarify your vision and motivations in serving your
learners better and in promoting a learner-centered environment for them?
This module serves as my wake-up call to continue my dream to change the lives of
my pupils as my top priority despite of the challenges I encountered as a new teacher.
This serves as my guide to be a competent teacher and provide learner centered
environment that focus on the welfare of my pupils

3. What are your personal beliefs and values that are aligned with the DepEd’s VMV (Vision,
Mission, Core Values)?
My personal beliefs that are aligned with the DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values is
that “We should not judge a book by it’s cover”, because I realized that as a teacher, I
should not judge my pupils by just looking at them or by their mistakes they created
because, the intelligence of a child is not measured by it. I should give equal opportunities
to all my pupils when it comes to learning regardless of their attitudes or behaviors. And
as a teacher, it is my duty to change the lives of my pupils one at a time.

Session 4 – The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

Required Task 1: Video Viewing
Click here or go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA5cD474aIU to watch the PPST
explainer video (8:41 minutes)

Use the table below to take note of important information.

What I learned from watching the PPST What else I want to know about the PPST/
Video concepts that need clarification

I have learned that the PPST Standards How can this PPST Strands implement in
helps us further find out and develop easy way with the overlapping activities of
better and more effective ways of teachers has throughout the year without
teaching. causing them too much stress.

Learning is a lifetime experience, and it

is a lifetime journey.

Module 2 - Gearing up for the School Year

Session 1 – The DepEd School Calendar
Key Concept 3: Implementing Guidelines
Required Task 1: Reading and Reflection
Study the rationale of the Implementing Guidelines of the DepEd School Calendar for the
current school year. Write your insight on the space provided below. Limit your response
to 150 words.

It is necessary for newly hired teachers to become familiar with the Department of
Education's year-round activities because it will allow us in prioritizing our goals to
strengthen our capability in teaching, training, and building our professional careers. As a
Department of Education teacher, it is important to mark the dates on your own calendar,
so that it gives you a heads up on how you plan your activities throughout the year.

Required Task 2: Personal School Calendar (Output for Portfolio) kayo mag
lalagay dto depende po sa activities niniyo
Get a copy of the latest DepEd School Calendar. In the space below, write your personal
activities, reconciling them with the important dates set by DepEd throughout the school year.
School Year: 2021-2022
June July August September October November



December January February March April May


Required Task 3:
Write TRUE if the statement is correct; write FALSE if otherwise.
The DepEd school calendar for each FALSE The DepEd School Calendar
school year does not set the specific always set the specific dates
dates for the opening and closing day of for the opening and closing
classes. of classes to be familiarized
with the important dates all
throughout the school year.
Republic Act 11480, which is also TRUE
known as An Act to Lengthen the
School Calendar from Two Hundred
(200) Days to Not More Than Two
Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days.

The in-service training is inclusive of the FALSE In service training is

number of days required for learners to provided only for teachers
be in school. and pupils are not part of
this training.
The parent-teacher conference is FALSE The parent-teacher
inclusive of the number of days required conference is inclusive of
for learners to be in school. the number of days required
for learners to be in school.
Alternative delivery modes or make up FALSE Make up classes are
classes are not allowed to be allowed to be undertaken to
undertaken to compensate for the compensate for the
unplanned suspension of classes due to unplanned suspension to
natural calamities. cope up with the lesson

The Basic Education Learning TRUE

Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) is a plan that
aims to allow learners to continue their
learning despite any ongoing disasters
like calamities, pandemics, etc.

Session 2: The School Support System

Scenario Answer Feedback
1. Teacher Leo creates activities to Librarian and LRDMS
make sure that learners and Coordinator keep the
teachers access the place where books and teacher made
reading materials and learning activities in the library for
resources are kept. He also crafts a a. Librarian/LRDMS additional supplementary
schedule of the classes that could Coordinator materials of the pupils.
visit the place. He coordinates with
the School Head for the selection,
acquisition, organization, and
maintenance of reference and
reading materials.

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator
b. Guidance
c. Guidance Counselor
d. Subject/Learning Area
Coordinator/ Department
a. Teacher Lorrine is
handling a case of some Grade 7 School Guidance
learners who were caught cheating Councilor are the one
by their adviser. She calls the b. Guidance responsible in giving
attention of the parents and reports Coordinator/Teacher guidance counseling to
to them what the learners did. Since students. She could call
it is the first incident, the learners the parents for a meeting
are reprimanded and reminded of to discuss the problem and
the importance of honesty and of give punishment to avoid
not cheating. doing the mistake again.

a. Librarian/LRMDS
b. Guidance
c. Guidance Counselor
d. Subject/Learning Area
Department Head

Scenario Answer Feedback

3. Teacher Steffi is conducting a

career guidance and Guidance Councilor helps
advocacy seminar to Grade c. Guidance students to choose what
12 learners focusing on the Councilor appropriate career track to
four exits envisioned for SHS choose on their journey.
graduates—namely, higher
education, entrepreneurship,
employment, or middle-level
skills development.
Afterward, she gives them a
survey to answer on what
they plan for their career
development after SHS.

a. librarian/LRMDS Coordinator
b. Guidance
c. Guidance Counselor
d. Subject/Learning Area
Coordinator/ Department Head
4. Mark Anthony is preparing a
budget plan for the continuous d. Administrative Any plan regarding with
improvement of the school for the Officer the school improvement
month of August. He is also should be reported and
preparing the financial report for the approved by the School
month of July. Both reports are Head before implemented.
subject to the approval of the School

a. Guidance
b. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator
c. Guidance Counselor
d. Administrative Officer

Scenario Answer Feedback

5. Miss Rhea prepares the receipt,

issuance, maintenance, and
safekeeping of supplies, materials, and Property Custodian Property custodian is the
equipment and other properties and one responsible for school
facilities of the school. She also property and materials or
conducts and maintains the inventory equipment keeping and
of properties and prepares the required reporting.
reports for the School Head’s

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator
b. School Nurse
c. Property Custodian
d. Feeding Program Coordinator

Key Topic 2: School-based Management (SBM)

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis
Scenario 1
Teacher Lozano, the mother of one of your advisory students, visited you in the school
because of a bullying incident that you are not aware of. She was very angry and
disappointed about what happened because the incident was not addressed and resolved
properly. Her daughter is still afraid and decided not to go to school that day. The incident
happened during Science time because the teacher was late to enter the class. You also had
other classes to attend to and had no chance to meet your advisory class during that time.
Who should you seek help to?

I would seek first the help of the school guidance councilor regarding this matter to identify
what is the best way to resolve the issue together with the parents and the pupils involve. If
the problem is still not resolve, then it is the time to seek the help of the school head.

Scenario 2
Teacher Mary Ann, a fellow teacher whom you consider a friend, messaged you on
Facebook and told you that she will be absent tomorrow. She asked you to substitute all her
five classes. Without letting you respond, she already sent you the learning materials for her
lessons tomorrow. However, you also have classes to attend, and your learners are
expecting to deliver a performance task that they prepared for. What are you going to do as a
colleague and who should you direct her to?

I will honestly tell her that I also have classes that I needed to attend. I will advise her to
message the school head that she can longer go to school, and she needed a teacher to
substitute for her so that the school head would be the one to decide whose teacher is
available to look for her class.

Scenario 3
Lito, the class president of your advisory class, was elected as the president of the Supreme
Student Government (SSG). After three months, his subject teachers are having trouble with
his class standing because of his frequent absences and non-submission of required written
and performance tasks. Lito is getting overwhelmed with the various school activities he
manages. What are you going to do as the adviser?

I will explain to Lito that I understand his role as the President of the Supreme Student
Government., that he has lots of duties and responsibilities to full fill, but I will also remind
him that he should not just focused on this, he has still subjects that needs to prioritize. He
should learn to balance his duties as well as his academic subjects to avoid conflicts on her
grades. I will advise him to create his daily time plan so that he can full fill both his duties
without sacrificing his academic subjects.

Session 3 – Pre-opening of Classes Preparation

Required Task 1:
List down the different departments/offices/units in your school and write the corresponding
people or personnel in-charge.
Department/Office/Unit Personnel In- Department/Office/Unit Personnel In-
Charge Charge

Session 4 – Opening of Classes

Required Task 1: Article Reading

Read an article from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
entitled Power in the Classroom: Creating the Environment. You may access the article
through this link: http://www. ascd.org/publications/books/104020/chapters/Power-in-the-
Classroom@-Creating-the-Environment. aspx
After reading the article, finish the table below:
Concepts I learned from My thoughts about these How I will apply these
the article concepts concepts to my class
Giving students a say in the Teachers should allow the I will allow my pupils
classroom pupils to participate in involvement in crafting our
developing the classroom classroom rules and
rules. regulations so that they are
aware of the consequences
they made.
Helping students gain Giving short recognition to I will give my pupils
recognition pupils output or behavior recognition to my pupil’s
can boost their morale and achievement either small or
encourage them to study big achievement by giving
hard. certificates and praises to
show that I am happy on
their achievement.
Adopt other classroom We teachers can adopt I will give varied tasks to my
procedures other classroom procedures pupils, giving them the
to help the students gain accountable for their own
personal empowerment in learning and improve their
school. selves in communicating
with their other classmates
Required Task 2: True or False
Write TRUE if the statement is correct; write FALSE if otherwise.
1. First impressions are really
important, so you have to set First impression last well
a good first impression to TRUE beyond that moment, that’s why
your learners, their parents, even if you feel anxious on the
and your co-teachers. inside, make sure you're smiling
on the outside. This not only
helps people around you feel
more welcome but smiling can
also make you feel more
comfortable and at ease.

2. In your first contact with your You have to be confident if you

learners, co-teachers, and want to make a good
parents, you need to display TRUE impression It’s about trusting in
confidence and show that your own capacities and
you know what you are abilities, regardless of any
doing even in things that you imperfections or what others
are not so sure about. may believe about you.

3. You should only do what is FALSE It depends on the need of the

instructed for you to do at learners.
the beginning of the school
4. You should model how to
introduce oneself at the TRUE So that pupils will have the
beginning of the school year. confidence to introduce their

5. Rules play a significant TRUE Having rules in the

aspect in helping to define classroom helps keep the
the classroom situation. students and the room under
Session 5 – Handling Advisory Classes
Required Task 1: Introductory Activity
As you go over the activity, write your reflections below by answering the questions that
follow. Limit your answers to all the three questions below into a maximum of 600 words.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the role of a teacher to his/her learners?
Teachers plays a significant role in the life of his/her learners. As a teacher, it is their
responsibility to bring out the best in their students and inspire them to achieve greatness.
Students are thought to be the nation's future, and teachers are thought to be a reliable
guide for their progress. Teachers are responsible for shaping their future, making him or
her a better human being. A teacher’s presence in a student’s life can boost their morale
and guide them to be more valuable in life. Now that we are in the modern era, the role of
the teacher also changes. Teachers are responsible to bring the lesson to real-life
situations to encourage participation to the learners. Another very important part of the
teacher’s role is to monitor learner’s performances, assessments, achievements, and
learners’ development. With all that information the teacher will find easier to get to know
the students properly and adopt different strategies that ensure successful learning for all.
The role of the teacher has no limit when it comes to ensuring the welfare of his/her
2. How do you think are those roles manifested in being a classroom adviser?
These roles of the teacher are manifested in the classroom by implementing it by the
adviser in her actions. Performing his/her duties wholeheartedly to all his/her learners.

3. So far, how was your experience as a classroom adviser?

My experience as a classroom teacher is challenging yet rewarding. I have learned that I

need to study effectively about classroom management. I realized also that each pupils
have different learning styles that is why I must provide varied activities in my lessons.
They have diverse ways of learning that is why it is very challenging on my part as a
teacher. Because of this experience, they motivate me to be strive my best to be an
excellent teacher and continue my professional growth.
Key Topic 1: Being a Class Adviser

Required Task 1: Homeroom Guidance Plan

Using the module provided above, create a Homeroom Guidance Plan for the first quarter of
the school year.
When is Homeroom What activities do you plan to What are the expected
Guidance scheduled? do in your Homeroom outputs from learners
You may consult with Guidance? You may consult and/or documentation of
your mentor. with your mentor. evidence?

Every Friday of the Week  Peer Sharing  Reflection Paper

 Reflection Writing how  Worksheets
they show respect to  Pictures
other people
 Role Playing

Key Topic 2: Connecting with Learners

Optional Task
Choose five (5) tips on how to connect with your learners and identify ways on how to apply
this to your class:
Tips to connect with your learners How to apply to your class
(Kotler, et. al. 1998)
1. Listen carefully without interrupting. Let the learners share their opinions and let
them feel that they are valued.
2. Find common ground By asking them simple questions like, “What
movies do you watch?”. This gives you
access to them in a new way removing the
walls in the classroom. This bridge can
provide access to their heart knowing that
someone cared for them.
3. Develop a Positive Classroom Incorporate morning meeting time into each
Environment day to connect with your students. Provide a
reward system and avoid giving negative
punishment instead focused on rewarding
positive behaviors.
4. Be consistent in your rules Set your rules and follow them. Don’t show
favoritism. This creates disrespect in your
5. Care Care by showing acts of kindness, tapping
their shoulders, praising them and through
the tone of your voice when you speak to

Module 3: Creating an Engaging Physical and Virtual Learning Environment

Session 1: Positive Discipline in Physical and Virtual Learning Environment

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis

Read and analyze each scenario. Try to identify different methods of developing discipline
among learners by answering the questions after every case.
Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for

Case 1: On Being Tardy

Rhea: I live a few kilometers away from my Giving corporal punishment is not a solution
school. In the morning, sometimes I have to to tardiness. Before giving judgement to the
fetch water and cook food for my siblings student why do not ask first why they are
before I can go to school. I have no money late. We can never know what is causing a
for transport, so I walk to school. Learners in student to be consistently late unless we
our school get late slips when we don’t ask them. Like the situation of Rhea, she
arrive on time. I don’t want to get too many. does not like to go to school always late, but
she is compelled due to some of the
Rhea’s teacher: I have to make sure the
reasons that she has to cook food for her
children understand that coming late to
siblings and no money for transportation. As
school is not acceptable. They have to know
a teacher, we must be considerate to our
that there are consequences for their
learners. They do not deserve all the blame
tardiness. I always give them punishment.
for being late instead we have to show to
Some of them are even used to it. They just
the student that we intend to solve this issue
offer themselves up because they know I
together and that they are not alone. We
don’t listen to any excuses.
can give them additional time after the class
What alternative/s to corporal punishment to cope up with the lessons that they
could suggest to the teacher? missed.

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for

Case 2: On Disruptive Behavior
Embarrassing Marcus in front of the class is
Marcus: I am feeling good today. I am not the best solution to discipline him, it
telling funny stories, and everyone is could either worsen the situation or make
laughing. The teacher tries to tell me to stop him more aggressive to fight back. What the
talking, but I want to show everyone that I teacher could do to promote positive
am not afraid. I am tough and cannot be discipline among this learner like Marcus is
bossed around by a teacher. to identify why the pupils behave like this,
sometimes students misbehave because,
Marcus’ teacher: I have to ensure that the
they have problems at home and the school
class is well-behaved. Otherwise, they will
is their scape place to forget their problem.
just get out of control, and I will not be able
The teacher can talk to Marcus privately and
to teach. The learners will take over and
explain his misbehavior in a calmly manner.
other teachers will laugh at me. I will put
Tell him the rules and regulations of the
Marcus in his place by embarrassing him
class and the consequences of the action
publicly. I will make an example out of
they made. If Marcus is the type of student
Marcus so that learners will not dare to
who needs attention then involve him to
show disrespect by making noise in my
group tasks and make him the leader of the
group, through this simple act Marcus will
What alternative action/s could you offer to feel that he is part of the class and will learn
the teacher in order to promote positive to collaborate with her classmates.

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for


Case 3: On Giving a Wrong Response to

a Question
Clark: I am so nervous in class. I am afraid Not all learners learn the same way, that’s
that the teacher is going to ask a question why teacher should be aware of the
when I don’t know the answer. Even if the individual differences of the learners. The
answer is obvious, sometimes when the behavior of Clark in the class wherein he
teacher looks at me, I can’t speak. I become always gives wrong answer doesn’t mean
scared and just remain quiet. I know he is not paying attention, but he doesn’t
everyone is staring at me and laughing, but understand the lesson. This makes him
what can I do? I just can’t risk giving the afraid to participate in the class because he
wrong answer. Even in tests, I feel so afraid thought that his classmate will laugh at him.
and always fail because I don’t know how to How the teacher could help Clark is by
answer the questions. I just don’t giving him a remedial lesson after the class.
understand anything that is being taught, Talked to him what he did not understand in
and I don’t want to be laughed at. The best the lesson and give him remedial activities
thing is to stay quiet or just leave that to further understand the lesson.
question blank on the test. Embarrassing the pupils in the class when
giving wrong answer will cause the learners
Clark’s teacher: This boy is insulting me by
to be discouraged to learn or go to school.
not paying attention. How many times have I
taught this thing? Is he not listening? I am
tired of trying hard when a student in a class
does not care. Last week, he failed the test
and now he doesn’t even know the answer
to this simple question. I am going to
reprimand this boy so that everyone will
learn that when I teach, they have to pay
attention. They should know the right
answer before I ask the question!
What alternative action/s could you suggest
in order to promote positive discipline?
Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for

Case 4: On Absenteeism
Elna: Sometimes my mother sends me to If the students lack the interest in going to
sell things at the market and I can’t go to school maybe there are reasons behind this.
school. Sometimes I feel bored on the way Like the situation of Elna wherein the
to school and visit my friend instead of going teacher is the reason why Elna don’t want to
to school. Sometimes I don’t like being in a go to school anymore. The behavior of the
class where the teacher always asks me teacher of Elna is very unacceptable, she
questions and looks at me in a funny way. I should be the one to treat her pupils in a
know that I am not going far after the 2 ND nice way and not to judge her, it is her job to
year High School, so what’s the point? I make her students feel safe in the
might as well do what I want. classroom and not to discourage them to go
to school. She should be the one who need
Elna’s teacher: We can’t have learners to change her treatment to her pupils,
missing class whenever they want. Her case reprimanding Elna with her behavior and
should serve as an example so that her giving her final warning is not the right
behavior doesn’t spread. In the morning solution because this only proves that the
assembly, I will reprimand her, and give her teacher does not care with Elna.
a final warning. If she doesn’t listen, she will
be recommended to drop out of this school.
We can’t have learners undermining
authority at this school.
What alternative action/s do you suggest in
order to promote positive discipline?

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for


Case 5: On Bullying
Kurt: I am the toughest boy in this school. If the teachers observe bullying in the
Everyone fears me, and I need to make classroom, he/she need immediate action to
sure that no one gets away with stop it. The first thing he/she might do is to
undermining my status. I keep others’ talk privately to the pupils who bully his/her
respect by showing them what might classmates, ask him/her why he is doing it.
happen if they don’t fear me. I tease small Let your students know how people are
girls, and sometimes rough up an annoying affected by bullying and the consequences
boy. Everyone in school knows not to cross of bullying others at school. If the first action
me. They know my father is tough at home is not effected, then seek the help of the
and I am tough at school. parents and the guidance councilor and
discuss the solution to the problem.
Kurt’s teacher: This boy is a problem. He is
making other children miserable and giving
our school a bad name. Today in assembly,
I will announce to all learners that we do not
tolerate such behavior. I will send him to the
guidance counselor. I will warn him that if he
persists, we will expel him from school.
What alternative action/s do you suggest in
order to promote positive discipline?

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for

Case 6: On Adaptability Struggle
Due to Pandemic, school had to shift from
Janelle: Online learning is new to me. I am face-to-face to online education. Sudden
used to face to face classes. I will inform my and unprepared students were forced to
teacher that I cannot attend online classes study online, and this caused anxiety and
regularly and I cannot submit my stress to students. What the teacher could
requirements on time. do is to be considerate with the situation of
the pupils. Provide them enough time to
Janelle’s teacher: This student may just be
submit their requirements. Always
making an excuse for not attending our
encourage them even a short phrase, “You
online classes and not submitting on time.
can do this”, statement. Acknowledge them
As their teacher, I need to be able to
that everyone is going through challenging
communicate to my class that I will not
time. If Janelle cannot really access to
tolerate complacency and that this rule must
online learning, then the teacher should give
equally and strictly apply to all.
Janelle other options wherein she can
What alternative action/s could you suggest continue her study.
in order to promote positive discipline?

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for


Case 7: Technical Issues

Allen: I really wanted to pass the subject, If Allen could not cope up to the lesson due
attend our online classes on time and learn to poor internet connection, then the teacher
our lessons well. But because of my poor should provide him printed materials that
internet connection and I am only using a are aligned with their lessons so that he can
mobile phone, it is difficult for me to catch still cope up with their lesson and not left
up with the discussions as well as with the behind by his classmates.
required tasks. Everyone is doing a great
job except me. I think I should just drop out
from school.
Allen’s teacher: I noticed that Allen is
having difficulty with internet connection
since he keeps signing on and off during our
online classes. If this continues, there’s no
way for him to understand our lessons as
well as other students in the class.
However, I have to treat my students
equally to avoid favoritism. I should not give
him special treatment
What alternative action/s could you suggest
in order to promote positive

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis

Read the following scenarios and identify the issue/s portrayed. Determine what principle/s
for positive child discipline could be used to address the/ those issue/s.
Situations Answers Feedback

1. During the group

activity of Teacher Justin for b. Develop prosocial Address the misbehavior in
his Classroom Observation behavior, self-discipline, appropriate way.
(CO), two of his pupils and character
started arguing with each
other, which caused noise
and distracted their
classmates. Teacher Justin
then told them to stay away
from each other and that he
will deal with the both of
them after class.

2. Teacher Gemma
prepared a very engaging c. Maximize the child’s Stick to the lesson plan so
group activity for his Grade active participation that you are guided by your
7 during her CO. Because of lesson activity. Always
the learners’ enthusiasm provide time allotment in
and excitement, Teacher doing group activity so that
Gemma exceeded her time students are aware of the
allotment for the said time remaining.
activity, and therefore
affected the remaining parts
of the lesson.

3. During the class of Sir

Christopher, there was an b. Develop prosocial Address the misbehavior in
on-going group activity for behavior, self- appropriate way, talked to
his learners. Most of the discipline, and them privately and explain
pupils were quiet except for character their inappropriate behavior
this one group wherein two in the class.
pupils were talking about
unrelated topics loudly, f. Assure fairness
disrupting the other groups. (equity and non-
He approached them and discrimination) and justice
with a soft voice he said to
them, “It seems that you
forgot our rules during class
activities, just wait until our
class is finished and see
what happens then”. The
two suddenly quieted down
and went on with their

4. During the General Avoid embarrassing the

Mathematics class of Ma’am A. Respect the child’s child in front of the class.
Princess, she noticed that dignity Teacher should be
Gian was sleeping. “Rise considerate to the child’s
and shine, Gian! It’s time for D. Respect the child’s situation, maybe there is a
your breakfast”, Ma’am developmental problem in the house that’s
Princess shouted and the needs and quality of why he did not sleep well.
whole class giggled. life Try to talk to him after the
Immediately, Gian sat class.
properly and became
attentive for the whole
duration of Ma’am Prin-
cess’s class.

5. Ma’am Trisha
scheduled her First CO in
her Grade 4 MAPEH Class. e. Respect the child’s Avoid comparing pupils with
During their discussion, she motivation and life another pupils because
noticed that among the views every child has different
learners, Carl was the most ways of learning. Always e
attentive and participative. f. Assure fairness fair to your students.
After asking a question, she (equity and non-
then called Amy to answer, discrimination) and
“I don’t know”, Amy replied justice.
nervously. Then Ma’am
Trisha told her pupils that
they should be more like
Carl to be able to answer as
much as possible.
6. Teacher Cora records
the learner’s performances c. Develop prosocial The teacher should call out
and outputs during behavior, self- the attention of the pupils
synchronous and discipline, and after the online class to
asynchronous activities. She character discuss their incomplete
noticed some incomplete activities not during the
activities compiled by the g. Promote solidarity lesson to avoid
learners. During her online embarrassment.
class, Teacher Cora asked
the learners to share their
online experiences. After
some important sharing they
proceed to the activities
where Teacher Cora
prepared. Teacher Cora
called for the learners who
have concerns based on
record to actively participate
and give immediate feed-
back to the participation.

Required Task 3: Quiz

A. Positive or Negative: Determine each teacher’s action if it signifies positive
disciplinary action or negative disciplinary action.

Actions Answers Feedback

1. Acting in the way that you want
the children to act (modelling) POSITIVE Be a good role model to your learners.
2. Forming small groups in online
synchronous activities POSITIVE Encourages collaboration and
3. Getting the student’s attention
before you begin class POSITIVE This helps in creating a good classroom
management and focus to the lesson.
4. Making assumptions on student Avoid giving judgement to pupils without
abilities without evidence or NEGATIV any intervention made.
data E
5. Using physical force NEGATIV Corporal punishment is not a solution to
E any misbehavior of pupils and using
physical force is not allowed to teachers
because it is against the law of the child
protection policy.

Required Task 4: Reflection

The following are some ways that can help you create a motivating and conducive
environment. How are you going to illustrate these ways in your own classroom? Limit your
response to 100-150 words per question.
a. Hold and communicate high behavioral expectations for your learners and yourself.
b. Establish clear rules and procedures and instruct learners on how to follow them. Give
primary-level learners, in particular, a great deal of instruction, practice, and

Required Task 3: Quiz

True or False. Write TRUE if the statement used positive discipline, or FALSE if it did not.

Scenario Answers Feedback

1. At the very first day of
the school year, Teacher TRUE This is a strong indication of
Joy enforces classroom creating a well- organized
rules promptly, consistently, classroom management.
and equitably.
2. Ma’am Carol believes
that it is a waste of time to FALSE Teacher must continuously
devote time in teaching self- develop learners self-
monitoring skills. monitoring skills and learn to
gain mastery.
3. Teacher Michael
ensures that he maintains TRUE This gives retention to the
instructional pace of his lesson on pupils.
lesson for the day and
makes smooth transitions
between activities.
4. Monitor classroom
activities and give learners TRUE Giving feedback and
feedback and reinforcement reinforcement to learners
regarding their behavior. encourages them to study
well and actively participate
in the class
5. Evelyn makes sure
that there would be one item FALSE Teacher should give fair
in her quizzes that would be assessment to his/her pupils
very difficult for learners to in identifying average and
answer in order to below average learners.
discriminate the very good
learners from the rest.

Session 2: Positive Relationships

Required Task 2: Checklist
What practices should be done by teachers to build good relationships with learners? Put a
check (/) next to the statements that reflects good practice and an “X” mark if otherwise.
Statements Answers Feedback

1. Interacting Respect and being sensitive

respectfully and sensitively / to the needs of the learners
are only important to are important in the
elementary school learners. classroom.

2. Treating the learners This give equal opportunities

kindly and respectfully in the / to all learners to learn in the
classroom is enough to school.
bolster academic

3. Taking no notice of / In the classroom pupils

relationships during the should learn and treat fairly
teaching and learning regardless of the
process. relationships of the teacher
and some learners.

4. Awareness of explicit / Promotes an increase in

and implicit messages given strategy use and in oral
to learners is important. proficiency

5. Modelling behavior to / Be a good role model to

learners, whether intentional your learners whether they
or unintentional, is see or not.
Key Topic 2: Maintaining Trust and Fairness in the classroom
Required Task 3: Reflection
List down the routines you set for your classroom both as an adviser and a subject teacher
and ask a colleague to share his/ her own rules he/she has in his/her own class.
My Classroom Routine as My Routines I Set as a The Routines my
an Adviser Subject- Teacher Colleagues Set in Class
 Great my pupils  Great the pupils  Great the pupils
 Prayer  Prayer  Prayer
 Have a short  Checking of attendance  Attendance
conversation with the Give a short energizer to  Checking of
pupils like how they feel set the mood of the assignment/outputs
today. pupils  Start the classroom
 Give a short energizer to  Remind the classroom discussion.
set the mood of the rules and regulations as
pupils well as their duties and
 Remind the classroom responsibilities.
rules and regulations as  Start the classroom
well as their duties and discussion.
 Start the classroom
Required Task 4: Oath of Promoting Trust and Fairness (Output for Portfolio)
Accomplish the oath below and write three tasks you intend to do that will help you promote
trust and fairness in your own classroom.


I, JULIE ANN T. PARUNGAO a newly hired teacher, do solemnly swear
to abide by the following tasks on promoting trust and fairness to my learners:
a. I will promote gender and racial equality in my classroom, and I will give equal praise
and expectations to all my learners.
b. I will create classroom atmosphere that are built on trust where everyone
is respected and transparent in their communication.
c. I will impose nondiscriminatory rules and regulations in my classroom.
(Signature over Printed Name)

Required Task 5: Agree or Disagree

Read each statement and identify if you agree or disagree with it. Share your thoughts on
the next column.
Statements Answer
1. We should tell our learners how we expect
everyone to behave in class (our learners AGREE
and ourselves) and discuss these
expectations regularly.
2. We must inform our school’s
administrators, other teachers, and parents AGREE
about our classroom rules, so they can help
to monitor them and to avoid conflicting

3. The rules we develop with our learners must

be applied consistently with no favoritism. AGREE

4. We must constantly be aware of what is

going on in and outside of our classrooms, AGREE
and our monitoring must be subtle and
5. We cannot get angry or lose self-control,
but be role models for good behavior, and AGREE
follow the rules.

6. When discipline is necessary, it focuses on

the learner’s behavior, not the learner. The AGREE
learner’s dignity is maintained.

7. We need to encourage learners to monitor

their own behavior, such as by keeping AGREE
diaries. They also need to monitor each
other’s behavior with respect.

8. In teaching, we should not use ambiguous

or vague terms. Activities should be AGREE
sequenced clearly and with as few
interruptions as possible.

Module 1 – Understanding the K to 12 Curriculum

Questions Answers Feedback

Which Act enhances the
Philippine basic education Before this curriculum was
system by strengthening implemented, our country
and updating its curriculum RA 10533 was the only one in Asia
to become at par with the with a 10-year basic
global education system by education. As a result, the
providing two more years Philippines needs to catch
for basic education? up to other countries. This
RA 10157 Enhance Basic Education
RA 10524 Law, or Republic Act
RA 10533 10533, (K-12) aims to
RA 10931 produce Filipino graduates
who are holistically
developed with 21st
century skills. I believed
that the K-12 system would
soon improve the Filipinos'
status. As a teacher, I will
always pursue my passion
for teaching with love.

Questions Answers Feedback

Which policy guidelines on This Policy provides a
the K to 12 Basic Education comprehensive explanation of
Program provides context to DepEd Order the K to 12 Basic Education
and articulate its contexts, (No. 21, s. 2019) Program and its components
features, and programs? across all key stages.
DepEd Order (No. 1, s. 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 8, s, 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 9, s. 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 21, s.
Questions Answers Feedback
What act made Kindergarten This Act is a prerequisite, for all
mandatory for all learners? children that they need to pass
RA 10157 RA 10157 through kindergarten, the first
RA 10524 stage of elementary education
RA 10533 system before going or moving
RA 10931 to Grade 1. This also stated that
the Mother Tongue Based
Multilingual Education shall be
implemented as the medium of
instruction for kindergarten
students, according to this act.

Questions Answers Feedback

Which does NOT show the

characteristics of the K to K-12 Program is not
12 graduates? implemented for
a. They are holistically individuals who wants to
developed Filipinos who pursue their careers
have built foundations for c. They are individuals who abroad but rather it is
learning throughout life. pursue their careers for implemented to provide
b. They are individuals personal development to every Filipino child with the
equipped with information, work abroad. education s/he needs to
media and technology compete in a global
skills, learning and context.
innovation skills, life and
career skills, and
communication skills.
c. They are individuals who
pursue their careers for
personal development to
work abroad.
d. They can take
challenges and take
advantage of the
opportunities of the 21st
How many key stages Kindergarten to Grade 3
does the K to 12 Program (Four) 4 Grade 4-6
contain? Grade 7- 10 (Junior High
a. 2 School)
b. 3 Grade 11-12 (Senior High
c. 4 School)
d. 5

Questions Answers Feedback

How old is the prerequisite Based on the Enhanced

age for preparatory Basic Education Act of
education as defined in the (Five) 5 2013, the prerequisite age
Enhanced Basic Education for preparatory in
Act of 2013? education is 5 years old.
a. 4 One cannot enroll in Grade
b. 5 1 if he did not finish
c. 6 Kindergarten. Incoming
d. 7 Kindergarten must strictly
comply with this cut-off age
policy as stated in DO No.
47, s. 2016, as amended
by the DepEd Order.
The SHS curriculum Students may choose a
formulation is a step specialization based on
towards the realization of aptitude, interests, and
the Philippine Core Subjects, Applied school capacity. The
Qualifications Framework Track, Specialized choice of career track will
(PQF) and is the main Subjects define the content of the
policy for the subjects a student will take
implementation of the new in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
13-year cycle of basic subjects fall under either
education. What comprises the Core Curriculum or
the SHS curriculum? specific Tracks.
Basic Subjects, Applied
Track, Specialized
Basic Subjects, Applied
Track, Selected Subjects
Core Subjects, Applied
Track, Specialized
Core Subjects, Selected
Track, Specialized

Required Task 2: Independent Learning

Questions Answers Feedback
Is the K to 12 a product of YES
collaboration with other DEPED & CHED
Is the shift from the Basic
Education Curriculum to K YES It is the educators who are
to 12 Program involved and responsible in
conceptualized by DepEd conceptualizing the Basic
alone? Education Curriculum to K-
12 program.

Was Kindergarten Based on the Kindergarten

Education mandatory YES Education Act, Kindergarten is
before the K to 12 mandatory entry stage to basic
Program? education and is a pre-requisite
for admission to Grade 1.
Is Republic Act No. 10533 YES
the basis for the additional Section 6 of The Republic
two years of Senior High Act No. 10533
School (SHS)?
Does the K to 12 Program YES The programs address K-
give importance to the 12 and ASEAN integration
preparation of graduates will provide a bigger
on ASEAN Integration? chance for graduates to
become regionally and
globally competitive.

Required Task 3: Mentor-Mentee Collaboration

Answer the following processing questions by discussing with your mentor.
What are the different issues addressed by the legal bases of the K to 12 Curriculum? Which
among them affects you the most as a teacher?

The different issues addressed by the legal bases of the K-12 Curriculum are the lack of
resources for implementation, teachers do not find themselves equipped to teach students
because they believe they need more training, and the additional two years of basic
education known as the senior high school have had a negative impact on the lower
economic status of parents.
Among these issues, what greatly affects me as a teacher is the lack of resources like
computers. Our school has no access to internet, that’s why even we want the learners to be
equip with the 21st century skills we cannot provide them because of this dilemma.

What do you think are the top three factors that are given emphasis by the different K to 12
laws and orders? Why do you think so?
I think the top 3 factors that are given emphasis by the different K to 12 laws and orders are
the teachers, the learners and the school environment because they are the center of the
education process.

Session 2: Salient Features of the K to 12 Program

Preliminary Activity
Let us have an inventory of your ideas about the salient features of the K to 12 educations
using the chart below.
Salient Features What I Know What I need to Know
Inclusive Education How to provide better
Diverse students opportunities for learning to
pupils with disability
Early Childhood Education 5 years old is the pre-
requisite age for schooling How early education helps kids
through Universal improved holistically.
Curriculum Relevance The competencies should
be relevant to the topic
Curriculum Proficiency The Fundamental of What is the relevance of
Building proficiency-based learning curriculum proficiency building
systems for schools and in education?
Required Task 1: Case Studies
Study the following cases and tell what your actions will be on these scenarios. Base your
answers on the K to 12 Curriculum and the DepEd Vision and Mission. Limit your response
to 100 words.
Case 1: You have a transferee learner who only speaks her mother tongue. As a result, your
learners cannot communicate with her properly and the transferee learner feels left out. What
can you do as her teacher?
Language barriers can make anyone feel hesitant, therefore it's responsibility of the teacher
to reach out to the student. Don't wait for him or her to request assistance. The teacher's
solution to these linguistic hurdles may be to pair the transferee pupils with one of her more
knowledgeable students. This knowledgeable companion can serve as a mentor to new
students as they face the inevitable challenges. Labeling classroom objects is another
alternative. This not only helps students learn classroom routines, but it can also help them
improve their conversation skills. The teacher can also speak with the parents and advise
them about how to teach the new language to their children at home.
Case 2: You have a learner wanting to take up engineering in college. Upon checking his
grades, you have learned that he has not been good in Mathematics. What can you do to
help the learner?
There are several methods in which the teacher might assist the student in excelling in
mathematics. The teacher should teach the students to be confident when answering math
problems. Another thing the teacher should do is encourage students to ask questions and
create space for curiosity. The more students ask for clarification, the better because it only
means they are paying attention and learning. Another way to assist the learner be good at
mathematics is to provide authentic issues that improve students' desire to interact with
math. Teaching kids how to apply math to real-world problems increases their enthusiasm
and comprehension.

Case 3: One of the features of the K to 12 Curriculum is spiral progression. Upon seeing your
learners’ pre-test results, you have realized that they are yet to master last year’s
competencies. What will you do to have them meet the requirements of the new level?
To meet the requirements of the new level, the teacher should conduct a short review of the
certain topic. He/she can give activities that are aligned to the competency of the lesson.
Case 4: You have a class which has a sizable number of over-aged learners who have taken
the grade level multiple times. How will you decide on the learning plan considering your
other learners?
The teacher should provide varied activities that are suitable to the aged and understanding
of his/her learners. The Teacher can provide group tasks wherein they can collaborate with
each other.

Session 3 – The Conceptual Framework of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Key Topic 1: The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Framework

Questions Answer Mentor-Mentee

How is the learner The learner is regarded as
regarded by the K to 12 the center of education.
As a teacher, what 21st The 21st century skills MENTOR
century skills should be should be acquired by
acquired by our learners? learners are they should
learn to think critically,
learn t collaborate,
enhance their creativity The focus of the 21st
and innovation skills, and century teacher is on
equip them with student by developing
technology skills and higher order thinking skills,
digital literacy skills. effective communication,
Education provides collaboration, and other
contextualized practice for Filipino graduates will skills that they need in the
the application of 21st become more prepared to 21st century. The teachers
century skills as these are compete in the global must develop new
embedded in different economy. teaching strategies that will
learning areas. What are challenge our 21st century
the possible exit points of learners.
the Filipino K to 12
One of the salient features There is no difference
of the K to 12 Program is when it comes to teaching
ensuring integrative and Integrative and seamless
seamless learning. How do learning. The learning
you think the learning areas taught are more on
areas will be taught in the practical application of
formal schools and non- what have they learned
formal schools such as the
Alternative Learning
What support is needed for Provide them trainings
a Filipino graduate to about the latest technology
become 21st century so that they are capable to
ready? cope up with the 21st
century global

Required Task 1: Creating a Learning Plan (Portfolio Output)

In your LAC session, you are assigned to work on a learning plan for the subject you are
currently assigned to teach. Your task is to make your own detailed lesson plan for the first
quarter, week 3 competencies. Initially, you are given the following questions to guide you.
Complete the table below.
Question Response
What topic will I teach? MATTER
In what content areas will I focus on? CHANGES IN SOLID MATERIALS
What references will I use? SCIENCE BOOK, TG, YOUTUBE, MODULE

What skills should be developed among my COLLABORATION SKILLS


Question Response
What strategies will I use? Collaborative Learning, Groupwork,
Cooperative Learning
What do I want my learners to become? To learn how to dispose materials that are
What are the values I want my pupils to harmful to the environment.
What learning theory/ies will I apply? Constructivism Theory and Experiential
Learning Theory
How will I assess my learners’ understanding Conduct quiz or pair up and talk it out activity
of the lesson?

Reflection Questions:
What did you feel in doing the activity?

I feel excited doing the activity because I know that I am familiar doing the lesson guide.

What are some considerations in making a learning plan?

In making the Learning Plan Guide the teacher should conder is what subject to be taught,
what strategies to be taught, what skills should be developed of learners and etc.

What insight/s did you gain from this activity?

I learned that learning guide are documents you give to students so that they are guided by
their own learning in the module.

Optional Task Only

Based on your understanding of the K to 12 Curriculum Conceptual Framework, suggest
strategies and possible exit points given the specific types of learners.

Learner Description Subject Matter / Strategies Exit Point

Grade Level

A learner who often PE/Grade 10 Provide the learner

needs to skip classes written assessment Teacher should
to have his check- instead of doing provide alternative
ups and medical actual activities in assessment to
procedures. He is P.E and TLE to student who have
good in the ensure his health medical conditions.
languages and safety.
mathematics but has
difficulty learning
topics in PE and TLE.
A learner diligently Filipino/Grade 5 The teacher should Teacher should also
attends classes; provide activities help learners with
however, she keeps based on the learning disability to
on getting low understanding of the achieve learning
grades. Her records learner. Give goals.
reveal that she has a intensive remedial
learning disability. instruction to help the
Her favorite subject is learner.

Optional Task 2: Compare and contrast

During the meeting of the Grade 6 teachers for their subject assignments, Mrs. Navarro was
assigned to teach both Mathematics and Araling Panlipunan subjects. She decided to study
and analyze how the two subjects will be better understood. She compared the two
conceptual frameworks. Tick Yes if they are similar and No if not.

Questions Answers Feedback

Context Yes = correct The context may differ even if
No = incorrect the teacher teaches the
same grade level. Adjusting
to the learners’ context (their
prior knowledge, motivation
and interest, and cognitive
level) is important in
developing effective lessons
for several different subjects
Content Yes = correct Each learning area has a
No = incorrect distinct set of content which
can be similar but not
identical to each other.
Skills and processes Yes = correct According to the K to 12
No = incorrect frameworks, learning areas
have the same processes in
delivering learning.
Values and attitudes Yes = correct The values that are to be
No = incorrect developed remain the same
across all learning areas.
Learners Yes = correct All learning areas have the
No = incorrect same treatment to the
learners. However,
understanding their context
and considering the diversity
of learners are crucial to
planning effective lessons

Process Questions: (Optional Task only)

What can you say about the similarities and differences between the conceptual frameworks
of the two subjects?

The similarities are they are both experiential and situated learning. The difference between
the two subjects is the Araling Panlipunan aims to develop the pupil’s literate and effective
participation as a citizen of the country while the Mathematics aims to achieve the twin goals
of developing students critical and problem solving skills.

Try to look at the conceptual framework of the other subjects, do they have the same
features? How can you say so?

Yes. All subjects follow the Spiral Progression Approach

Module 2 – Navigating the K to 12 Curriculum Guides

Session 1 – Curriculum Guides and Lesson Planning
Prior Knowledge Assessment
After engaging with the content on Module 1, you are now prepared to explore the parts and
features of the curriculum guide. Remember that the framework and curriculum guide (CG)
set the standards for the curriculum, and they provide the context such as available
resources, teachers’ capabilities, and systems support.
Optional Task: KWL Chart (OPTIONAL TASKS ONLY)
Add label for this K W L
column (What I Know) (What I want to (What I Learned)
The DepEd Curriculum Standards- and How can the teacher I learned that GC is
Guide Competence- achieve all the important to
based competencies written teachers, it guides
in the curriculum the teacher in the
guide? delivery of the
Learning Area Standard shows the How should teachers
learners’ expected implement this Make the standards
level of proficiency learning standards? fit into the student’s
Focus on the skills
and language
Content Standard “Benchmarks of What is the The topic or the
knowledge and importance of content lesson that were
skills” as defined in standards? going to tackle or
DO 31 s. 2012 discuss.
Performance Standard benchmarks of What kind of I learned to give
transfer of performance I’m simple yet
learning’ as going to give to my meaningful to the
defined in DO 31 pupils? And how can pupil’s performance.
s. 2012 assess it.
Key Stage Standard Key stage refers to What particular level Different stages have
stages in the K to I’m going to prepare different ability to
12 program for my activity sheet? acquire knowledge.
reflecting distinct
Grade Level Standard shows the degree What kind of activity Different stages have
or quality of I’m going to give different ability to
proficiency that the based on their Grade acquire knowledge.
learner is able to level?
demonstrate in
each grade level

Required Task 1: Case Analysis

Sheryll is a new teacher who is assigned to teach Grade 4, 5, and 6 Araling Panlipunan in a
small elementary school. Since she will be teaching three levels of the same subject, her
master teacher told her to check the Araling Panlipunan curriculum. She reflected on the
curriculum by answering the following questions:
What are the contents that she will teach in the subject area?
GRADE 4- Ang Pilipinas
GRADE 5- Pagbuo ng Pilipinas bilang Nasyon
GRADE 6- Mga Hamon at Tugon sa Pagkabansa

What is the difference between Grade 4, 5 and Grade 6 Araling Panlipunan curriculum?

There is no difference between Grade 4, 5 and Grade 6 Araling Panlipunan curriculum

because the overall design curriculum follows the spiral approach across subjects by building
on the same concepts developed in increasing complexity. These grade levels have the
same key stage standards.

What approaches are appropriate and relevant for Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 Araling
Panlipunan learners?
Experiential and contextualized learning
Collaborative learning
Constructivist approach
Field Trips

Question Option Feedback

Depend on you and your
What are the objectives of MENTOR FEEDBACK
the Araling Panlipunan
“Functionally literate and
developed Filipino.”
“Naipamamalas ang The objectivesof teachin k-
panimulang pag-unawa sa 12 ARALING
pagkilala sa sarili at “Makahubog ng PANLIPUNAN is to
pakikipag-ugnayan sa mamamayang mapanuri, develop students
kapwa bilang pundasyon mapagnilay, mapanagutan, understandingin primary
sa paglinang ng produktibo, makakalikasan, knowledge aspects
kamalayan sa kapaligirang makabansa, at makatao na
sosyal.” may pambansa at
“Makahubog ng pandaigdigang pananaw at
mamamayang mapanuri, pagpapahalaga sa mga
mapagnilay, mapanagutan, usapin sa lipunan, sa
produktibo, makakalikasan, nakaraan, kasalukuyan, at
makabansa, at makatao na hinaharap.”
may pambansa at
pandaigdigang pananaw at
pagpapahalaga sa mga
usapin sa lipunan, sa
nakaraan, kasalukuyan, at
“Pagsunod sa teorya sa
pagkatuto na
magkatuwang na
pagkatuto (collaborative
learning), at pagkatutong
pangkaranasan at
pangkonteksto at ang
paggamit ng mga
pamaraang tematiko-
kronolohikal at paksain/
konseptuwal, pagsisiyasat,
interdesiplinaryo at
Are there differences
between Grade 4, 5, and 6
Araling Panlipunan

There are no differences They have the same

between these grade featured key reforms like
levels because they have There are no differences restructured learning areas
the same key stage between these grade stronger integration of
standards. levels because they have competencies and values
There are no differences the same key stage across learning areas and
between these grade standards. greater emphasis on the
levels because they follow learning process and
the same format as any integrative modes of
other subjects and grade teaching.
There are differences
between the grade level’s
content because the
curriculum works in a
progressive framework.
There are differences
between the grade level’s
content because unlike the
previous curriculum, Grade
5 already covers the
Philippine nationhood.
What approaches are Through approaches in
appropriate and relevant The approaches in Araling araling
for Grade 4 to Grade 6 Panlipunan should be panlipunan,students
Araling Panlipunan constructivist, develop their
learners? collaborative, and understanding .They will
contextual. learn about their values in
The approaches should different time and
follow a constructivist condition.They also
approach with emphasis develop the perspective of
on content their environment and the
contextualization. process of its
The approaches in Araling advancement.
Panlipunan should be
collaborative, and
The approaches in Araling
Panlipunan should be;
thematic, investigative, and
The approaches in Araling
Panlipunan should be
How is the content
standard different from the Content standards are
performance standard? broad statement explaining
what students should
Content standard answers Content standard answers know,care and be able to
the question: “What do the the question: “What do the do in each level of
learners need to learn?” learners need to learn?” learning.Performance
while the performance while the performance standard are usedt o
standard answers the standard answers the evaluate what
question: “What do the question: “What do the specific ,measurable
learners need to do to learners need to do to evidence is acceptable in
demonstrate their demonstrate their determining whether
knowledge?” knowledge?” content standards have
Content standard is the been met.
outline of content learners
need to learn while the
performance standard is a
performative assessment
done by the end of the
Content standard is a
series of chronological
events in history that
learners need to learn
while performance
standard is the part where
teachers and learners
reflect on their learning
None of the above.
I want to set a goal for my Based in Area Standard
class this coming school For AP 4 you will preparing
year. Based on the Araling your students to become a
Panlipunan 4 curriculum, better citizens in their
the Learning Area To teach the pupils to learn community and teaching
Standard for AP 4 is: to appreciate the different how to learn to appreciate
diversity of Filipino cultures diversity of culture.
“Naipagmamalaki ang
pagka-Pilipino at ang
bansang Pilipinas na may
pagpapahalaga sa
pagkakaiba-iba ng mga
kulturang Pilipino batay sa
paggamit ng mga
kasanayan sa heograpiya,
pag-unawa sa kultura at
kabuhayan, pakikilahok sa
pamamahala at
pagpapahalaga sa mga
mithiin ng bansang

What goal would you

suggest for my class in AP
4? (open-ended question)

Study the conceptual framework found in the curriculum guide and reflect on the guiding
principles and philosophies your subject area is anchored on. Are there concepts that are
new to you? Which guiding principles or philosophies do you think are reflected in your
current teaching practices?

YES, the concept is new to me. The guiding principles or philosophy that are reflected in my
teaching strategies is being c constructivist teacher.
Study the core learning area/learning area standards of your subject area. If you are teaching
senior high school, look for the course/subject description. For Kindergarten and ALS, you
may refer to the Introduction or the description of learning strands. These portions in the
curriculum guide give you a broad idea of expectations and/or expected outcomes of the
learning area/course/subject. List down key words/concepts to help you remember the core
learning standards.
Pinag kaka -ugnayang yaman
Pang heograpiya

Familiarize yourself with the content and performance standards. How could they help you in
planning your lessons?

Content standards helps, “What do learners want to know, be able to do, and understand?”
while the performance standards “how do we want them to use their learning or
understanding?” This helps me in my lesson planning because they help me meet my
objectives for the lesson

Study the curriculum matrix/guide. You will see that it contains the content standards,
performance standards and learning competencies. How are the learning competencies
related to the content and performance standards? Which do you think could be met in a
short period of time (within a lesson) and which are expected to be attained in a longer
period of time?

The content standard should be met in a short period of time and the performance standard
are expected to be attained in a longer period of time.

Session 2: Using Curriculum Guide in Preparing Daily Lesson Log / Daily Lesson Plan
Prior Knowledge Assessment
D. Daily Lesson Log
E. Daily Lesson Plan
B. Results-based
F. Learning Area Strand
A. Outstanding and C. Very Satisfactory

Question Answer/Possible Answer Mentor-Mentee Collaborative

What is the learning Describe different objects
competency to be taught for based on their characteristics Depends on you and your
that week? ( ea.. shape, weight, volume, mentee discussion (your
ease of flow) mentors comment)
How long do you have to 2 weeks Depends on you and your
teach the lesson? mentee discussion (your
mentors comment)
Why do you think this Because this is a broad topic Depends on you and your
particular competency will be mentee discussion (your
taught in two weeks? mentors comment)
How will you unpack the I will use the MELC and Depends on you and your
learning competency? BOW to unpack the learning mentee discussion (your
competency. mentors comment)

What guides you in If the competency in the Depends on you and your
unpacking the learning BOW and MELC are the mentee discussion (your
competency? How? Why? same, you will combine it. mentors comment)
What assessment can be Summative Assessment Depends on you and your
done at the end of the two- mentee discussion (your
week lesson? mentors comment)

Required Task 2: Complete the table

As a newly hired teacher assigned in a multi-grade school, it is very important that you can
easily see the relevance of the learning codes to the subject and grade level you are
teaching. Remember that a multi-grade teacher handles more than one grade level at the
same time. To further enhance your skills, unpack the learning code listed below.

Code Subject Quarter Title Quarter Number of Competency

No. Weeks/Order Number
KMKPPam Kindergarten Pakikisalamuha
-00-3 sa Iba Bilang QUARTER 00 3
Kasapi ng 1
Pamilya (PPam)
Ivi1.3 Tongue 1 3 a-vi 1.3
EsP1PIIb ESP 1 Pagmamahal sa QUARTER 2
–2 kapwa 2 b

PE10PF- P.E 10 Physical Fitness QUARTER c-h 56

IVc-h56 4
EN11/12O English 11 Oral 1st a 1
C-Ia-1 Communication Semester

Processing Questions
How important are the learning codes to you as a teacher? Answer in a minimum of twenty
(20) words.
This serves as guide to the teacher on how many days they will teach the said learning
competency or learning objective.

How can the learning code help a teacher in budgeting the learning competencies and
planning the lesson for a subject? Answer in a minimum of twenty (20) words.
Learning Code helps the teacher in budgeting the learning competencies and planning the
lesson for a subject through letters and numbers that correspond to the subject and grade
level, abbreviation of the quarter title, quarter number, number of weeks and its order and
competency number.

Required Task 3: Filling out a DLL template (Portfolio Output)

(Another file)
Work with your mentor and prepare your lessons for the week. Complete the Daily Lesson
Log (DLL) from parts IV-V and follow the curriculum guide of your respective subject area.
(Another file)
Required Task 4: Yes or No
Use the following checklist to self-assess your daily lesson log.
As a newly hired teacher with
5 years of teaching YES
experience, you can already
use the DLL format in lesson
Are you capable of using ICT YES
in your classes?
Are you open to collaboration YES
with other subject teachers?

Are you aware of the learning YES

competencies that your
assessments have to meet?
Do your activities allow
learners to organize or YES
reorganize their thinking and
construct knowledge that is
meaningful to them?

Based on the questions above, determine your strengths and points for improvement.
Strengths Points for Improvement

I am capable in utilizing ICT resources in my What I need to improve is my teaching

class and the activities that I provide to my strategies to meet the competency of the
learners allows them to think critically. lesson.

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis

Scenario: Teacher Gina has been an elementary teacher for more than 15 years. She had
taught all grade levels and showed mastery of the subject matter. She regularly submits her
lesson plan but admits that she does the bare minimum in its preparation. She rarely updates
and adopts to current teaching strategies and activities and does not reflect on how her
learners performed. Most of her efforts are concentrated on the actual linear delivery of
She believes that following her traditional teaching strategies is enough to indicate that the
learners are learning.
Question Option Feedback
Teacher Gina’s experience
and mastery of the subject Yes. Lesson plans take time Lesson plan is very important
matter showed that she is a to prepare. The important because it serves as your
veteran teacher. Is it thing is you know the lesson blueprint in discussing the
advisable that lesson and how you will deliver it. lesson to the pupils, even
planning requires only the No. Lesson plans are an though teacher Gina already
bare minimum because the integral part of the master the subject matter.
focus should be placed on instructional process. It lays
the actual execution of the out the plan for the lesson. It
lesson instead? ensures that the lesson will
be taught well.

Preparing lesson plans and Yes. Lesson planning and

the actual delivery of the actual delivery of the lesson The lesson plan that you
lesson are not connected are different and separate prepare is the one you will
with each other. Is this true? instructional procedures. use in your actual delivery of
No. Lesson planning and the lesson.
actual delivery of the lesson
are interconnected with one
Teacher Gina uses the Yes. The pupils’ positive
positive reaction of the pupils reaction is a clear indication
to measure the achievement that they learned something. Positive feedback from the
of learning outcomes. As a It was a favorable learning learners means that they
teacher, should you do the experience for them. Teacher understand the lesson and
same? Gina achieved her they meet the competency of
instructional goals. the lesson.
No. A positive reaction does
not necessarily attribute to
achievement of the learning
goals. The lesson may be a
pleasurable experience; but it
does not necessarily mean
that the pupils learned the
intended outcomes.

Session 2: Nature and Purpose of Lesson Planning

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this

Teacher Rowel plans his lessons well. His lesson plan shows the detailed activities he
intends to do during his actual teaching. He follows a logical sequence of activity as his
lesson would unfold. He prepares instructional materials and integrates ICT. He uses
engaging activities that learners find interesting. His school principal observed him during
one of his classes. He conducted a short review of the previous lesson using an on-line
game application. It took 10 minutes more than he planned it to be. It is evident that the class
enjoyed the on-line game as a form of review. However, the scores of the learners in the
review was not as high as he expected. This review is essential since the previous lesson is
a prerequisite skill for the new lesson. He had given enough number of items during the
review to cover all the needed competencies in preparation for the new lesson. He asked the
learners if they have any questions regarding the previous lesson. When no one asked a
question, he moved on to the lesson proper. He constantly asked his pupils if they
understood the lesson. Everyone said yes. They got to the evaluation part of the lesson. Only
50% of the class got mastery level. Teacher Rowel was disheartened by the results. He
followed everything in his lesson plan, with the exemption of a 5-minute overtime, he believes
that his lesson went accordingly.

Question Option Feedback

Assuming that the lesson When Teacher Rowel
plan was well-crafted, and identifies that the result of the Mastery of the lesson is
the activities Teacher Rowel review is very low, he should important before proceeding
used are all appropriate, not have continued to teach with the new lesson.
what do you think contributed the new lesson. He should
to the low results of the have focus on the
learner evaluation? What competency that the learners
could have been done did not meet.
Teacher Rowel’s use of an
on-line game is an effective The students are actively The use of ICT promotes
way to integrate ICT in his participating in the class learning among learners. It
lessons. The learners appear discussion because they find provides a different learning
to have been engaged in the the online games exciting. opportunity for them to
process. Aside from the showcase their knowledge
learner engagement, what and skills.
other insights may be derived
from his use of this activity?
If you were Teacher Rowel, Teacher Rowel should
how would you proceed identify what competency did Mastery of the lesson is
based on the results of the his pupils did not meet and important before proceeding
day’s lesson? provide additional activities with the new lesson.
for the learners.

Required Task 2: Moving from Assessment to Progress (Output for Portfolio)

Reflect on the sample lesson plan below. Based on what you have learned about a well-
designed lesson plan, provide inputs on how you could improve it. Please put your answer in
another sheet of paper and compile it as a part of your portfolio. Please talk to your mentor
about your inputs.
The lesson plan above are very well-organized. It provides differentiated activities to
learners. It promotes collaboration and encourage learners to think logically. It utilizes also
the use of ICT in the lesson. The group tasks also caters the inidividual diffrences of the
learners. Based on the example lesson plan, I have no other inputs on how to improve it
because over all it is very detailed.

Required Task 3: Complete the table

Part of the Lesson Plan Comment or Suggestion
Learning Objectives The learning Objects are SMART
Subject Matter Provides curiosity to learners
Learning Tasks Provides collaboration and critical thinking to
Extension Give supplementary activities to learners to
ensure mastery of the topic.

Session 3: Parts of a Lesson Plan

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this
Scenario: Teacher Dawro’s lesson plan includes the following activities: a recap and review
of the previous lesson, an introduction and analysis of the new lesson, connecting the old
and new lessons, and then a summary of everything. All of these are explicitly stated on his
lesson plan.
Question Option Feedback
Looking back at the activities
included in Teacher Edawro’s
lesson plan, would you say A. Yes. The sequence of The teacher conducts a
that they are developmentally activities shows the gradual review before proceeding to
arranged? transition from the previous the next lesson
Yes. The sequence of lesson connecting it to the
activities shows the gradual new lesson and wrapping up
transition from the previous all that transpired.
lesson connecting it to the
new lesson and wrapping up
all that transpired.
No. Explanation of the new
concept should have been
done right after the
introduction of the new
Maybe. What a
developmentally arranged
lesson plan needs is to
simply provide an
introduction at the beginning
and a closure at the end.
It does not matter since all
the activities are

Teacher Edawro has a series

of activities in his lesson
plan. Which part of the
lesson plan refers to the main presentation and explanation Presentation of the new
part of the lesson? of the new concept of the lesson is considered as the
introduction of the new day’s lesson main part of the lesson.
establishing connection
between the old and new
presentation and explanation
of the new concept of the
day’s lesson
checking of learners’

3. The last activity in Teacher

Edawro’s lesson plan
included a summary of what
was taught. Considering that
ample time and energy had Summary is used to
been exerted towards the All of the above generalize the lesson that
discussion, why do you think has been discussed.
he still included a summary?
It is a form of wrap-up activity
that provides closure for the
day’s lesson
It allows learners to
synthesize everything that
they learned.
It gives a useful recap of the
entire lesson that helps
remind and refresh learners.
All of the above

Key Topic 2: Lesson Planning in the Public-School Context

Required Task 2: True or False
Read the DepEd order no. 42 s. 2016 and based on your understanding of it, identify
whether the following scenarios are TRUE or FALSE.
Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify

Question Option Feedback

1. Teacher Roger is a Although Teacher Roger has
veteran teacher with 21 years 21 years of teaching
of teaching experience. He FALSE experience still, he is not
claims that lesson logs are exempted in submitting DLL.
only for new teachers in the Bases on DepEd order no.
field. He also contends that 42 s. 2016, Planning lessons
he should be exempted from is fundamental to ensuring
submitting a DLL. the delivery of teaching and
learning in schools that’s why
all teachers are required to
submit DLL.
2. Teacher Cecile is a newly
hired teacher in the public TRUE
school’s system. Before this,
she was a teacher for 4 years
in a private school. Her
mentor instructed her to
follow the DLL format in
preparing for her lessons.
3. In a mentoring session
with a Master Teacher, TRUE
Teacher Phoebe was told
that lessons should be
consistent with the curriculum
guide and the teacher’s
4. In a DLL, other activities
do not include intervention TRUE
and enrichment activities.
5. For DLL, remarks indicate TRUE
the learners’ mastery level.

Required Task 3: Case Analysis

Help the following teachers use ICT in their teaching process by suggesting the best platform
to deliver their lesson.
Question Option Feedback
1. Teacher Cindy is a Math Works with more interactives
teacher in Grade 6. She Class point activities such as
hopes to make her Kahoot computation and games..etc,.
computation activities more Canva
interactive using technology.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher Cindy?
2. Teacher Earl wants to Works with real-time
avoid using social media as a meetings.Using browser
way to announce his Google Meet teacher earl can share videos
academic instruction. He Microsoft Teams and presentation to his
intends to use this platform Google Classroom pupils.
for virtual class activities.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher Earl?
3. Teacher Genneth intends It is a powerful slide show
to present mathematical PowerPoint presentation program. It uses
concepts using slides. slides to convey information.
Considering logistical
constraints, she prefers an
offline file to do this task.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher
4. Teacher Demmy is a It can be used to create 2D
literature teacher who wishes and 3D drawings and
to visualize book characters AutoCAD 360 models,as well as
in three-dimensional construction drawings.
representation. What platform
can you suggest to Teacher
5. Teacher Carissa plans to
give a synchronous lecture to It is the collaboration app built
her Grade 6 learners. Google meet for hybrid that help to stay
However, their context would Microsoft Teams informed and connected.
not allow them to have face
to face classes. What
platform can you suggest to
Teacher Carissa?

Required Task 5: Scenario Analysis

Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this
Teacher Gemma gives 4 ungraded quizzes in each unit of study. The quizzes are framed
sequentially to have an accumulated record of student success on the unit test. The quizzes
are scored (though not included in the unit grade) so that students can identify where they
need more study and where they are already successful. This is an indicator that Teacher
Gemma can gauge where she will need to spend more time and energy with her instruction
to help students be successful on the unit test. Using this approach, Teacher Gemma has
been able to document significant gains in student achievement in her classroom, nearly
closing the achievement gap entirely with 95% - 98% achievement ratings in all of her units
of study.
Question Option Feedback
As indicated in the practice of
Teacher Gemma, what do The instruction used by Let the learners know their
you think contributed to the Teacher Gemma where in learning progress.
significant achievement of she let the learners identify
the learners? what to study and where they
are already successful.
Teacher Gemma gives
ungraded quizzes and keeps The activity of the teacher is
a record of the student’s very effective because she Teachers should always
success on the unit test. The achieves her goals of monitor the learner’s
quizzes are scored but not identifying the learners needs progress.
included in the unit grade. improvement.
What can be deduced from
this activity?
The scenario gives us an Other ways to achieve
idea of a formative growth in the learner’s The assessment we give to
assessment plan, what other performance is provide the pupils are important to
ways to achieve growth in the consistent feedback to the identify students’ growth and
learners’ performance? learners, use the feedback to performance.
loop concept and Align
instructions to learners’
Teacher Gemma would like
to gauge how far the Aside from formative
students’ learning of the topic assessment, Teacher Alternative assessment is an
can be extended. She Gemma can use the portfolio effective method of building
decided to give an alternative assessment, Performance learners' logical reasoning
assessment. What alternative test, and collaborative and communication skills.
assessment can she give her discussions. The teacher
students? What must one should always consider first
keep in mind and make sure the learning outcomes before
to do when giving such giving alternative
alternative assessments? assessments.

Module 4 – Implementing Learning Plans and Enriching Teaching Practice

Session 1 – Class Disruptions
Prior Knowledge Assessment:
True or False: Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify
Question Option Feedback
1. 1. The successive local
typhoons such as the Ondoy
(2009) and Pepeng (2013)
caused a major blow to the TRUE
school calendar. According to
existing DepEd protocols, the
course of action of every
school is to start make-up
class which will be derived
from Saturdays within the
school calendar and
vacations from months of
October, November, and
2. 2. In times of security
threats such as foreign wars TRUE
that may inevitably affect the
Philippines, the education
department mandates that
learning has to stop in order
to prioritize the safety of
3. 3. Home-based learning is FALSE
a new format of instructional The DepEd promoting flex
delivery after the 2020 learning
4. 4. When PAGASA raises When SIGNAL NO. 2 is
Signal Number 2, classes in FALSE raised by PAGASA, classes
the secondary level are in the pre-school, primary
suspended. and secondary level are
automatically suspended.
5. 5. In case of calamities
where learners are deeply TRUE
affected, the school suggests
that they forgo the school
year’s remainder and focus
on rehabilitation.

Key Topic 1: Modular Approach

Required Task 1: Case Analysis
Identify which of the following scenarios respond to certain considerations in crafting the
Question Option Feedback
1. 1. Teacher ____ a public-
school teacher in Batangas,
is teaching graphic
representation of statistical
data through Microsoft Excel.
As an innovative teacher, she RESOURCES The teacher had to consider
has been recognized by the the resources of the learners
school as tech-savvy. Her because not all of them have
module particularly revolves access to computer, no
around the activities that matter how the teacher is
need the software. However, tech-savvy if the learners
her learners have limited can’t access it there is no use
access to a computer as their at all.
town is located in a far-flung
area. What is the best
module principle which you
could share with Teacher
2. Teacher ____ is an
experienced teacher in a
private school who recently
entered the public school Alignment to the curriculum Teacher should always bear
system. As a Business Math in mind that the modules
teacher, she designed a must meet the standards so
module that takes much time that learners may gain the
on tasking learners to expected competencies at
construct a miniature the end of the lesson.
business plant, a task which
does not meet curriculum
standards. What
consideration do you think is
Teacher ____ missing out?
3. Teacher ____ has been
teaching oral
communications for five
years. In constructing his
module for the subject, he The summative assessment
assigned an entire module Alignment to the curriculum given should be aligned to
for pronunciation which is the learning competencies.
aligned to the most essential The teacher should align her
learning competencies. In his assessment synonyms and
graded summative antonyms to the topic about
assessment, he asked the pronunciation.
learners to list down 100
words with synonyms and
antonyms. In this regard,
what module principle should
he revisit?
4. Teacher _____ is a PE
teacher. He also advocates
that PE subjects must be
retained even during home-
based learning schemes. The teacher applies the
While he cannot teach dance REALISTIC ASSESSMENT principle of realistic
the way he did, he provided assessment that fits the
modules with visual context of a learner and at
representations so learners the same time respond to
can easily follow the routine. curriculum standards.
He also added a video
presentation for those who
have internet connectivity.
What principle of module
writing did Teacher _____
apply best?

Required Task 2: Scenario Activity

Teacher _______ was asked to write a module on entrepreneurship. Since the expected
learning modality is home-based, she is having a hard time going about the module because
its subject requires community immersion of business concepts. On a regular school year,
entrepreneurship learners are asked to sell in school fairs but this year all extra-curricular
activities are cancelled.

The teacher could either let the learners watch educational videos about successful
entrepreneurs. The pupils will listen to the life and contribution of this entrepreneurs on how
they started and become successful businessman,

Teacher ______ is tasked to write a module for Grade 10 Mathematics. As an experienced

teacher, content is not a problem for him anymore. He has a bank of assessments and
activities that are time-tested. Despite these factors, he worries about the fact that his
assessments are prone to leakage and cheating which may result in problematic learning

If the problem of the teacher is the leakage and cheating on the exam then what she should
do is to create a new assessments and activities that are still aligned to her lessons that will
still meet the competency of the lesson.

3. Riza is a learner in a far-flung province. Sadly, their town was severely hit by a typhoon
which badly affected her family’s livelihood. To recover from the calamity, Riza was asked by
her parents to stop going to school so she can help in the family’s rebuilding process – an
advice she resents but is inclined to accept. She informs her adviser Mrs. Reyes about her
situation. What help can Mrs. Reyes extend to Riza?
The teacher with the help of her classmates can either conduct a donation drive to help the
family Riza recover from the typhoon. They can donate whatever amount or things they have
at home. Through this simple action, Riza will no longer have to stop going to school.

Session 2 – Curriculum Requirements and Needs of Learners

Prior Knowledge Assessment:
True or False: Based on your knowledge as a newly hired teacher, determine whether the
following statements are true or false.

Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify

Question Option Feedback

1. A diagnostic assessment
is a tool taken at the end of FALSE summative assessment is the tool use to
the lesson to know what evaluate student learning at the end of an
the learners learned. instructional.
2. Learning competencies
serve as the minimum TRUE
requirements which a
learner must achieve for
promotion to the next
grade level.
3. Reinforcements are
activities/responses that TRUE
encourage a learner to
continue one’s affirmative
4. Enrichment activities are
given to learners who have FALSE REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES given to learners
difficulty in learning so that who have difficulty in learning so that they
they may be able to cope may be able to cope with the lesson.
with the lesson.
5. DepEd offers free
remedial classes for those TRUE
learners who did not meet
the learning competencies.

Required Task 1: Complete the table

Five Learning Competencies from the
Five Sample Questions Curriculum Guide
Which of the following materials could Classify materials based on the ability to
absorb water? absorb water, float, sink, undergo decay;
How are these materials harmful to the Identify changes in materials whether
environment? useful or harmful to one’s environment.
How the major internal organs such as the
brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, Describe the main function of the major
intestines, kidneys, bones, and muscles organs.
keep the body healthy?
Which body parts of the fish helps him Infer that body structures help animals
survive in the water? adapt and survive in their particular
Differentiate the difference between Identify the specialized structures of
aquatic and terrestrial animals. terrestrial and aquatic plants.

Required Task 2: Case Analysis

Question Option Feedback
1. Teacher Agatha has a a. a. Scold the learner and
Grade 4 learner who is tell him he should be quiet.
excellent in Math. For half b. b. Tell the learner to Provide the learner
of the quarter, the learner finish tasks of other challenging tasks about the
shows consistent subjects. lesson that would make
performance by leading in c. c. Praise the learner and him busy and avoid
quizzes. However, the tell him to be humble. disturbing his classmates.
learner tends to be rowdy d. d. Provide a challenging
when he finishes their task about the lesson.
math activities. What would
be the best course of
action of Teacher Agatha?
2. Teacher Sandy a. a. Call a parent-teacher Conduct a short review on
conducted a diagnostic test conference to inform them the competency where the
for his Grade 10 Science that there was a problem students failed to meet.
class. When the results with their previous teacher.
came out, he noticed that b. b. At Grade 10, learners
60% of his learners were can easily catch up with
not able to satisfactorily new concepts in Earth
answer items on Earth Science so there is nothing
Science. What should he to worry about.
do with the test results? c. c. Use the results to
conduct review lessons so
that it will be easier for the
60% to understand new
lessons in Earth Science.
d. Reinforce the idea that
they should be cooperative
in the class for them to
pass the subject.
3. After the second quarter, a. a. Observe the learners’ Provide remedial teaching
Teacher Jessie noticed performance for the next to help pupils gain their
that three of her learners semester. general knowledge to meet
performed poorly for the b. b. Suggest that they those set of learning
two consecutive quarters. should get tutors at their competencies.
He decided to help these own cost or else they will
learners meet the set fail.
learning competencies. c. c. Ask the learners to
However, the challenge is retake the second quarter
that the first two quarters periodic exam.
are critical in d. Do a re-teaching
understanding third quarter /remedial intervention
lessons. What would be based on their least
the best course of action of mastered skills.
Teacher Jessie?
4. Based on the diagnostic a. a. Provide an Provide a way for well-
exam results, Teacher independent study guide motivated students to
Christy noticed that 84% of on Philippine art and pursue topic interest .
her learners cannot history.
understand the relation b. b. Move to the next
between Philippine art and lesson. They will catch up
history. What non- anyway.
classroom-based c. c. Give them library time
intervention can she after class hours.
conduct to address the d. Ask them to hire a tutor
concern? for the mean time because
the topic is very important.

Session 3 – Selecting, Developing, Organizing, and Using Appropriate Learning Resources

Prior Knowledge Assessment:

How many items did you get out of 25? 6
Based on the questions above, what does this reveal about you as a teacher?
This only means that I used very limited learning resources. in my teaching instructions.

Which among the following materials do you want to explore?

I want to explore more on the Google Play store Application because this is one way to make
your lesson more interactive.

Which among the following was effective when you used in the classroom?

The most effective Learning Resources for me that can enhance my teaching strategy is the
use of PowerPoint and video clip.

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis

Identify whether the following scenarios demonstrate passive or active learning based on the
Dale’s Cone of Experience.
Question Option Feedback
1. 1. Teacher Kara is
teaching art history for Passive Learning
Grade 12 learners. Since Active Learning Students are Highly
her school is situated in Involved
Manila, she asked her
learners to visit the Manila
Metropolitan Museum and
the National Museum of
Fine Arts.
2. 2. Teacher Jocelyn is Passive Learning Students are Highly
teaching physical Active Learning Involved in the learning
education. The curriculum process because the
included the basic students can be able to
orientation of sports showcase through the
management. In this mini- intramurals what they
regard, she made her have learned on the
learners organize mini- lesson.
3. 3. Teacher Trina is
teaching the elements of Passive Learning Students are Highly
drama. After giving a Active Learning Involved in the learning
fifteen-minute lecture, she process. They are the one
directed the learners to responsible of their own
form an improvisation learning because they are
where they are expected to the one who will going to
play as actors. When the demonstrate what they
activity ended, she have learned on the
processed their insights lesson.
and experiences about
4. 4. Before going to actual
teaching, pre-service Passive Learning
teachers watch Active Learning This uses hands-on
demonstration teachings to observation. The teacher
witness how a teacher is takes responsibility of
expected to manage a student’s learning.
class. Afterwards, they are
asked to write a reflection
paper about what they
learned from the
5. 5. Teacher Carissa
organized a literary festival Passive Learning
where learner-writers will Active Learning Students are Highly
have a creative writing Involved. They construct
workshop. In the their own outputs based on
workshop, they are what they have learned on
expected to state their own the writing workshops.
creative process and how
they translate it to their
work. Guest experts
critique their works in

Required Task 2: Case Analysis

Based on the following scenarios, determine what instructional material criterion do the
following teachers strongly demonstrate.

Question Option Feedback

1. 1. Teacher Aaron is a a. Alignment to the
Grade 4 Science teacher. curriculum Teacher Aaron prioritizes
He found a National b. Developmentally his target audience. Since
Geographic educational Appropriate his learners are Grade 4, It
video that features the c. Effects on classroom is best suited to choose the
concept of predation. management cartoon version of the
Despite its amazing d. Inclusive concept of predation
features, he instead chose because it is easy for them
a cartoon version which to understand it and easy
covers the same concept. to remember.
What did Teacher Aaron
2. 2. Teacher Pauline a. Alignment to the The strategy of using
teaches Grade 7 Filipino. curriculum comic strips use by
She uses comic strips to b. Developmentally Teacher Pauline is Aligned
ease out the difficulty of Appropriate to the curriculum because
reading Ibong Adarna. In c. Effects on classroom the learners meet the
this way, learners are more management learning objectives.
empowered to meet d. Inclusive
learning objectives.
3. 3. Teacher Christian a. Developmentally Teacher Christian uses
teaches Grade 5 Math. He Appropriate Interactive learning using
noticed that his learners b. Effects on classroom interactive board; this
are anxious in solving word management shows that the pupils enjoy
problems. Hence, he uses c. Inclusive the activity and learns at
an interactive board where d. Localization the same time. The
learners can be playful learning materials both aid
while doing their learning and manage the
computations. classroom behavior.
4. 4. Teacher John is a. Developmentally
teaching Grade 4 English. Appropriate The instructional materials
He always makes it a point b. Effects on classroom of Teacher Jhon give
to represent diverse management emphasis on diversity as
Philippine ethnicities in his c. Inclusive seen on his visual aids
visual aids. d. Localization highlighting the diverse
Philippine ethnicities.
5. 5. Teacher Ram teaches a. Developmentally The Localization concept
entrepreneurship in a Appropriate used by Teacher Ram is
mango-producing town. He b. Effects on classroom reality based because the
takes the opportunity of management activity of inventing mango-
their place to challenge the c. Inclusive based product is available
learners to invent or d. Localization to their place.
innovate mango-based
products that would
showcase both their town
and their business skills.
Below are some guide questions that you may use in selecting and developing instructional
materials following the criterion discussed above.

1. Does this learning material help you achieve learning objectives with the

Yes! This Course greatly helps me to understand the relevance of curriculum in

education in Session 1.

2. Is this learning material apt for the age and knowledge of your learners?

Yes! This learning materials is suited to the age and knowledge of the pupils as well
as their needs for learnings.

Does this learning material moderate learner behavior and learning in class?

Yes.This course teaches how to handle learners’ behavior and cater learning in class.

4. Is this learning material sensitive to diverse learner contexts?

Yes. It was discussed on Session 2.

5. Does this learning material maximize the local potential of the school environment?

Module 1 – Understanding the K to 12 Curriculum

Questions Answers Feedback

Which Act enhances the
Philippine basic education Before this curriculum was
system by strengthening implemented, our country
and updating its curriculum RA 10533 was the only one in Asia
to become at par with the with a 10-year basic
global education system by education. As a result, the
providing two more years Philippines needs to catch
for basic education? up to other countries. This
RA 10157 Enhance Basic Education
RA 10524 Law, or Republic Act
RA 10533 10533, (K-12) aims to
RA 10931 produce Filipino graduates
who are holistically
developed with 21st
century skills. I believed
that the K-12 system would
soon improve the Filipinos'
status. As a teacher, I will
always pursue my passion
for teaching with love.
Questions Answers Feedback
Which policy guidelines on This Policy provides a
the K to 12 Basic Education comprehensive explanation of
Program provides context to DepEd Order the K to 12 Basic Education
and articulate its contexts, (No. 21, s. 2019) Program and its components
features, and programs? across all key stages.
DepEd Order (No. 1, s. 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 8, s, 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 9, s. 2019)
DepEd Order (No. 21, s.

Questions Answers Feedback

What act made Kindergarten This Act is a prerequisite, for all
mandatory for all learners? children that they need to pass
RA 10157 RA 10157 through kindergarten, the first
RA 10524 stage of elementary education
RA 10533 system before going or moving
RA 10931 to Grade 1. This also stated that
the Mother Tongue Based
Multilingual Education shall be
implemented as the medium of
instruction for kindergarten
students, according to this act.

Questions Answers Feedback

Which does NOT show the

characteristics of the K to K-12 Program is not
12 graduates? implemented for
a. They are holistically individuals who wants to
developed Filipinos who pursue their careers
have built foundations for c. They are individuals who abroad but rather it is
learning throughout life. pursue their careers for implemented to provide
b. They are individuals personal development to every Filipino child with the
equipped with information, work abroad. education s/he needs to
media and technology compete in a global
skills, learning and context.
innovation skills, life and
career skills, and
communication skills.
c. They are individuals who
pursue their careers for
personal development to
work abroad.
d. They can take
challenges and take
advantage of the
opportunities of the 21st

How many key stages Kindergarten to Grade 3

does the K to 12 Program (Four) 4 Grade 4-6
contain? Grade 7- 10 (Junior High
a. 2 School)
b. 3 Grade 11-12 (Senior High
c. 4 School)
d. 5

Questions Answers Feedback

How old is the prerequisite Based on the Enhanced

age for preparatory Basic Education Act of
education as defined in the (Five) 5 2013, the prerequisite age
Enhanced Basic Education for preparatory in
Act of 2013? education is 5 years old.
a. 4 One cannot enroll in Grade
b. 5 1 if he did not finish
c. 6 Kindergarten. Incoming
d. 7 Kindergarten must strictly
comply with this cut-off age
policy as stated in DO No.
47, s. 2016, as amended
by the DepEd Order.
The SHS curriculum Students may choose a
formulation is a step specialization based on
towards the realization of aptitude, interests, and
the Philippine Core Subjects, Applied school capacity. The
Qualifications Framework Track, Specialized choice of career track will
(PQF) and is the main Subjects define the content of the
policy for the subjects a student will take
implementation of the new in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
13-year cycle of basic subjects fall under either
education. What comprises the Core Curriculum or
the SHS curriculum? specific Tracks.
Basic Subjects, Applied
Track, Specialized
Basic Subjects, Applied
Track, Selected Subjects
Core Subjects, Applied
Track, Specialized
Core Subjects, Selected
Track, Specialized

Required Task 2: Independent Learning

Questions Answers Feedback
Is the K to 12 a product of YES
collaboration with other DEPED & CHED
Is the shift from the Basic
Education Curriculum to K YES It is the educators who are
to 12 Program involved and responsible in
conceptualized by DepEd conceptualizing the Basic
alone? Education Curriculum to K-
12 program.

Was Kindergarten Based on the Kindergarten

Education mandatory YES Education Act, Kindergarten is
before the K to 12 mandatory entry stage to basic
Program? education and is a pre-requisite
for admission to Grade 1.
Is Republic Act No. 10533 YES
the basis for the additional Section 6 of The Republic
two years of Senior High Act No. 10533
School (SHS)?
Does the K to 12 Program YES The programs address K-
give importance to the 12 and ASEAN integration
preparation of graduates will provide a bigger
on ASEAN Integration? chance for graduates to
become regionally and
globally competitive.

Required Task 3: Mentor-Mentee Collaboration

Answer the following processing questions by discussing with your mentor.
What are the different issues addressed by the legal bases of the K to 12 Curriculum? Which
among them affects you the most as a teacher?

The different issues addressed by the legal bases of the K-12 Curriculum are the lack of
resources for implementation, teachers do not find themselves equipped to teach students
because they believe they need more training, and the additional two years of basic
education known as the senior high school have had a negative impact on the lower
economic status of parents.
Among these issues, what greatly affects me as a teacher is the lack of resources like
computers. Our school has no access to internet, that’s why even we want the learners to be
equip with the 21st century skills we cannot provide them because of this dilemma.

What do you think are the top three factors that are given emphasis by the different K to 12
laws and orders? Why do you think so?
I think the top 3 factors that are given emphasis by the different K to 12 laws and orders are
the teachers, the learners and the school environment because they are the center of the
education process.

Session 2: Salient Features of the K to 12 Program

Preliminary Activity
Let us have an inventory of your ideas about the salient features of the K to 12 educations
using the chart below.
Salient Features What I Know What I need to Know
Inclusive Education How to provide better
Diverse students opportunities for learning to
pupils with disability
Early Childhood Education 5 years old is the pre-
requisite age for schooling How early education helps kids
through Universal improved holistically.
Curriculum Relevance The competencies should
be relevant to the topic
Curriculum Proficiency The Fundamental of What is the relevance of
Building proficiency-based learning curriculum proficiency building
systems for schools and in education?

Required Task 1: Case Studies

Study the following cases and tell what your actions will be on these scenarios. Base your
answers on the K to 12 Curriculum and the DepEd Vision and Mission. Limit your response
to 100 words.
Case 1: You have a transferee learner who only speaks her mother tongue. As a result, your
learners cannot communicate with her properly and the transferee learner feels left out. What
can you do as her teacher?
Language barriers can make anyone feel hesitant, therefore it's responsibility of the teacher
to reach out to the student. Don't wait for him or her to request assistance. The teacher's
solution to these linguistic hurdles may be to pair the transferee pupils with one of her more
knowledgeable students. This knowledgeable companion can serve as a mentor to new
students as they face the inevitable challenges. Labeling classroom objects is another
alternative. This not only helps students learn classroom routines, but it can also help them
improve their conversation skills. The teacher can also speak with the parents and advise
them about how to teach the new language to their children at home.
Case 2: You have a learner wanting to take up engineering in college. Upon checking his
grades, you have learned that he has not been good in Mathematics. What can you do to
help the learner?
There are several methods in which the teacher might assist the student in excelling in
mathematics. The teacher should teach the students to be confident when answering math
problems. Another thing the teacher should do is encourage students to ask questions and
create space for curiosity. The more students ask for clarification, the better because it only
means they are paying attention and learning. Another way to assist the learner be good at
mathematics is to provide authentic issues that improve students' desire to interact with
math. Teaching kids how to apply math to real-world problems increases their enthusiasm
and comprehension.

Case 3: One of the features of the K to 12 Curriculum is spiral progression. Upon seeing your
learners’ pre-test results, you have realized that they are yet to master last year’s
competencies. What will you do to have them meet the requirements of the new level?
To meet the requirements of the new level, the teacher should conduct a short review of the
certain topic. He/she can give activities that are aligned to the competency of the lesson.
Case 4: You have a class which has a sizable number of over-aged learners who have taken
the grade level multiple times. How will you decide on the learning plan considering your
other learners?
The teacher should provide varied activities that are suitable to the aged and understanding
of his/her learners. The Teacher can provide group tasks wherein they can collaborate with
each other.

Session 3 – The Conceptual Framework of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Key Topic 1: The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Framework

Questions Answer Mentor-Mentee

How is the learner The learner is regarded as
regarded by the K to 12 the center of education.
As a teacher, what 21st The 21st century skills MENTOR
century skills should be should be acquired by
acquired by our learners? learners are they should
learn to think critically,
learn t collaborate,
enhance their creativity The focus of the 21st
and innovation skills, and century teacher is on
equip them with student by developing
technology skills and higher order thinking skills,
digital literacy skills. effective communication,
Education provides collaboration, and other
contextualized practice for Filipino graduates will skills that they need in the
the application of 21st become more prepared to 21st century. The teachers
century skills as these are compete in the global must develop new
embedded in different economy. teaching strategies that will
learning areas. What are challenge our 21st century
the possible exit points of learners.
the Filipino K to 12
One of the salient features There is no difference
of the K to 12 Program is when it comes to teaching
ensuring integrative and Integrative and seamless
seamless learning. How do learning. The learning
you think the learning areas taught are more on
areas will be taught in the practical application of
formal schools and non- what have they learned
formal schools such as the
Alternative Learning
What support is needed for Provide them trainings
a Filipino graduate to about the latest technology
become 21st century so that they are capable to
ready? cope up with the 21st
century global

Required Task 1: Creating a Learning Plan (Portfolio Output)

In your LAC session, you are assigned to work on a learning plan for the subject you are
currently assigned to teach. Your task is to make your own detailed lesson plan for the first
quarter, week 3 competencies. Initially, you are given the following questions to guide you.
Complete the table below.
Question Response
What topic will I teach? MATTER
In what content areas will I focus on? CHANGES IN SOLID MATERIALS
What references will I use? SCIENCE BOOK, TG, YOUTUBE, MODULE

What skills should be developed among my COLLABORATION SKILLS

Question Response
What strategies will I use? Collaborative Learning, Groupwork,
Cooperative Learning
What do I want my learners to become? To learn how to dispose materials that are
What are the values I want my pupils to harmful to the environment.
What learning theory/ies will I apply? Constructivism Theory and Experiential
Learning Theory
How will I assess my learners’ understanding Conduct quiz or pair up and talk it out activity
of the lesson?

Reflection Questions:
What did you feel in doing the activity?

I feel excited doing the activity because I know that I am familiar doing the lesson guide.

What are some considerations in making a learning plan?

In making the Learning Plan Guide the teacher should conder is what subject to be taught,
what strategies to be taught, what skills should be developed of learners and etc.

What insight/s did you gain from this activity?

I learned that learning guide are documents you give to students so that they are guided by
their own learning in the module.

Optional Task Only

Based on your understanding of the K to 12 Curriculum Conceptual Framework, suggest
strategies and possible exit points given the specific types of learners.

Learner Description Subject Matter / Strategies Exit Point

Grade Level

A learner who often PE/Grade 10 Provide the learner

needs to skip classes written assessment Teacher should
to have his check- instead of doing provide alternative
ups and medical actual activities in assessment to
procedures. He is P.E and TLE to student who have
good in the ensure his health medical conditions.
languages and safety.
mathematics but has
difficulty learning
topics in PE and TLE.
A learner diligently Filipino/Grade 5 The teacher should Teacher should also
attends classes; provide activities help learners with
however, she keeps based on the learning disability to
on getting low understanding of the achieve learning
grades. Her records learner. Give goals.
reveal that she has a intensive remedial
learning disability. instruction to help the
Her favorite subject is learner.

Optional Task 2: Compare and contrast

During the meeting of the Grade 6 teachers for their subject assignments, Mrs. Navarro was
assigned to teach both Mathematics and Araling Panlipunan subjects. She decided to study
and analyze how the two subjects will be better understood. She compared the two
conceptual frameworks. Tick Yes if they are similar and No if not.

Questions Answers Feedback

Context Yes = correct The context may differ even if
No = incorrect the teacher teaches the
same grade level. Adjusting
to the learners’ context (their
prior knowledge, motivation
and interest, and cognitive
level) is important in
developing effective lessons
for several different subjects
Content Yes = correct Each learning area has a
No = incorrect distinct set of content which
can be similar but not
identical to each other.
Skills and processes Yes = correct According to the K to 12
No = incorrect frameworks, learning areas
have the same processes in
delivering learning.
Values and attitudes Yes = correct The values that are to be
No = incorrect developed remain the same
across all learning areas.
Learners Yes = correct All learning areas have the
No = incorrect same treatment to the
learners. However,
understanding their context
and considering the diversity
of learners are crucial to
planning effective lessons

Process Questions: (Optional Task only)

What can you say about the similarities and differences between the conceptual frameworks
of the two subjects?

The similarities are they are both experiential and situated learning. The difference between
the two subjects is the Araling Panlipunan aims to develop the pupil’s literate and effective
participation as a citizen of the country while the Mathematics aims to achieve the twin goals
of developing students critical and problem solving skills.

Try to look at the conceptual framework of the other subjects, do they have the same
features? How can you say so?

Yes. All subjects follow the Spiral Progression Approach

Module 2 – Navigating the K to 12 Curriculum Guides

Session 1 – Curriculum Guides and Lesson Planning
Prior Knowledge Assessment
After engaging with the content on Module 1, you are now prepared to explore the parts and
features of the curriculum guide. Remember that the framework and curriculum guide (CG)
set the standards for the curriculum, and they provide the context such as available
resources, teachers’ capabilities, and systems support.
Optional Task: KWL Chart (OPTIONAL TASKS ONLY)
Add label for this K W L
column (What I Know) (What I want to (What I Learned)
The DepEd Curriculum Standards- and How can the teacher I learned that GC is
Guide Competence- achieve all the important to
based competencies written teachers, it guides
in the curriculum the teacher in the
guide? delivery of the
Learning Area Standard shows the How should teachers
learners’ expected implement this Make the standards
level of proficiency learning standards? fit into the student’s
Focus on the skills
and language
Content Standard “Benchmarks of What is the The topic or the
knowledge and importance of content lesson that were
skills” as defined in standards? going to tackle or
DO 31 s. 2012 discuss.
Performance Standard benchmarks of What kind of I learned to give
transfer of performance I’m simple yet
learning’ as going to give to my meaningful to the
defined in DO 31 pupils? And how can pupil’s performance.
s. 2012 assess it.
Key Stage Standard Key stage refers to What particular level Different stages have
stages in the K to I’m going to prepare different ability to
12 program for my activity sheet? acquire knowledge.
reflecting distinct
Grade Level Standard shows the degree What kind of activity Different stages have
or quality of I’m going to give different ability to
proficiency that the based on their Grade acquire knowledge.
learner is able to level?
demonstrate in
each grade level
Required Task 1: Case Analysis
Sheryll is a new teacher who is assigned to teach Grade 4, 5, and 6 Araling Panlipunan in a
small elementary school. Since she will be teaching three levels of the same subject, her
master teacher told her to check the Araling Panlipunan curriculum. She reflected on the
curriculum by answering the following questions:
What are the contents that she will teach in the subject area?
GRADE 4- Ang Pilipinas
GRADE 5- Pagbuo ng Pilipinas bilang Nasyon
GRADE 6- Mga Hamon at Tugon sa Pagkabansa

What is the difference between Grade 4, 5 and Grade 6 Araling Panlipunan curriculum?

There is no difference between Grade 4, 5 and Grade 6 Araling Panlipunan curriculum

because the overall design curriculum follows the spiral approach across subjects by building
on the same concepts developed in increasing complexity. These grade levels have the
same key stage standards.

What approaches are appropriate and relevant for Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 Araling
Panlipunan learners?
Experiential and contextualized learning
Collaborative learning
Constructivist approach
Field Trips

Question Option Feedback

Depend on you and your
What are the objectives of MENTOR FEEDBACK
the Araling Panlipunan
“Functionally literate and
developed Filipino.”
“Naipamamalas ang The objectivesof teachin k-
panimulang pag-unawa sa 12 ARALING
pagkilala sa sarili at “Makahubog ng PANLIPUNAN is to
pakikipag-ugnayan sa mamamayang mapanuri, develop students
kapwa bilang pundasyon mapagnilay, mapanagutan, understandingin primary
sa paglinang ng produktibo, makakalikasan, knowledge aspects
kamalayan sa kapaligirang makabansa, at makatao na
sosyal.” may pambansa at
“Makahubog ng pandaigdigang pananaw at
mamamayang mapanuri, pagpapahalaga sa mga
mapagnilay, mapanagutan, usapin sa lipunan, sa
produktibo, makakalikasan, nakaraan, kasalukuyan, at
makabansa, at makatao na hinaharap.”
may pambansa at
pandaigdigang pananaw at
pagpapahalaga sa mga
usapin sa lipunan, sa
nakaraan, kasalukuyan, at
“Pagsunod sa teorya sa
pagkatuto na
magkatuwang na
pagkatuto (collaborative
learning), at pagkatutong
pangkaranasan at
pangkonteksto at ang
paggamit ng mga
pamaraang tematiko-
kronolohikal at paksain/
konseptuwal, pagsisiyasat,
interdesiplinaryo at
Are there differences
between Grade 4, 5, and 6
Araling Panlipunan

There are no differences They have the same

between these grade featured key reforms like
levels because they have There are no differences restructured learning areas
the same key stage between these grade stronger integration of
standards. levels because they have competencies and values
There are no differences the same key stage across learning areas and
between these grade standards. greater emphasis on the
levels because they follow learning process and
the same format as any integrative modes of
other subjects and grade teaching.
There are differences
between the grade level’s
content because the
curriculum works in a
progressive framework.
There are differences
between the grade level’s
content because unlike the
previous curriculum, Grade
5 already covers the
Philippine nationhood.
What approaches are Through approaches in
appropriate and relevant The approaches in Araling araling
for Grade 4 to Grade 6 Panlipunan should be panlipunan,students
Araling Panlipunan constructivist, develop their
learners? collaborative, and understanding .They will
contextual. learn about their values in
The approaches should different time and
follow a constructivist condition.They also
approach with emphasis develop the perspective of
on content their environment and the
contextualization. process of its
The approaches in Araling advancement.
Panlipunan should be
collaborative, and
The approaches in Araling
Panlipunan should be;
thematic, investigative, and
The approaches in Araling
Panlipunan should be
How is the content
standard different from the Content standards are
performance standard? broad statement explaining
what students should
Content standard answers Content standard answers know,care and be able to
the question: “What do the the question: “What do the do in each level of
learners need to learn?” learners need to learn?” learning.Performance
while the performance while the performance standard are usedt o
standard answers the standard answers the evaluate what
question: “What do the question: “What do the specific ,measurable
learners need to do to learners need to do to evidence is acceptable in
demonstrate their demonstrate their determining whether
knowledge?” knowledge?” content standards have
Content standard is the been met.
outline of content learners
need to learn while the
performance standard is a
performative assessment
done by the end of the
Content standard is a
series of chronological
events in history that
learners need to learn
while performance
standard is the part where
teachers and learners
reflect on their learning
None of the above.
I want to set a goal for my Based in Area Standard
class this coming school For AP 4 you will preparing
year. Based on the Araling your students to become a
Panlipunan 4 curriculum, better citizens in their
the Learning Area To teach the pupils to learn community and teaching
Standard for AP 4 is: to appreciate the different how to learn to appreciate
diversity of Filipino cultures diversity of culture.
“Naipagmamalaki ang
pagka-Pilipino at ang
bansang Pilipinas na may
pagpapahalaga sa
pagkakaiba-iba ng mga
kulturang Pilipino batay sa
paggamit ng mga
kasanayan sa heograpiya,
pag-unawa sa kultura at
kabuhayan, pakikilahok sa
pamamahala at
pagpapahalaga sa mga
mithiin ng bansang

What goal would you

suggest for my class in AP
4? (open-ended question)
Study the conceptual framework found in the curriculum guide and reflect on the guiding
principles and philosophies your subject area is anchored on. Are there concepts that are
new to you? Which guiding principles or philosophies do you think are reflected in your
current teaching practices?

YES, the concept is new to me. The guiding principles or philosophy that are reflected in my
teaching strategies is being c constructivist teacher.

Study the core learning area/learning area standards of your subject area. If you are teaching
senior high school, look for the course/subject description. For Kindergarten and ALS, you
may refer to the Introduction or the description of learning strands. These portions in the
curriculum guide give you a broad idea of expectations and/or expected outcomes of the
learning area/course/subject. List down key words/concepts to help you remember the core
learning standards.
Pinag kaka -ugnayang yaman
Pang heograpiya

Familiarize yourself with the content and performance standards. How could they help you in
planning your lessons?

Content standards helps, “What do learners want to know, be able to do, and understand?”
while the performance standards “how do we want them to use their learning or
understanding?” This helps me in my lesson planning because they help me meet my
objectives for the lesson

Study the curriculum matrix/guide. You will see that it contains the content standards,
performance standards and learning competencies. How are the learning competencies
related to the content and performance standards? Which do you think could be met in a
short period of time (within a lesson) and which are expected to be attained in a longer
period of time?

The content standard should be met in a short period of time and the performance standard
are expected to be attained in a longer period of time.

Session 2: Using Curriculum Guide in Preparing Daily Lesson Log / Daily Lesson Plan
Prior Knowledge Assessment
D. Daily Lesson Log
E. Daily Lesson Plan
B. Results-based
F. Learning Area Strand
A. Outstanding and C. Very Satisfactory

Question Answer/Possible Answer Mentor-Mentee Collaborative

What is the learning Describe different objects
competency to be taught for based on their characteristics Depends on you and your
that week? ( ea.. shape, weight, volume, mentee discussion (your
ease of flow) mentors comment)
How long do you have to 2 weeks Depends on you and your
teach the lesson? mentee discussion (your
mentors comment)
Why do you think this Because this is a broad topic Depends on you and your
particular competency will be mentee discussion (your
taught in two weeks? mentors comment)
How will you unpack the I will use the MELC and Depends on you and your
learning competency? BOW to unpack the learning mentee discussion (your
competency. mentors comment)

What guides you in If the competency in the Depends on you and your
unpacking the learning BOW and MELC are the mentee discussion (your
competency? How? Why? same, you will combine it. mentors comment)
What assessment can be Summative Assessment Depends on you and your
done at the end of the two- mentee discussion (your
week lesson? mentors comment)

Required Task 2: Complete the table

As a newly hired teacher assigned in a multi-grade school, it is very important that you can
easily see the relevance of the learning codes to the subject and grade level you are
teaching. Remember that a multi-grade teacher handles more than one grade level at the
same time. To further enhance your skills, unpack the learning code listed below.

Code Subject Quarter Title Quarter Number of Competency

No. Weeks/Order Number
KMKPPam Kindergarten Pakikisalamuha
-00-3 sa Iba Bilang QUARTER 00 3
Kasapi ng 1
Pamilya (PPam)
Ivi1.3 Tongue 1 3 a-vi 1.3
EsP1PIIb ESP 1 Pagmamahal sa QUARTER 2
–2 kapwa 2 b

PE10PF- P.E 10 Physical Fitness QUARTER c-h 56

IVc-h56 4
EN11/12O English 11 Oral 1st a 1
C-Ia-1 Communication Semester

Processing Questions
How important are the learning codes to you as a teacher? Answer in a minimum of twenty
(20) words.
This serves as guide to the teacher on how many days they will teach the said learning
competency or learning objective.

How can the learning code help a teacher in budgeting the learning competencies and
planning the lesson for a subject? Answer in a minimum of twenty (20) words.
Learning Code helps the teacher in budgeting the learning competencies and planning the
lesson for a subject through letters and numbers that correspond to the subject and grade
level, abbreviation of the quarter title, quarter number, number of weeks and its order and
competency number.
Required Task 3: Filling out a DLL template (Portfolio Output)
(Another file)
Work with your mentor and prepare your lessons for the week. Complete the Daily Lesson
Log (DLL) from parts IV-V and follow the curriculum guide of your respective subject area.
(Another file)
Required Task 4: Yes or No
Use the following checklist to self-assess your daily lesson log.
As a newly hired teacher with
5 years of teaching YES
experience, you can already
use the DLL format in lesson
Are you capable of using ICT YES
in your classes?
Are you open to collaboration YES
with other subject teachers?

Are you aware of the learning YES

competencies that your
assessments have to meet?
Do your activities allow
learners to organize or YES
reorganize their thinking and
construct knowledge that is
meaningful to them?

Based on the questions above, determine your strengths and points for improvement.
Strengths Points for Improvement

I am capable in utilizing ICT resources in my What I need to improve is my teaching

class and the activities that I provide to my strategies to meet the competency of the
learners allows them to think critically. lesson.

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis

Scenario: Teacher Gina has been an elementary teacher for more than 15 years. She had
taught all grade levels and showed mastery of the subject matter. She regularly submits her
lesson plan but admits that she does the bare minimum in its preparation. She rarely updates
and adopts to current teaching strategies and activities and does not reflect on how her
learners performed. Most of her efforts are concentrated on the actual linear delivery of
She believes that following her traditional teaching strategies is enough to indicate that the
learners are learning.
Question Option Feedback
Teacher Gina’s experience
and mastery of the subject Yes. Lesson plans take time Lesson plan is very important
matter showed that she is a to prepare. The important because it serves as your
veteran teacher. Is it thing is you know the lesson blueprint in discussing the
advisable that lesson and how you will deliver it. lesson to the pupils, even
planning requires only the No. Lesson plans are an though teacher Gina already
bare minimum because the integral part of the master the subject matter.
focus should be placed on instructional process. It lays
the actual execution of the out the plan for the lesson. It
lesson instead? ensures that the lesson will
be taught well.

Preparing lesson plans and Yes. Lesson planning and

the actual delivery of the actual delivery of the lesson The lesson plan that you
lesson are not connected are different and separate prepare is the one you will
with each other. Is this true? instructional procedures. use in your actual delivery of
No. Lesson planning and the lesson.
actual delivery of the lesson
are interconnected with one
Teacher Gina uses the Yes. The pupils’ positive
positive reaction of the pupils reaction is a clear indication
to measure the achievement that they learned something. Positive feedback from the
of learning outcomes. As a It was a favorable learning learners means that they
teacher, should you do the experience for them. Teacher understand the lesson and
same? Gina achieved her they meet the competency of
instructional goals. the lesson.
No. A positive reaction does
not necessarily attribute to
achievement of the learning
goals. The lesson may be a
pleasurable experience; but it
does not necessarily mean
that the pupils learned the
intended outcomes.

Session 2: Nature and Purpose of Lesson Planning

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this

Teacher Rowel plans his lessons well. His lesson plan shows the detailed activities he
intends to do during his actual teaching. He follows a logical sequence of activity as his
lesson would unfold. He prepares instructional materials and integrates ICT. He uses
engaging activities that learners find interesting. His school principal observed him during
one of his classes. He conducted a short review of the previous lesson using an on-line
game application. It took 10 minutes more than he planned it to be. It is evident that the class
enjoyed the on-line game as a form of review. However, the scores of the learners in the
review was not as high as he expected. This review is essential since the previous lesson is
a prerequisite skill for the new lesson. He had given enough number of items during the
review to cover all the needed competencies in preparation for the new lesson. He asked the
learners if they have any questions regarding the previous lesson. When no one asked a
question, he moved on to the lesson proper. He constantly asked his pupils if they
understood the lesson. Everyone said yes. They got to the evaluation part of the lesson. Only
50% of the class got mastery level. Teacher Rowel was disheartened by the results. He
followed everything in his lesson plan, with the exemption of a 5-minute overtime, he believes
that his lesson went accordingly.

Question Option Feedback

Assuming that the lesson When Teacher Rowel
plan was well-crafted, and identifies that the result of the Mastery of the lesson is
the activities Teacher Rowel review is very low, he should important before proceeding
used are all appropriate, not have continued to teach with the new lesson.
what do you think contributed the new lesson. He should
to the low results of the have focus on the
learner evaluation? What competency that the learners
could have been done did not meet.
Teacher Rowel’s use of an
on-line game is an effective The students are actively The use of ICT promotes
way to integrate ICT in his participating in the class learning among learners. It
lessons. The learners appear discussion because they find provides a different learning
to have been engaged in the the online games exciting. opportunity for them to
process. Aside from the showcase their knowledge
learner engagement, what and skills.
other insights may be derived
from his use of this activity?
If you were Teacher Rowel, Teacher Rowel should
how would you proceed identify what competency did Mastery of the lesson is
based on the results of the his pupils did not meet and important before proceeding
day’s lesson? provide additional activities with the new lesson.
for the learners.

Required Task 2: Moving from Assessment to Progress (Output for Portfolio)

Reflect on the sample lesson plan below. Based on what you have learned about a well-
designed lesson plan, provide inputs on how you could improve it. Please put your answer in
another sheet of paper and compile it as a part of your portfolio. Please talk to your mentor
about your inputs.
The lesson plan above are very well-organized. It provides differentiated activities to
learners. It promotes collaboration and encourage learners to think logically. It utilizes also
the use of ICT in the lesson. The group tasks also caters the inidividual diffrences of the
learners. Based on the example lesson plan, I have no other inputs on how to improve it
because over all it is very detailed.

Required Task 3: Complete the table

Part of the Lesson Plan Comment or Suggestion
Learning Objectives The learning Objects are SMART
Subject Matter Provides curiosity to learners
Learning Tasks Provides collaboration and critical thinking to
Extension Give supplementary activities to learners to
ensure mastery of the topic.

Session 3: Parts of a Lesson Plan

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this
Scenario: Teacher Dawro’s lesson plan includes the following activities: a recap and review
of the previous lesson, an introduction and analysis of the new lesson, connecting the old
and new lessons, and then a summary of everything. All of these are explicitly stated on his
lesson plan.
Question Option Feedback
Looking back at the activities
included in Teacher Edawro’s
lesson plan, would you say A. Yes. The sequence of The teacher conducts a
that they are developmentally activities shows the gradual review before proceeding to
arranged? transition from the previous the next lesson
Yes. The sequence of lesson connecting it to the
activities shows the gradual new lesson and wrapping up
transition from the previous all that transpired.
lesson connecting it to the
new lesson and wrapping up
all that transpired.
No. Explanation of the new
concept should have been
done right after the
introduction of the new
Maybe. What a
developmentally arranged
lesson plan needs is to
simply provide an
introduction at the beginning
and a closure at the end.
It does not matter since all
the activities are

Teacher Edawro has a series

of activities in his lesson
plan. Which part of the
lesson plan refers to the main presentation and explanation Presentation of the new
part of the lesson? of the new concept of the lesson is considered as the
introduction of the new day’s lesson main part of the lesson.
establishing connection
between the old and new
presentation and explanation
of the new concept of the
day’s lesson
checking of learners’

3. The last activity in Teacher

Edawro’s lesson plan
included a summary of what
was taught. Considering that
ample time and energy had Summary is used to
been exerted towards the All of the above generalize the lesson that
discussion, why do you think has been discussed.
he still included a summary?
It is a form of wrap-up activity
that provides closure for the
day’s lesson
It allows learners to
synthesize everything that
they learned.
It gives a useful recap of the
entire lesson that helps
remind and refresh learners.
All of the above

Key Topic 2: Lesson Planning in the Public-School Context

Required Task 2: True or False
Read the DepEd order no. 42 s. 2016 and based on your understanding of it, identify
whether the following scenarios are TRUE or FALSE.
Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify
Question Option Feedback
1. Teacher Roger is a Although Teacher Roger has
veteran teacher with 21 years 21 years of teaching
of teaching experience. He FALSE experience still, he is not
claims that lesson logs are exempted in submitting DLL.
only for new teachers in the Bases on DepEd order no.
field. He also contends that 42 s. 2016, Planning lessons
he should be exempted from is fundamental to ensuring
submitting a DLL. the delivery of teaching and
learning in schools that’s why
all teachers are required to
submit DLL.
2. Teacher Cecile is a newly
hired teacher in the public TRUE
school’s system. Before this,
she was a teacher for 4 years
in a private school. Her
mentor instructed her to
follow the DLL format in
preparing for her lessons.
3. In a mentoring session
with a Master Teacher, TRUE
Teacher Phoebe was told
that lessons should be
consistent with the curriculum
guide and the teacher’s
4. In a DLL, other activities
do not include intervention TRUE
and enrichment activities.
5. For DLL, remarks indicate TRUE
the learners’ mastery level.

Required Task 3: Case Analysis

Help the following teachers use ICT in their teaching process by suggesting the best platform
to deliver their lesson.
Question Option Feedback
1. Teacher Cindy is a Math Works with more interactives
teacher in Grade 6. She Class point activities such as
hopes to make her Kahoot computation and games..etc,.
computation activities more Canva
interactive using technology.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher Cindy?
2. Teacher Earl wants to Works with real-time
avoid using social media as a meetings.Using browser
way to announce his Google Meet teacher earl can share videos
academic instruction. He Microsoft Teams and presentation to his
intends to use this platform Google Classroom pupils.
for virtual class activities.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher Earl?
3. Teacher Genneth intends It is a powerful slide show
to present mathematical PowerPoint presentation program. It uses
concepts using slides. slides to convey information.
Considering logistical
constraints, she prefers an
offline file to do this task.
What platform can you
suggest to Teacher
4. Teacher Demmy is a It can be used to create 2D
literature teacher who wishes and 3D drawings and
to visualize book characters AutoCAD 360 models,as well as
in three-dimensional construction drawings.
representation. What platform
can you suggest to Teacher
5. Teacher Carissa plans to
give a synchronous lecture to It is the collaboration app built
her Grade 6 learners. Google meet for hybrid that help to stay
However, their context would Microsoft Teams informed and connected.
not allow them to have face
to face classes. What
platform can you suggest to
Teacher Carissa?

Required Task 5: Scenario Analysis

Study the given scenario. Give your reaction based on what you have learned from this
Teacher Gemma gives 4 ungraded quizzes in each unit of study. The quizzes are framed
sequentially to have an accumulated record of student success on the unit test. The quizzes
are scored (though not included in the unit grade) so that students can identify where they
need more study and where they are already successful. This is an indicator that Teacher
Gemma can gauge where she will need to spend more time and energy with her instruction
to help students be successful on the unit test. Using this approach, Teacher Gemma has
been able to document significant gains in student achievement in her classroom, nearly
closing the achievement gap entirely with 95% - 98% achievement ratings in all of her units
of study.
Question Option Feedback
As indicated in the practice of
Teacher Gemma, what do The instruction used by Let the learners know their
you think contributed to the Teacher Gemma where in learning progress.
significant achievement of she let the learners identify
the learners? what to study and where they
are already successful.
Teacher Gemma gives
ungraded quizzes and keeps The activity of the teacher is
a record of the student’s very effective because she Teachers should always
success on the unit test. The achieves her goals of monitor the learner’s
quizzes are scored but not identifying the learners needs progress.
included in the unit grade. improvement.
What can be deduced from
this activity?
The scenario gives us an Other ways to achieve
idea of a formative growth in the learner’s The assessment we give to
assessment plan, what other performance is provide the pupils are important to
ways to achieve growth in the consistent feedback to the identify students’ growth and
learners’ performance? learners, use the feedback to performance.
loop concept and Align
instructions to learners’
Teacher Gemma would like
to gauge how far the Aside from formative
students’ learning of the topic assessment, Teacher Alternative assessment is an
can be extended. She Gemma can use the portfolio effective method of building
decided to give an alternative assessment, Performance learners' logical reasoning
assessment. What alternative test, and collaborative and communication skills.
assessment can she give her discussions. The teacher
students? What must one should always consider first
keep in mind and make sure the learning outcomes before
to do when giving such giving alternative
alternative assessments? assessments.
Module 4 – Implementing Learning Plans and Enriching Teaching Practice
Session 1 – Class Disruptions
Prior Knowledge Assessment:
True or False: Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify

Question Option Feedback

1. 1. The successive local
typhoons such as the Ondoy
(2009) and Pepeng (2013)
caused a major blow to the TRUE
school calendar. According to
existing DepEd protocols, the
course of action of every
school is to start make-up
class which will be derived
from Saturdays within the
school calendar and
vacations from months of
October, November, and
2. 2. In times of security
threats such as foreign wars TRUE
that may inevitably affect the
Philippines, the education
department mandates that
learning has to stop in order
to prioritize the safety of
3. 3. Home-based learning is FALSE
a new format of instructional The DepEd promoting flex
delivery after the 2020 learning
4. 4. When PAGASA raises When SIGNAL NO. 2 is
Signal Number 2, classes in FALSE raised by PAGASA, classes
the secondary level are in the pre-school, primary
suspended. and secondary level are
automatically suspended.
5. 5. In case of calamities
where learners are deeply TRUE
affected, the school suggests
that they forgo the school
year’s remainder and focus
on rehabilitation.

Key Topic 1: Modular Approach

Required Task 1: Case Analysis
Identify which of the following scenarios respond to certain considerations in crafting the
Question Option Feedback
1. 1. Teacher ____ a public-
school teacher in Batangas,
is teaching graphic
representation of statistical
data through Microsoft Excel.
As an innovative teacher, she RESOURCES The teacher had to consider
has been recognized by the the resources of the learners
school as tech-savvy. Her because not all of them have
module particularly revolves access to computer, no
around the activities that matter how the teacher is
need the software. However, tech-savvy if the learners
her learners have limited can’t access it there is no use
access to a computer as their at all.
town is located in a far-flung
area. What is the best
module principle which you
could share with Teacher
2. Teacher ____ is an
experienced teacher in a
private school who recently
entered the public school Alignment to the curriculum Teacher should always bear
system. As a Business Math in mind that the modules
teacher, she designed a must meet the standards so
module that takes much time that learners may gain the
on tasking learners to expected competencies at
construct a miniature the end of the lesson.
business plant, a task which
does not meet curriculum
standards. What
consideration do you think is
Teacher ____ missing out?
3. Teacher ____ has been
teaching oral
communications for five
years. In constructing his
module for the subject, he The summative assessment
assigned an entire module Alignment to the curriculum given should be aligned to
for pronunciation which is the learning competencies.
aligned to the most essential The teacher should align her
learning competencies. In his assessment synonyms and
graded summative antonyms to the topic about
assessment, he asked the pronunciation.
learners to list down 100
words with synonyms and
antonyms. In this regard,
what module principle should
he revisit?
4. Teacher _____ is a PE
teacher. He also advocates
that PE subjects must be
retained even during home-
based learning schemes. The teacher applies the
While he cannot teach dance REALISTIC ASSESSMENT principle of realistic
the way he did, he provided assessment that fits the
modules with visual context of a learner and at
representations so learners the same time respond to
can easily follow the routine. curriculum standards.
He also added a video
presentation for those who
have internet connectivity.
What principle of module
writing did Teacher _____
apply best?

Required Task 2: Scenario Activity

Teacher _______ was asked to write a module on entrepreneurship. Since the expected
learning modality is home-based, she is having a hard time going about the module because
its subject requires community immersion of business concepts. On a regular school year,
entrepreneurship learners are asked to sell in school fairs but this year all extra-curricular
activities are cancelled.

The teacher could either let the learners watch educational videos about successful
entrepreneurs. The pupils will listen to the life and contribution of this entrepreneurs on how
they started and become successful businessman,

Teacher ______ is tasked to write a module for Grade 10 Mathematics. As an experienced

teacher, content is not a problem for him anymore. He has a bank of assessments and
activities that are time-tested. Despite these factors, he worries about the fact that his
assessments are prone to leakage and cheating which may result in problematic learning

If the problem of the teacher is the leakage and cheating on the exam then what she should
do is to create a new assessments and activities that are still aligned to her lessons that will
still meet the competency of the lesson.

3. Riza is a learner in a far-flung province. Sadly, their town was severely hit by a typhoon
which badly affected her family’s livelihood. To recover from the calamity, Riza was asked by
her parents to stop going to school so she can help in the family’s rebuilding process – an
advice she resents but is inclined to accept. She informs her adviser Mrs. Reyes about her
situation. What help can Mrs. Reyes extend to Riza?
The teacher with the help of her classmates can either conduct a donation drive to help the
family Riza recover from the typhoon. They can donate whatever amount or things they have
at home. Through this simple action, Riza will no longer have to stop going to school.

Session 2 – Curriculum Requirements and Needs of Learners

Prior Knowledge Assessment:
True or False: Based on your knowledge as a newly hired teacher, determine whether the
following statements are true or false.

Note: according to our mentors if your answer is true no need to justify

Question Option Feedback

1. A diagnostic assessment
is a tool taken at the end of FALSE summative assessment is the tool use to
the lesson to know what evaluate student learning at the end of an
the learners learned. instructional.
2. Learning competencies
serve as the minimum TRUE
requirements which a
learner must achieve for
promotion to the next
grade level.
3. Reinforcements are
activities/responses that TRUE
encourage a learner to
continue one’s affirmative
4. Enrichment activities are
given to learners who have FALSE REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES given to learners
difficulty in learning so that who have difficulty in learning so that they
they may be able to cope may be able to cope with the lesson.
with the lesson.
5. DepEd offers free
remedial classes for those TRUE
learners who did not meet
the learning competencies.

Required Task 1: Complete the table

Five Learning Competencies from the
Five Sample Questions Curriculum Guide
Which of the following materials could Classify materials based on the ability to
absorb water? absorb water, float, sink, undergo decay;
How are these materials harmful to the Identify changes in materials whether
environment? useful or harmful to one’s environment.
How the major internal organs such as the
brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, Describe the main function of the major
intestines, kidneys, bones, and muscles organs.
keep the body healthy?
Which body parts of the fish helps him Infer that body structures help animals
survive in the water? adapt and survive in their particular
Differentiate the difference between Identify the specialized structures of
aquatic and terrestrial animals. terrestrial and aquatic plants.

Required Task 2: Case Analysis

Question Option Feedback
1. Teacher Agatha has a a. a. Scold the learner and
Grade 4 learner who is tell him he should be quiet.
excellent in Math. For half b. b. Tell the learner to Provide the learner
of the quarter, the learner finish tasks of other challenging tasks about the
shows consistent subjects. lesson that would make
performance by leading in c. c. Praise the learner and him busy and avoid
quizzes. However, the tell him to be humble. disturbing his classmates.
learner tends to be rowdy d. d. Provide a challenging
when he finishes their task about the lesson.
math activities. What would
be the best course of
action of Teacher Agatha?
2. Teacher Sandy a. a. Call a parent-teacher Conduct a short review on
conducted a diagnostic test conference to inform them the competency where the
for his Grade 10 Science that there was a problem students failed to meet.
class. When the results with their previous teacher.
came out, he noticed that b. b. At Grade 10, learners
60% of his learners were can easily catch up with
not able to satisfactorily new concepts in Earth
answer items on Earth Science so there is nothing
Science. What should he to worry about.
do with the test results? c. c. Use the results to
conduct review lessons so
that it will be easier for the
60% to understand new
lessons in Earth Science.
d. Reinforce the idea that
they should be cooperative
in the class for them to
pass the subject.
3. After the second quarter, a. a. Observe the learners’ Provide remedial teaching
Teacher Jessie noticed performance for the next to help pupils gain their
that three of her learners semester. general knowledge to meet
performed poorly for the b. b. Suggest that they those set of learning
two consecutive quarters. should get tutors at their competencies.
He decided to help these own cost or else they will
learners meet the set fail.
learning competencies. c. c. Ask the learners to
However, the challenge is retake the second quarter
that the first two quarters periodic exam.
are critical in d. Do a re-teaching
understanding third quarter /remedial intervention
lessons. What would be based on their least
the best course of action of mastered skills.
Teacher Jessie?
4. Based on the diagnostic a. a. Provide an Provide a way for well-
exam results, Teacher independent study guide motivated students to
Christy noticed that 84% of on Philippine art and pursue topic interest .
her learners cannot history.
understand the relation b. b. Move to the next
between Philippine art and lesson. They will catch up
history. What non- anyway.
classroom-based c. c. Give them library time
intervention can she after class hours.
conduct to address the d. Ask them to hire a tutor
concern? for the mean time because
the topic is very important.

Session 3 – Selecting, Developing, Organizing, and Using Appropriate Learning Resources

Prior Knowledge Assessment:

How many items did you get out of 25? 6
Based on the questions above, what does this reveal about you as a teacher?
This only means that I used very limited learning resources. in my teaching instructions.

Which among the following materials do you want to explore?

I want to explore more on the Google Play store Application because this is one way to make
your lesson more interactive.

Which among the following was effective when you used in the classroom?

The most effective Learning Resources for me that can enhance my teaching strategy is the
use of PowerPoint and video clip.
Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Identify whether the following scenarios demonstrate passive or active learning based on the
Dale’s Cone of Experience.

Question Option Feedback

1. 1. Teacher Kara is
teaching art history for Passive Learning
Grade 12 learners. Since Active Learning Students are Highly
her school is situated in Involved
Manila, she asked her
learners to visit the Manila
Metropolitan Museum and
the National Museum of
Fine Arts.
2. 2. Teacher Jocelyn is Passive Learning Students are Highly
teaching physical Active Learning Involved in the learning
education. The curriculum process because the
included the basic students can be able to
orientation of sports showcase through the
management. In this mini- intramurals what they
regard, she made her have learned on the
learners organize mini- lesson.
3. 3. Teacher Trina is
teaching the elements of Passive Learning Students are Highly
drama. After giving a Active Learning Involved in the learning
fifteen-minute lecture, she process. They are the one
directed the learners to responsible of their own
form an improvisation learning because they are
where they are expected to the one who will going to
play as actors. When the demonstrate what they
activity ended, she have learned on the
processed their insights lesson.
and experiences about
4. 4. Before going to actual
teaching, pre-service Passive Learning
teachers watch Active Learning This uses hands-on
demonstration teachings to observation. The teacher
witness how a teacher is takes responsibility of
expected to manage a student’s learning.
class. Afterwards, they are
asked to write a reflection
paper about what they
learned from the
5. 5. Teacher Carissa
organized a literary festival Passive Learning
where learner-writers will Active Learning Students are Highly
have a creative writing Involved. They construct
workshop. In the their own outputs based on
workshop, they are what they have learned on
expected to state their own the writing workshops.
creative process and how
they translate it to their
work. Guest experts
critique their works in

Required Task 2: Case Analysis

Based on the following scenarios, determine what instructional material criterion do the
following teachers strongly demonstrate.

Question Option Feedback

1. 1. Teacher Aaron is a a. Alignment to the
Grade 4 Science teacher. curriculum Teacher Aaron prioritizes
He found a National b. Developmentally his target audience. Since
Geographic educational Appropriate his learners are Grade 4, It
video that features the c. Effects on classroom is best suited to choose the
concept of predation. management cartoon version of the
Despite its amazing d. Inclusive concept of predation
features, he instead chose because it is easy for them
a cartoon version which to understand it and easy
covers the same concept. to remember.
What did Teacher Aaron
2. 2. Teacher Pauline a. Alignment to the The strategy of using
teaches Grade 7 Filipino. curriculum comic strips use by
She uses comic strips to b. Developmentally Teacher Pauline is Aligned
ease out the difficulty of Appropriate to the curriculum because
reading Ibong Adarna. In c. Effects on classroom the learners meet the
this way, learners are more management learning objectives.
empowered to meet d. Inclusive
learning objectives.
3. 3. Teacher Christian a. Developmentally Teacher Christian uses
teaches Grade 5 Math. He Appropriate Interactive learning using
noticed that his learners b. Effects on classroom interactive board; this
are anxious in solving word management shows that the pupils enjoy
problems. Hence, he uses c. Inclusive the activity and learns at
an interactive board where d. Localization the same time. The
learners can be playful learning materials both aid
while doing their learning and manage the
computations. classroom behavior.
4. 4. Teacher John is a. Developmentally
teaching Grade 4 English. Appropriate The instructional materials
He always makes it a point b. Effects on classroom of Teacher Jhon give
to represent diverse management emphasis on diversity as
Philippine ethnicities in his c. Inclusive seen on his visual aids
visual aids. d. Localization highlighting the diverse
Philippine ethnicities.
5. 5. Teacher Ram teaches a. Developmentally The Localization concept
entrepreneurship in a Appropriate used by Teacher Ram is
mango-producing town. He b. Effects on classroom reality based because the
takes the opportunity of management activity of inventing mango-
their place to challenge the c. Inclusive based product is available
learners to invent or d. Localization to their place.
innovate mango-based
products that would
showcase both their town
and their business skills.
Below are some guide questions that you may use in selecting and developing instructional
materials following the criterion discussed above.

1. Does this learning material help you achieve learning objectives with the

Yes! This Course greatly helps me to understand the relevance of curriculum in

education in Session 1.

2. Is this learning material apt for the age and knowledge of your learners?

Yes! This learning materials is suited to the age and knowledge of the pupils as well
as their needs for learnings.

Does this learning material moderate learner behavior and learning in class?

Yes.This course teaches how to handle learners’ behavior and cater learning in class.

4. Is this learning material sensitive to diverse learner contexts?

Yes. It was discussed on Session 2.

5. Does this learning material maximize the local potential of the school environment?

Prior Knowledge Assessment Below are statements about contextualization. Determine
whether the statements are True or False.
Statements Answers Feedback
1. Learners relate better to TRUE
concrete, tangible
examples and experiences
than to abstract conceptual
2. Action learning is based TRUE
on the premise that
learners will learn from
their mistakes and/or learn
from one another.
3. Contextualization is a TRUE
degree of localization.
4. When you incorporate FALSE You can’t say you are
activities that are related to indigenous people if you
the actual situation in the are not a member of their
community and you utilize tribes. As a teacher, you
materials that are available are only adopting and
in the locality of the school, utilizing materials that are
you are already available in the locality of
indigenizing. the school.
5. Contextualization is one TRUE
of the main features of the
K to 12 Curriculum.
6. DepEd mission FALSE This is not the highlights of
highlights that the Deped mission. It is the
curriculum shall be flexible standards and principles,
enough to enable and when appropriate, in
allow schools to localize, developing the enhanced
indigenize, and enhance basic education curriculum.
the curriculum based on
their respective
educational and social
7. Contextualization is also TRUE
one of the provisions in
Republic Act 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013.
8. Zone of Proximal TRUE
Development (ZPD) is the
gap between what is
known and what is being
9. Contextual learning TRUE
should be an integrated
learning process of
problem-solving learning
and work-based learning to
encourage and stimulate a
higher-level thinking.
10. Situational learning is FALSE Action learning is a
based on the premise that systematic process through
learning requires action which individuals learn by
and action requires doing. It is based on the
learning. premise that
learning requires action an
d action requires learning.

Required Task 2: Think-Pair-Share Using the legal bases supporting the practice of
contextualized teaching, write down the phrases and clauses referring to contextualization.
Discuss them with your co-newly hired teacher/s or mentor. Use the template below.
Legal Statements/ Feedback from the Insights during the Sharing
Basis phrases mentor
1. Article Culture- based It seeks to develop It is the grounding of instruction and
XIV – The State among Filipinos a student learning in these ways including
Section shall foster the greater values ,norms ,knowledge ,beliefs ,practice
14 1987 preservation, awareness,underst s ,experiences, and language that are
Philippin enrichment, anding and foundation of culture
e and dynamic appreciation of
Constitut evolution of a arts,history ,and
ion Filipino heritage towards
national the evolution of
culture based consciousness that
on the will improve the
principle of quality of our life.
unity in
diversity in a
climate of free
artistic and
2. The curriculum develop The development and evolution of these
Republic shall be contextualized global goals for education have given rise
Act contextualized curriculums that fit to the global curriculum, which aims to
10533 and global The the needs of the “promote a worldwide curriculum, unifying
Enhance curriculum time and place and criteria, identification, and respect of
d Basic shall be people that they regional uniqueness.
Educatio flexible are serving.
n Act of
3. Culture-based Family, Family, community and other stakeholders
DepEd’s Family, community, and ot has also a big role or a part in attaining
Mission community her stakeholders schools’ mission and vision in promoting
and other are actively equity and improved basic quality
stakeholders engaged and education.
are actively share responsibility
engaged for developing life-
long learners.

Key Topic 2: Contextualization in the K to 12 Curriculum

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis In reference to the theories presented, identify and
explain the theory reflected in each of the following classroom practices. Complete the task
together with your mentor and/or colleagues.
Scenario Answer Feedback of Mentor Insights Gained
Mario, a A. Connection When we say Because mario is
kindergarten pupil, Theory connection theory it already know the
is learning how to is relatively new alphabet letter
read and write. He learning that which means he
knows the alphabet suggest students has already
letters, but cannot should combine knowledge and
read or write words thoughts and have the guidance
yet. No matter how general information of her teacher he
much guidance was in a useful manner. can now read and
given, he could write.
never read on his
own. With Teacher
Roselle’s help,
Mario can now read
and write short
words like “at,” “boy”
and “dog”.
a. Connection
b. Constructivist
Theory c. Active
In a carpentry class, c.ACTIVE When we say active Teacher bryan gave
Teacher Bryan LEARNING learning it some problem -
provided this emphasized that based learning like
activity: “You have contextual learning Estimate the type of
been hired as a should be an wood . what lengths
carpenter to help integrated learning will be purchased
renovate a family process of problem- the cost per foot ,
room. The based learning and the total cost of
contractor asked work-based learning molding needed for
you to submit a cost to encourage and the family room In
estimate for the stimulate a higher- determining the
base molding level thinking. cost, measure the
(baseboard) around room and make a
the room. You will scale drawing of the
need to include the floor plan showing
following in your fireplaces, doors,
estimate: i. the type and other objects .
of wood and style of
olding you will use
ii. the number of
pieces and what
lengths will be
purchased iii. the
cost per foot iv. the
total cost of molding
needed for the
family room In
determining the
cost, you will need
to measure the
room and make a
scale drawing of the
floor plan showing
fireplaces, doors,
and other objects
that may affect the
lengths of the base
molding you choose
to install.
a. Connection
b. Constructivist
Theory c. Active
In the Chemistry B.constructivist When we say Teacher paul
class of Teacher theory constructivism it is becomes the
Paul, he showed a the theory that says facilitator of the
candle. He learners construct class and the
explained the knowledge rather learners encourage
composition and that just passively to interact exchange
function of the take in information.. of views and ideas
candle. Later on, he and construct
asked the learners meaning and
how the flame is knowledge .At the
produced and how end ,the learners
the candle works. successfully
He encouraged the understand the
learners to discover components of
for themselves how combustion
the candle works.
They do this first by
making simple
observations, from
which they later
build ideas and
hypotheses which
they then go on to
test. At the end, the
understand the
components of
combustion, an
important chemistry
topic. a. Connection
Theory b.
Theory c. Active
Now from the scenarios above, what is common? In teaching, you should always consider
the context of your learners. You need to relate the topic or lesson to your learners. In this
case, you are teaching contextually.
Constructivism is commonly used in my classroom. It focuses on my learner’s question
and interest; the learners build on what they already know, and we focus on integrative
learning. I can relate through our lesson about “writing dialogue” I will start off with a song
and teach them how should dialogue be used. Second was mentor text, third one is model or
take my class story and find places to add meaningful dialogue. Next was practice, we will
have a dialogue to help them construct their own knowledge and students work primarily in
Session 2 – Teaching Contextually
Required Task 1 Give your comments on the following situations. Discuss them with your
Topic Scenario Localization or Insights
Visualize the ratio of Teacher Rommel
two given numbers used easily The use of the jeep, 4
observable examples Localization wheels, kariton, 2
of ratio in the Indigenization wheels, tricycle and 3
community such as wheels as an
one jeep, 4 wheels; observable example
one kariton, 2 of ratio is Localization
wheels, one tricycle, because Teacher
3 wheels Rommel prioritized
things that are
present in their
community and pupils
are familiar with it
because they see it in
the community.

Teacher Mary Ann Teacher Mary Ann

Identify elements of presented the lesson focus on the socio-
a short story by mentioning cultural community
community activities activities and cultural
or cultural practices practices as an
that inherently use example.
the concept of ratio
like bringing sacks of
rice to markets using
carabao (one
carabao to the
number of sacks)

Teacher Melody Indigenization

Identify star patterns instructed her because teacher
that can be seen at learners to interview melody wants her
particular times of the chieftains in the learners to research
the year villages of the about the history of
learners and asked their place.
for stories of origin
depicting their
culture. Localization
Teacher Hanadee Teacher Hanadee
presented the uses the strategy
elements of a short Indigenization in the
story using a local teaching-learning
legend “Ang Alamat processes in relation
ni Daragang to the bio-
Magayon” Localization geographical of their
Indigenization place.

Teacher Ailyn It focuses on the bio-

mentioned the geographical content
community’s name of the lesson.
for prominent stars Localization
while retaining the Indigenization
use of the Greek

It focuses on the
Teacher Lester socio- cultural
discussed the content of the lesson.
community’s own
calendar of star
patterns and its
background before
discussing the Greek

Required Task 1: Tell whether the following situations illustrate Localization or Indigenization.
Situations Answer Feedback
1. The barangay will be
having its annual fiesta. The business plan activity
Teacher Marilou requested given by the teachers is a
her students in TLE to create good idea to present local
a business plan using the LOCALIZATION products in their community
concepts discussed. The through bazaar on the day of
business plan is a the fiesta.
requirement for the learners
to be allowed to participate in
the bazaar on the day of the
2. “Inutak” is a native
delicacy of the people of
Taguig and Pateros. The
dish is a reflection of the This focus on the Historical
early customs of the local INDIGENIZATION and socio-cultural aspects of
inhabitants of Taguig and the lesson.
Pateros. Teacher Arnel
together with his students in
Araling Panlipunan will
conduct research on this. He
instructed his students to
interview some prominent
native residents of the area
and ask questions about the
relationship of culture and
the dish.
3. In the ICT class of
Teacher Rodel, after
discussing video and LOCALIZATION The teacher uses the local
animation, he instructed his materials as an activity
students to produce an
online advertisement using
the famous local products
and delicacies in their place.
4. Teacher Diane is teaching
in a provincial school. In her sharing traditional customs is
English Class, one of the INDIGENIZATION an example of indigenization.
activities was the reading of
the short story “How My
Brother Leon Brought Home
a Wife” As a priming activity,
she asked the learners to
share their traditional
5. After learning the
elements of a play, the class LOCALIZATION The stage play will use local
is tasked to perform a stage materials that are present in
play for the upcoming fiesta. the community to portray the
The story of the play local hero.
revolves around a local hero
during World War II named
Jose Ozamis.

Required Task 2: Reflection Create your #Commitment that manifests the significance of
contextualization to you as a teacher, for your learners, and to the community. Write it down
in the hearts below and discuss your answers with a co-newly hired teacher or mentor.
On the best of my ability, I will help my students to relate educational tasks with their
knowledge and everyday curricular contextualization facilitates the linking theory and

I promise to engage my students in active learning while assisting them to make meaning out
of the information they are obtaining. I will help students learn language skills by teaching the
skills using the authentic contexts in which students must use those skills in the real world.

I will utilize the importance of teaching localization and indigenization in my lesson.
Session 3 – REACT Strategy
Required Task 1: Pre-assessment Activity Before you undergo this session, take this pre-
assessment activity.
Determine whether the statement is stating a fact or not. Write TRUE if the statement is a
fact and FALSE if not.

Statement Answer Feedback

1. Teachers can use the Teachers use REACT
REACT Strategy in localizing TRUE strategies to ensure active
the lesson. participation of the learners.
2. When learners take what Learning in the context of
they have learned and apply TRUE prior knowledge, also known
it to new situations and as transferring, makes use of
context, the transferring stage and expands on what the
happens. learner has already acquired.
3. Experiencing happens Contextual learning is defined
when learners solve problems as learning in the context of
as a team to reinforce TRUE exploration, discovery, and
knowledge and develop creation. Other teaching
collaborative skills. styles, however, may result in
motivated or tuned-in
4. Understanding real-world Teachers must use a real-life
connections to course content TRUE setting to educate so that
increases student students may apply what
engagement which often they've learned in class to
leads to increased their daily lives.
persistence and successful
5. For learning to happen, the If we enable our students to
teacher allows the learners to TRUE find and experience
discover meaningful situations and tasks firsthand,
relationships between there will be meaningful
concrete ideas and real-world learning.

Required Task 2
Now to fully understand REACT Strategy, read the following Classroom Observation Notes
by a Master Teacher to Teacher Romano in his Science Class. Then answer the questions
that follow with your colleagues and mentor.
Now challenge your understanding by answering these questions together with your
colleagues and mentor.
Discussion Questions Answers Feedback
Did Teacher Romano utilize YES Teacher Romano employs a
contextualization? sociolinguistic or
contextualization strategy in
which language (both spoken
and physical language) is
used to convey important
components of a
What degree of LOCALIZATION Presenting local materials
contextualization is presented may encourage greater
in the sample lesson? learning and make the
content more relevant to the
Which part in Teacher REACT methods can be
Romano’s lesson showed the When the students perform used to ensure learners'
REACT Strategy? Outline the the activity active engagement and even
portions that demonstrated to build a suitable learning
the REACT strategy. environment.
Was the anticipated learning The REACT approach
outcome realized through the YES ensures that students
REACT Strategy? participate actively in order to
encourage enjoyable and
active learning.
As a teacher, can you Yes, especially in sessions REACT technique was more
replicate any lesson or topic that involve direct experience effective and recommended
using the REACT Strategy? to guarantee that the for use in a class when the
How? learners understand the students needed direct
process or steps of a experience.
particular topic.

Required Task 3: You were assigned to teach in a community with learners from an
indigenous group. Think of a topic that you will be discussing and write a lesson outline using
the REACT Strategy. Think of ways to promote an inclusive, culture-responsive, and relevant
education for your learners. Use the template below. Be ready for a discussion with your
mentor and colleagues.

Lesson Outline using REACT Strategy Responses

Topic or Competency Grade 1
Naisasagawa nang palagian ang pagtulong
pananatili ng kalinisan at kaayusan ng paligid
para sa mabuting kalusugan..
1. What kind of discussion or activity might To encourage active learning, provide a self-
help learners in RELATING to the concept? made story with a known name and location
on the area.
2. What kind of activity would enable learners Ask the students to act or respond to a real-
to EXPERIENCE the concept? life issue that promotes the preservation of a
safe and healthy environment.
3. How can learners be shown the way that The teacher may perform a role-playing
concept is applied, or they can APPLY it session or narrate a tale in which the
themselves in a way that simulates an students take on the role of the character and
industry situation or other real-life problem- experience the scenario firsthand.
solving scenario?
4. How will the experience be set up so that Provide a group activity that will support the
learners have the opportunity to interact and lesson's purpose while also addressing the
COOPERATE in one another’s learning? learners' various learning styles and allowing
them to engage depending on their interests.
5. What steps can be taken to ensure that Encourage students to apply what they've
learners will be able to TRANSFER learning learned in class to their homes and
to new and unfamiliar situations? communities, and ask for comments on how
well their activities have worked out.

Module 2 – Building Relationships with the Wider School Community

Session 1 – Community as a Resource in the Teaching-Learning Process
Prior Knowledge Assessment Identify the term being referred to in the following statements.
Choose the letter of the correct answer from the box below and write it on the space
Statement Answer Feedback
1. It is a school association F. Parent-Teacher The PTA may act as a
composed of Association (PTA) school's support organization
parents/guardians and and partner in the students'
teachers, which serves as welfare.
support groups and partners
of the school for the welfare
of the learners.
2. It is composed of C. Stakeholders Stakeholders can help the
government agencies, NGOs, school accomplish its aims
Alumni, Parents, retirees, and and objectives by providing
other sectors in the assistance.
community which give
support to the school in the
achievement of its goals and
3. It refers to the sustainable E. School Governing Council The School Governing
governance structure that Council is guided by the
operates under the principle notion of shared
of shared accountability and accountability and
responsibility among school responsibility among all
community stakeholders stakeholders in the school
4. It is a detailed list of the A. Action Plan Action Plan was a list of the
steps or tasks that you need stages or tasks you'll need to
to accomplish to attain the do to meet your objectives.
goals set
5. It is a relationship between D. School community The school community
the school and the strives for a single goal: to
community, organization, or contribute to the children's
individual who seeks a learning outcomes.
common goal, which is to
contribute to the learning
outcome of the children.

Introductory task I or E: Identify if internal or external stakeholder

Teachers: Internal stakeholder
Students: Internal stakeholder
LGUs: External stakeholder
NGOs: External stakeholder
Civil Society: External stakeholder
School administrator: Internal stakeholder

Optional Task: Complete the table Get to know your community. Complete the table below to
get acquainted with your school community. If you have no answer for some items, you may
leave it blank.


):Ilin Proper, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Description (name, location, background,

1. Type of community (urban, rural, etc.) Barangay
2. Topographynd of Luzon. Barangay Ambulong
3. Available establishments School,health center,church,store etc.,
4. Tourist spots/parks n/a
5. Indigenous group/s (if applicable) n/a
6. Religion Mostly Roman Catholic
7. Celebration/feasts Every April 5
8. Source of income Vendor, government employee etc.,
9. Songs/folklores n/a
10. Local heroes n/a
11. Learning Resource Centers/Learning Brgy.hall library

Required Task No. 1: Scenario Analysis

1. Why did Ms. Ramos talk to the Barangay Captain?
Answer: She wanted to know whether she could borrow the Barangay's extra computer so
that her six students who don't have recourse gadget for their online class might use it for
their studies.
2. What was the Memorandum of Agreement the School Principal made for?
Answer: The memorandum of agreement that the school principal made was an agreement
between the school and Ms. Ramos that will be authorized by the Superintendent in order for
her to become an official stakeholder in the school or a donor of the essential computers.
3. If you were Ms. Ramos, would you do the same? Why?
Answer: Yes, as stated in the scenario, Ms. Ramos has a wonderful heart and has always
desired to assist children with their education.
4. What will you do to show appreciation and gratitude to them?
Answer: As long as I am able, I will always open my door to assist the unfortunate children
and even supply other required resources.

Required Task No. 2: Action Plan (Portfolio Output)

Identify Problems: Before you make the Action Plan, you need to identify the root cause of
the problems. Identify these problems and accomplish the table in a LAC Session with your
mentor. You may also refer to the existing action plans from the school to accomplish the
Observable Reasons: What Resources: Action: What can Action: What
Problems: What might be the What resources you do as their can your school
are the problems reason? do you have in teacher? do to face the
that hinder the your school challenge? Are
learning process community that there any efforts
during this time you can utilize in your school is
of pandemic? easing out the doing to ease
identified the problem?
problems in your
Availability of Lack of finances A learning Visit each home Look for
internet of the families module that may while carrying someone who
connection and be sent to their their instructional can help the
gadgets. house, allowing modules. Look school keep the
them to continue for stakeholders students
their studies that can assist informed and up
even if they don't me in keeping to date on the
have access to a my students lectures.
device. informed and Consulted the
updated about Barangay
our lesson. officials to be
given aid and
assistance in
visiting students
and distributing

Make an Action Plan The identified problems can be solved by planning before execution.
Continue this activity by filling out the table below.
Action steps: What Responsible Time frame When Potential barriers
tasks should be Personnel Who are should the tasks be What hinders the
done? the people to accomplished? accomplishment of
perform the tasks? these tasks?
Maintain a positive Teachers and Year around The availability of
connection with Principals as well as stakeholders and the
government offices the learners’ parents. funding required for
by coordinating with the search for
as many potential stakeholders
stakeholders as to satisfy school
feasible. demands.

Session 2: The School and Community Relationships

Key Topic 1: Laws and Existing Policies
Required Task 1 Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
Statement Answer Feedback
1. The wider school TRUE The school is conducive to
community can be a source learning when it has a
of learning. harmonious interaction with
the community.
2. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 TRUE This policy intends to
is also known as An Act construct and maintain a
Providing for the comprehensive, appropriate,
Establishment and and integrated educational
Maintenance of an Integrated system that is relevant to
System of Education. national development goals.
3. The community is required FALSE The community was not
to provide the needs of the compelled to meet the
school. school's needs, but they might
assist the school in meeting
those needs.
4. The School Governing FALSE The learning of the kids was
Council (SGC) is accountable not the responsibility of SGC.
to the learning of the students Because an SGC's role is to
in the school. create a platform for parents,
students, teachers,
community stakeholders, and
the school's principal to
collaborate and improve
student learning outcomes.
5. Frequent communication TRUE School should maintain a
with the learners’ parents/ harmonious relationship to the
guardians contributes to a community especially to the
healthy school-community learners’ parents/guardians.
6. A farmer or fisherman in FALSE Internal stakeholders are
the community is considered those who have a direct
an Internal Stakeholder of the connection to the institution.
7. The school alone can FALSE To create a secure and
provide for the life-long pleasant learning
learning skills the learners environment, the school need
need. community assistance.
8. During Family Day, TRUE Providing various school
teachers get the chance to activities that foster
know the parents/ guardians relationships between
and some of the members of students and their
the family of the learner. parents/guardians may be
extremely beneficial to the
students' learning process.
9. Having open and healthy FALSE Having a healthy relationship
communication between the to the learners’
teacher and the learners’ parents/guardian may be
parents/ guardians has extremely beneficial to the
nothing to do with the students' learning process.
academic nor in the social
behavior of the learner
10. An established linkage TRUE Having a positive relationship
between the teachers/ school with the community can help
and the community can help learners learn more
in the development of the effectively.

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis

Scenario 1
Questions: 1. As an adviser of one of the classes in Grade 1, what should you do to gain the
trust and confidence of the parents and the community? Limit your answer to 200 words
ANSWER: You may hold a meeting to promote the benefits of having a positive relationship
between the school and the community. Allow them to perceive and understand the school's
situation in order to provide a healthy learning experience for the students. Showing care and
treating them as if they were your own child is an excellent way to acquire the trust of the
parents and the community.

2. Who are the persons in the school community that you can tap to help you establish a
good relationship with parents?
ANSWER: We might tap our students and seek our administration for permission to organize
a school activity that would benefit both teachers and parents, especially the students to
maintain and develop a positive connection with parents and the community.

3. In what ways can you better communicate with the parents?

Answer: Because most parents want the best for their children, you can use this concern to
gain their support and trust by simply demonstrating how much you care for them. This will
be beneficial for all of you, particularly because it will help us to use appropriate teaching
techniques, monitor students' academic performance, and even discipline students.

Key Topic 2: The Community Involvement Continuum

Required Task 2: Complete the table At the beginning of the school year, the Department of
Education implements the Brigada Eskwela. As a teacher, how can you involve the school
community and the school’s stakeholders on this initiative of the Department? Identify
appropriate approaches/activities/tasks/strategies you can use to involve the community. The
first row is done for you.
Community Involvement Goal Activities/Tasks/Strategies
Inform To provide the community Example: Conduct information
with balanced, objective drives on certain community
information to assist them in issues or advocacies
understanding the problem,
alternatives and solution
Infer To obtain community Gather information about
feedback on analysis, community issue and put
alternatives, and decisions together to design an
Involve To work with the community Coordinate with the community
throughout the process to and discuss about their
ensure that their concerns concern.
and aspirations are
consistently understood.
Integrate To partner with the To have school and community
community in each aspect of effort to improve student and
the decision. To synergize community learnings.
the effort from all the
stakeholders to reach the
goals (to solve school
Empower (INVEST) To provide shared Maintaining a positive
leadership of community-led relationship with the
projects with final decision- community, as well as initiating
making at the community and recommending a
level. magnificent initiative for the
improvement of the school and
the learning process.

Session 3 – Strengthening and Sustaining Good Relationships with the School Community
Preliminary Activity: During your first month of teaching, were you able to get to know the
parents of your learners? What were your struggles and how did you overcome them? Limit
your response to 200 words.
Reach out to your colleagues (preferably newly-hired teachers) and share your thoughts with
your co-teachers. Write down the ideas you got from them:
During my first month of teaching I was able to get to know some of the parents of my
pupils.Some of my struggles was communication with other parents and lack of participation
of school activities. We all know that a good relationship between families and schools is a
top factor in positive students outcomes.But when families are hard to reach or seem
reluctant to participate ,building those relationships can be tough.I overcome those struggles
by offering the option or having meetings over the phone or via video conferencing for those
parents that are not able to attend the meeting.And let them know that I want to work with
them towards our shared goal of helping their child thrive.

Key Topic: Role of Parents? (K Melhuish, S., E. Sammons, P. Siraj-Blatchford, & B. Taggart

Required Task 1: Writing The following are some common school situations. Write the
strategy that you think will best suit the situation to be able to create a good relationship with
the parents/guardians and the wider school community. Limit your response to 100 words for
each situation.

1.Claire is always absent and you never receive an excuse letter from her parents/guardians.
Answer: When a student is chronically absent, contacting parents is usually effective
especially if you emphasize how you've missed the student in class and hope he or she is all
right, rather than demanding to know the reason for the absence. It's also helpful to have a
conversation with the student the next time they attend class, stressing that you've noticed
their absence, and you care about them and their education.
I always try to avoid asking a student why they've been absent. In my experience, if they've
been absent for a legitimate reason, they'll tell you. Other times, there are personal or family
issues they may prefer not to share. When a student with a string of absences returns to
class, it's important to welcome them back and help them get up to speed on missing work.
Giving your students a hard time about poor attendance is counterproductive and doesn't
make them want to return to school in the future.

2. Your lesson for tomorrow is about different professions/jobs. You want your learners to
meet professionals and those working in the community. In planning the lesson, you wanted
to prioritize the safety and maximize the learning experience at the same time. You thought
about conducting a field trip, but it will be very costly and will require rigorous planning to
make sure that the activity will be safe. What is an alternative way to conduct this activity?

Field trips are often considered a key part of the school experience. Students often look back
on them as some of their favorite and most memorable days of school. However, traditional
field trips are not always feasible options. They can be expensive, time-consuming to
organize, and quite stressful in action.
Perhaps your most simple and convenient option for a field trip alternative is to show your
class about documentary of different professions/job. Movies have a very unique ability to
transport our learners to other places, and documentaries in particular can be very
educational and revealing about a faraway place or topic. No matter the subject, you can find
a documentary that your students will be interested in.

3. Mrs. Cruz, a parent, went to your class confronting you because her daughter told her that
you moved the child’s seat away from her friends to make her concentrate on your lessons.
Your actions were triggered by her non submission of assignment and throwing a crumpled
paper at you. How will you explain your side to Mrs. Cruz?

Instantly thank the parent for bringing her concern to your attention. Apologize for both the
problem and for causing parents concern. Take any steps necessary to calm Mrs. Cruz and
help her to relax.
Discuss with Mrs. Cruz about misbehavior of her child in a nice way and the reason why you
move her child away from her friends to make her concentrate on your lesson. Be careful the
language used when communicating with parents. End your conversation by reiterating that
you’re going to take care of the problem.

4. The general PTA meeting is fast approaching, and you need to ensure at least 90 percent
attendance of parents. How are you going to invite the parents to ensure their attendance
and participation?
To ensure their attendance and participation I will send home personal letters to notify
parents of conference dates. Outline an agenda that will interest them and emphasize the
importance of the conference to their children's education. Schedule conferences for
students who have siblings in the same school first and coordinate conference times with the
siblings' teachers. Do everything possible to avoid scheduling siblings' conferences on
different days or at widely disparate times. Base the length of the conferences on the needs
of the students. If necessary, schedule two consecutive periods with parents you suspect
might require more time. Send home personal invitations to the conferences and ask parents
to RSVP by a specific date. Telephone parents who do not respond and encourage them to
attend. Send home reminders one week before the conferences. Contact parents who do not
show up and try to reschedule.

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis Read the following scenarios. Write YES if it talks about
a healthy parent-teacher relationship and NO if otherwise.

_______NO____ 1. Benedick, a Grade 1 pupil, never speaks in the class of Teacher

Consuelo. Teacher Consuelo seeks for advice from Benedick’s previous teachers. Contrary
to what she knows, the teachers said that Benedick was a talkative pupil. During the
distribution of cards, she talked to the student’s mother and found out that after his father’s
death, he got upset, which led to Benedick’s disinterest in socialization. Teacher Consuelo
consulted Benedick’s condition with the School Guidance Counselor.
_____NO______ 2. Mrs. Maureen De Cello was an alumna of Bucao Integrated School and
a mother of a Kinder learner in the same school. She was impressed by the improvements
made in the school and expressed her willingness to contribute to the further improvement of
the school. She asked the teacher of her daughter, of what else she can contribute to the
school. However, nothing came into fruition.
______YES_____ 3. Angelo always skips class every afternoon. He never does his
assignments too. He is one of the struggling learners in Ms. Bada’s class. Since he has been
acting this way for almost two weeks, Ms. Bada immediately called his father, Mr. Cruz and
set an appointment. She told Mr. Cruz of Angelo’s behavior in school and he promised that
he will be watchful of Angelo.
_______NO____ 4. During the online class where Janna is attending, she failed to
understand the instructions of the teacher because of internet connection failure. Mrs.
Manza, her mother, sent a message to her teacher and asked for further discussion about
the instruction because Janna was not able to get it correctly. Her teacher did not respond to
____YES_______ 5. Mrs. Hugo sent three activity sheets to Lerio’s house through the
Barangay Health Worker (BHW) for her to answer. As soon as Lerio finished answering, her
mother brought back the activity sheets to school. She explained that she is on her way to
the market so she didn’t wait for the BHW to come over and get back the activity sheets. Mrs.
Hugo was very grateful.

Optional task: List down top 5 strategies to increase parental involvement in school and
share it with your co-teachers.
1.Connect parents and schools
2.Create an organizational structure
3.consider parent’s time
4.Identify and support learning environment
5.Home visits and parent teacher conferences


Course 5 Module 1- deped organizational structure and processes

Required Task 1: Identify the turning points in the history of public education in the
Philippines. The pre-colonial era and the Spanish colonial period are already done for you
Stages of Development Events (What are the Implications (How does this
(What are the different time educational developments affect the succeeding public
periods identified in the brought by this time/period?) education system?)
Pre-colonial Period Education was informal, Essential learning was
unstructured, and devoid of prioritized during this period
methods. Children were
provided more vocational
training and less academics
(3Rs) by their parents and in
the houses of tribal tutors
Spanish Colonial Period The tribal tutors were Formalization of education
replaced by the Spanish with defined administration
missionaries. and management by the
Education was religion Spanish colonial government
It was for the elite, especially
in the early years of Spanish
colonization. Access to
education by the Filipinos
was later liberalized through
the enactment of the
Educational Decree of 1863.
Education during that period
was inadequate, suppressed,
and controlled
American Colonial Rule allowed it to spread their English was adopted as the
cultural values, particularly medium of instruction in all
the English language, to the public schools
Filipino people. Instruction in
English language, and
American history, lead to
forming of a national identity
and Filipino nationalism.
Contemporary Society (Third Education and modern By implementing a curriculum
Republic-Present) society have been mutually that responds to the current
dependent during this needs of society. Which will
historical period. National result in competent students
societies expect their being produced by the
educational systems to school.
provide education that
supports the preservation
and development of their
societies' unique and valued
characteristics, as well as
provide their members with
relevant education
opportunities to function
effectively in society and in
the international world.

Key Topic 1: The DepEd Management Structure

Required Task 1: Policy Reading
1. Why is there a need to rationalize and restructure the Department of Education?
Answer: Restructuring the Department of Education was required to implement our strategic
plan for progress in every school, particularly in light of the changing needs and demands of
our society. Similarly, on this day of pandemic, the department of education must redesign
the system to deal with the current situation.
2. In what ways can the restructured DepEd, through the Rationalization Program, help you
as a DepEd personnel and a public-school teacher?
Answer: It will act as a guide for teachers in adopting teaching norms and standards as well
as processes to meet the present demands on the educational system. It will also give all
teachers an understanding of how to use tactics to make their work easier and more
3. Required Task 2: Identification Read the following scenarios and determine what particular
DepEd organizational strand promotes and/or helps address the following scenarios.

Scenario Answers Feedback

Teacher Jeanne is a “teacher The particular DepEd Teacher Jeanne's difficulty
to the barrio” who is organizational strand that will and concern can be remedied
dedicated to providing basic promote or can helps by following proper
education to the pupils in a Teacher Jeanne’s condition procedures and seeking
geographically isolated is the Finance and assistance from the
community in her province. Administration strand of the Governance and Operation
She was deployed to Department of Education strand.
educate the pupils with a which is the responsible of
parallel module to that of ensuring the efficiency to
formal elementary education support the organization as a
but in a relatively informal whole to focus on its core
setting and schedule business and thus attain its
targets through the provision
of finance and administrative
Teacher Jonnalyn is a The particular DepEd Teacher Jonnalyn's problem
permanent teacher who is organizational strand that will might be solved by the office
facing financial challenges. promote or can helps offering financial guidance
Once her prior loans were Teacher Jonnalyn is the and support. Teachers
paid, she directly proceeds to Finance and Administration Jonnalyn's scenario could
take out another loan. The on which this strand ensures also be considered for the
cycle of financial debt goes the efficiency to support the stated office to conduct and
on. organization as a whole to deliver programs to address
focus on its core business this kind of issue.
and thus attain its targets
through the provision of
finance and administrative
Teacher Arvin, the school’s The Curriculum and With such advice or concern
basketball coach, focused Instruction strand of the from Teacher Arvin, the
not only on the psychomotor Department of Education, Department of Education's
skills of his players but also which is responsible for Curriculum and Instruction
on the development of ensuring that the strand can develop programs
mental discipline and social organization focuses on the and curriculum that will meet
values through after-school delivery of a relevant, the needs of the students
sports programs responsive, and effective without disrupting the
basic education curriculum availability and schedule of
around which all other students or teachers.
strands and offices provide
support, is the particular
DepEd organizational strand
that will promote or can help
Teacher Arvin's concern.
Teacher Edith thinks she is The Department of Teacher Edith must be
qualified for a promotion as a Education's Legal and informed about the required
Master Teacher. She Legislative Affairs strand, documents and units or
submits all of her which is responsible for degrees for a smooth and
requirements and waits for increasing the organization's efficient promotion process.
the results. But she lacks the capacity to deal with legal Legal and Legislative Affairs
required number of units for challenges and being should ensure that all
her Master’s degree. proactive in carrying forward teachers are informed about
its legislative agenda, is the this matter by conducting an
office that can assist Teacher orientation or possibly
Edith. providing a list of documents
required to avoid
Nanette is teaching in a low- The Department of Before canceling class due to
lying school. One day, during Education's Office of the heavy rain, Teacher Nannete
a heavy rainfall, she was Secretary strand which should wait for an order from
advised of class provides overall leadership the government or the Office
cancellations and calmly and direction at the national of the Secretary of the DepEd
assessed the situation before level. Attached and support Organization. She must first
she directed the class to go agencies to DepEd are ensure the safety of her class
home. included under the OSec. is by not letting them alone,
the office that can assist especially during terrible
Teacher Nannete weather.

Session 3: The DepEd Regional Office and Schools Division Offices

Required Task 1: Identification
Function Answer Feedback
To ensure access, promote Governance and Operations Governance and Operations
equity, and improve the quality is the strand that ensures
of basic education in the the capacity of the
regions and the school’s organization to continuously
divisions by taking the lead in improve and be strategic in
policy and direction setting, managing the environment
standard-setting and for which “teaching and
enforcement, partnership learning” takes place.
building, and networking with
stakeholders of education, and
by effectively and efficiently
managing the financial,
human, and physical
resources of the region
To ensure full implementation Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction is
of the articulated basic the strand that ensures that
education curriculum (pre- the organization focuses on
school, elementary, the delivery of a relevant,
secondary, ALS), its responsive, and effective
localization/indigenization, and basic education curriculum
increase access to quality and around which all other
varied learning resources strands and offices provide
towards improvement in the support.
quality learning outcomes.
To support the delivery of Finance Finance is the strand that
basic education programs, ensures the efficiency to
projects, and needed support the organization as
resources to the school’s a whole to focus on its core
divisions in order to create an business and thus attain its
environment conducive to targets through the provision
learning and ensure learner of finance and administrative
readiness to learn through: services.
School Health and Nutrition,
Education Facilities, and
Program & Services (DRRM,
School Sports, Guidance &
To coordinate and integrate Field Technical Assistance Field Technical Assistance is
the provision of technical the strand that ensures the
assistance (TA) to schools’ capacity of the organization
divisions with the purpose of to continuously improve and
facilitating the delivery of be strategic in managing the
quality basic education and environment for which
creating an enabling “teaching and learning”
environment for schools and takes place.
learning centers.
To ensure compliance with Policy, Planning & Research Policy, Planning & Research
standards of quality basic is the strand that ensures
education by assessing, that the region and school
monitoring, and evaluating the divisions are meeting
region and school’s division fundamental education
performances to inform requirements by assessing,
decision making and guide monitoring, and evaluating
policy directions in the region their performance in order to
toward continuous inform decision-making and
improvement. lead policy directions in the
region toward continual
To facilitate the Policy, Planning & Research Policy, Planning, and
implementation of education Research is the strand that
plans, policies, and standards conducts research studies
in all areas of basic education and maintains Regional
in the region through the Education Planning and
conduct of research studies Data Management Systems
and maintenance of Regional to help the region implement
Education Planning and Data education plans, policies,
Management Systems. and standards in all areas of
basic education.
To ensure competent Human Resource Human Resource
personnel and staff in the Development Development is the strand
regional and schools division that ensures competent
offices through efficient and personnel and staff in
effective training towards regional and school division
professional competencies offices by providing efficient
and organizational and effective training to
performance. improve professional
competencies and
organizational performance.
To provide the regional office Administrative Personnel, records,
with efficient, economical and reception of mail, supplies,
effective services relating to equipment, collection,
personnel, records, receipt of disbursement, security and
correspondence, supplies, custody of property, and
equipment, collection, reportorial duties to
disbursement, security and oversight authorities are all
custody of property, and covered by the
reportorial work to oversight administrative strand.
To provide advice to the Finance Finance is the department
Regional Director on the that advises the Regional
financial resource of the region Director on the region's
and provide services in financial resources and
budgeting, accounting, provides budgeting,
reporting, and coordinating accounting, reporting, and
with government oversight coordination with
agencies. government oversight

Key Topic 3: The Schools Division Office (SDO)

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis Read each statement. Write CID if the scenario/concern
is Curriculum Implementation Division-related or SGOD if it is Schools Governance
Operations Division-related.

Question Answer Feedback

Teacher Alyssa conducted SGOD It was classified as SGOD
and finished writing her action since it deals with planning
research in the conduct of and research.
their Continuous
Improvement Plan (CIP) in
eradicating the number of
non-numerates in their
school. She submitted it to
the SDO for assessment
Teacher April is having a SGOD It was placed under the
hard time managing her class SGOD because it requires
because her schedule is in help from the area of human
the last period before class resources development.
dismissal. She then seeks
help from the head teacher
and colleagues for some
advice. Upon learning about
Teacher April’s struggles, the
head teacher found it
necessary to provide a
classroom management
training for teachers
Teacher Michael is the SGOD It was classified as SGOD
schools’ DRRM Coordinator. since it discusses
He prepares and submits Educational Facilities.
situation reports to the SDO
on any hazard affecting the
school operations such as
flood, conflict, fire, among
others, and provides realtime
updates to the SDO.
Teacher Angel, an English CID Since the scenario described
teacher, seeks help through about Instructional
setting a preconference Management Part, it was
meeting with her Department considered as CID.
Head for her upcoming
classroom observation. She
wants to know the best ways
on how she can employ the
indicators required in the
Classroom Observation Tool
Teacher Melvin is assigned CID Since the scenario described
as the Room Examiner in the about Direct Instructional
conduct of the National Supervision Part, it was
Achievement Test. He checks considered as CID.
if the Room Examiners
adhere to the instructions in
the Examiner’s Handbook

Optional Task: Reflection Reflect and answer the following questions:

1. What is the relevance of knowing the DepEd organizational structure and school
processes to the performance of your duties as a teacher?
It is essential for a teacher to understand the department of education structure and the
school processes to know how learning policies, plans, and programs are implemented .And
knowing the DepEd organization structure and school processes in the performance of
my duties as a teacher is that it will help me to do my work easier.

2. Why should a teacher know who to approach in addressing concerns related to his or her
It is important to know who to approach in addressing concerns related to my duties as a
teacher it helps me to do my functions and responsibilities effectively and efficiently.
Session 4: The School Structure
Required Task 1: Policy Reading Read through the DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2016 on
Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Standalone and
Integrated Public Senior High School (SHS) and read the following scenarios to identify the
services provided and its function in the schools and learning centers. Determine the
teaching or the non-teaching staff who does the service portrayed.

Scenario Answer Feedback

Teacher Leo creates Librarian/LRMDS The scenario depicts a
activities to make sure that Coordinator Librarian/LRMDS
learners and teachers access Coordinator's duties and
the place where reading responsibilities.
materials and learning
resources are kept. He also
crafts a schedule of the
classes that could visit the
place. He coordinates with
the School Head for the
selection, acquisition,
organization, and
maintenance of reference
and reading materials.
Teacher Lorrine is handling a Guidance Counselor The scene portrays an action
case of some Grade 7 by the Guidance Counselor
learners who were caught in dealing with cheating
cheating by their adviser. She students.
calls the attention of the
parents and reports to them
what the learners did. Since it
is the first incident, the
learners are reprimanded and
reminded of the importance
of honesty and of not
Teacher Steffi is conducting a Subject/Learning Area The scenario depicts a
career guidance and Coordinator/ Department Subject/Learning Area
advocacy seminar to Grade Head Coordinator/ Department
12 learners focusing on the Head duties and
four exits envisioned for SHS responsibilities.
graduates—namely, higher
education, entrepreneurship,
employment, or middle-level
skills development.
Afterward, she gives them a
survey to answer on what
they plan for their career
development after SHS.
Mark Anthony is preparing a Administrative Officer The scene portrays a job of
budget plan for the an Administrative Officer.
continuous improvement of
the school for the month of
August. He is also preparing
the financial report for the
month of July. Both reports
are subject to the approval of
the School Head
Miss Rhea prepares the Property Custodian Miss Rhea's actions
receipt, issuance, portrayed the school's
maintenance, and Property Custodian duties
safekeeping of supplies, and obligations.
materials, and equipment and
other properties and facilities
of the school. She also
conducts and maintains the
inventory of properties and
prepares the required reports
for the School Head’s

Key Topic 5: School-based Management (SBM)

Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis To foster harmonious relationships with the wider school
community, it is important to involve learners, parents, and other stakeholders in identifying
and resolving issues and concerns in the school community. Discuss how you can help in
each scenario and involve some key personnel who can help you resolve the following

Scenario 1 Teacher Lozano, the mother of one of your advisory students, visited you in the
school because of a bullying incident that you are not aware of. She was very angry and
disappointed about what happened because the incident was not addressed and resolved
properly. Her daughter is still afraid and decided not to go to school that day. The incident
happened during science time because the teacher was late to enter the class. You also had
other classes to attend to and had no chance to meet your advisory class during that time.
Who should you seek help to?
Answer: To avoid such bullying among the students, she needed to first approach the
science teacher and request if she was able to attend the class on time. On the other hand,
she needed to seek assistance from the guidance councilor to provide adequate procedures
for disciplining the concerned students. She should also notify the bully student's parents or
guardians so that they can discipline their child.

Scenario 2 Teacher Mary Ann, a fellow teacher whom you consider a friend, messaged you
on Facebook and told you that she will be absent tomorrow. She asked you to substitute all
her five classes. Without letting you respond, she already sent you the learning materials for
her lessons tomorrow. However, you also have classes to attend and your learners are
expecting to deliver a performance task that they prepared for. What are you going to do as a
colleague and who should you direct her to?
Answer: As a fellow teacher and a friend, I must accept Teacher Mary Ann's request for
assistance in determining if her cause was an emergency or an urgent matter. First, I will
counsel my buddy and tell her that our students are our responsibility, and I will encourage
her to avoid being absent, especially when there are many tasks to complete. Then I'll enlist
the services of the floating instructors, who are in charge of handling such tasks when regular
teachers weren’t able to attend the class. In addition, I will endorse the teaching resources
that my friend gave to me in order to make her teaching and handling the class easier and
more effective.

Scenario 3 Lito, the class president of your advisory class, was elected as the president of
the Supreme Student Government (SSG). After three months, his subject teachers are
having trouble with his class standing because of his frequent absences and non-submission
of required written and performance tasks. Lito is getting overwhelmed with the various
school activities he manages. What are you going to do as the adviser?
Answer: I will conduct a make-up class for the concerned students who are affected by the
school activities so that they can cope with the lesson and complete the needed written
works and performance task.

Session 5: Common/Standardized School Forms

Key Topic 1: Adoption of School Forms and Standardization of Permanent Records Required
Task 1: Preliminary Activity Let us find out how familiar you are with school forms. Rate your
level of familiarity with the school forms listed. Tick/ check your response. Choose only one
ALL FAMILIAR EXCEPT SF5A&SF5B It depends on you. Check your responses

School Form (SF) 1 – School Register

SF2 – Daily Attendance Report of Learners SF3 – Books Issued and Returned SF4 –
Monthly Learner’s Movement and Attendance– Report on Promotion and Learning Progress
and Achievement– End of Semester and School Year Learner Status– List of Learners with
Complete SHS Requirements SHS SF6 – Summarized Report on Promotion– School
Personnel and Assignment List and Basic Profile ES, JHS, SHS SF8 – Learner’s Basic
Health and Nutrition Report, SF9 – Learner’s Progress Report Card SF10 – Learner’s
Permanent Record

Key Topic 2: The K to 12 and the New Standardized School Forms

Required Task 2: Reading Read DO 58, s. 2017 – Adoption of New School Forms for
Kindergarten, Senior High School, Alternative Learning System, Health and Nutrition and
Standardization of Permanent Records. (URL, hyperlink)

Key Topic 3: School Forms

Required Task 3: Scenario Analysis Identify the school forms to be utilized in the following
Teacher Joanne is a newly SF 3 The SF3 form is a record of
hired substitute teacher. She books obtained by students
received a letter that a school that must be retrieved at the
stakeholder would like to end of the school year.
know what reading materials
are needed in her class. In
order to identify the learning
areas which have limited
books, what school form shall
she consult?
Mrs. Anne, a parent, came to SF2 You must present the SF2,
Teacher Danica, a teacher- which contains the
adviser, complaining for the attendance record of your
remarks given in the report class, which can be your
card (SF10), “It would be evidence regarding on that
helpful if you come to school student who received a
on a regular basis,” the remark on his or her SF10.
parent complained that her
child never got absent from
class. What school form
should you refer to as an
evidence to support the
remarks on SF10?
Teacher Nico is having SF8 To persuade a stakeholder,
trouble in finding school you must provide your class's
stakeholders that could help SF8, which has a record of
her class in the feeding your students' BMI, in order
program. The majority of her to determine the students'
learners have a Body Mass needs help so they will be
Index (BMI) outside the included on the feeding
healthy range. What school program.
form informed her about this?
Parents need to be regularly SF9 Ascertain that the SF9, or
informed of their child’s learner's report card, was
academic achievement but updated on a regular
you failed to inform them. schedule, and that the
What school form was not learner's parent was kept
properly issued? informed.
Jeanne Therese, a Grade 4 SF2 Because the incident
student, was accidentally hit occurred outside of school,
by a car outside the school you are not responsible for
during class hour. You were your students; however, you
given a complaint of must produce the SF2, which
negligence on your part as a contains your class's
teacher. You explained that attendance record and may
the child was absent in class serve as proof that the
that day. What school form student was absent that day.
would support your

Required Task 4: Scanning Files Indicate which of the forms shown in the table below
need/require the listed data by putting a tick in the appropriate columns.
Data Needed SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10 School
School Name and ID SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10,
District/Division/Region SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10
Name of Adviser SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF8 SF9 SF10
Final Rating SF9 AND SF10
Nutritional Status SF8
Nature of Appointment/ Employment Status -SF7
End of School Year SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10
Status Registered Learner as of End of the Month SF2 AND SF1
Book/Module Title SF3

Optional Task: A. Teacher Rose Ann is a facilitator in the Alternative Learning System (ALS)
in their school. She was told by the School Head to prepare the needed reports written on
the table. Identify the forms that need to be prepared.
Official lists of learners AF3 AF3 refers to a record of
enrolled in ALS learners who are officially
enrolled in ALS classes
Basic information of AF2 AF2 refers to a Basic
individuals who signified information sheet of
interest to enroll in ALS individuals who signified
interest to enroll in ALS
Record of learners after the AF1 AF1 is refers a to list of
mapping activity done in mapped learners
Report of learners’ learning AF5 AF5 refer to a learners
progress progress and permanent
List of candidates qualified to AF4 AF4 refers to List of
take the Accreditation & candidates qualified to take
Equivalency Test the A & E Test
B. Get hold of School Forms SF1-SF 10, and AF1 –AF5. Figure out the use of each form. If
you have gray areas, you may seek the help of your mentor or any member of the School
Forms Review Team (SFRT). Write your new learnings about school forms in bullet points.
These are the following school forms - SF1-Basic information of learners SF2 – Daily
Attendance Report of Learners SF3 – Books Issued and Returned SF4 – Monthly Learner’s
Movement and Attendance– Report on Promotion and Learning Progress and Achievement–
End of Semester and School Year Learner Status– List of Learners with Complete SHS
Requirements SHS SF6 – Summarized Report on Promotion– School Personnel and
Assignment List and Basic Profile ES, JHS, SHS SF8 – Learner’s Basic Health and Nutrition
Report, SF9 – Learner’s Progress Report Card SF10 – Learner’s Permanent Record
These are the following ALS Form- AF3 refers to a record of learners who are officially
enrolled in ALS classes AF2 refers to a Basic information sheet of individuals who signified
interest to enroll in ALS AF1 is refers a to list of mapped learners AF5 refer to a learners
progress and permanent record AF4 refers to List of candidates qualified to take the A & E
School forms have a variety of purposes, including assisting us in gathering accurate data
about our students, serving as a foundation for their needs, and serving as proof in the case
of an incident happened.
school forms can use for a survey.

Session 6: Preparation and Checking of School Forms Optional Task: Preliminary Activity
With your knowledge of the school forms being prepared by the advisers, key personnel, and
the school head, describe how you can be accountable, reliable, efficient, and accurate as a
teacher and as one who handles, prepares, and checks data.

Accountability- You are responsible for Reliability- You should provide data that is
preparing dependable data that contains trustworthy and data that is consistent across
accurate and current information about your all school forms.
students, as well as ensuring that the
information provided is consistent across all
school forms.

Efficiency- You should ensure that the school Accuracy- You should give correct data that
forms are well-organized and that the accurately shows the information required on
formulas are accurate, as well as that you the school form.
present accurate data.
Key Topic 1: Preparation and Checking of School Forms
Required Task 1: Reading Read DO 11, s.2018 – Guidelines on the Preparation and
Checking of School Forms.
Required Task 2: True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
incorrect. If FALSE, determine the reason/s why the statement is incorrect.
Questions Answer Feedback
Teacher Jopay, a Grade 1 FALSE She must attach the needed
teacher, prepared 2 copies of supporting documents to
SF10-ES without attaching validate the information on
any documents for the the SF10
checking of her forms.
Teacher Rochelle, a Grade 7 FALSE Sf10 is the learners
class adviser, could not permanent record the
encode the SF10-JHS of one absences should be recorded
of her learners because of on the SF2 – Daily
the absence of SF10-ES as Attendance Report of
the attachment. Learners
Aira finished the Grade 8 FALSE The transaction should be
level and would like to teacher to teacher on the
continue her studies in the said school or it can be also
same school. She asked for endorsed by the record
her SF10 and would like to keeper.
submit it to her soon-to-be
Che-che transferred out to FALSE The transaction of
continue Grade 11 to another SF10should be school to
school, she needs to bring a school. She was only be able
photocopy of her SF10. to bring a certificate of
enrollment as a proof that
she enrolled as a grade 11
Upon the receipt of the TRUE
written request, Teacher Mia,
the designated record-keeper
of the school, prepared the
pertinent documents of the
learner and sent it to the
requesting school
Key Topic 2: Forms to be accomplished by the Class Adviser
Required Task 2: Interview Conduct an interview with at least two teachers who have been in
the profession for five years or more and ask what they think, feel, and do before, during, and
after reading and checking the forms. Write your findings in bullet form.
THINK Accuracy of data Assure that the formula and Recheck the forms
input data are correct
FEEL Pressured Learning relieve
DO Prepare the data Input the data with accuracy Correct all the data error

Required Task 3: Quiz True or False. Indicate whether the following statements are true or
At the end of the school year, False It should be SF9- Learners’
a kindergarten teacher will progress report.
prepare a report on learners’
progress to inform parents
using SF10.
Information in the SF1 is TRUE
consistent with what is written
in the Birth Certificate.
The List of Graduates and TRUE
documents/ reports in relation
to the ranking of honors shall
be prepared and checked.
The learner’s academic FALSE The basis should be SF1
records shall be the basis of which refers to School
the adviser for enrolling or Register
validating the said learner in
the LIS.
SF 2 is the official enrollment FALSE The reference should be SF1
list of the class and shall be which refers to School
used as reference in any Register
other reporting that requires
the list of officially enrolled
Module 2 – Relevant Laws for Teacher
Session 1: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

Required Task 1: Policy Reading Read the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Write
down portions in the document that you think might be helpful as you practice your
profession or those that you would like more elaborations or clarifications on. Discuss them
with your mentor. You may use the format below. An example is provided for you.
Topic and Page number Queries Input/Response from the
Mentor/s or from the LAC
Section 11, page __ Could I be in the same When possible, the proper
Provision for Married school as my husband/ first authorities should make every
Teachers degree family member? effort to allow married couples
who are both public school
teachers to work in the same
Section 12, Academic Am I allowed to study without Teachers must have
Freedom informing my working academic independence in
school? carrying out their professional
responsibilities, notably in
terms of teaching and
classroom approaches
without informing anybody or
asking for permission from
Section 13, Teaching Hours Am I required to go to my Any teacher engaged in
working school at 7am to actual classroom instruction
4pm? shall not be required to render
more than six hours of actual
classroom teaching per day,
which shall be scheduled to
allow him time to prepare and
correct exercises and other
work incidental to his normal
teaching duties: Provided,
however, that where the
exigencies of the service so
require, any teacher may be
required to render more than
six hours but not more than
eight hours of actual
classroom teaching per day.

Required Task 2: Case Study Read the following cases with your mentor. Use the Magna
Carta for Public School Teacher as a tool to navigate and solve the problems in the given
Scenarios Issues and concern Related Provisions in How should the
the Magna Carta matter be properly
Scenario 1: Teacher Teacher Ana was Sec. 8. Safeguards in Teacher Ana and
Ana is a Science active in postering Disciplinary Teacher Jurado
teacher in a Senior variety of learning Procedure. should discuss the
High School and has strategies to engage (D. The right to issue tother with their
been very active in her learners but appeal to clearly principal as the
fostering a variety of suddenly Teacher designated moderator for the
learning strategies to Jurado found her authorities. ) conversation
engage her learners teaching techniques between them. After
in learning their quite disturbing. allowing them to state
topics. She would their opinion principal
mostly ask her should advice both of
learners to do them to be
outdoor activities, considerate on
explore the acknowledging each
surroundings and of their capabilities
come up with and even learn from
hypotheses related to each other. Teachers
their topic. Teacher must consider others
Jurado, the 53- whenever they are
yearold Grade Level teaching to avoid
Chair, found this disturbing others.
teaching technique of
Teacher Ana Castro
quite disturbing since
he believed that
Science could be
better learned
through experiments
within laboratories
and paper-and-pencil
exams. He raised this
concern to the
principal and has
asked Teacher
Castro to explain her
side of the matter
Scenario 2: Teacher Teacher Connie's co- Sec. 8. Safeguards in Superiors at the
Connie was a newly- teacher, who was Disciplinary school should
assigned English just next to her Procedure. Every conduct a seminar to
public school teacher classroom, was not teacher shall enjoy reignite teachers'
in Mataas na Nayon managing the class equitable safeguards enthusiasm for
High School, and as well and was at each stage of any teaching while also
she started to adapt unconcerned about disciplinary introducing new
in the new setting of her students' procedure and shall methods of inspiring
the school, she misbehavior. This have: and managing the
noticed something in would have an (D. The right to classroom. They
one of the more impact on Teacher appeal to clearly must also speak with
seasoned teachers in Connie's class. designated the concerned
the same department authorities. ) teachers, offering
whose classroom is suggestions and
just next to her. Most instructions to ensure
of the time, she that the teaching and
would observe the learning process is
teacher to be giving improved.
short discussions
among her learners
and would leave
them to do their own
thing while she also
sat on the teacher’s
chair scrolling her
phone, not minding
how the class is
misbehaving. In turn,
this would affect the
class of Teacher
Connie as the
learners in the next
classroom would tend
to be noisy. When
she could no longer
keep her frustration,
she went to the
classroom of her
coteacher and gently
confronted her about
the situation. Then,
the other teacher
answered, “Well, this
is how I wanted to
teach, I have the
academic freedom to
utilize my time no
matter how I want it.
You should try it, too”
and left Teacher
Scenario 3: Teacher Teacher Antonio was Sec. 12. Academic Teacher Antonio
Antonio is an Araling asking to set an Freedom. should be able to use
Panlipunan Teacher appointment with the Sec. 24. Study Leave academic autonomy
in public high school regent of the in carrying out his
for 5 years. He is university to enroll professional
taking up his Master’s himself for the final responsibilities,
Degree in term to finish particularly in terms
Demographics and Master’s Degree of teaching and
now in his final year thinking that he will classroom methods.
to finish the program. be given the Study The principal must
He would only need Leave Allowance by grant Teacher
to complete his the school. Antonio's request and
Thesis Study to fully provide the
graduate from the necessary
program. He asked to documentation and
set an appointment records, since it is his
with the regent of the right and will benefit
university to enroll their school.
himself for the final
term thinking that he
will be given the
Study Leave
Allowance by the
school. The next day,
he talked with the
principal about his
plans, and how he
thinks his study will
also help the school
in the long run.
Scenario 4: Teacher Teacher Sareemah Sec. 27. Freedom to Teachers in public
Sareemah moved was a muslim who Organize. schools have the
from Mindanao to wished to practice freedom to form and
Pampanga and was her costoms as a join organizations of
successfully muslim, but the their choice, whether
employed to teach in Grade level local or national, to
a public school. coordinator gave her develop and defend
Rooted in her Islam a class schedule that their interests without
culture and tradition, conflicts with her prior authorization.
Teacher Sareemah prayer time at Duhor Teacher Sareemah
wishes to practice her (midday). must inform both her
customs as a Muslim, Principal and Grade
like not eating pork, Level Coordinator
wearing her hijab and ask if it is
when going to school, possible to consider
and praying five her religious beliefs
times a day. when making a
However, at the schedule.
beginning of the
school year, she
realized that the
Grade Level
Coordinator gave her
a class schedule that
conflicts with her
prayer time at Duhor
Scenario 5: Teacher Teacher Alonzo was Sec. 8. Safeguards in Teacher Alonzo
Alonzo saw his photo enraged by the false Disciplinary should disclose the
being shared in social accusations of the Procedure. situation to his
media by one of the student until he Every teacher shall Principal and take the
influential TV received a call from enjoy equitable required steps to
programs that hails his principal and safeguards at each handle the problem,
itself as the program asked him to explain stage of any including gathering
that gives justice to the matter to his disciplinary evidences, defending
the poor and office. procedure and shall himself, and, if
disadvantaged. As he have: necessary, using his
clicked the link of the a. the right to be right to appeal to
program, there on his informed, in writing, clearly defined
screen was the of the charges; authority.
interview with one of b. the right to full
his learners who told access to the
the host that her evidence in the case;
teacher, pertaining to c. the right to defend
Teacher Alonzo, himself and to be
didn’t give her the defended by a
chance to make up representative of his
for all her missed choice and/or by his
quizzes and was organization,
ridiculed by him in adequate time being
front of the class. given to the teacher
Knowing the truth, for the preparation of
Teacher Alonzo was his defense; and
enraged by the false d. the right to appeal
accusations of the to clearly designated
student until he authorities.
received a call from
his principal and
asked him to explain
the matter to his
office since they are
being pressured by
the TV program to
give his statement.
Scenario 6: After They created an Sec. 27. Freedom to Teachers at public
strong typhoons that organization that Organize. schools have the
caused multiple promotes helping the freedom to form and
damages on the families affected by join groups of their
production of the the typhoon and able choice, whether local
commodities in their to raise more than or national, to
area farmed and tilled P100,00O which is advance and protect
by the parents of the more than enough to their interests without
learners of Teacher help their target prior authorization.
Carla, she felt number of families. This implies that their
compelled to do She even response to the
something to help encouraged her co- typhoon's victims was
them, particularly in teachers to both appropriate and
providing for their participate on the brilliant. They might
essential needs. But pond raising and also utilize it to attract
as she checked on utilize the power of additional
her funds, she social media. stakeholders to their
realized that it would school, which could
not even suffice for be beneficial to their
the needs of three educational
families, so she initiatives.
thought hard and
looked into her social
media about some
relief operations
being done by
organizing a donation
fund. After this, she
messaged her co-
teachers who are
also living within the
area and asked them
to contribute. Until
eventually, they were
able to come up with
a group name,
created an
banner which they
posted on their social
media accounts, and
started to reach out
to different individuals
and organizations to
help them in their
cause. At the end of
their target date, they
were able to raise
more than PhP
100,000.00, which
they utilized in buying
the needs of more
than 50 farmers and
their families.
Scenario 7: Teacher Teacher Justine felt Sec. 25. Indefinite Teachers in public
Justine is excited uneasy and troubled Leave. schools are not
about giving birth to because she was required to work
her first baby as a worried that she during vacation;
public-school teacher won’t be able to avail nevertheless, in the
for just over three the full benefits of case of Teacher
years in Macalintal maternity leave since Justine, it may be
National Science she gave birth during favorable that she
High School. She is the vacation season, gave birth before her
in the third trimester which was prior on due date, as she may
of her pregnancy and her target date to use utilize the vacation
is expecting to give her maternity leave. days to heal properly
birth in the month of and then enjoy her
June, which she paid maternity leave
thought is the perfect without reporting to
time to use her her school. If she
maternity leave and manages to report on
avail its full benefits. the first day of the
However, due to school year in June,
some pregnancy she may be eligible
issues, she started to for a double pay
feel labor income for the month
contractions early of May.
May, which is still
technically part of the
vacation season of
the school. A few
days after giving
birth, Teacher Justine
felt uneasy and
troubled because she
was worried that she
won’t be able to avail
the full benefits of
maternity leave due
to the fact that she
gave birth during the
vacation season.

Required Task 3:
Essential question: How does the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers impact my
professional duties as a teacher?
Provisions in the Magna Carta Implications for your Notes from the LAC session
for Public School Teachers professional duties as a
1. Section 13. Teaching This section on Magna Carta Any teacher engaged in
Hours. Any teacher engaged for Public School Teachers actual classroom instruction
in actual classroom instruction has the following shall not be required to
shall not be required to render implications for my render more than six hours
more than 6 hours of actual professional obligations as a of actual classroom teaching
classroom teaching per day. teacher: I may utilize my per day, which shall be
Provided, however, that where excess time to prepare for scheduled to allow him time
the exigencies of the service my next class and even to prepare and correct
so require, any teacher may settle all my ancillaries to exercises and other work
be required to render more maintain a healthy routine as incidental to his normal
than 6 hours, but not a teacher. This also assists teaching duties: Provided,
exceeding 8 hours of actual me in dealing with other however, that where the
teaching hours a day. issues such as family exigencies of the service so
matters and others. The require, any teacher may be
teaching and learning required to render more than
process can also be six hours but not more than
simplified if we employ eight hours of actual
tactics that promote learning. classroom teaching per day.
2. Section 10. No Despite the fact that I am a There should be no
Discrimination. There shall be professional teacher, I am prejudice in entering the
no discrimination (i.e., gender, free to practice my religious teaching profession,
cultural, religious, disability, and cultural views. Because practicing it, or terminating it
etc.) whatsoever in the there are no limitations, we based on anything other
entrance to the teaching may be able to apply our than professional
profession, and/or during in strengths and expertise in considerations.
exercising its duties or even in teaching.
the termination of tenure in
3. Section 27. Freedom to We may organize an Teachers in public schools
Organize. Public school organization to assist us in must have the freedom to
teachers shall have the right to meeting the needs of our form and join organizations
freely and without previous students, as well as the of their choice, whether local
authorization both to establish school and its surroundings. or national, to develop and
and to join organizations of Promotes activities that will defend their interests without
their choosing, whether local benefit both our students prior authorization.
or national to further and and ourselves as instructors.
defend their interests.
4. Section 8. Safeguards in If necessary, we can defend At each level of any
Disciplinary Procedure. Every our instructional disciplinary proceeding,
teacher shall enjoy equitable methodologies and other every teacher is entitled to
safeguards at each stage of techniques. When our the following protections:
any disciplinary procedure and profession is threatened, we
shall have: a. the right to be have the right to defend a. the right to have the
informed, in writing, of the ourselves. charges written down.
charges; b. the right to full b. complete access to the
access to the evidence in the case's evidence.
case; c. the right to defend c. the right to defend himself
himself and to be defended by and be defended by a
a representative of his choice representative of his
and/or by his organization, choosing and/or by his
adequate time being given to organization, with sufficient
the teacher for the preparation time granted to the teacher
of his defense; and d. the right to prepare his defense; and
to appeal to clearly designated d. the ability to appeal to
authorities. authorities who are clearly
5. Section 24. Study Leave. If the time comes for us to Teachers in public schools
In addition to the leave be eligible for this type of will be eligible to study leave
privileges now enjoyed by leave, it will be a huge aid in of up to one school year
teachers in the public schools, finishing our studies, which after seven years of service,
they shall be entitled to study will greatly benefit us, as in addition to the current
leave not exceeding one well as a benefit to the leave entitlements. Such
school year after seven years school when we return to leave will be given in
of service. Such leave shall be teach. accordance with the
granted in accordance with a Department of Education's
schedule set by the timetable. Teachers shall be
Department of Education. entitled to at least 60% of
During the period of such their monthly salary during
leave, the teachers shall be the period of such leave;
entitled to at least sixty per provided, however, that no
cent of their monthly teacher shall be allowed to
salary: Provided, however, accumulate more than one
That no teacher shall be year of study leave unless
allowed to accumulate more he requires an additional
than one year study leave, semester to complete his
unless he needs an additional thesis for a graduate study in
semester to finish his thesis education or allied courses;
for a graduate study in and provided, further, that no
education or allied compensation shall be due
courses: Provided, further, to the teacher after the first
That no compensation shall be year of such leave.
due the teacher after the first
year of such leave. In all
cases, the study leave period
shall be counted for seniority
and pension purposes.

Session 2: The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Key Topic 1: Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers

Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis Read the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and
reflect on your practice as a teacher. Guided by your understanding of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, identify the provisions that can guide you to come up with the best
action. Discuss with your mentor and write your answers on the space provided in each
Scenario 1: Teacher Antonio received a complaint from the father of one of his advisory
students regarding the grade of his daughter in English. The father told him that the student
struggles in English but she is very persistent to learn. He insisted that his daughter did not
deserve to receive a failing mark and demanded a reconsideration. However, Teacher
Antonio knows that the student skips classes and seldom goes to her English classes. As a
homeroom adviser, what’s the best thing for Teacher Antonio to do following the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers? Write your answer in 5-7 sentences in the space provided
below. Once done, discuss this topic with your mentor.
Answer: Teacher Antonio was entitled to defend himself by providing facts related to the
matter, and he was also entitled to have someone defend him if required, according to
Section 8 of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Disciplinary Procedure
Safeguards. He could use the SF2 as proof that the concerned students were frequently
missing during his class, or he could use his class record to indicate that the supplied
statement was correct, and that just expressing care to the child for grades was a teacher's
approach of motivating the students.
What did you learn about the discussion with your mentor? Did your perspective change
when you discussed the scenario with your mentor?
Answer: We may define our boundaries in our obligations and responsibilities by being aware
about the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. If necessary, I've used the laws to
defend myself, and because of the discussion with my mentor I realized how fortunate I am
to be a public-school teacher.

Key Topic 2: Provisions of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Scenario 2: Teacher Ronnie has been teaching for the last five (5) years in a public
elementary school. Every time his principal asked him to attend a training, he would always
decline and give several reasons and alibis why he couldn’t attend. What possible actions
should be done by the school if he continuously refuses?
Answer: Teacher Ronniie needs to be counseled on his responsibilities and duties as a
public-school teacher. His bosses must speak with him and provide guidance so that he
understands the advantages of participating in a seminar. In fact, he was fortunate to be
included because the conference he would attend will allow him to learn new things. based
on the Magna Carta for public school teachers’ section 7, Code of Professional Conduct for
Teachers. Teachers must be professional in his action and words.

Scenario 3: Malaban National High School is scheduled to hold its Reading Camp on a
Saturday. Teacher Dina, who is enrolled in a Master’s degree program, informed the principal
that she could not make it as she needs to take her comprehensive examination. Prior to the
school’s Reading Camp, Teacher Dina already expressed her intent to take a leave from the
Reading Camp. The principal also knew that she has classes every Saturday. However, due
to the work demands of the Reading Camp preparations, she requested Teacher Dina to
render her service on that day. The School Head told her that she could help her get
permission from the university to take a leave and reschedule her comprehensive
examination. Choose the best answer in the scenario below.

Prompt Answer Feedback

If you were in the situation of d. I will negotiate with the Think of the most plausible
Teacher Dina, what would principal and tell her that I solution that could be equally
you do? need to take the examination. beneficial to both parties. The
a. I will just pronounce my To recompense my absence, school principal has the
absence during the Reading I will offer to invite an authority to decide which
Camp without having the external resource person that options are best in a
principal’s permission. could help in the success of particular situation. In the
b. I will follow the advice of the Reading Camp. same way, as a proactive
my principal and request for teacher, present options that
an excuse letter that I can align with your values as
give to the university. c. I will educators and find a
negotiate with the principal common ground. (refer to
and tell her that I need to Article VII Section 1 and
take the examination in order Section 3 of the Code of
to proceed to my master’s Ethics for Professional
thesis. In exchange, I will Teachers)
offer to render extra service
in lieu of the day when I can’t
render service. d. I will
negotiate with the principal
and tell her that I need to
take the examination. To
recompense my absence, I
will offer to invite an external
resource person that could
help in the success of the
Reading Camp.
Which of the following b. Sections 1 and 3 of Article (the scenario refers to Article
provisions in the Code of VII VII Section 1 and Section 3
Ethics for Professional of the Code of Ethics for
Teachers covers the Professional Teachers)
particular scenario?
a. Sections 1 and 2 of Article
b. Sections 1 and 3 of Article
c. Preamble
d. Section 6 of Article II
Required Task 1: Case Study Read the following cases with your mentor. Use the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers as a tool to navigate and solve the problems in the given
Provisions in the Code of Implications for your Notes from the LAC session
Ethics for Professional professional duties as a
Teachers teacher
Scenario 1: Teacher Suzette To maintain a healthy habit, Teachers are not required to
is a new teacher in you must examine and provide more than six hours
Mapayapa High School and manage your time effectively. of real classroom instruction
was appointed as the If necessary, you may enlist each day, according to the
Campus Journalism advisor the assistance of your Code of Ethics for
while also handling a Grade 9 coworkers to fulfill your Professional Teachers, any
advisory class. She always obligations and teacher may be required to
arrives early for her morning responsibilities without render more than six hours
classes and leaves school exceeding your working but not exceeding eight
late in the afternoon to finish hours. Teachers are not hours of actual classroom
coaching studentjournalists. required to provide more teaching a day
Her mentors and colleagues than six hours of real
always remind her that she classroom instruction each
should work smartly and day, according to the Code of
avoid staying at school very Ethics for Professional
late. Teachers, therefore you must
manage your time to prevent
leaving the school late and
maybe disturbing your
Scenario 2: Teacher Arthur is After the discussion about Any teacher engaged in
a first-year HUMSS teacher the graduation ceremony, actual classroom instruction
who teaches primarily Grade Teacher Arthur may go to his shall not be required to
12 learners. At the end of the students' party to celebrate render more than six hours of
year, several of the seniors their graduation. For the actual classroom teaching
invited him to a graduation meeting to be only a few per day, which shall be
party including some hours, instructors will not be scheduled to allow him time
teachers. His students needed to work for more than to prepare and correct
wanted their teachers to join six hours, and if they are exercises and other work
the party to celebrate the asked to stay longer, it will incidental to his normal
graduation of their batch. The only be for a few hours. teaching duties: Provided,
Faculty Coordinator called a Principals are constantly however, that where the
meeting to discuss the mindful of the rules exigencies of the service so
graduation ceremony. concerning working hours. require, any teacher may be
Majority of the faculty decided required to render more than
not to go but your students six hours but not more than
are pleading for you to come. eight hours of actual
classroom teaching per day.
Scenario 3: Teacher Larry is Larry, the teacher, may be Co-curricular and out-of-
a Grade 10 Science teacher. able to pursue other jobs to school activities, as well as
He had been struggling supplement his family's any other activities outside of
financially since her wife’s income. He must recommend what is defined as a
deposition from work. The a buddy who is capable of teacher's normal duties, shall
parents of one of his students tutoring the pupil. And, if he be compensated at least
asked Teacher Larry to tutor truly intended to aid the 25% of his regular
their daughter since they student, he may provide a remuneration after the
found out that she failed her remedial session and teacher has completed at
periodical exam. However, examination for those who least six hours of actual
the School Head stressed had a poor grade on the classroom teaching per day,
that teachers should not offer quarterly exam. Co-curricula notwithstanding any
tutoring services to their and out-of-school activities, provision of existing law to
learners for remuneration. as well as any other activities the contrary.
outside of what is defined as
normal duties of any teacher,
shall be paid an additional
compensation of at least
25% of his regular
remuneration after the
teacher has completed at
least six hours of work,
notwithstanding any
provision of existing law to
the contrary.
However, he must comply
with the Principal's rule that
teachers not charge for
tutoring services provided to
their students.
Scenario 4: Teacher Eli, a 55- Teacher Eli should not use Students can only be
year-old Grade 11 English her position as a teacher to involved in business if the
teacher had been struggling persuade students to buy her instructor and school have
with her finances for the products; instead, she should followed the proper
previous months since she follow the school's existing procedure for collaboration.
had applied for a loan which rules if such behavior is A teacher may only provide
she used for her health prohibited, and on the other services that are connected
maintenance and the hand, she should consider to the learning process and is
renovations of their house. starting a new business that only entitled to a 25% extra
Finding herself in the difficult will not potentially ruin her pay. And do not use your
situation, she had an idea of profession, particularly when position to promote your
doing buy-and-sell to her students are involved. She business.
neighbors, but it did not could just conduct her
suffice so she searched for business outside of the
other opportunities and she school after her duties on the
identified her learners as one school, so as not to
of her markets. Every 15 compromise her career.
minutes before the end of
class, she would bring out her
rummage of items that she
sells to learners and would
tell them that if they do not
buy at least 2 items, she will
not give them a passing
mark. And so, the learners
buy her items until one day,
she has been reported by
one of the learners to the
principal’s office and was
called up for interrogation.
Scenario 5: Raya was a slow Teacher Reya must maintain Maintain a healthy
learner in almost all of the a healthy atmosphere for her atmosphere to your learners.
subject areas, especially students, which includes
Mathematics. While preventing bullying. She
discussing linear equations, should teach them not to
her teacher called her up to laugh with their classmates
answer one of the equations. while they are doing their
She went close to the board best. They must instead
trying her hardest to answer assist their classmates in
the calculations but was not learning and coping with the
able to write the correct topic. She must carry out her
answer. When she presented obligations and
her equation to her teacher, responsibilities as a teacher
she saw her classmates to provide a safe and healthy
laugh. She felt very learning environment for the
embarrassed. students, as described in the
teacher's code of conduct.
HIGH SCHOOL having been appointed to the position of TEACHER III solemnly swear that I
will well and faithfully discharge to the best of my ability the duties of my present position and
of all others I may hereafter hold under the Republic of the Philippines, that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the Philippines, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same that I will obey the laws, legal orders and Decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities of the Republic of the Philippines and that I impose this obligation upon myself
voluntary without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Required Task 2: Answer the following questions Now that you are done reading and
analyzing the different provisions and articles specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers, please share your insights focusing on the learning that you gained from this
session and at the same time, other information that you think is necessary to understand the
Code of Ethics. Discuss with your mentor.

What are your significant learnings?

Answer: As a result of teachers' contributions to the nation's development, legislation was
created to protect the welfare of public school teachers and to promote, improve, and ensure
their professional rights. Teachers are protected by regulations that may confine us but also
encourage us in maintaining our personalities, acting professionally, and setting a good
example for our students.

How will these learnings be of help to you as a teacher?

Answer: The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers will aid us in our efforts to enhance
our social and economic condition as public school teachers, including our living and working
circumstances, job opportunities, and career possibilities.

What other information related to the Code of Ethics do you want to know? Please elaborate.
How will these learnings be of help to you as a teacher?
Answer: (Depends on your interest)
Teacher must model strong character traits , including
perseverance ,honestly ,respect,lawfulness,fairness patience and unity.Educator must
commit wholly to the teaching profession itself. These learning help me to know our primary
responsibilities to our students and defines our role .It serves as a guide to exhibit proper
behavior to the learning community all the times.

Course 6 Module 1 – Salaries, Wages, and Benefits of Teachers
Optional Task: Survey
How familiar are you with the following? Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your
Required Task 1: Learning Assessment
Respond to the situation-based questions below. Write down your answer/s on the space
provided and discuss it with your mentor.
Scenario 1: Teacher Belgira is a newly hired teacher at St. Francis National High School.
According to the principal, he will receive his first monthly salary soon. Aside from his
monthly salary, what other monetary compensation is he entitled to as a teacher in a public
Since Teacher Belgira is a newly hired teacher and one month is service, aside from the
basic salary she is also entitled for the PERA or Personnel Economic Relief Allowance.
Scenario 2: Teacher Annie, a newly hired teacher, was assigned as a multi-grade Teacher at
Sitio Pag-asa Elementary School. What monetary compensation is she entitled to as a
teacher in a public school?
The monetary compensation Teacher Annie is entitled for is the monthly basic salary, PERA
or the Personnel Economic Relief Allowance and Hardship Allowance because she is
handling a multigrade class.
Session 2 – Incentives and Benefits of Teachers
Key Topic 1: Incentives and Benefits of Teachers
Required Task 1: Check your understanding
Respond to the scenarios below. Write down your answer/s on the space provided and
discuss it with your mentor.
Scenario Explanation
Scenario 1. There are three (3) newly hired
teachers in San Vicente Elementary School. Teacher Valdez is the most qualified among
Teacher Valdez started on June 5, 2020; the three teachers to receive the 2020 Year-
Teacher De Guzman started on August 7, End Bonus because he already served 4
2020; and Teacher Camat started on months in the service.
October 8, 2020. Who among the three
teachers is/are qualified to receive a 2020
Year-End Bonus? Explain your answer.
Scenario 2. Teacher Elegado is a teacher in
San Antonio Senior High School. Based on Based on the performance of the school of
the assessment, her school ranked as Teacher Elegado she will receive a PBB of
“Better Delivery Unit.” How much 13,500.
Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) will she
receive? (Please refer to National Budget
Circular No. 579 dated January 24, 2020,
Annex “A”)
Scenario 3: Teacher Corpuz, a public- The principal should explain to Teacher
school teacher, heard that his co-teacher Corpuz that the Loyalty Award is only
Teacher Alferez just received PhP granted to all officials and employees, in the
10,000.00 Loyalty Pay. He is expecting the national and local government who
same; but according to the principal, he is rendered ten (10) continuous and
not qualified. If you were the principal, how satisfactory service in the government.
would you explain it to Teacher Corpuz?
Scenario 4: Teacher Tagayon is a newly Yes, Teacher Tagayon is entitled to receive
hired teacher in Timbao Elementary School. cash allowance because she is already in
Her first day of service was November 12, service on the first day of the school year of
2019. Is she entitled to receive Cash 2020, this is based on the DepEd order No.
Allowance for the school year 2020? Explain 010s. 2020 or the Guidelines on the grant of
your answer. cash Allowance to Teachers.

Required Task 1: Check your Understanding

Respond to the scenario below. Write down your answers on the space provided below and
discuss them with your mentor. Limit your responses to 100 words per scenario.
Scenario 1: Teacher Lani, a Senior High School Teacher, gave birth to her fifth child. Can
she avail of maternity leave? If yes, how long? Will she still receive a salary even if she is on
leave for a reason already mentioned? Explain your answer.

Yes, Teacher Lani can still avail the maternity leave even it is her fifth birth to her child. She
can have the maternity leave for one hundred five days (105 days) with an option if she will
be going to extend for an additional thirty (30) days without pay, and an additional fifteen
days (15) if she is a solo parent. Aside from that. Teacher Lani will also receive maternity
benefits and the proportional vacation pay.

Scenario 2: One of the teachers in Dela Paz Elementary School was suffering from domestic
violence. Allegedly, her husband was having an affair with other women, resulting in the
withdrawal of financial support for their three (3) children. The teacher wants to take some
time off to file a case against her husband, but she is worried that she has already incurred
too many absences, leaving her with no more service credits. What will you advise the
The teacher doesn’t have to worry because she can avail the 10-day Leave under the
Violence Against Women and their Children also known as RA No. 9262 since she is a victim
of violence and abandonment of support to her children. Using this the teacher can file a
case against her husband without worrying her absences.

Scenario 3: Teacher Anthony is a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) teacher in Sto.

Tomas Senior High School. During his demonstration teaching, an accident happened due to
a short circuit. He was rushed to the hospital. The doctor advised him to leave work for 2
weeks. What benefits is he entitled to?
Teacher Anthony is entitled for the Rehabilitation Leave because the accident happened
while he is performing his duties in school. Based on the CSC DBM Joint Circular No. 01, s.
2006, the absence from work during the period of rehabilitation privilege shall not be
deducted from the accumulated sick or vacation leave credits of the employee and this
benefit will be granted to teacher Anthony. He is also entitled to reimbursement of the first aid
expenses use for his medical treatment, preferably if it is government facilities.

Required Task 2:
Match the leave benefits of teachers to their approved days of leave of absence. Write the
letter that corresponds to your answer on the line provided for before each item. Some
answers can be used twice.
I 1. Maternity Leave
A 2. Paternity Leave
A 3. Parental Leave
E 4. Sick Leave
H 5. Special Leave benefits for Women
D 6. Leave (Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004)
C 7. Special Leave Privileges
F 8. Study Leave
G 9. Rehabilitation Leave
B 10. Special Emergency leave
Required Task: Reflection Question (Portfolio Output)
The Department of Education values the vital role of teachers in nurturing the holistic being
of the learners to become productive citizens of the nation. It ensures teachers just
compensation, incentives, benefits, and rewards for them to live a decent life. As a new
member of the DepEd family, how can you show appreciation to this effort of the
As a new DepEd Teacher, I am very thankful to all the benefits all the teachers receive from
the government. Thankful because despite of the pandemic that we are all facing today, the
government never neglected us. They continue to give the benefits that we deserve. I do
hope that time will come that all the benefits of the teachers will all increase so that no more
teachers will go to other country.

Module 2 – Continuing Professional Development

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of
Preliminary Activity
As a teacher, what good qualities and assets do you have? How is it helpful in your
professional practice? Input your answer here.

Being a good teacher is extremely important, and a good teacher is someone who a student
will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives. For me the good qualities that I have as
a teacher is that I am very friendly, and I know how to treat everyone with respect and my
best professional asset is my communication skills because I believe that having strong
communication skills as a teacher is an essential quality for building teacher-student rapport
and creating a trusting environment for my students.

Based on the domains on the PPST, I want to improve further my teaching practice on
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy and Curriculum Planning because I want to learn how to
plan and design effective instruction and know what to teach and how to teach it to my

Required Task 1: Enumeration Activity

Read RA 10912 and give examples for each type of activity that can be considered as a CPD

Activity Example
1. formal learning Going on courses accredited by a
professional body
2. non-formal learning Coaching, mentoring, peer review, work
shadowing/secondments, meetings, or
project work

3. informal learning Professional research undertaken in the

course of work
4. self-directed learning Reviewing and summarizing books and
5. online learning activities Undertaking distance learning or e-learning
6. professional work experience Involvement in the management of a
professional body – officer, organizer,
committee member, working group member.

Required Task 1: Reading

Read the CPD Operational Guidelines. Use the provided template in noting down your
issues, concerns, and new learning. Share your notes with your mentor and co-newly hired
teachers during your learning discussion.

CPD Operational Guidelines

Issues or Concerns New Learning
Not all teachers are selected to attend CPD ensures that we stay relevant and up to
seminars with CPD Accredited date to the recent trends through providing
seminars and workshops.

teachers are forced to attend accredited CPD It helps us to provide meaningful contribution
seminars with fee just to get CPD units. and professional service.
45 CPD units is very difficult to attain CPD provide teachers with adequate time to
learn, practice, implement and reflect upon
new strategies.

Analyze each given scenario. Apply your learning on CPD Operational Guidelines and
identify whether the statements are True or False.
NOTE: If your answer id true no need to justify

Teacher Gilda has served in her school for six years. Her Professional Identification Card
(PIC) expired two months ago. She actually thought of skipping the errand for renewal
because of her workloads. She changed her mind after knowing the new system of the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on renewal. Whenever there is an available
professional program offered by a certified provider online, Teacher Gilda prioritizes
participation in it. This helps her a lot in writing articles to a monthly teacher magazine. Her
contribution in teaching innovations has been recognized not just in her school but in the
Schools Division as well.


Teacher Gilda needs to
present a certificate of TRUE
attendance (even without
the corresponding number of
hours) for approval of credit
units to a program.
The published articles of
Teacher Gilda in the teacher TRUE
magazine may also provide
her credit units for renewal
of professional license.
Teacher Gilda shall present
a duly notarized copy of TRUE
certification from the
awarding body if she intends
to include her recognition
points as part of
accumulated credit units.

Optional Task: Reading

Read the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10968 on Philippine Qualifications
Framework (PQF) Act. Share your new learning with your mentor and co-newly hired
teachers during your discussion meeting. The template below can help you in organizing
your insights. Provisions of the law that are related with the duties and responsibilities of
DepEd may also be discussed in your Learning Action Cell (LAC).
Salient Points of the PQF Issues or Concerns New Learning
Basic Education High drop-out rates The chairman of PQF-
NCC is the DepEd Secretary
TESDA Lack of Facilities Provide employees specific
training standards and
qualifications aligned with
industry standards
HIGHER EDUCATION There is a large mismatch This act ensures the
between educational training alignment of the PQF with
and actual jobs. the qualification frameworks
of other countries or regions

Optional task: Reflection

Cite your personal experience in applying for renewal of your Professional Identification Card
(PIC). Identify the hindering and facilitating factors in the process that you encountered. Be
open with your mentor and co-newly hired teachers in sharing your experience for reflective
Your Personal Experience Hindering Factors Facilitating Factors
First Renewal of PIC long lanes of people who will Complete requirements
also renew their licenses.
You can add your own professional development plan


Professional Proposed Timeline Credit Units Supporting Support
Development CPD that I may Documents Needed
Needs Activities Earn to Secure
Curriculum training 5 Narrative Assists
Innovation courses or 2022 report teacher
formal professional
development Outputs growth
or study

You can add your own professional development plan

Module 3 – Policies on Promotion and Opportunities for Progression

Session 1 – Appointment and Promotion of other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-
teaching Positions
Key Topic 1: The Need for Professional Growth
The videos in the introductory activity aim to encourage you to consider your career direction
in the Department of Education. Now that you are in the final course of the TIP, consider how
you will grow your career in the Department of Education.
PAUSE AND REFLECT: Why should you start now to consider ways for improving your skills
as a teacher?
Input your answer here.
Teaching is a noble profession that allows us to shape the future of our learners through
consistent engagement with bright, young minds. Since teacher is a demanding job, we must
use a wide range of skills to perform our job well that’s why we must improve our skills as a
teacher. And also, now that we are in the 21st century, teachers should also be updated
about the latest trends in education to deliver a quality education to our learners.

Required Task: Policy Reading

The most important thing for teachers to know about promotions are the criteria and the
requirements or means to verify achievement of those criteria. These are goals tied up with
your everyday teaching practice. Read the latest policy on teacher promotions and see how
you could align your teaching practices and professional development aims with the criteria
and requirements. Fill in the table on the next page with your answers.


Criteria for Promotion Requirements or means to Teaching practices or

verify achievement of the professional development
criteria aims aligned with the
promotion criteria

Performance rating for the Focus on improving my

Example: Performance last 3 rating periods should teaching practice to meet
Rating be at least Very Satisfactory expectations in the RPMS-
PPST and get Very
Satisfactory rating

I intend to enroll in a
Example: Education Master’s Degree master’s degree to further
my knowledge and skills in
content and pedagogy

I will Participate in
Specialized Training like
Training Specialized Training Scholarship Program, Short
Courses, Study Grants to
further improved and widen
my professional skills.
Research CI projects/ Participate in research
Research Innovations innovations in school.
Apply in DepEd ranking
Length of Service at least 3 years in service once reach 3 years and
above in the service with
additional credentials for
Required Task 1: Lifelong Learning Plan/ PERSONAL BASED ANSWER
Map your lifelong learning plan. Fill in the box with the necessary information.
Type of Learning Target School Possible Challenges Means to Overcome
Master’s Degree / Challenges
Diploma Course

Master of Arts in La Consolacion Overlapping of Time management

Education Major in University Activities
Educational Philippines

NEAP provide
Education In the NEAP/SEAIETI Internet internet allowance
Virtual Environment on the NEAP sim
given to teachers

Required Task 2: Formative Test

Write the correct order for the procedure in applying for a scholarship for master’s degree
from CSC. Number the steps from 1 to 5.
Question Answer Feedback
The Agency Personnel
Development Committee The Agency Personnel
(PDC) shall conduct a 2 Development Committee
screening and identify who (PDC) will pre-screen the
will be recommended for applicant and determine
nomination by the Head of whether he or she meets the
Agency to the CSC for the requirements sets by the
grant of scholarship. CSC.

Medical Test 5 The nominee shall undergo

a medical test to determine
his or her physical fitness for
the graduate or diploma
Applicant shall submit
directly to the Head of Submit the requirement form
Agency his or her 1 to the CSC.
application in the form pre-
scribed by the CSC.

Submission of Research 4 Nominee shall submit a

Proposal research proposal to the
Head of Agency for
evaluation and approval.
CSC Screening 3 Nominee will undergo First
Screening: Written
Examination and Second
Screening: Technical
Session 3 – Professional Associations for Teachers
Preliminary Activity
How did you deal with challenges on the first days of reporting in your workstation? Write
your answer in the field below and answer the questions that follow.
Like other firsts in my life, my first day as a teacher had me feeling excited and nervous in
equal measure. However, I tried not to worry too much and told myself that even the most
seasoned teachers feel apprehensive about meeting new students at the beginning. My first
teaching experience taught me a lot about what it means to be a teacher and a lot about
myself. For example, I always knew that coming up with lesson plans was not easy, so I
learned to prepare it ahead of time. I also learned that I do not have a good sense of time
when I am teaching, so I now know to make sure to make a schedule of what will be done at
what time.
I also learned that the highest priority for teachers was forming relationships with students—
everything else fell into place after that.

Processing Questions:
What challenges did you encounter in your first days? Input your answer here.

The challenges that I encountered in my first day in school is first, the transportation. The
distance of the school from my house is very far that’s why I had to wake up very early plus
the school is located in the mountain and the road is very difficult. Second is the first
impression of my co- teachers. I am very shy and nervous to talk to them. They assigned me
to Grade 6 pupils and what makes me more nervous is that they give me math subject that I
hated the most but still I accept it whole heartedly.
How did you overcome these challenges? Input your answer here.

On the next days, I learned to adjust my daily routine going to work. I woke up very early and
arrived early in the school. I become also confident to talked to my co-workers and everyday
I always study my lesson in math so that I can teach it confidently to my pupils.

Did you rely on a specific person or people? How did you seek help? Input your answer here.

No, I haven’t relied on any person. I just learn to observe and adjust to my new environment.
Required Task 1: Research on Professional Associations for Teachers
Do research on professional associations for teachers. You may ask your mentor and co-
teachers about associations that they are part of or familiar with. You may also do further
research online. Choose three professional associations that appeal to your interest. Take
note of their activities and goals and write the things that you like in each professional
association in the boxes below.

Name of Association Brief Description Activities and Goals What you like most
about it
Philippine Association an organization for One of its goals is to
for Teacher Education teacher educators promote and It provides seminars
(PAFTE) which aims to maintain unity, for the holistic
promote the professionalism and professional growth
professional excellence among of teacher.
development of Teacher Educators,
teachers. Teacher Education
Institutions and

Providing career and Provides life

It is a fice-decade professional insurance plan to all
Philippine Public strong association of advancement members of their
School Teacher teachers and opportunities organization
Association teacher educators through scholarship
(PPST) which has been in and other
the forefront of competency-building
teacher education program.
since its birth on Providing optimum
January 30, 1968. insurance,
retirement, loans,
and other financial
services benefits to
uplift members
standard of living;
Providing excellent
customer service
through competent,
service personnel
and properly
equipped and

RAP holds two It helps students

the national affiliate major conferences and teachers hone
of the International per year namely: the their communication
Reading Association Reading Association Midyear Demo-fest skills and language
of the Philippines (IRA) which aims to in October and the strategies
improve and Annual Convention
promote reading in held every summer.
the Philippines by The association also
helping students distributes free RAP
and teachers hone Journal to all
their communication members, featuring
skills and language conference papers
strategies. and an outreach
program called
which plays a large
role in the

Optional Task 1: Sharing

Suggested modality: via LAC. But could also be done through informal meeting among
Share you answers in Required Task 1 with co-newly hired teachers. Did you list down
similar associations? Did they list associations that you are also interested in? Share plans
on the possibility of joining these associations. You may also seek advice from your mentors
and other co-teachers.
As I share my answers to my co-newly hired teachers, I notice that we had different answers
about the different organizations/associations that we want to join, still I would take into
consideration on the associations that they are interested to join. I will conduct further
research about it so that I can add this to my future plans.

Optional Task 2: Survey

Ask your mentor and other co-teachers about other considerations in choosing a professional
association. Write down their tips below:
Input your answer here.
Based on my mentor and co- teachers, the considerations that I should prioritize in choosing
professional association are the following.
1. Define your goals
2. Determine if an association can help you achieve them.
3. Research about the association
4. Identify the benefits of the association to you.

Required Task 2: Reflection

Go back to your list of professional associations that interest you. Given the tips, which
association are you most likely to join and why? Input your answer here.

Based on the professional associations that I listed above, I like to join on Philippine Public
School Teacher Association (PPST) because I see that their goal on their association is very
organize. They have mutual benefit programs for their members, educational Assistance
Programs helping teachers achieving professional advancement. They have also PPST
Annual Search for the Outstanding Educators by giving recognition to teachers who continue
to devout their lives in the development of the youth and achievement of quality education.
Their overall goals is to help the teachers achieve their goal.

How do you expect this association to help you achieve your professional development
goals? (List down some benefits and opportunities that are aligned with your goals)
Input your answer here.
This organization offers this following opportunity to their members that’s why I consider them
to help me in achieving my professional development goals.
Educational Assistance Program
Search for Outstanding Educators
PPST members participated in different ACT conventions hosted by different countries
Equity Application Program

Module 4 – Personal Development and Well-being

Session 1 – Health and Wellness
Preliminary Activity
What activities outside work do you enjoy doing? (Example: Watching tv series and movies,
hiking, Zumba, etc.) Input your answer here.
When not busy at work, what I usually enjoying is that reading books. Watching fictional
movies, listening to music and most specially spending time with my son.
How often are you able to do these activities? Input your answer here.
I usually able to do these activities on weekends when not busy.
How do you balance your work with social life or family/me time? Input your answer here.
Despite of too much work, I always make sure that still I have my family/me time. I set an
hour to spend time to my family to lessen my stress, we usually go to the mall so that my son
can enjoy playing outdoors.

Required Task 1: Activity

Read the given situations which might be experienced by a teacher like you. Identify the
possible stress triggers, its effects, and your coping strategies for each situation. Discuss
your initial reactions and insights from the activity with your mentor and co-newly hired
Scenario Stress Trigger/s Effects Coping Strategies

You come home exhausted worrying about the You spend time Always prepare your
after a long day from scheduled visit of the enhancing your Daily lesson plan and
school. You feel the need Public Schools Lesson Plan and instructional
for an early night rest. District Supervisor preparing materials even
However, you are worried (PSDS). instructional though no one will
about the scheduled visit of materials. observe you.
the Public Schools District
Supervisor (PSDS) in your
school to observe classes
the following day. In
anticipation that you might
be chosen for observation,
you spend time enhancing
your Daily Lesson Plan and
preparing instructional
materials. You know that
you will end up sleeping

You are assigned by your You are assigned to You did not take Set you alarm clock
principal to lead the lead the Monday your breakfast so that you are
Monday Flag Ceremony. Flag Ceremony by because you know aware of the time to
The activity is scheduled to your principal. that you will be going avoid being late in
start at 5:45 AM. Yet you late in school. school.
wake up late after doing
overtime work the night
before. You know how
important it is to have
breakfast before working. If
you still take your
breakfast, you might be late
going to school.

As a pilot school in the Your co-workers You and some of Seek the help of
Learning and Development have prior your co-workers are other grade level
System, your principal commitments to do, all pressured to teachers who are
received a notice that and he/she cannot accomplish the tasks good in Event
DepEd external partners help in preparing for knowing the event Management and
are set for a visit tomorrow. the event. will be tomorrow. encourage everyone
Your grade level team is in- to help because this
charge of the preparations. is for the welfare of
While working, one of your their school.
co-teachers begged off to
render extended time due
to prior commitments. This
teacher has knowledge and
skills in Events
Management. You are all
pressured to accomplish
the delegated task.

Answer the questions based on the scenario provided.

Teacher James is an Araling Panlipunan Teacher. He had done well in teaching. In the past
year, he was designated as Supreme Student Government (SSG) Adviser, and he
volunteered as Brigada Eskwela and Learning Action Cell (LAC) Coordinator. Due to his
busy schedule, he seldom ate dinner with his family. His meals often consisted of fast food.
He even started drinking soda to boost his energy. This led to decreased immunity which
makes him sick almost all the time.
What are some indicators that Teacher James is under stress?

Possible answer and explanation that could be provided by the mentor during discussion with
the mentee:
Stress can be manifested both in physical and behavioral symptoms.
Physical symptoms of stress include increased sickness, cold and sweaty palm, headache,
jaw pain, heartburn, and Diarrhea.
It also contributes to illnesses such as Cardiovascular and Immune System disease, Asthma,
Diabetes, memory loss, Ulcers, Psoriasis, eating disorders, and Depression Behavioral
symptoms are increased use of alcohol and drugs, difficult relationships, reduced social
contract, poor judgment/indecision, loss of appetite, irritability, and tearfulness.
Due to the overlapping activities Teacher James handled, he didn’t notice that he us under
stress, that he cannot have proper food and enough energy, resulting him to get sick.

What could be the root cause of his stress and how could he address this? Input your answer

The root cause of his stress is the overlapping activities that he handled. To address his
problem, he can talk to the principal to look for the right person to handle some of his
coordinator ship to lessen his stress of too much load.

What help could Teacher James seek from the school? Input your answer here.
Request to Distribute the position of coordinator ship to other teachers who are willing and
capable of handling it.
Required Task 2: Reflection
Assess whether you are practicing the following health and wellness habits that can be
helpful in coping with stress. Tell the reasons why you are doing or not doing it. Share your
realization to your mentor and co-newly hired teachers in your learning discussion.


What kind of food do you
usually eat? Fish, meat vegetables You can write your own
feedback based on how you

How much time do you allot I usually don’t have time for
for exercise? exercise. I rather spend it
Do you regularly stretch and
massage? Very Seldom

How long do you usually

sleep? Usually, 5 hours

Do you take a few deep

breaths every time you are Yes, always
under pressure?

What strategies do you do I always cheer myself that I

to motivate yourself? can do it.

Do you express your

feelings properly when at No, I prefer to cry it silently
the height of anger? rather just to disturb other
Do you feel good about
yourself? Sometimes

Do you talk to someone

whenever you have Yes, I seek advice from my
emotional challenges? co- teacher that I trust

Do you take meditation to Yes, to attain inner peace, I

attain inner peace? listen to worship songs

Do you have a regular time

to pray or reflect spiritually? Sometimes

Required Task 3: Activity

Practice the ABCs in managing stress from the given Activating Events. Be able to provide
your Beliefs and the possible Consequences. Identify other stress-triggering experiences
where you could apply the principles of ABCs Formula.
During a teaching
demonstration, your senior I will teach them how to use Communication Skills is
co-teachers seem to be this technology based important in building
unperceptive of your instructional strategies and harmonious relationship at
suggestions in introducing explain to them that it is very work.
technology-based useful in delivering the
instructional strategies. They lessons.
still prefer to do the
conventional ways of
delivering lessons.
You notice that there is no
rationalization of work in I will seek the help of the Communication Skills is
your department. other teachers to help me important in building
Sometimes, when the organize the overlook harmonious relationship at
department gets busy, they workload. work.
overlook workload
distribution. Since you are
newly-hired, most of the
work were given to you. You
extend time in school to
meet deadlines. You do not
have enough energy to
prepare lessons at home.
Being new in your school, I will be the first one to Always take the courage to
you are still adjusting with approach them and offer to make conversation to your
the culture and practices of help collaboratively because workmates so that everyone
your co-teachers. You know maybe they are also waiting will feel comfortable to you.
how important it is to work for me to make the first
collaboratively with them. move.
But they do not approach
you for conversation.
Your co-teacher corrects Say sorry for the mistake
you for your mistakes while you committed and make it Communication Skills is
you were assigned as as a motivation to improve important in building
emcee of the school event. your speaking skills as harmonious relationship at
emcee. work.
You forgot to do tasks that Make an organizational plan Make an outline of your
was assigned to you that’s of your work so that you are duties
why your co teachers got aware of the tasks you must
mad. do
Optional Task: Reading
Read the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11036 on The Mental
Health Act. Share your new learning with your mentor and co-newly hired teachers during
your discussion meeting. The template below can help you in organizing your insights.
Provisions of the law that are related with the Duties and Responsibilities of DepEd can also
be discussed in your Learning Action Cell (LAC).

Salient Points of The Issues/Concerns New Learning

Mental Health Act Encountered

Importance of mental Will the government help PhilHealth covers mental

health teachers who suffered from health patients’
mental health? hospitalization as long as
the event was caused by
extreme episodes of
mental or behavioral
Access to psychosocial
Rights of Service Users care and clinical treatment There will be an evidence-
based treatment of the
same standard and quality,
regardless of age, sex,
socioeconomic status,
race, ethnicity or sexual
Integration of Mental Schools should also
Health into the Educational conduct health awareness Mental Health is also
System to pupils implemented to DepEd and
CHED institutions.

Required Task 5: Activity

Complete the given Health and Wellness Plan. Put your personal goal in ensuring positive
health and wellness. Be able also to identify your distress triggers, its effects, and the
strategies or practices that you commit to start doing to manage distress.

Health and Wellness Goal:

Get adequate rest daily
Get regular physical activity
Eat more plant-based foods
Achieve/Maintain a healthy weight
Maintain a cheerful, hopeful outlook on life
Spend quality time with family or friends daily
Take time daily for spiritual renewal

Distress Triggers Effects Coping Strategies/To-Do Practices

(Physical, Psychological,
Mental, or Social)

Overloaded activities Inadequate Sleep Time management

Anger Depression/violent action Step back and think of my actions

Helplessness towards Loneliness Seek help from family members or

problems friends

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Preliminary Activity
Find out your current financial status by accomplishing the self-assessment tool adapted
from Money Management International (2015). Tick the appropriate column in each item that
describes your financial practices and habits. Interpreted results of this assessment will
provide you information on how you manage your finances at this point. Make this activity as
an area of conversation with your mentor and co-newly hired teachers.
Financial Practices Always Sometimes Never

Do you…
pay the
rent/mortgage /
obligations and utility
bills on time?
save at least 10% of
your net income? /
keep three months
net income in /
reserve for
plan ahead for large /
set and keep /
financial goals?
follow a budget? /
shop for /
regularly review your /
examine your /
checking account
statements often?
Required Task 1: Activity
Read and analyze the given scenarios. Identify the main problem in each financial situation
and the possible effects that it may bring.
Teacher Marie has a big family. She has four sons and two daughters. Her husband has no
regular work. Every month, there is an expectation from their children that they will be going
to the mall to spend time dining together. They also buy the things that their children are
requesting, even unnecessary ones. Teacher Marie does not want to disappoint them. So,
upon receiving her salary, she always gives favor to them.
Teacher Marie is the only provider on their
Main Problem family, every month her children expected
that they will going to the mall, Teacher
Marie doesn’t want to disappoint her
children about their request about buying
the things they want even it is unnecessary
that’s she always give the request of her
children upon receiving her salary.

Possible Effects Their money will no longer enough to meet

their needs and expenses.

Principal Santos has observed the spending pattern of the newly hired teachers in their
school. Their lifestyle includes passion for international travels, fashionable clothes, and
latest gadgets. They even invest part of their salaries to an online business that is not
authorized and does not provide sure income. No wonder that they are always hopeful for

Teachers are very luxurious to things that

Main Problem are not important and even invest without
knowing first if it is a legit investment.

Teachers will end up in loans.

Possible Effects

Below is an example of a financial goal statement. Try to create your own by putting
emphasis on the acronym SMART.

20 years from now, I want to have my own house and lot by setting aside 5,000 from my
monthly salary for payment.

Optional Task
Provide your honest responses to the following questions that center on spending and debt.
Read the feedback section for learning inputs on financial literacy.
What are the sources of Provide your own feedback
your income? Government Salary based on your own answer
In your monthly expenses,
what are those that fall FOOD,
under needs? How about TRANSPORTATION,
Do you have an existing
loan from a lending YES, I bought it to pay for
institution, an individual, or my Masteral Education and
through a credit card? If yes, to buy a motorcycle as my
what was your reason from means of service to school.

Key Topic 3: Teacher Financial Literacy Concerns

Every payday, most of the teachers in a school would either go to work late or go
home early. They have to visit a well-known loan shark in the locality who is holding their
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Cards due to loans. The loan shark knows the Personal
Identification Numbers (PIN) as well of borrowers which are supposed to be private. These
teachers will have to get the remaining balance out of their salaries. It is automatic that their
monthly installment payment and interest value from loans are deducted in their accounts.
Optional Task
How do you feel about the financial condition of these teachers?
I felt very sad to all the teachers who approach loan sharks only because they wanted to
have a good life for their families, even though they have very little wages left to them. Even
they don't want to do this, they are forced to do so because the teacher's salary is not
enough to meet our needs.

Optional Task
Suppose you are saving P12,000.00 in a bank for your first year of teaching (equivalent to
P1,000.00 per month). The interest rate is 4% per annum. Compute the value that you may
get after five years of saving.
Year Amount at the Start Interest Earned per Amount at the End of
of the Year Year the Year
1 12,000.00 480.00 12480
2 12,480.00 499.2 12979.2
3 12979.2 519.2 13,498.4
4 13,498.4 539.9 14,038.3
5 14,038.3 561.5 14599.5

Optional Task
Read and reflect on the online article “10 Bad Money Habits You Need to Break Today”
written by Alexa Mason. You may access it via the link found inside the box.

K - nowledge(Something that confirms what C - hallenge(Something that challenges

you already know) you)

Failing to save for the Future What Challenges me is how to save money
knowing that I have a very little salary left

C - hange(Something you plan to change) F - eel (Something you feel on what you
I wan to plan for my future by avoiding learn)
spending more than I earn
I happy now motivated knowing that it is not
too late to change my bad habits of
spending money and plan for my future.

Required Task 2: Financial Development Plan

Craft a Personal Financial Development Plan using the provided template. Apply the
principles of financial literacy that you learned from this session. You are encouraged to
follow this plan and monitor your progress to attain financially sound living. You may use a
separate Word document for this.


Name:JULIE ANN T.PARUNGAO Date: August 24, 2022


Month and Year: May 2022
Total Income: 16,857
Savings/Item/Service Need/Want? Target Cost Actual Cost
Clothing Want 500 1000
Laptop Upgrade Need 2000 3500
Food and Need 2000 3000
Total 7500


Financial Priority Target Number of Required Actions to Remarks
Goal (Low; Date Years Amount be Taken
or High)
Health High Year 2023 30 yrs. 2000 Apply for a Pay
Insurance health Monthly
insurance contribution
Educationa High Year 2024 10 yrs. 1000 Apply to
l Plan private
banks that
l plan

Module 5 – Developing a Personal Professional Improvement Plan

Optional Task
Pause & Reflect: Are there habits or activities that you do now as a teacher that do not
contribute to your work effectively? Why do you think so? Input your answer here.
Yes, sometimes I practice the maniana habit that really affect my professional development
plan, because of too much works that need to accomplish I am easily feel less motivated to
do the tasks. I was off the track of my plans because of these.
Required Task
Make Your Own Development Plan
If you haven’t created your own development plan, now is the time that you make one. Table
1 shows the format for the Developmental Plan (RPMS Manual for Teachers and School
Heads, 2018). You may do this on a separate Word document.
Credits: https://www.scribd.com/document/421567756/Development-Plan-2019-2020
Strengths Developmental Action Plan Timeline Resources
Needs (Recommended Needed
A. Functional Competencies
Select, develops, Applies knowledge Attend Trainings Information’s
organizes, and of content within and seminars about trainings
uses appropriate and across S.Y. 2022- and seminars
teaching and curriculum 2023
learning teaching areas. Registration fee
including ICT, to
address learning
Monitored and Use differentiated, Attend Trainings
evaluated learner developmentally and seminars Information’s
progress and appropriate S.Y. 2022- about trainings
achievement learning 2023 and seminars
using learner experiences to
attainment data address learner’s Registration fee
gender needs,
interests, and
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
Self-Management Teamwork Participate in
collegial S.Y. 2022- LAC sessions
discussion and 2023 and Team
strengthen Building
through team

Key Topic: Your Personal Professional Improvement Plan as a Newly hired teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-B

Teacher Skill Specific Actions Expected Results Resources Completion

Communication Taking Maintained
communication relationship with Own END of
classes, learners and Expenses SCHOOL
enhance the colleagues. YEAR
interaction with
Professional Use of online Providing training
knowledge sources to gain about the IT Own END of
the knowledge operations. Expenses SCHOOL
and attending YEAR
the seminar
Time By prior Setting organizational
management planning, targets and time Own END of
scheduling, bounds goals. Expenses SCHOOL
identifying, and YEAR
allocating the
Planning By having prior Planned an IT project
knowledge effectively School Funds END of
about the needs SCHOOL
of the learners. YEAR

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