AC PDF TV4 2021-2022 PART 5 Dance and Theatre

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Dance en Theatre Chapt. 7 Dance explore and expan

Chapt. 8 Theatre explore and expan
Chapt. 9 Dance or Theatre deepen

During this term you will rst explore and to delve into one of these disciplines. You
expand dance and then theatre. You do do a small preliminary investigation and
this by making assignments about these make a practical assignment.
disciplines. Then you choose an optional
assignment about either Dance or Theatre HAVE FUN


Learning Goals

1. You know the dance genres and characteristics.

2. You can argue which dance forms appeal to you and which do not.

3. You can apply the characteristics in the in-depth assignment of your choise.

Dance is the art of movement. If you look around, you will find dance everywhere: on the Internet, on televi-
sion and in film, in advertising, at the gym, at parties, at festivals, on the street and in the theatre. Dance
can have different goals: to celebrate something, to blow off steam, to express feelings or to make a pass at
someone. Theatre dance is dance with an artistic intention, when professional dancers perform for an au-

Here you can see a video in which you see different styles of dance over the years.


1. Almost everyone likes to dance sometimes. For example, at a party, at school, at a concert or festival.
Maybe you even take dance classes. When and where do you dance? I dance .... And how do you feel
about dancing? I think dancing is ....

2. Have you ever been to a dance performance? And if so, which ones?

3. Small children usually start moving when they hear music, but at a certain age they stop doing that. Can
you explain that change?

4. Which five words come to mind when you hear the word 'dan-

5. Do you know someone who dances really well? If so, please

describe what exactly you admire or appreciate.

7.1 Movements and characteristics Dance
1. Classical ballet: also called romantic ballet, is a system 1. Space Art forms like architecture and sculpture take up
of dance based on formalized movements and positions physical space in three dimensions, but this concept is a little
of the arms, feet, and body. Especially designed to enable different in dance because the dancer is in motion. So for us,
the dancer to move with the greatest possible agility, this compositional element refers to the way the dancer
control, speed, lightness, and grace. The subject may moves through and interacts with space. Within this
be romantic, realistic, often based on a fairytale or compositional element, we must consider the actual direction
mythological story. Classical ballet, with origins in the of the movement (sideways, forwards, backwards, diagonally).
17th-century French court ballet, came to fruition at the Because this is a three-dimensional art form, we must also
Russian Imperial School of Ballet, in the 19th century. consider levels, or the connection of the body to the floor. Do
dancers always stay with two feet on the floor? Can they lie on
2. Modern dance: This emerged in the early 20th century. the floor, or leap high above it? All of these movements define
It broke whatever rules had been laid down by its the use of space in dance.
predecessors. The dancers make everyday movements
like running, falling and rolling. The choreographers were 2. Time This compositional element deals with the dancer's
interested in presenting the inner self and all of its interaction with time, and again there are many ways to do
complex emotions on the concert stage, and discarded this. Dance is generally set to music, which defines the tempo
the costumes and artificiality of classical ballet. and rhythm of the dance, but the dancers can accentuate or
reject this through their own movements. Does the dancer
3. Jazz dance: Jazz dance is an umbrella term move slowly or quickly? Does he or she move with the beat or
encompassing several different styles of dance that against it? How is a sense of rhythm developed and
became popular in the early 20th century. Though jazz maintained? These questions help define time in dance.
dance has mixed roots in both African and European
traditions, it is a uniquely American creation, which 3. Strength Two dancers who are moving slowly through the
developed simultaneously with jazz music in New same space may have embraced the elements of time and
Orleans. Today jazz dance continues to evolve and blend space in the same way. So how can we make these two
with other dance styles — for example, street jazz, compositions look completely different? What if one moved
musical dance and show dance. slowly and lazily but with grace, while the other was slow and
jerky but powerful? This energy and dynamics of movement
4. Urban dance: This dance style started in The Bronx, in are part of the compositional element of strength. Strength
New York City, during the Seventies. Urban Dance is an can be the difference between a manic, energetic dance and
umbrella term for several dance styles, and evolved one that seems relaxed and effortless, even if both utilize the
mostly from Hip hop and Funk styles. It includes same tempo and basic movements. Strength describes the
breakdance, streetdance, popping&locking. intensity of movements. A composition with flawless technical
performance can still fall flat if the audience doesn't feel the
5. World dance is any dance form which can be identified right energy.
as originating with an ethnic culture and expressing the
movement aesthetics of that culture. It covers all ethnic 4. Expression In a dance composition the choreographer and
cultures and also includes village folk dance, urban the dancer(s) express their emotions, sometimes meticulously
popular dance (swing, tango), classic dance (Kathak, shaped by the choreographer, with the help of mime, gestures
Bharat Nayam), tribal dance, tap/step dance, educational and facial expresions. Sometimes the emphasis is much more
dance and many more types. on the expressive power of pure dance movements.

7.2 Assignments Dance


1. Watch the clips below and write the correct movement (select the underlined word) with each track
number. Also try to mention something typical for this genre that you see in this clip. Describe what
you saw.

Classical ballet:
Clip 1
Clip 2 Modern dance:

Clip 3 Jazz/show/musical:
Clip 4
Clip 5 Urban dance:

World dance:

1. Wikipedia describes a ‘choreographer’ as follows: "A choreographer is someone who designs a dance (a
complete dance or a single movement). All the steps and moves through space in a dance are designed by
the choreographer.” Suppose you would participate in a dance (no matter what type of dance). Would you
like to dance under the guidance of a choreographer, or to invent everything yourself or with your group?
Please explain.

2. What kind of dance would you like to do or learn? Please explain

3. Make a card for each of the following keywords: Space - Time - Strength. Now write the dance
characteristics below each on the card with the most suitable keyword.

Gravity - Repetition - To Lift - Beat - Arrangement - Energy - High/Middle/Low – To slow down

7.3 Expand
Assignment Expand

1. So you think you can dance, a competition for talented young

dancers was first broadcast in the US in 2005. In 2008 the
AMUSEMENT AND ENGAGEMENT first Dutch version of this competition was broadcast by
DIMENSION RTL5. Some people feel that 'dance' in TV programs can only
be entertainment. Others say that dance programmes on TV
1. Often dance is a form of entertainment. You can really show dance as an art form or can even show
go to a performance to be entertained. Or you engagement.
dance yourself for your own pleasure.
Sometimes choreographers want to raise an a. Watch this clip. Do you think this entertainment or engagement?
important social issue, which we call Give arguments for your answer.
b. Does the dance support the music? Please explain.
2. Dance can be narrative, but can also be just
2. Ballet for life by the choreographer Maurice Bejart, composed
about movements and shape, without the
to be danced on music by Queen and Mozart, is dedicated to
need to tell a story or share a message with
those who died young. Ballet for life starts with a
the audience. Sometimes it is a combination
choreography for the entire dance company on the touching
of these. song It's a beautiful day by Queen. This first dance is
breathtaking, and so are all the following parts, each charged
3. Dance can also have a supporting function,
with emotion; love, hope, humour and sadness alternate.
for example in musical, opera or dance in a
Culminating in a projection where the screen shows images
video clip for a song.
of the song I want to break free from the performance 'Life at
Wembley, 1986', with the now deceased Jorge Donn, former
solo dancer of Béjart's company.

a. Watch this clip . Why do you think Maurice Bejart chose music
by Queen and Mozart?

b. The choreography is a mixture of classical and modern. Which

classical dance elements do you see?

3. In 1983 Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker became well known

internationally with Rosas danst Rosas. This piece consists of
repeating abstract movements. In this dance we find a big
contrast between the very plain gestures inspired by everyday
life, and the fierce energy the dancers display while executing
them. Rosas danst Rosas is extremely feminine: four female
dancers dance themselves, and copy each other over and
over again.

a. Watch this clip. Describe three gestures inspired by everyday life

from this dance.

Learning Goals

1. You know the theatre genres and characteristics.

2. You know the difference between fact and fiction and you can explain how this can play a role in a per-

3. You can apply the characteristics in the in-depth assignment of your choise.

Theatre is a collaborative form of art that uses live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the
experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. The perfor-
mers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song,
music, and dance. Theatre can be purely entertaining, but often has another purpose as well.


1. What kind of performances have you been to?

2. What was the funniest or most impressive performance in a theatre that you have been to?
3. What kind of theatre do you like the most and why? Think of plays, cabaret, musical, opera etc.
4. Have you ever played in a theatre yourself? Write down your thoughts about that performance here. (did
you like it etc)
5. Like dance, theatre can be entertaining, but it can also include a message. Sometimes performances
are made for a special audience, for instance pupils. Watch this video
a. Is this entertainment, engagement or both? Explain
b. Would you like to visit such a performance? Explain

8.1 Movements and characteristics Theatre
1. Tragedy The structure of Greek tragedy is 1. Representation - This refers to the subject matter of
characterized by a set of conventions. The the play. In addition, the ‘ ve W’s” provide guidelines
tragedy usually begins with a prologue, (from for both the creator and the audience, (who, what,
‘pro’ and ‘logos’, "preliminary speech") in which where, why and when).
one or more characters introduce the drama
and explain the background of the ensuing 2. Body -Through posture and movements actors can
story. The prologue is followed by the parodos express all sorts of things with their
(entry of the characters/group), after which the bodies.Someone who is anxious stands and moves
story unfolds in three or more episodes. The di erently than someone who is cheerful. Facial
episodes are interspersed by stasima, choral expressions also play a big role in showing
interludes explaining or commenting on the emotions.
situation developing in the play. The tragedy
ends with the exodus, concluding the story. 3. Voice - Actors use their voices in many ways. They
can play with volume and pace, adopt a certain
2. Music theatre is a generic name for theatre in accent or place di erent intonation on the script in
which music plays a major role, for instance an order to bring across emotion to the audience, For
opera or musical. Many theatre makers use example, a sad character wil speak in a soft ,
music to tell their story. trembling voice, while someone who is angry will
speak faster and more loudly,
3. Physical theatre is a well-known genre of
theatrical performance that encompasses 4. Mise-en-scène - The way in which actors enter and
storytelling primarily through physical leave the stage, stand and move, is called mise-en-
movement. The actors use the body’s power of scène or blocking and is in uenced by the stage
expression to tell a story. design.

4. Site-specific-theatre Theater producers can 5. Acting styles - Theatre has di erent acting styes.
be inspired by a particular location. In site- When the performers act very explicitly, this is
specific-theatre, the chosen loation is decisive referred to as stylized acting. If the play is almost
for the production. It can only be performed at real, we call it naturalistic style.The actors often
that specific location. build a character by drawing on their own memories.
To make it as realistic as possible, actors also
5. Cabaret Cabaret productions often consist of a
pretend there is a wall at the front of the stage, so
sequence of short fragments of comedy, song,
that they cannot see the audience (the fourth wall).
dance and theatre, in which the performer
directly addresses the audience. The comedian 6. Stage design - This refers to everything that
tells humourous stories that often contain a determines the set of the production. This includes
moral, and comments on current social events. decor, props, costumes, theatre make-up, lighting,
Most comedians possess a good dose of self- music or sound. Sometimes it resembles reality,
mockery. sometimes it is more abstract

8.2 Assignments Theatre

1. Watch this clip of the opera Carmen. Which characteristics of theater do you recognize in this clip? Explain.

2. There are different forms of cabaret. Watch the following excerpts and add what kind of cabaret it is. You can
choose from stand-up comedy; music cabaret; nonsense cabaret or physical cabaret.

3. Clip 1 vorm
Clip 2 vorm
Clip 3 vorm
Clip 4 vorm

The characteristics of theater refer to the five w's. Theater makers determine in advance:

WHO - which characters are going to play in a play.

WHAT - which subject is leading in that play.

WHERE - the place where everything takes place.

WHEN - the time of the event.

WHY - the reason for all actions / events.

In a group of max. 4 students, you will experience it yourself. You will have to come up with and present a short scene of
about 1 minute in which the five W's are incorporated. An inspiration can be the Lama’s

What to do?

You have 10 minutes to roughly imagine a scene with the five Ws in a group.

Select one of the following options for each part. Combine them in a scene, the crazier the better.

WHO: Astronauts, Elderly, Circus Performers, Superheroes, Preschoolers.

WHAT: Robbery, Earthquake, Flood, King's Visit, Childbirth.

WHERE: At Marcel's office, In the supermarket, In Antarctica, In prison, On the beach.

WHEN: In the future, In the middle of the night, In the Middle Ages, In the winter, In the weekend

WHY: Why is what is happening? Think up yourself

During the preparation you think about the use of voice, facial expressions, possibly (simple) attributes and how you will
use the space (mise-en-scène). After all presentations, the class chooses the best theater piece.
8.3 Expand
Assignment: Expand
1. The tragedy of Richard III is a historical play written
FACT AND FICTION by William Shakespeare. It is about the corrupt and
sadistic Richard III who is determined to gain the
1. The Fact and Fiction dimension is a way of crown of England from his elder brother Edward. The
looking at art. Think of a theatre or dance story is based on facts, but it includes a lot of fiction.
show you have been to, that has made an It is often performed and theatre makers sometimes
impression on you. Was it completely ctional, do not stick to the original text, but come up with
their own interpretations. Richard III was adapted to
based on facts, or somewhere in between?
cinema several times.. In film there are more
Has this in uenced your opinion ? possibilities for design and settings than in a theatre.
2. A lot of artists use their imagination to make a. Explain the final sentence.
you re ect on reality. Satirical acts, on the
contrary, show contempt for reality and put b. Watch this video of Richard III. At the start it
you on the wrong track. Some artists go even looks as if it was recorded in a theatre, but soon y
ou will see that it was recorded in a TV studio. How
further: they lie to expose the truth.
can you see - when looking at the stage design
3. Cabaret artists also play with the truth. Often that it was not recorded in a theatre?
the truth is enlarged to make it funny. c. How can you see - when looking at the mise en
Remember that sometimes facts are funnier scene - that it was not recorded in a theatre.
than ction.
d. Watch this video. Was this recorded in a theatre, a
studio or on location? Explain

e. Watch this trailer of the film Richard III. This is

clearly a film. How can you see this, when looking
at the design?

f. How can you see it is set in a different time period?

g. Of what dictator does Richard III remind you?

h. What does the director of this film want to express

with this remake?

2. Cabaret performers sometimes use true stories in

their shows. In this sketch, Jochem Meyer tells a
story about an experience he had on the airport of

a. Is this fact or fiction?

b. Which theatre key features does he use to make it

look more realistic?

DEEPEN On the following pages there are 4 optional
Dance or Theatre assignments from which you can choose.
You also will find the rubrics.

In the in-depth assignment you will do a research So don't always choose the most obvious, but also
about one discipline yourself. You always have to choose to really learn more.
choose between a number of assignments from the
two disciplines that were dealt with in the previous One thing is always required, that you do preliminary
lessons. Before making you make a choice, you will research. So before you start the practical
read through the assignments carefully. Then you assignment, you will investigate what the discipline
choose the assignment you want to do. The entails exactly, what others know about it, etc. You
intention is that - by completing the assignment - must submit this (preliminary) research before
you learn or understand more about the discipline, starting the practical part.
the artwork or the artist.
Grade: The grade you receive for the in-depth



ASSIGNMENT A Rosas dances Rosas (max 4 ll)

In this assignment you will research the choreography of Anne Theresa de Keersmaeker and you will
make a dance in that style

STEP 1 Preliminary research, individually

“Rosas danst Rosas "is an 8-minute film. In the movie you see a dance. This dance is made by Anne Teresa
De Keersmaeker. She comes from Belgium and was trained as a dancer in New York City. She is a modern
dance choreograper. When she came back to Belgium.

She started her own dance company named "Rosas". She also started teaching dance, especially to young
people. She often uses minimalistic music to which she makes postmodern dance choreograpies. The
movements are often daily gestures, so no complicated ballet steps or lifts. In "Rosas danst Rosas" you see
women only.

They dance while sitting on a chair. There are many repetitions in the choreography, of movements and
gestures an also in the music you hear. The performance takes place in an empty school in Mechelen.

1. Watch the movie Rosas danst Rosas and answer the following questions:

a. If you use your imagination, what comes up when you watch this film? What do you think is ‘the story’ the
choreographer wants to tell you? What does she want to say with this dance?

b. This dance is made into a film. A film with a story without itwords. The filmmaker has filmed from multiple
angles, and moved along with the dancers. Because you the faces of the dancers up close, you can see the
expression on their faces. Watch a small part of the film again. Does the cameraman use the rhythm of the
music? Explain.

c. This dance is made for Minimalist music. Minimalist music consists of short motives that are repeated, each
time they are repeated they are slightly altered. In the music of Rosas ‘danst’ Rosas you hear a strong beat
that seems to ‘take possession of the bodies’ Explain this.

d. In the music body sounds are used. Name three body sounds

e. The architecture of the building where the film is recorded fits the atmosphere of the dance and the music.
Explain this.

STEP 2 Your own choreography, in a group

a. Read the assignment and the conditions for the dance. The conditions are on the next page.

b. Think about when you are going to do what and make a plan for the coming lessons.

c. If you work in a group, make a division of tasks.

Conditions for the dance.

a. Use the 3 (or more) movements you selected from the original dance.

b. You must add several own movements, as long as it stays clear that ‘Rosas’ was your inspiration

c. You will have to perform the dance together and you will have to record it.

d. The film lasts min. 2 and max. 4 minutes.

e. Think carefully about the music you are going use.

f. You must use bodysounds in the dance

g. The location for your performance is also of great importance.

Follow the following steps when making the dance:

I. Watch how Beyonce integrates dance moves and gestures from ‘Rosas danst Rosas ‘ in her video clip.

II. Then watch this video and study the movements that are explained here. Choose at least 3 movements
or gestures that you would want to integrate in your own choreography.

III. Search for the music you want to use.

IV. Look if you can find a location that fits the dance

V. Rehearse and record the dance

VI. Upload the video to Magister opdrachtenn or put a link to YouTube there

RUBRIC ROSAS 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Vooronderzoek Alle vragen beantwoord en al- Alle vragen beantwoord, maar De meeste vragen wel beant-
les duidelijk toegelicht niet goed beschreven woord, maar met summiere
of (bij schrijfopdracht) of (bij schrijfopdracht)
of (bij schrijfopdracht)
er is in 150 woorden duidelijk er is in 150 woorden redelijk
beschreven wat de leerling beschreven wat de leerling er is in te weinig (of teveel)
weet over het onderwerp. Het weet over het onderwerp. Het woorden beschreven wat de
verhaal is goed onderbouwd verhaal is redelijk onderbouwd leerling weet over het onder-
en er is goed aangegeven wat en er is redelijk tot goed aan- werp. Het verhaal is niet goed
de leerling wil leren en/of ont- gegeven wat de leerling wil le- onderbouwd en er is redelijk
dekken ren en/of ontdekken tot slecht aangegeven wat de
leerling wil leren en/of ontdek-

Vooronderzoek Vooronderzoek is vooraf (op Vooronderzoek is later ingele-

tijd) ingeleverd verd
PRAKTISCHE OPDRACHT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

- De dans moet minstens 3

bewegingen uit Rosas danst
Rosas bevatten.

-De dans moet eigen be-

dachte bewegingen bevat-

-De dans is samen uitge-

voerd en je maakt hier een
opname van. De opdracht voldoet aan alle De opdracht voldoet de voor- De opdracht voldoet aan 1 of 2
voorwaarden. waarden op 1 of 2 na. voorwaarden
-De film duurt minimaal 2 en
maximaal 4 minuten.

-Er zit passende muziek on-

der de dans.

-Er worden bodysounds ge-

bruikt in de dans.

-Het is gefilmd op een pas-

sende locatie

De dans wordt synchroon uit- De dans wordt niet geheel syn- De dans wordt bijna nooit syn-
gevoerd en er is een composi- chroon uitgevoerd en er is een chroon uitgevoerd en er is een
compositie/ opstelling gemaakt compositie/ opstelling gemaakt
Uitwerking technisch (vorm- tie/ opstelling gemaakt die
die niet zo passend is die minder passend is
geving, compositie, kwaliteit, passend is
standpunten etc)

Uitwerking technisch De locatie en de muziek dragen De locatie en de muziek dragen De locatie en de muziek dragen
((vormgeving, compositie, bij aan de zeggingskracht van gedeeltelijk bij aan de zeg- niet bij aan de zeggingskracht
kwaliteit, standpunten etc) de dans. Het filmpje ziet er ver- gingskracht van de dans. Het van de dans. Het filmpje ziet er
zorgd en af uit, met oog voor filmpje ziet er niet helemaal niet verzorgd en af uit, geen
details. verzorgd en af uit, minder oog oog voor details.
voor details.

RUBRIC ROSAS 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Diepgang Het is een origineel en mooi af- Het filmpje is prima, maar blinkt De opdracht is niet heel serieus
gewerkt product geworden in niet uit in originaliteit of syn- genomen en het danswerk voor
de opname zie je serieus chroniteit. En/of je ziet gegiebel verbetering vatbaar.
danswerk. etc..

Timemanagement De opdracht is op tijd ingele- De opdracht is op tijd. Het is De opdracht is niet op tijd inge-
verd. Het is netjes afgewerkt. redelijk verzorgd. Er is matig leverd. Er is amper contact
Er is voldoende contact met de met de docent gecommuni- geweest met de docent en/of
docent voor feedback geweest. ceerd over de voortgang. Er er was veel sturing nodig
was sturing nodig van de do-
Indien van toepassing: De bij- cent. Indien van toepassing: De sa-
drage in de samenwerking in menwerking onderling verliep
de groep verliep goed, de leer- Inden van toepassing: De sa- niet soepel en/of de samen-
ling heeft een goede bijdrage menwerking verliep redelijk, werking was niet in balans.
geleverd. allen hebben een redelijke bij-
drage geleverd.

Totaal te behalen punten:

vooronderzoek 5 punten plus praktische uitwerking 15 punten = 20 punten


20 - 10 15 - 7,5 10 - 5 5 - 2,5

19 - 9,5 14 - 7 9 - 4,5 4-2

18 - 9 13 - 6,5 8-4 3 - 1,5

17 - 8,5 12 - 6 7 - 3,5 2-1

16 - 8 11 - 5,5 6-3 1-1

ASSIGNMENT B Dance in your own style (max 4 ll)
Each dance type is based on the same three dance elements Space, Time and Strenght. The theatrical
aspects such as music, clothing, decor, theme, make-up and lighting make the dances completely
different. In this assignment you will create your own dance in a style that appeals to you.

STEP 1 Preliminary research, individually

1. Choose a dance style that appeals to you and search for a video where this style can be seen. Answer the
following questions:

a. Write down the characteristics of this style.

b. Describe what you can see in terms of Space, Time, Strenght


* speed up / slow
* three layers (high, medium,
* against gravity / with gravity
* stop
* line-up
* strong movement / weak
* repeat movement
* shapes of the body (angular
or round) * canon * lifts
* direction of movement * rhythm \

c. Describe the theatrical aspects (music, clothing, decor, theme, make-up and lighting) in this video.

d. Write down anything else that strikes you, such as location, special moves, special effects, etc.

STEP 2 Creating your dance, in a group

a. Read the assignment and the conditions for the dance to be made. The conditions are on the next page.

b. Think about when you are going to do what and make a plan for the coming lessons.

c. If you work in a group, make a division of tasks.

The conditions for your dance:

a. The dance is based on the chosen style.

b. The dance must also contain movements of your own.

c. The three dance elements and theatrical aspects are clearly present in the dance.

d. You perform the dance together and you make a recording of it.

e. The film lasts a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 minutes.

f. There is appropriate music.

g. It was filmed in a suitable location

Follow the following steps:

a. You start with brainstorming, what do you want to say with the dance? Which theatrical aspects can you
use for this? Do you want to wear certain clothes, do you need attributes? Where will you perform the dan-
ce? How can you apply characteristics from the style in your dance?
b. Now start ‘designing’ the dance. Use the three dance elements, so also consider exactly how the move-
ments should be performed. (high, low, weak, strong, slow, fast, etc.)
c. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!
d. Record the dance at an appropriate location.
e. Upload the video to Magister opdrachten or put a link to YouTube in opdrachten

RUBRIC EIGEN DANS 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Vooronderzoek Alle vragen beantwoord en al- Alle vragen beantwoord, maar De meeste vragen wel beant-
les duidelijk toegelicht niet goed beschreven woord, maar met summiere
of (bij schrijfopdracht) of (bij schrijfopdracht)
of (bij schrijfopdracht)
er is in 150 woorden duidelijk er is in 150 woorden redelijk
beschreven wat de leerling beschreven wat de leerling er is in te weinig (of teveel)
weet over het onderwerp. Het weet over het onderwerp. Het woorden beschreven wat de
verhaal is goed onderbouwd verhaal is redelijk onderbouwd leerling weet over het onder-
en er is goed aangegeven wat en er is redelijk tot goed aan- werp. Het verhaal is niet goed
de leerling wil leren en/of ont- gegeven wat de leerling wil le- onderbouwd en er is redelijk
dekken ren en/of ontdekken tot slecht aangegeven wat de
leerling wil leren en/of ontdek-

Vooronderzoek Vooronderzoek is vooraf (op Vooronderzoek is later ingele-

tijd) ingeleverd verd
PRAKTISCHE OPDRACHT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

- De dans is gebaseerd op de
stijl die je hebt uitgekozen.

-De dans moet ook eigen

bedachte bewegingen bevat-

-De drie danselementen en

theatrale middelen zijn dui-
delijk aanwezig in de dans.
De opdracht voldoet aan alle De opdracht voldoet de voor- De opdracht voldoet aan 1 of 2
-Je voert de dans samen uit
voorwaarden. waarden op 1 of 2 na. voorwaarden
en je maakt hier een opname

-De film duurt minimaal 2 en

maximaal 4 minuten.

-Er zit passende muziek on-

der de dans.

-Het is gefilmd op een pas-

sende locatie.

De gemaakte dans is 2-4 minu- Er mist een van de uitwerkings- Er missen meerdere uitwer-
Uitwerking technisch (vorm- ten. De dans wordt synchroon voorwaarden. kingsvoorwaarden.
geving, compositie, kwaliteit, uitgevoerd en er is een compo-
sitie/ opstelling gemaakt die
standpunten etc)
passend is

3 elementen en de theatrale Het filmpje ziet er niet hele- Het filmpje ziet er niet af of
middelen dragen bij aan de maal verzorgd uit. Of is niet verzorgd uit. De vorm is niet
zeggingskracht van de dans. helemaal af. Of een van de passend.
Uitwerking artistiek (origina-
Het filmpje ziet er verzorgd en andere voorwaarden is niet
liteit, aantrekkelijk etc)
af uit, met oog voor details. mooi of passend.

RUBRIC EIGEN DANS 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Diepgang Het is een origineel en mooi af- Het is een origineel en mooi af- De opdracht is niet heel serieus
gewerkt product geworden in gewerkt product geworden in genomen en het danswerk voor
de opname zie je serieus de opname zie je serieus verbetering vatbaar.
danswerk. danswerk.

Timemanagement De opdracht is op tijd ingele- De opdracht is op tijd. Het is De opdracht is niet op tijd inge-
verd. Het is netjes afgewerkt. redelijk verzorgd. Er is matig leverd. Er is amper contact
Er is voldoende contact met de met de docent gecommuni- geweest met de docent en/of
docent voor feedback geweest. ceerd over de voortgang. Er er was veel sturing nodig
was sturing nodig van de do-
Indien van toepassing: De bij- cent. Indien van toepassing: De sa-
drage in de samenwerking in menwerking onderling verliep
de groep verliep goed, de leer- Inden van toepassing: De sa- niet soepel en/of de samen-
ling heeft een goede bijdrage menwerking verliep redelijk, werking was niet in balans.
geleverd. allen hebben een redelijke bij-
drage geleverd.

Totaal te behalen punten:

vooronderzoek 5 punten plus praktische uitwerking 15 punten = 20 punten


20 - 10 15 - 7,5 10 - 5 5 - 2,5

19 - 9,5 14 - 7 9 - 4,5 4-2

18 - 9 13 - 6,5 8-4 3 - 1,5

17 - 8,5 12 - 6 7 - 3,5 2-1

16 - 8 11 - 5,5 6-3 1-1

Assignment A Tableau vivant (3 to 6 persons)

A tableau vivant (literally translated from French as a living painting, plural: tableaux vivants) is a silent
and static portrayal by people of a biblical passage, an important historical event, an allegory, a painting,
etc. In this assignment you will make tableaux vivants based on four paintings.

STEP 1 Preliminary research, individually

The theater company Ludovica Rambelli depicts paintings by Caravaggio by means of tableau vivant.

Watch this film and answer the following questions:

1. What theatrical means do they use to make the tableaux?

2. Freeze the image when both the original painting and the tableaux are in view. Describe the similarities and
differences of two paintings/tableaux.

3. They also sometimes use their bodies to represent something other than a human being. Name two
paintings in which that happens and what do they use their bodies for?

4. Do you think the music fits the paintings or not? Explain.

5. This group performs in which they show the different tableaux one after the other. Watch a part of this film
(min. 2 minutes). Argue why this is theatre or not.

STEP 2 Creating the tableaux, together

a. Read the assignment and the conditions for the tableaux. The conditions are on the next page.

b. Think about when you are going to do what and make a plan for the coming lessons.

c. If you work in a group, make a division of tasks.

The conditions for the tableaux.

a. The tableaux are based on 4 different paintings by a well-known painter.

b. The tableaux and the realization are filmed
c. There is appropriate music add to the film
d. The tableaux are in an appropriate location
e. The original painting is also featured in the film.

Follow the following steps:

I. Choose 4 paintings by a famous painter Notice that everyone plays a role.
II. Choose which character you will play.
III. Practice the postures, pay attention to the position you occupy in relation to each other in the room.
IV. Take pictures to see if it matches the original.
V. Choose a location where you will record the video.
VI. Collect clothes and the items/props you need.
VII. Film the creation of the tableaux vivants in one take (without editing), in which the players always build
the tableaux at an appropriate location (just like with Ludovica). Make sure the final tableaux stands still
for a few seconds.
VIII. Add appropriate music to the movie and also edit the images of the original paintings in the movie.
IX. Upload the video in Magister opdrachten or put a link to YouTube there.

RUBRIC TABLEAU VIVANT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Vooronderzoek Alle vragen beantwoord en al- Alle vragen beantwoord, maar De meeste vragen wel beant-
les duidelijk toegelicht niet goed beschreven woord, maar met summiere
of (bij schrijfopdracht) of (bij schrijfopdracht)
of (bij schrijfopdracht)
er is in 150 woorden duidelijk er is in 150 woorden redelijk
beschreven wat de leerling beschreven wat de leerling er is in te weinig (of teveel)
weet over het onderwerp. Het weet over het onderwerp. Het woorden beschreven wat de
verhaal is goed onderbouwd verhaal is redelijk onderbouwd leerling weet over het onder-
en er is goed aangegeven wat en er is redelijk tot goed aan- werp. Het verhaal is niet goed
de leerling wil leren en/of ont- gegeven wat de leerling wil le- onderbouwd en er is redelijk
dekken ren en/of ontdekken tot slecht aangegeven wat de
leerling wil leren en/of ontdek-

Vooronderzoek Vooronderzoek is vooraf (op Vooronderzoek is later ingele-

tijd) ingeleverd verd
PRAKTISCHE OPDRACHT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

- De tableaux zijn gebaseerd

op 4 verschillende schilderijen
van een bekende schilder.

-De tableaux en de totstand-

koming worden gefilmd. De opdracht voldoet aan alle De opdracht voldoet de voor- De opdracht voldoet aan 1 of 2
-ER is passende muziek onder voorwaarden. waarden op 1 of 2 na. voorwaarden
de film.

-De tableaux zijn in een pas-

sende locatie.

-Het originele schilderij is ook

in de film te zien.
De gemaakte tableaus zijn Er mist een van de uitwerkings- Er missen meerdere uitwer-
kloppend en vol van details. Het voorwaarden. kingsvoorwaarden.
Uitwerking technisch (vorm- perspectief klopt en er zijn uit-
geving, compositie, kwaliteit, drukkingen op de gezichten te
standpunten etc) zien.

De locatie en de muziek dra- Het filmpje ziet er niet hele- Het filmpje ziet er niet af of
gen bij aan de zeggingskracht maal verzorgd uit. Of is niet verzorgd uit. De vorm is niet
van de tableaus. Het filmpje helemaal af. Of een van de passend.
Uitwerking artistiek (origina-
ziet er verzorgd en af uit, met andere voorwaarden is niet
liteit, aantrekkelijk etc)
oog voor details. mooi of passend.

RUBRIC TABLEAU VIVANT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Diepgang Het is een origineel en mooi af- Het filmpje is prima, maar blinkt Het cliché gehalte is hoog en
gewerkt product geworden in niet uit in originaliteit of vinding- het acteerwerk voor verbetering
de opname zie je serieus pre- rijkheid. En/of je ziet gegiebel vatbaar.
senteerwerk. etc..

Timemanagement De opdracht is op tijd ingele- De opdracht is op tijd. Het is De opdracht is niet op tijd inge-
verd. Het is netjes afgewerkt. redelijk verzorgd. Er is matig leverd. Er is amper contact
Er is voldoende contact met de met de docent gecommuni- geweest met de docent en/of
docent voor feedback geweest. ceerd over de voortgang. Er er was veel sturing nodig
was sturing nodig van de do-
Indien van toepassing: De bij- cent. Indien van toepassing: De sa-
drage in de samenwerking in menwerking onderling verliep
de groep verliep goed, de leer- Inden van toepassing: De sa- niet soepel en/of de samen-
ling heeft een goede bijdrage menwerking verliep redelijk, werking was niet in balans.
geleverd. allen hebben een redelijke bij-
drage geleverd.

Totaal te behalen punten:

vooronderzoek 5 punten plus praktische uitwerking 15 punten = 20 punten


20 - 10 15 - 7,5 10 - 5 5 - 2,5

19 - 9,5 14 - 7 9 - 4,5 4-2

18 - 9 13 - 6,5 8-4 3 - 1,5

17 - 8,5 12 - 6 7 - 3,5 2-1

16 - 8 11 - 5,5 6-3 1-1

Assignment B Create a cabaret act. (1 a 2 ll.)
Cabaret is een populaire vorm van amusement, die meestal bestaat uit de combinatie van verhalen vertellen,
grappen maken, theater, dans, zang en/of poëzie. Bij cabaret gaat het altijd om verhalen met veel humor. Maar
er zit meestal wel een serieuze ondertoon, rode draad of maatschappijkritische boodschap in.

Maar, hoe doe je dat? Hoe schrijf je een verhaal waar de mensen om kunnen lachen, of die de mensen aan
het nadenken zet.

STEP 1 Preliminary research, individually

1. Bekijk de volgende vormen van cabaret en schrijf bij ieder fragment wat volgens jou belangrijke
kenmerken van een goede tekst zijn.

Javier Guzman

Jochem Meyer

Hans Teeuwen

2. Analyseer nu dit fragment op de volgende aspecten:

a. Wat is het verhaal wat verteld wordt, in één zin samengevat?

b. Hoe wordt dat verhaal verteld en opgebouwd?

c. Wat doet de cabaretier met zijn stem, zijn lichaam?

d. Gebruikt hij/zij zelfspot?

3. Beschrijf welke elementen maken dat jij om cabaret kunt lachen. Denk daarbij aan woorden als
overdrijving, nonsens, harde humor, flauw, woordgrappen etc. etc.


STEP 2 A cabaret act, individually or together

a. Read the assignment and the conditions for the painting to be made. The conditions are on the next page.

b. Think about when you are going to do what and make a plan for the coming lessons.

c. If you work in a group, make a division of tasks.

The conditions for the act:
a. De sketch duurt 1 a 2 minuten
b. De sketch wordt opgenomen op film in een passende vormgeving of locatie

Follow the following steps:

I. Kies een onderwerp. Waar verbaas je je over? Waar erger je je aan? Kies iets uit de maatschappij bij-
voorbeeld de politiek, iets uit het schoolleven of iets uit je familiekring. Ook kleine verhalen over je
oma, kunnen hele waardevolle onderwerpen zijn.
II. Maak een associatieketting. Schrijf ze snel mogelijk 10 woorden op waar jouw onderwerp je aan doet
denken. Zo breed mogelijk. Schrijf bij alle 10 woorden nog 3 associatiewoorden op.
III. Schrijf nu een minuut lang aan je verhaal, zonder te stoppen met schrijven. Herhaak dit evt een paar
IV. Maak op basis van deze schrijfoefeningen een verhaal van een a twee minuten. Je kunt nog meer ca-
baretiers of stand-up comedians bekijken om inspiratie op te doen. Cabaret is het fijnst als iemand
zichzelf ook een beetje op de hak durft te nemen. Kijk eens of je wat zelfspot kunt toevoegen.
V. Studeer de sketch in, denk aan stemgebruik, je lichaam en de vormgeving. Bedenk ook wat het be-
langrijkste is wat je wilt vertellen en werk daarnaar toe.
VI. Neem de sketch op en upload het naar opdrachten of zet daar een link naar YouTube

RUBRIC CABARET 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Vooronderzoek Alle vragen beantwoord en al- Alle vragen beantwoord, maar De meeste vragen wel beant-
les duidelijk toegelicht niet goed beschreven woord, maar met summiere
of (bij schrijfopdracht) of (bij schrijfopdracht)
of (bij schrijfopdracht)
er is in 150 woorden duidelijk er is in 150 woorden redelijk
beschreven wat de leerling beschreven wat de leerling er is in te weinig (of teveel)
weet over het onderwerp. Het weet over het onderwerp. Het woorden beschreven wat de
verhaal is goed onderbouwd verhaal is redelijk onderbouwd leerling weet over het onder-
en er is goed aangegeven wat en er is redelijk tot goed aan- werp. Het verhaal is niet goed
de leerling wil leren en/of ont- gegeven wat de leerling wil le- onderbouwd en er is redelijk
dekken ren en/of ontdekken tot slecht aangegeven wat de
leerling wil leren en/of ontdek-

Vooronderzoek Vooronderzoek is vooraf (op Vooronderzoek is later ingele-

tijd) ingeleverd verd
PRAKTISCHE OPDRACHT 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

- De sketch duurt 1 à 2 minu-


-De sketch wordt opgeno-

men op film in een passende De opdracht voldoet aan alle De opdracht voldoet de voor- De opdracht voldoet aan 1 of 2
vormgeving of locatie. voorwaarden. waarden op 1 of 2 na. voorwaarden

-De sketch bevat een kriti-

sche tekst, die respectvol is.

-De tekst is zelfgeschreven.

De tekst is zelfgeschreven en Er mist een van de uitwerkings- Er missen meerdere uitwer-

Uitwerking technisch (vorm- wordt goed verstaanbaar en voorwaarden. kingsvoorwaarden.
overtuigend gepresenteerd. Het
geving, compositie, kwaliteit,
bevat een element van zelfspot.
standpunten etc)

Het verhaal is origineel en in Het filmpje ziet er niet hele- Het filmpje ziet er niet af of
een mooie vorm geschreven maal verzorgd uit. Of is niet verzorgd uit. De vorm is niet
en verteld. Er is gebruik ge- helemaal af. Of een van de passend
Uitwerking artistiek (origina-
maakt van overdrijving. andere voorwaarden is niet
liteit, aantrekkelijk etc)
mooi of passend.

RUBRIC CABARET 3 punten 2 punten 1 punt

Diepgang Het is een origineel en mooi af- Het filmpje is prima, maar blinkt Het cliché gehalte is hoog en
gewerkt product geworden in niet uit in originaliteit of vinding- het presenteerwerk voor verbe-
de opname zie je serieus pre- rijkheid. En/of je ziet gegiebel tering vatbaar.
senteerwerk. etc..

Timemanagement De opdracht is op tijd ingele- De opdracht is op tijd. Het is De opdracht is niet op tijd inge-
verd. Het is netjes afgewerkt. redelijk verzorgd. Er is matig leverd. Er is amper contact
Er is voldoende contact met de met de docent gecommuni- geweest met de docent en/of
docent voor feedback geweest. ceerd over de voortgang. Er er was veel sturing nodig
was sturing nodig van de do-
Indien van toepassing: De bij- cent. Indien van toepassing: De sa-
drage in de samenwerking in menwerking onderling verliep
de groep verliep goed, de leer- Inden van toepassing: De sa- niet soepel en/of de samen-
ling heeft een goede bijdrage menwerking verliep redelijk, werking was niet in balans.
geleverd. allen hebben een redelijke bij-
drage geleverd.

Totaal te behalen punten:

vooronderzoek 5 punten plus praktische uitwerking 15 punten = 20 punten


20 - 10 15 - 7,5 10 - 5 5 - 2,5

19 - 9,5 14 - 7 9 - 4,5 4-2

18 - 9 13 - 6,5 8-4 3 - 1,5

17 - 8,5 12 - 6 7 - 3,5 2-1

16 - 8 11 - 5,5 6-3 1-1

You have now explored, expanded and deepened a discipline. Now you look back, we call this
connecting. You will make connections with what you already knew and what you have learned. So
you reflect on what you have done and what you have learned. You answer the questions below and
submit it before the deadline on Magister Opdrachten. Save this document on your computer,
because you will also need it for your CSP2 at the end of the year.

Connect Assignment (please Answer the questions below in smooth, complete sentences.

1. We discussed 5 genres and 6 characteristics of both visual art and design. You also did assignments on
these genres and characteristics. Review what you have written. Most genres and characteristics will not
have been new to you. Write down what new things you learned.

2. In the ‘expand’ assignments you have looked at two disciplines from two dimensions. Describe why
these dimensions fit in well with those disciplines.

3. Write down which in-depth assignment you chose (research)

4. Explain why you chose this topic.

5. Describe what you learned during the preliminary research and how you used this to do your film or
music assignment.

6. What genres and characteristics did you apply in the in-depth assignment?

7. Were you satisfied with the result? Why (not)?

8. What did you learn from doing the research assignment?

9. What would you do differently next time?

10. If you had to give yourself a mark for the final product, what would it be? Explain why.


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