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(Affiliated to Pokhara University)


[Subject Code: CVL 490]



Er. Prashanta Dhimal




JULY, 2023


This is to certify that this project work entitled “A SEISMIC ANALYSIS AND
and it has been declared successful for the fulfillment of the academic requirement
towards the completion of the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering.

……………………….……………... .........…………………….............

External Examiner Supervisor

……………………………………… …………………………………

Supervisor Asst. Prof. Mani Poudel

Er. Prashanta Dhimal Head of Department

Department of Civil Engineering

The main aim of the project is to structurally analyze and design a seismic resistant
multistoried building. A building has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst
these functions are the utility of the building for the intended use and occupancy, structural
safety, fire safety; and compliance with hygienic sanitation and ventilation and daylight
standards. The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirement
prescribed for each of the above functions.

As per the recent following of the Gorkha Earthquake that occurred in 25th April, 2015,the
construction of multistoried building has been of major concern. So, proper selection of the
building site is required. The analysis and design of our building is based on increasing the
seismic capacity through proper configuration of the structure as well as proper designing
and ductile detailing of structural elements.

We will be designing the building using limit state concept for achieving an acceptable
probability of being serviceable throughout its lifetime. Building codes [IS 456:2000, NBC
105: 2020] and Computer software [ETABS Ultimate 64-bit, Version 21.0.0 Build 3143]
are to be used duringour evaluation. During our study, originally envisioned plan can have
certain modifications other than that our final outputs will be complete.

The project is commenced within the above-mentioned criteria. Also, the strength and
serviceability criteria are fulfilled. The final output of the project is object in the form of
detailed drawings.

Keywords: Seismic, multistoried, ETABS, designing, detailing, Building codes, detailed

Pokhara University, School of Engineering has prescribed a course entitled as “ProjectIII” which acts as
an aid to tackle problems during an engineering profession life. It is attempted to present this report
consisting all the works needed for the structural design of the project work.The purpose of preparing
this project is not only to fulfill the requirement of course syllabus but also to make available to the
student community, a report that deals with various aspects under the heading “A SEISMIC

In planning this project report, we have given close attention to the detail calculation part and in
presenting significant architectural drawings and detailed structural drawings of the reinforcing bars.
Despite of good structural design, it won’t be properly effective unless proper structural detailing is not
adopted.The Nepal building code of (NBC 2020) practice should be thoroughly implemented for
proper analysis, design and detailing with respect to safety, serviceability, economy, and strength.

During this project, we came across various problems in all analysis, design, drawing and detailing
section. With proper solution of these problems structure can stand under adverse condition as well.

Although every care has been taken to make the report free from errors, yet we shall beobliged, if errors
present shall be brought to our notice, Constructive criticism will be heartily welcomed.
In the present world of competition there is a race of existence in which those who comes
forward succeed. Project is equivalent to a bridge between theoretical and practical working.
With this willing,we joined this particular project. We gained a lot of knowledge from this
research and it has been beneficial to our development in further career and studies.

We are extremely grateful to our project advisor Er. Prashanta Dhimal, HOD Asst. Prof.
Mani Poudel for their guidance, direction and dedication to complete this project work
and preparing report in this format. We feel that without his invaluable effort to guide and
encourage us, we would not have succeeded to carry out the project and prepare this report
in this form.

We sincerely thank all other, who helped us directly and indirectly and express ourheartfelt
gratitude towards them.






Table of content]LIST OF ABBREVIATION ii

Table of contents ....................................................................................... v

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 10
1.1. Background: ......................................................................................... 10
1.2. Project Description ............................................................................... 11
1.3. Objectives ............................................................................................ 12
1.4. Scope ................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Work Scope ..................................................................................................... 12
1.4.2 Field Scope ...................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................. 14
2.1. Indian Standard (IS) Codes of Practice: ................................................ 14
2.1.1 IS:875- 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003)- Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than
Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures: ......................................................... 14
2.2. IS 456: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code
of Practice: ........................................................................................... 16
2.3. NBC-105:2020 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Nepal.................................................................................................... 16
2.4. Textbooks on RCC Design and Earthquake Engineering: ..................... 16
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 17
3.1. Preliminary Design ............................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Slab ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 Beam ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Column .................................................................................................................. 19
Staircase 19
3.2. Loading Pattern .................................................................................... 19
3.3. Load Calculation .................................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Gravity Load Calculation ........................................................................................ 20
3.3.2 Lateral Load Calculation ........................................................................................ 21
3.4. Analysis of the Structure ...................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Limit State of Design ............................................................................................. 22
3.4.2 Design of the Beams and Columns .................................................................... 23
3.4.3 Design Of Foundation ...................................................................................... 23
3.4.4 Design of Staircase........................................................................................... 23
3.4.5 Detailing of Structural Elements ....................................................................... 23
3.5 Presentation .......................................................................................... 23
3.6 Assumptions in Analysis and Design .................................................... 25
3.7 Working Procedure............................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 4 4 LOAD DESCRIPTION ............................................... 27
4.1. Dead Load ............................................................................................ 27
4.2. Live Load ............................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER 5 PRELIMINARY DESIGN ............................................. 29
CHAPTER 6 GRAVITY LOAD CALCULATION ............................ 48
6.1. Calculation of Self-Weight of Element ................................................. 49
6.1.1 Self Weight of Beam ........................................................................................ 49
6.1.2. Self Weight of Column .................................................................................... 49
6.1.3. Self Weight of Slab .......................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER 7 Modeling and Analysis ................................................... 50
7.1. Modeling .............................................................................................. 50
7.1.1 Material Property ................................................................................................... 50
7.1.2 Section Property ..................................................................................................... 50
7.1.3 3D Model ............................................................................................................... 50
7.1.4 Load Application ................................................................................................... 50
7.2. Analysis ............................................................................................... 54
7.2.1 Deformed shapes .................................................................................................... 54
7.2.2 Shear Force Diagram.............................................................................................. 56
7.2.3 Bending Moment Diagram ..................................................................................... 57
7.2.4 Axial Force Diagram ........................................................................................ 58
7.2.4 Joint Reaction .................................................................................................. 58
7.2.5 Checks ................................................................................................................... 59
7.2.6 Axial Load ............................................................................................................. 67
7.2.7 Center of Mass ....................................................................................................... 69
7.3. Center of Mass: .................................................................................... 70
7.3.1 Center of Mass of Column................................................................................ 70
7.3.2Center of Mass of Slab ............................................................................................ 72
7.3.4 Center of Mass of Beam ................................................................................. 74
7.4 Center of Rigidity ................................................................................. 75
7.5 Shear wall of column............................................................................ 77
CHAPTER 8 Design and Detailing ...................................................... 78
8.1. Design .................................................................................................. 78
8.1.1 Design of Beam ..................................................................................................... 78
8.1.2Design of Column ................................................................................................... 78
8.1.3Design of Shear Wall .............................................................................................. 78

8.2. Design of Footing ................................................................................. 78
8.2.2 Raft foundation ................................................................................................ 79
8.2.3 Diaphragm ............................................................................................................. 85
8.2.4 Lateral Force .......................................................................................................... 85
8.2.5 Story Shear ............................................................................................................ 86
8.2.6 Story Overturning Moment ..................................................................................... 87
8.2.7 Diaphragm Displacement ....................................................................................... 88
8.3. Design for Column ............................................................................... 91
8.4. Design of Slabs .................................................................................... 94
8.5. Design Of Beams ................................................................................. 95
CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION ............................ 96
CHAPTER 10 REFERENCES ............................................................. 97
10.1. DESIGN HANDBOOK AND TEXT BOOK ....................................... 97

Figure 3.3-1 : 3D model of structure ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.3-2 Elevation ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.3-3Ground Floor Plan .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.6-1Flow-chart of Methodology ........................................................................... 26
Figure 7.2.1-1 Storey Drifts .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.2.1-2 Storey Drifts ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.3-1 Shear Force Diagram ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.3-2 Bending Moment Diagram ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.10-1 Story Five Diaphragm Image ..................................................................... 85
Figure 7.10-2 Story Four Diaphragm Image .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.11-1 Lateral load................................................................................................. 86
Figure 7.12-1 Story Shear ................................................................................................. 87
Figure 8-1 Story Overturning Moments .......................................................................... 88
Figure 8.10-1 Diaphragm Displacement ........................................................................... 89
Figure 8.10-2 Story Stiffness ............................................................................................. 90
Figure 0-1 Design of Slab .................................................................................................. 94

Figure 0-2 Design of Slab .................................................................................................. 94


Table 0-1Dead Load Description ...................................................................................... 27

Table 0-2 Live Load Description ...................................................................................... 27
Table 5-1 Preliminary Design of Slab ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-2 Preliminary design of Beam ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-3 Preliminary design of Secondary beam ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-4 Preliminary design of Staircase .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-5Preliminary design of Open wellStaircase .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-6 Preliminary Design of Shear Wall.......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-7 Preliminary design of Column................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-8Calculation of Base Shear........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-9 Joint Design Reactions...................................................................................... 67
Table 5-10 Seismic weight calculation of Second Floors .................................................. 98
Table 5-11 Drift along EQx ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-12 Drift along Eqy ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-13 Calculation of Cente of mass of column ......................................................... 70
Table 5-14 Cente of mass of slab ....................................................................................... 72
Table 5-15 Center of mass of Beam .................................................................................. 74
Table 5-16 Center of Rigidity of Column ......................................................................... 75
Table 5-17 Shear Wall Of Column ................................................................................... 77
Table 5-18 Eccentricity Calculation from ETABS ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-19 Modal Mas Participation Ratio ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-20 Story maximum over average Displacement........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-2 Longitudinal Reinforcement of Column ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-3 Shear Reinforcement Of Column ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-4 Calculation Of Moment Coeffiecients .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-5 Calculation of Moment ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-6 Longiudinal; Reinforcement of Beam .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-7 Shear Reinforcement of Beam ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.


1.1. Background:
Nepal is located in the boundary of two colliding tectonic plates, namely, the Indian Plate
(Indo- Australian Plate) and the Tibetan Plate (Eurasian Plate). Due to that, Nepal has
witnessed many major as well as minor earthquakes in the past. Gorkha earthquake of
2072 B.S. is the most recent, high intensity quake among many that hit Nepal. Thus,
structures to be built in Nepal need to be suitably designed and detailed so as to counteract
the forces due to earthquakes.

Past earthquake evidence indicates that Nepal had experienced huge loss and has affect the
buildingstructures. Looking at the urbanization, if similar earthquake has to be occurred as
in 1943 AD, the scenario would be the most devastating. So, Proper analysis and safe design
of structure carries greatimportance which is the reason to perform a project on seismic

The building has been designed to withstand moderate earthquake forces taking an
advantage of RCC framed structure. The design of member has been carried out satisfying
serviceability, safety and strength. The assumption made in IS: 456-2000, for limit state
method is fully valid and kept in consideration during the design process. It presents
complete analysis and design of the building, all necessary sketches,structural drawings,
architectural plans and elevations.

As per the syllabus of Pokhara University, University had offered project assignment work
as a part of course in Bachelor of Civil Engineering in final semester. It involvesthe analysis
and design of a Civil Engineering Project and preparation of final report. This project works
assists us to understand the practical aspect of civil engineering along with the theoretical
knowledge. It acquaints us with challenges in the field and helps in preparing better to cope
with all sorts of challenges in future.

1.2. Project Description
Name of the Project: A Seismic Analysis And Structural Design Of Commercial


Region: Central Development Region

Zone: Bagmati

District: Kathmandu

Type of Building: Commercial Building

Structural System: Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame

Soil Type: D

Seismic zone: V

No of Story: Basement + Ground Floor + 5 Floor + Terrace

Dimension of building:

Maximum length: 24 m

Maximum height: 37 m

Type of Staircase: Open Well and Dog Legged Staircase

Type of foundation: Raft Foundation

Floor Height:

Basement: 3.6m

Typical: 3.6m
Design criteria: As per IS 456:2000, IS 875 (Part 1 & 2)

NBC 105:2020

Size of structural elements:

Primary Beam: 450*700mm

Secondary Beam: 300*450mm

Column: 750mm*750mm

Slab thickness: 150mm

Depth of footing: 1.69 m

Number of lifts available: 1

1.3. Objectives
i. To perform seismic Analysis And Structural Design Of Commercial Building.

1.4. Scope
This project work provides us the information about how to analyze and design the multi-
storied earthquake resistant building. It further deals with:

1.4.1 Work Scope

i. Calculation of loads.

ii. Preliminary design of structural elements.

iii. Identification of loads and load cases.

iv. Calculation of shear force, bending moment to determine size of the

building components.
v. To be familiar with structural analysis software i.e., ETABSv2021 for different
vi. Determination of fundamental time period by ETABSv2021.

vii. Review of analysis output for design of different components.

viii. Design of beam, column, slab and foundation by limit state method by

following different codes.
ix. Final detailing of individual members and preparations of drawing to be
applicable in fields.

1.4.2 Field Scope

In the present context, in a developing city like Kathmandu, there is land crisis due to
increasing population so as an engineer it will be challenging for us to minimize it. Thiscan
be solved up to some extent by designing/constructing high rise multi-storied building for
commercial, residential purposes, etc.

Also, our country lies in an earthquake prone area which may lead to loss of life and
property which can be counteracted by seismic design of building.


Every engineering design is the outcome of the past experiences and observations. It is
necessary to justify the result of the analysis and design properly with reference to the pre-
existing standard results or the past experiences. Structural design is the methodical
investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in
structural analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads
without failure during its service life. Safe design of structures can be achieved by applying
the proper knowledge of structural mechanics and past experiences. It is needed to provide
authentic reference to the design made i.e., the design should followthe provision made in
codes of practices. Use of codes also keeps the designer to the safe side in case the structure
fails within its service life. For this design, certain references and criteria are taken from the
literatures discussed below.

2.1. Indian Standard (IS) Codes of Practice:

For the analysis and design of the building references have been made to Indian Standard
code since National Building Codes of Nepal do not provide sufficient information and
refers frequently to the Indian standard codes. Indian Standard codes used in the analysis
and design of this building are described below:

2.1.1 IS:875- 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003)- Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other
than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures:
A building has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst these functions are the
utility of the building for the intended use and occupancy, structural safety, fire safety; and
compliance with hygienic, sanitation, ventilation and daylight standards. The design of the
building is dependent upon the minimum requirements prescribed foreach of the above
functions. The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural safety of the building are
being covered in this code by way of laying down minimum designed load which have to
be assumed for dead loads, imposed load, snow load and other external loads, the structure
is required to bear. This code is divided into five different parts for five different kinds of
loadings. The differentparts of the code are:

Part 1: Dead Loads- Unit Weight of Building Materials and Stored Materials:

This part deals with the dead load to be assumed in the design of the building. These loads
are given in the form of unit weight of materials. The unit weight of the materialsthat are
likely to be stored in the building are also given in the code for the purpose of the load
calculation due to stored materials. This code covers the unit weight or mass of the materials
and parts and components in the building that apply to the determination of the dead load
in the design of building. Table 1 of this code covers unit weight of the building materials
and Table 2 of the code covers the unit weight ofthe building parts or the components.

Part 2: Imposed Loads

Imposed load is the load assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of a
building including the weight of moveable partitions, distributed, concentrated loads,loads
due to impact and vibrations and dust loads (Excluding wind, seismic, snow, loaddue to
temperature change, creep, shrinkage, differential settlements etc.) This part of the code
deals with imposed load of the building produced by the intended occupancy or use.
Minimum imposed load that should be taken into consideration for the purposeof structural
safety of the buildings are given in the code but it does not cover the incidental to
construction and special cases of vibration, such as moving machinery, heavy acceleration
from cranes hoist etc.

Part 3: Wind Loads

This part deals with the wind load to be considered when designing the building, structure
and component thereof. This code gives the wind force and their effect (Staticand Dynamic)
that should be taken into account when designing buildings, structures and components
thereof. In the code wind load estimation is done by taking into accountthe random variation
of the wind speed with time. We assume that earthquake load andwind load doesn’t occur
simultaneously, therefore only the effect of earthquake load has been considered in the
analysis of this structure.

Part 4: Snow Loads

This part of the code deals with snow loads on roofs of buildings. Roofs should be designed
for the actual load due to snow or the imposed load specified in Part 2 whichever is more
sever. Since location of the building is within Kathmandu Valley, there is no possibility of
snowfall. Hence the snow load is not considered in the design.

Part 5: Special Loads and Load Combinations
This code loads and loads effects (Except the loads covered in Part 1 to 4 and seismic load)
due to temperature changes, internally generated stress due to creep shrinkage, differential
settlement etc. in the building and its components, soil and hydrostatic pressures, accidental
loads etc. This part also covers the guidance for the load combinations.

2.2. IS 456: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) Plain and Reinforced Concrete –

Code of Practice:
This Indian Standard code of practice deals with the general structural use of plain and
reinforced concrete based on Limit State Design Method. According to the code, plain
concrete structures referred to those structures where reinforcement if provided is ignored
for determination of the strength of the structure. This code does not cover special
requirements for the structures like bridges, chimneys, hydraulic structures, earthquake
resistance buildings etc. but allows the use of separate code for those structures in
conjunction with this code.

2.3. NBC-105:2020 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of

Structures Nepal
This code deals with the assessment of seismic loads on various structures and design of earthquake
resistantdesign of buildings. It deals with the mechanics of seismic engineering insofar as it is
concerned with the methods of determining seismic loads and the effects various irregularities in a
building can have upon its seismic response.

2.4. Textbooks on RCC Design and Earthquake Engineering:

Many available books related to design of reinforced concrete structure and earthquake
engineering written by distinguished authors such as AK Jain are based on the Indian
Standard Codes of Practice and provides sufficient theoretical background with
illustrative examples. So, for the analysis and design,references from such textbooks
are very helpful. Books related to foundationengineering will also be valuable in the
design of building foundation. Besides these,other books related to structural mechanics
(Statics and Dynamics) will also be helpfulfor performing and verifying the analysis output
from computer software.

The reports on the same project prepared by the students of previous batches were alsoan
important reference to the project.


In order to achieve the mentioned objective following procedure was adopted:

The methodology involved in the project work has been performed in a complete manner
under the contents described as following stages in the analysis and design of seven storied
commercial building.

3.1. Preliminary Design

The approximate sizes of the structural elements were determined through preliminary
design so that after analysis the pre-assumed dimensions might not deviate considerably,
thus making the final design for both safe and economical purpose. Approximate sizes of
various elements have been determined as follows.

3.1.1 Slab
For slab, preliminary design is done according to deflection criteria:

l/d <      (IS 456- 2000 Clause 23.2.1)


= Coefficient depending on effective depth ratio.

= Coefficient depending on span

= Modification factor for tension reinforcement

= Modification factor for compression reinforcement

= Reduction factor for ratio of span to effective depth for flange beam

3.1.2 Beam
Deflection criteria of L/D = 7 (cantilever), L/D = 22 (Simply supported) is applied to
preliminary design of beam


L= Span

D= Depth of beam

3.1.3 Column
Preliminary design of column is done considering column of grid 5D as slab area in thiscolumn is more
compared to other column and when this column is built safe other columns also becomes safe as slab
area in other column are smaller. For the load actingin the column, live load is decreased according to
IS 875-1978 (Part 2) and then the design is carried out using SP16.
Preliminary design of staircase is done same as slab design.

3.2. Loading Pattern

Loading pattern form slab to beam is obtained by drawing 45-degree offset lines from each
corner as shown in the figure. The obtained trapezoidal as well as triangular loading and is
converted into equivalent UDL as described in respective section. The loading from
cantilever slab part is converted to UDL acting in beam by dividing the total load by length
of beam. Load from cantilever part is converted to UDL acting in

Figure 1: Two Way Slab

beam by dividing total load (wall UDL * Total Wall length) by length of the beam. Self-
wt. of projected beam part is assumed as point load in nearby column

Above slab have four supporting beams. The longer beams carry trapezoidal load and
shorter beam carry triangular load. Following formula could be used to convert plane
trapezoidal and plane triangular load into linear load.

For Conversion Purpose

Triangular load = w * lx/3

Trapezoidal Load = w * lx * r/(r+2)

where, r = ly/lx

w = Intensity of load in KN/m2

3.3. Load Calculation

Load calculations for superimposed load and dead load are done using the IS:875-1987(part
1 & part 2) as reference. The exact value of unit weights of the material used in the building
has been extracted from the code and was used in calculation. Thickness of materials was
taken as per design requirement.

3.3.1 Gravity Load Calculation

Loads on beam due to the slab was calculated according to clause 24.5 of IS 456-2000.Loads
on slabs may be divided into:

1. Dead Load Self weight of slab.

2. Live load from relevant codes.

Loads on beam are:

1. Self-weight of beam
2. Load transfer from slab
3. Load due to wall
4. Load transfer from staircase.

Loads on the columns are calculated by finding out the total dead load and live loads acting
on the columns according to their coverage and adding self-weight of it.

All grids areanalyzed by ETABS v2021 software program.

3.3.2 Lateral Load Calculation

Lateral loads acting on building are earthquake load only. Earthquake or seismic load on a
building depends upon its geographic location, lateral stiffness and mass, and it’sreversible.
Its effect has been considered along both axes of the building take one at a time. As the roof
slab is flat, we have not considered wind load. It is note practically considered in our
context. Hence, only seismic load analysis is carried out. For analysisand design earthquake
action, following methods can be applied

1. Seismic Coefficient Method.

2. Response Spectrum Method

3.4. Analysis of the Structure

The whole building was separated into various grid or frames. The frames were separately
analyzed for different load combinations. Grids having same structural property are
represented by a single analysis. All grids are analyzed by computer software program
‘ETABSv2021’. The following load combinations have been considered as per per NBC
105:2020 of Cl 3.6.1 and 3.6.2.

 1.2DL+1.5LL
 DL+0.3LL+EQx*U
 DL+0.3LL+EQy*U

 DL+0.3LL-EQx*U
 DL+0.3LL-EQy*U
 DL+0.3LL+EQx*S
 DL+0.3LL+EQy*S
 DL+0.3LL-EQx*S
 DL+0.3LL-EQy*S

3.4.1 Limit State of Design

The objective of design, based on limit state concept, is to achieve an acceptable probability
that the structure will not become unserviceable in its life time for the use of which it is
intended that is, it will not reach limit state. All the relevant limit state must be considered
in design to ensure adequate safety and serviceability. The most important of these limit
states which must be examined in design are as follows:

A. Limit State of Collapse

This state corresponds to maximum load carrying capacity such as:

 Flexure
 Compression
 Shear
 Torsion

B. Limit state of Serviceability
In addition to the Limit State of collapse reinforced concrete structure must also satisfied
the serviceability condition. This state corresponds to development of excessive
deformation and is used for checking members in which magnitude of deformations may
limit the use of the structure of its components. This limit state maycorrespond to:

 Deflection
 Cracking and
 Vibration

3.4.2 Design of the Beams and Columns

The structural elements are designed for the worst combination of the loads. The beamsare
designed for the worst combination of the loads by taking maximum sagging moment. The
hogging moment is resisted by providing doubly reinforced sections at the supports, or as

3.4.3 Design Of Foundation

Considering the nature of the soil at the design site, and the purpose of the structure Raft
foundation is provided.

3.4.4 Design of Staircase

Stairs is designed separately as per drawing.

3.4.5 Detailing of Structural Elements

Reinforcement detailing of most of the important components has been shown in drawings.
They conformed to the relevant section of the IS codes viz. IS 456-2000.

3.5 Presentation
The step involved in the planning and design stages have been presented in this report.The

results of most of the calculation works, analysis results and the designs have presented in
tabular form. A sample calculation of each stage has been provided to clarify the works.
The relevant architectural drawings also have been included.

3.6 Assumptions in Analysis and Design
Various assumptions had been made in the analysis and design of the structures, for
consideration of simplicity and economy. They are:

 Tensile strength of concrete is ignored.

 Shrinkage and temperature stresses are negligible.

 Adhesion between concrete and steel is adequate to develop full strength.

 Seismic and wind loads do not occur simultaneously.

 Loading of beam is either trapezoidal or triangular but for the sake of

simplicityit is converted into corresponding uniformly distributed load
 Centerlines of beam and columns are concurrent everywhere.

 Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously in both direction (X and

 The contribution of cantilever slab in the reduction of span, moment has
 Soil bearing capacity = 100 KN/m2 is assumed

 Vibrational effect is ignored due to movement of live load.

 Erection load is ignored in RCC.

3.7 Working Procedure

Figure 3.7-1Flow-chart of Methodology


4.1. Dead Load

IS 875 (Part 2=1987), (Second Revision)

Table 4-1Dead Load Description

S.N. Material Thickness Unit Unit Remarks

1 Cement concrete, reinforced KN/m3 24.8 to
with sand & gravel or 26.5
crushed natural stone with
5% steel
2. Plain cement concrete with KN/m3 22 to 23.5
sand & gravel or crushed
natural stone aggregate
3. Screeding KN/m3 20.40
4. Cement Mortar KN/m3 20.40
5. Cement Plaster KN/m3 20.40
6. Marble KN/m3 26.7
7. Brick KN/m3 19.2

4.2. Live Load

IS 875 (Part 2=1987), (Second Revision)

Table 4-2 Live Load Description

S.N. Description UDL Unit Remark

1. Staircase cover slab & terrace 1.5 KN/m2

2. Intermediate slab 4 KN/m2
3. Staircase 5 KN/m2


Table 5-1 Preliminary Design of Slab

Preliminary Design of Slab

calculation Remarks

Ly = 5.840m

Lx = 3.6205m

= 1.61<2 Two way slab

= 41.6

d = 87.031mm

Effective (cover) = 30mm

Assuming 8mm diameter bar

Effective cover = 27mm
D = 114.031
Clear span(Assuming support width = 3580.5mm
clear span = 298.375
left = 3580.5mm
Load calculation;
Total load = 8.165KN/m
Force load = 12.2475KN/m
mx(+ve) = 9.471KN/m
mx(-ve) = 12.522KN/m
my(+ve) = 5.618KN/m
My(-ve) = 7.545KN/m
Calculation of reinforcement.
(+ve,x)Ast = 183.884mm2
(-ve,x)Ast = 246.371mm2
(+ve,y)Ast = 107.341mm2

= 145.306mm2
Astmin = 147.6

For 8mm spacing bar

Required spacing = 273.360
= 204.02
= 340.552
= 340.552
Providing spacing = 150
= 150
= 300
= 300
Ast provided = 335.103
= 335.103
= 167.551
= 167.551
Check for shear force
To be safe

= 21.923
= 178.235 KN/m2
k = 1.3

= 0.624
Check for deflection
(l/d)basic 29.109
(l/d)provided 32
K1=(a) = 0.272
(b) fs = 213.210
K1 = 1.65

K2 & k3 ; (for slab) = 1
29.109 <= 52.8 (okay)
Preliminary design of slab

Table 5-2 Preliminary design of Beam

Preliminary Design of Main Beam

l = 5.840

ld = 261.3

= 33.8

d = 5.840100033.8

d = 172.781mm

D = 450 (assume)

Effective cover = 4950mm

b = 300mm

d = 450-50

= 400mm

Clear span = 5440mm

Effective length = 5440mm

Load calculation ;

DL = self wt

= 250b

= 250.450.3

= 3.375

= 3.3751.5

= 5.0625

Slab DL = slab selfwtarealength of beam

Area = 14(2l-b)b

= 14(25.840-4.4)4.4

= 8.008

(slab DL)u = 4.3758.0355.840

= 6.0200

(FDL)u = 9.03

(slab DL)D = 4.3758.0085.840

= 5.999

(FDL)D = 8.998

(slabLL)U = 38.0355.840

= 4.127

(slabLL)D = 218.0085.840

= 2.742

Wall Load = 20 wall thickness

(floorht-beam depth)

= 201151000(3.048-4501000)

= 5.9754 KN/m

(FWL) = 8.963

F(TDL) = 32.0535

(TLL) = 6.869

F(TLL) = 10.3035


MDL -wl220=-109.320 wl212=91.100 =-91.100

MLL -wl29=-39.046 wl210=35.140 =-39.045

Total A=-148.365 B=126.24 C=-130.145


mu = 0.87fyAst(d-fy Astfckb)

(Ast)A = 858.818mm2

(Ast)B = 729.957mm2

(Ast)C = 753.680mm2

Check for beam

(i) check for % of steel

For tension zone;

(Minm)Ast = 0.85bdfy

= 204 mm2

(Maxm)Ast = 0.04bD

= 5400mm2

(Ast)p is in between (Ast)min (Ast)req

No. of rebar = 858.8184202

= 2.7333

Ast provided = no. of rebar = Ast reqarea of one rebar

= 34202

= Ast p

= 942.477mm2

(ii) check for shear design

v = Vubd

Vu = udl

= wu leff2

= 42.357(54401000)2

= 115.211

v = 115.2111000300400

= 0.960 N/mm2

c = 100(Ast)pdb

= 0.785 x=0.568

c = 0.568 N/mm2

(c)max = 2.8N/mm2

v>c and v<(c)max ; design of shear reinforcement is necessary
We are designing vertical stripes.
For vertical stripes,

Vus = 0.87fy AsvdSv

Vus = Vu-cbd

= 115.2112000-0.568300400

= 47051 N

Assuming 2 lagged vertical stripes 8mm

47051 = 0.875002/482400Sv

Sv = 371.775 mm

Check Sv;

Sv(a) not less than 75mm

(b) not greater than 0.75d (0.75d=300mm)

Provide 8mm rebar @ 300mmc/c

(iii) check for deflection


For doubly reinforcement beam; k3 = 2.0

(id)p=(l effd)=5440400=13.6

(id)b = 26(continuous)

k2 = 100 Astbd fs=0.58500858.818942.477=264.258

= 0.785

k2 = 0.9

For k2 ( compression )

k2 = 100 (Asl)pbd

= 0.785

k2 = 1.29


A1=6600239802 = 6567000mm2

A2=3980254002 = 5373000mm2

A3=5400229002 = 3915000mm2

A4=6600229002 = 4785000mm2

Now ;
Load calculation;

Slab LL = A1LL1+A2LL2+A3LL3+A4LL4

= 6.5674+5.3734+3.9153+4.7854

= 78.645 KN

Slab DL = (A1+A2+A3+A4)slab DL

= 6.567+5.373+3.925+4.785)250.15

= 77.4 KN

Wall load = (wall load)beamlength

= 5.9754 KN/m (l1 +l2)

= 5.9754(39801000+29001000)

= 5.97546.88

= 41.110

Beam DL = 25 0.3 0.45 (6.6+5.4+3.98+2.9)

= 63.72

Assuming ;size of the column 450mm450mm

Column self DL = 25 45/1000 450/1000 3.048

= 15.4305

p = 276.30558

= 2210.444KN

FL = 3315.666KN

Check for column and eccentricity


Check for column


= effective lengthleast x-section dimension

L=unsupported length = 3.048m

Leff=effective length=KL

K= condition =0.65L

Leff = (0.653.0481000)/450

= 4.402<12 Short column


Check for eccentricity


emin=maxmof (a) 20mm & (b) L500+D30

For x-axis
(ex)min = maxmof (a) 20mm & (b) 3048500+45030

= 21.096

= 200mm<0.05450

= 22.5 ok
For y-axis
(ey)min = maxmof (a) 20mm & (b) 3048500+45030

= 21.096

= 200mm<0.05450

= 22.5 ok ok

Purely axially loaded column short column


Calculation of reinforcement


P4 = 0.4fckAc0.67fyAsc Ac=Ag-Asc
fy= 500

= 3315.666103

On solving;

(Asc)req = 5185.522 mm2

No. of rebar = (Asc)reqarea of one rebar

= 5185.522/422

= 16.0505

Increase the size of column (600600)

Column self DL = 25600100060010003

= 27.432

P = 288.3078

= 2306.456 KN
FL = 3459.684 KN


Calculation of reinforcement


P4 = 0.4fckAc0.67fyAsc

(Asc)req = 1772.733 mm2

No. of rebar = (Asc)reqarea of one


= 1772.733/4 202

= 5.642 6nos

(Asc)provided = No of rebar area of one


= 6/4 202

= 1884.95 mm2

check% of steel
(Asc)pAg100 = % of steel

= 1884.93600600100

= 0.523%0.8%>4% Not ok

No of rebar =

(Asc)p = 4/4202

= 1256.63mm2

= 8/4162

= 1608.495mm2

Check % of steel = 2865.125600600100

= 0.80.8%>4% Okay

(4) design of lateral tie
Pitch (P) = min of (a) least x-direction dimension
(b) 16 min dia of longitudinal rebar
( c) 300m
diameter(d)= max of (a) ¼ 16mm = 4mm
(b) 6mm

Table 5-3 Preliminary design of Secondary beam

Preliminary Design of Secondary beam

calculation remarks



ld = 2.61.3

ld = 33.8

d = 5.840100033.8

d = 172.781mm

d = 450 (assume)

Effective cover = 25+16+162

= 4950mm

d = 450-50

= 400mm

Clear span = 5.8401000-4002-4002

= 5440mm

Effective length = 5440mm

Load calculation
DL=>Self weight = 25 Db

= 250.450.3

= 3.3751.5

= 5.0625

Slab DL = self weightarealenth of beam

= 6.562514.5895.840

= 16.3938

area = 14(2l-b)b2

= 14(25.840-3.609)3.62052

= 14.589

FDL = 21.4563

Slab LL = 3arealength

= 314.5895.840

= 7.494

FLL = 11.241


MDL -wl210=21.45635.840210 =21.45635.840212 = -60.981

= 73.177 = 60.981

MLL -wl29=-42.597 = 38.338 = - 42.597

Total load A= -115.774 B= 99.319 C= -103.578

Now ,

Mu = 0.87fyAst(d-fy Asrfckb)

115.774106 = 0.87500Ast(400-500Ast500300

Ast required;

(Ast)A = 669.098mm2

(Ast)B 573.540mm2

(Ast)C = 598.258mm2

(max)Ast = 0.04bD5400mm2

= 5400mm2

(Ast)p is in between (Ast)min and (Ast)req ok

Check for beam
(i) check % of steel for tension zone
(min) Ast=0.85 bdfy
No. of rebar = (Ast)reqarea of one rebar

= 669.098/4 202

= 2.1293

Ast provided

No. of rebar = (Ast)reqarea of one rebar

(Ast)req = 3/4202

(Ast)prov = 942.477mm2

Check for shear design

v = Vubd

Vu = udl

= Wuleff2

= 32.6973(5440/1000)2

= 88.936KN

V = 88.9361000300400

= 0.741 N/mm2

V = 100 (Ast)providedbd

= 100(942.477)300400

= 0.785


c = 0.568 N/mm2

(c)max = 2.8N/mm2

>vc & v<(c)max :design of shear reinforcement is required.
We are designing vertical stirrups
For vertical striipus ;
Vus = 0.87fyAsvdSv

= Vu-cbd

= 88.9361000-0.568300400

= 20776N

Assuming 2 lagged vertical stripes 8mm

20776 = 0.872/482400Sv

Sv = 841.6mm

Check Sv;
Sv(a) not less than 75mm
(b) not greater than o.75d
Provide 8mm rebar @ 300mmc/c

(iii)Check for deflection (l/d)p(l/d)k1k2k3

For doubly reinforced beam ; k3=1.0

(ld)b = 26 (continious)

k1 = 100Astbd

= 0.785

fs = 0.58500669.098942.477

= 205.881

k1 = 1.3

For k2(compression)

k2 = 100(Asc)providedbd

= 0.785

Ya baki cha 2 lines

Table 5-5Preliminary design of Open well Staircase

Preliminary Design of open

well Staircase

Landing 1 + Landing 2 +
Effective length = mm
Flight + Support width/2
Landing 1 width= 700 mm
Landing 1 width= 2000 mm
Width staircase = 2000 mm

Riser= 150mm
Tread= 300 mm
Floor height = 3.6 m
Effective Length= 6230 mm
N= 12

deff= 207.67 mm
Overall depth= 230 mm
Take Staircase waist slab
311.5 m
thickness m

Table 5-7 Preliminary design of Column

Preliminary Design of Column

Calculation Remarks

A1 = 6567000mm2

A2 = 5373000mm2

A3 = 3915000mm2

A4 = 4785000mm2

Load calculation;

Slab LL = 78.645KN

Slab DL = 77.4KN

Wall Load = 41.110

Beam DL = 63.72

Assuming size of column 450mm*450mm

Column Self DL = 15.4305

FL = 3315.666 KN

Check for column and eccentricity

(A) Check for column
= 4.402<12 Short column

(B) Check for eccentricity

For x-axis

(ex)min = 21.096<0.05 D (okay)

For y-axis

(ey)min = 21.096<0.05 (okay)

Calculation of reinforcement
(Asc)required = 5185.522 mm2

No. of Rebars = 16.505

Increase the size of column (600*600)

Column Self DL = 27.432 mm2

p = 2306.456KN

FL = 3459.684KN

Calculation of Reinforce
(Asc)required = 1772.73 mm2

No. of Rebars = 5.642 ≈ 6

(Asc)provided = 1884.95 mm2

Check % of steel = 0.523%<0.8%>4% (okay)

Number of rebars = 4-20

(Asc)provided = 2865.125 mm2

% of steel = 0.8<= 0.8% > 4% (Okay)

Design of lateral type

Pitch (p) = Minimum of (a) least 600 mm

(b) 16*16
(c) 300 mm
=256 mm
diameter (d) Maximum of (a) ¼ * 16 mm
=4 mm
(b) 6 mm ≈ 8mm


6.1. Calculation of Self-Weight of Element

6.1.1 Self Weight of Beam:

 Self wt. of Primary Beam = 0.45 *0.7*25 = 7.875 KN/m
 Self wt. of secondary beam = 0.3 * 0.45 *25 = 3.375KN/m

6.1.2. Self Weight of Column

 Self wt. of Column = 0.75 * 0.75 * 3 * 25 = 42.187 KN/m3

6.1.3. Self Weight of Slab

 Self wt. of Slab = 0.150*25 = 3.75 KN/m2

CHAPTER 7 Modeling and Analysis

7.1. Modeling

7.1.1 Material Property

Figure 2: Grade of Steel

Figure 1: Grade of Concrete

7.1.2 Section Property

Figure 4: Section Property Modifier for Column

Figure 3: Section Property Modifier for Main Beam and Secondary


7.1.3 3D Model

Figure 5: 3D Model of the Building

7.1.4 Load Application

Figure 2: Wall Load Application

Figure 3: Live Load Application

Figure 4: Load application for Floor Finish

Figure 5: Partition wall Load Application

Earthquake Load calculation as per NBC shown in annex

7.2. Analysis
7.2.1 Deformed shapes

Figure 6: Displacement at EQX-ULS due to 1.2DL+1.5LL

Figure 7: Displacement at EQY-ULS due to 1.2DL+1.5LL

7.2.2 Shear Force Diagram:

Figure 8: Shear Force Diagram due to 1.2DL+1.5LL

7.2.3 Bending Moment Diagram

Figure 9: Bending Moment Diagram due to 1.2DL+1.5LL

7.2.4 Axial Force Diagram

Figure 10: Axial Force Diagram due to 1.2DL+1.5LL

7.2.4 Joint Reaction

8.2.1 Diaphragm

Figure 8.2-1 Story Five Diaphragm Image

8.2.2 Lateral Force

Figure 8.2-2 Lateral load

8.2.3 Story Shear

Figure 8.2-3 Story Shear

8.2.4 Story Overturning Moment

Figure 8.2-4 Story Overturning Moments

7.10. Story Stiffness

Figure 8.2-6 Story Stiffness

8.2.5 Diaphragm Displacement

Figure 8.2-5 Diaphragm Displacement for both ULS and SLS

7.2.5 Axial Load
Table 7-1 Joint Design Reactions
TABLE: Joint Reactions
Story Label FZ (KN)
Base 2 1168.892736
Base 3 472.155904
Base 4 1422.94548
Base 5 1521.8038
Base 6 507.75296
Base 7 1224.717296
Base 10 1367.399264
Base 11 2339.527344
Base 12 1403.430512
Base 13 2505.067488
Base 14 2018.00368
Base 15 1392.176016
Base 17 1289.458104
Base 18 1304.444328
Base 19 2131.908592
Base 20 2015.289496
Base 21 2602.803192
Base 22 2360.208312
Base 23 650.300552
Base 24 1630.585088
Base 25 1925.068112
Base 28 2642.206248
Base 29 2864.5166
Base 32 2497.370832
Base 33 1150.413088
Base 34 1117.56128
Base 35 1382.781136
7.3. Center of Mass:
7.3.4 Center of Mass of Beam
Table 7-4 Center of mass of Beam

Beam Length Area x y DL PWL load F*x F*y
C8-D8 5.4 0.28 16.3 17.5 7 8.24 82.296 1341.42 1440.18
D8-E8 5 0.28 21.5 17.5 7 7.943 74.715 1606.37 1307.51
A7-B7 7 0.28 3.5 17.5 7 10.886 125.202 438.207 2191.04
A6-B6 7 0.15 3.5 15.25 3.75 26.25 91.875 400.313
B6-C6 6.6 0.28 10.3 15.25 7 11.951 125.077 1288.29 1907.42
C6-D6 5.4 0.15 16.3 15.25 3.75 20.25 330.075 308.813
D6-E6 5 0.15 21.5 15.25 3.75 18.75 403.125 285.938
A5-B5 7 0.28 3.5 11.8 7 49 171.5 578.2
B5-C5 6.6 0.28 10.3 11.8 7 46.2 475.86 545.16
C5-D5 5.4 0.15 16.3 11.8 3.75 20.25 330.075 238.95
D5-E5 5 0.28 21.5 11.8 7 11.951 94.755 2037.23 1118.11
A4-B4 7 0.28 3.5 7.82 7 49 171.5 383.18
B4-C4 6.6 0.28 10.3 7.82 7 46.2 475.86 361.284
C4-D4 5.4 0.28 16.3 7.82 7 37.8 616.14 295.596
D4-E4 5 0.28 21.5 7.82 7 11.951 94.755 2037.23 740.984
A3-B3 7 0.15 3.5 5.02 3.75 26.25 91.875 131.775
B3-C3 6.6 0.28 10.3 5.02 7 46.2 475.86 231.924
C3-D3 5.4 0.15 16.3 5.02 3.75 20.25 330.075 101.655
D3-E3 5 0.28 21.5 5.02 7 11.951 94.755 2037.23 475.67
A2-B2 7 0.28 3.5 3.5 7 11.951 132.657 464.3 464.3
C2-D2 5.4 0.15 16.3 3.5 3.75 20.25 330.075 70.875
D2-E2 5 0.15 21.5 3.5 3.75 18.75 403.125 65.625
C1-D1 5.4 0.28 16.3 0 7 11.951 102.335 1668.07 0
D1-E1 5 0.28 21.5 0 7 11.951 94.755 2037.23 0
Sum 1466.7 19652.6 13644.5

7.3.1 Center of Mass of Column
Table: Calculation of Center of Mass of Column
ID Stiffness Weight Xi Yi K*x K*y W*x W*y
2 292.969 46.4063 0 2.5 0 732.422 0 116.016
3 292.969 46.4063 0 5.02 0 1470.7 0 232.959
4 292.969 46.4063 0 7.82 0 2291.02 0 362.897
5 292.969 46.4063 0 11.8 0 3457.03 0 547.594
6 292.969 46.4063 0 15.25 0 4467.77 0 707.695
7 292.969 46.4063 0 17.5 0 5126.95 0 812.109
10 292.969 46.4063 7 2.5 2050.78 732.422 324.844 116.016
11 292.969 46.4063 7 5.02 2050.78 1470.7 324.844 232.959
12 292.969 46.4063 7 7.82 2050.78 2291.02 324.844 362.897
13 292.969 46.4063 7 11.8 2050.78 3457.03 324.844 547.594
14 292.969 46.4063 7 15.25 2050.78 4467.77 324.844 707.695
15 292.969 46.4063 7 17.5 2050.78 5126.95 324.844 812.109
17 292.969 46.4063 13.6 0 3984.38 0 631.125 0
18 292.969 46.4063 13.6 2.5 3984.38 732.422 631.125 116.016
19 292.969 46.4063 13.6 5.02 3984.38 1470.7 631.125 232.959
20 292.969 46.4063 13.6 7.82 3984.38 2291.02 631.125 362.897
21 292.969 46.4063 13.6 11.8 3984.38 3457.03 631.125 547.594
22 292.969 46.4063 13.6 15.25 3984.38 4467.77 631.125 707.695
23 292.969 46.4063 13.6 17.5 3984.38 5126.95 631.125 812.109

24 292.969 46.4063 13.6 20 3984.38 5859.38 631.125 928.125

25 292.969 46.4063 19 0 5566.41 0 881.719 0
28 292.969 46.4063 19 7.82 5566.41 2291.02 881.719 362.897
29 292.969 46.4063 19 11.8 5566.41 3457.03 881.719 547.594
32 292.969 46.4063 19 20 5566.41 5859.38 881.719 928.125
33 292.969 46.4063 24 0 7031.25 0 1113.75 0
34 292.969 46.4063 24 2.5 7031.25 732.422 1113.75 116.016
35 292.969 46.4063 24 5.02 7031.25 1470.7 1113.75 232.959
36 292.969 46.4063 24 7.82 7031.25 2291.02 1113.75 362.897
37 292.969 46.4063 24 11.8 7031.25 3457.03 1113.75 547.594
38 292.969 46.4063 24 15.25 7031.25 4467.77 1113.75 707.695
39 292.969 46.4063 24 17.5 7031.25 5126.95 1113.75 812.109
40 292.969 46.4063 24 20 7031.25 5859.38 1113.75 928.125
Sum 9375 1485 122695 93509.8 19434.9 14811.9
K= 3 =292.96875N/mm

7.3.2 Center of Mass of Slab
Table 7-3 Cente of mass of slab

Total Total seismic

Slab Area Thickness x y DL LL PWL FF load F*x F*y weight
1 15.75 0.15 3.5 16.375 3.75 3 2.576 1.5 170.51 596.783 2792.09 137.435
2 24.15 0.15 3.5 13.525 3.75 3 2.576 1.5 261.448 915.068 3536.08 210.733
3 25.65 0.15 16.3 17.625 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 291.82 4756.67 5143.33 237.955
4 23.75 0.15 21.5 17.625 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 270.204 5809.38 4762.34 220.329
5 17.25 0.15 21.5 13.525 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 196.253 4219.44 2654.33 160.028
6 18.63 0.15 16.3 13.525 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 211.954 3454.84 2866.67 172.831
7 27.86 0.15 3.5 9.81 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 316.963 1109.37 3109.41 258.457
8 26.27 0.15 10.3 9.81 3.75 3 3.127 1.5 298.874 3078.4 2931.95 243.707
9 21.49 0.15 16.3 9.81 3.75 3 4.438 1.5 272.665 4444.44 2674.84 227.536
10 19.6 0.15 3.5 6.42 3.75 3 2.76 1.5 215.796 755.286 1385.41 174.636
11 12.62 0.15 11.055 6.6639 3.75 3 1.5 104.115 1150.99 693.812 77.613
12 15.12 0.15 16.3 6.42 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 154.421 2517.06 991.38 122.669
13 14 0.15 21.5 6.42 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 142.982 3074.11 917.944 113.582
14 17.64 0.15 3.5 3.76 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 180.157 630.551 677.392 143.113
15 13.61 0.15 16.3 3.76 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 138.999 2265.68 522.636 110.418
16 12.6 0.15 21.5 3.76 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 128.684 2766.7 483.851 102.224
17 13.5 0.15 1.3 1.25 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 137.876 179.238 172.344 109.526
18 12.5 0.15 21.5 1.25 3.75 3 1.963 1.5 127.663 2744.74 159.578 101.413
Sum 3621.38 44468.8 36475.4 2924.2
7.3.1 Center of Mass of Shear Wall
Table 7-3 Cente of mass of shear wall
wall lx ly Weight kx ky xi yi kx y ky x W*x w*y
1 1.8 0.2 29.7 13.3333 1080 14.5 20 266.667 15660 430.65 594
2 1.8 0.2 29.7 13.3333 1080 18.1 20 266.667 19548 537.57 594
3 0.2 2.8 46.2 4065.19 20.7407 14.5 20 81303.7 300.741 669.9 924
4 0.2 1.75 28.875 992.477 12.963 7 5.895 5850.65 90.7407 202.125 170.218
5 0.2 1.75 28.875 992.477 12.963 8.675 20 19849.5 112.454 250.491 577.5
6 0.2 1.75 28.875 992.477 12.963 10.35 20 19849.5 134.167 298.856 577.5
7 3.35 0.2 55.275 24.8148 6962.11 8.675 5.02 124.57 60396.3 479.511 277.481
Sum 247.5 7094.1 9181.74 127511 96242.4 2869.1 3714.7
7.4 Center of Rigidity
Table 7-5 Center of Rigidity of Column

ID Stiffness Weight Xi Yi K*x K*y W*x W*y
2 292.969 46.4063 0 2.5 0 732.422 0 116.016
3 292.969 46.4063 0 5.02 0 1470.7 0 232.959
4 292.969 46.4063 0 7.82 0 2291.02 0 362.897
5 292.969 46.4063 0 11.8 0 3457.03 0 547.594
6 292.969 46.4063 0 15.25 0 4467.77 0 707.695
7 292.969 46.4063 0 17.5 0 5126.95 0 812.109
10 292.969 46.4063 7 2.5 2050.78 732.422 324.844 116.016
11 292.969 46.4063 7 5.02 2050.78 1470.7 324.844 232.959
12 292.969 46.4063 7 7.82 2050.78 2291.02 324.844 362.897
13 292.969 46.4063 7 11.8 2050.78 3457.03 324.844 547.594
14 292.969 46.4063 7 15.25 2050.78 4467.77 324.844 707.695
15 292.969 46.4063 7 17.5 2050.78 5126.95 324.844 812.109
17 292.969 46.4063 13.6 0 3984.38 0 631.125 0
18 292.969 46.4063 13.6 2.5 3984.38 732.422 631.125 116.016
19 292.969 46.4063 13.6 5.02 3984.38 1470.7 631.125 232.959
20 292.969 46.4063 13.6 7.82 3984.38 2291.02 631.125 362.897
21 292.969 46.4063 13.6 11.8 3984.38 3457.03 631.125 547.594
22 292.969 46.4063 13.6 15.25 3984.38 4467.77 631.125 707.695
23 292.969 46.4063 13.6 17.5 3984.38 5126.95 631.125 812.109
24 292.969 46.4063 13.6 20 3984.38 5859.38 631.125 928.125
25 292.969 46.4063 19 0 5566.41 0 881.719 0
28 292.969 46.4063 19 7.82 5566.41 2291.02 881.719 362.897
29 292.969 46.4063 19 11.8 5566.41 3457.03 881.719 547.594
32 292.969 46.4063 19 20 5566.41 5859.38 881.719 928.125
33 292.969 46.4063 24 0 7031.25 0 1113.75 0
34 292.969 46.4063 24 2.5 7031.25 732.422 1113.75 116.016
35 292.969 46.4063 24 5.02 7031.25 1470.7 1113.75 232.959
36 292.969 46.4063 24 7.82 7031.25 2291.02 1113.75 362.897
37 292.969 46.4063 24 11.8 7031.25 3457.03 1113.75 547.594
38 292.969 46.4063 24 15.25 7031.25 4467.77 1113.75 707.695
39 292.969 46.4063 24 17.5 7031.25 5126.95 1113.75 812.109
40 292.969 46.4063 24 20 7031.25 5859.38 1113.75 928.125
Sum 9375 1485 122695 93509.8 19434.9 14811.9

K= 𝑙3 =292.96875N/mm

7.2.6 Checks Drift Check

Figure 11: Drift Check on EQX-ULS

Figure 12: Drift Check on EQX-SLS

Figure 13: Drift Check on EQY-ULS

Figure 14: Drift Check on EQY-SLS

Eccentricity check
Eccentricity means how much far force is acted from the centroid in practice. It is not possible to load
a column with zero eccentricity, because at construction time there is large error, and in practice
thereis always some eccentricity. Hence at the time of designing of column, we design acolumn in
such a way that it can support large eccentric load. We cannot design a perfectly axial column (load
passing through CG of the column). Therefore, IS code has provided minimum eccentricity if load acts
withinthat we can consider the column as axially loaded column.

unsupported length of column + least lateral dimension+ D

e min=

20 mm whichever is maximum

Of Mass
Story Diaphragm Mass X Mass Y XCM YCM XCR YCR Eccentricity Eccentricity magnitud
kg kg m m m m x y x
GF D1 487907.69 487907.69 12.773 9.8935 9.3663 12.7709 27% 29% 3.406
1F D2 515889.11 515889.11 12.755 9.8405 9.0194 11.7454 29% 19% 3.735
2F D3 515889.11 515889.11 12.755 9.8405 8.9031 11.2981 30% 15% 3.851
3F D4 515889.11 515889.11 12.755 9.8405 8.8465 11.1848 31% 14% 3.908
4F D5 515889.11 515889.11 12.755 9.8405 8.8142 11.2213 31% 14% 3.940
5F D6 497995.53 497995.53 13.1069 9.8358 8.8085 11.3366 33% 15% 4.298
6F D7 374201.55 374201.55 16.377 9.865 8.8269 11.488 46% 16% 7.550
7F D8 341237.7 341237.7 16.3377 9.9804 8.9122 11.8622 45% 19% 7.425
8F D9 37957.59 37957.59 10.3 13.8905 10.2085 13.3584 1% 4% 0.091

Eccentricity Check Result via. manual calculation:


Model Participation Mass Ratio:

Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY SumUX SumUY RZ SumRZ
Modal 1 1.001 0.0201 0.3492 0.0201 0.3492 0.4679 0.4679
Modal 2 0.556 0.5665 0.1936 0.5866 0.5428 0.0644 0.5323
Modal 3 0.461 0.2278 0.2595 0.8144 0.8023 0.3222 0.8545
Modal 4 0.386 0.0044 0.0002 0.8188 0.8025 0.0013 0.8559
Modal 5 0.333 0.0003 0.009 0.819 0.8115 0.0128 0.8687
Modal 6 0.322 0.0067 0.0618 0.8257 0.8733 0.0272 0.8959
Modal 7 0.273 0 0.0005 0.8257 0.8738 0.0003 0.8962
Modal 8 0.258 0.00001209 0.0005 0.8257 0.8743 0.0002 0.8964
Modal 9 0.195 0.0593 0.0091 0.885 0.8834 0.0128 0.9092
Modal 10 0.19 0.0001 0.0005 0.8851 0.884 0.0075 0.9166
Modal 11 0.181 0.0205 0.0075 0.9056 0.8915 0.013 0.9297
Modal 12 0.172 0.001 0.0198 0.9067 0.9113 0.0073 0.937

74 Torsion check
Torsion irregularity is considered to exist where the maximum horizontal displacement of
any floor in the direction of the lateral force (applied at the center of mass) at one end of
the story is more than 1.5 times its minimum horizontal displacement at the far end of the
same story in that direction.
Unique Case Step
Story Label Name Output Case Type Step Type Number Ux Uy
5F 2 59 EQX-SLS1 LinStatic Step By Step 3 16.453 -0.146
5F 7 88 EQX-SLS1 LinStatic Step By Step 3 15.818 -0.146
5F 33 275 EQX-SLS1 LinStatic Step By Step 3 16.558 0.87
5F 40 328 EQX-SLS1 LinStatic Step By Step 3 15.712 0.87
Ratio 1.053844

Unique Case Step

Story Label Name Output Case Type Step Type Number Ux Uy
5F 2 59 EQY-SLS LinStatic Step By Step 3 -1.067 22.199
5F 7 88 EQY-SLS LinStatic Step By Step 3 2.571 22.199
5F 33 275 EQY-SLS LinStatic Step By Step 3 -1.673 16.378
5F 40 328 EQY-SLS LinStatic Step By Step 3 3.177 16.378
Ratio 1.355416

Unique Case Step

Story Label Name Output Case Type Step Type Number Ux Uy
5F 2 59 EQX-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 17.186 -0.152
5F 7 88 EQX-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 16.523 -0.152
5F 33 275 EQX-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 17.297 0.908
5F 40 328 EQX-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 16.413 0.908
Ratio 1.05386

Unique Case Step

Story Label Name Output Case Type Step Type Number Ux Uy
5F 2 59 EQY-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 -1.114 23.189
5F 7 88 EQY-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 2.686 23.189
5F 33 275 EQY-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 -1.748 17.109
5F 40 328 EQY-ULS LinStatic Step By Step 3 3.319 17.109
Ratio 1.355369
75 Base Shear Check:

CHAPTER 8 Design and Detailing

8.1. Design

8.1.1 Design of Beam

Location: 4F
Beam ID: 5B Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1057 702 702 702 877 702 Dia Area 1712 1202 1600
12 113 8 50 88 125 94
16 201 4 1 4 4 10 79 138 196 147
20 314 2 2 3 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 1 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1081 804 829 804 942 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 5C Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Diameter Area 702 702 702 702 702 702 Diameter Area 868 850 897
12 113 8 50 174 177 168
16 201 4 4 4 4 4 10 79 271 277 263
20 314 3 Provide: Spacing provided
250 mm 250 mm 250 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 942 804 804 804 804 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Beam ID: 5D Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Diameter Area 750 702 702 702 972 702 Diameter Area 1542 1231 2055
12 113 8 50 98 122 73
16 201 4 4 4 4 2 4 10 79 153 191 115
20 314 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 804 804 804 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 5E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Diameter Area 760 702 702 702 899 702 Diameter Area 1573 1221 1756
12 113 8 50 96 124 86
16 201 2 4 4 4 2 4 10 79 150 193 134
20 314 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 804 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 1D Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 844 702 Dia Area 1432 1086 1708
12 113 8 50 105 139 88
16 201 1 4 1 4 4 10 79 165 217 138
20 314 2 2 3 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 200 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 942 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 1E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 744 702 Dia Area 1452 1036 1545
12 113 8 50 104 146 98
16 201 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 162 227 153
20 314 3 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 942 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 2B Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 992 702 702 702 874 702 Dia Area 1541 1082 1228
12 113 8 50 98 139 123
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 153 218 192
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 150 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 2C- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 415 288 288 288 288 288 Dia Area 1076 769 604
12 113 1 8 50 140 196 250
16 201 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 79 219 306 390
20 314 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 250 mm 250 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 515 402 402 402 402 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 2E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 288 288 288 288 592 345 Dia Area 562 889 1785
12 113 2 8 50 268 170 84
16 201 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 79 419 265 132
20 314 Provide: Spacing provided
350 mm 150 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 402 402 402 402 628 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 3B Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 288 288 288 288 342 288 Dia Area 462 498 586
12 113 2 8 50 326 303 257
16 201 2 2 2 2 2 10 79 510 473 402
20 314 2 Provide: Spacing provided
450 mm 325 mm 325 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 402 402 402 402 855 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 3C Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 930 732 702 702 Dia Area 645 940 730
12 113 2 2 8 50 234 160 207
16 201 4 2 4 4 10 79 365 251 323
20 314 2 2 3 Provide: Spacing provided
250 mm 150 mm 225 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 855 804 1030 804 1169 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 3D Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1124 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1882 1598 1010
12 113 2 1 1 8 50 80 94 149
16 201 4 4 4 10 79 125 147 233
20 314 3 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1169 804 741 804 741 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 3D- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 1269 702 Dia Area 1133 1915 2401
12 113 1 1 2 8 50 133 79 63
16 201 4 4 4 10 79 208 123 98
20 314 2 2 4 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c 50 mm c/c
28 616
Provided area 741 804 741 804 1483 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 4B Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 941 702 702 702 776 702 Dia Area 1620 1086 1418
12 113 8 50 93 139 106
16 201 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 145 217 166
20 314 3 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 942 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 4C Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 785 702 Dia Area 1760 1303 1782
12 113 8 50 86 116 85
16 201 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 134 181 132
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 120 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 4D Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 802 702 Dia Area 1388 1277 1864
12 113 8 50 109 118 81
16 201 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 170 185 126
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 125 mm 120 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 4E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 794 702 Dia Area 1234 1134 1322
12 113 8 50 122 133 114
16 201 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 191 208 178
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 6A- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 288 288 288 288 469 288 Dia Area 507 634 1310
12 113 2 8 50 297 238 115
16 201 2 2 2 2 3 2 10 79 465 372 180
20 314 Provide: Spacing provided
325 mm 225 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 402 402 402 402 829 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 6C Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 742 702 702 702 719 702 Dia Area 932 701 854
12 113 2 8 50 162 215 177
16 201 3 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 253 336 276
20 314 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 250 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 6D Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 570 288 288 288 142 288 Dia Area 1352 927 535
12 113 8 50 112 163 282
16 201 1 2 1 2 2 10 79 174 254 440
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 200 mm 320 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 402 829 402 628 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 6E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 167 288 288 288 668 334 Dia Area 462 1020 1683
12 113 8 50 326 148 90
16 201 1 1 1 10 79 510 231 140
20 314 2 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
450 mm 150 mm 120 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 628 829 628 829 628
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 7B Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1090 702 702 702 1026 702 Dia Area 1632 1148 1538
12 113 8 50 92 131 98
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 144 205 153
20 314 3 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
120 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1345 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 8C- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 754 754 3018 2932 754 754 Dia Area 1078 3629 1251
12 113 8 50 140 42 121
16 201 10 79 219 65 188
20 314 2 4 2 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 125 mm
24 452 2 2 6 5 2 2 10 mm dia c/c 25 mm c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 905 905 3343 3519 1533 905
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: 8E Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1306 1037 702 702 1351 952 Dia Area 1979 1503 2025
12 113 8 50 76 100 74
16 201 10 79 119 157 116
20 314 2 4 3 2 4 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 125 mm 100 mm
24 452 2 2 2 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1533 1257 905 942 1533 1257
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: A3 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1001 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1849 1535 1233
12 113 8 50 82 98 122
16 201 2 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 127 153 191
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 125 mm 150 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: A4 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 939 702 Dia Area 1195 1480 1777
12 113 8 50 126 102 85
16 201 1 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 197 159 133
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 125 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: A5 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 786 702 702 702 858 702 Dia Area 1337 1123 1474
12 113 8 50 113 134 102
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 176 210 160
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: A5- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 904 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1636 1582 841
12 113 8 50 92 95 179
16 201 2 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 144 149 280
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
120 mm 120 mm 150 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: A7 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 710 702 1090 702 Dia Area 1678 2048 2100
12 113 8 50 90 74 72
16 201 1 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 140 115 112
20 314 2 2 3 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c 50 mm c/c 50 mm c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 1345 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: B3 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1495 1536 1510
12 113 8 50 101 98 100
16 201 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 158 153 156
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 125 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: B4 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 1444 1080 702 702 Dia Area 1421 2741 2712
12 113 8 50 106 55 56
16 201 1 1 2 1 1 10 79 166 86 87
20 314 2 2 4 4 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c 50 mm c/c 50 mm c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 829 1659 1257 829 829
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: B5 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 975 747 702 702 894 911 Dia Area 1507 1196 1535
12 113 8 50 100 126 98
16 201 2 1 2 10 79 156 197 153
20 314 2 3 2 3 2 3 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 942 829 942 1030 942
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: B5- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 719 702 702 836 702 Dia Area 1351 1780 1840
12 113 8 50 112 85 82
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 174 132 128
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 120 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: B7 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 756 702 702 803 702 Dia Area 2122 2207 2271
12 113 8 50 71 68 66
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 111 107 104
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C2 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 886 825 702 702 834 783 Dia Area 1886 1864 1896
12 113 8 50 80 81 80
16 201 2 1 1 1 2 1 10 79 125 126 124
20 314 2 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 829 829 829 1030 829
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C3 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1544 1566 1531
12 113 8 50 98 96 98
16 201 2 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 153 150 154
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 125 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C4 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 917 738 702 702 784 797 Dia Area 1827 1794 1851
12 113 8 50 83 84 81
16 201 2 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 129 131 127
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C4- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 791 702 702 702 743 702 Dia Area 1332 1041 1405
12 113 8 50 113 145 107
16 201 1 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 177 226 168
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C6 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 841 702 Dia Area 1413 1722 1788
12 113 8 50 107 88 84
16 201 1 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 167 137 132
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C7 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 836 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1572 1509 953
12 113 8 50 96 100 158
16 201 2 4 1 4 1 4 10 79 150 156 247
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 125 mm 200 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 829 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: C8 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 904 702 702 702 968 702 Dia Area 1323 1593 1667
12 113 8 50 114 95 90
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 178 148 141
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 120 mm 120 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D2 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 567 288 288 288 288 288 Dia Area 1260 1239 814
12 113 8 50 120 122 185
16 201 1 2 2 2 10 79 187 190 289
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 150 mm 200 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 402 628 402 628 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D2- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 72 288 72 288 505 288 Dia Area 332 332 332
12 113 8 50 454 454 454
16 201 2 2 1 2 10 79 710 710 710
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
650 mm 560 mm 650 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 628 402 628 402 829 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D5 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 862 702 702 702 858 702 Dia Area 731 941 1327
12 113 8 50 206 160 114
16 201 2 4 1 4 2 4 10 79 322 250 178
20 314 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
250 mm 150 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 804 829 804 1030 804
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D6 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 625 312 317 288 156 379 Dia Area 1376 1358 579
12 113 8 50 110 111 260
16 201 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 79 171 174 407
20 314 2 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 150 mm 350 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 402 402 402 402 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D7 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 382 364 288 366 359 289 Dia Area 361 608 626
12 113 8 50 418 248 241
16 201 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 79 653 388 376
20 314 Provide: Spacing provided
500 mm 325 mm 325 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 402 402 402 402 402 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: D8 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 288 288 288 288 671 336 Dia Area 1029 1330 1350
12 113 8 50 147 113 112
16 201 2 2 2 2 4 2 10 79 229 177 175
20 314 Provide: Spacing provided
150 mm 125 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 402 402 402 402 804 402
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E1- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1043 1024 702 702 893 872 Dia Area 2106 2090 2117
12 113 8 50 72 72 71
16 201 2 2 1 1 2 2 10 79 112 113 111
20 314 3 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1345 1030 829 829 1030 1030
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E3 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1444 1460 787 836 1581 1532 Dia Area 3211 3172 3130
12 113 8 50 94 95 96
16 201 2 2 2 2 10 79 147 149 151
20 314 4 4 3 3 4 4 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c 50 mm c/c
28 616
Provided area 1659 1659 942 942 1659 1659
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E4 Left Center Right 6 legged Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 702 702 702 Dia Area 1291 1318 1293
12 113 8 50 117 114 117
16 201 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 79 183 179 182
20 314 2 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 125 mm 125 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 829 829 829 829 829
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E6 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1026 874 702 702 949 880 Dia Area 1736 1812 1878
12 113 8 50 87 83 80
16 201 2 2 1 1 2 2 10 79 136 130 125
20 314 2 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1030 1030 829 829 1030 1030
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E7 Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 1123 880 702 722 702 702 Dia Area 1928 1874 1191
12 113 8 50 78 80 127
16 201 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 79 122 126 198
20 314 3 2 2 2 2 2 Provide: Spacing provided
100 mm 100 mm 150 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c c/c
28 616
Provided area 1345 1030 829 829 829 829
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Beam ID: E7- Left Center Right Required shear rebar mm2/m
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Left Center Right
Dia Area 702 702 702 720 1198 855 Dia Area 1425 1962 2025
12 113 8 50 106 77 74
16 201 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 79 165 120 116
20 314 2 2 2 2 3 2 Provide: Spacing provided
125 mm 100 mm
24 452 10 mm dia c/c c/c 50 mm c/c
28 616
Provided area 829 829 829 829 1345 1030
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
8.1.2 Design of Column
Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m
Floor: Base-GF required
Diameter Area 4935 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 8 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 12
Provided area 11008.14

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: GF-1F required
Diameter Area 10103 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 8 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 12
Provided area 11008.14

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 1F-2F required
Diameter Area 7298 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 8 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 8545.132

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 2F-3F required
Diameter Area 4696 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 4 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 6735.575

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 3F-4F required
Diameter Area 4500 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 4 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 6735.575

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 4F-5F required
Diameter Area 4727 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 4 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 6735.575

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 5F-6F required
Diameter Area 4882 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 4 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 6735.575

Col ID 3E Rebar Required shear rebar mm2/m

Floor: 6F-7F required
Diameter Area 6471 Dia Area 831
12 113.1 8 50 181
16 201.1 10 79 283
20 314.2 Provide: Spacing provided
24 452.4 4 10 mm dia 150 mm c/c
28 615.8 8
Provided area 6735.575

8.1.3 Design of ShearWall
Sir le pathako halney

8.2. Design of Footing

Substructure which interfaces the superstructure and the supporting ground is termed as
foundation. Transmit the applied load effects to the soil without exceeding the safebearing
capacity of soil.

Basic purpose of foundation design is to:

Ensure that settlement of structure is within tolerable limits and as nearly uniform as

Most of the foundations used in structures are usually categorized as:

1. Isolated footing
2. Combined footing
3. Raft or mat foundation
4. Pile foundation

8.2.6 Selection of appropriate footing is governed by following major factors:

1. Soil strata
2. Bearing capacity of soil
3. Type of structure
4. Type of load
5. Permissible differential settlement
6. Economy

8.2.7 Raft foundation
If the load transmitted by the columns in a structure are so heavy or allowable soil pressure
so small that individuals footing would either overlap or cover more than about one half of
the area, it may be better to provide a continuous footing under all columnsand walls. Such
a footing is called raft or mat foundation.

9.3 Method of analysis

The essential task in the analysis of raft foundation is the determination of the distribution
of contact pressure underneath the raft which is the complex function of the rigidity of the
superstructure, raft itself and the supporting soil.

The raft is analyzed as a whole in each of the two perpendicular directions. The contact
pressure distribution is determined according to IS code. In case of uniform conditionswhen
the variations in adjacent column loads and column spacing do not exceed 20% of the higher
value, raft may be divided into perpendicular strips of widths equal to thedistance between
midspan and each strip may be analyzed as an independent beam withknown column loads
and known contact pressures. Such beams will not normally satisfy statics due to shear
transfer between adjacent strips and the design may be basedon moment distribution.

9.4 General design considerations

Dimensional parameters: The size and shape of the foundation adopted affect the magnitude
of subgrade modulus and long-term deformation of the supporting soil and this in turn
influence the distribution of contact pressure.

Eccentricity of loading: -A raft generally occupies entire area of the building and oftenit is
not feasible to coincide the centroid of the raft with the line of action of resultant force. In
such cases eccentricity should be taken into consideration.

Properties of supporting soil: Distribution of contact pressure underneath a raft is affected

by the physical characteristics of the soil supporting it. The design must be based on the
worst condition of soil.

Sub-soil water pressure: -The uplift due to sub-soil water should be considered in the

Isolated Footing

1 Footing Size Design

Load Pu 4883 KN
Design Load P 3255 KN

Moment in x dir Mux 27 KN-m

Moment in y dir Muy 12 KN-m

Column size cx 750 mm

cy 750 mm

SBC q 100 KN/sqm

Footing Size required A req 35.81 sqmm no of columns: 32

Total area reqd 1145.8066 m2
L 6.00 meters Total area available= 570.8m2
Footing Size Provided
B 6.00 meters So, isolated footing is not posible.
Area Provided A prvd 36.00 meters

Design of mat foundation:

Joint Label FZ (KN) x y Mx (KNm) My (KNm)
1 2 1168.892736 0.00 2.50 0 2922
2 3 472.155904 0.00 5.02 0 2370
3 4 1422.94548 0.00 7.82 0 11127
4 5 1521.8038 0.00 11.80 0 17957
6 6 507.75296 0.00 15.25 0 7743
7 7 1224.717296 0.00 17.50 0 21433
8 10 1367.399264 7.00 2.50 9572 3418
9 11 2339.527344 7.00 5.02 16377 11744
11 12 1403.430512 7.00 7.82 9824 10975
13 2505.067488 7.00 11.80 17535 29560
14 2018.00368 7.00 15.25 14126 30775
15 1392.176016 7.00 17.50 9745 24363
17 1289.458104 13.60 0.00 17537 0
18 1304.444328 13.60 2.50 17740 3261
19 2131.908592 13.60 5.02 28994 10702
20 2015.289496 13.60 7.82 27408 15760
21 2602.803192 13.60 11.80 35398 30713
22 2360.208312 13.60 15.25 32099 35993
23 650.300552 13.60 17.50 8844 11380
24 1630.585088 13.60 20.00 22176 32612
25 1925.068112 19.00 0.00 36576 0
28 2642.206248 19.00 7.82 50202 20662
29 2864.5166 19.00 11.80 54426 33801

12 32 2497.370832 19.00 20.00 47450 49947
13 33 1150.413088 24.00 0.00 27610 0
14 34 1117.56128 24.00 2.50 26821 2794
16 35 1382.781136 24.00 5.02 33187 6942
17 36 1808.51132 24.00 7.82 43404 14143
18 37 1636.404176 24.00 11.80 39274 19310
19 38 1400.673736 24.00 15.25 33616 21360
44 39 533.60384 24.00 17.50 12806 9338
45 40 1381.946016 24.00 20.00 33167 27639

Total 51,669.93 705,914.74 520,744.83

Total Column Reactions

= Load
Xarea = 14.36 m X̅ = 14.16 m
Yarea = 8.89 m Y̅ = 9.58 m
ex = -0.20 m
ey = 0.69 m

Ix = b x d3/12 = 21,367.800 m4

Iy = d3 x b/12 = 32,584.600 m4
A= 598.26 m
P= 51,670 KN
Mx = P x ey = 35822.57 KNm
My = P x ex = -10333.78 KNm
SBC = 100 KN/m2
P/A = 84.37 KN/m2
= -0.32 KN/m3
= 1.68 KN/m3
Stress Calculations in KN/m2:
σ = P/A ± My/Iy * X ± Mx/Ix * Y

Joint Grid X Y σ Remarks

1 2 -14.36 -6.39 79.45 OK
2 3 -14.36 -3.87 82.83 OK
3 4 -14.36 -1.07 86.58 OK
4 5 -14.36 2.92 91.92 OK
5 6 -14.36 6.37 96.55 OK
6 7 -14.36 8.62 99.57 OK
7 10 -7.36 -6.39 77.67 OK
8 11 -7.36 -3.87 81.05 OK
9 12 -7.36 -1.07 84.81 OK
10 13 -7.36 2.92 90.14 OK
11 14 -7.36 6.37 94.77 OK

12 15 -7.36 8.62 97.79 OK
13 17 -0.76 -8.89 72.64 OK
14 18 -0.76 -6.39 76.00 OK
15 19 -0.76 -3.87 79.38 OK
16 20 -0.76 -1.07 83.13 OK
17 21 -0.76 2.92 88.47 OK
18 22 -0.76 6.37 93.10 OK
19 23 -0.76 8.62 96.11 OK
20 24 -0.76 11.12 99.47 OK
21 25 4.64 -8.89 71.27 OK
22 28 4.64 -1.07 81.76 OK
23 29 4.64 2.92 87.10 OK
24 32 4.64 11.12 98.10 OK
25 33 9.64 -8.89 70.01 OK
26 34 9.64 -6.39 73.36 OK
27 35 9.64 -3.87 76.74 OK
28 36 9.64 -1.07 80.49 OK
29 37 9.64 2.92 85.83 OK
Average Stress
along grids in
A 89.48
B-B 87.71
C-C 86.04
D 83.16
E-E 80.52
1-1 71.31
2-2 77.46
3-3 80.00
4-4 83.36
5-5 89.62
6-6 91.23
7-7 94.83
8-8 87.68
Bending moment calculations in KNm/m
Along grids
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8
l= 2.50 2.52 2.80 3.98 3.45 2.25 2.50
A-A 83.89 85.24 105.23 212.61 159.76 67.95 83.89
B-B 82.22 83.55 103.14 208.39 156.59 66.60 82.22
C-C 80.66 81.96 101.18 204.43 153.61 65.33 80.66
D-D 77.97 79.22 97.80 197.60 148.48 63.15 77.97
E-E 75.49 76.70 94.69 191.32 143.76 61.14 75.49


l= 7.00 6.60 5.40 5.00

1-1 644.64 573.07 383.63 328.90
2-2 632.38 562.17 376.33 322.64
3-3 569.36 506.15 338.83 290.49
4-4 587.99 522.71 349.91 299.99
5-5 524.11 465.93 311.90 267.41
6-6 569.36 506.15 338.83 290.49
7-7 670.52 596.08 399.03 342.10
8-8 696.97 619.59 414.77 355.60

Depth from Moment

= 457.84 mm
Factor of Safety = 1.50
Shear Check:
Shear strength of concrete t'c for M25 grade =0.25sqrt(fck) = 1.25

1. For edge column

bo = d+2c = d +1500
column load = 1423 KN
Vu = 2134418.22 N
a= 1 Coeff of d
b= 1500 value of 2c
c= 1707534.576
d= 756.66 mm

2. For face column

bo = 2d+3c = 2d
column load = 1401 KN
Vu = 2101010.604
a= 2 Coeff of d
b= 1950 value of 3c
c= 1680808.483
d= 550.80 mm

3. For central
bo = 4d+4c = 4d +
column load = 2015 KN
Vu = 3022934.244 N
a= 4 Coeff of d
b= 1800 value of 4c
c= 3022934.244

d= 672.97 mm
d= 756.66 mm

Provide D=900mm
Area of Steel Reinforcements Required in mm2
Minmum Area of Steel Required in mm2 =0.15*1000*d/100 =1350.00

Dia of bar Spacing

Grid Max BM Ast required Ast Provided Remarks
Provided Provided

A-A 212.615 585.09 16 150 1340.41 OK

B-B 208.395 573.28 16 150 1340.41 OK

C-C 204.431 562.18 16 150 1340.41 OK

D-D 197.600 543.09 16 150 1340.41 OK

E-E 191.316 525.54 16 150 1340.41 OK

1-1 644.639 1,843.39 20 150 2094.40 OK

2-2 632.377 1,806.24 20 150 2094.40 OK

6-6 569.359 1,616.73 20 150 2094.40 OK

7-7 587.990 1,672.51 20 150 2094.40 OK

Projection of area: 1.5m
Depth of foundation: 900mm
Rebar: 20mm Φ @150mm c/c and 16mm Φ @150mm c/c

8.3. Design for Column

Column is a vertical compression member which transfer axial compression loads. If the
length of member is greater or equal to 3times the least lateral dimension of member,then it
is called column. If the length of member is less than 3times the least lateral dimension of
member, then it is called pedestal.

Column are mainly designed for axial compression as well as for bending along one
direction or both i.e. uniaxial bending or biaxial bending.

Though column is designed to carry axial compression load, there is certain accidental
eccentricity occurred in column. This is because of the non-homogeneity of material used
and the workmanship performed in site. According to codal provision, column should be
designed for minimum eccentricity of 200mm

STEP 1:- Calculation of the Influence Area of the Columns

The first step is to find out the Influence Area of the Column to be designed. The Influence
Area of a column is the area of which load is being transferred to the columnto be designed

STEP 2:- Calculation of the Loads Coming on Columns from the Influence Area In this step
the Load Calculation is being done. This is done by calculating all the loadsacting within the
influence area.
The Loads acting are broadly classified as Dead Load (DL) and Live Load (LL). DeadLoads
are the load of objects which cannot be moved from on place to another like theloads of
Brick Work, Beams, Slabs etc. and the Live Loads are the loads coming frommovable
objects such as Humans, Chair, Table etc.

STEP 3: Finding the Gross Cross-Sectional Area Required for The Columns
This is the one of the most important and main steps of the Design of Columns.

First in the Limit State Method of Design we must increase the load acting on the column

with a Load Factor so that if there will be any accidental increase of loads the column will
be still safe to resist the load without a failure. The Factor of Safety for Dead Load + Live
Load Combination is 1.5, hence we must multiply the load action oncolumn (P) with the 1.5
to obtain the Ultimate Load that is the Factored Load of the Column that is Pu.

Hence Factored Load, Pu= 1.5 X P

For Design we will work with this value of load.According to IS.: 456-2000,

The Ultimate Load of a Column is given by,

Pu = 0.4.fck.Ac + 0.67fy * Asc

where Pu = Ultimate Load of the Column in N/mm2 fck= Yield Strength of Concrete in

Ac = Area of Concrete (Cross-Sectional Area) of Column in mm2 fy = Yield Strength of

Steel in N/mm2

Asc = Area of Steel (Cross-Sectional Area) in Column in mm2

STEP 4: Check For Long/Short Columns

Depending upon the ratio of Effective Length to the Least Lateral Dimension of a column,
a column may be classified as Long Column and Short Column. If the value of this ratio is
less than 12 then it’s called as a short column and if the value is more than 12 then it’s
called as a Long Column. A short column mainly fails by direct compression and has a
lesser chance of failure by buckling. And in the case of a long column the failure mainly
occurs due to the buckling alone. Long column being slender,that is being thin like stick as
compared with its length it grows a tendency to get bendedby deviating from its verticality
under the action of loads.

STEP 5: Check for Eccentricity

Eccentricity means deviating from the true axis. Thus, an Eccentric Load refers to a load
which is not acting through the line of the axis of the column in case of column design. The
eccentric load causes the column to bend towards the eccentricity of the loading and hence

generates a bending moment in the column.

IS. 456-2000 says, the eccentricity which we have to consider for design must be takenas the
greater of the followings:

i) 20mm.

ii) (leff/500) + (b/30)


leff = Effective Length of the Column

b = Lateral Dimension of the Column (We have to calculate two separatevalues for two sides
in case of rectangular column)

Permissible Eccentricity: - 0.05b where b is the dimension of a side of a column, wehave

to check for two sides separately in case of rectangular column.

STEP 6: Calculating the Area of Steel Required

Now the Area of Steel Required Asc is to be calculated from the Ag as the predetermined
percentage of Ag.

STEP 7: Determining the Diameter and Spacing of The Lateral Ties

In this step we will determine the Diameter and the Spacing of the Lateral Ties or
Transverse Links or Binders.

From IS 456:2000 Cl. Dameter of the Ties shall not be lesser than the Greatestof
the following two values

1. 6mm
2. 1/4th of the Diameter of the Largest Diameter Bar

The Spacing of Ties shall not exceed the least of the followings three values

1. Least Lateral Dimension

2. 16 Times of the Diameter of the Smallest Diameter Longitudinal Bar
3. 48 Times of the Diameter of Ties

8.4. Design of Slabs

The load acting on slab are categorized into dead load and live load. Dead load includes
mainly its self-weight and floor finish while the Live Loads are the loads coming from
movable objects such as Humans, Chair, Table etc.

If Ly/Lx < 2, two-way slabLy/Lx  2, One-way slab

Where Ly & Lx are the larger and smaller dimension of slab

Slab panels that deform with significant curvatures in two orthogonal directions must be
designed as two-way slabs, with the principal reinforcement placed in the two directions
while 'one-way' action may be assumed when the predominant mode of flexure is in one
direction alone.

Slabs are considered as divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips as shown
in figure being the middle strip being three-quarters of the width and each edgestrip one-
eight of the width.

FigureFigure 8.4-1 Design

8.4-2 Design of Slabof Slab

8.5. Design Of Beams

Beams are a structural members assigned to transmit the loads from slab to the column
through it. Specially, flexure is more dominant than shear in the beam.

There are three types of reinforced concrete beams:

1. Singly reinforced beams

2. Doubly reinforced beams

3. Singly or doubly reinforced flanged beams

In singly reinforced simply supported beams, reinforcements are placed at the bottom of
the beam whereas on top in case of cantilever beams.

A doubly reinforced concrete beams are reinforced in both compression and tension
regions. The necessity of using steel in compression region arises when depth of the section
is restricted due to functional or aesthetic requirements.

A complete design of beam involves consideration of safety under ultimate limit state in
flexure, shear, torsion and bond as well as consideration of serviceability limit statesof
deflection, crack width, durability etc.

Basically, two types of works are performed namely, analysis of section and design of

In the analysis of a section, it is required to determine the moment of resistance knowingthe

cross section and reinforcement details. In the design of sections, it is required to determine
the cross section and amount of reinforcement knowing the factored design loads.


The purpose of this project, though purely academic oriented, we have made every effort
to make it feasible for the real construction.

This project work is mainly focused on the structural analysis by using professional
computer software and the sample design structural element manually.

From this project work, we got the opportunity to get the knowledge of using professional
software called ETABSv21 for the analysis of the structure and design ofstructural elements
manually using the analyzed computer output. This project work also enables us to use the
different design codes whenever required in the design procedure.

The concept of ductile detailing was quite new to us. This project work has provided the
opportunity to learn the theory of ductile detailing, which is on of the significant parts of
seismic resistance design.

This project work is completed through the collective efforts of our project group. Due
attention is given to maintain the accuracy while analyzing the data in computer and
designing the structural elements. We have faced many problems during the work but hard
working, keen interest and devotion of team member and valuable suggestions ofour project
advisor made it possible to complete.

After completion of this project work, our team member individually could design the
similar type of structure and structural elements.


1. IS 875(Part 1):1987, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other
than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, Part 1- Dead Loads, Indian
Standards Institution
2. IS 875(Part 2):1987, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other
than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, Part 2- Imposed Loads, Indian
Standards Institution
3. IS 456:2000, Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete- Code of Practice,
Indian Standards Institution
4. NBC 105:2000, Nepal Building Code- Code of Practise, Nepal Standard Code


1. Jain, A.K., Reinforced Concrete Structures Limit State Design- Sixth Edition,
Nemchand Brothers and Sons’ Publishers

Seismic Weight

Table 10-1 Seismic weight calculation of Second Floors

(Height of the building

from foundation or
Height of Building (H) = 28.8m
from top of a rigid
Seismic Zone Factor (Z) = 0.35 Ref (Cl 4.1.4)
Importance Factor (I) = 1.25 Ref (Cl 4.1.5)
Soil Type = D Soil type D
Structure type = Moment resisting concrete frame
(Kt)= 0.075 Ref (Cl 5.1.2)
Approximate Fundamental Period of Vibration:
(T1) = KtH0.75= 0.932Sec Ref (Cl 5.1.2)
Amplification of approximate period:
T1=1.25*T1= 1.166Sec Ref (Cl 5.1.3)
Method of Analysis= Equivalent Static Method
Lower period of flat part of spectrum
Ta = 0.5 Ref (Cl 4.1.2)
Lower period of flat part of spectrum
Tc = 2 Ref (Cl 4.1.2)
Peak spectral acceleration normalized by PGA
α= 2.25 Ref (Cl 4.1.2)
Coefficient that controls the descending branch of the spectrum
K= 0.8 Ref (Cl 4.1.2)
Spectral shape factor
Ref (Cl 4.1.2, Eq.
Ch(T) = 2.25
Elastic site spectra for horizontal loading
Ref (Cl 4.1.1, Eq.
C(T)=Ch(T) Z I= 0.984375
Elastic site spectra for Serviceability Limit State (SLS)
Ref (Cl 4.2, Eq.
Cs(T)= 0.2* C(T) = 4.2(1))
Ductility Factor
Ductility factor for Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
Ref (Cl 5.3.1, Table 5-
Rμ = 4
Overstrength Factor
Overstrength factor for ULS
Ref (Cl 5.4.1, Table 5-
Ωu = 2)
Overstrength factor SLS
Ref (Cl 5.4.2, Table 5-
Ωs = 2)
Horizontal base shear coeffieicent for ULS,
Ref (Cl 6.1.1, Eq.
Cd(T1)=C(T1)/(Rμ*Ωu)= 0.164
Horizontal base shear coeffieicent for SLS,
Ref (Cl 6.1.2, Eq.
Cd(T1)=Cs(T1)/Ωs = 0.158
Exponent related to the structural period (K)
K= 1.216 Ref (Cl 6.3)
Accidental Eccentricity
e= 0.100 Ref (Cl 5.7)

Displacement Check
Allowable ratio ULS= 0.025 Ref (Cl 5.6.3)
Allowable ratio SLS= 0.006 Ref (Cl 5.6.3)
Allowable Displacement ULS
dmax = 0.025H/Rμ = 180mm Ref (Cl 5.6.3)
Allowable Displacement ULS
dmax = 0.006H/Rs = 172.8mm Ref (Cl 5.6.3)

Drift Check
Allowable Drift Ratio, ULS
dmax = 0.025/Rμ = 0.00625 Ref (Cl 5.6.3)
Allowable Drift Ratio, SLS
dmax = 0.006/Rs = 0.006 Ref (Cl 5.6.3)

Seismic weight = Total weight * Coefficient of base shear(uls)

=1400.401 KN

Seismic weight = Total weight * Coefficient of base shear(sls)

=1349.16674 KN

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