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chap 3 aggregate demand and

fiscal policy (33,34)


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Column 1 F

1. Aggregate demand (AD)

1.1 Definition
quantity of a g and s demanded in the eco at any given price

ADC: relation between price lv and quantity of out put (negative)

price lv: cal by CPI or GDP deflator

Quantity of output : real GDP

1.2 Components


C change due to: income (p), (income) taxes (n: have to pay taxes, income
decrease, c decrease)

I: expected profitability (p), interest rate (n), price of key inputs, tax incentives
for I → cost of I

NX: trade policy, incomes of nations

chap 3 aggregate demand and fiscal policy (33,34) 1

1.3 Downward sloping: P negatively rela to component
of AD (ecp G fixed)
WEALTH EFFECT (P & C): P de → same money, more g a s → value/
purchasing power increase → richer → C in

INTEREST RATE EFFECT (P & I): P in → need more money to buy g & s → not
deposit money into bank, borrow from bank/sell bonds and assets , stock(co
phieu trai phieu) → interest rate in (reflect returns of investment and cost
(borrowing to invest) of investment) make asset more attractive → higher
interest to higher returns → easier to convert assets to money) → I de (cost of
I increase, profit de)

P de → need less money to buy → have excess money, buy financial assets
→ interest rate de (higher demand, seller lower returns, lower in) → I increase
(lower cost) to buy new housing, equipment...
interest-bearing/financial (a): sinh lai


P in → interest rate in → foreigner investor desire more bonds (higher returns)

→ higher demand US money (convert money into dollar) → US dollar appreciated
→ US g a s more expensive, imported g cheaper → EX de, IM in → NX de

P de → interest rate de → foreigner investor have less desire to buy bond due
to lower returns → US dollar deteriorated → US g a s cheaper → EX in, IM de →
NX in

2. Fiscal Policy
2.1 Def
use of gov spending and taxes to influence eco outcomes

2.2 Role
Recession: employ expansionary fiscal policy(mo rong) lowering tax/and
increase gov spending → increase aggregate demand

chap 3 aggregate demand and fiscal policy (33,34) 2

eg: lower income tax → increase C; lower corporate tax → incre I

expansion: contractionary fiscal policy (that chat) incre tax or/and decrea gov

→ reduce fluctuation during business cycle

a. Multiplier effect:
Gov spend $20 planes from B → B revenue increase by 20 → AD incr

income incre → wages, profit incre

C increa

further incre in AD

—>>> additional shifts in AD when expansionary fiscal policy increases income →


size of effect : depends responsiveness of consumers to incre in income.

Marginal propensity to consume (MPC): fraction that households consume

rather than save ( delta C/delta Y)

eg: MPC=O.8: for every extra dollar, spend $0.8, save $0.2
In a certain economy, when income is $400, consumer spending is $325. The
value of the multiplier for this economy is 3.33. It follows that, when income is
$450, consumer spending is

a. $360. For this economy, an initial increase of $50 in consumer spending

translates into a $266.67 increase in aggregate demand.

b. $360. For this economy, an initial increase of $50 in consumer spending

translates into a $166.50 increase in aggregate demand.
c. $341.67. For this economy, an initial increase of $50 in consumer spending
translates into a $266.67 increase in aggregate demand.

d. $341.67. For this economy, an initial increase of $50 in consumer spending

translates into a $166.25 increase in aggregate demand.

chap 3 aggregate demand and fiscal policy (33,34) 3

m=1/1-MPC → 3.33=1/MPS → MPS= 1/3.33 → MPC=1-MPS → delta C → delta
C + C = spending

note: apply for G, I and NX

eg:- NX decrease → national income decrease → more decrease in C

- I increase → advanced technology, equipment,... → higher production →

higher income → C increase


b. Crowding-out effect
G in → AD in → income in→ C in → money demand in ( not equalibrium, need
depress) by in interest rate → I de → AD de

—>>> reduction in AD when a fiscal expansion raises the interest rate

CONCLUSION: AD increase more or less than 20 depends on multiplier and

crowding out effect.

2.4 change in Taxes

Cut tax → household take-home pay in → spend some of extra → ADc shifts
right (depend on ME and CE. vice versa

households' perception:

expect tax cut is permanent → add substantially to financial resources → C

increase, AD shifts right more than expect tax cut is temporary

(tax multiplier = - MPC/MPS . (-): tax cut, demand up)


chap 3 aggregate demand and fiscal policy (33,34) 4

crowding out effect

lags (độ trễ):

Changes G & T require Acts of Congress

the process can take months & years → economy's condition may have

3.2 AS
AS (Non-discretionary FP) changes in FP that stimulate AD when eco has
recession without policymakers having to take deliberation action

Tax system: recession, taxes fall automatically

G: recession → more unemployment insurance → gov spend on these

proprams automatically

chap 3 aggregate demand and fiscal policy (33,34) 5

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