ERP Brochure
ERP Brochure
ERP Brochure
RESOURCE Enterprise
It is analytical arrangement of your employee /
departments activities. Planning
Finance Sales
BEST Planning
Production Engineering
Store &
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is business management software that is specially crafted to
accustom the required information regarding fulfilment of any operation which includes marketing,
sales, manufacturing, Trading, distribution, research & development and. It also deals with the
customer relationship management, supply chain management, finance.
Best provides an ERP system that is based on a common database & a very well-articulated software
design. The build-up of a quality ERP system takes a reasonable time. If a company is promising you
to provide you ERP solutions in short time then they are surely compromising with the quality & Best
never compromise with the content and quality. Developing a quality ERP system takes a bit of time
but it definitely produces results. An effective ERP system should be able to provide information which
ERP is user friendly & authentic. You can also compare & modify your software design with similar designs.
It will give you the leisure to choose a definite module.
Best has a long term experience in providing the accurate ERP system that suits your business the best. When Best started providing such web
solutions it was the big corporate giants who needed it the most. But today every small or complex organization requires an ERP system. Best
understands the requirement of its clients & provides tailor made ERP solution to your business.
Data Collection & Shop Floor Control ¬ User-Friendly easy to understand, easy to
The shop floor control program collects data and provides custom shop maintain.
floor control by lot, job, schedule, product, work centre etc. ¬ Browser based technology, doesn't need
to install in every client computer.
¬ Centralized database. Less expensive
¬ Less operational management
¬ Access from anywhere anytime.
¬ Multi-Currency
Sales Quality Finance Email Alerts ¬ Tracing and tracking at every stage of the
execution chain from order to final
¬ At-a-glance display of real-time
information on entire process.
¬ Part tracking
¬ PO Matching
Purchase Job- Work Reports M.I.S
¬ House assembly
Planning is identifying
ü Where do you want to go
Engineering is the discipline, art, skill and BEST ERP Production Planning and Control module provides capabilities
profession of acquiring and applying for planning, execution, quality and plant maintenance.
scientific, mathematical, economic,
social, and practical knowledge to design Production Plan in BEST ERP is determined based on Resource
and build structures, machines, devices, Planning, Sales and Operation Planning and Demand of the Product.
systems, materials and processes that Having determined the information, BEST ERP generates Master
safely realize improvements to the lives Production Schedule. Following are few screenshots from BEST ERP,
of people. which helps identify the resources for MPS.
ERP Purchasing module streamlines Management
procurement of required raw materials.
BEST ERP provides best flexible solution
It automates the processes of while one decides to make purchase.
BEST ERP provides highly configurable manufacturing module for the Quality Control (QC)
shop floor control. Shop Floor Control in BEST ERP provides:
Quality Control (QC) is a procedure or set of
Ÿ All activities to control & manage the manufacturing floor, like;
procedures intended to ensure that a
o Online routing maintenance
manufactured product or performed service
o Labour reporting and scheduling adheres to a defined set of quality criteria
Ÿ Data for evaluation of time completions or meets the requirements of the client or
Ÿ Data for plant workload evaluation customer. QC is similar to, but not identical
with, Quality Assurance (QA). QA is defined
Ÿ Data for capacity determination
as a procedure or set of procedures
Ÿ Integration with other modules to maintain work order information at
intended to ensure that a product or service
all times
under development (before work is
Ÿ Help to management by revealing accurate information complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets
Ÿ Information regarding cost of production specified requirements. QA is sometimes
Ÿ Information to user to evaluate and adjust operation steps and expressed together with QC as a single
components expression, Quality Assurance and Control
(QA/QC). The QC process must be on-going
Ÿ Flexibility to users to re-schedule the activities of production process
to ensure that remedial efforts, if required,
have produced satisfactory results and to
immediately detect recurrences or new
instances of trouble.
Quality Management
Traditional Concept
BEST ERP is able to provide 100% flexible
and configurable Quality Management
Module.BEST ERP Quality Management
Cost of Increase in Increase in allows:
Production Margin PROFIT Ÿ To define its own quality tests required
at every stage of production.
Ÿ To do quality check for the raw-material
Ÿ To define different Quality
Characteristics, Parameters and
Modern Concept expected results.
Ÿ To maintain quality check without any
programming assistance.
Ÿ To control and supervise the process.
Reduction in Ÿ To do quality control at all stages as its
Increase in
Cost of Margin
PROFIT integrated with other modules like
Production purchase, inventory management, shop
floor control etc.
The field of finance deals with the concepts of
time, money, risk and how they are
interrelated. It also deals with how money is
spent and budgeted. The financial activities
of an organization by the finance department
are recorded using various user interfaces and
these interface screens related to the finance
department are grouped into a single menu
option and these set of options are called the
finance module.
Ÿ Price-list management
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