ElectroVoice ACone
ElectroVoice ACone
ElectroVoice ACone
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equi-
lateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence
of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute
a risk of electric shock to persons.
1. Security regulations as stated in the EN 60065 (VDE 0860 / IEC 65) and the CSA E65 - 94 have to be obeyed when
servicing the appliance.
2. Use of a mains separator transformer is mandatory during maintenance while the appliance is opened, needs to be
operated and is connected to the mains
3. Switch off the power before retrofitting any extensions, changing the mains voltage or the output voltage.
4. The minimum distance between parts carrying mains voltage and any accessible metal piece (metal enclosure),
respectively between the mains poles has to be 3 mm and needs to be minded at all times.
The minimum distance between parts carrying mains voltage and any switches or breakers that are not connected
to the mains (secondary parts) has to be 6 mm and needs to be minded at all times.
5. Replacing special components that are marked in the circuit diagram using the security symbol (Note) is only permissible
when using original parts.
6. Altering the circuitry without prior consent or advice is not legitimate.
7. Any work security regulations that are applicable at the location where the appliance is being serviced have to be strictly
obeyed. This applies also to any regulations about the work place itself.
8. All instructions concerning the handling of MOS - circuits have to be observed.
WARRANTY (Limited)
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a specified
period, as noted in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or owner’s
manual, beginning with the date of original purchase. If such malfunction occurs during the specified period, the
product will be repaired or replaced (at our option) without charge. The product will be returned to the customer
Exclusions and Limitations: The Limited Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior finish or appearance; (b) certain
specific items described in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or
owner’s manual; © Malfunction resulting from use or operation of the product other than as specified in the product
data sheet or owner’s manual; (d): malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or (e): malfunction
occurring at any time after repairs have been made to the product by anyone other than Electro-Voice or any of its
authorized service representatives.
Obtaining Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service, a customer must deliver the product, prepaid, to
Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service representatives together with proof of purchase of the product in the
form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. A list of authorized service representatives is available from Electro-Voice
at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107 (616-695-6831) and/or Electro-Voice West at 9130 Glenoaks Boulevard,
Sun Valley, CA 91532 (213-875-1900).
Incidental and Consequential Damages Excluded: Product repair or replacement and return to the customer are
the only remedies provided to the customer. Electro-Voice shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential
damages including, without limitation, injury to persons or property or loss of use. Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
you. Other Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state
to state.
Electro-Voice Electronics are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a
period of three (3) years from the date of original purchase. Additional details are included in the Uniform Limited
Warranty Statement.
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, Michigan 49107, Phone 616/695-6831, Fax: 616/695-1304
TELEX/EVI Audio Canada, 705 Progress Ave. Unit 46 Toronto, Onatario, M1H 2x1, Canada , Phone: 800/881-1685, Fax: 877/522-2242
TELEX Communications A.G., Keltenstrasse 11, CH-2563 IPSACH, Switzerland, Phone: 011-41/32-51-6833, Fax: 011-41/32-51-1221
EVI Audio Deutschland GmbH, Hirschberger Ring 45, D-94302, Straubing, Germany, Phone: 011-49/9421-7060, Fax: 011-49/9421-706265
EVI Audio France S.A., Parc de Courcerin-Allee Lech Walesa, Lognes, f-77185 Marne La Vallee, France, Phone: 011-33/1-6480-0090, Fax: 011-33/1-6006-5103
EVI Audio Japan Ltd., 2-5-60 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan 168, Phone: 011-81/3-3325-7900, Fax: 011-81/3-3325-7789
EVI Audio (Aust.) Pty., Unit 23, Block C, Slough Business Park, Slough Ave., Silverwater, N.S.W 2141, Australia, Phone 011-61/2-648-3455,
Fax: 011-61/2-648-5585
EVI Audio (Hong Kong) Limited, Unit E & F, 21 /F., Luk Hop Industrial Bldg., 8 Luk Hop St., San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Phone: 011-852/351-3628,
Fax: 011 -852/351-3329
Beschreibung Description
Höchste Anforderungen an Schalldruck, Reichweite und Soundqualität Meeting the highest requirements of modern audio applications - espe-
lassen sich in Audioanlagen nur mit aktiven Mehrweglautsprechersy- cially, when it comes to sound pressure level, coverage and sound
stemen realisieren bei denen die unterschiedlichen Frequenzbereiche quality - is only possible when using active multi-component loudspea-
des Audiosignals jeweils getrennt verstärkt und wiedergegeben wer- ker systems which provide the possibility to separately amplify and
den. Das vergleichsweise beste Preis-Leistungsverhältnis bieten Aktiv reproduce the audio signal’s individual frequency ranges. Active 2-way
2-Weganlagen mit Subwoofern. Der Bassanteil des Audiosignals wird installations with additional sub woofer systems probably offer the best
über die Subwoofer wiedergegeben, der Mittel-Hochtonanteil und die price-performance ratio. The low frequency range of the audio signal is
Vocals über hochwertige Fullrangeboxen. reproduced by the sub woofers while high-quality full-range cabinets
take care of the Mid/Hi frequencies and vocals.
Ein wesentlicher Vorteil von Aktiv 2-Weganlagen mit Subwoofern liegt
unter anderem darin begründet, daß die Vocals nicht auf verschiedene One of the essential advantages when using active 2-way systems with
Lautsprechersysteme aufgeteilt sind. Dadurch ist eine problemlose additional sub woofers is the fact that the vocals are not divided between
Justierung des Soundsystems möglich. Komplizierte Einmessarbeiten several speaker systems. This, in return, offers more convenience when
sind - im Gegensatz zu aktiven 3-Weg oder 4-Wegsystemen- nicht adjusting the sound system. Unlike than with active 3- or 4-way confi-
notwendig. gurations – difficult analyzing and measuring of sound fields is unne-
Auf kleinen Bühnen oder in kleineren Räumen kann mit einem Mono-
Subwoofer gearbeitet werden weil die Bässe unter derartigen Bedin- Since locating low-frequency sound is merely impossible, simply using
gungen kaum geortet werden können. Auf größeren Bühnen sind monaural sub woofers is absolutely sufficient for smaller stages or
getrennte Subwoofer für beide Seiten unerläßlich, weil sonst zu große rooms. On wider stages it is indispensable to use individual sub woofer
Lautstärkeunterschiede zwischen den Bässen und Höhen auf der systems for both sides. Otherwise, the level differences between bass
Bühne und an verschiedenen Zuhörerplätzen auftreten können. Ein and treble would result in audible degradation of the overall sound. Of
zentral angeordneter Mono-Subwoofer kann natürlich vorteilhaft als course, adding a centrally located sub woofer might additionally impro-
Ergänzung eingesetzt werden. ve the sound quality.
Der ACONE Controller wurde zum Aufbau höchstwertiger Aktiv-2-Weg- The ACONE Controller has been designed to be used in high-performan-
systeme mit Subwoofern entwickelt. Als Leistungsverstärker werden ce installations that employ active 2-way systems plus sub woofers.
in derartigen Systemen professionelle lineare Leistungsendstufen wie Applications like these also mostly incorporate professional linear po-
beispielsweise Electro-Voice P1200, P2000, P3000 oder Q44, Q66 wer amplifiers like the Electro-Voice P1200, P2000, P3000 or Q44, Q66.
eingesetzt. Beim Einsatz von Prozessorendstufen wie beispielsweise When using processor controlled power amplifiers like the Electro-Voice
Electro-Voice P1250 wird der Endstufenprozessorteil einfach ausge- P1250, the processor section is simply switched off.
Installing and operating the ACONE Controllers is easy as can be since
Die Installation und Bedienung des ACONE Controllers ist vollkommen the user does not need to know any complex detail about crossover
problemlos, der Anwender braucht sich nicht mit der komplexen Ma- functions and equalization. All controls for matching the sound to
terie von Weichenfunktionen und Entzerrern zu beschäftigen. Alle different acoustic conditions and loudspeaker systems are located on
Regler zur Anpassung an die Raumakustik und die Lautsprecherka- the front panel. Difficult tasks - like electronic signal routing and settings
binette sind auf der Frontseite zugänglich, die komplizierte elektroni- for instance - are automatically carried out inside the appliance. The
sche Verknüpfung der Einstellungen wird automatisch intern realisiert. newly designed PowerMax12 crossover function (patents pending)
Die neuentwickelte PowerMax12 Weichenfunktion (Patents Pending) optimally utilizes amplifier output power and loudspeaker transmission
nutzt Endstufenleistung und die Übertragungseigenschaften der Bo- capacities. Compared to conventional crossovers or controllers, this
xen optimal. Dadurch werden klanglich erheblich bessere Ergebnisse results in an improved overall sound quality which is achieved with less
mit geringerem Aufwand erzielt als mit herkömmlichen Frequenzwei- effort.
chen oder Controllern.
The ACONE Controller is also most suitable for integration in active
Der ACONE Controller eignet sich auch exzellent zum Aufbau von Aktiv 2-way instrument reinforcement applications for keyboards, E-bass and
2-Weg Instrumentalanlagen für Keyboards, Bass und Drums und drums. The PowerMax12 crossover function eliminates the often com-
vermeidet durch die PowerMax12 Weichenfunktion den in herkömm- plained about “lack-of-punch-and-definition”, like it is common for con-
lichen aktiven Instrumentalanlagen häufig beklagten „lack-of-punch- ventional active musical instrument reinforcement systems.
Its excellent dynamic range of more than 116dB, the extremely low
Mit dem erstklassigen Dynamikbereich von über 116dB, einem extrem noise level and the outstanding price-performance ratio makes the
niedrigen Geräuschpegel und herausragendem Preis-Leistungsver- ACONE Controller an advantageous alternative to conventional cross-
hältnis ist der Einsatz des ACONE Controllers auch in kritischen over and controller solutions – even in the critical field of permanent
Anwendungen in der Festinstallation eine bevorzugte Alternative zu installation.
herkömmlichen Frequenzweichen und Controllern.
Description Technical Specifications ACONE
Satisfaire aux exigences des applications audio modernes – surtout
lorsqu’il s’agit de pression sonore, de qualité sonore et de couverture All level and frequency controls in center position, Lo-EQ and Hi-EQ
– n’est possible qu’en utilisant des systèmes de haut-parleurs actifs controls at 0dB, MID-EQ control at -4dB, unless otherwise specified.
multi-voies offrant la possibilité d’amplifier et de reproduire séparément
Note: 0dBu = 0.775V
le signal audio de chaque bande de fréquences. Les installations
actives à deux voies avec sub-woofers offrent probablement le meilleur Crossover
rapport performance-prix. Les fréquences basses du signal audio sont
reproduites par les sub-woofers alors que des enceintes large bande Mode 2-Way-Stereo + SUB Mono
de qualité se chargent des fréquences médium/hautes et des voix. Frequency, sweepable 45Hz ... 160Hz
Un des avantages essentiels offert par l’utilisation des systèmes actifs Filter Type PowerMax12*
à deux voies avec des sub-woofers supplémentaires est que les voix
ne sont pas réparties sur plusieurs systèmes de haut-parleurs. Ce qui
est beaucoup plus pratique pour le réglage de la sonorisation. Con- Filter Type 12dB/octave
trairement aux configurations actives à 3 ou 4 voies, les mesures et Frequency, sweepable 20Hz ... 100Hz
les analyses compliquées des champs sonores ne sont pas nécessai-
res. Equalization
Pour les scènes ou les salles de petites dimensions, comme les sons LO-EQ 50Hz, Shelving, 0dB ... +12dB
basses fréquences sont pratiquement impossibles à situer, il suffit MID-EQ 4kHz, Dip, -8dB ... 0dB
d’utiliser des sub-woofers mono. Pour les scènes plus grandes il est
absolument indispensable d’utiliser un système de sub-woofers HI-EQ 15kHz, Lift, 0dB ... +8dB
séparés pour chaque côté. Sinon, les différences de niveau entre les
Inputs A, B
basses et les aigus provoqueront une dégradation audible du son dans
son ensemble. Bien sûr, l’ajout d’un sub-woofer placé au centre Type Active Balanced, XLR-female
améliorera encore la qualité sonore. Input Impedance 20kOhm
Le contrôleur ACONE a été conçu pour être utilisé dans des installations Maximum Level +20dBu
performantes employant des systèmes actifs à deux voies avec sub- Rated Level +6dBu
woofers. De telles applications incluent fréquemment des amplifica- Gain Range -∞ ... + 6dB
teurs de puissance linéaires professionnels comme les Electro-Voice
Parallel Outputs A, B XLR-male
P1200, P2000, P3000 ou Q44, Q66. Lors de l’utilisation d’amplifica-
teurs de puissance contrôlés par processeur comme le Electro-Voice Outputs HI, LO, SUB
P1250, la section processeur est tout simplement désactivée.
Type Active Balanced, XLR-male
L’installation et le maniement des contrôleurs ACONE est aussi simple Output Impedance 75 Ohm
que possible, puisque l’utilisateur n’a besoin de connaître les détails
complexes des fonctions de Crossover, ou d’égalisation. Tous les Maximum Level + 20dBu
contrôles permettant d’adapter le son aux diverses conditions acou- Rated Level + 6dBu
stiques et aux divers systèmes de haut-parleurs se trouvent en face Gain Range -∞ ... + 6dB
avant. Les tâches difficiles – comme l’acheminement du signal élec-
tronique et les réglages, par exemple - sont automatiquement pris en Frequency Response,
charge en dehors de l’appareil. La fonction de Crossover, nouvelle- -3dB ref.1kHz, Lo-Cut 20Hz 16Hz ... 150kHz
ment conçue, du PowerMax12 (brevet en cours) optimise la puissance Nominal Gain 0dB
de sortie de l’amplificateur en fonction des caractéristiques du haut-
parleur. Comparé aux Crossovers ou aux contrôleurs conventionnels, Maximum Gain +12dB
le résultat est une qualité sonore globale améliorée qui est obtenue Dynamic Range, +20dBu, noise A-weighted 117dB
avec moins d’efforts. THD+N, 20Hz ... 20kHz, +6dBu < 0.02%
Le contrôleur ACONE convient également parfaitement lorsqu’il est THD+N, typical, +6dBu 0.003%
intégré dans des applications actives à 2 voies pour le renforcement Crosstalk <-80dB
d’instruments, tels les claviers, les basses et les batteries électriques.
Mute Switch Rejection > 90dB
La fonction Crossover du PowerMax12 élimine le sempiternel
”manque-de-punch-et-de-définition”, commun aux systèmes actifs Level Control Attenuation > 80dB
conventionnels utiliser pour le renforcement des instruments de musi- Power Requirements, 50Hz....60Hz,
que. voltage selector 100V ... 120V, 220V ... 240V
Son excellente dynamique, de plus de 116 dB, son niveau de bruit Power Consumption 17 W
extrêmement bas et son rapport performance-prix très attractif font du Dimensions, (WxHxD), mm 483 x 43.6 x 226.5
contrôleur ACONE une alternative avantageuse aux solutions de Cross-
Weight 3.2 kg
over et de contrôleurs conventionnels – même dans le domaine
critique des installations permanentes. Optional, input transformer NRS 90208
*Patents pending
Abmessungen / Dimensions (in mm)
WARRANTY (Limited)
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a specified period, as
noted in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or owner’s manual, beginning with
the date of original purchase. If such malfunction occurs during the specified period, the product will be repaired or replaced (at
our option) without charge. The product will be returned to the customer prepaid.
Exclusions and Limitations: The Limited Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior finish or appearance; (b) certain specific items
described in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or owner’s manual; ©
Malfunction resulting from use or operation of the product other than as specified in the product data sheet or owner’s manual;
(d): malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or (e): malfunction occurring at any time after repairs have been
made to the product by anyone other than Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service representatives.
Obtaining Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service, a customer must deliver the product, prepaid, to Electro-Voice or any
of its authorized service representatives together with proof of purchase of the product in the form of a bill of sale or receipted
invoice. A list of authorized service representatives is available from Electro-Voice at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107
(616-695-6831) and/or Electro-Voice West at 9130 Glenoaks Boulevard, Sun Valley, CA 91532 (213-875-1900).
Incidental and Consequential Damages Excluded: Product repair or replacement and return to the customer are the only
remedies provided to the customer. Electro-Voice shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages including,
without limitation, injury to persons or property or loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Other Rights: This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
Electro-Voice Electronics are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of three
(3) years from the date of original purchase. Additional details are included in the Uniform Limited Warranty Statement.
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, Michigan 49107, Phone 616/695-6831, Fax: 616/695-1304
TELEX/EVI Audio Canada, 705 Progress Ave. Unit 46 Toronto, Onatario, M1H 2x1, Canada , Phone: 800/881-1685, Fax: 877/522-2242
TELEX Communications A.G., Keltenstrasse 11, CH-2563 IPSACH, Switzerland, Phone: 011-41/32-51-6833, Fax: 011-41/32-51-1221
EVI Audio Deutschland GmbH, Hirschberger Ring 45, D-94302, Straubing, Germany, Phone: 011-49/9421-7060, Fax: 011-49/9421-706265
EVI Audio France S.A., Parc de Courcerin-Allee Lech Walesa, Lognes, f-77185 Marne La Vallee, France, Phone: 011-33/1-6480-0090, Fax: 011-33/1-6006-5103
EVI Audio Japan Ltd., 2-5-60 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan 168, Phone: 011-81/3-3325-7900, Fax: 011-81/3-3325-7789
EVI Audio (Aust.) Pty., Unit 23, Block C, Slough Business Park, Slough Ave., Silverwater, N.S.W 2141, Australia, Phone 011-61/2-648-3455,
Fax: 011-61/2-648-5585
EVI Audio (Hong Kong) Limited, Unit E & F, 21 /F., Luk Hop Industrial Bldg., 8 Luk Hop St., San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Phone: 011-852/351-3628,
Fax: 011 -852/351-3329
Function: Analog Controller Issue Date: 27.07. 2000
Testing Conditions:
- The printed board assembly 82227 offers measuring points for servicing purposes.
CNS 2 Assignment
1 + 15 V
3 - 15 V
4 + VSS
6 - VSS
7 Relay
8 Time In
3. Power Consumption:
Power Consumption
Idling 17 W
4. Settings/Adjustments:
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Sum the signals of XLR-Pin 2 and XLR-Pin 3 via high-quality (precise) resistors ( < 10 kΩ / < 0.5 % ) at the
input of the measuring device and adjust the resulting signal via trimmers VR 11 / VR 12 / VR 13 / VR 14 /
VR 15 to its minimum value --> U2
5. Function Test
Feed the signal to Input-Channel A / B and switch the appliance on using the Power-On switch.
Approximately 2 seconds after switching the appliance on, the signal is present at the output.
Feed the signal to Input-Channel A / B. Measure at the outputs and check the function of each Mute-Switch.
6. Level
-All level and frequency controls set to their center position, EQ SECTION- all controls set to their “0”-
7. Amplitudes – Non-Linearities
- MBW = 80 kHz
- All measured values for U(A) = +6 dBu
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8.1 Frequency Response
12.000 HI-EQ
9.0000 +8dB
+6dB +4dB
-9.000 -8dB
-12.00 MID-EQ
10 100 1k 10k 100k
- All level controls within the signal path set to fully open, EQ SECTION- all controls set to their “0”-position,
- LO-CUT set to 20 Hz, X-OVER in center position.
Input Output f(u) f(o)
Channel A / B IN OUTPUTS CH A / B HI 76 Hz > 150 kHz
Channel A / B IN OUTPUTS CH A / B LO 16 Hz 125 Hz
Channel A / B IN OUTPUT SUB MONO 14 Hz 145 Hz
- U(F) = extraneous voltage non-weighted with B = 22 Hz … 22 kHz, effective value (IEC 268-1)
- U(G) = noise voltage, frequency-weighting filter according to CCIR-468-3, quasi peak-weighted (IEC 268-1)
- U(A) = interference voltage A-weighted, dB(A), effective value (IEC 268-1)
- S/N ratio ref. to max. output voltage, A-weighted
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- All level and frequency controls set to their center position, EQ SECTION- all controls set to their “0”-
Voltage selector set to 100 - 120 V. Mains voltage adjusted to115 V via regulating transformer.
Voltage measurement at CNS 2.4 / 2.6 referred to CNS 2.5 ( ± 23 V ).
Afterwards re-set the voltage selector to 220 – 240 V!
12. Indicators
- The LED starts lighting when the stated input voltages are applied – tolerance +/- 2 dB.
- All level and frequency controls set to their center position, EQ SECTION- all controls set to their “0”-
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SIGNAL LO OUTPUT A / B Channel A / B ( 100Hz ) -17 dBu
PEAK LO OUTPUT A / B Channel A / B ( 100Hz ) +14 dBu
SIGNAL SUB OUT MONO Channel A / B ( 100Hz ) Input: CH A+B -19 dBu
PEAK SUB OUT MONO Channel A / B ( 100Hz ) Input: CH A+B +11 dBu
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Stücklisten - Bill of material
170090 Acone
Zubehör Accessories
Z 020 345095 FUSS-GUMMI 12.7X 3.5 rubber foot
Z 040 357648 BEDIENUNGSANL. AC ONE owner's manual
Z 050 300425 KABEL-NETZ 2.0 M 10A power cable Europe