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Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test (M.R.M.




To measure manual dexterity of the subject by administering Minnesota rate of manipulation



Administer M.R.M.T to the subject. Conduct the experiment in two series i.e Placing and

turning series. The obtained time scores are interpreted with reference to the standard norms.

Subject details






1. M.R.M.T board which consists of a wooden board and a wooden tray with 58

symmetrical Holes. This board is designed in such a way that it can be slided into it

2. 58 symmetrically cylindrical wooden blocks which will be easily inserted and removed

from the holes in the board. These blocks are painted Blue on one side and Red on the


3. Stop watch / Stop Clock

4. Writing Materials.


Placing series: Place the board with blocks red atop. Slide the board to the desired position and

lift it leaving the blocks on the table. Keep the tray back on the board.

Position : Subject-Board-Blocks

With this arrangement the subject will stand at the centre of the table. The experimenter should

instruct with proper demonstration of the task. The subject uses preferred hand(right hand) and

picks up the block nearest to him and places it in the nearest hole to the block in the left hand

column of the hole. Subject then takes the next block in the same column and places it in the next

hole in the same column. When the first column is over the subject moves to the next. He/she has

to continue with this procedure till all the holes are filled. For left-handed subject, he/she should

begin from the right side.

Give the ‘start’ signal simultaneously starting the stop watch/stop clock. When the subject

completes the board, stop the stop watch/stop clock and note down the time taken to perform the

task. Give four more trials. The first trial is considered as the practice trial. Next four trials are

considered for scoring and analysis.

Turning Series: The experimenter will arrange the blocks in the board with red atop. Subject

picks up the block nearest to him on the left side( for the right handed )of the column with the
right hand , twists the wrist until blue face is facing toward the left hand and has to grasp in the

left hand and places it in the same hole in the first column on the left side. Same procedure has to

be followed for all the blocks in the board.

Throughout the experiment the subject should stand at the centre of the table. The experimenter

will have to demonstrate clearly to the subject as to how to perform the task.

Give ‘start‘ signal, simultaneously ‘start’ the stop clock/stop watch. When the subject complete

working the time taken is noted down. Four more trials are given and the first trial is considered

a practice trial. Scoring and analysis is done for the next 4 trails.

Instructions (To the right handed subject )

Placing series : “This is a speed test. You have to place all the blocks into the holes of the board

as fast as you can. Use one hand. Reach directly to the block nearest to you in the left hand

column. Pick it up and put it in the nearest hole in the board, in the left hand column of holes.

Then take the next block in the same column and put it in the next hole of the same column.

When you complete the first column, go to the next column. Follow the same procedure till you

fill up all the holes. Always you should be standing at the centre of the table”

Note: Left handed subject has to begin from the right end column.

Turning Series: (To the right handed participant): “You have to pick up the block from the right

hole with the right hand, twist the wrist, until the blue face is facing toward the left hand and

grasp it in the left hand, and put it back in the same hole blue atop. Start from the left side with

the block nearest to you, proceed column wise towards the top. Continue same procedure for all

the blocks.”

1. The demonstration should be given in both placing and turning series.

2. Subject should stand only at the centre of the table and is not allowed to move either


3. Time should be recorded accurately.

Analysis of results

1. Compute the time taken(in seconds)in the last four trials for analysis. The first trial is

a practice trial.

2. Compute the total time taken (in seconds) of placing and turning series separately.

3. Refer total time taken (in seconds) for the two series and locate the percentile score.

(Norms are different for men and women).

4. Interpret the percentile scores by referring to the norms.

Intrepretation of Percentile scores

Below 20……………….Poor




91----100……………..Very Good

Points for discussion

1. Discuss the time taken by the subject on the two series. Generally persons with good

dexterity for manual job will take less time to fit the blocks into holes and speed of

turning over the blocks is also high.

2. Compare the percentile point in the two series.

3. Discuss the individual differences in the group with regard to speed of turning and

placing the blocks.

Results and Discussion

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