Regulators For Gas With Filter and Safety Diaphragm

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R - RF

Regulators for gas

with filter and safety diaphragm
ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

R - RF
Regulators for gas
with filter and safety diaphragm

Description ………………………………………….. 2
Features …………………………………………….. 2
Functioning and application ………………………. 3
Technical specifications …………………………… 4
Gas flow chart (pressure drop) …………………… 6
Selection…………………………………………….. 9
Ordering information ………………………………. 10
Special versions and optionals …………………… 10
Design, installation and servicing ........................ 10
Standards and approvals …………………………. 11

Description The R type is a regulator for gas pipelines according to EN 88. It can be equipped with an
integrated filter (type RF) according to DIN3386. This device is suitable for supplying clean gas
at stable pressure to all the devices downstream.

Features The regulators are made of aluminum alloy die-cast.

They are equipped with adjustable spring, so that outlet pressure can be precisely adjusted on
Regulators can also be equipped with a filter element with a very high holding capacity of dust
and impurities (filtration grade<50μm). Filter structure consists in a steel support frame covered
with a double-layer high-performance nonwoven made of polyolefin fibers. Thanks to that,
moving parts of regulator and other devices downstream are fully protected.
Regulators are equipped with working and safety diaphragms, hence it is not necessary to
connect outside the vent line.
The closing plate is balanced with a specific compensating diaphragm, resulting in a very stable
outlet pressure.
The impulse line is integrated inside the regulator. Special versions with external impulse line
are available on request.
Pipe connections meet group 2.
R - RF regulators have been designed to generate low pressure drop with high flow.
The governors have the ability to lock up when there is no flow.
Suitable for use with air and non-aggressive gases included in the 1, 2 and 3 families (EN 437).
Special versions for aggressive gases (Biogas, COG).
Provided with pressure test points on two sides in the inlet (after the filter cartridge) and outlet
chamber to connect manometers, pressure switches or other gas equipments.
All components are designed to withstand any mechanical, chemical and thermal condition
occurring during typical service. Effective impregnation and surface treatments have been used
to improve mechanical sturdiness, sealing and resistance to corrosion of components.
Regulators are 100% tested and fully warranted.

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

Functioning and
application A regulator is a device able to maintain a stable pressure at the outlet, despite of changes of
inlet pressure and/or gas flow rate. The outlet pressure pushes on the working diaphragm,
acting against the spring. The disc moves until force of spring and outlet pressure are equal. If
the flow decreases, e.g. because a downstream valve has been closed, a small increase in
outlet pressure occurs, so the disc moves to reach a new position, balanced between outlet
pressure and spring. If higher outlet pressure is needed, the regulating screw must be
tightened, increasing the force of spring. Variation of inlet pressure does not affect outlet
pressure because the closing plate is compensated with the compensating diaphragm. If the
flow stops, the outlet pressure increases just slightly, as the disc has a gasket and closes
perfectly the passage.









This device is normally installed in gas trains, industrial applications and gas firing systems.
Figure 2 shows an example of installation with other Elektrogas devices.

Filter and VMR Slow opening
pressure regulator Fast opening solenoid valve
gauge solenoid valve
VSG Pressure Valve
Globe switch leak
valve tester

Gas Consumer

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

specifications Tab. 1

Connections Gas threaded F/F ISO 7-1 from Rp1/2 to Rp2

or ANSI-ASME B1.20 from 3/4”NPT to 2”NPT

Flanged PN16 – ISO 7005 DN40 – DN100

Ambient -15°C ... +60°C


R or RF models
Inlet-Outlet Inlet pressure: Max 500mbar (50 KPa) or Pout + 5mbar
pressure Testing pressure: max 750 mbar – outlet 500mbar

Regulating class: Class A - EN88 (±1mbar or ±15% of set value)

For Outlet pressure see Tab. 2

Lock up SG30 for lock-up (+7.5mbar or +30% of set value)


Flow capacity see charts

Filtration grade RF (filtering cartridge): ≤50 µm

Installation ½”-2”: horizontal (with settable spring upward) or vertical pipeline

2”½-3”-4”: only horizontal pipeline (with settable spring upward)

Gas type Air, natural gas, town gas, LPG (gaseous) of families 1,2,3 (EN437)

Materials in Aluminum alloy, Brass, Stainless steel, Plated steel, Polyamide, Anaerobic adhesive
contact with gas Nitrile rubber (NBR), Fluoro elastomer (FPM), Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Specifications of Free of brass

J version Seals made of Fluoroelastomer (FPM) instead of NBR
for biogas Ambient temperature -10/+60°
or COG Max gas inlet pressure 200mbar (Max outlet pressure 160 mbar)


Tab. 2

Model R..1 R..2 R..35 R..4 R..7

R..3 R..6 R..8
Spring R..9

Green …A.. 5-13 9-16 5-13 9-18 5-13

Red …B.. 7-20 13-26 7-20 15-30 7-20

Neutral …C.. 10-30 20-40 10-30 25-60 10-30

Yellow …D.. 25-70 30-60 25-70 50-120 25-70

Violet …E.. 60-150 50-100 60-150 100-250 60-150

Orange …F.. - 80-160 140-300 - 140-300

Blue …G.. - 125-250 - - -

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

Tab. 3
Overall dimensions [mm] Weight
Model Connection (Kg)
A B C D Int h

R..1 ½” 96 105 111 142 - - 0,70

R..2 3/4” 150 141.5 137 171 - - 1,45

R..3 1” 150 141.5 137 171 - - 1,44

R..35 1”¼ 192 194 214 255 - - 3,10

R..4 1”½ 250 236 267 316 - - 5,00

R..6 2” 250 236 267 316 - - 5,00

R..4F1 DN40 fl. 250 311 214 285 110 4x18 7,30

R..6F1 DN50 fl. 250 352 267 350 125 4x18 7,50

R..7 DN65 fl. 325 430 335 430 145 4x18 12,5

R..8 DN80 fl. 325 430 335 430 160 8x18 12,5

R..9 DN100 fl. 325 430 335 430 180 8x18 12,5

(1) with flanged connection kit mounted

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

Flow chart with disc blocked in open position

Fig. 4

Conversion of flow from air to other gases Tab. 4

Specific gravity 1.25
Gas type ρ (typical value) k=
VGAS = k  VAIR [Kg/m³]

Natural gas 0,80 1,25

LPG 2,08 0,77

Air 1,25 1,00

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

Maximum Flow chart in operation

1/2” ¾”

1” 1”¼

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

1”½-2” 2”½-3”


Fig. 5

Vmin < 10% Vmax

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

To select a regulator consider:
- gaseous media (natural gas, LPG,…)
- inlet and outlet pressure
- maximum flow
The regulator will work properly if inlet pressure is higher than outlet pressure and pressure
drop with an adequate margin. The pressure drop can be read from maximum flow chart. If your
outlet pressure curve is not present, consider the lower curve.
To avoid noise and excessive turbulence, the gas speed at outlet pipe should be not higher than
30 m/s, otherwise the next bigger size of outlet pipe should be chosen.


Select a regulator :
- for Natural Gas (CH4)
- inlet pressure 170mbar
- outlet pressure 40 mbar
- max flow 60 Nm3/h

Considering inlet and outlet pressure, the

available pressure drop is:
170 – 40 = 130mbar.

In the Flow chart of disc in open position (fig.

4) with available pressure drop we see the
maximum theoretically flow of a regulator, so
we can make a first selection: for sure we
need a regulator ¾” or higher.

Now we consider the maximum flow of a

regulator ¾” in operation (Fig.5 - ¾”).
As the graph with outlet pressure 40mbar is not
present, we consider the lower one, 20mbar curve.

Considering this curve of ¾”, we read a requested

pressure drop of approximately 150mbar. As the
available pressure drop is lower, we need a bigger

Making similar consideration with

maximum flow chart of a regulator
1” 1”, we read a pressure drop of
100mbar. We advise to consider a
working margin of at least 20%:
Available pressure drop must be
higher than:
100 x 120%= 120mbar

With 1”, maximum pressure drop is

higher so the regulator will work
properly (tolerances prescribed by
EN 88-class A).

We calculate the gas speed at outlet to avoid noise:

Pipe 1”, internal diameter 28mm, speed 25 m/s
The regulator will work well.

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

RF 3 B
Regulator type
R = regulator
RF = regulator with filter
Connections size
1 Rp1/2
2 Rp3/4
2N 3/4”NPT
3 Rp1
3N 1”NPT
35 Rp1¼
4 Rp1½
4N 1”½NPT
6 Rp2
6N 2”NPT
4F DN40
6F DN50
7 DN 65
8 DN80
9 DN100
Outlet pressure (mbar)
R..1 R..2-3 R..4-6 R35
A 5-13 9-16 9-18 5-13
B 7-20 13-26 15-30 7-20
C 10-30 20-40 25-60 10-30
D 25-70 30-60 50-120 25-70
E 60-150 50-100 100-250 60-150
F 80-160 140-300
G 125-250
Special version
- standard
.J version for bio and coke gas (only with metallic filter – R type)

Example: RF3B: regulator with connection Rp1, filtering cartridge and outlet pressure 13-26mbar

Special versions
Regulators can be supplied in special versions for aggressive gases such as Biogas and COG
(version J), see Tab. 2 for technical features. It is recommended to check compatibility of gas
contents and regulator materials before installation.
Regulators can be supplied in special versions for higher inlet pressure (1 bar or 2 bar), contact
our sales office for further details.

Design,installation and service

To assure a proper and safe operation, as well as a long service life of the regulator, consider
the following recommendations:
✓ Ensure that all the features of your system comply with the specifications of the regulator
(gas type, operating pressure, flow rate, ambient temperature, etc.).

ELEKTROGAS – Technical Sheet EE180 – 1020

✓ Governor till 2” may be mounted with spring in horizontal or vertical position (dome
upward). In the event of vertical pipe, the flow direction should be from bottom to top.
Governor larger than 2” can be mounted only with spring in vertical position (horizontal
pipe) and dome upward.
✓ Avoid to install the regulator in the open air, ensure that installing area is dry, especially the
vent cap has to be free from dirty and water.
✓ Make sure all works are performed by qualified technicians only and in compliance with
local and national codes.
✓ After removing the end caps, make sure no foreign body will enter into the governor during
handling or installation (e.g. swarf or excessive sealing agent). Manage the device with
proper tools.
✓ Perform leak and functional tests after mounting (see Tab. 1 for max. testing pressure).
✓ To adjust the spring, remove the protective cap and turn the adjusting screw with an Allen
key. Turning clockwise the outlet pressure increases, counterclockwise it decreases. After
adjustment, remount protective cap.
✓ To change the spring: remove the protective cap and the adjusting screw, remove the
original spring and put the new one, reassemble in reverse order, set the new spring. Stick
the label with new outlet pressure.
✓ The regulator needs no maintenance, only the filter can be cleaned or replaced. We
recommend to perform an external and functional check at least once a year. Twice in case
of biogas or COG.
✓ To clean or replace the filter:
o Shut off the gas.
o decompress the spring, turning counter-clockwise the adjusting screw to the
minimum position.
o open the inferior cover using a proper key.
o extract the filtering cartridge or the metallic filter. Pay attention to eventual dirt
before the filter, it has to be remove before removing the cartridge.
o clean it with compressed air or replace with a new identical one. Due to the
features of the material of filtering cartridge, compressed air is not able to
clean perfectly it as dirt is blocked inside fibbers, only a new cartridge can
give optimal performance.
o remount every parts in inverse sequence. Pay attention to insert the rod of
closing element in the hole of the cover during reassembly.
o Perform leak test.
o set the outlet pressure to the right value and perform a functional test
✓ Due to rubber seals aging, to ensure safe operation, we recommend the replacement after
10 years from the date of manufacture printed on the product.
✓ This device must be installed in compliance with the rules in force.

For more details see the Installation and Service Instructions.

Standards and
approvals The regulators are designed and manufactured according to
European norm EN 88-1.

Quality Management System is certified according to UNI EN

ISO 9001.

Copyright © 2020
All rights reserved The company reserves the right to Elektrogas is a brand name of:
make changes in specifications
The information in this document contains and models as design Elettromeccanica Delta S.p.A. tel +39 0422 874068
general descriptions of technical options improvements are introduced, Via Trieste 132
available and based on current specifications. without prior notice. 31030 Arcade (TV) – ITALY [email protected]


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