1st Sem BA Sanskrit QP

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ISemester B.AJB.Music/B.F.A. Examination, May 2022

(2021-22 and Onwards) (NEP)
Paper -Il: Sarga (Canto) of Valmiki Ramayanam
Max. Marks : 60
Time : 2½ Hours

Instructions: Answer in Sanskrit, Kannada or English.

Main Question No. 6-7 should be answered inSanskrit.
Multiple choice questions.

1) "sftH<-THUg" fafAfafatTH?
a) H|RH b) TfecalH
c) Htae0H HJH d) 34-a|H
2) H-IHZUTEY Ghaf 5: ?
a) cA: b) TH: c) fTETA: d) arcf:
3) arcif fafea Hqo af AJUSI; Hf?
a) qa b) H c) 4 d) T
4) sfi4 AT: A:?
a) T: b) -GNT: c) zAaIge: d) RGGYI:
5) HGga aju fHqH ga" sf AR: fAfafà ?
a) farfts b) 34 c) GUYH d) srH4

a) b) yi c) roet

a) : b) farte4 c) hH d) ge

a) Iih\UG: b) 1US: c) 3rrEaGATUS: d) hcHIUB;

NP - 024 -2

2. t : ychta ye-yeHGH 3 fGA I (1x8=8)

Write an essay on any one of tw0.

1) 3fc+d: arcb: àT-3H1A--Hi fage fergaI

Write about the place, date and works of Adikavi Valmiki.

Write the story of Ramayana briefed in 1 canto of Valmiki Ramayana.

3. zt: gttui frgd A (2x4=8)

Write short notes on any two.

1) RG:
2) fiT4;
3) T:
4) | H

Translate and explain any four stanzas.
-3 NP - 024

5. : 4í feqya | (2x3=6)
Explain any two with the reference and context.

1) aretfagAyras I

4) 141et HsI
6. a) Ht AI0(TT (uaH)I (5x1=5)
Form the sentence in Sanskrit using the following words (any five).

1) alç4h:
2) à7
3) q-7T

4) HF
5) faT
6) U
7) s f
8) 4G|-T
NP 024 -4

following words (any five).
Write the Linga, Vibhakti and Vachana of the

1) RGH
2) GHI
4) :
5) 4
6) fTarg
7) Ílare
8) HT:

1) arH: fHe AYHA?

2) vftA-: qH: to SITAH, a feh GaH ?
3) rH: A, I f4G ?
4) Yige: arA: fH 34tg?
NP -048
TSemester B.A./B.S.W/B.F.AJB.V.A. Examination, March/April 2023
(2021 -22 and Onwards) (NEP) (F + R)
Sarga (Canto) of Valmiki Ramayanam
(Grammar and Comprehension)
Time:22 Hours SchecrOtaIatok.Marks
Instructions : 1) Answer in Sanskrit,
2) Main Question 7shoulßbe answered in
Choose the correct answer:

1) 31fz51H sfa sft¿ HI fasH?

A) 4EIHRi B) T4U c) faygcvi D) ge4
2) 0HG-Hi +7 frfaTH ?
A) e B) Tg C) l r t f D) 1fTqrà
3) $AIGaIHA: F: ?
A) efTH: B) Yrf: C) yRIe: D) g:
4) iUf H 6: HH 34|9 ?
A) RT: B) THUT: C) q4: D) A:
5) ar y t?
A) RA B) fTG C) H h D) fir4
6) ETZIfyfr: 6: ?
A) ychi: B) T: C) lefo: D) T:
7) Gz ft:' : ?
A) RU: B) HT: C) iEHoT: D) fr4:
8) HA 5|U3T: +q h aff ?
A) 4gHK B) TI4Tqu c) rgag D) FHRAEHa
NP 048


Write an essay on any one of two:

Sketch the character of Srirama.

2) alrfifn yÀ: ¿91-TT-a: I

Place - date - works of Valmiki.

I. g: yequfi frgd :
Write short notes on any two:

1) T4TAu|
2) ftai
3) frT4: I
4) IRG: I

Translate and explain any four stanzas

3) HJ:HrH-Y yGIHHÍEd Ti:
-3 NP -048

5) fazert TÀ JaiaiqAI

V.gt: 4i faqya : (2x3-6)

Explain any two with the reference and context:

2) ata0 H: |
3) Hca fsGÁ: |

1) 4
2) 4:
3) 47-E

4) faHey
5) HE

7) afa:
8) esfa
NP 048 -4

2) iaei
3) TravA
4) faT
5) (/o
6) H:
7) :
8) a


2) TGI HT: f4 hcH Üuad ?
3) RE YNA i: 344&14q ?
4) f9i : fa Tg ?
NP 054
TSemester B.A.JB.S.WJB.F.AJB.V.A. Examination, February/March 2024
Sarga (Canto) of Valmiki Ramayanam
(Grammar and Comprehension)
Time:2½ Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions: 1) Answer in Sanskrit, Kannada or English.
2) Main Question No. 1, 6 and 7 should be answered in Sanskrit


Choose the correct answer.

1) 4UTY hat : ?
31) H: 3A) AIcffeb: 3) HIA: ) aIfTGH:
2) faiJ0: #:?
31) RG: A1) ÌT: ) qayfA: $) quf:
3) : TAf HHG ^a 3HRT?
31) R: 3AT) faGGH: 3) A: )T4:
4) RA afdH 1 3H1T ?

5) THU: h 34: ?
31) 4dR 3) fafqu ) frTH
6) TH4GAHIGG: 5: ?
31) 4G: A) A: ) b: )TAHUT:
7) 344: IHY q: AI ?
NP 054 -2

8) yývgI flgeft nf ?
3) 4afoft A1) 146fquft
) arfru

Write an essay on any one of twO:
1) aIrfte À:
Place-date-works of Valmiki.

Describe the story of Baalakanda.

Il. : a feyuft ferGal
Write short notes on any two:
1) Glcfif (IH4U4|
2) -Ê
3) 144:l
4) 341a:1


Translate and explain any four stanzas.

-3 NP 054

4) yGIYfHY: HTH TGI fyfycA:I

6) H uia: trcAzaÉA:l

V. g: Hqi faqya: (2x3-6)

Explain any two with the reference and context.

2) 4ATA HrI {441U|| :1


4) Hsf VHR: HG: YHERI:|

1) afa
2) prl
3) HdaI
4) Gl1:
5) T - T
NP 054 -4

6) vfsgH
7) 34E4
8) aftal
) fTE-fatferi-a-TfA fegdi (uHA): (5x1=5)
1) TAU
2) VIGT:
3) 4T
4) IT
5) fae
6) faTH
7) 4JTAA
8) H:1


1) gtt: h ya: ?
2) qd: fyyHI ?
3) a Yt ?
4) Y: 51: yA: ?

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